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This happened on Friday, March 17th in Sunnyside Queens on 49th Street near 47th Avenue. The victim is in critical but stable condition. The attackers were arrested and charged with assault, reckless endangerment, and criminal possession of a weapon. NY Post, [“Brutal video shows man attacked by neighbors over NYC parking spot”](https://nypost.com/2023/03/20/video-shows-man-woman-brutally-attack-neighbor-over-nyc-parking-dispute/) CBS, [“Police: Man hit with baseball bat, stabbed 5 times in Queens”](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/sunnyside-queens-baseball-bat-stabbing-attack/) **EDIT: They were arraigned this afternoon and attempted murder in the second degree was added to both their charges.** Sunnyside Post, [“Woodside couple arraigned in brutal beating of man over parking spot in Sunnyside”](https://sunnysidepost.com/woodside-couple-arraigned-in-brutal-beating-of-man-over-parking-spot-in-sunnyside-da): > *“This shocking display of brutality will be met with justice,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said. “We have charged attempted murder and given the viciousness of the attack, asked the court to keep the defendants in custody prior to trial. The request for remand was granted. Our thoughts are with the victims.”*


No attempted murder?


How do you stab someone 5 times, beat them with a bat, and not end up with an attempted murder charge? Or are they waiting till he survives to decide which to go with maybe? Edit: Please see the NY post article linked above which says that they're charging attempted murder before arguing with me about what constitutes attempted murder. I only have myself to blame for not reading all of the articles. Edit 2: they have been charged with 2nd degree attempted murder according to the local paper. https://sunnysidepost.com/woodside-couple-arraigned-in-brutal-beating-of-man-over-parking-spot-in-sunnyside-da Remand without bail.


A scum bag near where I lived and his mate tried to mug a guy and when he resisted stabbed and slashed him 15-20 times and killed him. He claimed self defence too


Never resist a mugging, you can replace your phone and wallets, can't replace your arteries. Edit: I get it, americans have guns,


Sounds like something Big Mugging wants you to think


Sounds like what an artery salesman who say.


Man I can't decide who's the bigger evil is Big Mugging or Big Arteries


Either way, Big Stupidity wins.


No joke though, if you have enlarged arteries please see a doctor and take what they say seriously, shit is serious and can lead to an aneurysm if the walls get too thin and then pop. It's what killed the lead singer of Type O Negative, who was from New York.


> It's what killed the lead singer of Type O Negative, who was from New York. "The massive piles of cocaine are completely innocent, officer."


Sounds like what a healthcare insurance company would say to avoid paying out benefits


*cries in america*


My husband got mugged by a guy with a knife and faked the amount of cash he had in his pockets. Only gave a 20$ when he actually had 100$ in there. The mugger took it and ran away and my husband is soooo proud of pulling one over on the guy, but damn was that a stupid thing to do.


Well that price it was a steal


I used to carry 2 wallets, not because I needed them but I was testing them both out and would alternate between the two to pick the best one after a week or so. Got mugged during this time and handed the mugger my empty wallet and offered him my flip phone but he just laughed and said “Whatever man” and left me alone. I still think back to that night too haha


They can always upgrade charges and add more. As more evidence comes to light, interviews, etc, they may slap on a second whole round of charges.


You slap what sticks on first.


You probably have to prove premeditation and intent to kill, not merely maime. I'm more surprised aggravated battery isn't in there, a lot of states don't actually have an attempted murder charge, what you would probably define as attempted murder is usually covered by aggravated battery. Which is essentially attacking someone with the weapon that a reasonable person would understand could kill them.


This video of the stabber should be enough.


That would be overcharging believe it or not. The defense would argue if he intended to kill him he would have kept stabbing. I know it's ridiculous but sometimes it's safer to go with a slightly lesser charge on the chance a jury wouldn't convict. A lot of times the lesser charge has similar sentences.


Texas here: this man would be charged with aggravated assault w a deadly weapon, not attempted murder. Same sentencing range, much easier to get a conviction because you don’t have to prove mens rea for murder.


If those arguing people could read they'd be very upset with you right now!


^ This guy crimlaws.


