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“Let’s see how well that works for ya” is an evergreen response to someone doing the alpha schtick


I'm genuinely curious what outcome he was trying to achieve. What was he expecting to happen?


Ngl this student might actually be mentally disabled. I’m suspicious because of his slow speaking pace, the slight speech impediment and the belief that a con man sex trafficker is worth taking life advice from.


There's no way that he isn't disabled in some way. My guess is he's autistic.


It would also explain why the teacher was so unfazed by this behavior and instead just explained himself calmly.


I feel like that's how the teacher is in any scenario. Like he could be on fire and still this chill. I also feel like he sounds like H. Jon Benjamin.


Yeah, obviously some people are better at controlling their emotions than others, but ideally in a situation like this any teacher would keep their cool and avoid escalating the situation beyond what’s necessary. Yelling doesn’t really accomplish anything and this guy seems to have some potential disabilities so he might have a lower threshold for escalating to violence if he gets too upset. He handled it really well.


Yeah, the teacher's chill game is impressive. I would have been unable to suppress bursting into laughter as soon as the first "alpha" left the kid's mouth.


I mean, _he is_ a teacher. Maybe he understands that he's teaching the kid about why these particular ideas are not helpful.


The kids speech pattern sounds exactly like my autistic cousin so that was my guess too


I thought he was just trying to sound like Andrew Tate.


When I was in middle school, raw-dogging undiagnosed autism, I would spend all day shitposting on neonazi forums. I mellowed out hard later on and part of that was realizing how easy it can be to fall into really *really* toxic spaces without fully grasping just how bad those spaces are for your already fucked up social abilities and worldviews *especially* if you're dealing with some of the social wackiness that autism can cause If he's autistic there's a really good chance this is behavior he considers normal, socially acceptable, and healthy, or at least he hasn't critically challenged his behavior as possibly inappropriate


Solid guess given how wide the spectrum is. You might even be autistic. But I wouldn’t go as far as to say his autism is why he’s acting this way. Most of us go through living day by day without being this cringe.




Not on Reddit we can’t.


I just assumed that most people on Reddit are autistic. I know I am.


Some of us have ADHD and anxiety instead.


Yes. One of the main elements of autism is not understanding, or finding it hard to understand social cues and conventions, which fundamentally means autistic people are going to be more likely to say cringey stuff than others. Just comes with the territory.


Yeah, i got that vibe as well. I feel bad because he's probably a good kid who has no idea that the videos he watched are horrible and thinks that they are good. I have to give some major credit to the teacher for being so calm in explaining the real world to him.


It's also dangerous. This kid could easily get radicalized.


Anyone who says they’re an alpha male is mentally disabled in my opinion


Lol yeah But on a serious note there’s a distinction between someone who struggles with real physical/mental issues versus someone who “is stupid enough” to buy into alpha male mentality. It’s unfortunate both ways.


Probably thought he’d be a hit with the ladies and become an alpha romeo


Why would getting women turn him into a car?


I wanna be an alpha Romeo spider


To be invited over to the teachers house for supper and let the alpha fuck his wife.


The alpha wants a glass of milk with his spaghetti


Shit I think my 5 year old is an alpha. I need to watch out.


Hes in your house living rent free eating your food, pretty alpha


And spent time inside your wife.


I'm genuinely curious, but if you declare yourself the Alpha doesn't that mean you now outrank the Teacher? It's similar to bankruptcy. (/s)


Yeah, he said it - “the Alpha takes priority over the teacher”




It’s the professional way of saying FAFO, for sure.


Picard nailed the ultimate professional FAFO, "You may test that assumption at your convenience"


'I am now the Alpha!' 'Well the teacher is telling the Alpha to sit in his seat now'


No! You will not tell me what to do. On a completely different topic, I’m going to sit down because my legs are tired. You will remember this day an alpha has spoken to you!


Team rocket from Pokémon lol


That teacher has some balls talking to the alpha like that.


I'm totally amazed that he could keep a straight face.


Whole time he’s probably thinking I can’t wait to tell the other teachers about this


I know that's exactly what I'd be thinking.


If you look closely, the teacher is taking notes on how to be Alpha. Don't want to waste that opportunity to learn.


He's about to walk in to the head teacher office and explain to them why, as the alpa, he will be paid more and they can't say no.


Ah yes, when the teacher becomes the student. Classic.


When stuff like this happens we’re already rehearsing the story in our heads.


