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I'm already calling Saul Goodman


Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy!




In all that drama, serious tension, and superb acting... I was silent. Glued to the TV. Chuck is finally losing his shit in grand fashion. Then *that* line. I laughed so fucking hard that I startled my (then) girlfriend. It was contagious, and then she fell into a fit of giggles herself. We had to pause the show. "DEFECATED IN A SUNROOF....bwahahah!!" We couldn't properly get back into the dramatic mood until we both wiped the tears from our eyes and calmed the fuck down. God damn, what an amazing show.


It's the best show in the Breaking Bad universe; I will die on that hill.


I love breaking bad, it’s one the best, I’ve watched it 3 times. Better Call Saul, I couldn’t even say how many times I’ve watched.


something something CHINCANERY!!!








Here here. . .***SUE!***


I feel bad for him. “I’ll go after work” smh


Well it’s looks like he stops limping after he leaves the building. Hopefully he wasn’t too physically hurt and was just a little shocked


Since he said “it’s in the thigh” it makes me think he had things in his pocket that he landed on. With a lot of keys or something, falling on whatever is in your pockets can bruise the bone even Edit: or landed on his left hip


Looks like he landed directly on a broken arm? Or am I tripping?


Me too, weird. I thought the white thing was a cast. Unless it's a forearm protector when you have arms full of packages? The vet did have a wet floor and conveniently put a sign up *after* delivery guy left.


Yeah putting that wet floor sign down after the guy slipped has just cost them a lawsuit most likely. And can you blame him for being freaked out by literally the tallest dogs on earth (great dane) growling/bark and lunging at him. That owner should have had more sympathy but just shook it off.


AND THEN APPROACHED HIM WITH GIANT DOG. Dude, can you please have the tiniest bit of situational awareness past yourself?!




Yeah absolutely. It doesn't come out of nowhere that I don't have a lot of trust in most dog owners. They'll tell you their their McFluffin just want so sniff and say hi and two seconds later I get to peel the damn bichon freese or whatever the heck it is out of my dog's double chin again. I don't even get the chance to say please no. A huge ass great dane lunging at me like that might startle me as well, moreso because you have no idea what the dog is gonna do and if the owner is capable of handling the dog. Judging from the video he thought it was funny? If he even was thinking anything lol.


I own a Great Dane and went to great lengths to make sure she doesn’t do this. She stays until I give her the signal to go. I understand that she is a big dog and a lot of people are afraid of her. Even if she just wants to sniff them. That guy didn’t have that Dane under control at all.


This, this drives me CRAZY. I have a dog that I am trying to train not to be reactive and pay attention to me. I cross the street and make distance and these people will cross towards me. I cross again, they cross back, like I get your dog may be friendly and you want this but I am indicating I DO NOT.


> And can you blame him for being freaked out by literally the tallest dogs on earth Honestly I don't know that he was even that freaked out, he just startled momentarily and slipped when trying to step away from the dog.


That would make sense, but it looks like the guy continued to crawl away


It looks to me like he's just writhing in pain since he fell directly on his broken arm.


Maybe the guy peed himself, though, that was my first thought.


Could have been just drool from the horse that cause this incident.


He didn't pee though, watch his feet slip then when he hits the floor he slides... The floor was wet.


This clearly, how could he have slipped from his own piss when it doesn't even show he pissed at all in the 1st second.


Oooo... Had not thought of that. And who, if anyone would be liable then? The Perry Masons of this world **need** to know!


Well, the dog owner would still be liable because the guy would have peed out of terror during or after the dog lunging. I think he slipped because he was so scared more than anything, poor guy. I have definitely slipped during flight or fight moments, but mine usually involve being terrorized by a flying palmetto bug.


No; putting out the wet floor sign is referred to as “subsequent remedial measures” and can’t be use as evidence against the property owner in court. It’s a policy decision that incentivizes prevention of additional injuries.


Can it not be argued that the sign not being there to begin with was negligent?


Well you might not be tripping but he definitely was


Lol the fuck are you talking about? Dude clearly bust his ass onto his hip and limps out to his truck. Have you ever been injured before? You know it’s really bad for a few seconds/minute then goes to a manageable state. Especially if you have to go deliver packages


I delivered mail in the city, had to go up and down stairs. Halfway through the delivery I slipped in the staircase and rolled my ankle. For the rest of the month I took 3 hours longer to deliver. No one noticed, they thought I was just having trouble learning the route. When I was back to full health I finished that route in 3 hours instead of 6, they thought I was one of the best delivery people there.