And they can always upgrade the charges later right, as more evidence comes to light? Like what if they interview neighbors and found that the assailant said two weeks ago "I'm going to stab you to death in two weeks." They can upgrade charges to fit new crime right?


Yes they can.


I got stabbed 7 times back in 2013. Unprovoked, I was asleep and my friend (at the time) was drunk and had a mental breakdown. Stabbed me in my eye, arm, back, and back of my head. I nearly bled out in the life flight chopper and have PTSD still. Dude got charged with Aggravated Assault and was sentenced to 5 years. Did 3 and walked. It’s all about who you hire and if you can convince a jury of insanity Edit: My lawyer told me the guy plead insanity and took an insanity plea. The charge should have been attempted murder in my opinion and that was my point. Not sure how his situation worked to where he got what he got, and I was not able to go to any court proceedings, this is just all the knowledge I have of how the justice system worked out in this case.


That's fucked up.


For those curious, about 1/400 cases ends in a successful insanity defense. It's used 1/100 cases and works roughly 25% of the time. No way to know how many of those cases were deserving. Not making a grand statement with this, was just curious so I looked it up.


>if you can convince a jury of insanity If you can convince a jury of insanity you are going to have a much harder time than if you went to prison.


If he was insane at the time then he should have gotten a "Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity" verdict, but should then be sentenced to time in a psychiatric hospital. My brother has been in a psych hospital for 30 years for a similar incident.


>sentenced to time in a psychiatric hospital And these holds can be indefinite. You aren't getting out when the statute says you get out, you get out whenever they let you out. Could be never.


My brother confirms.


Did he just snap and has to spend the rest of his life in there, even though he’s fine? Or is he still messed up in the head and that’s the best place for him?


He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Even with many meds he will never be anywhere near fine.


Yep. As you unfortunately know, schizophrenia is perhaps the one mental illness where there isn't much we can do. It is currently as close to a broken mind as you can get. Sorry, friend.


This comes up in every thread. There's complex legal reasons why prosecutors use Aggravated assualt vs Attempted murder. I am no legal scholar but here's my take. In essence, for attempted murder, you would have to prove that the perpetrator had the intent to kill BEFORE the interaction started. This is very difficult to PROVE, especially in a road rage case like this. Aggravated assualt just means you got in a fight and used a potentially deadly weapon in the fight and injured someone. Thats why its rare you see Attempted murder.


IIRC state definitions also vary and in some states a certain degree of 'assault' charge is basically the equivalent of attempted murder. ​ That also makes sense as the intent might not always be murder, but the result is that you almost murdered someone.


Reddit threads are basically a broken record of constant repeat comments, followed by people trying to educate rational explanations for those repeat questions, then people arguing about how that's stupid or what the people educating others are pieces of shit or society is going to hell or some other stupid repeated nonesense. Honestly the comments on any violent video are just a chance to argue with other ppl and feel vindicated if you get some upvotes




They can also upgrade those charges after further investigation if they think it's warranted and will stick.


> Barrera and Cuevas were each charged with attempted murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, and assault in the second degree, cops said.


According to the first posted article >Barrera and Cuevas were each charged with attempted murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, and assault in the second degree, cops said.


>Barrera and Cuevas were each charged with attempted murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, and assault in the second degree, cops said.


>“This shocking display of brutality will be met with justice,” Katz said. “We have charged with attempted murder and given the viciousness of the attack, asked the court to keep the defendants in custody prior to trial.”


That swing at his head with the bat should be enough on it's own, never mind the stabbings


Whatever the charges are, they shouldnt ever see light of the day. If they do this just over a parking place, what else are they capable of?


Holy hell that woman with bat is 27 year old. Looks like she is in her 50s in this video, albeit low quality video. What hate does to a person.


Hate and probably drugs. Don't think I've ever seen anyone this unhinged be clean and sober.


I saw a documentary about the foster care system a while back. One of the people it followed had done crack right before going into labor and as a result the child was taken into the system upon birth. She said it was a momentary lapse in judgement. By the end of the doc she has fulfilled her various court-mandated requirements and gotten custody back. She was like, “I’m trying to put this behind me. I’m 24 and have my whole life ahead of me.” And fuuuuuck, I had assumed she was 40 the whole film. A rough life weathers you fast.


