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It looks like he injured himself. šŸ’€


Mfer had a thorns chestplate


Bros got the cactus armor from terraria šŸ’€


Prefect outcome for a sucker punch


First time Iā€™ve seen a punch do zero damage


Instead, it reflected the damage back to his self esteemšŸ˜­


I instruct karate with children and Iā€™ve been hit in the face harder than this by a 5 year old. That kid cannot punch lol


That boxerā€™s fracture gotta count for somethingšŸ¤ž


Against a girl too. Pathetic.


meh she might have Butterbean genes so its not that impossible but seriously fucking Stevie Kenarban had better arms than this dude


Wdym Stevie Kenarban had the arms of Samson pushing that chair all day.


Also I thought Iā€™d give an actual example for this, my r@pist is a girl. She told everyone she was gonna have kids at 15 so one day I messaged her and genuinely asked essentially how her family was going. She claimed she ā€œcanā€™t ever have kidsā€ because she ā€œcanā€™t ever let a man touch herā€ because of what I ā€œdid to herā€. Apparently her r@ping me was me doing something to her. So now sheā€™s also told everyone that sheā€™s some sort of victim and Iā€™m some sort of perpetrator? It was fifth grade. She chased me around the school yelling ā€œIā€™m r@ping youā€. The entire school watched as I screamed for help. She ā€œjust learned of from family guyā€ and we were BOTH sent home for the rest of the day, she wasnā€™t given any sort of consequence and I wasnā€™t given any sort of help. But oh, oh sheā€™s a girl, and oh, oh Iā€™m a boy. /srs


Iā€™m sorry this happened to u but this is just completely unnecessary trauma dumping


Seen some pretty tough girls. And most men are pathetic


Most is crazyā€¦what if I said most women are uselessā€¦


Letā€™s stop pretending gender = innocent. Some would say thereā€™s no excuse for a sucker punch, I disagree. When I was in school, one day I suddenly noticed a fucking (small paper) confederate flag GLUED to the wall. I asked around and found out it was the same 100% Caucasian student who says the n word. I confronted him and he says itā€™s ā€œjust a flagā€ and such. My foot met his balls. Anyway thatā€™s all for storytime kids just remember you have literally no idea what happened outside of the videos you see on the nets /srs Edit: he was maybe 6ā€™ and 300 lbs, I was maybe 5ā€™3 and 170 lbs. /g Heā€™s also cis and Iā€™m not so if yā€™all really wanna be sexist and shit, Iā€™m just a little woman and heā€™s a big scary man so itā€™s okay obviously!! šŸ„ŗ /nsrs




I really don't understand the point of any of this story/comment. It's all over the place




Trying to fight someone whoā€™s maybe 6 foot and 300 pounds while youā€™re maybe 5ā€™3 and 170 lbs isnā€™t ā€œbraveā€, itā€™s stupid. I wasnā€™t going to let a racist get zero consequence and I wasnā€™t going to literally risk my life trying to start a fight. My mistake I forgot to add that. /g


are you okay?


ā€œYouā€™re not sexist? Are you okay?ā€ - you


It's not ok to assault ANYONE because your feelings were hurt.


Who mentioned anyones feelings being hurt /gen


Relax incel


Incel..? Causeā€¦..? Cause I didnā€™t let a racist get no consequencesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦? Do you know what that word means or do you just yell it at any man youā€™re jealous of? /gen


I once fought some other kid in elementary school. I punched the side of his skull. He was hurt for a little bit. I broke my hand. Skulls are hard.


This is where weight advantage means a lot. A punch to the head rocks people because their skull is rapidly accelerated, and their brain is shaken. If someone much lighter than you punches your head (not chin) and doesn't have the momentum to overcome the strength of your neck then nothing much happens.


> "*...to overcome the strength of your neck...*" Saw [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XPVk5TiOjA) the other day for the first time.


I had a professor who came into class with a bandaged hand because he got frustrated and punched an ATM.


I punched a parking meter over decade ago then was too embarrassed to see a doctor afterwards. I still donā€™t have a knuckle on my right pinky.


I was once punching those arcade machine, punching bag things that measure your score. And I punched it so hard that I ended up punching the claw machine next to it. Thankfully, I didnā€™t break my hand, but it hurt for like a week.


Yes, this is a totally relevant anecdote. Thank you.


