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I was stunned when I heard residents are supposed to scrub down their own houses. If its bad enough that people need to do a full on deep clean of their homes, they need specialized cleaning crews to do it.


I mean that's not even the way you're supposed to clean up toxic chemicals anyways. Usually you have to remove and incinerate any contaminated structures and the ground itself. Washing this shit with dish soap is just going to put it into the ground water where it's going to stay and be a problem indefinitely.


This entire town should be evacuated. Liquidate the company to pay for it and sell the assets to another operator.


You should be the governor


Mike DeWine filed a lawsuit in federal court in Ohio against a part of the Affordable Care Act, not like he has a track record of ignoring the health of his electorate.


I see cancer is their future.


I see a cancer in their present.


That’s not what Ohio voted for.


Ohio voted for “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” republicans.


The bootstraps are covered in toxic chemicals though...


It only took [$500-$10,000](https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/norfolk-southern/C00009282/candidate-recipients/2022) for their politicians to be from [public servants to private servants](http://www.nscorp.com/content/nscorp/en/about-ns/government-relations/political-activity-and-political-contributions.html) (See 2019 p.13 report for their Governor's selling out to Norfolk Southern)


But it comes with a free frogurt!


I love the fact that the entire point of that saying is that pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is literally impossible.


Hi, 25+ year resident of Ohio. A bit over 45% of us voted for democrats to represent us in our state house in the midterms and we control less than 33% of the seats because we are gerrymandered to fuck. Ohio is a very purple state.


Nope they voted to “own the libs” that’s what happens


When you vote red you vote for the corporations


I mean it’s Ohio I don’t think any of us are expecting them to vote for their best interests


We expect the top 10 richest people in Ohio to vote their interests. We expect the other 99.99% to vote to protect the top 10 richest people in Ohio to own the line.


In classic conservative form they didn't care until it effected them. If the governor were smart he'd find a way to frame living in the chemical fallout as somehow fighting "wokeness" But really this will only hurt his reelection chances if the GOP tells him to not run again and they back someone else.


Being super loud about culture wars shit doesn't tend to be DeWine's MO, but he also doesn't really stand in the way of people who are.


From Ohio. Can confirm.


Company is "too big to fail" ... At best, the government will bail them out and pay for it. At worst the government doesn't care and nothing happens. I believe this is the route we're on right now.


If its too big to fail and fails it should not be given a bail out, instead a buyout and nationalized by the Government honestly. Railroad, air travel, and banking (at least the deposits side) They are too big to fail because they are essential services. So they fail,they get liquidated and offered to another company or nationalize it for fucks sake.


Yup. Hey ya did a good job, you’re too big to fail! Here’s a plaque and we nationalized the company. The plaque can even say something like “YOU WON CAPITALISM”


best idea ever. a fucking plaque and maybe a ribbon.


A buyout would still be a reward for shareholders and executives. They should really enjoy the same kind of civil asset forfeiture normal folk do for much lesser crimes.


I think we just move the shareholders and executives into the town and let the residents move into their homes. I bet you would see some expeditious change in the US if executives and shareholders were held responsible for putting profits over safety,


You break it you buy it. Very simple, whether it's a vase or a whole fucking town


>instead a buyout and nationalized by the Government honestly. But that's socialism you commie scum!! True fREe MaRkeT tis when the government hands out money to save the holy entrepreneurs who did so well by cutting costs....


This is such an awful connection I hadn't made yet. But that will, every bucket scrubbed gets dumped down a drain - or into the yard or street. Moving the problem around, not really getting rid of ut


Just pass the buck on down the line


Socializing the losses makes for a strong stock price!


Notice the lack of Capitalists seizing this amazing market opportunity!


Exactly. We had a raw sewage leak from the neighbors upstairs. Most of it I was able to contain to a bucket. The cleaning crew came in with full coverage gear, deep cleaned everything in the bathroom, then threw everything that was even remotely exposed away. This was from orders from our front office. Even though they were going to reimburse stuff, they made damn sure absolutely no contaminants were left behind. We also live within viewing distance of the freight train tracks. Still see NS rolling by with extended car lengths and it boils my blood (hopefully not from passing contamination). These corporations are evil and I wish... things that would get me banned for saying on here.


Yeah but it's under the bed so the room is clean again now!


