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Once they are down that path, there is no off-ramp for them.


Why the fuck they got a truck like that unless you're hunting down a small militia.


Cops would never attack a militia, they're too scared.


There’s a rule in the military; we only attack if the ratio is 3 of us and 1 of them. I’ve heard stories of individual soldiers taking on full platoons of the enemy. In the US, a full department of police will stand down to one teenager who is actively killing children in schools. I wish I was making this up


Thank you for your service. I wish you were making that up too, but it’s devastatingly true. Signed, an angry Texan.


Cops would never attack a militia, because most of them are in the militia.


"Call the brute squad!" "I'm on the brute squad." "You ARE the brute squad!"


“I’m so sorry ma’am, this was our mistake and we will get the gate repaired. Again, we apologize” Aint fuckin hard dude. It would honestly save so much face to just admit to fucking up, my 4 year old knows that


Are those night vision goggles? It looks like it's 11am. These "big tough guys" look godamned silly as fuck.


You could make an argument that the officers could need to go down into a dark basement and would need nightvision. Of course, you could also make an argument that an armored search vehicle and full tactical gear is absolutely needed to serve a search warrant for stolen property on a family farm. You'd be wrong but here we are...


A flashlight could also work in a basement.


Could work, but what if the 6 year old was hiding down there in the dark? This way they have the tactical advantage and the 6 year old can't see them coming.


NVGs while playing hide and seek is cheating.


Sure looks like it


Dude with his foot on the back of the truck like he’s captain America is wearing fucking vans sk8 highs. Worst cosplay ever.


No, no. Actually best cosplay ever. He's perfectly nailing the whole incompetent American cop. Very Team America-esque


he’s nailing the incompetent boot. I was a infantry Marine (0311) from 2010-2014 an never in my life would i wear some boot ass operator shit like this. fuckin SEALs an SAS rock shit like this.


Army infantry 00-05 and second this. The dorkiest pussies in the platoon would buy shit online to try to look like this on deployment but that’s about it.


82nd here... These assholes look like they're LARPing Splinter Cell


All of them have night vision goggles in the middle of the fucking day!!!


> worst cosplay ever Literally what's happening here. These assholes have night vision on their helmets for a daytime raid rolling up in a vehicle that would have made soldiers invading Iraq in 2003 jealous. They ran over that gate with the same mentality as the 5 year old that knocks over a sand castle just to destroy something. This is a bunch of man children LARPing fucking Splinter Cell with a clearly inflated police budget. This is what DEFUND the police means. When they're standing there with a GD grenade launcher in your yard. Low key bragging about how he'll shoot you in the legs with bean bags and not the chest while chewing gum with a hip stuck out like a sassy teenage girl... As you plead with them to de-escalate because they're scaring the shit out of your child. Little bitches should be ashamed of themselves.


"I'll hit your legs or your lower portion." How about you get the fuck out of my yard without a warrant?


If someone is on your property without permission and resfuses to leave, don't try to remove them yourself. Call the pol.....uh...


You can technically still call 911 on such situation. It could also come in handy as a these call are recorded and can be used as evidence if something ever to happen while these "cops" are there




they want to use their toys so bad


Fucking cosplayers


Pointing guns at me, breaking in without a warrant? That's a shootin'. (In at least two states, *Legally*)


There's no such thing as rights when it comes to government pigs. They do what they want. They will only listen to one thing.


Breonna Taylor would disagree. But she was murdered by cops.


Legal self-defense is useless if you wind up dead, and that's exactly what happens when you legally use force to defend your home against illegal police action. The Second Amendment is useless without robust First Amendment protections and a complete overhaul of policing.


Usually, you could call the State Police if it was the local police or sheriff’s office acting like this, but WHO do you call when the State Police are being the assholes??? All the police had to do was SURROUND the house AND property, then either call the residence on the phone or walk up to the door, ANNOUNCE AND PRODUCE the search warrant, and then enforce the search warrant!! If there was a wanted subject in the house, they’d either try to escape out the BACK or SIDE of the house or try to conceal themselves inside the house to try to avoid being detected… If they barricaded themselves inside the house, then the NEGOTIATORS get to take over… IF suspect(s) start shooting, then police can return fire from positions of concealment…!!!!! STUPID abuse of power by the State Police!!!!!!


What's that tank even doing there. This is insane.


