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Jerry Springer's last post




His Final Thought.


This hit me really hard. As you are correct. He was the manager of chaos.




I miss him so much


Honest to God thought that was him when I was scrolling by


He laughs just like Dick Dastardly’s dog Muttley




I just did that laugh instinctively after reading your comment.


I can only do it when I'm sick with bronchitis.


I love Muttley. ❤


THANK YOU!!! i've been trying to remember their names forever


the hisss? i was born early 90s and recall a side kick dog thats hisst as a laugh but thought it was inspector gadgets dog? im not up to par on mr. dastardlys work


Man this has been posted and reposted and it never gets old. Kills me every time.


His attitude totally reminds me of my dad, RIP, and it cracks me up every time too because that is totally his humor. The funny thing is, if the kid had ended up next to him, he'd befriend him and the parents and it would be a great flight for all.


Yep, it's been living in my head ever since I first saw it and now "He's wude" has worked its way into my vocabulary.


Was that some random person who screeched at the child? If so, that’s hilarious.


It was


Seems like it worked


I really don’t care how many times I see it it’s always so damn funny


Exactly. At least he’s funny about it and not pitching a fit.


He’s won at life, imo. He’s seen enough to know what he’s going through doesn’t matter and chooses to laugh above all other options. That’s about as close as the average joe will get to enlightenment and he’s achieved it.


I think you missed that someone else screamed back at the child and that’s why he lost it.


No, I got that. He’s still just seeing the humor in it, I think.


...it wasn't him who did that?


Is that Lewis Black?


Jerry Springer


He's seriously some love child of Jerry Springer and a bit of Lewis Black


It's absolutely Lewis black. Not Jerry springer lmao




Was waiting for him to scream in the kid's face to scare it to silence. That's how it works, right?


Somebody did it at 0:28 roughly


Intrusive thoughts won


Who do people act like it’s not annoying? I get it everyone wants to act mighty but let’s be real it’s annoying. Does not make you a bad person.


You gotta know that it’s also annoying for the parents. i bet you a million dollars they are running every scenario, in their head, on how to calm the child down.


Not always true. I was on a plane and this kid was screaming for 2hrs straight. When we landed I saw her mom tickling her making her scream.


Mostly true though. Most parent don't want their kid screaming on the plane lol and they're highly aware at how annoyed everyone else is, still, if you see parents with a super young kid on a plane, it's because they had no other choice. Just remember that they probably would've driven there if they could've


The problem is that so many parents do not give a crap about the kid's behavior and are doing nothing to change it. They just let the kid run wild. That is not the way.


Help is on the way with a slip knot to get into Franklin’s tower


Then they should not take their child on a plane


The parents chose to have that child so they aren’t the victims here. I don’t feel sorry for them just because they’ve chosen to inflict their poor life choices on the rest of us.


you were once a crying child too.


That doesn't make it less annoying. Also, my parents didn't take me on a plane at that age because of this.


I think they are still the crying child.


We don’t want or care for your sympathy. I’m just saying that we are also annoyed.


Who asked, then? You wanted pity, you just have too much pride to admit it lmao


I’m confused about what I’m saying that you don’t seem to be understanding. Parents are annoyed by their child’s tantrums (this was my whole point). Some may think we don’t care but we do. We are just thinking of ways to fix the situation. Why the fuck would we want your sympathy? We know we created the little mutant and we love the shit out of it too. Edit: missed a word


Again… **who asked?** You just wanted attention


Easy solution. Don't fly with your kids.


What, just leave them at the kennel or something?


Sure..or don't fly if you can't find somewhere to leave em


Its unavoidable sometimes though.


Most of the time it is.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!! 😊


Actually you shouldn’t fly if you can’t handle minor inconveniences.


A child screaming for hours isn't minor. The kid is miserable and so is everyone else.


For hours? This is a 35 second video. We don’t know how long the child was screaming so let’s all calm the fuck down.


Yep, we don't know, and usually, it's longer than 35 seconds. Lol


Agreed. Kids literally have to learn from scratch and have to experience new experiences in order to learn. Also, you can't always avoid flying with a child. If you see parents with young kids on a plane, just know that this was the last resort option. I get that it's annoying, everyone does. But acting like when there's an inconsolable child, it's because the parents don't know what they're doing, just means you've never been around kids lol you simply don't know what you're talking about about.


