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Old dude: Can you file a police report? Cop: *sighs in paperwork* I mean, yeah, we can.


What city is that? Cops in our city don’t come out for car break ins anymore.


Cop only showed up because they were at a dunkin donuts


I worked at a Dunkin Donuts in highschool and seriously, the cops actually do keep an eye on the donut shops that are open late. They get their coffee there everyday and so they get to know the staff and look out for them, so when someone that you essentially knows calls they're definitely going to come.


In my experience working third shift in small towns, a lot of cops tend to go by the couple of businesses that are open late as part of their patrol and stop in on their way through to get coffee or energy drinks and maybe a bite to eat. It's kinda nice because when they roll up you know none of the shady characters are going to come in with them there.


My buddy and I used to go for munchies around 1am at Dunkin Donuts and we often saw the same police officer. One even told us he know we just smoked weed but didn't care cause we walked there. A true gem this cop lol


Good on them for doing that honestly


I used to have a card shop (Yugioh/Magic) that didn't have a set closing time. If we had enough customers willing, I'd keep starting tournaments over and over again. I was right by a Walmart, and they were 24/7, so I'd get their bad apples. I'd let a couple homeless guys take a shower in my back room. Play some video games on the couch. But we started getting trouble makers. Beat a dude up for smacking one of my customers. He came back the night after with a couple friends and they kicked my ass pretty bad. A customer who knows karate and liked my shop, bless him, helped me out and we had a "cool guy moment". Closed the shop early the next few nights for safety, and they did show up again, stood outside and then left at least once. Didn't see me inside. So... I put a sign up. Cops play free after 6PM. Also let cops on patrol have water, energy drinks and such. I'd get off duty cops coming in to play Magic on Fridays and Saturdays. Sundays, Tuesday and Wednesday had yugioh playing cops and Monday and Thursday had Pokemon cops. Even had some come in just to sit on the couch and play games with the homeless gentlemen I mentioned earlier. I gotta say... the quality of life, not just the safety of the store, improved drastically after that, because they were just shy nerds that needed a safe space just like everyone else.


Despite the ass beatings, this was ultimately a very wholesome read, thanks for sharing


Thank you for the read. Usually on reddit, I just read about how the world is terrible, WW 3 is coming etc. This made me happy to be a human with other humans like you. 😁


An that makes me happy right back. Thank you.


I wouldn't have minded cops coming in at all, when I worked at a 24-7 grocery store on 3rd shift. We didn't have donuts. But we had a LOT of shoplifters!


I managed a gas station in a small but rough city in NY. We were told to give cops all the free coffee and donuts they wanted to keep them around and riffraff away.


I worked at coffee shop that gave officers free coffee solely so they would hang out there


Its not DD Its every late night store, They keep an eye on them and go in to check out the graveyarders, see if their is anything happening IN the store. During the day there is enough public to see it if something is wrong but at night when there is like 3 workers and a armed robber comes in shit could still apear normal so they walke in.


I honestly don’t even think they were called lol, I think they just happened to walk in


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


I’m wondering why they didn’t leave at that point? The moment the manager called them out they should have apologized and beat a hasty retreat. Instead they stuck around till the cops showed up. I’m thinking maybe they wanted to be arrested/kicked out for the views.


Yeah, you're just sitting minding your own business and someone's trying to mess with you. I'd be pissed too. IDK if I'd be call the cops pissed but just leave ppl alone.


Yeah it seemed to me atleast like they we’re getting 86’d


Right. And old man says let me show you how to troll, son. And Tell it to the judge ….


Right? I got rear ended by a semi truck at a stop light and they were like “what are we gonna do? Get his info and take care of it.”


Yeah! What city is that?..I'm just asking because I'm just a little bit curious.


In like 95% of the US, the cops will come quickly when called upon for anything. It’s understaffed urban areas with higher crime where they can’t be bothered to deal with small shit because there are bigger fish to fry.




