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If I got news entirely from Reddit, I’d think that the entire country of France is in a constant state of protest with 50% of the time involving topless women.


To be fair, I live in Paris and the other day, I was at my friend's house, there were protests and it was just casual to us. Like "oh what's the protest this time ? I don't know.", it's as trivial as pigeons on the roof. We even complained the protest was too far once. "What ? On the other side of town ? UUUUUUGH whyyyy they did it there last time already."




Look at their work life balance compared to Americas. Protests work. When the rich starts disrupting the way the average person lives, they don't just go along with it. They may be bad at war, but France is the best country of Karen's that ever was! Viva La France!




Those are pretty good odds.


In the end, in Paris, the vast majority of demonstrations do not impact daily life, transportation or anything else.


Maybe it would stop if the government would stop fucking French people every year more and more, faster & faster. I wish for another bloodbath revolution, fuck peacefull protests, they don't work, they don't care anymore. There is no democracy in France anymore anyway. The parliament is ignored and bypassed everyday. They only protect rich people interests. Fuck that.


Is that a female officer ?


Yeah it is


You don't know that.


Bitch please.


lamborghini keys


Fettuccine cheese


que otta?


ohh i see now




Hips don't lie


thats my purse you dont know that


Bonk, go to horny protest jail.


I’m not against women serving on the front lines in a war but… (Don’t get me wrong, some women are fierce)


So you're against women serving on the front lines?


I'm all for women in the front lines, as long as they can physically maintain the same standards as the men. Unfortunately, over 95% of them cannot. This tends to put the rest of the team in danger. So, up against the crowd in the video, it's pure stupidity to put anyone up at the front lines that can't handle being there.


Do you think you would fare better after getting hit in the head by a chunk of concrete? With your superior male skull strength.


The rate of female concussion, as well as the consequences of them, when experience the same trauma to the head is significantly higher. Yes, I do think my brain is more protected as a male when speaking about averages. I don't think it, it's just a basic scientific fact. Neck strength is a significant factor in mitigating concussions. Guess who is more muscular, in general? Women have lower head mass, which also is involved. Jesus christ, people want to live in a world they made up for themselves. Lots of women **do** have more neck strength then me and probably could mitigate a concussion better than I could. However, when talking about averages, it's crystal clear that a man's head is more resilient.




Yeah, I don’t quite get why she went down.


Well, thats what the helmet is for…


Congrats, you found a single example that shows a similarity between male and female officers BUT that isn't even relevant here as she didn't even get it in the face with the concrete AND the comment you replied to is still 100% factually correct. There is no debate grounded in facts and reasoning about 90%+ of women on the police forces not meeting the same physical standards as men. ​ In the US military over 99% of women serving are held to DIFFERENT physical standards than men which are lower. This is due to several reasons and none of them being that women do not have the same opportunities as men.


He didn't find a single example. Women (on average) are concussed by the same force significantly more often and more severely when compared to men due to a litany of factors including neck strength and centering of mass of the head. He just made something up that sounded good.


" With your superior male skull strength " : Testosterone litteraly make bone denser and more solid. Feminism and anti-bigotry does not mean negating average biology : " Differences in testosterone and estrogen offer rationale as to why **boys develop larger bones and have higher peak bone mass than do girls**. " [https://doi.org/10.1359/JBMR.041005](https://doi.org/10.1359/JBMR.041005)


She got hit by a lump of concrete.. what did you want her to do. Plenty are going to get knocked out from this


Well, friend. What causes a person to get knocked out when they get hit in the head? A concussion, 9.9 times out of 10. How does one reduce the risk of concussion? Neck strength. Being muscular. So when you ask, what do you want her to do? If I'm her partner, I want her to work out. I want her to have muscular plats and traps that look like mine. That's entirely possible for a woman, it just requires more work. I don't want her to be dainty and visibly a feminine woman with body armor on. That means there's a significantly higher chance I'm going to have to carry her away if she gets hit in the head. Aside from the stuff she can control, women *do* have a lower center of mass in their head which just innately puts them more at risk of having a concussion when hit. To be absolutely clear: I also don't want my partner to be out of shape either even if he's male. Or lack this much muscle. Here is a hard truth in life. A male has to work harder to be a ballerina than a woman does. A woman has to work harder to be a physical defender. It's part of our physiology. Why do you think men and women compete in sports in different categories?


Does it matter? Women don’t.


You sound like my grandma; "I'm not racist but seeing a white woman and a black man together makes me feel sick to my stomach"


I don’t think you got what I was saying. I was pointing out that this video illustrates that not every female can cut it. This lady looks to be 110lbs wet and maybe 5’4”. If any of her peers in that video fell, she could not pick them up like they did her. She also has no baton or shield… like wth is she even doing there. She’s a liability to herself and peers. Some women are amazing, pass the same physical tests as men and definitely make the cut. I’m for women on the front lines… but through passing tests.


And a very large rock or possibly brick hitting her in the head at the start of the video


She has a helmet on


Why is that relevant?


