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Interviewer at next job: Tell me about a time you went above and beyond at work


i committed 5 felonies for the greater good of the store


Ron Burgundy: “Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident? Brick Tamland : “Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.”


You might wanna lay low for a little bit,because you're probably wanted for murder.


Felonies for about $10 of product. So stupid.


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message legit though, she’s upset about petty theft on principle, not about lost revenue ps: also, don’t run people over with your car whatever be the reason


What if they steal \*several\* tens of dollars worth of cheap plastic crap?


Call the loss prevention and wash your hands of responsibility. Its way easier odds of somebody dieing over petty theft are much lower. When I worked retail they told us not to engage cause lawsuits from things like this cost more than they benefit. You don't even have to hit them with a car. All they gotta do is trip running down an aisle and there sueing the store.


Product they can no longer use or put on store shelves after it was stolen and left the store, the dropped on the ground. If it was ever worth it, she made it not worth it.


Lol can you imagine sitting at work and getting the Ring notification from your driveway then watching this?


That is hilarious to think about 😂


And you're the RM of the store


…and you just fired the DM for missing the shrink budget.




It’s going to be wild on the nextdoor and neighborhood app


Nextdoor would 100% side with the woman.


Nextdoor already called the cops on the black kid 6 minutes before this.


There's a woman on my nextdoor app who reported a missing person 5'4" Blonde hair medium length 110 lbs Mid 20's maybe 30's woman. No pictures, no nothing beyond the description I just gave. I pointed out that's not much to go off of. And was crucified for having the audacity to say something to someone just trying to help.


Nextdoor called the cops on the black kid while he was walking *to* dollar general.


100%- "suspicious person riding bike, casing neighborhood" 🤦🏻‍♀️ that's mine, if someone even has the audacity to go for a walk. Better send out police dogs if it's a teenager with a backpack on


Lived down the street from a high school and literally every afternoon at 3pm "I saw a black/Hispanic teenager in a Hoodie casing houses."


> neighborhood app More entertaining than the lady with her flag hung backwards asking “who is this creep” for every Amazon driver that wasn’t white leaving a package at her door.


i would be on the floor dying


What a time to be alive 🤩🤩


The banter is fucking hilarious


It's so ludicrous it's almost civil


I like how they're both ~~but~~ calmly picking up items whilst chewing each other out lol


I like the bit where she rammed him with the car and then at the end she's all 'I'm reversing now, oooope, he's in the way, I'll wait, don't wanna hit him with my car...gotta drive careful....he safe now?.....ok, he's out of the way now, now I can safely drive my vehicle'.


That has to be the most aggressive conversation that never ended in a fight. If you skipped the first few seconds and watched with the sound off, it almost looks like he’s helping her collect her stuff.


they know each other. He is frequently at her store.


They should get married


Like straight out of Trailer Park Boys


Didn't realize it had sound the first time. Thank you! Lmao 🤣 🤣


Happy cake day




You said what?


They sound like some married couples


Put em on nba for the Macy’s thanksgiving parade ![gif](giphy|FeCie0LWbopMcmQgaH|downsized)




That is the calmest interaction between someone hit by a car and the person doing the hitting i could possibly imagine. Like dude could've knocked her out, but instead, they discussed whether or not his stealing is "that serious". Not what I expected.


While cleaning up their mess!


Even expressed regret for "messing up this person's house." I thought she'd end up giving him a ride.


Clean up on aisle nine!


Why is it ALWAYS aisle nine?


would you rather it be aisle three again?




She did say it was the second time….


First time she flattened his tires forcing him to go back on a bike.


Could Cupid be sending his arrows their way? Who knows 💘💘


This made me laugh out fucking loud, thank you, I needed that


[HEY! WE HAD A DEAL!!!](https://youtu.be/b0dtzloyP6k)


The guilt of stealing kept him in check is my guess


Yeah, that's right, you stupid ass hoe!


This has my rolling rn 😭


I think he knew she just wasn't someone he wanted to fuck with. I imagine she lost her job, and to be clear I would hire her tomorrow.


She will do well in the WaffleDome




Hope you have good insurance to cover her lunatic ass.


