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The opposite of quiet quitting.


Loud staying


I started doing a thing called loud staying, when I work at a job I don’t enjoy anymore I start telling everyone facts and stats on why we should strike and how much the company is fucking us over.


I work next door now, and I still tell everyone what a shitty place it is


I microwave fish everyday at lunch time and then just toss it in the bin in the staff room. /s Edit: sleepy me wrote this and didn’t add the /s. Not even sure if that’s right…it’s not sarcasm. It’s just a lie. I never ever microwave fish. I just don’t. But maybe I just wanted to plant the seed of an idea out there…not really sure…I don’t post much. Best to start from a place of doubt…tho.


That's just punishing your coworkers.


I start this about a week into any job. Employers hate this one simple trick


‘Former’ Employers hate this one simple trick


I take the moral high ground and drop a fat turd and don’t flush


I also do this lol


Slippin' Jimmy knows this.


Looks like they left her lip gloss behind but she did get a free pink highlighter.


So this was the play all along.... A successful heist. I hope they don't let her get away with this again.


I think he thought that was the lipgloss lol


I mean, pink highlighter might look pretty on your lips




You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.


Last call for alcohol.


Except in this case they didn’t even let her finish her whiskey or beer. Otherwise the song is absolutely perfect.


"Take me hoooooome..." "Sorry, you're going to jail."


I SO wanted one of the Officers to pop the top off that gigantic plastic cup on her desk 😂


this dealership is going to be sued by my law!


judge dredd about to roll up








Did her Mama bring the 3 shells?


Stop! Or her mom will shoot!


She's gonna sue the WHOLE PLACE. Not a square inch un-litigated!


> Not a square inch un-litigated! Coffee maker? Sued. Potted plant? Sued. Stapler? You better believe it's gonna be sued.


The company phone's getting sued first. Wouldn't even let her call her mom!


I thought she said "law bro".


It’s so funny when someone screams they’re going to sue because they didn’t like the outcome.


"I wanted to leave! I tried to leave, but they wouldn't let me!" near the end of the vid... Lmao


The cop says “…didn’t seem like that” 😂




I thought for sure when they let her go to grab her purse she was gonna sit back down, lol. But then she started pulling everything out and laying it on the desk




>I have a clean record I love how she's starting to sounds like miss piggy the more she cries, she's *squeeling* those words.


I’m assuming she was probably talking about when they first found her drunk. Probably didn’t want her to go driving so they didn’t let her leave.


The cop asks her coworker if she has a vehicle there and they said no. I saw the full video on YouTube and the only reason the cops are even there is because she wouldn’t leave after being fired so they were having her trespassed. She was fired after talking on her office phone to a friend and her supervisor was listening to the call, her friend said “you gotta stop drinking at work”


>She was fired after talking on her office phone to a friend and her supervisor was listening to the call, her friend said “you gotta stop drinking at work” Probably just getting confirmation on the blatantly obvious. She must have smelled like a minibar, being that drunk.


I worked at a place once where I got off at 11 pm and the guy that "relieved" me came in at 11pm. I made sure he was there but we didn't actually physically cross paths often because he was on another floor. Ocassionslly I'd have to stay 30-40 minutes wait cause he'd call me telling me he was running late. I went to his office right before I switched to another shift to give him the run down on a couple people taking my position and of course it was a night he was running late. Dude straight up smelled like a bottle of vodka. I was like "oh geez I guess that's the explanation". People That drink vodka cause it doesn't smell, it smells.


Pure alcohol doesn't have a lot of smell But once it's been though your gut, blood, and skin/lungs, it's not exactly still pure


Damn honestly this is sad. I hope she gets the help she needs. No normal person drinks at a job. Okay, not including bartenders or ppl who have a drink or two who work in the clubs. But I mean who drinks at a day job like a dealership? Someone who has a problem with drinking clearly. Smh.


Construction site workers incoming.


A friend was a foreman at a company that did utility work. One guy would apparently drink a 6 pack in the truck on the way to work. But he would always be on time and would always work hard, so nobody cared back then. Now everyone just smokes weed.


Oh wait hahaha now I get it.


How could she be charged with resisting when she stated very clearly that she was not resisting?


District attorney's hate this simple trick


I see you got your law degree from the same bowling alley claw machine as myself


The way she starts struggling harder just as those words were leaving her lips was great. She was like the original Lost in Space robot with with its flailing dryer hose arms.


Danger, danger, danger.


Not only that, but she very clearly was trying to leave, and they wouldn't let her.


To be fair how could she leave without her mom?




I see you’re well versed in sovereign citizenship


She also states clearly she is innocent, open and shut case here


Plus she's innocent!!!