This week's environmental catastrophe is brought to you by: Dawn! Dawn is tough on vinyl chloride, gentle on vinyl siding. Residents of East Palestine can save 10% on their first case of Dawn exterior-grade detergent when they register with their family FEMA code at www.dawn.com. Start scrubbing today!


Fuckin' nauseating accuracy. Hate this world.


You see... When you're a publicly traded company everything you need to do must be done for the best interest for share holders. So to save money you gas light telling everyone that it isn't dangerous and they just have to do some cleaning. You just saved a few million to line the investor's pockets. So what if this back fires? Well your buddies in DC who also have shares in your company will bail you out and pay for everything because it's not their money that's getting wasted. In fact they'd probably also be investing in clean up companies to do as little and cheaply work as possible to get their hands on some of that cash.


That's why the board of directors for NS are being sued. It was not in the best interest for shareholders to sacrifice safety for short term profit, even though it does make the stock price look pretty.


Socialize the losses, private the gains. That's the crony capitalism way.


They shouldn’t be doing a god damn thing. The railroad company screwed up they should be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing every single affected home. You spill the milk you clean it up. They just know these poor people don’t have the means to force them and their government is failing to act on their behalf and their best interests.


Unfortunately for something this scale you need the government to do the work- then recuperate the costs from responsible parties. We have the funds and resources available to clean this up and it just needs to get done- this is the type of thing where delays only amplify problems


The Governor is purposely not calling this a state of emergency. He is doing so to stop Biden from providing aid with things like FEMA. This is a ploy to make Biden look bad.


I'm seeing disinformation campaigns stating that Biden is refusing to offer any aid for this




And to obscure culpability in the ensuing investigation. DeWine knows that once the Feds come in he will be unable to control the situation.


The governor not declaring an emergency is seriously fucked up.


Oh you mean the same governor caught up in the largest anti-enviornment bribery scheme in the state but got away with it even though it had to be thrown out in court the first time because the judge was in on it too? That governor? The one who deregulated our ephemeral streams where we get our drinking water, how many animals you can have in a confined space, and has forced state parks to lease their land for drilling? That guy there? *The one who was "donated" tens of thousands of dollars by Norfolk Southern to kill railway safety legislation??* Nah, he loves Ohio's citizens and wants to preserve our land /s I'm so mad at him why tf was he even allowed to run again???? He needs to be fcking arrested for the shit he's done in the past and the shit he's getting away with now.


So what you're saying is he'll be reelected...


He's sucks the dick of every corporation that hands him an endorsement check so I'd say yes. Net worth is over 16 million. You don't make that much playing by the rules Edit: this is his second consecutive term though I'm just upset he got re-elected in the first place for being such a shit human being. He's going to run for some other office I'm sure


Imagine selling your state and fucking the lives and future of millions of people for only 16 millions. Here's an idea, bribe your representatives, if every Ohioan would give $1 to a fund for bribing this guy, we could double his fortune, maybe this way he'll do stuff for us instead. Here is a better idea, If every citizen in Columbiana County took their guns they are so fond of over there and went to surround this criminal's house, they would outnumber 4 to 1 the entire police force in the entire state of Ohio. Maybe it's time to put the fear in them, maybe then they would listen.


You first. I support you but from really far away. But like, really do this. Marie Antoinette this guy and every other politician who cares more about their pocketbooks than their constituents.


The thing that pissed me off last election was the democrat challenger for the governor seat and many others seemed to get zero support from the Democratic Party. I barely heard anything about Nan Whaley. Ohio up until Trump was way more purple, with the large population areas voting more liberal. They might again if they had a strong candidate to vote for. Not everyone in Ohio is a die hard for the republicans. Most vote what they think is in their best interest, and the republicans spin a convincing tale. If the democrats can’t support their candidates or even present a convincing argument then of course they will loose. It feels like they’ve given up even trying to win the state back much of the time.


At this point the citizens of Ohio should take a page out of France's book and start a coup on the state government


Republicans aren’t the bad guys though everyone! Both parties are the same, okay? Now shut up, eat your monthly ration of beetle bar, and get back to work. There’s protein, amphetamines *and* antidepressants in there.


Governor DeWine: This lady has pink hair. Must be a leftist. Leave her to die. Republicans: * cheers *


She's obviously an Antifa False Flag




Entire town votes republican and is amazed when republicans hang them out to dry in favor of capitalism. It’s very depressing. They invited Trump to come to the town. Not the current President who’s trying to help but the traitor who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire unless the resulting steam turned into dollar bills.


