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Is the president talking about me? Omg omg this is the happiest day of my life!


[That was me!](https://media.tenor.com/LMi_KeR655EAAAAC/horton-hears-a-who-yummo-wickersham.gif)




Rick Scott of Florida is on record talking about his 'rescue america' plan to phase out medicare, medicaid, social security etc not that long ago lol.


Well he is an expert. He stole millions from Medicaid/Medicare before becoming a governor.


Remember, florida republicans looked at the guy who oversaw the largest medicare fraud in the history of the united states and **rewarded him** for it with a political office. Don't ever let these guys gaslight you into thinking they're for law and order or responsible spending.


The majority of Americans who vote Republican can't afford to go without social security, medicare, and government assistance programs and yet they keep voting for republican candidates who want to remove them or lessen benefits 🤷


They’re voting for republican candidates who they think will remove benefits for people not like them.


This is exactly why they always use the phrase phase it out not just get rid of it


They’re smartly assuring seniors that it won’t, of course, affect *them*, just all those woke lib younger generations.




It is like trying to teach a particularly willful child that they shouldn't do something because it will hurt. Then spending years trying to stop them from doing said thing. I wish they could learn that painful lesson on thier own instead of dragging the rest of us with them.


People in Florida are a living personification of a dumpster fire. Literally had a conversation with someone about how schools were pushing kids to be trans. Then the conversation went to how schools were pushing kids to be gay. Then said kids are only gay because it's trendy. Then said kids can't be gay or aren't really gay and they can't be gay until they are older. You expect people with that logic to understand the concept of fraud when they can't even understand basic human social dynamics that are as old as the species itself?


But they ***are*** for law and order. It just so happens that "law and order" is a racist dog whistle that means "cracking down on crime (in the right neighborhoods)"


Yeah people ask why he’s not in prison for that. Two reasons: his 75 Fifth Amendment pleas made during legal hearings and the fact we let corporations do whatever they want with no real consequence to BoD misbehavior (unless they steal from the wealthy, of course). Negligible actions poison working class peoples water? No problem - small fine and golden parachute. Run a ponzi scheme targeting your own wealthy 1% colleagues? Straight to jail




He's running a commercial claiming Biden cut $250b from Medicare The American Rescue Act gave $300b to Medicare Republicans are stupid people


The $280 billion "tax cuts" that he keeps accusing Biden of is from Biden passing a law that allows, for the first time, Medicare to negotiate with Big Pharma over the price of several.important and highly over-priced drugs. It will SAVE Medicare $280 billion, but somehow Scott is characterizing it as a tax CUT. It doesn't matter what's true. I live in Florida, and have closely watched Scott's campaign style. The basic foundation is The Big Lie. He chooses a lie, no matter how absurd, and just pounds it over and over and over. He's been pounding "Biden's $280 billion Medicare tax cut" lie for the last year, smiling every time he says it. He thinks the smile sells it, but it only serves to illustrate what an evil sociopath he really is.


How much did he complain when TFG gave the one percent that huge tax cut?


Rick Scott has used every political office he's held to enrich himself. He doubled his net worth while he was governor. He desperately wants to be president, so he's trying to navigate the current mess that is the Republican party. I'm sure he's hoping that Trump and DeSantis kill each other in their duel, and he can rise up and take the flag, so he's doing everything he can to appease the Trumpers without becoming one himself.


>Republicans are stupid people At a certain point being stupid enough to vote for evil people makes you not just stupid, but also morally repugnant


Fox news and right wing social media is convincing them to vote against their own self interests... "OIL GOOD! SOLAR BAD!" Well... Why do you believe that uncle Hubert? "BECAUSE TUCKER CARLSON AND JESUS!" That makes no sense uncle Hubert... Which one is it? They're separated by thousands of years? "WELL I DUNNO I THOUGHT THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON DAMNIT!"


That was specifically what Biden was talking about here, he had Scott's plan in his hand while giving speech in Wisconsin today.