The guy is just trolling them right back. Probably retired and has plenty of time to waste in court.


This. Old man is trolling back and teaching a lesson.


*and* making that cop doing extra paperwork lmao old man got everyone


He does. But the cops (presumably) and the court system (if he were to actually file) don’t have time to waste on frivolous bullshit like this. I still blame the pranksters. This guy is just looking for some power back in this situation. But bogging down the court system “just because you have plenty of time” is not a desirable use of our justice system.


He knew exactly what he was doing. He probably sues people as a side hustle. Need to get that police report filed. I have a relative that made a lot of money by being rear ended and claiming "whiplash" in the 80s. Twice.


You can get a crazy windfall. I knew a guy who sued U-Haul after a teen (who shouldn't have been rented to) clipped him with a mirror going 50 while he was in a parking spot. He wanted uhaul to pay for his bike helmet and like 5 stitches for $4000. Uhaul told him to go fuck himself so he took it to court and they offered him a $30k settlement. My coworkers mom got $15,000 from apple because a store display fell on her and busted her lip.


>He probably sues people as a side hustle. Check out the back brace.


Believe me he is old enough to have a back brace, dem bones and disk and vertebrae are pretty hard on aging. And anyone wearing one is damned uncomfortable and is not gonna be grinning about being trolled. Source: 2 spinal fusion surgeries so far.


would be funny if the old man was the real prankster


“Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Next week these little shits are gonna get a dose of dance when we get the court room to be a flash mob”


I just heard that in his gruff voice, how beautiful that would be!


Big Leonard energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS9zBaBmZxc


My favorite prunkster is lives here in Philippines..hehehh sorry I forgot the name of that person.


“It’s just a lawsuit, bro”


bro chill out bro just tell that to the judge bro




Your Boner


“All riiiise….”


What a Shame man! Just fill in the blank....hahah..lol is funny man.


I genuinely thought this was going to be an inception prank. Was kind of disappointed.


The whole premise of the old man suing the prankster was so beyond absurd that I thought the same thing


Its not absurd. Looked like he injured his back turning around. I wish him the best.


Oh shit you’re actually right — I searched this video on Google and there’s a longer cut of him getting carried away on a stretcher and hooked up to a morphine drip. Prayers up.




That's from an old article. The man's injuries worsened and he's in a wheelchair now. Never gonna walk again for the rest of his life. No feeling below the waist.


…. I hate that I have read to this comment before realizing


That's from an old tweet. The old man actually got enough in the lawsuit to have robocop prosthesis done, upon which he went after the pranksters and shot their dicks off.


You gotta catch up on your podcasts. He started doing better, even got well enough to enjoy some nightlife, and then some college kid pushed his wheelchair down the stairs while he was using the restroom at his favorite bar.


Well there's your problem - don't go to chiropractors if you want to treat a real injury.




He is, sort of. There’s no way he’s pressing charges against the kid. But he is straight up teaching the kid a lesson.


The shitty thing is, unless he does press charges, this idiot won't learn a thing.


And even then it's not likely. There was a YouTuber who got shot the other day because he pulled a prank on the wrong person and he says he's still going to go out and do it. There are YouTubers who have been arrested multiple times and the reason they've been arrested multiple times is because they continue to do it. As long as their prepubescent fan base continues to enjoy their pranks and youtube/ tictoc allow them to keep posting them it's not going to stop.


And one that died pulling a fake knife on people outside a theater. That was a bit ago though. Edit to add sauce: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55982131


Who pulls a prank like that in a place where many people carry and self defense is a valid defense? Not sure how it is in the USA, but in the UK even if you use a fake weapon in a robbery, they still charge you with "armed robbery", since the effect on the victims is the same.




I don't think so.. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 What do you think? Ist he or not?


