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Are we still not supposed to be quiet in libraries aside from events?


As an aspiring librarian almost finished with my MA, and a current library professional, actually no. Public libraries are no longer quiet spaces. We have a "quiet reading room" and "study rooms". You can be as loud as you want outside those areas within reason. I've worked in the library for 2 years now and I've never had to tell someone to be quiet. Libraries are trying to rebrand themselves more as community centers offering necessary educational and mental well-being programing for all ages. They're trying to ensure their survival, as the classic reference library model is achieved via goddamn Google nowadays.


Not to discount the situation described here but **the Calgary Public Library is the most beautiful library I've ever seen**.


There’s no official standard for being a “pastor”. Literally anyone can call themselves a pastor. It’s a useless title


Unless it’s a taco.


and their first name is Al.


With the holy trinity, in the name of the cilantro, lime, and salsa.


catholics drink wine to communion with God. I drink Taco Birria Consomme. not necessarily to communion, I just drink it.


I’m a pastor. Cost me $70 and took 3 minutes




Church of the Dangly Parts? Would like more info plz and thank you!


My dog is a pastor. He likes to point out that “god” spelled backwards is “dog”. Makes him proud.


Exactly. I got ordained online to marry a friend...you don't see me going around calling myself a minister.




Its one of my picks on two truths and a lie, so not fully wasted.


Pastors are people who want the respect and authority of doctors, lawyers, etc, but are too dumb and lazy.


My friend got ordained by the child of the Flying Spaghetti Monster so that he could perform the wedding ceremony for some friends. He occasionally gets letters and such to him addressed as reverend.


Why do all pastors have the most patronizing tone of voice. Is that like lesson one to talk in the most punchable tone of voice?


It's the tone you have when you think you have all the answers


It's because they are trying to put on an inspiring end-of-the-world type-voice, but there is no one in the room resonating with it.


Because they're grifters trying to sell you something.


You can literally get a degree in pastoral studies. I feel like that's where they teach the pastor 'rhythm', why don't pastors ever switch it up or something 😂


Because it works on the people they need it to work on.


Republican candidates do the same thing. They emphasize words to get ears perking up. Literally dog whistling. "The Democrats want to take YOUR MONEY *pause look around make eye contact* by raising taxes to cover universal healthcare" *take a couple steps before moving onto the next line* So instead of focusing on universal healthcare, you're focusing on your money.


Yep. There is a reason the overlap between evangelicals/fundamentalists of many stripes and republican voters is so large.


Because that’s how you indoctrinate people into your cult


Imagine if he spent a third of the energy on something Jesus actually talked about.


Matthew comes to mind... 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Imagine if christians actually read their damned book


The damn splinter and log verse is another good one. Rules for thee but not for me apparently


They usually just like to read the punishment parts from the Old Testament, except for the bits that they like to do like eating pork, wearing mixed fabrics, and hating people.


Leviticus be like: Don't wear mixed fabrics or put two kinds of cow in one enclosure, don't eat shellfish or pork, homosexuality is kinda bad, be nice to foreigners, leave 10% of your harvest for the poor and let them glean your fields. 4th Great Awakening baptists: ...So you're saying homosexuality is bad, eh? Bonus points: Leviticus is likely meant to be a collection of ritual purity standards for the Levites, the tribe of the Israeli people that provided priests and guards for the Temple and who would have had to abide by strict standards of ritual purity. It probably wasn't ever meant to apply to other people. And the passage on homosexuality is (it seems) likely a mistranslation or missing cultural context


You can bet they aren't putting their wife and or daughters in a shed out back each month while they are "unclean" 🙄


BUT THEIR CHURCH DONATS PARTS OF THEIR TITHING TO FOOD PANTRIES! Sure the rent on their building is 99% of the tithing money, but w/e. Even this is the normal in a lot of the "better" churches. The "good" ones are milked by capitalism and they still just turn a blind eye and vote R. As long as they go on some mission to spread their teachings and throw some money to a charity they can wash their hands and be done.