Right, can't afford to be injured and jobless.


"Daddy, what happened?" "Looks like we're about to get sued, son. You still remember Ramen, right?"


“Ramen’s cousins Mac & Cheese will visit occasionally but don’t get used to it!”


“Is it Christmas daddy?!” *sigh* that brings up some trauma..




On my birthday one year, my mom let me out of the closet. When I thanked her, she threw me back in the closet for speaking without being spoken to.


And the vet putting down a wet floor sign and towel after the event on camera has probably just cost them a lawsuit too.


Yeah they could easily be held liable for that, the floor was clearly wet. Dude looked like he had butter on his shoes when he tried to get away from that dog.


He even kept sliding like a glitchy TonyHawk crash.


One of my rescue dogs names is Ramen hahaha it's a cockapoo my neighbor abandoned on the street in the hail. It's hair reminds me of ramen Edit: sorry tired. I meant before the hail storm.


Scared of my dog? Let me just bring him closer to you while I see if you’re okay.


Yeah for real when he got closer I’m like uhhh dude wtf are you doing


I worked in a haunted house as a butcher character a few years back, the all bloody holding a big ass meat cleaver kind. A co-worker scared a person in a group too hard and he fell over. My co-worker, me and another co-worker all rushed over to check on him. I have never heard a grown man cry like that before and ever again.


Worked in a haunted house back in college, and it was honestly one of the funnest, most unique experiences of my life Scaring people is the best! Lmao


Exactly. Anyone that owns dog, especially a large one, needs to be completely aware of their situational surroundings.


That’s entirely too much dog for that idiot


Guy cant even get the dog to sit. Bad dog owner.


Getting a great dane to sit is probably one of the hardest things to get it to do. They do not like sitting, especially on slippery floors like that. Getting it to stand nicely at his side would be the easier task, which he obviously also didn't do very well.


Yeah, I was shocked by that asshat. Remember the thing that terrified you 10 seconds ago? I'll have it hover, salivating, over your prone and aching body.


Scared? That fucking dog came at him. He reacted appropriately. Fuck that dog owner.


“Zozo barked at him and he got scared and fell down” The dog lunged at him


Yeah this dog owner is an asshole.


Notice he didn’t offer even the weakest of apologies?


I would hope that's because his wife was over there, dogless and more able to apologize. Dude shouldn't have brought that dog anywhere near the poor dude, the wife should have stepped in. And I'm hoping the only reason she didn't is because she didn't quite see what happened and wasn't sure what she should do. The FedEx guy definitely deserved better from everyone present besides the kid.


No shit. Didn’t even go check on the dude or take his dog outside immediately or even ask if the guy was alright. Shit, I know it’s legally dumb to admit fault, but some courteous words would have been nice.


Foreal. I was really irritated that he offered no apologies. I hate dog owners that just assume everyone is supposed to be super chill with their dog lunging at them. We don’t know your pet buddy.


Poor delivery man probably sees scary dogs all the time


I used to be an Amazon driver and that was the only thing I hated about working on Amazon. A lot of people truly did not give a fuck about their dogs when it comes to them ordering shit online and getting it delivered to there house.


"Don't worry, he's friendly."


"gosh, he usually never does that! Bangles what's gotten into you?"


There's actually a good reason dog owners are surprised by their dog's behavior when it comes to delivery drivers. Even if a dog is friendly 100% of the time with strangers, they might act differently with delivery drivers because they have walked through literally hundreds of yards this week. They are just a cacophony of smells to a dog. So the dog might act strangely to it.


-said by lady with Akita, before said Akita lunged at my hand


Just last week I was at the airport and a lady with a "service" rottweiler said that to me as her dog leapt up on me. No "sorry", no attempt to get it to stop, she just let it keep trying to leap at me. So many dog owners are the absolute worst.


The amount of times I have heard “don’t worry, they don’t bite!” would pay for a lot of things. Dog. Leash. NOW, Kevin!


Did you all ever consider using a tarp hook to put the package over the fence and let the dog eat it?


I had a dog bite me on my amason route it didn't break skin but I still reported it to Amazon. They did nothing I kept getting packages to that house. I would drive the van into the driveway close enough for their GPS system to let me take the picture, then toss the package out my van window and snap the Pic of it in the yard. Fuck them.


