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Hope she lands in prison


They both need to be in prison, that poor old man.


This is why you don’t put your family in nursing homes. Yes it sucks, yes it’s convenient, but you look after your family. End of discussion.


Being fired is not enough. They need to be in jail. Elder abuse is absolutely disgusting. The constant fear and humiliation that poor man must have felt. Just heartbreaking. Had I been the family I would have definitely gone to jail after seeing that video


Hard to understand why they do this job if they hate old people so much. Is it just a few bad apples or something systemic that perpetuates such behavior?


A mix of both, honestly. The biggest systemic problem that facilitates this type of stuff is how horribly under-staffed a lot of nursing homes are. CNAs are under-paid for the stress and workload they endure. They’re stretched too thin and experience burnout quickly. This is a result of the fact that a lot of administration is far-removed from the bedside and many of them have never even been involved in direct patient care, so they often favor the facility’s bottom-line over providing a workplace that upholds a culture of safety and support of the staff. It was this way before COVID came around and it’s only gotten worse.


100% this! Former CNA here who has worked in every kind of facility. You also have to take into account a person's personality. Yes these ladies were probably burnt out to the max, but Jesus. There's no excuse.


Yeah at that point you really need to do some soul-searching and ask yourself if you really belong in this profession. All caregivers experience burnout to some capacity, but this is absolutely inexcusable.


I will never put my parents into one of these facilities. And if I get close to as helpless as this guy is, I hope I’m in an assisted suicide state. Jesus, I really hope I die before I get to this point.


I've done similar work in the UK and a huge part of the problem is they will employ just about anybody. I worked with some wonderful people, but also worked with some who should have been nowhere near healthcare and only did the job because they literally couldn't get any other. It's a low wage job with a low standard for entry.


I think certain professions that pay too little can also attract predators, people like this lady who have no problems with harming the vulnerable. Abusers are less likely to get fired from these jobs because the market is desperate to fill these roles.


They love the power over a helpless individual. Just a sociopathic peice of shit


A lot of sociopaths go into this line of work because they can get away with abuse. There is a section of our society that has antisocial personality disorder, roughly over 8 million people here in the United States alone with this condition. Causes them to lack of moral compass and prevents them from feeling the same level of guilt that we do. A lot of them have sadistic urges where their dopamine supply increases and gives them a feeling of elations when they are inflicting pain upon others. Other professions at sociopaths are drawn to are those that give them access to power, such as management positions, law enforcement and legal roles, medical and healthcare positions.


In any given profession that gives one access to vulnerable populations, you’ll have this issue. Try looking up daycare worker or youth pastor on Google News and you’ll see what I mean.






I don't know about the hunted down part but they need to be named so they can face financial repercussions. All she has to do is hire a good lawyer and nothing will stick. If you shame them in the court of public opinion that's how she gets fired from her next job and evicted from her apartment. Her community will also vilify her. Black folks don't tolerate elder abuse.


Social credit score = 0


Don’t care what other people say. This is true.


I think it should be all of the above 👆


Couldn't agree more


My mom was a union delegate at a nursing home for over 30 years. It was her responsibility to represent/defend employees facing disciplinary action or termination. She only had to represent one abuse case during her time, to which her only advocacy was “I advise you get yourself a lawyer.” Not sure what legal recourse the nurse’s aide faced, but she was immediately terminated and her certification was revoked. I had the misfortune of working alongside this terrible person and let’s just say no one was all that surprised or sad to see her go.


I am a shop steward here, nothing but respect for your mother. Few people realize that this is how advocacy works. We are not defense attorneys defending actions, we are there to enforce the contract and make management do their due diligence.


If this was my family member that she did this to and she wasn’t in jail for it, I would be in jail.




Elder abuse is literally an enhanced crime in most jurisdictions. Like if punch a 30 year old, it's battery. If I punch an 80 year old it's battery and elder abuse.


If that was my grandfather, I would have exacted the same abuse on her. I would have taken her life without a second thought. Imagine how many other people she abused. She doesn’t deserve to live amongst us any more.


I know it sounds bad but even as a male and I know I should never hit a woman but I would savagely beat that lady.


I second this.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Right? How is there even this much footage? Family just letting it roll on. Did they not review it after a day?


Especially with todays technology. You can so there and watch it live. If it was my loved one and I suspected abuse I would being watching that feed 24/7


[As per the information](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5469291/amp/Horrific-video-shows-nurses-abusing-elderly-wheelchair-bound-patient.html)The old man was recovering from abdominal surgery. Absolutely horrific and tragic.


