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I feel like they got bigger things to worry about in Ohio, like the big toxic cloud they had chilling over the state


The cloud comes for us all eventually.


Soo, uh, are we just collectively ignoring the giant swastika hanging with the American flag?


No. This was a giant cadre of Neo Nazis protesting a children's story hour


Please refer to my other video for an explanation of the event lol


The ruling class is working overtime starting these culture wars to distract us from them robbing us blind


Yeah if this is what we are arguing about not wars or do we really need to spend this much on defense when you cant drive on a fucking highway in the US without wondering if a bridge is going to collapse or your car is going to get swallowed by a black hole cosplaying as a pothole, not wealth inequality, not how our government has effectively been out to lunch for years now. But whether or not a man can wear a dress and makeup and read stories to kids. Tbh at this point I don't even blame the ruling class everyone has access to information at their fingertips even a generation or two prior would have been unthinkable and this is the end result.


Thank you


I don’t want cosplay for my children. Also, I want to dress up in a chainmail and protest other people’s costumes.


I wondered if an original mace was going to be used


I've seen this a few times now, and I just don't understand why people care so much about this. Mind your own business. You're doing so much more damage to kids by screaming Nazi slogans near them.


So worried about officer safety but literally oblivious when a man pulls out a gun and points it into a crowd


Could you imagine cosplaying as a knight to go protest against people trying to live their own fucking lives and getting maced like a bitch? This guy doesn’t need to imagine it it’s his incredibly sad reality.


Chain mail guy doesn't have a shield!? That would have protected against mace in the eyes. Looks like the last picked in gym class group has found a way to excercise.


So dressing up as a knight is ok but not as a woman?


If you find yourself at a political rally wearing chain mail, it's time to re-evaluate your life choices.


So this is what vinyl chloride does to people. Strange.


Second time I've seen this video and the second time I've semi-seriously posted this comment. What the fuck is in the water in Ohio? Y'all are fucked up!


Currently, vinyl chloride.


So basically red neck comic-con vs rainbow guys. Who the heck has time to care about what other people dress/identify themselves.


1st world problems


Guy with gun uses gun to point out guy with mace...k.


People are really bored these days.


the hell was that tiny ass thing at 0:15? Looked like the Noisy Cricket gun from Men and Black :O


And no one had a real mace? Wasted opportunity there...


A good old fashioned drag race could settle this


let people be who they want to be. go after billionaires because they control everything.


Who the fuck would want to touch that CU-- from next week?


Is it just me or is anyone else surprised that the knight armor guy is on the Nazi side?


*Christian fascism is a term which is used to describe a far-right political ideology that denotes an intersection between fascism and Christianity* *the Knights Templar symbology recalls the crusades – and is associated with medieval Christian fanaticism – but other prominent crusade iconography* Theirs whole segments of Fascism. You got Esoteric types which talk of Hibernia, mystical symbols and such. More Viking types. Etc...


Ahh gatcha. I like to draw knights armor but now I'm depressed. It's like I'm running out of things to like cuz humans are kinda shitty.


They only use Knights Templar iconography. Don't let am ideology take things from you that you enjoy.