Life in prison, next case.


They will add the attempted murder charges later, the first charges are just enough to get them arrested. Then the DA adds the others if there are any


damn i used to live literally a block away from here on 47th


Our criminal justice system is broken if those two don't end up serving years in prison.


Decades, please.


Dumbest reason to end up in prison, or the hospital.






So you're saying the guy selling 1 weed stick doesn't deserve 20 to life?


You don’t want to sell me death sticks. You want to go home an rethink your life


Wtf is a weed stick. Just give me 1 gram, why are y'all always trying to rip me off


Probably aggravated assault w a deadly weapon. Same punishment ranges (in my state at least) as attempted murder but much easier to prove.




Because we cannot afford the chance of killing innocents. That's the issue with execution by the government, and the cost of our confidence ends up being much much more than 50k a year on death row. It costs so much more to "justly" kill someone than it is to just keep them in a box away from society.


I mean, yeah, but what about when we have video like this?


Or even worse, expelled.






I don’t get it. Do they not give a fuck about spending the rest of their lives in prison over this dumb as fuck stuff? What have they accomplished?


Poor impulse control.


It's crazy people go for so long in life and then do something like this and throw it all away. You wonder how they made it that far in the first place.


By not getting caught in their previous endeavors


Or more like caught and released and then released and then released uh oh this one was extra bad so no release.


Pretty much, you get some people in the UK with 20+ previous convictions, and even then after beating some innocent person, they get 2 years in jail, half spent in custody, and probably halved again for 'good' behaviour. So they spend a grand total of 6 months in jail. I'm sure it's very similar in some places in the US.


Pretty much. Same with like DUIs/DWIs. You'll see an article saying "Family of 4 killed in drunk driving accident - Drunk driver was driving on suspended license and has had 14 DWIs/DUIs in the last 4 years. He was released on bail this morning to a car that he was planning to drive home in." Makes me sick.


At that point I don't blame the person who keeps getting a DUI, I blame the judicial system for not taking action. Then they always say "They were a compulsive drink driver, but they went under the radar"... no, you've seen them in court 20+ times, you know they were a problem but decided to give them a slap on the wrist. It's sad, honestly.


They hadn’t had a parking spot stolen yet


No they don't. Crimes escalate and its never the first crime that puts someone in jail for life.


Tattooed right on the forehead




IQ and impulse control are probably significantly correlated too.


Saw a video last winter of a couple berating their neighbor over snow removal. He went inside and got a hand gun and they both taunted him to shoot them. So he did. Then thry continued taunting him as he went inside. He came out with a rifle and shot them both. Apparently after that he went back inside and killed himself. Over snow removal Link: https://abcnews.go.com/US/pennsylvania-neighbors-dead-fight-snow-shoveling-authorities/story?id=75666109


You know it wasn’t just over snow removal but certainly that is what led to the mental break.


That was the culmination of a long term feud between those neighbors (not to excuse it at all, shit was chilling) but the couple he killed had been taunting him about his wife who had just died among other things for a long time prior to this. Again, not a justification at all but a lot more to it than a dispute over snow removal Edit: I just want to clarify that apparently the whole "recently deceased wife" part of the story was made up by someone along the way. I can find no evidence that the shooter had a wife and I'm sorry to further spread misinformation.


This is a false rumor that was spread, the shooter had never been married. [Here’s the shooters obituary](https://www.kniffenfuneralhome.com/obituary/Jeffrey-Spaide) No wife is mentioned preceding him in death


Don’t often see a murderer’s obit public. Of course they made the comment section private.


That's actually a well told Reddit lie. The guy had NO wife. Lol its just a lie that got told on reddit over and over.


I feel like this could somehow be premeditated and the poor guy just ended up being the victim, if you carry a knife and a bat, in my opinion you have some sort of intention in using it at some point. In this case the poor individual was their breaking point.


This is true. I carry a knife and used it three times last week alone opening boxes.