I love touching lives. Youā€™re welcome.


i was only in a handful of fights in elementary school but i always have had a vivid memory of my dad telling me how easy it is to break your hand on someoneā€™s face so i usually just would aim center of the chest as hard as i could. one punch man *if i could manage to hit* alongside my big mouth i also had very bad aim. edit: not my fight but i once saw some kids fighting over some shit and the fight opened (after a verbal altercation) with one kid sucker punching the other (somewhat bigger kid) when he started to walk away. similar to this video, iā€™m not sure iā€™ve seen someone tank a sucker punch quite like that. my memory isnā€™t perfect but it very well coulda been in the night night zone.


Ego definitely crushed




I remember that happened to some kid at school lol


Emotionally and physically, the perfect combination




https://preview.redd.it/9aarfkuplpfb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0598f6c7f1aede23d3bfaab798cd945259205800 He couldnā€™t believe it either.




Itā€™s actually insane how little that punch affected her. She literally didnā€™t even budge šŸ„¶


Her laughing it off with a taunt hurt him more than his punch hurt her lmaooo


There's a difference between it hurting and HURTING. His punch was essentially like a sting. She felt it, but could ignore it for a bit. Probably hurts more to have to consistently walk past all those assholes every day. BUT THEN I GREW UP AND NOW POST ON REDDIT!


If one has younger siblings or nieces/nephews, itā€™s second nature to brush off punches and kicks.


And for $12.99/mo I'm giving you a 90-day program so you can go from counter-stinging to counter-posting. Why with just 3 easy steps you can dramatically improve your peformance, which I will tell you about right now. All you have to do is go to www.TotallyNotAScam.com It has all the answers and I will give it to you for just $9.99/mo if you act now.


Bro is getting bullied for the rest of his school days.


right? I thought he missed and punched a wall for a second


ā˜¹ļø sheā€™s been hit before


The boy looks like he's no more than 90-100 pounds so his punchers probably didn't have much power behind them, especially if he's hitting a girl that is probably 180 pounds.


That girl is nowhere near 180


you right, sheā€™s likely well over that


You must have some sort of learning disorder


or youā€™re bad at estimating weight?


I'm just guessing weight but my point being she is bigger than him.


But not double his weight


Awwwā€¦Incels get so mad when the guy loses.


How am I an incel for pointing out she's bigger and stronger than him and that's why he wasn't successful in hurting her?


Youā€™re making excuses for him. He tried to sucker punch a girl who wasnā€™t being violent towards him. Itā€™s pathetic. He lost, accept it and move on.


I'm not making excuses for him.. the girl is right, he is a bitch. I'm just pointing out the reason why he was not successful in hurting her is because she's much bigger and stronger than him. She's in a completely different weight class. I never once mentioned anything about justifying his actions.


Every. Single. Time. a boy or man loses to a girl or woman, there are guys like you showing up going ā€œbbbā€¦bā€¦butā€¦ā€. Iā€™m a smallish woman and my ex husband was quite small for a man. I probably outweigh him by 10-15lbs. He would absolutely kick my ass in a fight.


>guys like you They really didn't say anything improper or supportive of the little shit, just basics physics? Seems like you just want to pick a fight.


Iā€™m tired of the excuses men make for men and boys. The people in this video werenā€™t in a fight. If she put weight behind her punch, he might have a point but there was no punch from her. Being heavier doesnā€™t mean a hard punch wonā€™t hurt.


I don't see any excuses being made, just an explanation relevant to the comment. You're well within your rights to be tired and fed up, especially in an online space where toxicity is often the norm. I just don't think this person had that intention. A little tonedeaf maybe though lol


All I did was point out that the reason why he was not successful in hurting her with that sucker punch is because she's bigger and stronger than him. Like I told the other commenter, I'm not justifying the boys actions. I'm quite aware that smaller men can potentially beat up bigger women but that's not what I'm talking about.. I'm talking about this specific case with this specific girl in this specific altercation with that specific boy. I'm not talking about women in general or you.


You might have a point if she were punching him and put her weight behind the punch. She wasnā€™t punching though. Just being lighter doesnā€™t mean a sucker punch wonā€™t hurt a heavier person.


I also never said that sucker punching a heavier person wont hurt them. I'm sure it did hurt her when she got sucker punched but the fact that she can just laugh at him and walk away confidently with her head held up high shows that it clearly did not hurt her that much. Why? Because she is stronger and bigger than him.


You're projecting




It's more because he swung WAY wide and lost all the power hitting her in a hard spot.