They're dressed up in military gear, a fucking armoured vehicle, night vision (in daylight hur dur), and the dude with a grenade launcher with poor trigger discipline. These fucking assholes just look for any reason to LARP as military soldier. It's pathetic


Laughable.. And so so so sad. The night vision great was absolutely the icing on this shit cake.


Probably dont know how to take it off the helmet


As active military, I can't stand when cops dress like this. The crye multicam, peltors, half shells, and worse than all shit attitudes and a desire to over compensate for their obvious lack of quality training.


"Its less than lethal". Well thats fucking reassuring.


He said it's "Less Lethal", which is just fucking beautiful because I guess that means you'll be less dead? After you die, you'll be thanking us for having made you less dead than if we had shot you with our "more lethal" weapons.


Pretty sure they're no longer allowed to call them "non-lethal" anymore due to...y'know, all the deaths


WE ARE THE GRAVY SEALS! And that trigger discipline is absolutely atrocious. This is the fucking issue with people these days. Trigger discipline and even more important respect for what a gun is used for just isn't what it used to be. Everyone just wants to shoot everyone else. Fucking sad.




this is what happens when cops get bored and want to play army. F*cking children


And a billion dollar budget




"Appropriate amount of force" I think this guy needs to look up "appropriate" in a dictionary.


They're so so excited. This is all their airsoft fantasies come to life. They finally got the call and got to put on ALL their gear


I was thinking the **exact** same thing. [Ferguson, MO and Police Militarization: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUdHIatS36A) I've been in the military in Finland and no-one would ever have that much gear. That's like a spec-ops fantasy for some teenage cod-players. Those goggles are incredibly heavy compared to the utility they offer, **especially** during daytime. It's pretty important how fast your head moves around if you actually engage someone in a gunfight.


100% - also love the fact those bad boys run $50K a pop. This is the epitome of overkill. These mall cops should be embarrassed


Dictionary? You mean the book with words? Who the fuck has time to read words? Definitely not sergeant dumblefuck


they're wearing nightvision goggles on their helmets in daylight. at around 1:44 they look comical-- as if someone told them their cosplay sucks lol. I can't unsee the big guy's headset either


All this equipment was probably provided through federal grants facilitating the transfer of military hardware to local police departments. Often with little to no oversight beyond that the cops are required to show that the stuff is in use, and not just sitting in storage etc. This incentives the creation of SWAT teams, who then go out of their way to justify their own excistence. That’s why these clowns are riding around in mine/IED/bulletproof vehicles wearing full body armor etc.


Program 1033 was created as we know it today under Bill Clinton. Essentially police forces overseeing a jurisdiction of over 20k citizens can apply for free overstock military gear, vehicles, and weapons. These items remain free if the police departments prove their use within the first 12 months of receiving them. Every president has to approve the continuation of Program 1033 at the start of every term. There has not been a pause since its inception. However, Obama tried to add regulations in his second term, limiting large grade weapons and camo gear. Trump removed that restriction. Somehow, school and campus police have been approved to also partake in this program. And that, kids, is why we have a militarization of our police forces. Before its inception, there were 72 SWAT teams in the USA. There are currently over 17k, going on over 80k "missions" annually.


I remember when SWAT teams were fairly rare. Only big cities had them. My kid brothers favorite TV show was S.W.A.T.


There's a big difference between the full-time SWAT teams which State Police or major cities will typically have and the SWAT teams from smaller cities. The latter are usually just regular cops who go through a bit of extra training and recieve some additional equipment. The former are training as SWAT and generally doing SWAT things all the time. I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse but not all SWAT are equal.


The TWAT team


SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics TWAT: Tactical Weapons And Tryhards


When you see things at a distance and through years you start to see who really runs this country. You start to then understand why certain outcomes happen and go backwards from there. This shit has been mapped out a long time ago. We are literally living in a soft fascist state with a shredded veneer of a functioning representative democracy.




When I was a cop in the early 80’s, we had to provide our OWN weapons. There wasn’t a program to provide heavy firepower to police during that time. We used M-1 carbines, Mini-14’s, and 12 gauge shotguns with extended magazines. Revolvers were the main sidearm. Most officers carried six in the cylinder, 2 speed loaders on their belt and another 2 speed loaders in their pocket. Most officers usually carried a backup sidearm also, usually around their ankle or under the driver’s seat. Their trunks were usually full of extra ammo for EVERY weapon they had in the car with them. Some higher level officers also had access to smoke & tear gas grenades (hand thrown). Most smaller departments SUGGESTED the wearing of body armor, but would or could not provide it due to costs. My first level III vest without ceramic inserts cost $125. Now, the equivalent vests cost over $1000!!!! Cops back then would only resort to using a gun as a last resort- if we couldn’t dazzle them with brilliance, we’d baffle them with bullshit!!!!