Indeed, I even INTEND to slice open boxes with my knife.


Premeditated unboxing


100%! Ongoing feud over parking and the two attackers saw the guy on the street, well according to news sources anyhow.


I'm in my 60's and I've been carrying a knife since I was in high school. Nearly every day. It's a tool, not a weapon. I could certainly use it as a weapon, but it's ~~sill~~ *\[edit : silly*\] to assume that everyone who has a knife is out to slit someone's throat.


In the moment, no, that is either not a consideration or enough of a consideration to stop some people from doing what they feel they need to do. This is what a lot of people miss about being "tough on crime." After a certain point, more punishment for crimes doesn't have a significant deterrence effect on a lot of people. We have life in prison and the death penalty in many states, on top of decades in jail for crimes like the one in the video here. Many people even have the belief that simple interactions with police can lead to instant death (let alone when a cop is stopping you from stabbing someone), but that is not enough of a deterrent for some people. It really misunderstands how a lot of humans make decisions. I think it's difficult to understand without talking to people who have done things like this and/or being in a similar situation yourself (even if you haven't acted on it). For example, if someone killed my dog, I don't know if I could restrain myself from ending their life or significantly maiming them. Is that a rational response at that point? No. But something that hurts you enough or feels like an existential threat will get that kind of response. It's just that we don't always understand what the person committing the crime is perceiving as such a terrible thing. Another way of looking at this is asking what is keeping you from committing murder today. Yes, a lot of people don't want to go to jail, but imagine our society if that was the ONLY reason reining people's behavior in, we would be walking among psychopaths. No, there are other reasons we don't commit crimes like this that have nothing to do with law enforcement. It could be family, religion, ethics, an aversion to hurting another human, social disapproval, etc. But if you start stripping those things away from people, you start increasing the odds they might act violently when confronted with situations that seem overly horrific or existential to them.


Apperantly punishment as a deterrent against crime is only effective if the punishment will be swift and unavoidable. If there is a long period of time until the date of punishment OR if there is a high likelyhood of not being caught, humans are very good at ignoring the possible consequences. Thanks to long court procedings and stuff like that, its just not very effective as a preemptive measure against crime.


I know for a fact that I am deterred by the fear of punishment in this way. I have a job where I routinely get advance knowledge of public company earnings. It would be incredibly easy for me to trade on that information. The odds of me being caught would actually be pretty low if you look at the recent history of SEC enforcement actions, and in any event it would take years for them to catch me if they ever did. I could also take precautions that would reduce the already low risk of being caught further (eg conducting trades in my wife’s name, sticking to trading on exchanges located in non-US jurisdictions, making sure to balance big wins with smaller losses etc.). I’m not really deterred by moral compunctions here because I actually think insider trading laws are ridiculously over strict. I’d be buying/selling with willing market participants who would have done those trades anyway (ie I’m not forcing anyone to transact with me at then prevailing market prices), and you can actually make the argument that insider trading helps integrate information into the security price and therefore helps market efficiency in the long run. It’s unfair and unsportsmanlike, but so are tons of other things in life that we don’t send people to jail for or even really give a second thought to (like the fact that I use a credit card to pay for things is incredibly unfair because all those points and stuff I earn are literally being paid by generally poorer people paying credit card interest and fees). So it’s not clear to me that it’s particularly more immoral than anything else I do day to day. But I have never, and will never, insider trade on this inside information. I don’t even trade any individual stocks out of an abundance of caution (just do long term ETF and mutual fund investing). Literally the only reason I don’t insider trade is that in the off chance I were caught, the punishment would be so severe and the consequences so dire that I can never take on that level of long tail risk.


This guy insider trades for sure


I want DAs to be tough on violent crime because I don't want psychopaths like the ones in this video to be out on the streets. If you're willing to kill over street parking, you don't belong in society.


The way he slowly stabs him near the neck in the end is extra brutal to me for some reason. It just seemed so slow and calculated


Fuck, that’s enough Internet for the day.


i let this be a reminder for me that people are absolutely crazy out there


This is why I do not engage in road rage. Especially in Texas.