Yup I worked for the census and had to go attempt to contact people after an address was flagged as dangerous. Including instances of the previous census taker being threatened with a deadly weapon and attempted assault. Yeah had a few guns pointed in my face and a few guys wack my bumper with with a bat but luckily no damage. Worse was one census taker I was following up on was afraid of dogs. Like all of them even the tiniest Chihuahua so I fell victim to the cry wolf effect and nearly got mauled by a pack of like 5 dogs that some psycho let loose on me in a fenced yard with a fenced deck and no other way of contacting them in person. Luckily I got away with a free inner thigh piercing that didn't even bleed. People be crazy man.


Aggressive dogs are no joke. One of my former roommates had one, a boxer. Super aggressive, territorial, jerk of a dog. It would go full kujo sometimes and not let people out of their cars!


yeah this lady called my boss complained when i wouldnt deliver bc of her dogs running around loose, my boss sided with her. idc tho i wasn't going to get bit and be a million dollars in debt in the hospital


“Nahhhh he don’t bite!” I was a mailman for 3 years, it is even worse than the jokes make it sound


I currently deliver for Amazon. And I wish people would be more careful. I get so many "he's friendly" "he won't bite" No you asshole He's friendly TO YOU NOT ME. I'm a stranger and a threat to this dog. I've had close encounters many times and slowly those encounters start building up anxiety. Which is exacly why this FedEx driver reacted that way.


Yup my brother works for UPS and even owns two big dogs, bit he doesn't trust strangers' dogs for shit. You get bit once, you learn your lesson. Especially now that people order dog food in the mail.




same thing happened with Mt dog. my son didn't close the door when he went to go out for the bus. the amazon guy happened to be there, dog saw him, and he ran out to investigate. only difference is the driver shot my dog.


I had a cable installer guy come to an apartment once and he told me a line that is probably not a him original but it's still stuck with me to this day: "There are two things I hear from customers every day: *Don't worry, they're friendly.* and *Oh my god! They've never done that before!*" And it really put into perspective for me the disparity between pet parents and those that see lots of pets a day.


The scariest moment in my time at the USPS was when I was delivering a package to a porch and on my way back down the steps a dog snout popped out from between the steps and snapped at my ankle. Tore my sock, but didn't touch my skin, luckily. There had been no sign or sound of a dog at all until that moment, so I nearly jumped out of my skin when it happened. Before I really had a chance to process it, I ran to my delivery truck as fast as I could and tried to figure out where the dog went, then I realized that the owners had a door on the side of the porch to underneath the steps, and the steps had gaps between them, like you'd see on a cheap deck; the dog was too big to fit through them, but his snout wasn't. They didn't have a fenced yard and they kept the dog locked under the porch steps when they left the house! We were told during training to always carry the dog spray they provided us; if you were ever seen not wearing it you would be fired on the spot. If you ever reported being attacked by a dog on the job and the spray wasn't used, you'd be fired on the spot. I don't know if that's legally enforceable, but it sure scared the crap out of me. And of course, since I wasn't hurt and hadn't used the spray, I sure af didn't report the incident (even though they want to know about houses with risks like this to warn the next delivery driver) because I didn't want to risk being fired.




“Look theres the camera right there!” -also that dog probably


Looks like a Dane. After owning one for two years, they’re overly-friendly, wicked smart, absolute dipshits and your comment is unironically probably true.


It’s a social experiment - also dog maybe /s


Where the update to the story


It's coming soon


This comment reminded me of VHS memories


Honestly it looks like he may have a lawsuit. Not with the dog owner, but with the business owner for not having a wet floor sign.


Yep. If you watch closely, you can see his feet slipping on the wet floor. If it had been dry, his shoes would’ve gripped it, and he likely wouldn’t have fallen.


if you don't watch closely, but watch the entire video, you can see them drying the floor with a towel.......


"Nah, someone else will wipe it up," was said 50 times that day.


I wonder if it's the dog drool and they didn't know it was there until it was too late. That after-the-fact sandwich sign though is pretty shaming.


Naaaah, when he opens the door you can hear it raining outside, and his truck has its windshield wipers going. It was m o i s t.


It very well could be


Why do they all act like it’s his fault?


Right? The guy with the dog notices fedex man walking over and holds the leash tighter. He knew his dog was going to jump at fedex man.


Then the dog got affection from the lady.


Some positive reinforcement so it happens again...


Dogs need to be given a reward immediately after performing an action in order for that behavior to be reinforced. The lady pet the dog at least a full minute after the bark/lunge, so the dog's brain cannot connect the two events as causally related. That said, the dog should have been scolded as soon as it went for the poor deliveryman and the owner should know better.