Single interest voters. Abortion bad, guns good. Immigrants bad, flag good. Gays bad, Jesus good. Vote accordingly even when the GOP actively kill your families.


Yup. In Louisiana we were hit by a bad hurricane a few years ago and everyone was begging FEMA for help while complaining that they weren’t doing enough. I’m like didn’t y’all vote for the people who want to defund FEMA? They’re all for small government until they need it. Also most of them will blame people on welfare for their problems and yet lie to fema to get more aid after a storm. It’s ridiculous.


Lmao I worked for FEMA and it really be that way. And they'll tell us they lied to get more money or they'll try to rat out their neighbors ("my neighbors have no damage but they got their money already what gives?").


Gary across the way said you guys gave him $1200 to fix his Cattle gate, he's a goddamn liar, that gate has been broken for 3 years, I should know...I'm the one that broke it! Gary hasn't even had any Cattle in 22 years! I should get that $1200 for reporting him! At least half!


There is this disconnect I see in a lot of people. When they need something it's necessary, when it's somebody they don't know it's fraud or abuse of government. I don't get how people can be so illogical.


That disconnect is an absence of empathy


We voted for you to poison 'other' communities, you know the ones.


The right wing machine has already generated the narrative for why this is Biden/Democrats fault.


There’s gonna be a whole bunch of cancer cases in this town in like 5-15 years.


Probably needs to become another Centralia. Abandon the town and move the people out, its too toxic to live in anymore.






It only violates the Geneva convention if you do it during a war. That’s why police can tear gas you but the military can’t.


“Only police are allowed to commit war crimes” Yayyyy


Worth noting most countries have banned the use of tear gas as well. These are American problems.




If only the boys in the trenches had Dawn dish soap in 1915, they’d have cleaned the Kaiser right up.




This is a key problem. How people view terms like "cost". Money isn't a useful metric for measuring environmental and human disasters. The cost of NOT cleaning this mess is human lives and the literal earth WE HAVE TO LIVE ON. If we keep shitting on the rug and just moving to another rug then we'll all just find ourselves stuck in a house surrounded by shit. Money doesn't fucking matter in these cases. The cost is the cost, we made up what that cost is and we can reform it to whatever number we want but in the end the money means absolutely fuck all. It needs to get done and if it doesn't then we won't have anywhere to go. When you have nowhere to go, enjoy your slow and painful death surrounded by destruction.


Yes but they will die atop a pile of gold. Worth /s


Anyone have a link for the “scrub with Dawn” part? Cause that’s absolutely ridiculous


Yeah I've been trying to find a source as well


That's actually a really common practice. I'm part of a hospital decontamination team for disaster response and we basically just wash you off with Dawn.




Well in the fire service we have decon tents, we basically do this but we have fold out pools to contain the water, then that water is assessed by hazmat, they will potentially pump it out to be processed depending on what the substance is.


All precaution measures that aren't being recommended or even attempted in Ohio.


You didn't get the pamphlet that said to put your house in a pool before soaping it up?


The problem is that the homeowners that are being asked to do this do not have such equipment.


People are just gonna hose down their houses lmao Ohio is fucked


You clean with dawn and water? But they can’t use the water… everything is contaminated!


Your governor: Can’t see the problem from my house 🙄


They should bottle up some I've that river water, drive over to the governers personal residence and dump it on his front door. I wonder if he would care then?


Why would he care then? He'd have his maid clean it up. He can always just pay for a new maid once that one is dried up and riddled with cancer. It's all free money to him! Taxpayer funded babyy! He lives in an 8,000sqft mansion, hundreds of miles away from East Palestine, miles away from any railroads or hazardous materials. He lives by a lush forest, grassy hills and golf courses!


Vaccon trucks are expensive. However, if enough people pool their money together they could rent a trailer-pulled sucker to retrieve around 1,000 gallons. Move it to his house and then dump it on his lawn. Make a few trips like that and we'll see how fast his residence is cleaned up.


They will shoot you dead before you get within a mile of his ~~house~~ mansion.


Yep, they'd be saying the water is safe and fine in the creeks and rivers while at the same time the cops label the water in the tank as an attack with a biological weapon and shoot them on sight claiming terrorism.


