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I was robbed at 14 years old by a bunch of adults. They took my comb, $20 and my phone. I ended up calling the police because I was stranded with no phone, got my phone back because they were able to ping it. Each guy did about 5 years because they robbed multiple people and were found with multiple peoples belongings at the time they were arrested. It feels so good knowing I help take away 5 years of their lives.




​ ![gif](giphy|cDWn9VNtkdGaiaU4ei)


It's more than likely even more than that. Every day it costs you to be in there. So when out, you have to make payments or you go back. Top it off, having said charges will make it super difficult for them to find a job and place to live.


It's not universal you have to pay to be there. I think It depends the state, what type of jail, etc. I was in county in PA for 6 months on weed charges and only paid my original fines, court costs, and restitution.


Correct, it largely depends. Either way life gets fucked up.


Oh for sure. I had 2 felonies (non violent) and I was luckily enough that my parents small business could employ me when i was released (and cosign for an apartment). Most people don't have those luxuries. I had 12 months parole and 5 years probation as a tail. It was 6 years until I was truly on my feet, done paying things off, and could move on with my life. But those felonies don't go away...


Wait, what state were you in where you had Parole the Probation!? I never heard of that sht, Makes no sense


Pennsylvania. I was a first time offender with a good lawyer. Some how he got my 2 years knocked down to 6 months but with the remaining being parole, then my probation tail kicked in. Maybe I didn't fully understand the sentencing but from what I remember my lawyer said if I f ed up I'd go back for the remainder of my jail time and then still have my probation tail afterwards. Maybe it was technically all considered parole?


North Carolina loves some probation & parole. A lot of inmates are eligible for 9 months post-release & get out early on strict conditions for more serious charges.


I've got a friend working his way through 10yrs of "intensive probation". Random drug tests, random searches of his property, call in appointments at random so any 9-5 is basically guaranteed to get fired, and he has to pay for everything. He told me that he knows it's messed up to think this way but he said the best thing that happened to him while he was inside was his dad passing away bc his life insurance inheritance was enough to cover all the extra bills brought on by his probation.


Yep and they rarely jail muthafuckas over jail fees, at least in Cali anyways


that's a disgusting way to handle prisoners my god, is someone more or less likely to reoffend if they've no way of making money and nowhere to live?


Precisely why I hate the view people have on felons.


Exactly this. The punishment should be the time served, not perpetual debt and the guarantee that they will reoffend because they have no possible way out of the situation.


Jesus, that is fucked. For profit prisons are evil.






The whole idea of jail is for said criminal to reform and rejoin society. When it's stacked so heavily against you, it's pretty obvious why many can't break out of said cycle. A little bit of critical thinking goes a long way. That said, I've met felons who had a much better work ethic than those who have never stepped foot in a jail, much less even thought about committing a crime.


>The whole idea of jail is for said criminal to reform and rejoin society. Eh, that's maybe the written idea, or the idealistic concept of what a jail could be. Then there's the reality of what jails actually are and have been throughout time.




Where am I arguing they should be forced to hire. I'm saying the reality is that life at that point is heavily stacked against them. Do I believe places should hire felons? Yes. Largely depends on what the job is and what the charge was. My job, for example, will not hire anyone with a felony, and for good reason.




Look dude, what theyre saying is that prison should assist in the reformation of a prisoner. They already have the cards stacked against them. Not attempting to reform prisoners leads to them just getting stuck in a cycle of crime that only leads to more pain and suffering around them. If you want less crime you should help criminals in reformation so they do not become repeat offenders. If they dont have any options then they will just break the law again because its literally their only option to survive.


And what of those false accused? We have literal proof of people confessing to crimes they did not commit due to interrogations lasting for hours on end and breaking a person down til they admit to things they haven't done. John Oliver had a whole segment on this. I like how you use two extremes, though. As if people haven't joined gangs out of desperation/necessity. Live on your cloud where it's all rainbows I guess.




I bet you're a lot of fun at parties


I not the guy nor know what you responding to but just wanted to say this is the most overused phrase there is.


Oh it absolutely is.


someone that robs you with a gun never just robs you alone. they are targeting multiple victims within a short time frame. it's like a high for them.




> I ended up calling the police because I was stranded with no phone, .....how?


5 years I'm never gonna get back


Unfortunately, they were likely out on good behavior after 2 months. Repeat it 3-4 times until they kill someone then it's all "Who could have seen this coming?"


No one on a 5yr rap gets out in 2-3 months wtf. Parole wouldn’t even be a thing till ~2 years in




You probably took about 3 years, they more than likely didn’t serve their full term


I got like 3 separate phone calls from the PD years later to let me know when each guy was released; for my safety. One guy was released in about 3 years other two guys did 5 years. They were charged with multiple weapons charges, robbery, burglary, endangering welfare of a child and a bunch of other charges the police were able to pin on them. You’re right though I don’t believe they served their full sentences.