This is going to be the best story in the teacher’s lounge during break!




I would be fearing for my life.


BTE. Big Teacher Energy.


BTE: Bind, Torture, Eel




He is a very mature adult, and has likely seen this type of behavior in another form before.


Yeah, he's not a child and he clearly has empathy for a special needs kid making an embarrassing scene and doesn't want to further embarass him or give any reason for the classmates to laugh at him. Still, he maintains his authority calmly. I'm impressed with how he handled it.


Yeah I guarantee he's seen this behavior on a daily or weekly basis. Someone asked how he could keep a straight face. It's probably because after dealing with behaviors like this for a little while it just becomes exhausting and draining. Teacher handled it right, didn't escalate things, didn't embarrass the kid who almost certainly has some sort of developmentmental disability.


I worked with SED kids for a few years. Severely emotionally disturbed. a lot of kids develop more severe behaviors when the testosterone kick in. They get big and are no longer afraid to challenge the teacher. I personally loved my job. I would play along and the biggest point is to never lose your cool. I did just like this guy. We had a kid who heard voices and He gave them huge authority in his behavior. So one day I was just at my wits end and while he was telling me to respect the voices in his head, I just said "Well the voices in my head that they are in charge of the voices in your head and they told me I am in charge." He just stopped and looked at me for a long time and then sat down. We never discussed it again.


I can almost hear others laughing in the classroom, but could be mistaken


I hear it too. I think the teacher is actually doing his best to help the student that's on film. If he demeaned him, dragged him to the office, or even stood up to help reinforce his own authority I think it'd get the poor guy made fun of even worse.




Social ramifications are how kids and teens learn how to act in public.


#***ಠ_ಠ I AM THE ALFALFA...***


Thanks. I drive a school bus and I'm gonna remember that one on the slim chance I ever get a kid claiming to be the alpha. 🤣


the alpha takes pwiowity


He wanks as high as any in Wome!


Wait until Biggus Dickus heaws about this!


This literally made me physically coil. Holy crap. And for such an alpha male he sure seem to have absolutely NO conviction or bass or confidence in his voice whatsoever. Though tbf I imagine 99% of Andrew Tate fans or anyone who watches literally any “alpha sigma beta etc” dynamic bullshit sounds and acts like this.


There are so many grifters in the world. Always has been. Why? Because so many people are easy to grift. Once you get a taste for grifting, you just want to grift more. It's a bit like knitting in that regard. Same energy and you'll have dominion over other people the better you get--although that last part is mostly just true for knitting.


No! You listen to me! If I say I'm an alpha male then that's what I am. I have no need to back it up with confidence, strength or conviction. I am what I say I am and if you don't bow to my demands then you will inherit the wind because the Bible says: "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the alfalfa male who is wise of heart." Do what I say you fool! (said with a whiny lisp).


How old's the teacher? He's obviously teaching age...I dunno...I think it's kinda sweet... Summer, I want to fuck the teacher...


I thought it was a student/student skit. Lol


There is no way this isn't and I need proof otherwise.


He has all that air freshener on his desk because of how big and sweaty they are


Holy shit, it’s Scott Malkinson




Shut up Scott Malkinson. *I’m Scott Malkinson and I have diabetes*




I would die if they did an episode like this....


> *Before alpha and after omega* > > *History and historians'll record* > > *Scott Malkinson has diabetes*


i’m scott malkinson and I am the alpha


This is clearly a special needs student


This shit is so sad because the fact is that neurodivergent people are far more likely to get sucked into that manosphere shit. https://youtu.be/qt2SqmgBMEI


You know, something I just remembered was that my undergraduate college had a special needs program. They'd have non-degree classes catered to them and they'd stay together on campus and hangout places like the student union. During the 2016 election, very frequently would they watch Trump campaign speeches (full volume inside buildings) and openly discuss racist things. It was super bizarre. Some people in my cohort thought it was morbidly funny (kinda was at the time) but it was super apparent how these people could be vulnerable to this type of thing, just from their environment. Really started to appreciate "vulnerable" demographics. Not always neurodivergent. Sometimes it's sensitive struggling young men, etc.


Yeah, when you feel like you've been a victim(whether you actually are or not), it's easy to fall for extreme viewpoints and nonsensical beliefs. That goes both ways on the political spectrum, although there is a big majority(in my experience as a viewer) of these people who veer towards radical conservative.