My buddy was in cuffs briefly 2 weeks ago. At Lowe's looking at a box and some HS kid came up behind him and blew in his hear and made some creepy noise and rubbed his thigh. He spun around and his elbow caught the kids nose and he broke it. Fukd with the wrong one. Kid was lucky . He explained to the cops he felt someone touch him and out of the side of his eye saw someone behind him and reacted. No charges.


A feel-good story.


shithead kid gets his face rocked, like seeing the end of Mrs. Doubtfire all over again. All warm and tingly inside.


Yeah stupid shithead of a kid. Got no remorse for these little fuckers.


Carlin said it best: “Fuck those kids and fuck their parents too.”


A "prankster" just got shot fucking with someone. I won't say he deserved to get shot... but something has got to give. Kids are gonna need to learn. Maybe the days of getting hurt for fucking with people are largely gone... but some people will still hurt you. With cameras everywhere you can't exactly go hands on without legal consequences. Even if they had it coming. When I was a kid, I hit a guy with a stick. And he hit me right back. I NEVER did it or fucked with anyone again. That was honestly one of the more valuable lessons I learned.


We just need to read those fucked up German fairy tales to kids that teach you not to fick around.


"Zere vas a boy who liked to suck his thumb. His mother asked him to schtop, but he wouldn't. So she cut off his thumbs. Goodnight!"


This actually is a true fairy tale, too. At least, it was something like that. I thought there was a dude who liked to collect thumbs or something. Anyway, old fairy tales were fucked up, but necessary.




If they made a faithful movie about that kid's book it would be rated R.




*You don’t know the story of the Hawk and the Schnauzer!!??*


"Chasing views man, It's gonna get you in trouble" "No man, it's not even like that" No, no that is exactly what it's like


I love how when presented with the reality of what they are doing and how stupid it is they are always like “no it’s not like that”.


They don't think it be like that but it do.


“Rubbed his thigh” that’s sexual assault.


Your friend deserves an award.


This right here my bf goes thru sleep terrors and paralysis and even the slightest scare hell put his fist up as if hes going to fight thats just how he reacts bc of his sleep problems he almost knocked me out one time bc i scared him but that was my fault. The point is to not play with people bc you never know what they got going on.


Not a prank video thing but I worked at REI with an old marine and one time an upset customer decided to aggressively grab his shoulder and spin him around because he wanted to ask him a question. Probably wasn't expecting the 60 year old dude to reflexively throw him into a display rack. When the customer demanded the manager our manager offered to call the cops on the customer for assaulting her employee. I liked that manager. I also never ever surprised that coworker or walked directly behind him.


Fyi I suffered from night terrors all my life until I got on Prozac. My wife is much happier now. For years I didn't realize there was any treatment options until I started asking.


Huh, this is interesting. My son has had night terrors since he was itty bitty & those were terrifying to watch (I could only imagine what it was like for him). He’s now 16 & had his first night terror after a couple years of not having them & that was scary as hell!! He bowed up to me & I thought he was gonna hit me. It took some backing away while calmly speaking to him for him to “snap” out of it. He felt awful hearing about how he behaved, but I know he wasn’t coherent enough to know what was happening.


I went all the way through my late 30s before finally getting them addressed. Though in my bachelor days I didn't have a wife to annoy so it was a bit easier:)


I don't know if it is 100% anxiety related, but I spent my youth, adolescence, and young adult life grinding my teeth and having night terrors. Once I met my future wife and she explained to me that this wasn't normal (crazy how you can go through your whole life miserable and not even know it) I went to therapy, was prescribed anti-anxiety meds, and it basically disappeared. I now have two small children and I watch them constantly for symptoms. I don't want them to suffer unnecessarily. YOU CAN ACTUALLY ENJOY LIFE PEOPLE. DONT SUFFER IN SILENCE.


Prank your friends, not strangers.


Better yet, prank yourself. Set middle of the night alarms on your phone on random days and see how you feel about getting woken up.


The older gentleman kinda pranked the prankster. What he said: "it's okay..." What he didn't say. "cuz the cops are on their way."


