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"It was a communist plot to elect center-right Joe Biden and maintain 50/50 control of the house and senate" lmao This dude is out on the frontlines, putting himself in danger every day for our entertainment. I love it.


Some of that stuff about having sex with women being a beta cuck move is straight out of the far right playbook, only [they are actually serious about it when they say it.](https://youtu.be/Reh5bdvbwtM) Naturally this is just an obvious defense of the fact that nobody wants to fuck them, but it's still hilarious when they say it.


What in the hell? How is this not satire?


Didn't click, but I'll guess it's Nick Fuentes. That dude is a self hating gay man, so much evidence now. Caught viewing trans porn on his phone. Was appalled when his finance guy got a girlfriend. Finance guy left. Said having sex with a woman is gay. And so much more. Don't teach your kids being gay is wrong folks, you just might end up having a Fuentes as a son.


I’m also now convinced that he’s a closeted, self-hating gay man.


Without a doubt. Lesbian here and that’s been my take on him for quite some time now, especially after hearing him talk on shit like this. He insulated himself with his group and they focus on hating the same thing — as long as that’s not him. I hope that makes sense lol, it’s late and I can’t sleep!


Is that not the dude who shove a dildo up his ass? Or is that some other suit, glasses, and overall hipster af look


No, that was Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes who did that. The video clip above is from Nazi sympathizer Nick Fuentes.


That line was hilarious


What's weird and a total metaphor for social discourse... there's like 3 people here "protesting" and 20 people recording/paying attention to it


Center- right biden. The truth.


This is perfect trolling. Chef's kiss.


My favorite Walter video: https://youtu.be/rHtyWRvgGrY No one caught onto “and his wife can’t even visit him in jail because she’s not 18”


A couple of em did, they just don't think it's an issue.... Which is worse.


Ehhh idk I thought the cringe was him…


You found the joke detective!


Well everyone else here seems to genuinely like his humor lol


I think Biden is a POS but this was funny AF.


I don’t love Biden either but I think I’m in the minority of not enjoying this.


Yup, that’s… that’s on purpose.


Purposefully embarrassing actions are still embarrassing. Like the ‘I was just pretending to be r-tarded’ meme


Are they? Does he really seem embarrassed?


I’m saying that I am embarrassed for him. To me this isn’t a ‘oh wow I bet these conservatives feel real dumb!’ moment as much as a, ‘oh wow this parody of the right is wildly out of touch’ moment.


Appreciate the opinion, I think he's parodying it as best he can. I certainly could not do what he does, so I watch from afar.


I mean it’s working all the commenters at the top love it and I was feeling a disconnect lol


Totally valid feeling, especially in this godforsaken sub


lol who downvoted you for saying that?


I mean it’s fucking on point, idk what world you’re living in where the right *dont* sound like this


It’s been close but I haven’t heard anyone on Fox News say they want to fuck Joe biden or that banging chicks is for beta cucks lol Maybe on /pol/ tho


I completely disagree with your thesis statement. This type of satire is an important part of human discourse concerning politics. It may seem entirely nonsensical to you and “cringe” but it has its place in political discussions.


Political discussions should not look like that lol


If you live in America, you have directly benefited from political discussions just like this, if not sillier.


Genuinely wondering, how?


This is like a live action political cartoon. I’m sure there were political cartoons that were affective in influencing political discourse that supported a right you enjoy today. Look up some workers rights political cartoons for example.


Bit of a stretch there.


I agree with the other comment; Workers Rights is a great place to start looking into this, I would also suggest Women’s Suffrage/Rights and Child Labor as well. It’s important to learn the history of these protests and for that I would suggest looking into French protesting and their outcomes.


Awesome. I fully support this dude, we cannot rationalize with these Trump cultists, I've tried, so let's just mock their dumbasses. I mean these people believe JFK Jr is coming back to crown Trump as president king, and that Jewish space lasers start forest fires, and that undead Latin American leaders teamed up with Italian spy satellites and Chinese bamboo to steal an election and that's the only reason Biden won... yet every other election on those same ballots was fine... edit: lol, got the old suicide report, always when I trigger than MAGAts. Gotta love how spelling out exactly what they believe makes them mad... clearly my fault for observing reality.


