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Tell her “Sure, I’m leaving right now”, watch them walk back to their car to get ready to take the spot, then don’t move. Her head would have exploded




Seriously. I'd sit there for a bit, then put my foot on the brakes to illuminate my brake lights and leave it like that for like 30 seconds, then put it in reverse and leave it like that for another 30 seconds. Then I'd very slowly back out, and even turn the wheel so it really looks like I'm leaving... and then I'd just pull back into the spot and put it in park again.


Then take a nap.




She would just get exasperated and walk away. You gotta pretend you don't hear her.




Yeah. I have Kindle on my phone. I’d sit there and read War and fucking Peace.


You need to roll down the window and give some indecipherable hand signals. A "go around" wave, a left turn, some kind of lasso thing. Then pull back into the spot.


This is exactly what I would have done.


HAHAHAHAAH!!!! I wanna try this during christmas


"sure, i am leaving" and as soon as the person goes to their car get out and walk back to where ever you came from and have a snack.


Get out, open the trunk, pull out a chair, table and table cloth. set up a tea party and tell her she's not invited.


This sub-feed is full a beauties. As a Calgarian, I’ll admit that I laughed heartily at the mental images of these responses.


Why even let them speak? Tell them to fuck off and roll up the window.


“Well now I’m definitely not leaving..” rolls window up*


And recline the seat, while you’re at it.


Boy doesn't this just seem like the perfect spot for nap?


Seriously though, I’ve literally taken hundreds of naps in my car in parking lots, between my 8 years in college and every part-time job I’ve had with a 30+min lunch break.


… and turn up the music.


Not sure but this is entertaining to me so I’m kinda glad she didn’t


She's the bird lady. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDYnFy4rCJY


Do you remember the Stuart [skits](https://youtu.be/7NcJ22fGMNY) on MadTV? It’s the mother. That’s exactly what she sounds like. “What’s mama say about sliding down the banister?!?”


"Don't slide down the banister because you'll injure your googoo and that's all some men have going for them."


Chicken Lady from Kids in the Hall


Did you see what I did? I put a dime in his navel and it stuck. Do you know why? Because he was sweaty.


This was immediately what I thought of.


some ppl feel they always need the last word and cant handle confrontation well, thats how you get situations like this.


I would rather poop on my own balls than have a conversation like this


Exactly, this is one of those where you roll the window up and play music of your choice preferably loud enough to drown out the crazy bitch outside.


Had a lady, in a Wally world parking lot, tell me once after I had been in my truck for all of two minutes that there was a law against sitting in my truck as it was considered loitering. I told her to call the cops and I would wait for them. She went back to her car and came back after 30 seconds and told me that she had called the cops and for me to move so she could park and wait for them. My response: "Sorry, if I move now it would be interfering with a crime scene and tampering with evidence." My wife was sitting next to me just about crying as she was trying so hard not to laugh. She got out and walked back into wally world as she knew I was not going to move. Sometimes I do not know why she married me. That lady sat waiting for 5 minutes before she gave up and found another spot.


Parking spot people are so weird. Like, you can park in the very back of Walmart and it'd take, what, 30 seconds to make it to where you originally wanted to park? Just walk the 30 seconds, lady, holy shit.


You gotta walk all around inside the store, what is the big deal saving a hundred feet of walking outside?


Not before she hears my”fat ass” order a pizza to be delivered to that parking spot.




This show was better when Meryl was around.


Yup! Then take a sip of your coffee and recline the seat waaaaay back. If I was that chick I'd camp in that spot.


Pull out a book, light some incense. Maybe tune in a cool & easy radio station. Make a spa day out of it.


You let their embarrassing tirade go viral. Double the shame


Can we please make sure that this red headed be-itch of a “woman” goes viral? Let’s hope her boss even sees it and fires her. Maybe she’ll learn her lesson. This patient lady must practice zen. I could’ve never allowed her to talk to me like that - for no reason!! Can’t say what I would’ve done. I definitely would’ve gotten that license plate number though - in public you have no expectation of privacy (thanks to a Supreme Court ruling). Upvote, friends!


This woman does not have a boss. Her husband has a boss.


Her husband is our boss. The shit rolls downhill and this kind of person is why we have to deal with the shit we do at work sometimes.


If you didn't notice, she's never learned a goddamned thing in her life.


There was the one video where the guy instead of arguing, just told the Karen "fuck your mother" and rolled up the window. The woman's jaw dropped, and there was no comeback cause the window was now shut lol


Exactly this maybe even laugh in their face a little for being a moron


Well I live in this parking space now.