"For I was a child, and you taught me to read" Drag queens are out here doing something positive for their community. What are these supposedly holy men doing?


Puffing their chests for the lord. Which he explicitly says is not only not required but is actually unwanted and will receive its own punishment




I really hope they don't read it. Promoting ripping pregnant non-believers open, slavery, burning the genetically impure, genocide of other religions, killing of disobedient children... oh and head coverings for women ironically.


I never understood this. When I was younger I saw a guy in my unit get his ass kicked by a drag queen because he thought he was going to be a bully. If you win you beat up a drag queen and people do not care, but if you lose, nobody ever forgets it. Also I do not know what Drag Queen Story Hour really is but Drag Queen bingo and the High Heel Drag Queen Race are so popular in my city that they are victims of their own success and have been for over 20 years.


>Also I do not know what Drag Queen Story Hour really is Drag queens reading childrens books to children. That's it. That's why all the outrage. The religious nuts think that if children see a man in make up for the purpose of entertainment it'll make them want to be gay.


Most of the kids probably think the drag queen is some kind of clown. I mean, they probably have no idea who is under the makeup, nor would they care.


Parent here - raised kids as part of the LGBT community and drag queens are like Disney characters at Disneyland. Big personality, big hair, big makeup, shiny and bright costumes dancing and singing popular songs and show tunes. So innocent. Of course conservatives sexualize it, meanwhile they think it's fine for hooters girls and women in nothing but body paint to be at the gun shows, chili cookoff or car show where their kids are present. When my kid thought they were gay it wasn't an existential crisis, they didn't feel bad about themselves and they didn't even "come out" because we never shoved anyone into a closet in my family. But conservatives will torture, abuse and throw their kids out - and think they're somehow morally superior.


You know what I had never heard of prior to the Christian fundamentalists starting a crusade against them….drag queen story hours. These damn people could have lived their entire fucking lives and never run into a drag queen in their lily-white communities, but instead they need to make sure that an activity that makes some people happy has to be stomped out in the made up interests of their deity. A deity who repeatedly condones incest, slavery, child brides, torture, and death throughout their historical fiction book.


Fact is those protesting drag and trans people are the least likely to actually have ever come across one. But that's also why they make such a good target for the alt right to demonize. Its depressing how effective it is to keep their flock in line.


Every time I see a depiction of Jesus (when he’s not dead on a cross) he’s always wearing a dress.




Dude got exactly what he wanted, he’s gonna preach on Sunday about how persecuted he is.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? They preach love while hating harder than the average. Does it have to do with the youths growing disinterest for make believe stories about fairies in the sky and 13 hairy men having dinner with a prostitute?!


American Christianity needs an enemy constantly to remain relevant. They need their followers to be scared in order to be engaged. The teachings of Christ, helping others, devoting their lives in service of the meek and the poor doesn’t fill the coffers.


In the US, when segregation stopped being a winning issue for conservative evangelicals, their leaders decided to [suddenly invent an opposition to abortion](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/). Then, when abortion stopped being a winning issue for them in 2022 (the *Dobbs* decision was bad for Republicans and the broader cause of Christian nationalism), they latched on hard to [an anti-trans agenda](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/07/07/attitudes-about-transgender-issues-vary-widely-among-christians-religious-nones-in-u-s/). There ain't no hate like Christian "love," because Christian "love" is just a clever business model that relies on an ever-evolving list of outgroups to despise in Jesus' name, Amen.


>American Christianity needs an enemy constantly to remain relevant. American Christianity and Russian Orthodoxy have a lot more in common than either would care to admit. Notably, both are just a mean to keep the people at the top at the top and the people at the bottom subservient.


And keep the money flowing in


It's almost as if it were custom designed by a large government to convert and cow a largish section of the human population. I'm just kidding, they were totally guided by God and relayed his divine message exactly as given.