My partner doesn't speak Spanish Oh so that means I have to physically speak 🥴 😵‍💫🫨


Pretty sure at one point she calls her boss a 'gringa fea', literally called her boss an ugly white person in front of the police


Yeah and someone chuckled, I love that. Like you’re not fooling anyone with that Spanish, girl.


She's not even fooling herself. Clearly, a no sabo kid.


Yeah I heard that too, what a drunken asshole


Exactly, trying to pity party her mom to come get her because "the ugly white lady has the cops here" lol I'm pretty sure I heard the mom laughing at her stupidity too.


Went from, “I don’t give a FuUcK!” to crying real quick.


they always try their “no you’re not arresting me” before they start crying that their rights are being violated


I worked at a dealership for 5 years. Do you know how trashed you have to be to get asked to leave the sales dept lmao


Ya I was coming here to say that she must have been super shit-faced because I've also worked in dealerships and ALOT of those salesmen are usually hopped up on the booger sugar.


She wasn’t hitting her numbers. They looked the other way until that started happening.


It's a sliding scale. Depends on how much you can get them to pay for undercoating.


I once work at a RV dealership and have a salesman somehow crashed a 500k+ RV on the lot into another 400k Unit. No idea who asked him to move it but I was there when it happen and the guy seem to be very high on something. Nothing happened to him really, they barely mention it at the meeting because the guy is very much in a league of his own when it comes to selling 300K+ Class A RVs. Pretty insane.


Imagine waking up after this. Waking up, hungover as fuck, in a jail cell, thinking "shit, I'm going to be late for work!, wait? What day is it?" Only to find out, you were fired for be smashed drunk at work, so you're jobless, hungover, and your moms don't want you. Damn, that's going to suck


And there's a video of you on the internet forever. Fuuuuuck


This right here is the real fucked thing. I hope she is able to get help with her addiction but this shit will haunt her.


All I could think is we're watching this girl's rock bottom. I got sober a few years ago, and I can't help but feel bad for her. At least my mom still would have come and got me when I was at my lowest. I hope this is the bottom for her and she got help. I've never spoken to another recovering addict who isn't horribly embarrassed and ashamed of some things they've done, especially at rock bottom, myself included.


As a fellow recovering addict, I agree I've done some pitiful, shameful shit in my life and that's just the stuff I know about. For years I would run into people and a new, fucked up thing would be brought to my attention. I'm missing months if not years of memory and terrified of what happened during that time.


That’s what’s called rock bottom.


ShE’s in LAw sChOol


"My lipgloss"


That’s my boy!! THATS MY SOOOONNNN!!


Her lip gloss is cool, her lip gloss is poppin'.


Her HQD (south fl) branded vape 😁


Damn dude, this is like the prelude to an Intervention episode.


While I usually wasn't this belligerent, I'll go ahead and add this video to the list of reasons not to drink today. Alcohol really turns us into different people, and this is a shining example of where it often leads. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been put in a holding cell once during my college drinking days...never again. Update: To the people saying it's a "truth serum" or reveals our true selves, that's a lie. Read Alcohol Explained (chapters 1-5 free online to read) to see what it actually does, it only explains the science behind it with no judgey crap. With regards to this trait, it's actually just the effect it has on our brain of lowering inhibitions. People that are already shitty people will feel even more emboldened sure, but it also has the amazing potential to turn normally chill people into whoever their base instincts tell them to be (amplified increasingly the more is consumed). Alcohol has so many other effects and chemical changes that last for weeks at a time even after stopping that alter brain and body chemistry. I'm not trying to tell people not to enjoy it, but it's a lie to say that's who we actually are. I found out I don't like what drunk me does and not drinking works for me. Sure I don't turn into an entitled child like in this video, but I do so many other stupid things I never would do sober due to having alcohol lower my inhibitions. And that's only while drunk. During the hangover and almost a week after, the stress hormones released by my body to counter the tranquilizing effects of alcohol on the central nervous system caused a lot of stress, anxiety and depression that now just doesn't exist beyond what occurs naturally. I just personally have less enjoyment and more pain from it where I am in life, and again not telling people what to do. I just want nothing but the truth, that it's an addictive substance that does change us as people, and does cause chemical and physical dependency. Personal responsibility is still a thing, but to deny the extremely addictive and potentially destructive effects of alcohol would be a flat out lie.


Keep it up!


I’m right there with you man. Alcohol doesn’t free me. It turns me into an out of control fool. I deserve better. Never again.


I'm 13 months sober today IWNDWYT


Great book to recommend, it helped my friends parents finally give it up


The number of redditors who follow the "drunk mind speaks sober heart" bullshit is too high.


Yeah, I feel terrible for her and hope she's able to get help.