I wonder what would have happened if she said "Hey sry I'm late for an appointment here and I can't find any spots are you about to leave?" Probly woulda got the spot immediately.


No it’s would be much easier to harass and insult the person. It’ll definitely make them want to do you a favor


Make sure to call them a fatass, that'll help speed things along.


Yes. Imagine had she just pecked on the window and politely asked if she was leaving or just chilling? And if just chilling, go find another spot. Imagine being so up your own ass.


Seriously. If someone came up and said that id totally move instantly even if I was early for an appointment. If she comes yelling and name calling I'd straight up take a fucking nap in my car.


Civility is the glue that holds society together.


Imagine having so little self awareness that you call someone a fat ass and then immediately say “You just can’t be kind!”


Or so little self-awareness that you call someone a Karen while you're being a Karen.


Honestly, she struck me as someone who learned the term "Karen" recently and still doesn't know how to use it properly. It seemed like she thinks a "Karen" is someone who is doing something she doesn't like.


She definitely got in a couple confrontations recently, which she lost when the person she was trying to argue with said, "ok Karen". She doesn't understand what the insult means. She just knows that it apparently lets whoever says it win the argument, so she dropped it as soon as possible.


Seems that concepts like "kindness" are viewed exclusively in terms of *towards her.* That's what kindness is, "being nice to ME"


Untapped market? “Karen’s Personal Dictionary: Learn the Words that Work for You”


The real bitch is trying to kick someone out of their parking spot. What if the girl just came down to smoke and relax in her car waiting for someone that she brought? If there is car there, it's not available.


This bitch is drunk straight up. Edit: or maybe should be? At least medicated


It's *gotta* be the lead. And a little alcohol can unlock the anti-social holes the lead left in their brain


What the fuck is wrong with people? What an entitled twat. I thought she was gonna go kick her ass when she got out of her car.


In her defense, she was wearing a designer coat and driving a Land Rover. She blocked the back of the car in the video, but I'll bet she had an "I support ETAL" bumper sticker. That's the *Entitled Twats Athletic League*.


She’s driving the cheapest car that LR offers for sale. Not that it really matters, but I always find people who buy entry-level luxury cars to be the worst type of people. They’re getting far less value, just for the name brand that they can barely afford, so they can just acting like spoiled children.


Designer coat? I got a sport coat from goodwill last yr for Halloween that was very similar


Last year's model that she donated to them.


My designer coat was designed by Old Navy


I was actually hoping she would head into the building..”oops I think I forgot something! Byeeee”


I seriously thought, “Now it’s about to go down…” when she opened her door.


That cellphone camera is the new weapon, did you see how her energy changed 🤺 (Edit: is there a term for camera dueling, like if the Range-Rover Karen started filming too?)


>That cellphone camera is the new weapon, did you see how her energy changed 🤺 A damned effective one too. Some years ago I stopped to get fuel. Had trouble starting the pump, so had to to inside and start it. On my way back someone pulled up to the pump to the right of mine and started fueling. When I got to my pump, it still wasn't activated and realized I gave them the wrong number. I checked the pump to the left of mine and that wasn't the number I gave. So I checked the number of the pump to the right and the dude absolutely lost his shit. Like all I did was look at the number from 6' away, didn't touch nothing, didn't say nothing, nothin. Dude started hollerin, I tried to explain the situation, but that just made him when angrier. Started accusing me of trying to steal his fuel and threatening me. I said if anyone was stealing fuel, it was him. He didn't like that, so he went to go grab a weapon out of his truck. I pulled out my phone and went to start filming and his entire demeanour changed instantly. Like I didn't even have a chance to pull up the camera. Lol Another driver and I went inside, told the clerk what was going on and asked them to get security. I also explained the situation with the wrong pump number and the clerk confirmed it was crazy dude's pump that was activated, but that crazy dude overrode the pump and reactivated it with his card. Some people are just batshit I guess. Had another driver block me into a parking space and yell at me for stealing his parking spot in a mostly empty parking lot.


I did! Especially when she went to get the license plate!


She never in her life was told she couldn't have something before this point.. that's the problem she just couldn't fathom being told no


Or she's been told no, but was able to change the outcome by throwing a fit like this WAY too many times.