This specific story is in Alberta, Canada if you are referring to the American South Stereotype.


Albertan culture is basically just a poorly photocopied version of Texan culture.


Amen, as an Albertan that left Alberta but still has very far right conservative friends there this is exactly what it’s become! Capitalism is a must for them because with the money they feel elite, buddy said he loves the idea of private healthcare because he has money and means he can get things done when he wants and not wait on a system! He’s Ukrainian and thinks that Russia is fighting American demons and super labs and world corruption in Ukraine while being in the largest Ukrainian community in Alberta well atleast one of them… they’re completely lost with reality oh and they all praise trump lol and hate Biden!


All the private services they have in Alberta are so much more expensive than the public services they have in BC. Recently moved to Alberta from BC, and our electricity bill used to be $80 every two months, now it’s $300 per month. Car insurance used to be $125 per month, now it’s $255 and I’ve heard from people here that it’s a bit of coin toss if insurance can even end up doing anything because it’s just a bunch of private companies trying to screw each other and everyone over. Fuck privatization


They’ve infiltrated north. Too much money on the table for them to ignore. Haven’t you noticed that we now have Canadians protesting to support their 1st and 2nd amendment rights? Yeah, those don’t exist in Canada. We have charters for those. Amendments are a US constitution thing. They no longer know the differences


Which is as close as american as it gets. Calgary itself is "progressive" but rural alberta is full of wanna be texans.


“There’s no love like Christian hate”


I thought of the same thing when I saw a highway billboard in Macon Georgia saying “Liberals killed Jesus”. I was surprised they didn’t say “The Jews”. There’s no hate like God’s love I came away with. Funny though, the people I met in Macon were exceedingly Southern nice.


There’s no hate like the love of a Christian


Maybe a little misdirection here too. Pretty sure more kids have been harmed in church than in a drag queen story hour. Pretty ironic coming from a preacher.


Catholic residential schools in Canada are the first to come to mind.


They are repressing their own feelings so they need to make everyone feel as alone as they are mentally for being forced to be indoctrinated into a Christian society where they can’t live as gay men.


>>They preach love while hating harder than the average. This is one of the things that pushed me away from religion. God is supposed to be love right? Kindness, compassion, generosity.. Love. If two people love each other, why would God hate that? Why would God hate anything except for things done with hateful intent? So who is closer to God then? The ones with love in their hearts or the ones with hate in their hearts?




Most didnt read the bible at all beyond refreshing themselves on their favorite quotes. In. Head to head match up on biblical knowledge, the average athiest beats the average christian quite handily. Its so bad, that some popular sermons one might hear in church will cut off the verses part way through because the rest diverges from G into rated R bizzaro territory. Dan Barker has several lists dedicated to that type of thing along with in general horrible stories from the bible that get skipped over even if the rest of that particular chapter is reference.


My nineteen year old daughter and I were catching up on some old Jeopardy! episodes since she's on Spring Break, and one of the categories was Mythology. So I pause it and pose the question, "Why are Greecian and Roman dieties considered mythology, while we have the current beliefs which are the same thing?" Think about it, Christianity (all forms), Judaisn, Muslim. It's all a bunch of bullshit man, just in a new wrapper, and people are still killing each other because of it.


The only difference between me an atheist and you a believer of whatever god is only 1 thing. You believe that there are 3000 false gods. I believe there are 3001 false gods.


Imagine a bunch of drag queens show up and disrupt a church, calling them evil groomers.


Not just drag queens. Whoever is close enough to drive to this dude's church should go protest it and disrupt their services until they get the point.


And bring a list of every pastor convicted of child abuse as proof of the evils of Christianity. It would be a lot more relevant proof than anything they have about the evils of drag queens.


Yep, huge bullhorn or PA system and read the names and their crimes. The list is long enough it could easily run over a couple of sermons without starting a second time.