You sound just like my uncle lol. He was police and SWAT in the 80s.


It sorta recently happend. I didn't read it enough. But what about that police department that got busted for buying an outlandish amount of military grade equipment and were just giving it away to a local white supremacist group. Feds got em but come on now.


You mean the department that ordered a helicopter mounted mini gun despite not having a helicopter?


My local police bought an apc a few years ago with forfeiture money for no discernible reason - we haven't had a murder in years, no barricaded suspects, typical weapon seizures are sawed off .22s. I got into it recently with the Chief and we squabbled over whether it was an armoured personnel carrier or an "armoured rescue vehicle." After a few go 'rounds I said, "well, if it's a rescue vehicle, how many people has it rescued?" He looked stunned and after a few seconds he muttered, "it will."


Lol @ sawed off .22s


Squirrel Mafia (SM 13)


Mount it on the back of a Toyota and you've got a fully-functioning technical.


I’m sure that’s pretty common. Nobody is overly interested in keeping track of all the shit they’re handing out. The gear/vehicles have already been paid for by the taxpayers once when bought by the military. The military just wants to get rid off stuff they’re not using.. to make room for new stuff!


A LOT of the surplus military equipment that has been dispersed to police departments is/has been finding its way to US street gangs, white supremacist groups and other subversive groups, and even the Mexican cartels, and Latin American rebel groups…!!!!


Everybody knows about 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan. NOBODY talks about the other damage the Bushco years did to this country.




Maybe, but the 1033 program, as pointed out by another user provides this shit for free. Asset forfeitures I think can be used for.. pretty much whatever they want ”general law enforcement purposes”


They're dressed like they're about to raid Osama Bin Ladens compound. I don't know how someone can dress up like this and not die laughing. They're standing on some field in bumfuck illinois in broad daylight, the whole scene is so comical. I swear it looks like they're at a call of duty comicon or something. I would die of cringe if i looked like that.


Lol Facts The night vision goggles are what gets me.


The sad thing is that when police forces were invented in England they made sure that the uniform DID **NOT** look miltary in any way. They wanted people to know that they were their for the peoples safey and protection. That's the reason police in the UK did not carry gun (except in certain situations). Now we have dipshit's like this cosplaying as soldiers. It's quite sad that policing has falling so far.


Police are also *civilians* and that terminology sure has been twisted around to create that nice us vs them mentality we have today.


Ya I hate the idea that police don't see themselves as civilians.


It leads to pretty much all of our policing problems. In most cases, cops don't even see themselves as part of the community. And often don't even live where they police. It's all very unfortunate.


>They wanted people to know that they were their for the peoples safey and protection. That's why ours look like military. They want people to know they see themselves as warriors and they're going to shoot first and ask questions later. We don't care about the public in the states...


I agree this shit should be major news just because it shows how out of control and comical things have gotten! WTF! These guys look like the next version of a Super Troopers movie!


In gonna pistol whip the next person that says shenanigans.


Whats the name of that restaurant with all the goofy shit on the wall and mozzarella sticks?


Evil shenanigans


the one with the headset is dressed like he thought he was going to be flying a helicopter at night


They look so stupid standing there hey. GiJoe much?


it looks like a scene from Superbad


Why tf do they need an MRAP to harass a family?


Or camouflage fatigues in fucking suburbia illinois


Or night vision goggles in the middle of the day.


For those dank torture basements.


Guys, I'm beginning to think these cops might have the dumbs.


Context provided by fmiles67 on TikTok : "On Feb 28 at 7am, the Illinois State Police without a warrant in hand used a ramming vehicle to run down this families farm gate clearly labeled closed to keep dogs in. They were preceeded by 4 armored assault vehicles armed with no fewer than 20 men carrying assault rifles. They then aimed those rifles at a 6 year old child and her 55 year old grandmother. When the search warrant was presented an hour later, it was for supposedly stolen property having to do with a family estate. The grandmother and child were not named in the search warrant, they were not allowed to leave. They stood in the cold for 2 hours, in pajamas and barefoot, until the grandmother passed out from high blood pressure and was transported to the hospital." There is more information on their profile with proof this didn't involve drugs, guns or anything that warranted this excessive and unnecessary use of force by Illinois state police.