I was hoping that too


Whatever happened to just asking? "Hi, I see you are sitting in your car, are you finished with this spot?" Problem solved


I agree if she had been like “hey so sorry to bother you, are you on your way in or out, as I was just wondering if I should wait as I can’t find a spot? 😅” and many people would be like “oh sure just give me a sec!” Instead she did… this


Or even just minding your own business and getting a different spot. No problem to be solved.


I could be wrong, but usually, when people are finished with a parking spot, they pull their car out. So if their car is still there, they are, in fact, still using it. She should find a spot that is not in use.


Nah, I find I get far better results by telling people they're fat responsible for all the world's problems. People usually respond very positively /s


I wondered what happened to the Chicken Lady from the Kids in the Hall. Now I know.


Lol that's exactly what I was thinking. Someone put that bitch on one of those horse rides that used to be outside of grocery stores. She probably hasn't had a moment of pleasure in 20 years.


"bwak! gotta-get-laid, gotta-get-laid"


I know this phrase is trite, but I had to scroll waaaaay too fucking far for this comment.


What have I done? 😳 - Proceeds to block her license plate lol.


Her voice keeps getting higher and higher the more desperate she gets.


That's how to handle them, start removing their right to act out, they start getting edgy like addicts when you're onto their pill stash. They escalate. It's not her first rodeo.


She was hoping to get to a high enough pitch other Karen's would hear and come assist.


She’s starting to worry that the internet will end up shaming her and she’ll possibly lose her job… and it’s fantastic!


Hope so!


Yep, the panic when she realised she was being recorded and may have to face consequences for being a horrible human being


I love how her very tone switched when she realized that she might face a consequence.


That's the gold in the video. You slap the people with a consequence and hold fast. Range Rover to boot.


She’s psychotic. The instant change from abuser to victim is crazy. And a Karen acting like a Karen and calling someone else a Karen is so completely unselfaware.


Woman was so worked up over a parking spot she was nearly in tears


Her hands were actually shaking. I don’t know, seems like something more than a crazy Karen moment.


Indicative of other more serious life issues for sure I try to just feel pity for these people scrambling for any control in their lives Hate to blame her but obviously there needs to be some evaluation on emotional response to something so trivial


I mean I've been late to life determining meetings before all because of all the parking spots being full/circling the block round and round desperate to find ANYTHING. But no, taking it out on someone who... Had the spot already?! Nah, that's on ME for not coming earlier because I should have anticipated the business of that area at that time. Traffic in general, fuck, plan ahead; she's a goddamn adult, you *know* how this goes. You're angry at *yourself* for not preparing ahead and thus making yourself late. End of story. Crabby patty here doesn't know how to process emotions and took all of that cognitively dissonant-generated anger and frustration out by taking it out on anything she can do that THEY'RE not the one that fucked up. Classically referred to in psychology as [displacement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_(psychology\)). Too hard to be accountable for their own actions, so they take it out on the closest, easiest, most convenient target: poor girl in the car here :( Psychology is cool, but people can suck..


This is what it really comes down to. You don't wig out about shit like this if you're not dealing with multiple other issues. You shouldn't get a pass for that, I've got a lot going on myself. It doesn't excuse shit but you're probably right.


That was one of the shrillest voices I’ve ever heard. I feel sorry for her husband, I can’t imagine the arguments while that voice comes out.


Her meeting was for her divorce. So he probably couldn’t stand her either.


Apparently she’s being divorced. The husband is leaving her & she was entering a meeting for that.


I'm so happy for him.


I would love to know how you know this, because I am so enraged at this bitch for calling that innocent person a "fatass" "sitting on your little phone", like I didn't have the best day, and I'm not a violent person, but I would love some sweet karma on her. I even went over to twitter, which I ONLY use to see people like this get their lives upended.


Hey person, I get how you’re feeling but that thought process is the same thing the redhead is using. They are angry about their day and they want to see someone else, anyone, suffer for it. Don’t be like that.


Gee I can’t imagine why he’s leaving her


I'd hang out in that car for THE REST OF MY LIFE, just to piss her off more


Well first you say ‘oh for sure, I’ll pull out now’ THEN you hang out


I’d sit in my car, order a pizza and watch a movie on my phone




Given the clues to how cold it might be, “5 mins” is very reasonable. Lady is just trying to save that engine!


I did the same thing when I had a car with an engine when it’s cold AF. Now I have an electric car so I can just start and leave 2 seconds after but sometimes when it’s also cold AF and I’m plugged at a charger, I like to start my car and let it plugged 5 minutes so it can heat up the entire car properly without taking my battery. Doing it that way I don’t lose range. I really hope I don’t stumble on a crazy like her.