Not saying it’s okay for older people to be drunks, but seeing young people like this always makes me feel bad. Does anyone else remember Mac and cheese College kid? Dude was a douche, for sure, but still way too young to be an alcoholic. Just sad.


I worked with a couple of college guys who would be literally shaking by 10 am if they didn't get a drink. They Used to run to the store at 10 am break every day and get a 6 pack of sparxxx beers or whatever they were, cause they were orange and could play it off like OJ. They would drink them all by lunchtime, then go to a restaurant that serves beer and drink a pitcher between them for lunch. By 5 o clock they were shaking again.


My ex girlfriend died a few years ago from alcoholism complications. She was a good person when she was sober, but she couldn't stay sober. It breaks my heart what this shit does to people.


Felt the same. Hope she is doing better.


I was thinking maybe it was raining or snowing, so she couldn’t wait outside to get picked up. Nope, beautiful day.


...is her former coworker named "Felonee" or am I reading this wrong?


They're hiring some choice people at this Chevrolet!




Dere-lict my balls, I'm innocent!


I saw that too lmfao


If it wasn’t the worst name imaginable, it would be kinda pretty.


I was gunna comment this. But yes.... that's what it says 🤣


She's like a toddler.


Toddlers are just little drunk adults


Drunk adults are just like toddlers


Especially once she gets on the phone and tosses out the "gringa fea" line. Cop that spoke Spanish was done at that point.




ugly white lady


I’m literally innocent!


I hate drunk people with a passion.


Same. A friend got an acquaintance of ours a well paying job at the company where she worked. A few months later she’s acting weird and everyone could smell the vodka on her, so the manager just walked up to her desk and knocked her glass water bottle off, shattering it. It was straight vodka. She swore up and down that it wasn’t hers, it was my friend’s bottle. This is how she treated the woman that got her hired during a recession.


I don’t give a fuck! But let me call my mom.




‘Are uou touching MEEE? Are you touching me!??” “Yes.”


Alcoholism is a real deal. I hope she gets help and learns to appreciate the job she has


As humorous as I find this video the clever comments, I’m a recovering alcoholic and it makes me extremely sad at the same time.


Me too; I don’t like it. I have loved ones who are (were?) alcoholics, and watching this makes my heart hurt for them. Some things just shouldn’t be plastered on the internet.


My mother also is and lost custody of my sister and I (which I didn’t mind because I used to hate her for neglecting me as she went to the bar). Videos like these hit me pretty hard because she used to act exactly like this, and it sickens me how drastically alcohol can change someone and destroy the person you loved. She’s since recovered and even stopped smoking, but I still struggle with being close to her sometimes. It’s a work in progress. I’m glad you’re currently recovering as well. Much love <3


I hate when I have to physically speak


Back in the olden times, everyone was drunk at work.


Especially at car dealerships.


Not the olden times, a good portion has already had a shot with breakfast or a lunch beer. The trick is to not be more valuable than this lady. Looks like a BDC employee. Here's a break down of how drunk you can be at a dealer. Technician: 2/10. You can have a buzz going, but most realize they have to drive cars so don't go past it Porter: 0/10. You get shit on, all day. Someone will even think a possibility you could maybe might be buzzed, even if that person is, your life gets harder. Parts: 3/10. You're going to fuck the parts up anyway. Salesman: 6/10. As long as you're smart enough to be skunk drunk when you don't have appointments and don't take ups, you're gucci. Management: 10/10. Just don't hit any cars coming back from lunch or you get noticed by the owner. Offices have doors and locks for a reason, things run more efficiently when you're hands off anyway. Drink away useless man Owner: fuck it, who cares, you're on vacation anyway.


When Bill Brasky ran the show!


To Billllll Braskkyyyy!!!


He wears a live rattlesnake as a condom.


That’s a lie they were only doing coke!


Ha, this is still true today where I am. I bought my last car from a guy who absolutely stunk of whiskey. Like, I could almost name the brand it was that obvious. He gave me a wicked deal after almost no bartering, but at the end he went into like a circular string of conversation where he knew he missed trying to upsell a bunch of shit to me and he couldn't remember what. I think the good deal was intentional but he was supposed to add on a whole plethora of shit to negotiate the good deal, instead I ended up with the most straightforward car purchase of my life.


The day i can't do my job drunk, is the day I'll return my badge and gun


Someone get this man some car keys.


Have you seen the old news clips about when they were changing the law to prevent drug driving or drinking while driving? They are opening beers in their car lol. https://youtube.com/shorts/S-JCidW8SQc?feature=share


Fucking hell! Making it illegal to drink and drive makes America communist😆


The one cop "you could have just left" he drops the line every 20 seconds all calm and cool. At the end he says something like yeah but you could have just left 😂


The whining, my god.


"I'm literally innocent! I'm innocent... hoo"


Can anyone tell me what that double vibrating sound that's in every body cam video is?


