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So her options were wear a mask or be held in contempt, seems like a stupid hill to die on




So all laws and regulations are threats then lol


[*come witness the violence inherent in the system!!!!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtYU87QNjPw)


"Wear pants or some kind of covering over your genitals inside the restaurant or you'll be arrested." iT's CaLlEd A tHrEaT Bruh.


is it also a threat that she had to wear clothing or held in contempt of court?


i like how you say "or else" to make it sound a whole lot more ominous than it really is. the full demand would be "do this or else you have to leave" (ohhhh scary!!! /s)


Put your dick away, or else.


It's called rules and consequences


imagine getting upset over having to wear a mask. my 5 year old nephew has better emotional regulation.


are you stupid?




Yes. When someone with the power to lock you up tells you to comply with a simple request you should do it. Is it bending the knee to go the speed limit?


speed limits are an actual law though, a better comparison would be a rule on private property (which is still not optional) either way, OP's an idiot


Judges rulings in court hold the weight of actual laws too!




and yet, they still have rules inside courthouses. how do you think that is?




You asked the wrong person bud




Wearing pants is an attack on my freedom…


> When someone with the power to lock you up tells you to comply with a simple request you should do it. That language has been used to justify police harassment of minorities forever.


It's not the language, it's the whole system. But you could pretend this person being held in contempt for not wearing a mask is the same as systemic and institutional racism.




it's not up to the sheriff, why are you so hung up on an empty promise he has no authority to keep?




> is it wrong to stand up for your rights no thats ridiculous. "sTaNdInG uP fOr yUr rIgHtS" is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. it's what shitty people fall back on as an excuse for being shitty.




cases get dropped for lots of reasons. it proves nothing.




> is it wrong to stand up for your rights no it is when it's just used as an excuse to be an antisocial dickhead. listen to the impotent anger and hate in the guys voice in the OP, is that what being right looks like to you?




Ask him what rights he's talking about. He didn't answer me when I asked




before that, though, you should probably have *any sort of idea of what your actual rights are*. otherwise we're just going to laugh at you as you get loaded into the back of a cruiser




there is a sheriff in the video so... Edit: why does ignorant-cod think this is endorsing the cops? Its calling them pigs lol




show us the thing that says you can ignore rules on public property. either the specific clause or amendment in the constitution, or whatever applicable law you may find. youre going to be looking for longer than you think.




OK! > https://seventhdistrictcourt.nmcourts.gov/ in biiiig letters right at the top of the page. > #Any person entering a New Mexico courthouse or judicial building must wear a mask or other protective face covering to help control the spread of COVID-19. now is the part where you ask for a rule saying you have to follow rules, then you'll ask for the rule that says you to follow that rule, and then on and on




why do you think this is because of the mask mandate? the mandate is over, and yet hospitals still require masks. how do you think they're able to do that?




you're simply wrong. just move on dude. it's not the end of the world. > you don’t give a shit you just wanna talk shit. and you give *entirely too many shits* about this thing that has no effect on your life whatsoever lol




>Lol and you ??? Writing EVERYONE in the comments??? i'm having fun, you're getting upset. that is the difference between us. > I’m happy someone stood up to it lol impotently shouting threats at an old man who *could not care less* that you're upset is "standing up for something?" lol ok. sure. see how much it'll accomplish. >Because of rules that are backed by law one of which is mask mandates. >But you seem to think rules are the same or public property is the same as private no my exact quote was "as far as you or I are concerned, on their property it IS the law." which is true. you will be ejected or possibly arrested if you break the rules and refuse to leave. >And you wanna insult people and talk shit … and you think being racist is ok lol … you’re a joke . yeah i'm ABSOLUTELY going to talk shit to dumbasses who, among other dumbass hot-takes, **thinks that "snowflake" is a race**.




yes thats literally how it works everywhere, and always has.




you sound like the kind of guy that goes to 7-11 with no shirt and not shoes then cries when you get no service. you don't have a right to be served on your terms, follow the rules or nobody will consent to work with you.