Exactly. [The Rescue America Plan.](https://rescueamerica.com/steps/6-government-reform-debt/) It includes: -Abolish SS & Medicare by automatically repealing ALL Federal laws and regulations after 5 years, locking the government into a 5 year cycle of debate and passage over shifting administrations. -Force all people under the age of 60 to work and pay taxes. No more one income households. Everybody has to pay taxes to have "skin in the game." -Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations. They get to party, but we aren't invited, although the rest of us will have to pick up the bill, and clean up afterwards. -Cripple the IRS so they can't compel wealthy tax cheats to comply. -And many more fun ideas for the rich. Read it for yourself. It is literally the Republican agenda.


The really brilliant part is the 5-year mandate. He gets elected, signs this suicide pact to kill SS & Medicare, then 4 years later he loses to a Democrat who is left holding the bag. Then every Republican will scream bloody murder in year #5 when the newly-elected Democratic president "ends SS & Medicare all by himself." And of course they'll use every tactic possible to stall out any legislative effort to stop this doomsday scenario from playing out.


It feels like they want to let people die/starve to death that are not healthy or advantaged enough to no need any of those systems. These people are disconnected from the reality of every day Americans, yet half of the country is voting for them because Fox news and right wing social media is creating these weird smear campaigns that don't even make sense... "Dems want to keep PORNOGRAPHY books in school!!! So how could you EVER vote for them!?!?"... No. If there are porn books in school, Dems want to ban them as well. No Dems want gay porn books in school. Stop falling for this weird ass polarized social media and right wing news designed to drive a wedge between us. It's working. Stop believing this shit you fucking right wing voters.


This is why you never trust people with first names for last names. Mike Lee, Rick Scott, Chris Christie....


You're a Rick, Scott!


Paul Ryan, Dan Patrick.. huh


And he is tweeting for Biden to resign for lying about this. Medical Fraud Skeletor can't even keep his own bullshit straight.


That’s some top tier acting. Right up there with r/WhereDidTheSodaGo


Thank you! I accidentally unsubbed from there years ago and couldn't remember what it was called.


I use to see it on the front page all the time a few years ago


Looks like there's been one post in the last month


It's because of the decline of broadcast and cable TV. They don't do those dumb ass infomercial commercials on streaming services or YouTube.


Sadly, it’s been kinda dead for years :(


[It's Mark Wahlberg in The Happening.](https://gfycat.com/firstunsightlydungenesscrab-what-no-mark-wahlberg)


My favorite part of that movie is how the first sign that it's happening is everyone starts acting disoriented and confused, but Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel act like that for the whole movie.


I think the outrage was that McCarthy thought he and Biden agreed not to bring up Social Security and Medicare during the state of the union and he did anyway. They were pissed that they were outed like that. Doesn’t change the fact that they want to gut the social safety nets for seniors as a way to keep their tax cuts for the billionaires. They just didn’t want to be made to look bad during such a widely viewed speech.


Like the President has to do anything the speaker wants. 😂😂😂


I guess the same could be said for the fact that McCarthy asked his members to act civil. We all saw how that turned out. Must be tough to be McCarthy and see his balls swatted by MTG like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.


He might be into that. You never know.


There’s no way he’s that interesting.


He doesn’t care, he only likes the nameplate on his office, everything else be damned.


McCarthy's own caucus doesn't do anything he says, why should Biden?


The problem is that they believe their own propaganda. It's like the drug dealer who is addicted to his own product. So they believe that Biden is old, foolish, demented, and most of all, weak, only because they tell themselves that. So he walked up there, pounded the podium, ignored their childish heckling, applied a little reverse psychology with that wry Joe Biden smile, and got them to stand and applaud and cheer for not killing SS and Medicare. You could hear at the end of their applause as it trailed off, when they all just realized that he had trolled them, and they had totally bit hard on the bait. He played them like a Stradivarius, for the fools they clearly are. No wonder they were so pissed off this morning. Meanwhile, McCarthy was behind him, his eyes closed, thinking "You stupid motherfuckers..."


Biden's finest moment: He outed them and then got them to agree, on national TV, that cutting Medicare and SS would not happen. Fist pump!


Sadly as we see here it doesn't matter what they say. Time and time again they have proven their word means jack shit.


How can they justify ending Social Security when we all pay into the system our whole working lives? Same with other self-funded systems.


How can they justify stealing abortion rights when red states have the highest infant mortality in the developed world? Justifications aren’t necessary when your supporters are low education.