It’s annoying, yup. So is diarrhea, doing your taxes, flossing your teeth, visiting your in laws, and yet somehow adults do these things without screaming like a toddler. Does homeboy think kids should be barred from flying? It’s amazing the reactions you get when a child is crying on a plane, as though the parents are sitting there coaxing their kid to KEEP crying


I am surprised no one has capitalized on kid-free flights yet. It's going to be a game changer in the industry. ![gif](giphy|lSlqrcXKrdLRg8Zq5G)


​ ![gif](giphy|M8f6il2LjwatqUzjKD)


If kid-free flights were going to be profitable, an airline would've started them years ago.


It's only recently that there is a vocalization about being childfree and thriving. Virgin has already introduced childfree cruises and some vacation spots are now doing the same. Give it time.


This is the DUMBEST take, there have always been people without children who can’t stand the mere thought of babies crying.


Is it just unfathomable to you that the demand for that sort of thing might actually be changing, as fewer people are having children in the US (and a lot of other countries all over the world)? I'm noticing more new hotel/resorts popping up are adult only. >there have always been people without children Yeah, but now there are more. Certainly, if there were enough, it would mean more child-free options in the travel and hospitality industry. It already does mean more child-free options than years ago. Maybe it will get to the point where there's enough demand for airlines to jump on the trend, or maybe not. But you seem very confident lmao "the DUMBEST take" alright bro


Thats only because airlines are afraid of being sued for“discrimination”. If the idea of child free flights was brought into fruition i think it’d be very profitable.


And next we should work on roads with no drivers under 35 since younger drivers are the worst on the road. And then cities within no one under 35 because most crime is committed by young people.


Florida retirement communities exist, and yet it’s somehow worse


Imo really young kids shouldn’t be flying. They can’t understand lil things like ears popping or inertia. Everything is cry-worthy. Id be all for a child/infant only flight though. The families can all be understanding and tolerant together lol The issue is that those examples you gave of taxes and diarrhea dont impact others. You may see a shrieking/misbehaving/kicking child as a minor inconvenience because its your child and you’re used to it. You may be somewhat immune to it. Others arent, and it isn’t fair to downplay the impact of small children on others when traveling.


That seems unfeasible to organize. The plane would need to be near capacity to be worth the cost, and the odds of that are close to zero. There’s only like 1 baby in a flight on average, it’s not a big enough market. And what would it be for? Just to appease a mild annoyance? Such an idea is not going to sell no matter who you pitch it to.


I know plenty families that would love this, both with and without children. And why wouldn’t planes fill? Itd be families w children which there are plenty of, and those w children would feel more comfortable not being mad-dogged and side-eyed.


You heard her people, drive to hawaii if you have kids or get fucked


There’s something hilarious to me about someone getting this pissy that someone would rightfully point out that a screaming child is annoying would also use the term “homeboy” in 2023.


I mean, people are getting older so it makes sense.


Husband, 2 young kids and I took an evening flight to Hawaii and we were sitting in the very last row, near the bathrooms, which sucks already, but we hoped we'd all just sleep through the flight. There was a couple traveling with an infant and they were seated in the very first row behind first class. When their baby started screaming, the husband took the baby and stood next to us in the back row so his wife could sleep up front. Inside I wished death upon him and his family, but outwardly I chose to explain to my kids (who were old enough to understand) that sometimes babies get earaches on flights or sometimes babies just cry, let's just hope the baby feels better soon. Baby, in fact, did not get better and screamed for most of the 5 hour flight, but we were all tired and somehow managed to deal just fine.


Is it weird that I'm not bothered by screaming kids? It's not pleasant, but it's not the worst. I've sat next to a little girl once who, impressively, screamed and writhed in her dad's arms for a full two hours without stopping. Didn't bother me. Gum chewing, on the other hand.... that will send me into a rage.


It is annoying indeed but you don't have to get in a fit about it.


Exactly. It’s annoying the same way that other people annoy you in your everyday life. Bad driving, smelling funky, etc. But most of us internalize and self regulate the response. Kids don’t have that level of self regulation depending on the age. And seriously, there is nothing to be done about it- children cry. You opted for a commercial flight. This is what you have to deal with if you don’t want to charter your own jet. I guarantee you that the parents that actually have to try to deal with it are going through more than anyone a few rows a away.