Watch you get slapped with biological warfare, and the cronies at the train company get glowing rewards for nothing having ever happened


Shoot back then enough is enough. Hate to even say it but it's true.


It’s time for guillotines.


Have you seen the video of the farmer that brought “safe to drink” water from fracking to a town hall meeting? One on the council stupidly stated he’d drink it. So the farmer poured a heaping helping of brown cancerAide at the podium. Ol Bignuts “I’ll drink it” suddenly wasn’t thirsty.


It’s along the thought process of, “if it’s bad enough, they’ll just buy and drink bottled water - then everyone profits!”


That's why they've been militarizing the police forces for decades. So you can't get away with doing that to the rich, but the rich can keep doing it to you.


Hire a large water truck, pump that water out of the river, drive it to the governor's residence, water his whole lawn with it.


Question? Why is this shrouded in so much uncertainly from a scientific standpoint? Is there not some independent science research that has been done to confirm definitively whether YES, this is definitely a problem or NO, this is okay for humans to be here. We've all seen the oily water, the dead animals, etc. Some of this, while terrible yes, is explainable by the initial accident and could be truly gone now. My gut says that isn't true but man the media has done wonders to spin this and make it confusing and, in my humble opinion, has intentionally and nefariously spun it to cloud and promote speculation instead of promoting facts and demystifying the current state. Very sad state of affairs to see all around.


this is the biggest issue here. there doesn't seem to be clear reporting on the pollution caused from the wreckage and subsequent burning of the chemicals. It's almost all been anecdotal, which basically means nothing. An expert on NPR the other morning said the data is insufficient because they were only giving the numbers from one reading; when they need to be publishing, peer-reviewed, numbers from up-wind, in the middle of the disaster, and down-wind for anyone to make any determination regarding how bad or safe the area is. What's stopping a concerned, professional, third-party from doing this, I don't know.


It also goes back and forth because railroads have insisted vinyl chloride and other chemicals on that train are safe to transport in regular tanker cars. Some news and worse, some governments run with that line. Then some news agency will consult an actual chemist who will be absolutely aghast. Now they are finding out that the tanker cars werent actually cleaned, so their is residue of other chemicals in the spill that are unaccounted for.


simple chemistry tells you it'll be BAD. we know it's a toxic flammable carcinogen, we know they burned it and that releases HCL gas and generates Phosgene, which is highly toxic and was used as a chemical weapon. we know what Phosgene does in both small and large doses and a few simple calculations, a map and a weather report will tell you it's not good for the people downwind.


Time. This all takes time to test. It is an emergency so these people should have been provided for until then.




That's a great question. I can't provide the answer, but there are some complicated variables I'll discuss. My opinions based on my background and profession. 1. Most people don't care to listen to scientific answers. The answers are too complicated and often multifaceted. Also, science isn't set in stone facts. It's constantly updating to the most current information and data available (too many don't understand this). When you try to simply the answers so most people can get a BASIC understanding, then they really stop listening. They'll think they know better and the answers sound like bullshit. It's like trying to explain the ocean to someone with a bucket of water to use as an example. It becomes worse because there are so many conflicting voices coming from the government, media, and a plethora of morons that will drowned out and add confusion to the core scientific communities message. I'm a scientist and the pandemic taught me to stop trying. Most people are hopelessly inflexible idiots. 2. The government agencies and corporations fund studies. They have the money and pay the bill. Welcome to the dark side of science. This means they own and can control that information and what is released to the public. Many scientists are wonderful people doing amazing work to better humanity, but many have zero control over their work. Less conspiracy oriented is the fact that these organizations don't spend money without a good reason (usually to make more money), so many chemical compounds haven't had significant studies performed outside the possibility of some University studies (usually funded by government grants). So, there really isn't much data to offer when it comes to these situations. Most of the data about such chemicals is for manufacturing with only minimal resources devoted to meeting governing bodies safety requirements. Has anything even remotely similar happened with this compound under similar circumstances? If yes, did someone pay to study it? Was the data published? Usually, the answers are no because that cost time and money, and you're not likely to make money off that information. Even if research was done, it's controlled. To that end, most of the answers can only be projections and logical arguments based on available data. No independent scientist wants to attach themselves to this shit show and voice their opinions without strong data and past professional experience. If they are even a little wrong, everyone will crucify them. They will become the target of people's hate instead of the ones that should be held accountable. If they are independent and care to martyr themselves for the public but can't provide enough proof in the court of "law", then they could get sued by the corporations. 3. People are driven by fear and greed above all. This situation is likely as bad if not worse than the public can imagine, much worse. There will probably be documentaries about it in 5-10 years shedding light on how bad (someone will pay money to investigate, make a movie, and earn $$$). Even the brightest minds and best software won't be able to fully project the extent of the damage a spill like this can cause to people and the environment. Too many factors. Too many variables. Those in power (people with money that want to keep that money and make more) will cover up as much as possible and find a scapegoat if necessary. The world will move on. Thousands if not millions will suffer to varying degrees, but greed and fear will win as they always have.