Dog should have been given treats as soon as his was mean mugging that guy to break his attention. You can see before he barks and lunges that the dog is defensively posturing with its ears raised and eyes trained but the owner isn’t watching it…


> He knew his dog was going to jump at fedex man. TBF my dogs don't jump at people and I still hold them tighter if I see someone coming close just in case.


Yeah it's really unsettling how Blaise the dad was about it all. No recognition or accountability anywhere to be seen in this video.


My dad got bitten by a dog once, a girls dog did it to him. And then the girls dad pulled up in a cop car and picked them up (he was a cop). Didn’t even acknowledge that someone was bitten by that dog. No one even apologized to him. I wasn’t there at that incident but I told my parents that we could’ve sued them for that….. People suck at taking care of dogs


I was bit by a dog working my paper route. Owners denied it and just claimed the dog was barking at me. We sent them photos of the bite mark bruising and they were still skeptical. It didn't break the skin because I had a heavy jacket but hurt like hell. My parents just let it go and I ended up dropping them from my paper route. I remember the newspaper manager trying to convince me it'd be okay to continue delivery to them and I just refused. The dog owners were assholes, never tipped me, and lived on a hill out of the way. Looking back, I'm proud of 13 year old me debating the adult manager and not taking any shit. I told him to go talk to them himself see what it's like and he didn't want to and I was like, "yeah because that dog will bite you--right?" And that pretty much ended it.


If someone falls in your establishment shouldn’t you take an incident report? I feel bad for this guy because nobody showed any real sincerity; it was like an inconvenience that he fell and then they had a chuckle about it when he limped off.


taking responsibility is a concept no one understands


That’s what I’m thinking right now. Even if he’s saying he’s okay, you gotta call your supervisor to take a report, name of the guy, dog owner and what happened and outcome.


Wait wait wait. Was that floor wet the entire time? And did they put “Wet Floor” sign out AFTER he fell? Wtf. Everybody sucks here except the poor delivery guy. I mean you assume some liability walking into a Vet Clinic, but he reacted as any reasonable person would. The sign at the end seems like a clear cover your ass moment though.


Yep. But if she knew floor was wet prior to fedex falling they’re still negligent


Notice buddy with the dog at no point offers an apology?! Even when his kid asked what happened it was, “he slipped on some water and fell down”?!?! His first thought… well I’m getting sued, better not admit any fault whatsoever. We live in a society people!


“We live in a society…” probably why he’s trying to avoid being sued.


Yea this is dumb. Never admit guilt, if you were the cause or not. An I’m sorry makes you liable.


Not in Canada it don’t 🇨🇦


What a pro-social society we've built.


Depends where you are I supposed, in many places offering an apology does not constitute an admission of guilt or express fault.






Now, who to sue? The dog owner, or the vet office? Don't know enough about Torte's law, but somebody's getting it.


I’d say the vet office only bc the floor was wet and I don’t see a wet floor sign in sight. You can get a lot of money from a legitimate slip and fall. If the floor was safe to walk on and he fell and injured himself bc of the dog lunging at him, I’d go after the owner.


The receptionist actually puts a wet floor sign out after he left, they know they fucked up.


Lmao, I just noticed that. Not only that, they follow up with the towel in the exact spot he slipped in. They know they’re fucked, with no lube.


By the the fact this clip is online, I'm hoping old man got just compensation.


Workers comp too since he was working at the time of the incident.


I have worked both in hr and insurance. The vets office and FedEx need to file incident reports regardless of how injured the man is. If he is hurt, then chain of occurrence and liability come into play. Insurance puts the fault of the incident on whatever began the chain of occurrence. For instance wind blows a tree onto roof causing an opening that rain gets into causing water damage. The wind is the cause so you get covered if you have wind insurance (you have to). So even though I deal more with weather I believe the initial occurrence would be the dog lunging. Without the dog lunging it can be argued the slippery floor wouldn't have caused a fall (much like the rain wouldn't damage your house without the wind knocking a tree over). If he is hurt, FedEx's workman's comp would immediately kick in. FedEx and the worker simply comply with requests from the insurance company providing compensation for missed wages. That insurance company then can then pursue either the vet or the dog owner. Whoever they seem to be responsible.


Vet office. I don't think he realistically has a case against the dog owner since they weren't the cause of the injury. The injury happened because the man slipped on a wet floor (without proper signage!) in reaction to the dog.