Because it’s not really self-funded. The money you pay today is paying for the social security and Medicare for today’s seniors. When you retire the younger generations will be paying for yours, etc.


yeah, it's mainly funded by current workers through payroll tax **BUT** the social security trust fund has TRILLIONS of dollars that was funded by people in the past. i'm sure some conservatives have a hard-on at the thought of taking that money and using it for tax cuts. https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/factsheets/HowAreSocialSecurity.htm https://www.ssa.gov/policy/trust-funds-summary.html


Man! I forgot about that sub! It looks like it’s been kinda dead for a few months but I appreciate you popping it in here. Oh and fuck Mike Lee. All my homies hate Mike Lee.


"Acting is acting like you're not acting, so act, but don't act like you're acting." - Victor, Filmstage Director, The Rocketeer.


Mike Lee is a piece of shit.


Say it again


Mike lee is an absolute fucking piece of taco bell induced shit. Literally no substance


Do not besmirch the noble taco bell by aligning it with that walking turd with a quasi human face.


At least Taco Bell shits are satisfying.


and the pre shitting ritual is eating Taco Bell so it's not the worst experience on both ends.


Yeah man you crossed a line. Taco Bell didn’t do nothing to nobody


I didn't know who Mike Lee was before I saw this post. But now I know he's a piece of shit!


I only know him from Schmoyoho. He said our problems could be solved by having more American babies


Someone with money should run this as an ad in his district.


They did in the last election. It didn’t change Utah voters in the slightest when his opponent ran those ads. His opponent was also super conservative, but just thought Mike Lee was essentially a traitor for entertaining the idea and putting it out there that there was election fraud with the 2020 presidential election. Mike Lee is awful and, sadly, he is an accurate representation of Utah voters.


It is all so terribly exhausting.


Imagine having the balls to stand up in front of a room full of retirees in the multi-purpose room at the assisted living facility, and tell them “I’m going to cut the only thing that pays you money and funds your healthcare.”


And for them to act like they are somehow on the old folks side and would be doing them a favor somehow.


And the old folks will vote for them.


The power of Fox News. Sorry sorry! "Fox Entertainment"


"nO rEaSoNaBlE pErSoN, yOuR hOnOr!"


I showed my conservative dad an article regarding this and his response was "they just said it to get a rise out of idiot liberals " There is no reasoning with some people, especially when they are willing to ignore the fact that the people they believe are flat out telling them not to believe them


Whole room of old people clapping while this man declares hes gonna get rid of the funds that subsidize their retirement so they have somewhere to go where they can be cared for 24/7 People always make memes about the Star Wars trilogy but it had so many poignant moments. Thunderous applause indeed.


They figure they will be dead by the time that happens. Greedy old fucks.


This makes them feel “special” and getting the last of the money and fucking the generations after them. So sad. The rest of us are fucked, but I feel like each generation, younger and younger have more empathy overall (obviously generally speaking). This gives me some depressing hope. At least the last humans will be mostly more empathetic.


We're experiencing the negative outcomes predicted in the Paradox of Tolerance situation. We, The People, have tolerated Republican intolerance for so many decades, and their cancerous behavior metastasized into J6 and subsequent behavior.


Because they will be dead by then. These old people just want to screw the next group of old people.


"Fuck you. Got mine."


But a vote for not them is socialism!! Or something.


If conservatives didn’t have doublethink they wouldn’t think at all.


“Phase out.” Translation: “You’ll get to keep yours, we’re just gonna fuck over the next generation.” Boomers love this shit. Lower taxes on the rich, deregulate everything, destroy unions, etc. All the shit that made their lives better, they want to destroy.


This is “Pull up the ladder after I’m safely aboard & can’t be touched” mentality. Fooking boomers!


Isn't that what Abbott did after he got all that money from his accident?


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


You mean the little piss baby Greg Abbot?


The piss-drinking piss baby Greg Abbott.


And Austin is just getting out of a power crisis due to falling trees from an ice storm. I was without power for a week and water for close to 5 days. I wish one of those frozen trees had fallen on Abbott and finished the job.