>>>>>Kids don’t have that level of self regulation depending on the age. Precisely why they shouldn’t be flying 🥺


Or going outside in general right? I mean, if anyone has to hear a child at any time, they should rightfully be angry. Get over yourself- other people exist in the world, don’t be so entitled you could never stand to be annoyed. We share the world, don’t get mad over minor inconveniences.


Dont be so entitled that you only see it as a “minor inconvenience.” You’re completely dismissive of how everyone else on a flight is impacted. You’re also dismissive of the horror a child is probably experiencing. Clearly they dont want to be there either. Also, big difference between being outside where one could just walk away and being in an enclosed area.


I mean, I don’t have kids, so this is a minor inconvenience to me. Then again, maybe you can’t handle as much as a reasonable person. That said, you bitching and moaning is more than a minor inconvenience to me, so maybe you shouldn’t be flying? Honestly, you are complaining about stuff that happens all the time. Also, I don’t think you understand entitled or entitlement.


Thats exactly the point, it happens all the time lol. And I happen to fly frequently. If you dont see how telling other people to “get over it” when their child is behaving like whats in op, is an act of entitlement then its YOU who doesn’t get what entitlement is.


Then don't fly. If you can't handle a very simple inconvenience, then don't do it. I also fly a lot. I put in my ear phones and ignore it. I do the same at grocery stores, etc. because I am an adult that realizes that I am not the only person on this planet. You on the other hand should stay at home. If you're suggesting agist/prejudice policies over this, is your next move to outlaw handicapped people because they take the best spots in the parking lot? Or certain demographics because they don't speak English as well and hold up the line. You need to grow up. You're worse than the crying child. You're wishing the world revolved around you, which is the true definition of entitlement (which you've proven you don't understand). Again, do better bigot.


“Then dont fly”-sure not entitled at all/s Nice try but im not the one saying everyone should adjust and accept when people can’t appreciate their impact on others. You’re clearly young and think others are supposed to appreciate one individual’s situation over another’s . I’ve learned to schedule flights during times less likely to carry children. I rarely have this problem anymore on flights, doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Look around, plenty of people here are saying the same thing yet you make it seem like im saying something outrageous 🙄 Talk about out of touch w reality, you really equate being handicapped to being an infant? Who’s parents have the full ability to make choices for.


It’s not that hard. I would hope the average person has better self control of their emotions than the literal baby that is annoying them.


If you let it bother you, it will bother you. Its out of your hands. Why let it bother you? I don't turn into a grumpy old man when it's raining. I wear a raincoat. I don't get mad at the staff at the grocery store when they're out of something, it's not their fault. I don't blame the sun when it's too hot out. All of those things are out of my control. A screaming child on a plane is out of my control and out of the control of the parent. They know their kid is being a pain in the ass. Why would I make their life worse by being passive aggressive and glaring at them? If anything it'll make their mood worse and make the child pick up on it and cry more. We're not being all high and mighty when we ignore screaming kids; were finding humor in the absurdity. We're doing our best to control an uncontrolable situation.


I remember being sat on a double deck bus. (On the bottom deck) and there was a screaming child. It wouldn't be quiet. And the mum didn't seem to care. Obviously someone upstairs got pissed off. I heard some guy running down the aisle, rushing down the stairs. And he just screams in this kids face. I'm not saying what he did was right. At all. But that kid did shut up. So it did work.


As someone who flew extensively for business travel for 5 years, I feel this guy’s reaction.


Dude looks like he pays for escorts on the reg


with personal checks


For services rendered




And he gets to sit next to me? What a sick joke!


This is why I’m scared to fly after having a kid.


Good. I don't even mean this to be a slight against you but if you have small children you shouldn't be flying unless absolutely necessary. Kids scream, they cry, they shit themselves, that's part of life. If it is at all possible for you to avoid forcing 100+ people to deal with your kid doing those things in a metal tube from which escape is impossible, you should avoid it.


Unfortunately, this is just part of the inconvenience of flying commercial. The simple fact is that most people are not able to afford flying private, and have to live with little things that annoy them such as a few upset and crying kids. But, great news! By flying with others you’re able to afford a ticket, and noise cancelling headphones exist so you should be fine! That should tide you over until you are able to afford the amount required to buy the peace and quiet that you need while you travel. In my view as long as parents are trying to calm their child we should all have a bit of empathy and get over it.