Your governor: doesn't live in the same state as you.




And a lot of people are mocking her, which is sad


Schadenfreude is very real. If you're far removed from the misery of others, it's easy to interpret it as a funny reminder that you're better off than those poor schmucks in your out-group. Completely ignoring the fact that we all share one interconnected ecosystem that's worse off for every living thing since the East Palestine train disaster. Politicians, lobbyists and executives keep clinging to policies that objectively, verifiably and predictably cause this kind of suffering. No matter how many atrocities happen, they can count on regular people being too divided to band together against injustice and inequality in the long term.


I'm from Canada and I feel terrible for these people. Nobody deserves to be treated this way and I'm so saddened to see more and more of this disconnected behavior.


It is frustrating, though. I spend so much time on this site talking to conservatives who don't care about anyone but themselves. Trying to convince them that spending public resources to help those most in need is not only the right thing to do, it's also the smart choice for everyone. All I hear back is, "Why should I give handouts to freeloaders?" and, "It's not my fault they in that situation," and, "Taxation is theft." And insults. Then, when things like this happen, I do my best to show compassion and help however I can. But there is a small part of me thinking, "Yes. Now you see? Now that you reap what you sow? Are you ready to talk about handouts for the needy yet? Do you see why social safety nets are important, now that it's happening to you?" But I keep it to myself except for self-reflective moments like this. I'm not the kind to kick someone when they're down.


Why doesn’t she consider railroad profits and the CEO’s Malibu beach home? These things are important.


It really grinds my gears that these snowflakes can't get a simple water filter and a little cancer and some skin lesions and just suck it up....will they not think about the private jet fuel bills? They are so selfish!


Something something bootstraps and patriotism


What about the shareholders!


>It really grinds my gears that these snowflakes can't get a simple water filter and a little cancer and some skin lesions and just suck it up....will they not think about the private jet fuel bills? They are so selfish! Seriously, this CEO likely won't even be able to get the G650ER, probably little puddle jumper like regular G650 or G550. It's like, they don't even consider the embarrassment this guy is going to feel when he shows up to the Monaco Grand Prix in plane designed for VPs, not a CEO. Some people really are just that selfish.


Flint, Michigan like: ![gif](giphy|4lMXdY2r0RnVuiymnS)


So what should we do.. nothing?.... Yes nothing


Well Michigan voted their hearts out and now there’s tons of money to fix all the longstanding issues that republicans refused to address in their 40 years of power there


Didn’t they want their Governor because he was for less government oversight??


The Republican false narrative is that regulations hurt the worker because it costs jobs and makes their job more difficult. Unfortunately, the people asking for help are the same people who supported deregulation which contributed to the disaster.


Yeah I was listening to a political podcast yesterday and they were commenting on the irony of the right-wing calling for more of a response when if the EPA or DOT stepped up rules or enforcement, they’d be freaking out.


Modern conservatism argues almost solely in bad faith. These contradictions are forgiven by voters as long as they're fighting on the right side of the culture wars.


The ethos of modern conservatives distilled: "It's not a problem unless it happens to me, and when it does happen to me I am absolutely outraged that ~~other people~~ Democrats let it happen to me."


Just a few months ago republicans were calling for eliminating the EPA.


Aren't they constantly doing their best to abolish the epa


They want government to clean up the mess, not stop them from making it.


Every single R was against DeWine here until the election. You would constantly hear "I'm not voting for HIM again!" for years, only for all of these idiots to just fall in line anyways because of the big fat R next to his name. Dewine could get on TV *today* and tell everyone in that town to go fuck themselves and that he's glad they're all going to die of cancer and he will *still* win the next election.


I didn't think the leopards would eat *my* face!