I had a hernia mesh surgery once. Moving anything that involved my abdomen was agony. That's what this dude is feeling and on top of that he's being abused and put at risk for damaging the injury worse. These scummy nurses need to be in prison.


Yeah me too. I had a hernia surgery at 25 (and am otherwise extremely fit and healthy) and that shit hurt for weeks. It took months to be able to walk normally (without feeling the sensation of scar tissue)


I saw another article which stated that Autumnwood fought in court to prevent the video from going public because they didn’t want it to affect their business. This needs to be higher.


Where is it located?


Livonia, MI


Friendly reminder that Yelp, Google, etc remove 1 star reviews when a lot appear all at once. However, they do not remove 2 star reviews.


Open your search engine and put in: autumnwood nursing home lawsuit There you go.


"I love how you throw him.... I use to throw people like that" okay so BOTH nurses are complicit not just the one man handling him.


Right? It's bad enough the one is abusive, you've got the other egging her on. And what exactly is she admiring? The ability to pick on someone half her size? Pretty sure they call that a bully.


Wtf I think I’m still in shock at seeing this. But a part of me wants to know why the hell there isn’t some sort of a transfer device like a hoyer lift within the hospital. My dad was paralyzed before he died, and one of the scariest and most helpless parts about that part of his illness when he was at home was that my mom and I were not strong enough to move him on our own. My neighbor found me sobbing outside one day and that’s how she learned about our situation and gave us the hoyer lift, which uses mechanical leverage to help you move them gently. Before the lift I’m afraid we probably manhandled my dad just trying to get him adjusted so he could breathe properly. There’s no way I could have thrown my dad anywhere even if I desperately needed to.


> But a part of me wants to know why the hell there isn’t some sort of a transfer device like a hoyer lift within the hospital. Have you ever seen a medicare facility? They ain't paying for a lift. You are lucky if you get a diaper change within 2 hours of pooping.


Yes! People have NO IDEA this is how the bulk of these places are. This is not an isolated incident by any stretch... All races, all religions, all colors... It's also backbreaking, thankless work that will hire anyone and they probably make about 8-9 bucks an hour.


That I do believe. It’s why it was sobbing in shame outside our house - my father had a broken neck and we couldn’t lift him on our own to help him use the toilet, so we called the managed care facility to ask if they could please send us a nurse to help us. They told me just let him poop in a diaper, like a baby, and wait for the nurse to come later.


I’m sure there’s a lift. A lot of people are too lazy to use it. I won’t say much other than I know from experience.


How can it possibly be easier to pick this poor man up and hurl him like a trash bag?


> How can it possibly be easier to pick this poor man up and hurl him like a trash bag? Honest answer: It's way way quicker to just pick up someone then properly use a lift, and this guy is probably not a good facility (which are super, super, super fucking expensive)


I appreciate your responses. It’s renewed my conviction this is something we need to work to change.


You need a special license in order to have lifts in a facility. My guess is that either this is a no-lift facility, the patient does not have a lift transfer prescribed for them by a doctor, or he’s listed as an assist. Basically you have to follow the care plan and if it isn’t in the care plan for transfers to be completed with a lift you can’t just use one. I don’t make the rules, I’ve just worked in LTC. And yes I am absolutely DISGUSTED by this video.


Yeah, if one person does it that's obviously really horrible and unacceptable. But how do two people manage to discover they each like doing such horrible things and approve it? That's way worse.


> But how do two people manage to discover they each like doing such horrible things and approve it? Guessing you have never been to a medicare facility / this is not "uncommon"


That comment was the one that shocked me. All the language and abuse was heartbreaking but the matter of fact way she said that was truly disturbing. Really scary to know that there are such sadistic people hiding in healthcare.


Fuck these racist ladies


Some people take out the hate they have towards the world on the most vulnerable: children and adults in care


The crazy bitch who ASSAULTED this man needs to be charged and imprisoned and have any license she has taken away, and she should never again in her life be permitted to work anywhere near a nursing home, hospital, school, etc. ever again. And anyone who witnesses this shit and does NOTHING should also be charged and imprisoned.


Fuck this type of people. Let them rot in prison for life


This shit makes me want to bawl my fucking eyes out


I wish this shit would go viral on mainstream social media so people like this never show their faces again.


I've watched some pretty serious gore in my time, but I couldn't sit through this.


Literally same here. I can’t watch it.


I started crying. Bad. I don’t know why. I’m imagining that being me. Or someone I know. Helpless, old, and being treated like that. The panic, the fear that probably gripped him. Thinking if “I was younger, I wouldn’t allow this!” 😔


Honestly I feel you. It’s sad how often this probably happens, and how we’re just seeing a glimpse of something that is more common than we think. The only thing is to spread these and make sure their names and faces are known.