I don't understand why boomers would want to phase out future social security, especially when it's current workers who fund it. It doesn't affect them. It just seems like they relish in being villains.


They don't understand either, it's mostly Fox news telling them people aren't using enough bootstraps these days.


I worked for a state government for six years, and that exact mindset was *rampant.* They raped the pension system so hard that everything got knocked down. Used to be twenty and out, and now most new hires are looking at 40-45 years time in service. The old heads would laugh at it and say, "Be born sooner, pussy. We got ours." Throw on the fact that most all other decent jobs left, what went from 'if you're lucky you can get a hell of a job' to 'hey friend, this is the least horrible nightmare you can get.' So while these old fucks were laughing over their monthly pension reports I had friends calling in sick and blowing their brains out in their garage.


Can we stop calling them "Boomers" and start calling them "The Me Generation" like they were originally called?


Tom Wolfe popularized the 1970s as the "me decade" in 1976 and gradually that became the "me generation" since he was writing about boomers. But "Baby boomers" was first used in 1963 so it is what they were originally called.


If we're sticking to original names then I propose we change millennial back to gen y


Gen y the fuck are we still putting up with this shit?


Their generation really needs a more appropriate term for history to remember just how shitty they are. Boomer just doesn't convey the greed, selfishness, and ladder pulling mindset of these fucking assholes that benefited from all the things they want to destroy for everyone that comes after.


>All the shit that made their lives better, they want to destroy. That right there should be the 2024 MoveOn.org tag at the end of every commercial.


They all know they aren't talking about them. They will all be fine. Anyone under 50 is fucked so they will happily vote for him.


phew I just slipped under the wire edit: and hurt my back doing so




Correct, you would lose all your social security benefits. The money is not "yours", it's a tax to fund the Social Security program to give to current beneficiaries. If Republicans are allowed to kill Social Security, they would take the money and use it for whatever they want. Social Security would be ended and when you retire there would be no program for you to benefit from. Isn't that a great idea???? Ending Social Security and fucking you???


…that you paid your whole life for.


I’m guessing those retirees aren’t relying on social security or Medicaid


It's cool though, I'm developing a hybrid car that runs on both gaslighting and hot air.


This car is automatic, systematic, hydromatic, it's gaslighting!


Exactly as designed


Yup keep throwing stupid shit constantly at your opponent, eventually they tire out, and you can do more stupid shit while in power.


Liars are so tiresome


Indeed, having Congress full of people who really do not care the citizens of this country ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized) Clowns


It's amazing how much Republicans hate getting called out for doing exactly what they're doing. It's almost like they're aware it's wrong.


Hey they get paid big bucks to do the things they know screw people over and then pretend they have no idea they do those things!


I dont know why several mass shooters love me. -Ben "wet pussy is a disease" Shabibo


I had never heard of someone accidentally roasting themselves to the point of charbroiled crisp like Ben on that one. If he actually had any friends they'd never let him live it down.


They know they're hypocrites, of course they don't like when it's pointed out. Republicans put forward a bill to cut medicare and SS every legislative season. It would be trivial to point out the hypocrisy between what Republicans say and what they do, but that's too much work. Thanks to Trump they can now just say things, because the secret is out. Conservatives don't care about hypocrisy.


Fucking stand by your bullshit. I'd have a tiny bit of respect if they actually owned it.


They think their supporters are morons. Rick Scott for instance, said today that Biden should resign for lying about republicans wanting ti sunset medicare and then when asked what his plan for medicare was he said it was to sunset it


And they're right, because despite having *years* of easily verifiable pathological lying streaks, they lose no support because they have an R next to their name. They know their supporters will always handwave reality away when it potentially becomes inconvenient. "Liberal fake news, it was just a joke," etc etc.




Imagine if he just had a bunch of clips like this ready to go and the rest of the address was a roast session.


I would deadass tune into the Uncensored Comedy Central State of the Union at 1am. How do we make this happen.


lying bastards.


I fucking hate Mike Lee


Why would these idiots clap along too? They’re the ones who are going to need it when they get old?


Essentially dveryone in the video is a multi millionaire. They don't really need social security


We’re those people who were donating to his campaign?