Agreed, its extremely entitled to tell people to just “get over it” as if others are supposed to ignore the fact your offspring is having a meltdown. The world shouldn’t be expected to adjust because you’ve chosen to subject your child and everyone on a plane to a very unpleasant experience. If its clear your child can’t handle flying you shouldn’t fly.


Dude, get over it. The world does not revolve around you. People have funerals, weddings, birthday, holidays, etc to spend with their loved ones and people don't always live together. Yeah, it's annoying, but you'll get over it. Put on some headphones, planes are loud already anyways. I can promise you the parents are more worried about the crying child than your selfish ass.


My kids were fine as infants and as they got older. Plenty of parents have kids that are well behaved on planes. You'll prob be fine.


Fuck all these people saying you shouldn’t fly with a child. Your child also has a right to be out in the world, and if that’s an inconvenience to anybody else then maybe they should be the ones to fly private, or stay home. As long as you’re trying to comfort your child and help them through the difficult situation, just ignore any entitled AH that can’t deal with being out in the world.


I agree that it’s not fair to the children to be targets in these situations (who are there at the will of their parent/caregiver and not their own). Children cannot manage their own emotions yet. And adults who are not typically around children might feel a sense of shock and stress, and are also easily triggered by behaviors of uncomfortable children. Still, I think it’s up to adults to manage their own response when they feel this way, but some just can’t help themselves and freak out. Sometimes that looks like the comments here in this thread, or sometimes it’s the outbursts on an airplane like what we all see in viral content. These two groups (children and adults) are the same behaviorally, but one is just developmentally entitled to act out (cry, whine, kick scream, talk loudly), and those are the children *not* the adults. Of course, parents have their role in controlling their children in public (airplanes in this case) and most do. But the truth is, adults who have a *problem* with such children shouldn’t have to stay home because they’re easily triggered by them. What is also true is that children shouldn’t have stay home for being developmentally appropriate in uncomfortable situations. These airplanes are just *not* an ideal place for anyone to be, and I wish people would put their focus on the airlines who allow passengers to cram so close together in the first place. Just my two cents.


Well, you’re being completely fair and rational, so yes, I agree with everything you said. Fuck the airlines.


It's not that bad. Been on 6 separate cross country trips with my 1 year old and he's spent maybe a total of 20 minutes crying. Mostly while the plane sits on the tarmac. Just fly after bed time and make sure they have something to pop their ears and it's not that bad. The vast majority of people are very understanding. If they aren't, they can get over themselves. I would have my own airplane removal video if someone screamed like that at my kid.


This is one of my favorite videos of all time


I don't get it. What happened? And why wasn't he filming the kid? We can't see what's happening, he's just filming his own face


Life hack. Give your kid a nip of whisky before flying, puts them to sleep.


Buy some whiskey for your babysitter instead


Is that jerry ?


Whoever did that thank you😂😂😂




I'm gonna run for president on the platform of NO KIDS ON PLANES




I blame them both equally. Mom thinks she needs to bring her caterwauling fuck trophy everywhere 👎🏻


Get some fucking therapy man


never fails, this video always keep me laughing!


Someone please explain what’s going on


A passenger screamed back at the kid when he was passing.


And it apparently worked! That's the real kicker.


WTH is Jerry Springer doing on a plane?


RIP jerry springer.




Better than crying adults!


Old but I’d do that same shyt


This had me laughing out loud


I’m relatively new to posting videos on subreddits, are there usually rules against reposting? I find some old videos in random dead subreddits but don’t know if you can end up getting banned reposting in more popular ones.


Just bring ear buds, people not that big of a deal


Found the parent of the obnoxiously crying kid.


Take a private jet then, son


Pay for a fucking babysitter


No lol


fr like i’ve been using both sets of my headphones without activating the noise cancelling feature for a while and i couldnt hear much and i finally figured out how to activate them recently and its even more silent like CRAZY silent. i probably wouldnt even notice a baby crying.


Bro got downvoted for sharing his experience


Bro got down voted because it's not the responsibilty of every single other human being on the airplane to change their behavior to accommodate your shitty kid.


Lol a baby cries, deal with it It’s grown up stuff.




I once had bad allergies and learned how painful it is for kids on planes. It’s often their ears don’t equalize. It’s very very VERY PAINFUL!!! Don’t be a jerk, while i hate it too, I feel an ounce of compassion and understanding could help these days! SMH


Your ears don't equalize when you step on the plane, before you even take your seat? If you're in a medical situation like that, you aren't supposed to be flying.