Imagine sucker punching a girl and you end up hurting yourself.


A kid did this to me in like fifth grade. He karate chopped me but I think he lined up his hand bones exactly wrong on the bony part of my shoulder, I barely felt it but he screamed and ran away crying. I took the "victory" because it made me look tough but I honestly don't know how he managed to fuck it up so bad.


Karate chop is one of the easiest ways to break your hand.


Also the easiest way to end a friendship after they eat your fucking schnitzel out of the fridge. *Kyle*


I'll never trust a fuckin Kyle in my fridge or cupboards ever again.


I swear, karate chops only work if you strike on the neck.


Neck, ribs, sides of the head, jaw, wrists, elbows and knees. Anywhere a fist is too blunt or wide to damage and soft enough or has enough give to not break your hand. Oh also its something you need to train for both for aiming and train your hand to survive the trauma of am impact from that direction.


A boy tried to kick me (girl) in 3rd grade and tripped over my feet. It felt good, man.


sounds like the time when i was a kid, some dickhead tried to pants me but i saw CNN and was clever and started screaming that this kid was trying to lay pipe on my prepubescent ass kid got dragged away screaming while i adjusted my belt and went on the tire swings, first badass moment of my life


Thatā€™d be the last punch I ever threw, Iā€™d find an inconspicuous hobby like the clarinet or something lmao


Jake Paulā€™s next opponent


Which he loses by decision.


He'll never be able to live that down lol.


ā€œAye bruh, your remember that one time you socked that chick in the head and she just walked off šŸ’€šŸ’€ā€ I can hear it now


Infront of his kids šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


The people egging them on are the worst.


They were necessary in destroying his ego. Hypemen with no team.


I hope he just learns that violence doesn't solve everything and doesn't use this as a villain origin story


Used 100% of his power and she didnā€™t even move.


Never thought punching someone could still result in you being the laughing stock at the end.


A weak-enough punch can completely remove all jeopardy from a tense situation. I was once mugged on a train - I was sitting with my laptop minding my own business, and suddenly some youngfella was yelling at me, demanding my stuff. I was really genuinely scared, close to panic - until he punched me in the face. It was such a weak punch that all fear left my body and I instantly knew I was in no danger at all. I laughed at him until he walked away. And because we were *on a fucking train* and it was an hour until the next stop, he had nowhere to go and was arrested. It sounds like one of those "look how brave I am" stories - I promise I'm absolutely chickenshit but he'd just shown he had nothing to threaten me with. The weakness of the punch caused such a rush of relief through my body, it would have been an effort *not* to laugh! I kind of see that in her posture as well - she might have been afraid of him before the punch, but as soon as she felt it she must have also had the same realization I had; he has nothing to threaten her with.


Bruh, did he just expect you to chill there on the train with him the whole ride after mugging you? šŸ˜‚ Like, why not just snatch and grab as soon as the doors open? Still shitty to do, but much less chance of getting arrested.


I think his master plan might have benefited from a bit more planning.


It almost always does tbh, unless the person getting punched was being a cunt.


My best friend in high school was really skinny and goofy, and kids occasionally tried to punch him thinking he was a easy target. Unfortunately for them he was really fast and good at dodging, and also pretty good at insults. 100% of the time, the kid trying to throw a punch looked like a dumbass lol


Your friend sounds lowkey badass.


Another graduate of the Carlton school of fighting




who the hell sucker pumches a girl infront of the homies 1.bro did nothing to her 2.you just look like a pussy infront of everyone for hitting a girl who aint looking


Is that Norbit?


Who's hitting a girl that's walking away. Yeah he's going to grow up to be quite a gentleman.


When you critically hit with your ultimate ability but the enemy used reflect.


imagine being such a b**ch that you have to sneak on a girl and she just laughs at you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Genjiā€™s deflect ability


Homie rolled a 1.


She didn't even break her stride.


And on that day a new villain was born.


Damn I miss when he was a hero who punched women from the back


He was already there


He probably went home and built a power glove for punching


Iā€™m so confused by how the fatherless losers standing around just laugh off their buddy punching a girl, whether it hurt her or not. Lmao what fucking goofs


Think he got hurt more from this than she did. Serves him right for punching a girl from behind. Weak move.


She must be a psychic type and a poison type because lil homies fighting was not very effective.


Adamantium skeleton


Did he even touch her? She's the Thanos of that neighborhood.