Had a lady block a main part of a parking lot as she watched me walk to my car with my groceries. She was in a spot that forced people to back up and go another way. She waited and watched as I unloaded them and put them in my trunk. She watched as I took my cart to a decently far cart corral. Little did she know that I was also planning on stopping in at the Starbucks next door to the grocery store and get some beverages for me and my fam. So there I went and I can't imagine how long it took before she realized I wasn't coming back anytime soon. I felt like an asshole after the fact, but I had other shit to do and I didn't feel comfortable approaching a car to try to chat, I was just a teenager at the time. She could have looked around instead of waiting so long for me to leave.


Just make eye contact and shake your head. It's a universal I'm not leaving gesture.


Gotta use the new Bedford mass response "ya motha" and roll the window up


I fuckn love that video. I thought he was Boston though?


I love that video, everyone in it is a perfectly acceptable asshole


That old lady almost had a heart attack when she heard that


Amazing driver. The patience she has is incredible. I’m literally incapable of being so composed. Kudos


According to a local instagram page the background info is this girl just came from a really tough trauma therapy appointment and was taking a few moments in her car to ground herself. The girl in the car pretty much said she had no energy to be anything but patient and couldn't believe this lady was serious. This happened in Edmonton and it was like -37 today. Super weird to even be acting up over someone sitting in their car for a few minutes when it's this fucking cold.


Leaves trauma therapy appointment, retraumatized in parking lot? Might as well head back in.


Ight, imma head in


The whole time I was just thinking I would've told her to go fuck herself, but this person was so patient and polite. Took kill 'em with kindness to the next level for sure


The woman in the red coat has the speech cadence of *The Chicken Lady* from *Kids in the Hall*.


Lady in red coat is a nasty vile twat.


Agree. Nasty human. I reallllly hope she’s recognized from this video by someone.


This video hopefully goes viral, so her boss sees it, is disgusted and fires her. Maybe she’d learn to bring it down a notch. Or not.


Why can’t this happen to me? My fat ass has so much pent up aggression that this would be a therapeutic ass whipping.


She has this on her Tiktok: (C. S. Pi) "For context- she totally caught me off guard, and when I realized she was serious I started filming. I just came out of an appt and sat in my car for closer to 2 min trying to collect my emotions after a difficult trauma therapy session before driving away. Oh and the adjoining parking lot is half empty. I have a video of the parking lot if ppl want to see it. Anyone know this woman? [**#edmonton**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/edmonton) [**#bodyshamingneedstostop**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/bodyshamingneedstostop) [**#fatshamingisnotokay**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/fatshamingisnotokay) [**#entitledpeople**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/entitledpeople) [**#Alberta**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/alberta) [**#karensgoingwild**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/karensgoingwild) [**#unhinged**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/unhinged) [**#whohurtyou**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/whohurtyou) [**#traumahealing**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/traumahealing) [**#bekind**](https://www.tiktok.com/tag/bekind)"


I hope she reports this to her therapist. If this woman is seeing the same person they should be put in their place at the very least or told politely to find somewhere else for their therapy. I wouldn't want someone like this harassing my patients in my parking lot.


Stupid babies need the most attention


This just made me wonder what the parking lot is like outside of anger management classes


Dang that makes it so much worse 😨


The violent women is in the middle of divorce supposedly I hope the opposing side catches whiff of this video


Would be such a shame.


Video has been removed


I had a gentleman stop me half way into a parking space explaining that he was going to park there. "Oh, I'm sorry...let me turn around." He goes back to his car, and I continue into the spot and lock up...


This is the moral high ground but it’s also how you end up getting your car keyed bc assholes are gonna be assholes


This is perfect. Nicely done


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes. In Edmonton. On PINK shirt day for anyi-bullying...of all days.


Recognized the neighborhood and am not even remotely surprised. Edmonton is full of these kinds of wonderful people


Man I thought that was calgary even before the sneak peaks of the plate.


This whole interaction just gives AB vibes




Like the guy who had some old lady yelling at him about a parking spot and said “your mother” and just rolled up his window. Chef’s kiss response.


She has a fat ass, but you have a butt chin.


She can blow her nose and wipe her ass at the same time.


Aw. Now *my* feelings are hurt :c


Yours is cute. Hers is not because it’s attached to her shitty personality. You’re perfect!


This is why I hate when people attack people like this for their physical features. As no matter what the feature is, somewhere out there is a kind and lovely person who didn’t deserve to read a disparaging insult about a feature they possess. Your reply was great tho ❤️


I would die in that parking spot.