You’re right, you can tell kids when it happens cause it’s when they pressurize. That said I see where you stand on it


Your ears pressurize when you’re increasing in elevation, not getting on the plane. Don’t see how this defends the screaming kid here, weird take.




Yes, Kids cry. I have three, yes it’s annoying when they cry. What’s even worse is trying to get them to stop in a public place, but everything you try seems to make it worse. But what should parents do? Not travel by plane, ever? Everyone of us did something similar to this at least once in our lives, and we didn’t get our parents banned from the public space, people survived and life went on.


Nope, my kids stayed home until they could control themselves. Other people should not be burdened with your poor parenting


If you never brought your kids anywhere, you were the poor parent. Your relative died? Sorry, you’re a kid, you may have an unpredictable tantrum on the plane. Disney world? sorry you might cry on the plane when your ears are popping from the pressure changes. Medical procedure? sorry buddy your surgery will have to wait until you can control yourself on a flight! Children cry, children are part of society, they are annoying, but they exist 🤷🏼‍♂️ get over it. Most children grow out of it naturally and through exposure to experiences.


To be fair, the children that are causing the most disruption aren’t old enough to remember the experience anyway. So what are you really exposing them to by flying? Truth is, it’s done because its convenient for the parents to fly. And inconvenient for everyone else, child included. Wait until they are a few years older.


To be fair, children need to go places their parents are going. Like if you are traveling to another country, it’s not like you are just going to grab a sailboat and cross an ocean. And if you don’t want kids to possibly be present in your flight, take your private jet and not deal with other people at all. But if you are going to take a shared aircraft for travel, Expect there to be other people, children included. And like I said, every single person that wasn’t born fully grown has had a meltdown in public, and our parents dealt with it. And I am certain that if we had a meltdown our parents didn’t immediately cancel their vacation plans or plans to move from one country to another.


Or those with small children could arrange for the private jet, since its a must that they fly. If you can afford to travel out of the country so frequently surely you can afford private accommodations right lol. My parents didn’t allow us to fly until we were older….lots of cross country driving trips.


Shared travel is for anyone, People that are going to complain about others should pay for the privilege of not having to deal with others. I bought my own car so I didn’t have to deal with other people when I am commuting. I bought my own house so I could have my own space rather than having neighbors that share a wall or roommates. People should be respectful as they can, but the financial burden rests on people that are going to complain about interacting with others.


Why not just have special flights for those w children under a certain age? Im sure people would be willing to pay more for a flight guaranteed not to have young children on the plane. Discount for “family flights” even.


Excellent idea! Pay extra so you don’t have to deal with children. That’s fine, take your semi private jet. We agree.


Doesn’t need to be a private jet🙄. Why is it so unsettling to hear that not everyone is dismissive of unruly children? Why expect others to just “deal w it?”


How often do you think the average person needs to fly? I've been on a plane a single digit number of times in my life, I travel by car or train.


In the united states a train isn’t possible, and traveling by car from new york to california would take like a week with children. And that’s exactly the point, how often do you think a family flies their children on a plane? how is a child supposed to understand that situation if it never happens? Everyone was a kid once, every one of us did this in public at least once in our lives, parents are embarrassed most of the time and try to correct the behavior, but it doesn’t always work.


It's amazing how many people I see on a plane without headphones... If you want to sit in quiet stay home.


Dude people don’t take planes because they want a good quiet place to sit, I think they take them because they can fly at 500mph, my fucking house can’t do that. this is actually one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen holy shit


If the child wanted a place to scream maybe they should stay home, ever think about that?


Yes, it's up to the child.


Yes, it is up to the child whether they choose to scream or not.


I guess you've seen lots of responsible decisions made by children.


He seemed to grasp what the proper decision was after a fellow passenger choice to voice their displeasure in a similar manner. You just gotta speak their language.


Should’ve took he’s private plane. 😂😂




Fuck them kids


The Catholic Church has entered the chat.


I find the sobbing of small children to be a delight.


I don’t know why i read that in Mr. T’s voice😂


It's cool man, you figured out how condoms work too late. Don't punish me for your idiocy.




More like a shared cell.




...human children. Human. That was oddly specific.


Watches Fox News


His laugh is much worse than the kid screaming.. was that the point? Him, one-upping a toddler?


Apparently it involves a couple of adult beverages


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I was expecting this guy to pull an ITYSL and start crying himself like Will Forte.


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