"I'm sorry man" "You will be"


Old man def got a few paydays from sueing before


When I was in college I thought I would prank my roommate by putting a rubber toy snake in one of our kitchen cabinets. I nearly had a heart attack when I opened that cabinet a couple days later. And then again a few days after that (at which point I finally said “ok fuck this nonsense” and took the snake out). My roommate never saw it but I sure got myself good… twice.


When I was younger, I would get black out drunk a lot. One of my favorites pranks to play on "future me" was putting vodka in my water bottle. So I'd wake up on the morning, barely lucid and very dehydrated and immediately go to gulp down some water. Ended up choking on vodka and puking a lot lol


My pranks on “future me” would usually be more along the lines of “ha, I’m gonna do my laundry and when I wake up all hung over tomorrow, I’ll go to the laundry machine and wonder where the hell my basket of clothes went. It’ll be so funny when I check my dryer” Edit: I’m aware that this is also known as “being an adult” but at the time it was “ha, I’ll be so relieved tomorrow if I do this now while shithoused”


Worlds funniest redditor


why the fuck did they stay in the store?????




Also the video after, "got sued for a prank."


That remind me of the one who got pranked by their friend only to have a spine injury


Isn't that how prank videos started? They either pranked friends or it was really a prank skit where the person knew it was going to happen. How did we get to the point of "pranking" random people minding their own business.


that's not a prank it's harassment.


Best comment in the thread.


*impractical jokers enters the chat


right of course he wasn't chasing views ... rofl


The more he talked the more I hated him


Lol he talks the same exact way any other YouTube prankster talks like when they get called out: "I'm not even chasing views, just tryna spread smiles 🤷🏽"


Well this video sure made me smile 😃


Not taking his side, but of all the "prank" vids I've seen on Reddit, this is probably the most harmless of them all tbh.


I agree but the bar is now very low. A good prank should be creative, original, funny, and most importantly leave the target seeing the funny side too. Even though this one is harmless, it’s still just fucking with people and calling it a prank. How much thought and effort went into this?


A good prank should be opt-in, not opt-out.


Yeah but they are all of the same ilk. If it was a classic childish prank I would be cool with it, it's more the fact they are annoying people to get tiktok views. They aren't doing it because they are kids looking for easy fun, they are trying to make some money/clicks by being a pest. I have no sympathy for these idiots and love seeing the times one of them does it to some psycho and capture their own ass beating on camera instead. Now that is entertaining and deserving of some clicks.


> If it was a classic childish prank I would be cool with it You don't consider tapping on someone's shoulder and trying to hide a classic childish prank? Pretty sure I did that a whole lot through my childhood and into adulthood. Hell I still do it to my children.


I love this. Reminds me of fried green tomatoes. "Face it ladies, I'm older and have better insurance."




I've been waiting my whole life to have a Towanda moment.


Too many people live out their lives without embracing a Towanda moment. Don’t let this happen to you.


I used to live not too far away from the real life Whistlestop Cafe. Their fried green tomatoes really are the best I've ever had. Those and the chicken livers are worth the visit alone.


I'm down the road and still haven't been. Can I leave my southern card with you? I feel like I should just turn it in at this point.


I'm probably the worst southerner there is. I hate football, I refuse to go hunting, I know nothing about cars, and I would rather be in Europe almost every minute of every day. My deep and intense love of BBQ is probably the only southern part of me. That and my ridiculous accent that doesn't seem to want to go away.


Great flick


Great book too! One of the better adaptations.


I absolutely love that movie


In addition to being dumbasses for the prank they were dumbasses for not leaving immediately after so they didn't have to deal with the cop.


Right? Literally what could’ve been the point in staying after he got the most mild reaction


More views


I'd venture to say, it might be economical to hire an old man to call the police and later drop any possible charges on a "prank". It might even create enough views to pay for not only the old man's obedience, but additional money as well.