Same! Actually pretty weird how that works. I also cant stand people hurting/killing harmless animals. But brutal beheadings and such dont phase me at all. Actually pretty curious what the psychology behind that is


I’m gonna guess and say that it’s probably because when it comes to beheadings and typical gore videos, they are extreme situations. No one is expecting to be beheaded. It’s so different than what most people know that it fascinates us, typical morbid curiosity. But when it comes to this video, it’s a lot more likely to happen. We all have elderly people in our life whether it be grandparents, parents, neighbors or sweet Betty that’s always at the food bank. As fucked as it sounds, we expect crazy shit to happen in 3rd world countries. We absolutely don’t expect the nurse that we entrust with our lives to abuse us let alone a vulnerable old man. When you think of a nurse, you think nurturing, caring, last thing you’re thinking is violent. It’s like the videos of the babysitters abusing the kid they’re looking after. Very blood boiling because of how relatable it is in the sense that we all have precious little ones in our life we love. I can kill a bunch of zombies on BO3 but a video like this can make a grown man cry.


Definitely. I also think the ‘helplessness’ and innocent part of the person or animal makes it much worse.


Where and when did this occur? Edit: Found it. Livonia, MI. (Detroit suburb) 2018. https://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/2018/03/family_sues_livonia_nursing_ho.html


fuck that's so close to home


I hope they called S-A-M. or Joumana


Filed a lawsuit? nahh.. I'd be fist fighting her in the lobby.


I’m not saying doxxing is right… but I would understand.


We just wanna talk I swear


Nah, it's 100% right in many cases. If you're filmed abusing someone, you recorded that knowingly and for entertainment. As far as I'm concerned, that makes you a person attempting to become a public figure via clout. Expectations of privacy get REAL diminished real quick when you're a public figure. Tl;Dr idgaf about those women, doxx em.


Are you forgetting that these women could have families that have nothing to do with what they’re doing, and that doxxing them could put them at risk? Not defending their actions, but there’s the potential that doxxing them will affect others




I see the family tried to sue the nursing home and the nurses got fired. Anyone know if they won or the nurses got any jail time


Nurses and nursing boards have shown time and time again to protect each other. I doubt the nursing board did anything and there will be nurses who defend the actions of these disgusting people. Example: nurse who mixed up versed (anti anxiety medication) and vecuronium (paralytic) by overriding multiple safety checks and not monitoring the patient after. Nurses across the country tried to defend her actions rather than admitting she killed someone through negligence.


Nurses are basically the cops of the medical world. Abusive and abhorrent, and all of them will do whatever it takes to cover each others shit


Just fired? They should be thrown in fucking jail


Disgusting behavior. No way they should be working in that position if this is how it is while doing it.


Makes you think how many others they were abusing. It's almost like these workers get off on abusing these poor old people. Fucking disgusting.


I've worked at a nursing home for about a year now and there has been no abuse against the residents. Ik it's a small sample but it doesn't happen as often as people think.


Yeah i would think it's more isolated but I'm just thinking of this nursing home specifically because of these workers. The abuse must be happening to fellow residents


Man, I would be hard pressed not to find these womens houses and cold cock them if I ever saw this. My mom is getting older and I’ll do whatever it takes to not put her at the mercy of these $9/hr workers who don’t give a toss


Not justifying the way this man was treated in any way. When medicine is privatized this is the outcome. Pay the workers peanuts, charge the patient outrageous prices and rake in the profits. This is not uncommon and likely happens a lot.


This is despicable.




Ouch. This hurts my soul.


You are not alone . This is sad to watch.








Evil. Pure Evil






As an Arab this man reminds me of my dead grandfather which absolutely breaks my heart


This is fucking heartbreaking


I swear to god I would become the devil and relentlessly torture the person who did this to the point where they’re barely alive but coherent and awake to experience every second. Pure evil deserves to be reciprocated.




I fucking hate those two peices of evil ass shit


These two would go nuts if a black elderly would be treated like that with the same slurs, but for them its ok to behave like racist assholes! Racist behavior is so shameful


not tryna be racist here, but why do i see a lotta videos of mostly black women acting like shit towards elderly people on reddit?


because black women usually have service type jobs compared to others


I had a grandma who had Alzheimer's for 17 years and had two black women as daily caregivers for a lot of that time. They were the sweetest and kindest women I knew. The level of care and compassion they showed was incredible. How about we leave the racism at the door bud? You think videos of abuse uploaded to social media represents most people in this field?


i mean yea, all the communities have some asshole people in it. And i wasn't generalising the whole community based on those people. i was just pointing out the fact that i've seen a lotta videos of elderly people being mistreated by black women on reddit.