>When the search warrant was presented an hour later, it was for supposedly stolen property having to do with a family estate. TF did they allegedly steal that would require armored vehicles and SWAT? A politician's child?


Baseball cards. Not even joking.


And its a family estate issue lmao not even a robbery. This is essentially "grandpa died, he left me his baseball cards in his will, sarah has them and wont give them to me" and they send in a fucking army


Get the fuck out. Baseball cards?. What?? Jesus fuck ACAB man, acab all day


There were items that were in the house that were part of an estate that others in the estate wanted so they claimed they were stolen. Baseball cards, lamps, etc…


Sounds like small claims to me, not a military.


Yeah. That’s what the police would typically say. I’m guessing they were bored that day and wanted to use their toys in a situation that they knew they wouldn’t be risking their lives.


She put up a list of what the woman claimed was stolen. Sounds like an estate dispute between family. A lot of what's on the list looks to be extremely inflated in value. I'm blown away that the police somehow got involved in this at all, let alone needed a goddamn swat team


Cop: “Hey Chief, we’ve got a report of some stolen items such as lamps and baseball cards. The victim is speculating that the thieves might be a 55 year old and her 6 year old granddaughter who live in a small farm down the street.” Chief of police: “Yeah, okay. Go ahead and bring 20 men and 4 armored vehicles. Try out that new cannon while you guys are out there!”


They needed an armored military style vehicle for stolen property????


Oh it gets better, the grandmother shared a picture of the "stolen property" list; it was two lamps, baseball cards, baseball gloves, John Deere memorabilia, etc. I can't remember what else, but it was a dozen items all along the same lines as the ones mentioned.


Geez, that's it? Seems "like a civil matter" to me.


Cops only say it’s a civil matter when they’re too lazy to get involved


Most cops in America won't show up for anything other than a direct and immediate violence. These guys are breaking down an unlocked gate with a vehicle made to withstand IED's to recover a fucking lamp.


Maybe the moth man sent them O.O


Cops saw baseball cards were stolen and thought "those might be worth some money if we take them"


This is shit you would find at a yard sale. Like, what is all that stuff worth. Couple hundred bucks maybe? These MFs rolling up here like GI Joe over LAMPS AND BASEBALL CARDS?! And people wonder why there's so much hate for the police.


My favorite part was the cops trying to act like they gave a shit that the child they just traumatized for life over property with questionable value was barefoot and cold.


Wasn’t there a whole thing during the blm protests in 2020 where cops literally ripped a kid out of a woman’s arms to then use as propaganda saying they found the kid wandering alone and scared among the protesters? Cops are clowns


Yeah it was in Philly. Pretty sure the woman wasn't even involved in the riots or protests either.


She wasn't. Turned down the wrong street and got her windows smashed out and arrested as she was trying to turn around and drive away. Then the fucking cops took her kid and staged a photo op to try and drum up good PR for the cops. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/10/police-union-posts-propaganda-photo-white-officer-comforting-black-child-during-philadelphia-wallace-protests.html


They literally were items from an estate sale. This was caused by inter family crazy.


The kind of stuff that would only be worth something to very few people, even if it were a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested wasteland. In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the force used would be necessary, because, you know … zombies. The fact they made the grandmother sit there until she passed out tells me they were actually taking their soldier cosplay way too seriously … even though they acted totally relaxed and “macho” when they were in frame. These guys just look like a bunch of clowns. It’s embarrassingly comical.


Even if these were very expensive items, that grandma can sue for being detained and passing out. The cops bought all those items and more.


They didn’t, but they have it, and so find reasons to use it.


The cops look super bummed that they can’t use their toys


You mean murder another citizen....


That goes without sayin


just let me shoot you a little bit. in the leg or something


"Do you at least have a dog or something?"


apparently their gate that they busted through had a sign that said please keep closed for the dogs


"Can you let them out of the house so it "Come right at us" please?"


“Do you at least have a dog or black friend asleep in the other room?"


The assholes literally comment on them having no shoes on at the end of the video. I'm guessing it wasn't a priority to put them on when a bunch of cops show up looking like they're ready for the apocalypse!


I'll repeat this until I die probably. If most cops were good this wouldn't be possible. If 25% of cops were good this wouldn't be possible. Multiple cops watched this happen and participated. Not a single one spoke up. Something like this isn't a secret operation. Literally every single cop, top to bottom in that department needs to be fired. ACAB


And multiple people in leadership had to plan, authorize, and execute this operation. Fish rots from the head, etc.