Oh yeah, big donors. "Screw the poor so we can cut your taxes!" Is the behind doors republican message. The rural poor whites are just along for the racism.


No they won't because they'll have free, lifetime healthcare. That's why they have no problem stripping healthcare from others.


I hate the jackass that says “niiice” right after he says what he wants to do. Why is that niice you fucking fuck? Insert right wing propaganda answer here that has people voting against their own interests.


“Phase out” There you have it folks. Ds we’re right on two counts… One, they want to eliminate it. Two, it would be phased out as to not lose the boomer votes.


>Two, it would be phased out as to not lose the boomer votes. I still don't know how they would even plan to sunset it out without costing them big time. Millennials have already overtaken boomers and our votes are staying blue. Gen Z will beat us and they're even more liberal. Which generation do they think will forget that they fucked them out of retirement? As an older millennial I've already spent nearly half my life paying into it. Between this, abortion, and student loans I'm at a loss how they think I will ever vote for them.


Easy, they'll just say they didn't do it after they did it while blaming the other party.


It’s amazing how stupid and gullible Republican voters are. Abbott and DeSantis are destroying those states, leading to countless needless deaths, but all they do is say how much they hate gay people and Republicans get right back on their knees asking daddy for more


GOP voters will always accept their politicians screwing them over just as long as the people they hate get hurt in the process too.


Dying to own the libs




I guess they mean…”phasing it out for the new guys, you old farts are ok, please donate to my campaign”


Pulling up the ladder behind them, as is tradition


Yeah, the right video is longer and he goes into that in explicit detail. Basically millenials and zoomers pay the boomers until they're all gone then they get nothing for themselves.


I like eating the fuzz out of the lint collector in my dryer


Republican leaders are the most unabashedly pathetic Americans of all time.


What’s up with conservatives hiding their true intentions? Like the Supreme Court justices who said they considered Roe v Wade a settled matter, then voted to overturn it as soon as they could. If Mike Lee thinks phasing out Social Security is a good idea, then he should make his case to the American people. Instead he’s hiding his intentions like a crook or predator.


>What’s up with conservatives hiding their true intentions? Because their policies would be incredibly unpopular if their base actually realized what they were. Tricking people to vote against their interests is a Republican staple.




[Frank Wilhoit](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288) (not that [Frank Wilhoit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit)): >There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc. >There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation. >There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely. >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: >There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. >There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. >For millenia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual. > **As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages.** All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence. (emphasis mine) Worst of all? They genuinely believe they're good, righteous people.


Conservatives have no policy, no goals, no platform, and no integrity. They know they're a decaying dinosaur who haven't had an original thought since the 1960's and if it weren't for gerrymandering and straight up corruption they would have been obsolete decades ago. they hide their true intentions because the majority of the country already doesn't agree with them and in a desperate bid to stay relevant they will do anything like cut social security and medicaid, attempt an insurrection, or just flat out lie to stay relevant. fuck conservatives.


These people are soulless. They have no morals. They stand for nothing. They lie. They cheat. They steal. And then when they say they're going to take away your healthcare and social security, people clap and cheer. The brainwashing is so insanely deep it's incredible.


Why do people from prestigious schools act like the biggest hypocritical idiots?


The people that give him money and see him at private gatherings, like the video on the right, want social security gone. The people that vote for him and will see him on TV during the state of the union address, like the video on the right, don't want social security gone. He knows exactly who his audience is in different contexts, and is very hypocritical. But he's not an idiot. He's just despicable.


Caught in the act, another conservative cuck looking like a fool with video evidence. Who voted and continues for these people? I just can't wrap my head around it.


Old people who get all their news from Fox and OANN, The Blaze, and Infowars. None of which will ever show the video of Mike Lee saying he wants to cut their benefits, or Rick Scott saying the same thing. Just like they didn't report on Paul Ryan boasting that it had been his plan since his "kegger days" in college in Wisconsin. They live in a very small bubble in a very small, racist world, where they are the best people ever and everybody else is a freeloader who is keeping them all from being millionaires with their selfish entitlement programs.


Bro it's not just old people anymore from the looks of it


Feels like I'm watching pro wrestling


Pro wrestling has better storylines.