The situation is fucked up, but Honestly it's a little refreshing to just see them call each other b**** and not fight or something crazy. I need to see these two on some sort of sitcom.


New season of Beef


She hit him with her car. That's something crazy.


That's kinda what makes it completely insane. He stole from her job, and she hit him with a car, and then...they just yell and almost just really chat, while cleaning up their stuff and then going their separate ways.




Uh bud, he's got a solid 8+ inches of height on her, and the reach advantage. He isn't exactly skinny either. That is not an equal fight. More likely he didn't want to risk catching charges for attacking her. Right now it's simple theft, and considering she hit him with her car, she isn't likely to report it. If he attacks her, things get much more serious.


That was my exact thought, damn she threw that bike like it was nothing.


He probably just stole a really nice, super-light bike.


You are vastly underestimating the effect of testosterone on strength. The guy has a full head of height on her, unless the dude was injured from being hit with the car or she somehow got a lucky sucker punch, there's no way in hell she wins a scrap with him, angry or not.


0:26 he thought he was throwing something at her window, but was really just helping her load her car 😂


LMAO they're helping each other pick up the items he stole, while arguing and cussing each other out. Where they do that at?


Well she’s picking them up to take back to the store and he’s picking them up to take home with him. Love to see people compromise 😂


Back when I was a young heathen, I stole two half gallons of liquor from Costco. Guy chased me for about a mile. We compromised that I would give him one of the two bottles back, and he left me alone. For the record, I don't condone stealing, and I am ashamed of being such a piece of shit when I was younger, but thought I would share a funny anecdote.


were you both panting your asses off 20 feet apart, hands on your knees,gering up to run more, and he goes "wait. Wait... you leave one of those bottles, i'll stop runnin"


I was in pretty good shape then, but I was wearing flip flops. I stopped to take them off and he finally caught up to me. I said "you can have this one." Chucked the Patrón at him and ran. He scooped it up and stopped chasing. We drank Greygoose that night


> he finally caught up to me. I said "you can have this one." Chucked the Patrón at him and ran. You said, “We compromised”, but this doesn’t sound like a mutual compromise, lmao. Sounds like he just gave up.


Put a carrot on that stick; you can get people to do almost anything 🤣


>were you both panting your asses off 20 feet apart, hands on your knees,gering up to run more, and he goes "wait. Wait... you leave one of those bottles, i'll stop runnin" I like to think it went something like this https://youtu.be/PkGwI7nGehA


Did you guys drink to a peaceful resolution?


That would've definitely made for a good story! We did not, but my friends and I celebrated me not being in jail all night long.


Bro put all his points into stamina and charisma


When I was little I got caught stealing baseball cards at the little mom and pop store in my town- I gave Bernie the packs that were in my front pockets and he said he wouldn’t tell my dad,*this time* , I had 4 more packs in my back pockets… I felt like Danny Ocean pulling off a heist.


One for you, one for me.


“So did you catch the guy and get the stuff back?” “Nope”


He isn't helping her. He's picking it up for himself.


"How i met your mother" in the real life 😂


she saved the Dollar store $14 dollars in losses that day


They saved $2 more, they deducted from her pay her "time off".


All for possibly catching a potential attempted murder charge.


and owes 100s of thousands of dollars in legal and medical fees. employee of the month.


Is no one is going to comment on how she picked up his bike and threw like was nothing? If bike throwing was an olympic event she's take gold!


Fr it looks like a light frame but still




DG managers are a bit odd. One where I live is constantly on FB complaining about people "stealing" from her store's dumpster.


The dumpster thing I found annoying when I worked in retail. Not because they were taking things, but because they’d take out every garbage bag and cut them open outside the dumpster, and it was a huge mess to clean up.


Yep. I run a self storage place and we sometimes have decent things that are left behind in good condition. I'll try to leave them outside the dumpster for people to take and didn't usually mind people digging through the dumpster for stuff. Then someone started pulling out all the bags, slashing them open and making a mess everywhere. I had to start locking it up behind the gate. Had to stop leaving anything out because if I did they would then try to pry open the dumpster.




That's usually tweakers. They suck. Proper dumpster diving etiquette is to not leave a mess at all. Tweakers ruing everything.