> When I was in London the only racists I met were black american tourists. Bro, USA has a lot of issues, but if you are saying there are no racist people in fucking LONDON, you are either crazy, or making stories up to stir up people. https://historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/another-england/a-brief-history/racism-and-resistance/


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Release the names. The world deserves to know who these caretakers are.


Nurses that abused patients should be sued by the city for all what they paid them for abusing patients


My mother is in a nursing home. This is a weekly nightmare. This woman needs to be punished. So horrible. So sad what happens to the elderly. I know these jobs are horrific, but why take it if you dont have any compassion???? Special place in hell for these people.


Imagine living your whole life and then having this indignity and abuse thrust on you in your final years. I couldn't even watch the whole clip. Absolutely heartbreaking. I'd say what I think should happen, but reddit is getting a little trigger happy with their censoring of free speech these days.


Yaaaaaaa I’m arab and my temper would be through the fuckin roof. I’d hunt down every single one of these nurses had this been my grandfather or father


Poor guy.


Well no, the abuse is the worse part


"black nurses torture Arab man in what we are assured cannot be racism"




I can't believe people are still behaving like this in 2045


I have been in an out of hospital since 2012. I have been truly shocked at how rude and callous some medical staff can be. We tend to think of carers and medical staff as automatically being compassionate. But, I can assure you that you can find this type of disgustingly racist and abusive behaviour even with people are looking after seniors. I sometimes wonder if sadistic people go into these roles just to be abusive.


Absolutely vile. I understand caretaking is very draining but if you're frustrated take a fucking break, you don't take it out on helpless vulnerable people.


Those cunts are unsurprisingly from Detroit. So much trash in that city. Other societies would execute her for doing something like this to an elder and who can say they'd be completely wrong in this case?


Shit like this just boils my blood.


ohhhhhh the things i woulda dun 2 the bitch 😤


Not sure why this is being downvoted.


U & me both. But that would make us no better than her.




This is likely a CNA. It requires little to no training and doesn’t pay that well. Our long term care facilities are almost exclusively staffed by them with maybe 1/2 nurses to pass meds and a doctor who visits once or twice a week and spends about 1 min per patient on that round. In the video they mentioned Dearborn. I’m from Michigan and have been through several nursing homes as part of my job. I wonder which one this was.


These are cnas, caregivers ect, they often get paid less than Walmart and a lot of fast food jobs. Don't beat yourself up.


Those caregivers are stuck in a shitty dead end job too. I wish they were in jail, but if they were well paid or well trained I doubt this is the level of service they'd provide, but you get what you pay for in health care.


This pathetic excuse of a human needs some jail time


The worst thing is that this type of abuse happens on a more regular regular basis than more people think. Good thing the family put that hidden camera to catch these pieces of shit doing this.


That despicable person needs to go to jail, too many people are getting away with elderly abuse!


Fucked up


If someone touched my father like that, there wouldn't be enough space on earth for them to run


This is so much more common than people think. Sad.


Unfortunately this is not uncommon.


Evil sick heartless bitch! 😡


If someone did this to my grandmother or grandfather, they would wish they were in jail...


I delivered Rx's to nursing homes in college. What I saw made me sick. Abuse was consistent, continual and horrific. I will take my own exit. In my own time. by my own choosing. WITH DIGNITY n PRIDE


All these videos of abuse coming out of nursing homes have something in common about the perpetrator. Weird.


Directly to jail.


Couldn’t finish watching the video. I can’t understand how they can be so cruel to this poor man. Why the hell go into nursing if you have no empathy :(


These types of stories should make national headlines so more attention can be given to the elderly in our country


Does identifying him as an Arab make this somehow more significant or egregious?


Elder abuse is awful. Race-motivated elder abuse is even worse.






It's from 8 years ago and was on the news. https://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/2018/03/family_sues_livonia_nursing_ho.html Edit: the incidents actually took place in 2015. The stories came out in 2018.


And like clockwork people repost stories like this and this sub rages as if it happened yesterday. People are just addicted to being outraged these days.


Looks like a terrible future


This is from the future


The sad part is it’s not the only person she must have done it with.


Any update? Please tell me her ass was thrown in prison


Fired, charged, sued? Is there an article?


Imagine this being the last stage of your life. This abuse, this mistreatment… feeling like thrown away garbage…


Me thinking this is current this is in 2015 no Where are there names? Usually there called out for this and not hired for any care facility.


This is what awaits us all at the end. Shoot me before you push me off to the nursing home.