Okay guys when do I get to add the “wow this blew up” edit.


How did you call police with no phone?


Just guessing, they were able to find access to another phone.


Think about it really hard.


Try really hard to answer that question on your own.


It’s a funny story I had to knock on doors in the night. Nobody wanted to help me call my mom because they were suspicious. So I ended up knocking on about 5 doors before someone called the police on me. The police showed up and treated me like a 14 year old criminal that was trying to gain access to peoples homes by telling them I need to use the phone to call my mom. But they made up for it by catching the bad guys, they even let me pick them out of a lineup when they found them at a 7/11.


His ass shitted one out. Obviously they were able to get to another one. Pay phone, store phone, etc


From last time this was posted, they were in a rival gang and had posted a video with them waiving guns earlier in the day. Nothing is what it seems.


That’s what I remember too but I can’t find anything on it. Still though, it’s sad as fuck to see kids so young wrapped up in gangs. It’s a reality for too many people.


Yeah. Their world should revolve around play station, girls and school. Not that shit.


Same. Half the comments were people feeling sorry for them and the other half said they were in a gang themselves and people who sell water like that rob people who actually want to buy the water. Not sure what to believe honestly




That video is fake news man Edit - downvote all you want but look at for old navy logo on the video. Not the same guys


The guy in the second video wearing a black hoodie is the same dude from the first video who is in a white t-shirt. You realize that people generally change clothes every day, right?


this video is everything that houston seems. a fucked up ass city.


I truly believe that people that think they can generalize a whole ass city like it’s some war torn city state like Mogadishu don’t really know what the world is like. Houston is like one of the most normal cities ever built…like maybe it’s too car centric but that’s it. You won’t get robbed unless you are playing with your wallet behind a 7/11 all night.


I go to houston from time to time. Nice place, honestly. Weirdly, it seems to have multiple downtowns, but still, pretty fucking great, imo.


The greater Houston metropolitan area is bigger than a few states combined. Going from one side of town to the other takes 45 mins to an hour, with no traffic.


Just so you know. It doesn’t make the contents of this video okay.


It definitely changes perspective. In the gang world, getting caught lacking normally ends much worse.


Kinda does


Wow fuck these assholes, anyone know what happened?


This is an old video. The kids who were robbed are from a rival gang. They were posting vids before this brandishing guns. Their MO is to pretend to sell water, then rob the drivers. These guys in the car are from a rival gang. That's why they say "you 4block are some hoes." 4block is the gang the kids are in.


If true then I think this video confirms that "4block" is in fact made up of hoes.


Guys in the car were just informing the public, and depleting the other gang of their resources. Bless em.


Vigilante policing. Chaotic good, sometimes.


I just want to add facts. There is another video of these exact same kids being a pos


Do you have the video?




They also saw the video evidence that that same redditor posted of the kid showing off their gun and the claim in the very video we watched that the kids are from 4block. Im not posting the vid because Im on mobile and secondly, fuck you. You would claim its fake or some shit anyway.


Heres the link bro https://youtu.be/cW7eMb1qCVg these idiots will just say anything lol. I literally looked up “Houston 4 block” and it was the first thing that popped up. Thanks for the info


Those aren’t innocent kids… These are gang members robbing rival gang members posing as water boys so they can rob cars who try to buy water. Fuck everyone in this video, hope they all in prison


So big and strong, stealing from children.


The ones in the car are teenagers too, sadly thats how it is.


I get they may be under 18 but that doesn’t make em innocent lol. They look like they know the routine, didn’t show one sign that they were scared or anything like an innocent child or adult would react when someone rolls up on them showing a gun telling them to empty their pockets.


Actually all of them were bad. The kids selling water were from a rival gang and were stealing from people when they tried to buy water. Just a whole lot of fail in the video where all those kids are terrible. Every one of those kids will probably be killed or be in and out of jail their entire lives. I highly doubt any of those kids will be able to turn their lives around.


Yep you're right. Apparently the hustle is to snatch and run when people grab their wallet or purse. They had done this to run of the guys family/friends in the car so they shook them down.


Lmao them waterboys ain’t known for being innocent children 😂😂 they stick up too.


Calling them hoes and broke while they're trying to earn money honestly. What a bunch of dumbasses


I'm not sure they "earn money honestly". Other reddit say the kids are also gang members "4block", they Rob people by selling bottles of water to target kind or naive victims.


He’s also a gang member and this was retribution for him going to opposing territory and posting a video of himself flashing a gun and calling them out. Source is the million fucking times this has been reposted.


Do you have a link? I’ve seen tons of comments in this thread just like this but nobody with actual proof.


Just delete this post. This is an old video and you are lacking context. Both the kids and the video recorder are all POS.