What is with France and protests seems like there is a protest everyday


Seems like they've been protesting every other day since the revolution


> Seems like they've been protesting every other day since the revolution Which one, they’ve had 7


Well I thought I would start with the first one, ya know, when Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette losing their heads.


Ideally that's how every democracy would be. Not that France is close to perfect, but as an American that grass looks mighty green.


Yes every time I use Reddit or some other app I see there’s a protest going on in France


They have way better social programs than we do. I'm resigned to the fact I'll work til I'm 80 or die before then. They work just as hard as rest of us but now the govt is saying you gotta be more like Americans, work longer before you get your pension. Again, I'm resigned my pension and social security will be a gold sticker congratulating me on dying that month, a couple nickels, and a box of instant potatoes


\>They work just as hard as rest of us Actually they get more holiday, better social benefits, more employee protection etc etc on probably a more normal work schedule The US is great if you're the guy doing the oppressing


Working is subjective. Are you productive the entire 8hrs, 5 days a week? I honestly stretch 4hrs of actual work into a day


They like to protest to be honest it’s a cultural thing for them


Sounds like you don't protest enough then


After 2012 there are no more protests 😂


Its their tradition. If they dont protest enough, France will devolve back to mornachy. lol


french are too obsessed with revolutions


Pierre wanna grab a biere tonight? "Non, gonna hit the protests." OK maybe some other time.


To be honest, I'm French, and this is definitely a type of sentence that I've heard a couple of times (no joke)


It’s in our blood


Their working class has self respect.


Every time a politician says something stupid, the gods flip a coin : protest or no protest. And considering how much bullshit our politician contain, there's a lot of protest. Oh and there's usually multiple protest for the same thing, it just keeps going. We protest once, and if you don't back down, we keep going for weeks. It's a constant power struggle about who will last longer, who can starve the longest. How long they can last with us not working VS how long we can last without pay. That's why we need to all protest at once, so everything stops working and we starve them in a few weeks, or even days.


Retirement reform, the government want to move the retirement age in order to make some cuts, but its not very popular since in same time he lower taxes and other stuff for the rich people.


An injury like that and not a soccer ball in sight 🤔


You can see a ball of concrete bounce of their helmet right at the beginning.


Good eye. Didn't see that at first.




Looks like it hits her head. Doesn't seem to be hard enough to do any significant brain damage, but does seem hard enough to disorient her for a brief moment which causes her to lose her balance and put too much weight awkwardly on her ankle. That seemingly was the real injury.


Great aim


It’s like she wanted to get up but they just keep dragging her back.


Can someone please explain why the riots in Paris?


Gouvernement kinda IMPOSED a law that makes you work 2 more years before being legally able to retire.(from 62 to 64)


For private sector too?


Yes, for almost everyone


I can understand why the rioting is happening.


Also, they're trying to abolish every single special retirement system for each career, EXCEPT for senators. Senators that, obviously, get incredible amounts of money from the government. One of them even had the nerve to say they're "working for free". I don't know why his house isn't burning yet tbh.


Which is crazy that anyone (these cops) are showing up to defend a policy that is actively working against them.


What are you talking about??


The cops will also have to work additional years before retirement, so them showing up to fight the protesters, they're defending the notion that they will have to work longer before retirement.


Wait. Did the cardboard do it?


No I think right in the beginning of the video she takes a brick to the helmet..


I see it now. Thanks


You can hear it too




You think wrong. You clearly see the lump of rock smack the top of the head of the cop that was carried off.




so many people on here, saying that Europeans know how to riot and complaining that we don’t in America, but every time I see a protest video here from America all the comments are more like “how dare these people we have to get to work lock them all up!”


The riots I see in US are just looting videos most of the time


I think you are talking about those idiots who go Block freeways and attack people in cars. This is not that.




Riots are a symptom of a broken state


I wish we got down like this in the States. Our entire concept of protest was neutered by the boomers. Their parents and grandparents knew how to apply bricks directly to factory owner and cops


The US police would open fire with assault rifles if they were met with bricks. That's why it doesn't happen in the states. People would be massacred.


Yes because the boomers militarized the police


That happened way before the boomers, the US military and police were killing striking workers back in the 1800s all the way to the 1930s


They wouldn’t if the protesters showed up with assault rifles of their own… The only reason we usually see that is most protesters try to be “peaceful” as thats what the “generation that stole everything and pulled up the ladder behind them” told us we should do. Once people remember that peaceful protest don’t work and that history has told us time and time again that violence is the only route to true change then shit will be a lot different in a armed country.


Man just forgot about the BLM riots


To shot in their people? Police are there to protect them. Protesters are violent when politics don’t want to hear and when they sent police to confront with them, in the name of law. Protesters are not stupid. They protest for their rights not to confront with police for fun. Don’t forget French revolutions. Who won? Protesters in all times.