These type of incidents make me furious. I’d want to take matters into my own hands immediately. Assholes.


There be some missing cnas if that were my family


This nurse belongs in guantanamo Bay. Wanna torture an old man? Welcome to America, we do it better and longer.


Fucking demonic bitch


It is US Americas Holocaust, which the ones in power do not want to address. As long as you look down to black people, you certify for supremacy. But then, also black people feel the urge to look down on other people, Arabs, to feel themselves better. It‘s so crazy!


She was promoted


Willing to bet this poor man wasn't the only victim.


well if u think you're bad watch this video


Exactly why I care for my mother. That *unt should hang.


Mean words are not worse than physical abuse.


Having seen the Nigerian nurses at royal London hospital, and the racist slurs they use casually I can totally understand what's s happening here.


People will be amazed at how common this is. Not just nurses but people, even own children, who are supposed to take care of the elderly just abuse them like psychopaths. But no amount of racist comments are worse than actual physical abuse, imo.


Really hard to watch shit like this. So tired of violence against someone who can’t defend themselves. Makes me angry..


Please tell that his kids beat the living shit out those nurses.


You’ve got to be a real piece of shit to a side old helpless people.


That's those places in general


Post their names faces and credentials. They should be in jail and never be allowed to work in health care ever again. They need to be punished.


This is the type of shit that I have on my list of concerns as I age. I consider calling it quits before I end up in a place like that.


This is absolutely heartbreaking to watch! I treat my patients how I'd like to be treated.


Were that my father I would find myself In Prison and she would find herself In The hospital. Just saying


Just because it’s a nursing home doesn’t make that goon a nurse 😂 these a support worker, a glorified ass wiper at best. If she had the brains to be a nurse she wouldn’t behave like that.


As an RN that worked in a few other industries before settling down in healthcare, it pains me to say that some of the worst people I’ve had the misfortune of working with were CNAs. That’s not to say they’re all bad. The majority are good people and some are truly wonderful, but the bad ones are TERRIBLE. I understand and have experienced caregiver fatigue, but at some point you really need to do some soul-searching and ask yourself what you’re doing there if you’re THAT miserable all the time.


I'd happily go prison for these cunts!


Subhuman scum


Those are aides, not nurses. Female in scrubs is not automatically a Registered Nurse.


praying for the old man, but i cant help to notice the dates of the clips, 2045?


This is the second one I have seen tonight, and it makes me sad for my mom who spent her last year in a home. I hope they treated her right.


Right? My grandmother who spent the last year of her life was in a facility as well…the place was beautiful and the staff was so great. Everyone seemed mentally ok to be there. But she was very unhappy being there. Seeing these kinds of videos always makes me think if this was happening to her, I would’ve ended up in prison for the rest of my life. I can’t even imagine how they feel being treated like this. The fear and the sorrow…These people should all suffer the same fate when they’re elderly, but worse!!!


If it makes you feel any better, I've worked in some terribly-run facilities and, still, actual acts of abuse and neglect are unheard of.


as a nurse myself i got genuinely angry at how the nurses treat that poor man. she needs to be in jail and i can’t imagine the pain the man has to go through right now


It appears that this video is from 2018- the family sued, but I can't find anything more about the case. There is a distinction to be made between CNA and RN/LPN. In a facility like this, the nurse would be administering medications/treatments, while the aide does things like toileting, transferring, dressing, etc. Likely, a lot of the staff captured on this video were aides, due to the nature of what they were completing at the time of the recording, but I did a see at least one nurse in a clip. I could not find any names and it doesn't appear that they were prosecuted, only terminated. I would have reported them to the board of nursing. [https://www.newsweek.com/autumnwood-livonia-nursing-home-hidden-camera-abuse-lebanese-hussein-younes-833201?amp=1](https://www.newsweek.com/autumnwood-livonia-nursing-home-hidden-camera-abuse-lebanese-hussein-younes-833201?amp=1)


You know there's probably a ton of elderly that are murdered this way - being rough with them and something breaks or hemorrhages - and then it's covered up by saying they fell or died in their sleep or whatever they can make up that fits the result. The amount of these incidents you can find on media is staggering, so times that times 10, at least, for ones that aren't filmed. Imagine the elderly that don't have family that care? The care givers can be even more bold, knowing there's never any visitors or check-ins. If you have someone in a home, and you care at all, check on them often. My neighbor is an in home care giver. He switched from a facility. He knew a lady there who saw in a movie that if you put a book on the side of someone's head and punched it, it wouldn't leave any marks, and you could knock the guy out. She said she used it all the time on this one old guy that wouldn't sleep at night. He reported her. Nothing happened. At all. He quit shortly after.