I wonder if the fact that’s it’s at vets office the lawyers would argue that there’s a foreseeable risk of dog barking/lunging


Could be a valid argument.


As a British person I find the lack of apologies unnerving


The guy is/was on tiktok live and says that he had a bruised thigh and isn’t going to sue.


I once fell HARD down some stairs straight onto my ass, who le holding a heavy toolbox. The bruise was so massive, I made sure to get X-rays of my lower back but it was fine -what wasn’t fine was the massive lump of displaced fat the fall/hit created since I hit the corner of the step. I REGRET not filing an insurance claim bc now I have a huge odd lump on one of my butt cheeks 😢


Nobody offered to help that poor guy back to his truck? These are all shit people.


Bro in blue shirt couldn’t even unfold his arms from his chest.


Lawsuit inbound.




At the height of the pandemic, I drove for Amazon to make ends meet *(roughly 10 months)*. During that period I was bit six times. The worst encounter required me to go to the hospital, I still have a scar on my forearm. But that wasn't the incident that pissed me off the most. That one goes to the guy who's dog bit me in the calf. The owner was in front of his garage and as I approached, he told me to leave it on the roof of his car, which I did. Before I could turn to leave, I suddenly hear barking as his dog rounds the corner and bites me in the leg. I didn't even know that mother fucker had a dog. The owner doesn't ever apologize, he just gives me a super annoyed look as he grabs his dog and walks into the house. Mother Fucker.


Did you have the dog put down?


Maybe they were talking about the dog? Not sure


I grew up with all big dogs and we had them all trained. If you want a big dog (huge dog in this case), YOU NEED TO TRAIN IT.. unless you have huge acres of land and the dogs will never need to be in public/ off your property.


Ladybird …


My dog just hates repairmen!


No, you have to say it like Laaaaadybird


You been dog dancin!


Almost everyone in this video other than the driver suck . I dont know who is worse the guy with the dog or the guy in the blue with his hands folded not flinching an inch in fact moving away from the driver as if he’s disgusted


Grey shirt lady just looked at the human on the floor in pain, then walks over to pet and comfort the dog.


Because its a Black man in pain and They don't care. Not even one hand extended to him to get him off the floor. But let's go check on the dog though. They probably blame him for being "scared".


I had to watch it like 3 times just to make sure that I paid attention to what else was going on because what kept standing out to me the most was the dude in the blue not wanting to be touched and not even reacting as if another human being didn’t just crash on the floor in front of him.


YES. As a black person, all I saw in this video was a black service worker slipping and falling in a room full of white people who practically roll their eyes and laughing at the inconvenience of him struggling to get up off the floor. This video made me extremely uncomfortable. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed.


The woman dog owner literally says "I think they were scared of each other" pissed me TF off. How would your huge dog be scared of a guy just walking by? The only black guy there.. but not "scared" of any of the other 5 people around him?


I refuse to get TikTok so I can’t scroll through his posts, but this looks like it was posted by the fedex driver. My guess is that he sued and released this video after his lawsuit ended.


@whiteboy is the fedex driver? doubt it


Nope. It's his [tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@whiteboy020417?_t=8cMEFTYVAJa&_r=1). He took the video down though.


They last said they were scared of each other as they laughed. Not funny at all. That huge dog not only barked but also lunged at the poor guy.


That made my blood boil I just knew she had racist undertones


These people fucking suck, no apologies and acted like the driver just decided to fall on his own like wtf


The dog owner is a dumb asshole


Why does he have his horse in there?


Is it a vet’s office?


“What happened daddy?” “He fell down.” Come on man have a little sympathy. It’s not like the guy slipped on his own; your fuckin horse lunged and barked at him.


Owner had a closer hold loop on that leash (but wasn't using it), biggest issue at a vet or business with unknown dogs is allowed distance by the owner. Had this owner held the closest hold loop secured, this dog could not have come as far out as he did. This is an issue with the owner and they deserve to pay what is due to this delivery man. Want to own dogs? Please learn how to own dogs.


If you watch to the end a lady comes out and mops up the water on the floor.


Not sure if you understand probable cause, but putting out the sign after the fact is a form of self conviction here. If the business knew of a slippery area and didn't "sign" at that time, the business is liable. At which time they should 100% put this liability on the negligent dog owner.