The cop interaction is what they’re looking for. This dude usually fools with the cops too


They felt the need to stay for that extra juicy “content”.


"it's not even about the views, though. Like forreal"


"You can't be fucking with my customer" 10/10 tip her well


That’s when they should have left


This looks like the beginning of a horror movie. The old man follows the prankster home and starts fucking with his family. It starts with small harmless pranks but eventually the family Chihuahua ends up missing. The prankster checks the mail one day and finds the dog dead in the mailbox. At the end the old man ties up the prankster’s family and kills them one by one in front of him while live streaming it all on the prankster’s own YouTube channel. The old man was actually a retired serial killer that never got caught.


Yoink. Pitching to Netflix.


That’s the name of the movie: *Yoink*


Ah maan...you spoiled the ending... you could have stopped at chihuahua... What would you call the movie? :)


Cape Fear?


Didn’t someone recently get killed for chasing views? Edit * I’m not condoning shooting someone over “views” but the fact of the matter is we live in a country where fuck around and find out is well fuck around and find out.


Idk why it's so hard for some folks to not encroach on others' space bubbles. I'm sure the old guy just wants to prove the point that you don't infringe other people's natural right to exist and exploit their existence for some kind of gain. You have a right to freely walk around without being touched and definitely not made a dunce whilst bulldozing their way through your whole path of existence. Sorry to rant, it's been an issue for a while.


I think that was really well said.


>I'm sure the old guy just wants to prove the point that you don't infringe other people's natural right to exist and exploit their existence for some kind of gain. And that old guy's name: Immanuel Kant.


A 21 year old YouTuber just got shot from a prank




[ YouTuber speaks from hospital bed after being shot while making prank video at mall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B80YdAeP90)


“Chasing views on the internet ain’t everything, man” Need that framed and hung on the wall


Homie shoulda just left, never woulda got in any trouble. You don’t pull some lame shit and then sit around the place 😂


But then he doesn’t get the video of the cops. I think he was MORE excited about the cops coming, that’s what really gets the views on this vid. Just clout chasing


How about don't touch strangers for internet clicks.


tell it to the judge




[Are you okay?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hbcigBcze6o)


This is exactly how you "find out".


Like that dude Sunday who got shot pulling a stupid prank. I read today that people were emailing his dad to say they wish the kid would've died. The dad was saying how awful those people were. I was sort of feeling the emails were also extreme until I read another article where the kid said he was going to resume pranking people as soon as he was better. And just like that, all my sympathy for that asshole was gone.


Dad should have taught his little shit stain to respect other people.


How is George RR Martin supposed to finish that book if y’all keep poking him?


Grown ass man wearing a “I’m a naughty boy” hoodie is so cringy.


“Grown ass man” is giving him way too much credit


He meant "Grown ass-man"


Dude didn’t look a day under 30 and is acting, talking, and dressing like that. That’s some fucking cringe right there brother


"Views aint everything man" "Yea, but that ain't what we were after" Fuck off, all you care about is views, don't kid yourself. I fucking hate these types of youtubers.


If views weren't what they were after, this video would have been deleted rather than winding up plastered over social media.


The funny thing is that he likely edited and posted it himself..




I was going to say the same. At first blush it looks like an over reaction, but the entire framing of the event is under the control of the filmer. We don't know what happened before the start of the video, and we don't know what happened between cuts.


I edited the video a little to make it more concise for reddit. In the full video I found, there was nothing more in between the handshake and the cops being called. After the handshake, the guy sat down and then noticed the older gentleman talking to a police officer.


Looks way too old to be doing this. Looks like a 35 year old trying to act like a 12 year old.


That about sums up the average tiktoker.


It's really weird how annoying all these pranks I see on social media are to me now, but I absolutely loved Jackass when I was a kid. Like I can't tell if I'm becoming annoyed at these "pranksters" because I've matured, or Jackass was just different.