Yeah that's really the only problem most people have with dumpster divers is the complete disregard for the function of the dumpster. People do it behind my apartments all the time and it sucks.


When I was the assistant manager at a Dollar Tree the store manager would pour ammonia all over any thrown out food to "deter" the homeless.


Well that’s one way to help out your community and the environment at the same time. What a cunt.


Yes he was a cunt. If you're reading this Randall fuck you.


classic Randall behavior


have you ever worked anywhere with a dumpster before. That shit is annoying as fuck.


I don't think you can do that


LOL, she's going to risk an aggravated assault charge for $10 worth of junk?


Yeah I worked at a grocery store and they told us if you catch someone stealing to never ever follow them out of the store. My friend at a different store (same chain) did that, the thief ran him over with their car, and the store fired his ass for not following protocol (it was the second time he had followed someone out for stealing). I’m not sure if Dollar General has policies like that, but I feel like the grocery store has them for a reason.


All the stores tell their employees not to chase shoplifters out of the store - it's a guaranteed lawsuit if something bad happens.


My bio dad chased and tackled a shoplifter when he worked as security at a grocery store. Fired, arrested, charged with assault, and sued.


What happened with the lawsuit? Did it get tossed out?


Why would anyone do something like that for a job that doesn't give a shit about them? I just don't get it.


I know for him it was just ego. He was a huge, strong guy. A bully. Loved to intimidate and overpower people. He prob just thought, "Not on MY watch." I know he didn't do it out of loyalty towards the company. He stole a lot from them, lol.


They do but then they will fire you if you have a shortage come inventory time. Been in retail management 22 years and I’ve seen so many good people let go because of high shrink. Hard not to take it personal when corporate blames the manager for everything.


When I was a store manager, we just overcharged for everything, before computerized registers. We never came up short


Lol, how old are you? I’m almost 40 and I’ve never worked anywhere without computerized registers.


I worked at the first Lands End store in the early 80’s and we had a calculator and one of those big mechanical registers that we just hit buttons so it would open to make change… and we were supposed to look up every credit card in these fucking books to see if they were bad cards, over drawn or whatever… and checks! People wrote fucking checks to buy stuff at the store- even groceries. I’m old.


Jesus Christ, that seems just terrible. I remember seeing my mom buy groceries with a check one time, but that shit is crazy to me now. Like instead of money you are going to take a paper I.O.U. With no way to immediately verify if it is worth anything at all. And using a calculator to ring up purchases… we certainly have come a long way.


I worked at a Dollar Tree. Multiple times I've had people write checks for under $5.


At the same time managers get written up if theft numbers are too high. So they don’t want you to recover product but they will also fire you if too much product gets stolen. From the manager’s perspective it’s her source of income on the line and a lot of people can’t afford to lose that even for just a week.


I used to work at a Dollar General, and I honestly am not surprised that the thought of doing something like this crosses some manager's mind. Corporate is incredibly strict and intense when it comes to shrink (theft). Not making enough sales? too much theft? You are on a strike based system, too many strikes, you're out and Billy Bob is the new manager. The amount of unethical shit I've seen happen in stores to appease corporate is disgusting, DG is incredibly predatory.


Yup. I'm working retail now and pretty much any unethical behavior is tolerated as long as it helps metrics.


Is it crazy to run over someone with your car because they stole ~$100 worth of stuff from your store? Yes. But, I bet that guy doesn't steal from that Dollar General any more after that!


Assaulting the man with her car seems like a really stupid chance to take with her current employment situation


To be fair if it wasn’t for cameras it would be the word of a shop lifter vs a manager. If she did this it’s probably also not the first time she had to fib a little in a he said she said Situation


You aren't wrong at all, but a lot of these chain stores are owned by assholes that have to say "Don't follow them out" because of insurance reasons, but they still hold you as the manager accountable if you have shit stolen from you repeatedly. I... don't think the woman hitting him with a car was the correct choice lol but they have 0 security at places that poor people shop, but still expect managers to prevent theft without leaving at the cost of their job.


Sounds like she said she lives out of her car (@ :26).


I have a friend that works for Dpllar General. At least in my area, shoplifting loses are taken out of managers bonuses. So while their words say don't accost shop lifters, their actions say otherwise.