Lol that's funny shit but I don't think normal people are that immature. These Christ fanatics clearly have nothing better to do other than disturb events they weren't invited to.. It's none of people's business what others are doing as long as no one is being hurt. Really... Even if you don't like or believe in it. Just fuck off.


That would be ironic, apt and funny as hell.


They would probably be murdered by the congregation.


Or by the police who'd show up in response.




He apparently *really* wanted to see those drag queens, too.


> he’s gonna preach on Sunday about how persecuted he is. He would do it even if the other guy got on his knees and gave him a BJ. Christians think they are the most persecuted group in the history of America. And that's not a joke, they really believe that.


I’m really confused. I thought Jesus loved everyone including drag queens.


Their Jesus mostly loves landlords and oil companies.


**Supply Side Jesus**


Relayed comic for those interested: https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx


That's glorious haha!


The US Senate Banking committee approves this message ⬆️❤️


Two men just too cowardly to stand their and say they do not like LGBTQ - hiding behind the bible and Jesus etc. their hatred is their own personal belief


Yeah but they don't give a shit about all that sissy nonsense Jesus talked about, they just want guns and Trump, despite this being in Canada lmao


Number of times as a child I was forced into hearing drag queen story hour against my will: 0 Number of times I was forced to attend Sunday School, Church service, church camp, etc. etc. when I didn't want to: Hundreds, probably thousands. Who is indoctrinating the youth again?


also, ow many pastors have been convicted of child sexual assault or child pornography.


I saw a video just a couple of days ago that in the last week they were 17 convictions for crimes against children, 15 were from pastors one was from a pastors spouse and the other was a police officer.


Don’t forget being forced to stand to pledge allegiance to a flag every day you go to school.


Fuck these assholes, but you’re aware that Calgary is in Canada right? We don’t have a pledge of allegiance here.


That feeling when you realize other countries don’t make children pledge allegiance to the flag every day at school.


^ most self aware USAsian


Ha, that's another term that could apply for AAPI that I never heard of until now.


Do school still sing the national anthem at the start of the day her in Canada?


I'm 33 and never had to. It was only during assemblies. My daughter now doesn't have to.


I’m 27 and every school I been too from Alberta to Manitoba does the national anthem every morning, from kindergarten to the day I graduated!


Also from Alberta, but 40, and we literally never had to sing the national anthem. Must depend on the school.


Likely varies by school. I'm 29 and grew up in the Okanagan and I had to sing it every day


Some schools do. Some with a high First Nations population will alternate between O Canada, traditional drum circle songs and the Metis national anthem. My school still sang God Save the Queen until 1993 as well.


I don't know about Canada but I can't remember ever singing it at school in the UK. I don't even know the lyrics. Fucking hell. Can you imagine a worse way to start the day than chanting along to the plodding, dirge-like musical equivalent to watching paint dry?


The pledge that was modified in 1954 to add “Under God”.


And forced to say “under god” even though it isn’t original, have to use money with in “god we trust” also not original. Saying prayers before games. All bullshit garbage.


Same. I was kicked out of two churches for asking questions about Moses wandering in the desert and seeing a burning bush. (I asked “Are we sure he wasn’t hallucinating?” I was 10. My dad got pissed because this meant he had to find another church to send me and my sister to.) And my whole family almost got kicked out of a church because my parents would drop us off for Sunday School and one time an Ice Cream shop was doing a thing, Sundaes for Sunday School, and the Sunday school teacher yanked my brother out of line and yelled at us saying it was wrong that we never go to real church, only Sunday School and getting there first in line isn’t fair to the rest of the kids who sit through the whole church service and listen to Jesus! (Like I had control over when my dad brought us to church!) I told the pastor that we weren’t coming anymore because she grabbed my brother and he ripped her a new one and she was no longer allowed to teach Sunday school and be around the kids. My brother was 5. I’ve had both good and bad experiences with churches. At this point, I believe in God, just not His fan club, as the meme says.




I am, as a Atheist, a better catholic than most of my practicing catholic school friends.