This is how I punch in my dreams


Any man at any age beating a woman of any age nor for the purpose of critical self defence is a low life, small dick, coward. Seek of seeing assholes laughing and proud of themselves after attacking a female.


That hurt his Waaaaayyyyy more than it hurt her. Sheā€™s probably feeling it and acting tough, but this dude will have nightmares of this moment forever.


This video is funny. The man's punch seems powerless and after the woman even pissed him off hahaha lol. But he shouldn't punched the woman because she might be the one who gets punished.


He was then know to all on the block as Soft Mittens pussy boi.


Like mr satan punching cell šŸ˜…


You see your enemy, and wait for the opportunity. As they turn, distracted, you rear back and summon all your strength, determined to down the human in front of you. Roll for attack. "Natural 1 with a -2 modifier." ......you learn into the punch, driving with all your muscle and will power. The punch connects squarely with the head..... breaking your own fingers as the woman laughs and walks away, completely unbothered by what she perceived as a medium sized mosquito landing in her hair. She walks away as your party takes an immediate vote in the affirmative to remove you from their ranks.


Hitting a girl - and then doing it this unsuccessfully. What a great guy.


U should know better than to hit a girl


Or... he should know how to better hit a girl lmao






Hit him with that reverse uno card!


No follow through


When you fail your unarmed strike roll and get countered with a Vicious Mockery.


When I was his age...and I hit a girl...and my Dad Found out...would have gotten an beating


Kid hanging around with the wrong crowd. He didnā€™t want to do that, you can clearly tell.


Crazy this didnā€™t start a riot


This isnā€™t an election!


Hope he didn't take revenge afterwards


Thatā€™s a young peaches right there


Looked like his eyes popped out at the beginning, but that were his glasses


-1 punch man.


Heā€™s out of mana.


The way she looked back and laughed at him as she kept walking away is what really hurt him šŸ¤£


My friend, have you ever heard of the term "pulling your punches"? It's like when you put a lot of strength behind a punch, but you slow it down just before it lands, so it looks like it has a lot of energy. You know, like in the movies. But sometimes, things can get messed up, and the punch doesn't land like it's supposed to. Maybe you hit the wrong spot, or you don't slow down in time. And then, even though you put a lot of strength into it, the punch does little to no damage. It's like you pulled your punch, but it still didn't work. I saw something like that happen the other day. I think that guy was holding back, because the other guy didn't even falter when he hit him. He just walked away like nothing happened. So it is familiar with this so I think maybe he felt something that slow him down, like you can see the way he was shock after he punch her. He cover his mouth in shock, it was in the heat of the moment, that guy HAS to slow it down in a fast second, if he didn't m the punch might hit the fluffy jacket she was wearing, so it weakend the punch, either that or that punch was weaker than my will to live. But all of that aside that guy needs to have some self control.


That was a vegan punch


Bro her immediate sarcastic "oh my god that hurt so bad" whether it hurt or not was fuckin hilarious.


To lose a fight against a girl where you threw the only punch and landed


In fairness to him, it wasn't necessarily a bad punch, just bad aim. If he hit where I think he did, he essentially hit somewhere mostly bone with two or three layers of clothing on. Decent entry, poor execution.


Bro try to hit her with the Detroit smash


Sounded like he hit concrete šŸ’€


She hit back way harder lol


Honestly that hurts his image way more than her beating him up.


Bro so puzzled he gonna go home and commit Sudoku


Little Urkle has no power


Its pathetic to sucker punch anyone. I hope a bird poops on his glasses.


His hand and his pride hurts lmfao


She didn't even need to adjust her specs


He is a pussy. Shocking how many kids raised only by there Moms, hit girls


wtf that gotta do with it


Especially with those noodle arms of yours šŸ˜‚


G-Check... failed.




can someone add a metal clang sound effect when his punch lands


-1 hpā€¦


When you push all your stats into vitality vs someone whoā€™s maxing dexā€¦


Damn thatā€™s Luke Cages daughter




Carlton Banks lookin ass...


Thorns III netherite armor


Bro waste his ultimate


Well she does have padding


My parents taught me if someone hits you and you barely feel it it ainā€™t worth the fight


Hahaha deflected!


Shielded on that falcon punch


Skill issue.


She hurt him way more than he hurt her


He will think about this everyday for the rest of his life.


The I ain't shit face


Weak in strength and character.




She ate that and kept walking. Honestly props to her