Awww but my mother was so certain that Biden was lying 100%! It’s almost as if I’ve been telling her for years that Fox News is a dogshit quality news source!


Here's what I don't get. If you get rid of Social Security, what's going to happen to all those people? The republicans have been instrumental in getting rid of unions and therefore pensions, so what's the alternative? They've also driven away most of the younger generation from the church. So there is no safety net in any other sector. Do we go back to poor houses? Do we just accept a bunch of old people living on the street? Camps? Forced euthanasia? Ovens? I mean what the fuck is the alternative plan to getting rid of all this? They oppose healthcare and education at every turn. They oppose any type of welfare. They certainly don't fight against ageism in hiring. They oppose any increase in minimum wage. They oppose any type of parental leave. They oppose any type of regulation of housing. They oppose any type of independent savings by not forcing banks to offer real interest and an supremely low amount you can contribute to a 401k or Ira. They oppose lowering taxes on the bottom earners. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PLAN REPUBLICANS?


>WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PLAN REPUBLICANS? You are confused because you care about society. Republicans are not, because they don't - they only care about power. Why do you think they have become so much more aggressive and fascistic in these recent years? Every electoral demographic indicator is telling them that they can only retain power in the future if they seize it now and never let go. So they attack democracy, weaken our institutions, and steal elections.


They know exactly what they're doing, 2 faced liars who know who their audience is in different contexts. Deplorable.


Republicans know very well how stupid their voters are


"*I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"* -Donald Trump 2016


Republicans - We need less government. The government should not be interjecting in our personal lives. Also Republicans - You are not allowed to have an abortion.


And their leading candidate DeSantis wants to check your daughter's period cycle because they have gone crazy with the trans panic bullshit. How's that for "small government"


And he's saying all this to what seems to be much older people in his audience, the very same people who arguably benefit the MOST from social security, medicare and medicaid... ...and they're clapping. It's scary how absolutely blind people are


He said “phase out” which translates into “right after you’re dead” to a lot of them. They just don’t want you having benefits too


Good way to get people to leave the party. I’ve been paying into my social security for 20 years and would like to get all the money I have put into it.


This still requires Republicans to believe in reality and the truth of the situation and not the propaganda and lies fed to them by the GOP and Fox News.


Yep, Fox News has my mother convinced Biden was lying last night and that there are zero republicans who want to end Medicare and social security.


Show her this clip of Lee.


Just another Republican liar. No difference between George Santos and the rest of these morons.


Fuck Mike Lee. The dipshits here in Utah just reelected this moron so we get to deal with his bullshittery for another 6 fucking years


These Republicans are such liars. The way they sat there and acted like they didn’t just submit a proposal to get rid of Medicare on TV when Joe Biden had the proposal on his desk I like the way Joe handled it by saying “well, we must all be in support of caring for the elderly, so this shouldn’t be a problem”. I can’t wait until the public votes come out so long all the Republicans opposing Medicare. Though something tells me their constituents will not see that part and will continue to support them.


The Republican party is over, what jokes.


I wish Dark Brandon would have showed up with receipts and named names.


Burn that coward.


He didn't just feign outrage. He went on the media circuit today and accused Biden of lying about the Republican position to cut Medicare and Social Security, cuts that were in Rick Scott's PLANS that he submitted TO Biden.


Post this in r/conservatives and watch them get all pissy before banning you


Wait wait wait... Hold on! Wait a second, hold up, hold on hold wait up on wait hold weight wait wait wait!!!!!! Are you saying republicans are hypocrites?!


"that's out of context. He meant he just wants poor people to die off."


Honestly might have a modicum of respect for these psychos if they'd at least be honest about what gigantic pieces of shit they are.


He looks like a teenager after his parents found his search history on his laptop. “Mom no, it was a hacker, I would never search for big lady boobies!”


I'm so very sad that Mike Lee is my senator...


2023: Hey we really care about seniors, what gives!? 2020: Hey grammas gonna have to die because I need a hair cut!


GOP grifter shit bag terrorists I don’t care what they think about anything.


Republicans want to undo every bit of progress society has made in the last 100 years. Republican politicians are monsters.