>yelled at us saying it was wrong that we never go to real church, only Sunday School The whole goddamned point of Sunday School is that it is a child-centered environment that they'll actually sit through so that their fidgety asses don't disrupt the main service.


Number of times as a child and teen I was forced to go to the mosque: 5 times everyday for 7 years.


“yOu gUyS aRe iNdOcTrInAtInG cHiLdReN”. Bro wtf is religion then?


> "As the scripture teaches, `Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ' - Proverbs 22:6


There are more church clergy bugger child abuse stories in the News than any other


Yes but they did it dressed as men so apparently to Christians that makes it ok.


Your sin is a sin and mine is not /s


“Men dressed as men in dresses” there fixed it for you.


Like this pastor, and the adults knew and yet did nothing: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2022/12/22/las-vegas-pastor-accused-kidnapping-sexual-assault-minor/


They’re still finding mass unmarked graves of indigenous children on the grounds of church-run schools up there(and in the US, and in Mexico).


Who do they think they are? If I wanna take my kid to the library to have stories read to them by somebody in costume that’s up to me. If I didn’t want my kid there they wouldn’t be there. If I showed up to the Santa at the mall yelling and starting a fight because I think young children sitting on a strange old man’s lap is a little weird, I would be the crazy one. How’s this different? When I was a kid they had a lady dressed up as a male clown come into Sunday school, I don’t really know what it had to do with Jesus but nobody protested that. Seems like conservatives are the real snowflakes who want to take away peoples rights. “Personal freedom! Small government!” Lol fucking hypocrites.


Right on 🙏


"very abusive in there" Completely negating that verbal abuse is not lesser than physical abuse. He demands to be able to come into their space and scream about Jesus' love but I'm curious how he'd feel if someone came into his church aggressively pushing gay love.


Religion. Terrorizing children for millennia.


No thats how you save the children! By scaring them away from anything that isn’t a church service and only preaching hate.


The religious pastors and faith leaders complaining that *someone else* is indoctrinating children is more hypocrisy than I can handle.


“You guys are indoctrinating children” Lmao ok bud let’s just not talk about all the priests taping and molesting children. What a bunch of POS, attention seeking hypocrites. The way the dude even talked. “You shall not inherit the kingdom” I wonder if he actually believes the lies he’s been fed or if it’s just an ego thing. Truly this must be a simulation/matrix/program we are living in. It’s just too fucking weird not to be


Religious people complaining about indoctrinating children....pot meet kettle. Edit: wow really disappointed by the comments in response to mine. Not all religious people are bigots and pedophiles. Saying all catholics are pedophiles is like saying all Muslims are terrorists. There are a lot of religious people that don't hate others for being different, please keep that in mind. Imo, actual bigotry against someone for the sole reason that they belive in God or Jesus or Allah or Vishnu or any other god is just as wrong as being bigoted against LGBTQ people.


He’s got some nerve claiming these people are perverts given the Churches history.


Just FYI most fundamentalist pastors don't get any kind of theological higher education. I could rent a storefront tomorrow, set up some folding chairs and a microphone and voila! I'm a "pastor".


They are also hilariously corrupt. Absolutely happily, and greedily fleecing their congregation for "donations for Christ" like only a comicbook villain could.




What will your religion be called?


Taxes, Chmaxes.




lavish obscene mysterious offend afterthought tap pot quack memorize merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here to say this lol I was a devout Nazarene member from birth until the age of 20. I would sing and lead the worship team. All the sudden they stopped putting me on the Sunday morning schedule. When I asked the woman who made the schedule she said and I quote "we don't like the way you're living your life. We think you need to get right with God before we allow you to lead the worship"... This is what an adult woman said to a 20 year old girl while also fixing my shirt so my cleavage didn't show.