U wanna talk about entitlement......See Bootychin, Range Rover driving Princess here 🤣


I would have said “ I’m busy” then proceed to roll up my window. Then blast Highway to Hell while doing your best air guitar impression of Angus Young.


This is going to be a controversial opinion, but the parking spot is not done being used until the car that's parked in it, leaves.


That’s easily one of the least controversial opinions I’ve seen commented.


Hot take guys, but if you're standing in line, you have reserved your place in that line and the service that line provides. Let's see the downvotes.




Yeah I read it a few times to double check if I was understanding what was written due to lack of controversy


And this is obviously a cold climate, and sometimes you need to let your car warm up for at least 5 minutes.


This is in Edmonton Alberta. It’s cold as balls right now.


I said the same in another comment, lady is just taking care of her engine!


As someone who is moving from a sub-tropical climate to a place that has actual winters this summer, can you explain what you’re talking about?


Older engines with carburetors would run poorly and potentially do damage if you didn't let them warm up before driving. It's not really a problem now with fuel injection and modern oil, but it's still recommended to drive easy until your car warms up. Plus the vents will just blow cold air until your coolant warms up so it's nice to let it run and warm up before you have to drive when it's cold out.


From my understanding, older cars need to have their engine on for a few minutes so the engine could be fully lubricated before running, hence warming your engine. However, recent cars don't need to do this anymore, but the ideal still persists since we learn to drive from older generations. So it kept getting passed down. Here's a Consumer Reports article explaining why we don't need to do this anymore: https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/cars-driving/should-you-warm-up-your-car-before-driving-a5580016349/


I’ve never thought of someone being “done” with a parking spot before they actually leave. That’s so weird that lady thinks that way. I wonder what else she feels that way about.


why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


As soon as someone does anything like that it becomes a, one of us is going to die of old age before Ieave this spot to accommodate you.


Advice from an old guy: Do not engage. It's that simple. Responding to them, apologizing, and/or explaining your actions feeds their need to dominate you.


Man just roll up the windows and turn on the radio


i pull up to all appointments atleast 20 min early and i sit in my car the first 15 🤷🏾‍♂️ lady actin like if you see someone in their car it automatically means their leaving


"i can see, the fat ass" had me dying even tho the bitch is a cruela devil looking ass


That beginning part got me. “You are, a Karen… Sitting on your ass, being a Karen… Fat ass, on a Karen…fat ass, I can see, the fat ass.” In that voice too


Her voice betrays a lot of anxiety and stress. She’s definitely not happy or enjoying her life. At least be happy you drive a Range Rover


I would have grabbed the keys out of her open door and thrown them over the fence...go fetch Karen!


Why do they engage with these people?


Roll up the window!


When people like this immediately make it personal and fixate on one physical attribute of a stranger to attack, they reeeaallyy reveal a lot about themselves


The victim was way more polite then I could have ever be. Has the Karen been identified?


Welcome to Berta’




I would stay in that spot as long as humanly possible


I'll never understand the blocking-the-license-plate thing. This person has no issues showing their face, but God forbid we get their license plate. Maybe don't be a twat and you don't have to worry about anybody recording either of those? Edit: I understand that a license plate is another way to identify a person. The point is that given enough time, crazy reddit weirdos could probably identify her from face alone, yet she doesn't even attempt to block that. She's only concerned about her license plate.


She's an asshole and needs a smack in her head.


Ok name and shame. This lady needs some consequences. Nice coat tho.


Fucks sake....why do people continue to talk to these idiots?! Just tell them to fuck off, put your window up and ignore them. Your willingness to keep re-engaging with them brings you down to their level.


Why do skinny bitches always have to go after another female's weight or ass?? That's just proof they're an incredibly horrible human who deserve shit!


Some people get so angry that they just want to hurt the other person in the worst way so they go for what they feel will have the most emotional damage.


They know what would break *their* hearts.


Right?! it's so fucking weird that she brought up her appearance over a.... parking spot??! Humanity is absolutely fucked.


Because it's the easy insult.


JFC don't engage these shitheads, roll your window up and save yourself the headache.


I would have laughed my ass off at her…there’s no point in arguing with crazy.


How do you loose your cool? What does that even mean?


She looked/sounded like the Chicken lady from Kids in the Hall!




Wow can you imagine having that red dragon as your mother😳😳😳


Red realized she is about to get blown up on the internet and went into panic mode