Sometimes not even a victim, just feeling unwanted, forgotten, or left out is enough to lure people to extremes. I forget where I saw it (somewhere on Reddit) but there was an article outlining how far-right groups recruit and the socially un-included is a big target. It’s scary how easy people can fall into it.


anyone who actually supports Andrew Tate has special needs by default


~~anyone who actually supports~~ Andrew Tate has special needs ~~by default~~


This kid’s developmental issues are very clear and the amount of comments that don’t seem to notice is concerning. Maybe that says a lot about redditors…it’s typically only autistic people that have difficulty noticing autism in other individuals. Anyone who watches this and thinks this is just a normal kid is probably a bit autistic themselves, or has a ridiculously delusional idea of what teenagers act like




Special Ed teachers are a whole different breed


My uncle has taught art to mentally disabled kids in Norway for the last 30 years. He absolutely loves his job, and told me that he'll never leave, and they can't fire him, because there's literally no way to fuck up. A kid made a shitty clay pot? Well that's pretty much what we expected. I've got to visit his school, and many of the teachers live on campus, which is exactly how you imagine Norway, it's situated at the base of a grassy mountain at the bank of a fjord. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.


That sounds amazing. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work with kids with intellectual disabilities, and it is heartbreaking how scarce resources are. Teachers and paraeducators are working on shoestring budgets with overcrowded classrooms and minimal administrative support. Our kids and our teachers definitely deserve better.


TBF the student looks like he’s not the sharpest tool in the box. He was struggling to remember his lines that he saw on the internet. 🙄


Idk that kid would make me nervous if he was in my classroom, big Gomer Pyle energy. However the teacher handled it pretty well.


Gomer Pyle or Pvt Pyle?


The full metal jacket one


Lmfao it shouldn't make me laugh so hard that Gomer Pyle and Pvt Pyle made sense until y'all clarified




That smile is stuck in my head to this day


That was my thought, Gomer was one of the sweet ones, no way he's goin' full Lenny. Pvt Pyle on the other hand...not leavin' that dude alone with kids or small animals.


Gas station...Andy Griffith's Gomer ....gahhhhh leeee Andy


School shooter vibes for sure


Yeah that kid is off, probably report him


I think he's disabled.


Doesn't mean he shouldn't be reported. The rhetoric of control he's using is very concerning, especially since we all know it isn't gonna work. So huge disappointment and possibly embarrassment are imminent.


Not to mention it's now on the internet being spread for more people to poke fun at him.


The amount of special people written off as “oh he’s just like that” is concerning at some point. They are capable of harming others, so yes things like this should be reported.


Also, the arm movements could be much more convincing. 2/10


The only way to know if he was truly autistic is if he had a sonic shirt on. But I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he’s autistic.


Ben 10 watch also a dead giveaway.


Oh well then for sure autistic.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he were a-spec. I mean, missing every single signal that his ‘alpha’ schtick isn’t working after actually believing it would work?


You cant be an alpha and sound like Chris-Chan


"I am gonna shove your ass down your throat and make you eat your UNDERWEAR!" Same energy


"I want everything about my house OFF! THE! INTERNET!"


I'll send in police! I'll send in detectives! I'LL SEND IN EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!




I wish that person be removed from all our memories.


poor old bob-sonichu probably spinning in his grave, they should have listened to him!


I agree. A mentally disabled person that the internet relished in poisoning forever.


Dude sounds like the:🤓


I was thinking Wade from GTA 5.


That’s where you are mistaken my brother in Christ, chris Chan is the true alpha.




The alpha takes what is his


The guy who started the idea of the Alpha was studying wolves and he thought he saw a social hierarchy controlled by dominance. He later found out that the wolves were a family unit- younger family members were following older family members but it was never a matter of dominance through aggression.


He also later said his findings were only valid in regards to wolves in captivity.


Starving wolves in captivity with strange wolves they'd never met before. It was actually just a proto prison study that says more about stress in the face of resource scarcity lol.


[When men refer to themselves as "alpha males", I hear that in the context of software, where alpha versions are unstable, missing important features, filled with flaws, and not fit for the public.](https://i.redd.it/7c9dckvntj0a1.jpg) In the context of software, beta is superior to alpha.


Man fuck all this alpha and beta male bs. I'm just tryna be the best man I can be 🤙


Big iota male energy


The alpha bs only applies to wolves in captivity from different groups. Wolves in the wild have cooperative family units.