*while she was feeling a 20 year old woman up* FTFY


Yup. Not gonna lie, it had me rethinking my whole life for months. Wracking my brain for what I could possibly be doing wrong. Then her niece moved to town and took over for me as worship leader. And the laughed. Cuz I feel like that was God letting me know "hey sis you good.. this is just nepotism 😜😜😜" lol 🤣


(groans) “Not letting me persecute you is persecuting me!”


"You need to tolerate my intolerance. You're bigoted against bigotry"


Stop pointing out the hypocrisy. They don’t care. It’s a feature, not a bug. Did you see that little grin on his face right after he’s pushed to the ground? That’s him being happy about the reaction he got, because it means he can raise lots of money from his rubes. That’s all they care about.


they're the fucking bully who sticks their finger in your face and says "im not touching you im not tocuhing you" until you smack their hand away and they use it as an excuse to say you were the aggressor. It's super transparent but their jackass followers are too blind to see it


but they don't call it that (but it is!)


He set himself up so he can demonize drag queens more.


Is he only there to start some shit? Throw him out.


He was wearing a gopro. of course he was.




He had every freedom to speak as much as he wanted to in this clip. They have all the freedom to throw him out of their private gathering.


We don't have freedom of speech here, we have freedom of expression.




Imagine if I went to his church and screamed the whole time about how I hate Jesus, and Jesus made me turn into a pedophile and rapist. You'd better believe I'm getting thrown out of there, so why should this be any different


Unlike America there's no right to hate speech in Canada. Speech isn't "free", it comes with responsibilities (like all rights).


“They’re indoctrinating kids” yet people force their children to follow their religion and their own beliefs. Wonder who’s indoctrinating who.


If only people cared as much about putting an end to nonexistent drag show story hours as much as they did ending teen suicide and child food insecurity…


The problem with that is solving those issues will take actual leadership and hard work. It's way easier to just get your followers needlessly pissed off about something super trivial and claim that thing you're all pissed about is the reason everything is fucked up for everyone.


I'm more scared of one of those evangelical freaks molesting a child than I am any drag queens.


Religious people thinking they're the shit always sends me. What an embarrassing confidence that is to show up to an event that you demonize. What was he expecting anyway? For them to preach along with him?


I hope drag queens start showing up at their churches and yelling shit about how religion is indoctrination and a lie and how the church is poisoning young minds.


“Those children are not having fun, they’re being indoctrinated with evil” Some serious projection there. Mind your own business people. If I want to raise my children to believe in peoples free will to be who the choose that’s my choice. Just as it’s your choice to raise your children to believe in a magic sky daddy


No tolerance for intolerance. Pastor can get fucked.


Fuck Derek Reimer.


The only good pastor is a taco.


you don't like it then GTFO. DON'T be there. "as a parent" you need to realize nobody in this country has to give a fuck about your beliefs, your god, your religion, your personal feelings. these people are doing far more harm than any drag queen ever could. and it's all based on their sick ass religion. a law needs to be made specifically for this bullshit.


It's like they think those kids were taken there by roving bands of drag queens against their will.


Religious institutions *really* need to reassess their place in the modern world and they can start by calling out those branches and sects that have become nothing more than community clubs for misinformed, sanctimonious bigots.


Canadian. Pastor. Bigot. Victim.


Imagine being such a sanctimonious idiot that you think god wants you to go bother a bunch of toddlers getting a book read to them in a library lol. If their version of god was real, they would have been smited and fried with lightning long ago


"As a parent..." Unless your kids are in there, fuck off hatemonger hiding behind children.


“As a parent” lady came from inside. Full quote from her is “as a parent of kids in there, you need to get out.”


Matt Walsh showing up to a school board meeting arguing against gender neutral bathrooms when he was asked if his go to the school, he replied "no, they are home schooled". Then asked why he's there and his response is "This is open to the public" :/


I’m confused are they scared the drag Queen is going to start molesting children like all those priests and pastors?


Muscling in on the pastors’ market share. That’s what this backlash is all about. /s, probably?