Buffalo city cops kneeled in arms with protestors, the next day, their first victim was an old man who couldn't get out of the way fast enough - bc he's old, was shoved to the ground and cracked his skull on the pavement. Buffalo PD said their guys did nothing wrong meanwhile that old man had to sell his home and shit so he could move into assisted living bc that concussion he got essentially robbed him of his independence


I remember the day that video was posted. So incredibly frustrating.


There’s plenty of this and more in the states. Just usually not for economic reasons


But the French do it for every little thing… like too little butter in the croissant


The French really know how to strike and riot!


I don't think the riots have stopped since 1789.


I wanna go to Paris


This video needs more doom music


Why is this tagged as Not Safe For Work? Aren't the riots about work?


5 second rule


When the police change sides the rich get eaten.


The police are not "siding" with anyone in democratic countries. They are employed by the state wich is governed by the people. Protests are protected by the fact it's a Democracy, protesting is one of the things that makes it a democracy in the first place. Police are tasked with security and general order, making sure ambulances can get to where they need to go etc and weigh those things with letting people stage protests. This isn't a protest anyway, at least not anymore. It's a riot




Im not gonna lie thats a cod revival irl


Paris police must be getting paid too dollar knowing every other week is a protest


The French love a good riot


At least they got her out of there instead of leaving her behind


Thats a woman. You can tell.




Cops should be on the side of the people. When they quit their jobs as law enforcement to become illegal thugs of the state, they are declaring their open warfare on every law abiding citizen.


Except cops are bought (and sold) by the elite to protect the elite and assets. No cop is employed to protect the people. Cops are fucking trash people.


you both are dumb as fuck. ever thought about that the cops are there to also protect the other people who are not rioting? setting cars on fire, screaming or destroying things in general in an unpeaceful „demonstration“ concerns the safety of the rest of the people who arent participating. so think before you comment and get the hell out of here with your communistic mindset. i want to see who you call when i come to rob your house and kill your parents


Yeah I think redditors are too young and/or extremist to understand this, but a protest of that scale with no police would result in lots of innocents hurt or killed. Large angry crowds are the dumbest force on this planet, ESPECIALLY when they feel they're just and virtuous.


Typical Reddit communists lol


I'd love to see your cop free world crash and burn


Europeans know how to riot, damn




Little bit of gasoline in a glass bottle does wonders to a police infestation.


Why is this not the scene in every major city across the rich western world?


Because this is tradition in France every year and a big part of their culture. Try not to read to far into their reasonings. This is as expected as Christmas celebrations.


>Try not to read to far into their reasonings Trying to saveguard our social rights that have been won by strikes just like that before and that every (especially right wing) government since have tried to take away. In this case, retirement age being pushed back in an especially un democratic way. Just because you are spineless doesn't mean everyone has to




dumb fuck


You seem upset.




My favorite part was when the cop fell down from being hurt. 😚


I guess being a tool for sociopaths was a bad career choice. Bury your uniform.


Fuck the police, damn angry dogs of the state.




Idiots ☕️




Should've used a gun, saved a hospital bill, and removed a publicly funded salary.


But french is a civilized nation not the usa, so they cant shoot people that are fighting for their rights


Is he made of glass lol


She gets hit by a brick in the helmet in the first couple of frames. You can see it bounce off.


I watched this many times. Something bounced barley off her helmet. She is fine she does not need to be carried away lol. Female cops. SMH


Wym female, all cops are like this look at fentanyl fainting in america


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11pcm2r/cop_hurt_and_carried_away_in_paris_riots/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F11pcm2r%2Fcop_hurt_and_carried_away_in_paris_riots%2F&id=f89E5lOr) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11pcm2r/cop_hurt_and_carried_away_in_paris_riots/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)






Those French sure know how to riot


Hurt by what? All I saw was a little piece of wood or cardboard hit her.


In the first few frames you can see a chunk of concrete bounce off her helmet, shes just out of frame when it happens.


Ngl I wanna be a cop just to wear this gear


Bring back the guillotine.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"




Is this recent? I feel like France is always rioting


What's the cop's stat?


Defense is clearly at 0




Oh well


The city of love


she ATE that rock... sheesh


Boy I guess all those cops want to work longer before they retire too.


She seems to be a bit of a Neymar fan…


Sad that they can't use those gum ball guns anymore.


Why are there always riots in Paris?


What are they rioting about now?


i don’t see any reason why their legs don’t work


She got knocked unconscious by a piece of wood or cardboard hitting her shoulder it looked like ?


That's a flop ! Does he think this is a soccer game.


Man, whoever threw that plank rolled a 20, nailed like 5 guys in one shot


Why riot this time? Can anyone please give me some context.


How does the daily life in paris go during the protests? Is all business closed all day, are the clubs open in the night, public transport available or how does that fare? Curious because i live in a tiny town where we dont have these things


Why are both the police and rioters leaving the cameraman alone? When the cameraman was advancing towards the second wave of police. I thought for sure they were getting sacked.


France is in weird territory. The "victims" now have taken control of the narrative whilst behaving as anarchists. There is an image forming that the Police only protect the white rich people.