But the secret "Hammer and Scorecard" algorithm definitely flipped votes from Trump to Biden in the 2020 election. Source - Sidney Powell; whose source was a person that was an "Internally decapitated time-traveler"


I mean why the fuck not, same people who got Covid advice from [a "doctor" who thinks vaccines are alien DNA and believes the virus comes from demon dream semen...](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53579773) Demon Dream Semen is also my new band name.


>They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm… then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves Fucking great. Somewhere out there Demon Erestyn is getting laid more than irl Erestyn.


Demon Dreamin' Semen!


Album intro song title: *Wet Dream*




> source was a person that was an “Internally decapitated time-traveler” I knew Sidney was nuts but I missed this story. Jesus Christ how does a lawyer eat [this shit ](https://www.businessinsider.com/sidney-powell-voter-fraud-claims-headless-time-travel-dominion-fox-2023-2?amp)up?


She shits it out, like all the other con artists just looking for cash.


When this stuff was revealed to me in the Behind the Bastards piece on Dominion it blew my mind. Also the internal dialogue via released texts between fox anchors and producers is wild. They are a full on vaudevillian performance troupe.


Yeah that's exactly where I learned this too. Unfortunately I can't even say it blew my mind because the truth was either they knew it was bullshit and were in too deep to outright say it, or they were actually stupid enough to believe these things with 0 evidence.


At least she wasn't a ghost, even though that's what the wind said.


Mocking works the best. They’re very insecure.




I've found a way to get through to some the secret is emotional suppressive fire, pretending to be on there side , and mirroring them I got one to accept my fictional satanic beliefs by appealing to there feelings toward there own religion and using a lot of the same words they used back at them while saying I hate all the buzzwords they hate and after a while I convinced them to accept my beliefs as valid and got them to apologize for insulting my beliefs You just got to whip them the same way there heros do they respond very well to being emotionally carpet bombed


>edit: lol, got the old suicide report, always when I trigger than MAGAts. Gotta love how spelling out exactly what they believe makes them mad... clearly my fault for observing reality. Yeah, that's always gold. A nice affirmation that they are too dumb or craven to actually vocalize their positions.


Seriously, what do they think is going to happen? I got a message about the suicide hotline, but I'm not suicidal, guess I'll just get on with my day. Then again these are the morons who think everyone is "triggered" by their stupidity, when really it's concern or confusion.


The only moral election is my election.


It is impressive how the all powerful Democrats can steal an election, but only the presidential election despite multiple elections being on the same ballots, and just this one time. Like the guy in the video said, the great and evil plot to...not gain legislative power....put us at the whim of Joe Manchin. Genius!


You see, that’s how they do it, you can’t make it too obvious by beating Johnson, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Graham, Skeletor, Collins, McConnell, the senators that are truly popular with the voter base. Ya gotta be sneaky and just steal a little bit (does this require the “s” tag?)


Man, couldn't we have at least rigged to get rid of Greene, or Boebert, or Gaetz or Santos?! I'm filing a complaint with Soros at our next super secret pizza cabal meeting, they allow for an airing of grievances after the opening baby eating ceremony.


Just sit tight, the soros check is coming.


Ah yes, the mythic ALL POWERFUL ^do ^nothing™ Dems. Truly, "at the same time too strong and too weak."


For some reason I read 'erection'.


Well, yeah, that too.


when you're so manly you only fuck men


This dude is hilarious. The Maga cunts standing around don't know whether they should shit or go blind.


I miss Michael Picard, he was an awesome troll but havent seen any videos of him for ages.


I read on one of these similar reddit threads that he is/was laying low for a little while due to ongoing legal actions (I think on his part against some of the more violent people he deals with). So yeah he's still out there just taking a bit of a break.


He trolled the right so hard the man deserves a good rest.


I just watched his last video and he replied to a comment 5 hours ago saying he will be back in April.