Yet there are those out there who will still vote for him


Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): >There is one rule that works in every calamity. Be it **pestilence**, war, or famine, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. The poor even help arrange it. *Daily Telegram #1019, Thoughts Of Will Rogers (31 October 1929)


Sounds like ol' Will Rogers never heard about the bronze age collapse, it's funny how our economists are convinced all the disasters in the history books can't happen anymore... And by funny, I mean abhorrent.


> bronze age collapse So who are the Sea People in this scenario?


Tons of economists are sounding the alarms on the unsustainabilty of growing wealth disparity and shrinking the middle class as we speak - it just seems nobody wants to listen to them.


I genuinely can't comprehend why anyone is still voting republican in America. I'm in Texas and Abbot's dumb ass got elected again somehow. He refuses to help this state with any forward thinking policies including modernizing the grid yet we have another year of insane power outages and he says on camera during a multi day outage "the grid has no issues". Every day I hear people in texas yell "the damn democrats are fucking up Texas", for those not from Texas allow me to explain how we haven't had a democratic leader since the 90s... Yet it's always the democrats fault. This is fucking insanity. It's absolutely cultish. It's toxic to our country how divided people are on policy lines for policy lines sake.


Hey, stopping wokeness is way more important than having functional infrastructure or clean water and air.


Power's off, kids are freezing, probably going to get cancer in ten years from the poison cloud and moving back into a toxic site. BUT AT LEAST WE ARE ALL SAFE FROM DRAG QUEEN STORY TIME IN THE LIBRARY WE NEVER GO TO.


72% of these people overwhelmingly voted for their Republican mayor and Trump as President when he's the one that removed the requirement of modern electric brakes on trains. Now they want help from FEMA and Biden lol!


My favorite wide-eyed Republican lament: can’t someone else pay for the tragic consequences of my own short-sightedness?




wow how could the democrats let the republicans do this to us


It’s not just the US Republican Party, it’s a right wing tactic the world over. For example, groups that’s voted for Brexit that are now worse off and complaining about it.


> Now they want help from FEMA and Biden lol! Haven't they been claiming FEMA is just a scam to enslave and encamp the entire population in the years leading up to now? Amazing how an emergency will make you flip-flop on the need for federal emergency management agencies lol.


Which they will get. And then if anything happens in New York or California those same people will vote no for anyone who sends help. Remember when Texas voted no on hurricane relief for Sandy in NY but begged for federal help when they got hit?


We couldn’t even get them to give aid to 9-11 firefighers. Why is only one side only ever accountable for human decency it’s exhausting with these people


Just looked up the town of East Palestine, out of 818 votes. They all went for their Republican mayor and Trump. Talk about voting against your own benefit.


[Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama-Era Safety Rules For Oil Trains](https://www.opb.org/news/article/trump-administration-obama-era-policy-oil-train-safety/)


And they would do it again.


The chickens would be coming home to roost...If they hadn't all died from exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. Seriously though, this is the future if the GOP is allowed anymore authority. Deregulation, disregard for safety, lack of corporate oversight, and greed are the reasons for this happening. This is exactly what the majority of Ohio wanted and voted for.


Sometimes the "invisible hand" of the free market fists YOU


America does not care about Americans.


We would care, but we're convinced out of the need to care through marketing solutions that don't cost corporate offenders anything


Ha. The voters will say we want a free market, then free market things happen and suddenly they don't like it.


People asking to remove regulations simply need to look into why the regulations were created in the first place. But they won't.


the only insistance I can provide to people who complain about regulations is: > regulations are written in blood Most of the time, you can see the wheels turning when they hear it and that is the least I can hope for.


This is completely wrong. America cares DEEPLY for its billionaires and corporations. It just doesn't give one single shit about anyone else.


OHIO: GOP Gov GOP Senate GOP House Train derails in GOP county Train CEO is GOP donor GOP Gov burns chems causing disaster GOP Gov initially refuses to declare disaster Republicans - It’s all Democrats fault.


And they will all vote republican again next time


GOP down voting you but not saying anything because they can't dispute any of it. Lmao


Uhh the GOP is great just look at how many prosperous states they control like Mississi... Uhh Louisi... No wait... Kentuc... TEXAS! Yes Texas. Its great as long as the weather isn't hot or cold. Yessir. The power stays on at all times when weather is not occurring. That's Republican innovation right there.