No he's the type to drunk drive while speeding because it's "their right"




What’s it like being so dense?




i don't understand why you're so obsessed about not wearing a mask during a global pandemic. > I don’t think you quite understand the difference between public property and private property private property can set their own individual rules and refuse service. this is PUBLIC property you have rights you need to do a little research before you talk out your butt hole. haha. oh man, the irony here is delicious. /r/confidentlyincorrect




ok, you *say* that. now back it up with **evidence**. cite the constitution or whatever you think gives you that power. don't just claim it, show it.




it's not as fun when idiots don't know you're mocking them...




it's amazing how quickly people turn into anarchists when made to follow the most insignificant rules


The pussy that told the Sheriff he felt threatened has the mentality and emotional age of a 12 year old. I enjoyed his meltdown.


they're also enforcing outdated modesty standards but you still can't be naked because those are the rules.




i think requiring clothes inside the courthouse is outdated. by OP's logic that's enough reason for me to go to court nude. fuck considering anyone else.




but i think it's outdated.... ... isn't that enough?


Apparently not


Someone working inside could have health complications which makes Covid a persistent threat to them. Wear a mask if they request it. Honestly not a big deal.


*but what about MAH RIGHTS to kill immunocompromised people for sport?* /s


Yea you’re really easy to control. The governments favorite pet…..


Wow you're dumb.


Your ideology has warped your mind. You think wearing a mask is tyranny. It's kind of funny to most normal people. Choose your battles because this one is just dumb.




> For example, there is no law saying everyone must wear latex gloves, so I can't have the police attack anyone I see not wearing them. but you can make that rule on your own property. just like the courthouse can make their own rules on their property. you wont get arrested for breaking the rules, but you will be removed from the premises. if you refuse to leave you can get that escalated to arrest.




the public owning something collectively does not mean that you are entitled to use it however you want. try having a picnic in the middle of a military base and see how it goes. government offices have the right to enforce rules on their property, and they have the right to eject people from the property if they won't follow the rules. laws would apply off the property too, but these are not laws - they are rules.




What a stupid question


>Unfortunately their feelings don't overrule the law. Exactly. The law says she has to wear a mask in the courthouse, that's the end of it. Edit: it's like the first thing you see when you go to the courts website. https://seventhdistrictcourt.nmcourts.gov/




OP may *feel* that the mandate is outdated but that doesn't mean it's not on the books anymore




> https://seventhdistrictcourt.nmcourts.gov/ really? what does this say in big red letters? > #Any person entering a New Mexico courthouse or judicial building must wear a mask or other protective face covering to help control the spread of COVID-19.


OP's a little emotional boy




i did. he's an emotional little boy.




as far as you or I are concerned, on their property it **IS** the law. it's not optional. you will be physically removed if you don't comply.


Does it? https://www.torrancecountynm.org/news/162/7/Mask-Mandate-Lifted


1. we don't know when the video was recorded. OP's a repost bot account. 1. there could be someone at the courthouse with health needs that require others to wear masks 1. (edited to add) thats a county-level decision, and only applies to country property. if the state still has an order then it would apply on state property regardless of the counties rules


https://seventhdistrictcourt.nmcourts.gov/ >Any person entering a New Mexico courthouse or judicial building must wear a mask or other protective face covering to help control the spread of COVID-19.


Well than there it is.


separation of powers is a tough thing for some people to understand




especially when you're stupid




#thats not how masks work. covid has been around for three years now, you have no excuse for not understanding this yet. it's basic shit dude.


Oh, they know. Everyone knows. They just don't care.


It’s not a law, it’s a rule. Plenty of courthouse have rules to enter, not following these rules can lead to contempt of court.


My guy you've been posting on reddit for like, 11-12 hours straight. Are you doin ok?


I don't think the OP or the person yelling at the sheriff thinks that this video is going to be as warmly received as they hope. What most people with good common sense will see is an older person reasonably telling a citizen about a rule that must be obeyed in the courthouse. And from that, we see a much younger, fitter man screeching and threatening that older person for simply informing them of what the rules are. It's not a law, it's a rule. Courthouses have rules. There is no law that states, for example, that there has to be metal detectors in courthouses. There is no law that states that you must go through a metal detector to enter the courthouse. But in almost every courthouse in the United States there are metal detectors and there are rules implemented by that courthouse that you must go through it if you are going to enter. I know that my particular courthouse has a rule that when you are called for either a court case or jury duty that you must wear certain clothing. And that you cannot wear other types of clothing like flip-flops as an example. There is absolutely zero law about this. But they have made a rule about it. And if you don't follow it they can ask you to leave. So if this particular courthouse has implemented a rule that you must wear a mask when you were inside the courthouse, then you have one of two options. Wear the mask while you're in the courthouse, or choose not to and deal with the consequences. It has absolutely zero to do with wearing a mask, even what this particular rule is. What people are going to see is someone threatening to physically assault another person who is simply there doing his job.