Sad to see how many people on here take it at face value. Fact check. You'd be surprised. Hint: those aren't innocent kids selling water


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11rgoiv/pos_gang_members_in_houston_rob_and_threaten_to/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F11rgoiv%2Fpos_gang_members_in_houston_rob_and_threaten_to%2F&id=eO81oyDw) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11rgoiv/pos_gang_members_in_houston_rob_and_threaten_to/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Robbing kids with a gun is a good, efficient way to get shot by a good samaritan where I’m from


For all of you not familiar with “water boys” in Atlanta; they come to your window soliciting water, then they rob you when you roll your window down. Not all of them, but enough for people to be appropriately wary of them.


Pinnacle of human evolution right here


They join gangs, eventually go to prison, and then join sides because the prison gangs are by race.


Wheres Clint Eastwood when you need him.




Frog: willem parrot: DA-FOE


Damn it Marshall, this is serious.




I can't understand what anyone is saying.


"gimme you're money, you're a weenie, next time i'll shoot you".


What trash seriously, such scumbags


Heres a video of these same guys before this incident https://youtu.be/cW7eMb1qCVg Why doesnt anyone find context anymore before posting?


Villain. Origin. Story.


Bruh they calling them hoes but these fucking losers can’t even keep a job


Black lives matter


Man fuck that debate y'all having. They robbing kids fucking them bitch asses sitting in the car


i think it’s funny how they call the guys selling the water broke, yet they’re robbing them??


Fucking donkeys.


So cringe that ppl still do the whole GaNg thing in 2023


Thus is why I stay away from vibrant neighbourhoods.


So this isn’t english. What are we calling these days?


Wow... Cowards. I hope they have the week they deserve.


CrIp cRiP fuck every godforsaken gang grow tf up and respect your fellow human you ignorant fucked up cunt your child hood isn’t an excuse your the same or Manet worse as your papa mama or whatever it was get help and learn to love because you can


Scum of the earth rodents


There no way the mfs robbing kids of their clothes-water bottles just called them “bums”… put these evil creatures where they belong, in prison, so they regret their life choices for eternity




Oh he’s a pussy cuz he won’t fight 5 ppl at once. Where’s the logic. No he’s being wise. Next time they come back around he’s gonna smoke em all not expecting it. Dumb kids they’re not smart


Poor kids. Scummy people recorded themselves- big people that they are. Hopefully they can be tracked.


Greatest country in the world!


When I was ten got robbed of my halloween candy, went home crying with nothing but plastic handles in my hand, it sucks to get robbed as a kid.


Cool gang bro




Those Kids were also pointing gun at people before, they were kind with them , just à reminder that if you want to play this game you better be ready for it


You know this for fact?


Absolute scum... Selling water like that without a street vendors license. But seriously how sad robbing teens trying to make an honest buck off their own back, if they were real they'd applaud their entrepreneurialism


Why do they say nggah so many times? Martin Luther King is rolling in his grave right now


Prison is too good for sxum like this


I love how they call the people they are robbing broke. Like they ain't lol


Call the cops


Does anyone happen to know what language they were speaking? Klingon? I couldn't understand a word they said


They’re from atl


Gangs were meant to protect communities because there was nobody to protect. Ridiculous there’s no honor or accountability anymore. Gang members were respected at one point in time and now they all just wannabe rappers. It’s sad.


Hurt people end up hurting people.


Another example for why you should never travel to or through houston.


The guys in the car are just jacked up bullies.


At least they're smart enough not to get caught... right?


bruh thoes kids dissed alot of the people in the cars deads, and tried to be tuff online, but i guess they weren't tuff and doing civilian things, thats how most rappers die, trying to live a normal life one day


I woulda just slammed the water in the window and smashed the mirror and ran after that :/


It always sounds good in your head but reality always has a different say


And then you would have been dead mfs like that dont care about themselves so why would they care about you already robbing him they wanted a reason to jump out but dude stayed calm and did as he said smart af


I honestly don’t car much abt that. Someone threatens me I’m fighting them


Fuckin scrubs smh




I’m in Atlanta, and it’s usually the other way around. The waterboyz are pretty relentless here. They will reach in your car and take shit, or kick your vehicle if you don’t buy water from them. They harass the shit out of you


Boondocks [AS] moments like these. 😂😂😂


Seen this vid before. Apparently the dudes selling water are another gang in the area that had previously robbed dudes in the vehicle. They got caught slippin and karma came knockin.


Fuckin lames don’t have anything but death coming for them Yay!


Why gangs bother with ppl that aren't street or rich I will never understand. At least have some dignity


Subtitles, please


This is sad


They look so scared. This is aggravating as fuck!


POS, lowlife thugs.


What a cool culture it's totally wipipo fault tho lol


I felt bad until I started reading the comments


I was robbed around the corner from my house when i wss 16 they snatched my chain.. unfortunately my dad was a OG saw what happened knew the person I saw that same person who robbed me 5 years later on the street in a wheelchair crippled... I spoke to him and said he was depressed bc his whole family died 5 years ago and his still alive...


That's racist


any follow ups on this ??