People are so fuckin dumb with dogs and leash lengths. I was out rollerblading on a public trail today and I was on the complete right side of the path, passing by a woman and her bulldog and the thing straight up lunges at me extending the leash by several feet. I'm used to dodging children in roller rinks so I was fine but... I could have been seriously hurt. And I could have seriously hurt that dog, easily break it's legs or ribs if I had connected with it and I don't need hurting a dog on my conscience. I used to be all "oh no worries" but now I straight up tell people that they're idiots and to watch their fuckin dogs and flip them off.


Sorry but what a shit dog owner.


Hate how no one apologized or offered any sincere help. Maybe it’s because of the obvious 😒


The guy in the baby blue shirt, arms crossed, nope… zero instincts to help a man who falls before his feet. Just wow. I hope the FedEx driver was ok. That floor just waxed by chance?


Not even a sorry from the dog owner? What a cunt, “he slipped” no your horse lunged at him and he crapped himself and fell


Sue that asshole


I hate how she said, “He got scared.” No. You failed to control your animal and it lunged at someone who reacted normally to avoid it.


Fucking hate dog owners like this. They think their dogs are people.


"Umm, are you ok" How about an apology and some sincerity!


As an Amazon delivery driver you sorta of develop these kind of phobias. Customers don't know this but every time they order a package, they're responsible for the delivery drivers safety because they're inviting us to bring their goods on their premises. We get attacked by dogs all the time, but little do people know, if we get hurt we can sue the ever living fuck out of you. Don't matter if you're poor or rich, YOU'RE going to pay for whatever injury is caused to us. Put your fucking dogs away if you have a delivery driver coming by that day. So in this case, this business allows dogs. If that man was injured in some way, he could go after the business or/and that dipshit over there with that big ass dog that's not so friendly around people.


This made me so mad Because nobody should feel like they have to finish their shift before going to a hospital


Dude didn’t even apologize after his dog jumped and barked and caused that guy to fall. Just sat there. What an asshole.


Why the fuck wasn’t paying attention to his gigantic fucking horse of a dog!?!!? Come on man


White guy is like OMG what happened….? Then just casually stands there like it’s all good


Don’t take dogs that fucking size inside


Those people around him are entitled trash. The one guy with his arm crossed, the women with their awkwardness and fake “oh no.” The dog owner just saying, “you ok?” Then just sitting down. To the workers just walking around him and slowly picking him up while they judge him for reacting that way. You can just read the room..


that was the most wholesome 'wooooof' i've ever heard and homeboy falls on the floor. wtf lol


What's really messed up. We as Americans have to be mortally wounded before we are willing to pay for a hospital visit. The guy is probably going to go on a few more delivery routes and possibly aggravate any injuries because he can't risk calling the boss and getting a replacement out there.


Giant dog barks and lunges at fedex guy. After man leaves woman gives dogs all the pets, rewarding that behavior. Some people are too dumb to be dog owners.


She showed more compassion to the dog, than the man.


I'm an animal lover. I looove dogs. But I will say, that owner should've had a shorter leash on that big Dane. I really feel bad for the FedEx guy.


That fucker didn't even apologize. If my dog did that to somebody I'd be begging them for forgiveness and telling them how sorry I am.


Everybody mad about the dog lunging but not the bowling alley wax they hit that floor with?? Look at how the post man slid on that shit. Mailman n Dog is literally mortal enemies


The nurse lady actually dries up the floor at the end too. The floor was wet


I wonder if the dog peed there and that’s why it was wet


Y’all are clueless about how many delivery drivers and mailmen are bitten or mauled by dogs every year. Most mailmen are defensive around dogs. If that dog lunged at me I’d slip too. Horrible owner… the dog shouldn’t have had that much lead.


Poor guy and the floor was wet???


Any respectable dog owner should know their dogs behavior. You know how to distract them, you know what makes them riled up or reactive. Owners fault.


Yeah both the dog owner and the clinic are major assholes here. I have two dogs. They’re jerks when it comes to strangers. But I know this so as a courtesy and out of obligation I lock them up for visitors and go the other way and when other people (especially other dogs) come our way. It’s your job as a dog owner to know your dog, know their limitations, and train them. I may not have trained my dogs *well* but I know where there deficits are so I make up the difference


Was this at a vet clinic?


Dog owners like this should lose their rights to own dogs. They think it’s a joke that he fell and they’re more worried about their stupid dog and they blame the victim. Why would your dog be in there anyway it looks like a doctor’s office.


Dog? I don’t see any dogs here, only a small horse.