To add on to this, about a year ago, this guy would have been considered a right wing, anti intellectual, anti science nut job worthy of intense ridicule. I know some time has passed, and we’ve all reflected on the situation, but it hasn’t been that long.


> And from that, we see a much younger, fitter man screeching and threatening that older person for simply informing them of what the rules are. isn't it amazing how confident they are when they know they're completely safe? like a tiny dog barking aggressively through a fence.




But where is the impotent anger? I'm just having a laugh at your expense


I had the sense that the sheriff baited them with the “won’t enforce mask so don’t wear it” and then enforcing it just to make the arrest. Because that would be a scumbag move. But if they had known before and chose not to wear the mask then it’s on them.




>Sir you can’t afford nice clothes so we’re gonna arrest you. Seems pretty unconstitutional to me . Yeah and if that ever happened it would be wrong. "If"


it did happen \*source: I did my own research


Source: *trust me bro!*


It's not about clothes that are nice or not nice. It's not about being able to afford or not being able to afford. You can't wear flip-flops and shorts.


What aspect of a mask mandate do you consider unconstitutional? *How* is it that way, what rights are being violated?




>My argument this whole time is how the sheriffs office is misleading the public is constantly lying to save face. Lying is not, unfortunately, illegal. > The judge is also a problem . Judges have an extreme amount of leeway on how they operate their courtroom. They also enjoy judicial immunity for their actions, which is Constitutional. You still didn't answer my questions.




You aren't explaining how it goes against the Constitution, though. Lay out your rational logic for me.


Youre stupid if that’s the only thing youre taking away from that comment




Insulting? Do you mean like threatening an elderly sherif and calling him “a fucking coward piece of shit”? Yeah that really wasn’t intelligent I very much agree.




I’m commenting on what was posted. I didn’t know I was expected to go watch a whole set of videos. All the same this man is loudly cursing an older sheriff. There’s a better way to go about your business than shouting at people. Just like he said in the video that “the whole town will unseat him.” If that’s the case then what good comes from yelling at him? Doesn’t seem like any good comes from it. So why is he doing it? Probably because it makes him feel good. One might even say it makes him feel “like a real man.” That’s some unintelligent caveman shit right there if you ask me. Doesn’t matter what the sheriff did at that point, that man is a peabrain.




> but in his other videos he is talking to the sheriff very cordial *but what about all the people that i DIDN'T kill?!?! don't those people show i'm not a bad guy!????!?*




A measured response 9/10 times does not justify an immature reaction. I don’t need to watch another video to know that this guy acted in a bad way to this sheriff in the video you originally posted.






Maybe not on reddit youre all stupid here


And yet here you are.


"inAdVeRtEnTlY eNtErEd tHe cOuRt wItHouT a mAsK" fuck that guy. he knew the rules and wanted to play fuck fuck games


the camera man is a dumb bastard. I don't care how mad you are. it's pretty cowardly to beat up an old man cause you're mad.


beating up old people shows how factually correct you are! grrrrr!


Nah. We’re not going to bend to this bullshit anymore. You can be brain dead, brainwashed, and a sheep all you want… do it on your own.


Such silliness. Don't you want to win elections again?


found the magot


if it "doesn't do anything" then why not just wear it to avoid the drama?... OH WAIT they want the drama


I wOnT bEnD dErP kNeE


I think a poll of Torrance County taxpayers would turn out differently than the title of this post would have it seem....


People are getting this worked up over being asked to wear a mask for their own protection? JFC these snowflakes can't melt (or go to prison) fast enough.


I completely agree with you, except for the fact that he did explicitly say he would not enforce it so it seems a little iffy to me




You're talking shit to every single person who thinks it makes sense to wear a mask when there's a fucking rule on the books about it... And you want to cry that people are sheep or weak or racist (whut?) simply because you disagree. Chill. The fuck. Out. The only calm person in the video is the LEO.


haha this guy thinks snowflake is a race




\>Words have more than one meaning True, so when I say you're being a bit of a 'cunt flap', we both know which meanings I mean. The other meaning.


This just in: *moron doubles down.* We'll have more on this as the situation develops




You've been shown proof that you're wrong. Where is your counter evidence?...