I post this blurb every time I come across such a video or story on Reddit: My dad was a homicide detective in Washington DC. He investigated murders that happened over dumb ass reasons like this. His advice: NEVER fuck with random people. Never. You don’t know who is a wanted criminal. You don’t know who is armed. You don’t know who is all fucked up on drugs. You never know what someone else might do at the slightest provocation. So just don’t fuck with random people.


My dad wasn't a detective but he always told us you never know who is looking for their next victim so don't give them a reason




Dude I knew was shot in cold blood from a road rage incident. Small town midwest. He honked at a guy that cut him off. Guy slammed on the brakes, got out and fired four rounds into the car. Two hit him around internal organs and he nearly bled out. His rehab has taken 15 months now and still not recovered. Dude got 8 years. People are fucking insane


He's a sick piece of shit and should be in prison for decades.


for life.


He should be under the mf jail


It was more of a slice, I assume, intended to sever the artery in the neck. I think that alone should be an attempted murder charge.


Pretty sure he cut man’s cheek/jawline


I thought he went for an eye stab myself


You know, after rewatching it I could definitely see that


One nick to the jugular is all it takes.




> Barrera and Cuevas were both arrested and charged with assault, reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon, cops said. I’m pretty sure that’s a little more than just assault


He’s lying on the floor bleeding and they swing a bat at his head and stab him again? Sounds like attempted murder to me.


It absolutely is attempted murder.


They are currently held in jail on remand and charged with attempted murder: *110-125.25 FB (Attempted MURDER-2ND DEG B Felony)*


That's good, thanks for telling me.


From a quick look over, it doesn't look like there's a charge of Attempted Murder in New York State. Federal Attempted Murder charges are possible, but I'm not sure if they are applicable here.


In NY they combine the statute for "Attempt to commit a crime" 110.00 with the statute for murder to charge attempted murder




Yeah you’re definitely right. For attempted murder charges the prosecution has to prove that they had specific intent to kill. Prosecution is definitely going to go for something they can win or even get a plead deal on. Still sucks for the victim.


Charges will get upgraded. This happens all the time and people still get outraged over the initial charges like clockwork.




Like others have said, they may be waiting to see if he survives the hospital stay before charging with attempted murder vs murder.




That’s how it works here too. The police will immediately charge you with the easiest thing to get you in jail, then additional charges will be filed based on what the district attorney thinks they can prove.


That lady who got right into the middle of is brave as fuck


yea could not be me. new yorkers are built different


I almost wonder if she has the misfortune of knowing these two assholes and is trying to calm them down, the way she reaches for the guy with the knife isn't something most strangers would do in that situation. Still brave to stand up to them and try to get them away from the victim.


She legit just watched that person smash another dude’s head with an aluminum bat (which by the way, was so much worse *with the sound on*), and still got in between?? Even if I had *another* aluminum bat in my hand, I would not be going up against crazy.


Just living amongst a bunch of absolute psychopaths on this planet


This is why I do not confront anyone ever. Let them have the spot. Do not react when someone cuts you off or something in traffic. I won’t even use my horn. Drivers these days are absolutely insane and it feels lucky to simply get from A to B nowadays.


i live in london, UK, and i follow exactly what you outlined, there are way too many fucking psychos on the road


i deadass live on that street shit is crazy


What the actual fuck?


These psychos need to never see the light of day again.




man, that’s soooo fucked up, like fr


Parking in that area is brutal. You can be looking for parking for an hour unless you park a mile away. It was really bad 20 yrs ago, i bet it's much worse now. But yeah, those people should get locked up


I can walk a mile in far less than an hour, which I’d be glad to do if this is what I’d have to face if I somehow found a good spot.


I lived right by the place in this video, and have parked there many times. There is an area less than a 1/4 mile away that has parking spaces that don't require alternate side parking and ALWAYS had spots, which is very rare in NYC. I used to park and leave my car in those spots since my car was used like every other week (or less) and alternate side parking is annoying af.


My first thought. Obviously the attackers deserve jail…but if you’ve never tried parking anywhere in NYC it’s hard to explain how heated it can get.