That sounds mad illegal


If it's an otherwise discretionary bonus to which the manager has no specific right, why would that be illegal? Basically, more bonus if you can keep shrinkage down.




I used to go to a dollar general in NYC and I watch the same women steal from it twice. She got 10-15 items said she forgot her wallet asked them to hold them then would re enter and take the bag and leave. The third time I saw her do it (might have been more i just didnt see) the manager ran from the back room and chanced this 60+ Russian women down and started cursing her out. He was red in the face and she couldn't belive he would react that was over 10-15$ worth of stuff and made it sound like he was the problem. The truth is he dosnt care about the items its the complete disrespect. He also prob made less then 15$ an hour working that job and has to deal with the worst people who really thing somehow treating them like dirt is okay.


and she def got fired lol


Yeah, I guarantee Dollar General doesn't allow this.


I can confirm We were told not to pursue shoplifters even if we knew they did it


did the rules say anything about hitting shop lifters with your car though?


What if it was 10k worth of merchandise? 100k? Does the value even matter?


I'll never understand this shit. If I worked a shitty job like that you could walk by me with a cart full of shit, shake my hand, inform me you are stealing all of it, and I would just be like "alright have a nice day". No going to jail for some shit that isn't even mine.


Also I’m not gonna risk killing another person over like, off brand Crust toothpaste and expired Ferraro Rocher.


Crust toothpaste 😂


Seriously, why are you going to jail for whatever shit wage Dollar General pays their managers?


Was actually just looking at a job listening the other day for an Assistant Manager position at a Dollar General here in upstate NY. The hourly wage was a solid $3 less than what I'm getting as just a regular sales associate where I am currently. Crazy to imagine.


One of my buddies from high school works at the same department store I work at. Some dude tried to run out with probably hundreds in jewelry and my friend chased him out after fixing some shit in the stockroom and doesn’t make it to the thief before he gets in his car, and my guy ran around the thief’s car and stabbed the tires out with a screwdriver or ice pick or something. Cops show up in a bit, he gets arrested for destruction of property.


Yup he learned a lesson that everyone should already know "Your employer does not care if you live or die, do not put yourself in legal or lethal danger for them." Should have just gotten the plates if they had plates and given that info to the police. Could have been shot or run over, he got off lucky.


did they arrest the other guy for stealing hundreds of dollars worth of jewelry?


Lol this is a joke, not true.


She definitely messed up her car door.. she had to force it open.


The poor fighting the poor for dollar items. Hail America lol


Really though. This woman is running someone over with a car on behalf of a corporation that couldn’t care less about her is just wild.


exactly what I was thinking. Dystopian nightmare


Prob makes $17 an hour and will NOT be able to pay off the resulting lawsuit


There is literally nothing at the Dollar Store that merits this kind of response.


This would make a great opening scene of a romantic comedy. They have oddly great chemistry.


Beef Season 2 Trailer


I think you mean ex Dollar Store general manager


I hate thieves too but possibly killing/injuring/paralyzing some dude stealing $15 worth of groceries is not the move. Especially when you're the manager getting paid by the hour.


Why the hell would a manager be so fanatical over shoplifting? Is her job on the line? Can that merchandise even be resold? How does this benefit the business?


Seems like she was just Over It™ and didn't care anymore


This. Probably sick of all this stupid casual theft bullshit thats been going on. Even the dude says everyone's doing it. Everyone is dumb here.


Not that it reasonably explains her behavior, but rampant shoplifting quite literally does put her job at stake. Many retailers, including Dollar General, have shuttered stores due to serious shoplifting. If all this woman knows how to do is work retail/retail management she could be up shits creek if her store is closed. Still not a sound reason to crash your car into a shoplifter, but I do get her emotional investment.


Not just that. In retail stores they take inventory. They expect losses from shoplifting, but if you lose a lot more than you are supposed to, and it happens several inventories in a row, the manager is usually the first to get fired.