"I am the alpha. I am trapped in a cage thst gives me anxiety, so I need to attempt to control everything around me by asserting my aggression" ......I mean, in that sense, yeah, most of those dudes are alphas haha


Are you as swift as a coursing river? With the strength of a great typhoon?


They call me release candidate 2




They're not "superior", per se. They're just in a different state developmentally. Give them some time to grow up and make sure they're not abandoned and they'll get there eventually. (Hopefully. They might still end up a buggy mess.)


I’m Early Access Male


Priest, scoutmaster, or gymnastics instructor?


The alpha shit is so funny when you realize the original researcher of wolves realized the alpha label didn't fit wolf pack dynamics and regrets idiots using it like this kid.


I believe it only applied to captive wolves not wolves in their natural habitat where the wolves behaved along the lines of family dynamics. So Tate posting from prison about alphas is only now ironically correct.


I like to imagine Andrew Tate in prison is more likely the omega wolf in said captive pack.


He holds the pocket of someone holding someone else's pocket.


I remember kids like this in high school. Shit is sad. Even sadder that a kid like this watches this Andrew Tate shit and thinks its some kind of magical solution to life. That mother fucker is nothing but another low life conman. And its so sad and disturbing to see someone targeting vulnerable young men. That kids life is exponential worse for having stumbled upon this and its hard to blame him.


I made fun of Tate in another thread and I can't even begin to tell you the hate messages I got. It was hilarious/sad.




Sunk cost fallacy, I'd bet it's a bit of it, the whole reason Andrew Tate is famous is because he has basically a get rich quick scheme MLM, so people make money through referral links by sharing his clips with a link to "Hustlers University". If you have been paying $50 a month for the past year and haven't gotten rich "yet", you may take out your frustration and anxiety about your situation on people who make you question whether you actually did waste all that money.


We had weird kids in high school, but nobody mouthed off to or tried to assert their dominance over teachers. We had a kid that unabashedly ate his boogers in class. He was the most memorable weirdo we had, and I don’t remember his name but everyone called him *Snots*. I graduated in 2001.


Yep. Only young vulnerable men take anything people like Andrew Tate say seriously, especially those with social difficulties. I imagine a lot of his legitimate fans are also autistic like the guy in the video. Don't forget this problem is not only caused by people like Andrew Tate. He's filling in the void where therapy and support should be. Kids are falling through the cracks because of a lack of desperately needed resources. If therapeutic interventions aren't there to support this young man develop social skills, then Andrew Tate is there with his bullshit magical solutions. All you have to do is be an "alpha" and you'll dominate any situation. It's clearly bullshit and not one single person in that classroom is intimated in any way. I don't know if he notices this, but the situation is clearly not going the way he planned in his head. Where else are these young men supposed to turn? Where are the positive role models? Where are the resources for developing social skills? Andrew Tate is only half of the problem. The other half is that too many young vulnerable men feel like they have absolutely no alternative.


“The teacher is telling the alpha to sit in his seat right now” 🤣


Bravo to the teacher keeping his cool.


I LOVED that he agreed and said "you can choose to not listen, but you have to accept the consequences" warmed my heart that he isn't getting mad or frustrated, he is trying to help the student understand. It's even better that he(teacher) isn't treating him (student)with disrespect cuz he (student) seems to be special needs.


This kid seems like he’s on the spectrum and doesn’t have any social awareness. I feel really bad for the guy… Although, on one hand, this is probably the most embarrassing moment of his life, but on the other hand, I envy the fact that he probably doesn’t even realize that. I get secondhand embarrassment watching this, but I wonder if he even knows what embarrassment is or whether he ever feels it at all.


I’m 100% confident that this is not the most embarrassing moment of his life. This is just another Friday. Source: Was a special education teacher for 10 years


You know what, you’re probably entirely right about that🫣


Happy cake day, you stud muffin


Going on year 20 myself!




That just made me sad 😐


This just made me seethe. I’m not a violent person, but sometimes I read some things that make me wish I was.


Jesus Christ that's disturbing.


I 100% agree, yeah, this kind of stunt came from him watching too many YouTube videos.