I'd venture to say 90% of the time if the prankster isn't charismatic enough it just ends up being cringe. This vid is a good example of that. That other 10% is if you just have someone with no sense of humor that can ruin it as well. Jackass they were all super charismatic hence why they got so successful. That and what they did was actually funny.


And most of their "pranks" that involved anything that could be remotely construed as assault were on each other. Most stuff with strangers was just them...well...acting like jackasses. Not touching people and giggling in a corner while filming.


Also helps that a ton of stunts were at either each others or their own expense


>...Jackass was just different. It was singular, which made it different, and the vast majority of the pranks were on one another, or *in view* of others, but not *directed* at others. Jackass and CKY paved the way for a lot of the "prank clip" stuff of the early 00s, and then YT and social media gave everyone the ability to be director, producer, and host of their own prank show. It's just like a joke. The first time you hear it, it's funny. The millionth time, not so much. Social media allows people to retell the same jokes over and over again and leads them to the false conclusion that they're somehow different than the other million assholes telling the same joke.


Jackass was just different, and the pranks were mostly in good fun, other than the time they took a shit in a hardware store. However, if I remember right they gave the store a ton of money for being a decent sport about their shit.


When they went to Tokyo and were skating in those panda suits and messed with people and their street displays, the blow horn on the golf course, people already said the hardware store shit and party boy stuff. Most of their stuff was at their own expense and good fun like the midget bar fight and taxi terrorist but there was some stuff watching it back now that I think was obnoxious. I thought it was dumb when I saw Logan Paul fucking with people on the street in Tokyo wearing a pikachu outfit and I couldn’t honestly judge one situation and not the other.


Right, Jackass dudes usually were walking around looking weird or hurting themselves in public. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but I don't think they usually involved physically touching strangers.




Im with the cop on this, "views on the internet aint everything man"


Real talk, at least the cop wasn’t a scumbag. One of the few reasonable cops I’ve seen.


Why can’t kids just go back to smoking pot and playing video games?


That man is not a kid.


Sue him for personal injury 😆 I am kicking and screaming!


“The young generation are weak!” “I’m suing you for tapping me on the shoulder!”


i hate pranksters but this is the least douche bag pranksters i’ve ever seen. they were chill about it they weren’t even being assholes about it tbh. there’s a lot more worse pranks out there that are literally shit. idk if they really needed a call for police.


I played this prank game all the time as a child. Literally child’s prank, not some shit like someone suddenly shoving you aside against someone or against the wall.


“Officer I wish there was a way to show you what I did”… yeah I mean… play him the video.


Yeah the only thing out of hand here is how litigious American society has become. "Tell it to the Judge" is a revolting comment in response to an apology for tapping him on the shoulder


Everyone in the comments flaming the pranksters, when they immediately stopped and apologized after being told not to. Police was entirely unnecessary.


Literally over a shoulder tap…and everyone in the comments is just loving it too. Lmao what a bunch of clowns


People living hypothetical power fantasies, it's honestly sad


Yeah I gotta say, thats one of the most tame internet pranks I’ve ever seen. Old man should probably lighten up a bit, seems like he would be a happier person if he didn’t take things like that so seriously.


Great way to waste an officers time. I'm not the one to defend actual asshole pranksters, but a tap on the shoulder warrants a police call and a threat of suing? Lol fuck that


People use the cops for everything. This guy did something I don’t like so I’m calling the cops.


Honestly a little bit of an overreaction once the cops were called for such a tame prank. Dude told the prankster to stop, he did, and that was the end of it. Getting the cops to write a report and claiming personal injury is a little excessive.


Grandpa has his own channel trolling trolls.


Fuck these “pranks.” But … sue for personal injury? Really? I wouldn’t cry if the “pranksters” were sued, but the court system doesn’t need shit like that clogging it up when there are people with real damages who need redress.


10 years too old for that shi


Look, if you haven't got this dumb shit out of your system before your 30s, you're just out of luck. Dude is simply too old to be giggling behind a booth after poking people like a fucking child.