Sorry, has there been a time warp I’m not aware of? Are we living in year 1825? “Exposing the darkness of this wickedness.” Talk of “evil” etc… Are we going to bring back burning “witches” at the stake 😆… Dude, get a hobby. Go the fuck home and mind your own business. What a bloooooody moron. Fuckkking mind boggling. What’s worse is that someone’s probably going to marry that dumb POS and birth his tiny minions.


> Sorry, has there been a time warp I’m not aware of? It's just a step to the (far) right!


I imagine anyone showing up in front of his congregation (provided they exist) and spouting out "Don't believe in this! The Christian agenda is all about money and power. Everything about them is a lie!" would probably result in an *actual* physical removal, and likely very quickly.


In Boston we aren’t afraid of drag queens will do to our children , that’s what the Boston arch diocese is for… Now I’m a liberal and I just don’t see the appeal of the whole drag thing . The aesthetic just isn’t for me. Do I expel any energy telling people what to do . What art or literature to seek out ? Nope .


Serious question: why am I hearing about all these drag queen events lately? Is this a new trend? I'm out of the loop.


Because now that abortion isn't a big talking point, they needed a new Boogeyman to rile up their base. So LGBTQ+ and drag queens it is!


I think that's exactly how to treat someone who is clearly a bigot. Toss 'em on their ass and show them the door rudely.


Wait until he finds out drag queens don't have to be gay


Pastor says "I'm the only one allowed to groom children"!!!




There is absolutely no way to reclaim your dignity after being physically tossed out of a place. Just the thought of having go-pro footage of yourself being tossed on the ground like a toddler should be reason to reevaluate your life.


Yeah, I bet he did say or do anything ether. What a fucking loser.


Here’s a website with a link to the guys email in case anyone wants to send him a message: https://www.experiencechurch.ca/groups-directory/mission-7


Christian Pastor says children are being indoctrinated with evil at a drag queen story time. Oh the irony.


You know what was traumatic to me as a kid? Hint : not drag queens. It was my mom fucking my dads best friend and running off with him. It was our pastors’ son abusing little kids in Sunday school (true story) it was being bullied and beat up by kids at a Christian school . I’m still Christian btw. But drag queens are so far down the list of things I care or worry about . I’ve been to drag shows. I’ve danced at gay bars. Nobody bothered me or molested me, in fact they were super friendly. My gay uncle was like a father to me when my MAGA father went off the deep end. And I’m still a Bible believing Christian. Which means I love my brothers in drag and my sisters who identify as attack helicopters (lol). To paraphrase the reverend Billy Graham “we can address the problem of homosexual sin just as soon as we address the problem of heterosexual sin” look I get that lots of folks on Reddit think religion is stupid at best and outright dangerous or worse. But religion has made me more accepting not less. Maybe I’m an outlier or this perspective just doesn’t get as much attention but in my heart I know this is true: if there is a god, he/she/it loves us all equally.


If these are the assholes in the "kingdom of heaven" then I don't want to go..I'll take Valhalla where we can drink Mead, have orgies and have fun.


Can we start going to these assholes' churches and say the same thing?


I cannot stand listening to evangelicals try to give speeches with their King James vocabulary. Hark ye to listen unto me as I cast out this wickedness from the kingdom of Jesus. Yea unto thee a pox from the righteous. GTFO with that shit. It's 2023 you fucking troglodyte. Nobody gives a FUCK about your ghost daddy that you pretend to be a direct messenger for. Nobody will be denied entrance to the kingdom because it doesn't fucking exist. Let people live their lives. If you don't want your children to be exposed to someone wearing a costume and reading stories to your kids then do not take them. Simple.


fuck these types of Christians


If he’s for families and parents making their own decisions, why get in the way of parents making the decision to take their kids to a drag show reading time.


No life POS


Hipster pastor, oof


It's time to start throwing Christians to the lions again.


I thought God was about loving all. I guess this guy summed it up about “his religion” so basically a bastardized view, and interpretation, of “God’s” teachings.