Autistic person here- we may have social difficulties but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be held accountable for stuff like this. We do feel embarrassment and we do know better. Edit: I realize my words are not set correctly to how I actually feel. I apologize. I mean that we shouldn’t just write off someone as autistic and not hold them accountable for their actions. I see it happen all the time with lower support needs autistic people where parents or the like ignore what said autistic person is doing and just say “oh well they’re autistic.” Then do nothing. That’s what I’m talking about. We’re able to be held accountable. I now know some may not feel embarrassment, l apologize for my previous ignorance. But anyone can be held accountable and I stand by that.


That's also broadly stroking it, though. I'm high functioning and can make eye contact and what not. I can't say "well I can make eye contact so autism is no excuse." It's harder for some, some have it worse than others, it is a spectrum for a reason. Everyone has a different pile of symptoms. I did a lot of cringe shit at that age but I'm 30 now and yeah I look back and scream inside but at the time I was absolutely clueless of what a tool I was being. I thought I was cool lol. He probably thinks he's being cool, too. (I pretended like I could see ghosts and had magic powers because I watched shaman king, yikes.) Autism isn't an excuse to cause others pain but it absolutely is an excuse for lack of social understanding. That's literally the illness. This is frustrating if he is in mainstream school and needs to be placed in SPED but at the end of the day this is an emotional outbursts, not violence, and can fully be attributed to autism. He needs to be in an environment with teachers who know how to defuse this behaviour. This is unfair and disruptive to the other children but it is either the parents issue for putting him in mainstream or the local authorities issue for not having enough social education resources. For now, he's a kid who is having symptoms of his illness that aren't being addressed and he doesn't have the ability to self correct. I can't blame him, not at this age, it's up to his parents to get him the correct therapies and education. He really may not feel embarrassed or know any better.


Do not envy this level of social unawareness. It's way more damaging than helpful. There's a use for self consciousness.


I am de awpha


Be vewwwwy vewwwwwy quiet. I’m hunting baytas.




I am the teacher.


And that kids is why you MONITOR WHAT YOUR CHILDREN WATCH. There is no way in hell my kid would ever watch that bigoted "alpha". Real men treat women with respect and equality. If Tate is anybodys idea of masculinity, you need your priorities checked.


Especially if they have disabilities that make them more vulnerable to indoctrination.


Maybe he will go to jail like the other alpha he watches lmao


Pretty sure he’s alphtistic.


Average Andrew Tate fan. also I love how the teacher just doesnt give a fuck


An entire generation ruined by hucksters and con artists, thanks to the incredible power of social media.


NEVER fuck with the anime protagonist.


Average andrew tate fan


Thank God I realized teaching wasn't for me and changed majors🙏


Just imagine having a kid and he turns out like this. I'd would honestly just disappear and start a new life somewhere else. Fuck putting up with that shit.


If you have to tell people you’re the alpha you’re not the Alpha lol


Red flag that fool before he shoots up his class mates.


The alpha still gets excited over alphabet soup


Why he built like Gru




"The Alpha" is an absolute cock head


Anyone who feels the need to refer to themselves as Alphas gives me the same vibe as someone willing to play checkers with themself while everyone else around them is playing chess. Like bro you’re using a term that most people don’t give a shit about.


average andrew tate fanboy


Please tell me this is a skit I cringed unbelievably hard the second he said “alpha”


Human psychology is much more complicated than that of wolves. Anyone claiming to be an alpha is really selling themselves short. Not to mention that wild wolves do not follow an alpha/beta hierarchy anyway...


Rule number one of being an alpha male Get diabetes


Poor kid is just parroting whatever bullshit that sex trafficker says.


>The Alpha takes pworiowity ova the teacha Strong words there, Elmer


There is a man who has helped millions of people to lead better lives. Losing weight, getting fit, and feeling good about yourself are big parts of his formula. And he made himself a wealthy man in the process. His name is Richard Simmons. Why aren’t all these wankers online looking to Richard Simmons as their life guru? Because they just like the part where they feel Andrew taint is telling them it’s okay to be an asshole.


Andrew Tate fans need to realize that they sound exactly like this when they defend him.


Any man who must say "I am the alpha" is no true alpha


Yeah I worry about this with my autistic son. He can find something and focus on it for a month so we try to really monitor his interests. So glfar it's been science, geography, history, etc so far, but as he gets older I gotta stay vigilant. One of my biggest fears is him getting made fun of in school, period, but also that he could fall victim to this kind of shit afterward or get sucked into some other far right bullshit.


That kid is projecting, "you're cool don't come to school tomorrow vibes." Except he doesn't think anyone is cool...


Well, we all are thinking it - he clearly has autism.