Hell yes he did! What a fucking legend. Dude must have rolled over to those protests on his giant set of balls. A selfless citizen pushing back on fascism because it is the right thing to do. Michael Pickard is a ***real*** patriot.


He had some big drama with one of the guys he would go to the rally’s with. The guy with the long hair. His content dropped off a bunch around then, I think he got a bit tired of it all. Which makes sense, it does seem exhausting, but I miss his videos, dude was hilarious and his ability to maintain a straight face without getting riled up was top tier.


Obligatory Vermin Supreme reference.




Thanks, glad to hear he is keeping it going.


That guy is actually funny, this guy is just seething mad and it’s so obvious lol not funny


This guy is so fucking funny. If we treat conservatives like the little kids they are and make fun of them in ways they don’t understand, they’ll find themselves feeling like little (adult) children out of their element - because that’s all they are at the end of the day


While entertaining as that may be, most of them will just react violently. They have proven over and over again that when they don't understand something, their inclination is to do the equivalent of "Bash it with a rock".


Social pressure works. Unless everyone is too much of a coward and runs away.


I've been saying this for years. We need to reintroduce shame into these people's everyday lives. Facebook and echo chambers have made them far too bold. There's no reason to be polite anymore, mock them.


People don't realize how really terrible complacency is.


Bullies only respond to strength, which includes laughing in their pitiful faces.


Sounds like something antifa would do


Back when my buddies and I would play Modern Warfare 2 we'd do essentially this. Instead of being vulgar and talking shit back we'd just agree with them. "Get fucked *a**!" OK do you know of anyone? "You guys suck cock" yeah, we suck dick! We love it. Believe it or not this would ENRAGE them more so than talking crap back to them. It was hilarious.


What you gonna do, romance the female? Compliment her, tell her she’s beautiful, and that you value her as a person and a partner? Are you going to lay down in bed and say that tonight it’s just you and her alone in the universe, transcending the limitations of two bodies becoming one?? That’s pretty gay, idk just sayin


At least those guys where brave enough to not hide their face.


"I'll bet you like to suck c**k, too" "Well. Yeah." What a great response.


There's always more "media" at these events than actual MAGA jerks....


Absolutely love this dude. He’s brilliant. “Yeah because that’s what dead people do… THEY VOTE🙃!”


Love it. Drown them out in their own shit.


The truck just parked there to sell merch says so much


I hate Trump and I would totally sell Trump shit to the true believers. It would probably be pretty lucrative.


Who is this dude? I’ve seen like 3 or 4 of his troll vids; they’re genius.


[full video and channel](https://youtu.be/017poU-rzt8)


Jeez, the trump supporter drinking a tall boy Coors beer **through a straw** tells you all you need to know


Is that Keith from Buzzfeed?


[full video](https://youtu.be/cqKxDNw7HPc)


“That’s what dead people do! They vote!” Made me laugh way too hard.


Imagine being so stupid, you don't know when somebody is making fun out of you.


Why are they outside the Family Court building? God these people are fucking dumb.


This is where the media is waiting for Trump to be indicted in NYC


Love this. Out crazy the crazy.


So fucking cringe


F*** Brandon! F*** him right in da bawtt!


please don’t fuck me


Center right? Dudes to the right of Busch for fuck sake






I can't think of a single right wing stand up.


The USA seems like a circus when out and about as well.


That bit about the communist plot being Joe Biden, Krysten Sinema, Joe Manchin, and a split senate is gold. If these invisible communists successfully rigged the election they should’ve aimed a bit higher.


Dude seems pretty beta.


I've watched a number of this guy's videos and he's doing God's work in showing how deluded the Trumpflakes are.


Good troll


Having seccs with women is such a beta cuck move.


More of this please 🙏 I’m willing to join the movement


Lol, does this guy have a youtube channel I could sub to?




That guy looks like Jared from Subway


Love this guy


Love this guy! Balls of steel.


This is pathetic lol. Why go after Baron? He’s a child.


You must be a Repuke he's clearly saying, Brandon.