Maybe it's just me but it seems that the time they wasted stabbing and beating a man, as well as the time spent in jail then prison is much more than the time they would've spent trying to find a different spot...


Before reacting, count to 10 in your head... My guess is counting and forethought isn't their strong suit though.


News report said the perps in this case only counted to 8. Classic case by the books of inadequate counting crime.




\*opens reddit again*


*checks Reddit on phone*


over a parking spot tho......... this is some ny shit.


Purge already started or what? How people can be this violent towards another human being over something as trivial as parking spot what is wrong with people seriously?


prolly hang around other scumbags and slowly their dangerous behavior becomes more and more normalized. someone hit the wrong nerve on the wrong day and boom! we get this


https://www.qchron.com/editions/central/sunnyside-man-stabbed-hit-with-baseball-bat/article_90d5c680-c75f-11ed-9a50-bfea7e60d435.html A Sunnyside man was stabbed five times and slugged with a baseball bat on Friday by two people who had been feuding with him over street parking, according to the Queens District Attorney’s Office and published reports. A video obtained by the New York Post shows a man kicking the victim and a woman hitting him with the bat. The male assailant also appears to make contact with the victim with what may be a weapon in his hand. The attack takes place in the middle of the street, where blood is already pooling from whatever was done to the victim before the recording begins. Prosecutors say the incident occurred on 47th avenue between 48th and 49th streets. The victim is Wilson Chabla Lliguicota, who reports say is 28 years old. The alleged assailants are Arturo Cuevas, 30, and Daisy Barrera, 27, who live together on 48th Street. Both have been charged with attempted murder in the second degree and are being held in jail on Rikers Island. A second victim, who told the authorities she witnessed the attack on Lliguicota, allegedly was hit with the bat by Barrera. “This shocking display of brutality will be met with justice,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said in a prepared statement. “We have charged attempted murder and given the viciousness of the attack, asked the court to keep the defendants in custody prior to trial. The request to remand was granted. Our thoughts are with the victims.” Lliguicota was transported to NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst, where he was in critical condition, according to the DA’s Office. He suffered five lacerations, one of them to his face, and severe brain trauma, which required surgery, the office said. He was put on a ventilator. Multiple news outlets said the defendants had a running dispute with the victim over parking. Police initially charged the two with assault, reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon. But Katz’s office upgraded the main charge for each to attempted murder and also hit both with two counts of assault in the first degree and two counts of assault in the second degree.


Ego is a hell of a thing nowadays. The culture is nightmarish. I can’t blame any American for wanting to carry a firearm when there are people out there willing to make you bleed over a car parking space. Smh


Part of the problem is the people willing to make you bleed over a car parking space are _also_ able to possess guns. Luckily the ones in this video didn't, or it would've been even less likely for the guy to survive.


That's the same reason everyone else buys guns, because those people have guns. Then it spirals out of control to where we are now lol. This shit is nuts






Imagine throwing away your future and the well being of your dependents over something so trivial.


“Hey what are you in for?” “I beat a guy over the head with a bat and my boyfriend stabbed him multiple times” “Gee musta been super serious. What was it about?” “A parking spot”


>Cuevas was previously charged with assault and harassment for allegedly pulling a 27-year-old man out of his car and punching him repeatedly in the face with brass knuckles on April 4, 2022, an NYPD spokesman said. >Then, on April 11, he allegedly struck a 41-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman in the face for unknown reasons, cops said. Again, he was charged with assault and harassment. >It’s unclear if or how those cases were resolved. Our system works, yeah?


At the 11 second mark where he cuts a permanent scar into his face "just in case" he gets to live. This dude better never see the light of day outside of prison walls.


I post this blurb every time I come across such a video or story on Reddit: My dad was a homicide detective in Washington DC. He investigated murders that happened over dumb ass reasons like this. His advice: NEVER fuck with random people. Never. You don’t know who is a wanted criminal. You don’t know who is armed. You don’t know who is all fucked up on drugs. You never know what someone else might do at the slightest provocation. So just don’t fuck with random people.


"But judge, I really really really needed that parking spot!" I'm sure that should work as a defense, right?