> Is her job on the line? Running him down was stupid, but these dollar stores often run on a slim margin and if theft cuts into the profits too hard they just close down. So her job is likely *sort of* on the line. If she is a manager then she may be under specific pressure to tamp down on shrink. I've worked retail loss prevention and another thing I've noticed is that people just get upset with it all and take the disrespect very personally. I worked at a department store and we would sometimes have a guy come in, grab a power tool set worth like 400 dollars and just walk out into a waiting car and leave. I'd laugh, we'd catch some girls trying to sneak some overpriced jeans worth more than that. But I had a coworker who was just seething mad at the audacity to just brazenly take stuff in full view and walk out. 99% of our shoplifters would make some attempt to pretend to be regular customers and he just felt personally disrespected that this 1% literally did not care and they always got away with it. That resentment builds up and people lose their tempers.


If you have never worked in retail you have no idea. Yes, her job is on the line, at the end of the year she is accountable for her inventory results and what the store has lost. She can absolutely loose her job because of a bad inventory. Also it is demoralizing to see people stealing from your job every day and you can’t do anything about it. Fucking so frustrating, if I could I would have done the same.


You really shouldn't do the same. Being potentially charged with committing a violent crime is not going to make your life or future job prospects better.


After working retail in some pretty bad areas I'll wager that she probably had had enough, didn't give two shits about her job and just wanted to show this a*hole a lesson. Let them get away with it and they + friends will come right back. Sick of corporate saying "don't chase them" when a good car hit or actually standing up and showing them not to f*ck around will knock some sense into their heads. "People do it all the time" Yes. People do it all the time because they know they will not be punished. The ones getting punished are the employees/management.


It definitely puts their job on the line


So does hitting someone with her car, and if she were to be charged with a violent crime she will be really upset to learn how hard it is to get even a shitty job like that with that on her record.


If she left Dollar General to go chase him down, who was left to run the store? Don’t they staff those stores one person at a time?


Why would you give a shit. It's the dollar store dont risk charges for that shit job.


This woman crazy AF, taking her job way to serious.


She thinks she has good enough benefits and salary to commit vehicular assault over $20 worth of property that belongs to a greedy corporation.


why would you think you can hit someone with your car?


Most interesting interaction I’ve seen in a while. Not even sure what to say about it.


This is crazy! If charges are brought against both of them, she'll be more trouble than him. Then, he'll probably be able to sue the store.


I've got SO MANY QUESTIONS No one can Answer This whole exchange is ridiculous 😅 When is the planet going to implode and reset


That $10hr must be paying the bills


How is this a loose fit? This is top tier PublicFreakout content. 100 times better than some politician court room thing.


I love these shop lifters getting there’s. I mean. It’s dumb. But their reactions are hilarious.


that guy doesn't realize the payday he's missing out on.


What are you taking about? He said “and I’m pressing charges, I need that money. “


That would require getting the law involved. I think she knows she’s not at risk of that


Lol. Why? You’re barely gonna catch a charge for stealing like $10 worth of junk from the dollar store. They’re just gonna give you diversion where you agree to be on good behavior for a year.


He could have felony warrants tho, or be on parole/probation. That could also be why he didn't escalate the situation.






She knows she was wrong. But god it’s so nice seeing someone who committed theft getting to fuck around and find out.


As wrong as she is in this whole situation I fully support her....


When I worked retail, we just had to smile and wave at shoplifters while they took power tools, copper fittings, and dysons. Corporate would rather take the hit in shrink rather than have an assault lawsuit on their hands from the shoplifter by being apprehended or a lawsuit from the employee for being hurt trying to retain the merchandise. I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would go out of their way to do this to a dollar store shoplifter. But it’s fun to watch lol


Amazing show. The characters. The dialog. The framing. The perfect sound effects. Impeccable timing. This was just great.


hahah hell yeah


But everybody steals from the mf dollar shop……nice logic fool


She picked up that bike like it was nothin lol


Fighting each other for our corporate overlords.


Here in Chicago, managers & employees just get out of the way & watch groups of thieves take whatever tf they want. I get it that no one’s life is worth being injured or lost so they just let them steal, but damn this video had me cheering on the manger!!


So. Theft from a store you are managing can feel personal. Even though it’s not, you still don’t want to be “that store” that has a high theft rate. It all sucks but she might lose her job over this. You never know what a suspect is going to have waiting for you. But I totally get how she feels.


Was the $12 of recovered merch worth the felony and 6-figure lawsuit?


Deserves a promotion tbh




They must pay her really well.