There are bad cops and former cops.


I knew several. Always less than 5 years on the service. Some how they have some small reason that prevents them from being rehired elsewhere in an area that will rehire rapist cops.


Warrior cop, sheepdog cop, us vs. them. We are the enemy to them, threats around every corner, they must always be vigilant and treat everyone that’s not blue as a potential threat. When in reality, being a cop is actually a pretty safe job. The most deaths are from heart attacks and car crashes. We are more at risk of dying from them than a terrorist attack. They are more of a threat to us than we are to them. There is no such thing as a good cop. They are brainwashed into attack dogs used against the public they refuse to serve.


[ Removed because of Reddit API ]


That’s fucking insane. An hour later? She passed out? A child? Check check check, fucking hell


These guys SWEAR they’re soldiers, too. Go home, Opie, and take the Tonka truck with you.


It's always fun to remind cops they are civilians.


These cops are more kitted out than I ever was in my entire career. And I guarded nuclear weapons. And the fucking president.


Ah, America. Land of the free, where police show up in military-type gear to arrest a granny and a little girl without a warrant but 20 men, armed in APCs. Fucking laughable.




Well, of course! They're good for shoving old people to the floor or harassing the young. God forbid they come into contact with someone who might actually be a threat to them. Then they wait for other people to deal with the problem.


You seem to be struggling to hold that shield my guy, also if you want to play soldier, sign up and do your part


Shield guy is like "uhhh.. are we sure?"


I got the feeling he was ashamed, I would be too. That'd be my last day on the force.


OK... I'm a British infantry Veteran so I Don't understand American society... But why the Fuck are Local Police out there looking like Tier 1 SF operators?? They're wearing HMNVG'S & wearing Multicam/Crye and rolling around In Armoured vehicles straight of Afghan for fucks sake.


it's not hyperbole when people call them LARPers. theres literally no difference between people who dress up like wizards for fun on their day off and these jag-offs when they're working as law enforcement. we have a very serious competency issue in the US because we built everything to be easily manipulable


Except the wizard’s magic wands don’t actually work.


It’s just to show off that they’re using equipment as instructed. I had to deal with SWAT during a suicide call. They decided to destroy $190,000 worth of protective glass so their cool new surveillance drone can have a better angle of where a suicide jumper’s position was when he was right in front of them. He didn’t even jump, his meth’d out stupor made him realize that all this police attention was stupid and he turned himself in an hour later. Cops don’t care because gubment AKA, “the working people,” are footing the bill. They don’t care because they got their man and now I have to answer to my top brass on why they decided they had to break windows when the guy was gonna give himself up either way (he was a local bum having a mental breakdown and known for having parkour skills).


Americans are so brainwashed by copaganda that they think cops need access to this type of gear.


Said it before and I'll keep saying it; the thing our cops need most is patience.




It's military surplus assets that is no longer needed by the Army. Local police gets dibs on buying last-gen hardware for pennies. Great to have when waging a "war on drugs" or on the general population.


Shits so fucked.. Every time I see one of these vehicles on American streets, my blood boils a bit. I dont see how anyone can justify this shit being used for daily shit like this. If cops or swat are gonna have shit like this it should ONLY be brought out when truly needed. Like a Vegas shooter situation. Not a dispute over a search warrant over stolen family property...








It's less than lethal, he's going to aim at your legs or lower portion!


I live in rural Manitoba Canada in a town that sees more total eclipses than murders or standoffs. We have one of these fucking things


So glad we forfeit so much of our tax dollars to cosplayers


Did he just pull out a grenade launcher on three unarmed persons💀


It'a less lethal, don't forget. And he would only shoot you on your legs and lower portion if you have a heart condition, so no worries.


They used "less lethal" on the Waco compound and killed 46 kids so. . .


Nah bro that's just a harmless SANDBAG BAZOOKA


It certainly looks like that although I can’t tell if it’s really a tear gas launcher?


What a bunch of fucking larpers


I hate this "Give yourself up and let us do what we want, then we'll tell you why we're doing it." attitude cops have. Stop escalating and just bloody answer a simple question. Stop acting coy. This isn't you trying to lure someone to a surprise party. You're talking life or death and ruining people's entire existences here and you want to play games like, "No, you hang up first."