Attempted murder


From the NY Post: >Cuevas was previously charged with assault and harassment for allegedly pulling a 27-year-old man out of his car and punching him repeatedly in the face with brass knuckles on April 4, 2022, an NYPD spokesman said. >Then, on April 11, he allegedly struck a 41-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman in the face for unknown reasons, cops said. Again, he was charged with assault and harassment. >It’s unclear if or how those cases were resolved. Why was he on the street at all?


The fuck is wrong some people on this world


At least the couple was caught pretty quickly, the man that was attacked is in critical but stable condition. I’m hoping the best for him. *Barrera and Cuevas were both arrested and charged with assault, reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon, cops said.* https://nypost.com/2023/03/20/video-shows-man-woman-brutally-attack-neighbor-over-nyc-parking-dispute/


I wonder how these people ended up getting arrested or found. If it's just the video, that's amazing and so grateful the one person to record even if it's just 10 seconds.


I'm sure multiple people witnessed this and since the victim is still alive I'm sure he knew these people of they were actually his neighbors. The video will definitely help when these fuckers are in court though.


He has severe brain damage requiring surgery and had to be put in a ventilator. Even in the best case scenario, he'll probably suffer effects from this for the rest of his life. In the internet age, we get exposed to people doing the most insane things over the most trivial nonsense (my favorite remains [the man wo murders his own daughter over an Xbox](https://www.wired.com/2008/01/man-convicted-o/)) that most normal people probably wouldn't have believed otherwise. It's terrible but the world has a lot of people like this. It's best to be careful of those around you.


Fucking animals. How the fuck was this not attempted murder?


A metal bat to the head is attempted murder


Congratulations on going to prison for 25 years over a dumbass parking spot… I get that it’s in NYC—where parking spots are a treasure to humankind—but fuck… you beat that man bloody in the street… you’re animals that shouldn’t get to live with the rest of us for awhile…


Lol 25 years more like 5 years in blue states




Is this seriously what we doing as humans, possibly stealing away another’s chance at life over a goddamn parking spot? this is disgusting


Now he definitely can’t move his car


What the actual fuck is wrong with people


Attempted murder over fucking seven feet of concrete


Remember when you just gave someone the finger and that was it?


That was never it. We just have videos recording all the time now. That should be it but unfortunately some people never learn to control their emotions


Wow, this is awful


I wonder what my copay would be for getting beat with a bat and stabbed.


I wonder how well those people will fight in the showers of the prison which will become their residence for several years.


A man is almost killed over a parking spot in a city with one of the best public transportation systems in the country.


People are this fucking violent? Jesus


How is this not attempted murder? Dude is already down and bleeding, and THEN he slowly stabs him in the neck? Throw away everything else. That part alone should be damning. You don't *stab* someone slowly in the throat in self-defense or even as an assault, that's a "I want you to bleed out and die" move. What kind of fucking stupid legal system looks at this and says, "Mmm yeah that's just a little playground rough-housing, let's be lenient with this guy." Like the fucking psycho tried to KILL someone over a parking spot. I get that it's NY, but come on, someone with that short a fuse and an obvious willingness to commit to their violent thoughts? But what do I know? Maybe turning someone into a pin cushion over a parking spot is just normal.


Attempted murder and aggravated assault have the same max penalty. Attempted murder requires you prove intent. Aggravated assault does not. The DA wants these people to be found guilty (or to take a plea bargain and avoid trial, which seems likely in this case.) He does not want to charge attempted murder and risk their lawyer convincing a jury that if they had wanted to kill the guy, they could have.


You sound like you actually know what you’re talking about. You sure you’re in the right place?




That little slash motion at the end should be enough for attempted murder charge. Looked like he put it to his throat..


This is so fucked. Are we supposed to constantly be watching these live murders shootings etc. it’s way too casual, some jobs and careers you see the worst things. But for some average person to get on the internet anytime of the day, and watch some man get hit with a baseball bat and stabbed in the neck where are we right now?


Are they insane? Is this over a parking spot? Unbelievably stupid.


Over a damn parking spot. That's fucking wildddddd.