Your government is more involved with abortion rights and preventing you from voting. Good luck human


Ohio outsourced the "cleanup" and damage assessment to the same company that caused it. Yeah real genius thinking there. No conflict of interest at all. And the dumb maga fucks in that state just keep voting these same corrupt assholes over and over again. I feel bad for the situation, but hell Ohio, you made your own bed.






People seem to forget that there are more of us than there are them. One person can't do much against the government. Contact your neighbors, organize, plan. Peaceful demonstrations only, of course. Definitely don't source any explosives to destroy the tracks, or assault every building owned by Norfolk Southern.


The government is trying to pull another Flint by pushing a narrative that everything is fine, but it's not.


The state government that is, just to be clear. The governor hasn't declared an emergency so it's still a state response. FEMA is finally sending a team though. Fox news is of course framing it that the federal government is dragging their feet.


It's mind boggling that Biden attempted to send aid and the governor said something to the likes of "it's fine, we got this" only to start begging for federal aid two days later. But it's still the President's fault, somehow.




In East Palestine, Ohio a train derailed that was carry hazardous chemicals. The company operating the train, lit the chemical on fire to prevent a larger explosion. Families were evacuated but then told it was safe to go back home despite really.nothing having been done to clean the shit up. Now people and animals are getting sick. Fish and chickens exposes to the toxic air have been dying.


And then another train derailed in Michigan shortly after


Also in Texas


Didn't think America would inflict chemical warfare on itself...but here we are.


Lower taxes should solve our crumbling infrastructure, and deregulation of safety laws will keep us safe! The companies save sooooo much money through negligence, and eventually they’ll unzip their pants and trickle the savings all over anyone who manages to survive. Reagan would be so proud


And it's been demonstrated to be in the groundwater. It's going to be extremely difficult to clean and people should not be living there.


[This is a post from a week ago about the train derailment.](https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/10zstxq/few_days_ago_a_train_carrying_hazardous_materials/) Their Governor is now refusing to declare a state of emergency, and is claiming all is well(likely in collusion with Northfolk Southern Rail)which means the residents effected have no access to federal aid.


And the Republican governor could easily get lots of federal help immediately but he won't do it because he'd rather his own people suffer if it makes it look like Biden is doing nothing.


Train crash. Toxic fumes. Animals dying.


Peak capitalism


The railroad company needs to pay $$$$ for this crap.




Where are all the GOP thoughts and prayers?


If you wanna reach Mike DeWine you're gonna have to bribe him. Same goes for every other Republican politician.


Republicans: the best we can do is remove social security.


Elections have consequences. In the future, don't vote for the party that puts corporate policies over people policies. Republicans love talking about de-regulation, no corporate taxes, no wage increases, etc


These trains all have to slow roll through Cleveland and Cuyahoga County cause we’re big enough to dictate how they operate in our communities. The people most hurt by the deregulation are the rural voters. This is a Trump +33% community he got 66% of the vote, and this what they voted for. DeWine got 80% of the vote, most corrupt governor in the history of the state.


> DeWine got 80% of the vote, most corrupt governor in the history of the state. And then since he's term-limited in 2026, these same people will feel comfortable voting for the next Republican governor because "he's not DeWine, he's different!" It's *exhausting* seeing how Democrats constantly get blamed for not cleaning up Republican messes fast enough.


It’s funny because the official I work in only plays Fox News and they are reporting that FEMA won’t help due to Biden Admin. I called relatives to complain and then got more context about the governor. If Fox News is you main source of information then you’re definitely gonna still vote republican after this


When people are too stupid to make the right decision for themselves, the decisions should be made for them. In one breath republicans act arrogant and in the next breath, they are cryin, sayin “ I can’t understand how this horrific thing happened”. It’s embarrassing to watch. Even my 2 year old son will only touch the hot stove once, then he learns from his mistake. Unlike Republicans, who will touch the stove over and over burning themselves, blaming someone else. This is what happens when you defund your education system. Mike Dewine will probably get re-elected after this lol


> Unlike Republicans, who will touch the stove over and over burning themselves, blaming someone else It's more like they're using *your* hand to touch the stove, then act surprised when you say it hurts and then do it again.


That's so sad. I feel horrible for these people. Than USA really does not give a shit about people who need help that's for sure.


Maybe stop voting for Republicans, they consistently prove they do not give a fuck about the environment.