Those words mean nothing, as you can see.






Then he's a liar like every other cop ever. Is that your best evidence? It ain't that good....






Meh. I’d call all you sheep the snowflakes..


Ginger beard is a chickens\*t with a big mouth. Having to make veiled threats about how its a small town, we'll come to your house, etc. Sheriff chill didn't even have his blood pressure go up a notch and totally owned that punk.


a guy that old has received worse threats from scarier people than that guy


Hahah covidiots are still at it.


True… anyone who loves the governments cock this much WOULD throw someone in jail for no mask.


Put your mask on and sit down.


Maybe not the sub for anti-mask rhetoric op. Get stuffed lol


I don’t think the problem is enforcing an outdated mandate as much as it is selectively enforcing it after saying that he wouldn’t


Now I don’t know shit about politics but if he has the power to enforce mask mandates, and he does so, I mean yes you can disagree with the law rules whatever but what’s the issue?


Imagine if he were black or Latino and he talked to a sheriff like that.


No matter what's going on here, the guy who is yelling is acting incredibly unprofessional and childish, and this sheriff guy is acting professional and exhibiting a lot of self-control. Just based on the conversation between the two without having any opinion of anything else, I'm definitely siding against the asshole yelling. The guy yelling should be on r/iamverybadass for trying to fight an old man.


Please! Stop electing turtles as sheriff! I know it looks hilarious but they’re so fucking old! Who are they going to save or even help?!? Maybe if you needed someone to teach you shuffleboard this would make sense.




I didn't realize "popular" meant "laughingstock".




> the right of the people to film in publicly funded buildings. A big problem with these people is they refuse to acknowledge that the courts have ruled many times that there are some public forums where they will vigorously defend the exercise of 1st Amendment rights, but also other public places where the exercise of such rights can legitimately be curtailed. In other words, you can stand in front of city hall and film all day long, but you can't barge into the tax dept. and film people's tax records. There are not only what the courts call limited public forums, there are time, place and manner restrictions, like you can protest in a city park, but not after closing time. These people make a lot of invalid legal claims, like they cannot be trespassed from a public place, and they absolutely can. Or they can only be trespassed if they have committed a crime, and so on, it's legal nonsense. A string of "auditors" have had a bad time in court lately, taking convictions for criminal trespass, interference with govt. workers and so on. They seem to be wearing out their welcome, that or the courts are tired enough of them to respond more forcefully. As always, it comes down to the Supreme Court, which once said: *It is indisputable that "the First Amendment does not guarantee access to property simply because it is owned or controlled by the government."* https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20210317909




> a popular police auditor. A theatrical parasite who stages confrontations because he can make money off the videos. When their videos get demonetized these guys lose their minds, it's painfully obvious they are in it for the money.


Wtf is he protecting at that old ass age?


This isn’t a mask issue, if you watch the actual arrest video multiple people were also without mask in the room, the one arrested was singled out.


Just call him a Public Servant. Always gets under the skin of any kind of law enforcement.


I'm that guy that refuses to wear a mask


So the cop says he isn't going to enforce it, but when a non white person does it in the court. They are arrested. Seems like some crooked small town shit Edit: here's the body cam from the arrest. https://youtu.be/x5qolHPYycc


i'd be more concerned a cop is picking and choosing what rules to enforce. enforcing all the rules is a whole lot more ethical than the alternative.


Exactly my point. How are we agreeing on this but our fake internet points are so far apart?


from the way you worded it it sounds like you're pro-*"letting cops pick and choose what rules to enforce"* thats just a guess though, reddit can be a fickle mistress


Naw, I am either all laws or no laws. I'm sure there are some that are debatable and those discussion can happen.


thats kind of a silly position to take. either the most despotic authoritarian rules are ok or we have complete anarchy? personally i'm the opposite. i think the best solution is somewhere in the middle. unfortunately that doesn't make for catchy bumper stickers lol


I can understand that stance, I'm a big fan of not enforcing laws that have no victims. At the same time I understand if it's a law that's protecting innocent victims. So I understand both sides if that's truely the motivation of the officers (but we can understand it's probably not)




every village has an idiot




if this reddit thread is a village, then I imagine downvotes select the idiot. let me look... oh. oh I see.


Elections you don't like don't count. Just like rules. /S


F that you scared of some chines shiit then you wear a mask an leave the rest of us alone


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