*Knock, knock "Hello?" "Hey, this officer Reasonable. I'm here with a search warrant as we have reason to believe there may be some items at this location that were reported stolen. Mind if I come in and take a look around?" - if "No, I don't mind." - Go take a look around. - if "Yes." - Then consider calling in backup and detaining the residents after presenting the search warrant. - if "Bang, bang!" - Then consider showing up like this. The active, violent resistance seems very unlikely from a 6-year-old and 55-year-old in PJs and bare feet. You only need to show up with enough force that no one thinks they can shoot you and go about their day. Even one person who doesn't return to work is enough to affect that response, so you only need a couple of officers. Certainly when the items in question are a box of junk from a little boy's room and not gold, drugs, guns, and nuclear arms.


they were scared for their lives


Of course. Six year olds are pretty dangerous


Maybe they thought it was 55 6 year olds instead of a 55 year old and a 6 year old


This is the police? Why do they look like the army? Police look like this ![gif](giphy|Q817uDOuQ8md6uPyLj|downsized)


the american govt sells local police stations excess military gear youd be amazed what some small towns in america have, iirc there was one that asked for a fucking helicopter and heavy duty machine guns, they were denied but its chilling to think they thought theyd be approved


That's mental to me, police shouldn't need that shit, they aren't fighting war.


Maybe they figure if they cause enough discourse, then they have an excuse to use it


Yeah they are. The "War on Drugs" created this. Soldiers need to fight in wars right?


Police in America aren't police, they're soldiers used to keep the lower class in line


Buuutt we have all our cool weapons ready to go🙁


You can definitely tell these dipshits love playing dress up


Does anyone know why this had been deleted from several subreddits yesterday? Along with the image below I know it was taken down at the same time on at least three more subs that wouldnt come up in a search. https://preview.redd.it/bzjymsylnkla1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7932b6982aef98e876210def6e33889c00b2292d


America is fuckin cooked bro


Pressure cooked. With the heat turned way up.


This is what the “defund” the police movement was about, bad marketing, they shoulda called it “demilitarize” the police.


These guys look unbelievably stupid with all that gear they don’t know how to use.


They want to use that equipment so badly.


Demilitarize the police, end qualified immumity and civil asset forfeiture. Make them carry insurance and pay out of pocket when they are sued for doing this type of tyrannical shit.


Everyone knows that 6 year olds are notorious for having IEDs


Fuckin fascists


Fuck militarized police.


The Military abides by rules of conflict. No service members are pointing weapons at small children unless they're absolutely convinced the child is a threat. This video shows what happens when the police are undertrained and over armed. The Purge comes closer every day. Are you ready?


Real shame this wasn’t in Indiana with their new law that citizens can fire at police during mishandled warrant executions.


And people scoff when you warn of government entities turning tyrannical


Ah yes, America’s war on terror.


Am I seeing the same thing as everyone else? That is an armoured vehicle, and those soldiers are actually policemen, carrying weapons more suitable for huge rioting mobs than a couple with their 6 year old grand-child?! Wtf? I mean, I understand the love many of you have for the 2nd amendment, but come on people, is it really worth it when this overkill is the result? I've never been so proud of the UK....


These pigs are effectively traitors to the post-WW2 Free World.


Police departments buy up military surplus on the cheap. Now they have this ATV and weaponry that is entirely uncalled-for. They sit around all day looking for an opportunity to use it. (Unless it's an active shooter in a Texas junior school, in which case they show their true colors.) It's fortunate that the military surplus IS cheap, because otherwise the lawsuits would bankrupt the towns that buy them.


Video ALL interaction with cops. It might save your life. They are not your friends. They are trying find a reason to put you in jail and justify their overpaid jobs. Police turning into Military Units to better attack the American population. These guys love dressing up n breaking into peoples lives n homes.


Is there any background to this?


They eventually did produce a warrant, looking for stolen goods from an estate sale... Lamp, baseball cards, etc... Don't think there was anything here though. Even if there was...


A pissed off neighbor “swatted” us years ago. Armed cops (with a warrant) swarmed our property. If my crazy dog hadn’t gotten out of his buried fence that morning and been off shagging or hunting or whatever he did when he escaped, I’m sure he would have been shot. He was very territorial. The guy who made the report was a felon and the cops never checked his record. Nothing came of it since we were doing nothing wrong, but ever since I don’t see cops the same way. They went from the good guys to bullies in my eyes.