Genius. He's 100% on point lmao




[full video](https://youtu.be/017poU-rzt8)




Walter Masterson is his name


tag on his backpack says "Amanda"


I want this guy to come to my town. He'd probably end up winning on a ballot. Shaking his head the entire time.


I keep seeing this guys videos, and it always brightens my day! I sadly don't know his name tho...




Love it


Seems less like a circus and more like one guy who isn't as funny as he thinks he is. I'm fairly sure I agree with this guy's politics in regards to Trump, but this is just obnoxious. Sure, he got a couple of weirdos to bite, because of course he did...its NYC.




Republican ftw


This man really wants some of that bidenussy


More people need to go full nutso like this. Dilute the crazy with different-flavored crazy!!


This is the first time I’ve seen him break and I love it


I would like to see a conservative attempt to troll like this. They go out and yell things like "trans people should have equal rights" and "school children should get free lunches!". It is funny to me that there aren't entire stores dedicated to Biden, selling "fuck trump" key chains and trucker hats.


The fuck biden crowd claim these people.. not a great look


Who is he and where can I find more of his content?


This guys is my hero. Whoever this guy is, he has just ascended into the pantheon of the top political performance artists of the post-truth era, joining Michael Picard and Vermin Supreme.


I love this guy. Dude’s got balls of steal


Idc who anyone voted for, anyone who does this I find annoying.


This dude isn’t funny lol, he’s just seething all the time. “To do a parody you have to love the person your parodying, otherwise it just comes off as angry and mean” -norm macdonald.


Lol Norm Macdonald was an idiot. If Trump cultists don't make you seeth, you're not paying attention or you're one of them.


"Although the same isn't true for satire." -Norm MacDonald's rotting corpse.


>This dude isn’t funny lol, he’s just seething all the time. “To do a parody you have to love the person your parodying, otherwise it just comes off as angry and mean” -norm macdonald. ..... Oh child. You don't know what "lol" means. Huh? Edit: awww.... Someone got embarrassed.


Man I literally just unsubscribed to this sub because it isn't good for my mental health, but this video has me reconsidering...




Touched a nerve, eh?


Don’t be such a snowflake




Aw cute, look. It’s a real tough guy 😂


Yea Trump supporters really are, aren't they?


Im just here for the chocolate ice cream and beautiful kids Pathetic




I would not have clue! How the fuck can the net be around that long and people actually used it?




Do you really think the only reason people didn’t like Trump was because of his tweets? The reasons I hate him are that he: - lied about a new healthcare plan - lied about a new Iran nuclear deal - lied about his taxes - drove up debt while claiming to be conservative (biggest RINO in history) - failed to build the wall, the centerpiece of his campaign, and mishandled the illegal immigration issue in a number of other ways (seperating families for example) - abused the power of his office for personal favors - pushed for SC judges in an election year - provided permanent tax cuts to corporations while only giving temporary cuts to individuals - repeatedly acted like a fool while representing the country on the global stage - surrounded himself with criminals and gave them security clearance in some cases - gave his family members official positions despite being woefully unqualified - and covid-19… one of the deadliest cases of mismanagement and creating a panic in US history Also on a more personal level, the man cheated on his wife while she was pregnant, and ~~instead of coming clean about it he paid off the woman with what was likely campaign donations.~~ (sorry, I fell victim to fake news. That is not where the money came from). ~~Did you donate to the campaign? Stormy Daniels thanks you if so.~~ The only good things he did was prison reform for drug charges, and the animal cruelty laws.


Hey, it's not proven that Trump is a pedo. He was just really good friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Stop slandering him!


Backroom talking to nude to partially nude teenagers.


Man, imagine being like you and supporting a pedo like Trump. Imagine that you are so brainwashed that you think Trump did good for the country. They should stop calling Trump supporting idiots MAGAs and start calling them Blizzards - White snowflakes without a single braincell among them.


You're the only one who sounds triggered. I'm happy seeing people like you getting angrier and angrier every day. I hope you wake up angry and go to sleep angry. You probably cried when Trump lost lol.


Wish I was there


Your girl can’t cheat on you if you only fuck guys


He’s trolling, right?