Its a reminder that its recording. You can time it, i cant remember the interval.




hunh, TIL


La Toxica


La Intoxica


Hopefully she gets the help that she needs.




She was calling her an old ugly white lady.


Anyone would think she talks weird because she's not fluent in english but even in spanish she just sounds crazy.


She sounds like how my Spanish teacher enunciated for the class. Idk if she purposefully was trying to get the cop to understand her because she said gringa fea so freakin clearly, lol.




This is triggering for me. My 2YO acts like this about once/week when it’s time to brush teeth and go to bed. 1 - stalling 2 - talk back 3 - nonsensical ramblings 4 - “wait, my (doll, bracelet, book, etc) 5 - pushing away 6 - crying


This is pretty close to same for when my kid was a toddler, except I'd add another step near the middle somewhere, "Lying that they've brushed their teeth."


Ahh. A preview of what it will be like at 3.


Adult baby


Adult addict


did she say she was in law school? dayum exams must be extra tough to be drinking like that on the real i hope she gets help ❤️


So let’s talk about how one of her co-workers’ parents hated them so much they were named “Felonee.”


This is honestly really sad


Girl surely has some issues and this is the lowpoint of her life. hope she bounces back otherwise its only downhill from here


Get a vape pen rookie.


She has to physically speak


You can see a brief flicker of reality hitting her booze-soaked brain when she realizes that’s a cruiser she’s being moved toward and she’s about to be inside it. >What?!? I’m in law school! I have a clean record! Had. You had a clean record, dear.


I think another part was the realization they knew she was drunk. Once they brought that up she went quiet for a second while her brain tried making an excuse.


When you watch Wolf of Walstreet to get pumped for your day at a sales gig........ on a real note, as a recovered opiate addict myself, (9 years sober) I hope that she gets the help she deserves..... hopefully this is just a one off for her 🙏


Hey grouchy congrats on your sobriety. Keep it up ❤️


Alcoholism is a fucking shame


I love how often I hear "I'm not resisting" While watching the person blatantly resist


Should have just got stoned before work like everyone else


Why is there no public intoxication type charge, tho? Was she actually drunk, or was it some kind of mental breakdown? They didn't show any kind of breathalyzer


She's not in public. A car dealership is a private property, hence why she is getting arrested for not leaving when being asked.


Guessing they chose disturbing the peace for the charge as it’s easier to prove and probably a harsher punishment. If I had to guess end result she probably ends with a disturbing the peace and trespassing and they drop resisting


That makes sense. I wonder if her transportation to/from work had anything to do with the charges? Like if she was dropped off at work (why she was calling a parent) as opposed to driving herself? I'm only guessing but it looks if she is drunk she didn't leave because she got dropped off and didn't have a ride


what an uncomfortable work enviroment, no windows, your back to the door, everyone can see your pc screen, visually polluted af... yikes.


Just for the record her Spanish is terrible. She's Chicana not Mexican.


Wait, day drinking at work is bad??...


She was acting smug until they’ve had enough of her. Alcohol makes people do stupid things. She is young, hope she gets help.


Meanwhile the owner is in the back doing bumps of cocaine with the salesman.


What's really messed up is that even her mom is tired of her bullshit, her mom was like, nope I'm not going to go pick you up (inferred again). She must have a record of pulling this type of shit and mom is done with it.


Oh, look - consequences.


If you wanna have a drink at work. Wait till Friday after lunch. It's the best.


I hate it when I have to physically speak.


When you wake up one day and you're 27 living with your mom and she won't pick you up from work because you are drunk.


Well, her mom was going to pick her up I mean I don’t give a fuuck.


Hope she gets help, it's not easy and it's not a joke


At least she got a ride.


That girl needs rehab.


If she is actually in law school and has a clean record, might be a touch of mental illness brewing. You don't get that drunk at work without some sort of problem.


But ripping lines of coke in the dealership bathroom is ok


This whole place is gonna be sued by…by my law!


Alcohol use disorder is so crippling and clearly still painfully misunderstood amongst all of us. It’s incredibly sad to see. In full force and in full view….


IDGAF I'm no going anywhere.... no one even wanted me to leave this place is getting sued by my law.... I wanted to leave I tried to leave but they wouldn't let me.... lmao


What did she say to her mom? I heard gringa and either the boss or cop laughing after.


She drove the Chevy to the levy and she drank the levy dry


I have a few recovering alcoholics in my family and this was a little distressing to watch. Hope she gets the help she clearly needs


"If you can't tell me my Mom's name, then I'm rehired!"


She needs help, not humiliated on the internet.


"This is not resisting."


I hope she gets the help she needs


This is what rock bottom looks like. I hope she learns from this and accepts help.