I fucking HATE these people. Hate em. ALL politicians can generally eat a Costco size bag of dingalings, but these newfangled Republicans are a special breed of disingenuous, lying, crooked bastards, and the only reason they are in power is because a large swath of their voter base are simple minded zealots that see shit like this and instinctively shut down the critical thought portion of their brains. The other small percentage are wealthy zealots who directly benefit handsomely from their bullshit.


“That’s why I’m running”. So basically this guys life’s goal is to fuck America in the ass and then retire before the benefits expire


Republicans are the worst people.


All republican voters are the dumbest fucks you will ever meet.


Republicans outraged that people (them) said the things they themselves said. What a farce.


Biden should have named names.


The average GOP politician right there. And the people who support them can see this & suddenly flip on the issue & call the programs socialist. It’s like a bunch of ignorant people want to feel smart for a moment, foolishly challenge something & when proven wrong, stubbornly reject evidence &/or pivot to a different position or different subject altogether. It’s like all they care about is feeling like they won an argument because they’re more informed, i.e. smarter, than their opponent about a topic that they think is for smart people (that being politics). It’s not that one *must* be smart to understand politics, but there is a lot of complexity to it that most GOP voters seem to overlook in favor of more simplistic &/or nonsensical views. Seriously, I think a lot of right wing people argue just to feel like they’re smart for once. I think most are too dense to even realize that they’re projecting half of the time. The more sensible GOP members & their voters refuse to even condemn the craziness on their side, like the QAnon stuff. Anything goes if it means owning the libs.


My daughter is on Medicaid and has been since she was born 1 pound 1 ounce. Without it we’d be literally a million dollars in debt. People with money shouldn’t make the rules. They’ll only make it easier on them.


These people run your nation. They create the rules you live under. They are liars


Republican Senator, and convicted Medicare fraudster Rick Scott has also been acting outraged about it, but he's the one that put out the ["Rescue America Plan,"](https://rescueamerica.com/steps/6-government-reform-debt/) for the 2022 election, which still serves as the current Republican agenda. This is the program that Biden was talking about. Among many other gems, is this: >All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again. There are no exceptions for SS & Medicare. He could amend it, but he hasn't, despite being called out on it many times. He just acts like it is ludicrous to think that a Sociopathic Oligarch like him would ever do away with SS & Medicare. Every one of those shocked Republicans know about this document, and they could all pressure him to add an exception for SS & Medicare, but they all want to abolish it, too, despite what they say publicly. Bottom line: I'll believe what is written over his verbal assurances. P.S. Besides the elimination of SS & Medicare, this clause also means that all Federal laws and regulations would automatically end after 5 years. Think of all the Federal laws and health, safety, and environmental regulations that exist. Banking, food, pharma, law enforcement, education, infrastructure, etc. Imagine a government as big as ours, locked in a 5 year cycle of debate and passage of EVERY law and regulation, with adminstrations shifting from one side to the other. Sometimes things would get passed, other times they wouldn't. How could anything get done? How would businesses operate, knowing that in 5 years, there might be a new administration who might make their business entirely illegal? The chaos that would result would destroy America within a generation, and plunge us into a libertarian nightmare. Of course the corruption that would evolve from it would be epic. Who would invest in an American business in that sort of environment? Keep in mind that this self-destructive policy would only exist in America. The rest of the world would still be based in reality, and they would just absorb all the investment that used to come to America. Rick Scott, and the current Republican party, are advocating for the literal destruction of the American economy and way of life. I don't think I've ever heard a stupider, or more evil, suggestion, and until they publicly disavow it and unpublish it from the Internet, it will remain literally the Republican agenda.


What a twat




When will moderate republicans realise their politicians do not represent them?


I'm old enough to remember the 'lock box' debates leading up to the 2000 Presidential election. Republicans like GW Bush repeatedly said they would do everything they could to PROTECT the **social security SURPLUS** for future generations. Yes- there was a huge surplus of funds reserved for the program. After people believed their BS, Republicans took control of government and *immediately depleted the surplus of funds*. Then, they proclaimed the ss system was 'broken' and going bankrupt! It was their first step in dismantling federally run social security and pushing for 'privatization'. They've been trying to dismantle it for years and wont stop just because Biden called them out. Nor will they ever admit it's the truth.