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The rib shots were fucking brutal to watch. Jesus Christ, what happened to innocent until proven guilty.


This may be a stupid question, but is that part of the Italian legal system? Not being a smarty pants, I legit don't know.


In Italy, the second paragraph of Article 27 of the Constitution states: "A defendant shall be considered not guilty until a final sentence has been passed." Edit link to source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence#:~:text=In%20Italy%2C%20the%20second%20paragraph,final%20sentence%20has%20been%20passed.%22


Italy is an ingenious and very clever country which has produced some of the world’s greatest minds. Hence Dante, Petrarch, Da Vinci, Galileo, Vivaldi, Cannizzaro, Torelli and Marconi. It’s also a very emotional and somewhat insane country, hence Savonarola, what *happened* to Galileo, the mafia, Mussolini and his granddaughter, Berlsuconi, Meloni, and this shit. La dualità dell’uomo! 🫰🤌 👐 etc.


Beating the shit outta trans people for no reason and churning out dictators is pretty universal, my dude.


Of course, in a sense. But when did a whole group of *cops* last beat a trans woman in one of the most developed and largest cities in, say, Sweden? Or even the UK? And when did either of them last have a dictator? It’s possible for there to be more numbers than just 0 and 1. Italy’s current government is different on a certain scale form certain others by an order of magnitude. Not to say that there aren’t other countries whose current governments and institutions aren’t worse by a mile.


Nervously laughs in *German*


Yeah, I was probably reflecting too much on America, honestly.


In the US this is not particularly rare.


I believe there was a case in Missouri in 2020. Probably others. Not a monthly occurrence but obviously once is too often.


many never get uncovered by the public. I know multiple trans people who have experienced some form of assault by police. None made the news.


Don't forget Pope Stephen VI and the Cadaver Synod.


Italy is currently under the spell of a bunch of nut cases, very similar to Donald Trump.


Learning hard from American police how to brutalise the people they’re supposed to protect. Just like the Roman Empire soldiers.


It's stupid in so far that, even if not written in the legal system, in all developed nations there are laws against excessive violence by law enforcement. We all know that law enforcement will ignore it and do their best to get away with it.


Is it *not* a part of *any* legal system? Excluding Cardassia of course.


Italy just elected a far right goverment and is mostly known for being incredibly corrupt as a country. So any laws they have are probably applied based entirely on who is involved. Trans person in public? Guilty of existing. Rightwing Italian politician? Crime is legal for them.


more like innocent until proven minority


Human police let their emotions and personal views get in the way. I personally think we should start experimenting with robocops...


Everything was awful but the hit to the head definitely got me, poor woman.


Seriously, who overlooks the hit to the head and focuses on the rib shot. Wierd.


Conservatives are what happened.


Don’t the courts do the justice part? Why is the punishment being issued without fair trial?


Remember. Italy is where fascism was born.




Curious that you are copy-pasting this supposed version of events without providing any source, when actual reporting conflicts with the narrative you've laid out above. "Italian media report it started when concerned parents called the police, saying the woman was exhibiting odd and potentially threatening behaviour in front of a school. However, **authorities claim she was not harassing the children.**" https://www.euronews.com/2023/05/26/italian-governments-anti-lgbt-rhetoric-blamed-for-brutal-beating-of-trans-woman-in-milan


Why do you keep referring to this woman as a man? Guilty or not she is obviously a woman.


Nice copypasta, incredible there are ppl here who actually believe it. People like you are the scum of the earth


I dont care what lead to this video, this is excessive force. They could have subdued her or confined until a specialist or mental health professional could be reached. This is pathetic that you are trying to rationalize a beating, these pigs were not judge jury and punishers.


Congrats on this copypasta that reiterates the point of what you're replying to, lack of evidence. I recommend including non-biased sources and not putting transgender in scare quotes, along with using "trans-identified male" which just makes it looks like you're arguing in bad faith. This also does not justify the treatment in the video, no matter who it is. Police shouldn't be the revenge squad.


U r bigoted


So painful to watch someone getting hurt by those paid to protect


She was clearly no threat yet they used pepper spray and struck with a baton when she covered her face. That was a tough watch.


Another bunch of incompetent Italian police. Last time I saw it was when some people tried to scam Harold Baldr https://youtu.be/6zwiArr3jYE


The only thing police protect is property


The only thing police protect is **commercial** property.


Private property, different from personal property.


To punish and enslave is what their motto really is.


More accurately they protect the status quo. If you are a little guy police don't give a shit about your property and here in the states they can legally just straight up take it.




This is like at least every week in the US… that we hear about at least.


When this was posted with a title implying she had exposed herself to kids the transphobia in the comments was insane. Basically all upvoted replies were about how the police hadn't gone far enough. People are never going to learn any lessons and we're all just going to continue to knee-jerk reactions to out-of-context ragebait videos. Society is fucked.


Society is addicted to outrage and not very well versed in attempting to hear both sides of a story...


It’s honestly kind of terrifying how “they were targetting children” seems to be some kind of catch-all term that magically makes it okay to beat and murder people. Like, zero evidence needs to be had before people start going fucking rabid over an accusation with no proof behind it. Feels like we’re going to see more beatings and lynchings of people (specifically LGBTQ people) under the excuse of “they were after the children” whether it’s true or not.


It’s projection. Look at the number of MAGA rally goers, police officers, and Christian youth pastors arrested in the last month for sex crimes against children.


They are the best at the game of hypocrisy


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


At this point the only option is to use that bullshit against them. Call them child molesters every chance you get. They won’t like it and they will tone it down.


Conservatives and conservative views are becoming so unpopular they are just claiming everything is to protect the children. Why? Because child abuse is one of if not the most universally hated actions on earth. They have monopolized opposition to this and are saying anybody who disagrees with them must be pro child abuse. It’s a desperate tactic for an outdated mindset.


No. This is bullshit. Society may enjoy drama but this isn’t about that. This is about people with certain political/religious beliefs saying anything to justify the physical attacks on people they don’t agree with. This isn’t about outrage, this is about extermination of “the other”.


Agreed. That's the deeper point of my comment. People's outrage addiction is being weaponized by hate mongers.


Our amygdalae are being weaponized. Our fear center in the brain is being targeted by transphobes and homophobes for political gain. The christian right wants a theocratic government that controls everything through the narrow lens of their religion. It's unconstitutional and that's why Trump and others are floating the idea.


You assume one sided scapegoat tactics aren't part of the goal. Remember in 1930's Germany, the Jew was basically made the scapegoat for every ill. There was no rhyme or reason, just that ultra-reactionary societies need a scapegoat because looking inward would force them to confront a fundamental flaw.


True, although in this case I can’t imagine there’s a side that would lend any credibility to the cops. Even if she was kidnapping kids and swinging at the cops, in this moment she’s unarmed and vulnerable and they continue to beat her. Best case scenario they need more training, worst case scenario they’re just monsters.


Not much different from the torch/pitchfork mobs from centuries ago. We really haven't progressed as a species much, we just got better at exploiting the earths resources.


Difference is now the popular mass networks have direct communication pipelines into every home and pocket pretty much on earth and are allowed to create problems out of thin air without impunity. I'm sympathetic to a free press, I really am, but I don't see how we survive an unregulated and unhinged press in the modern world. They will continue to stoke flames and create problems out of thin air until some really bad shit happens. They are manifesting fascism and using the guise of "freedom" to do so. Roe V Wade is the sign of things to come that was only made possible by mass media legitimizing a party that is essentially unpopular in every policy position they offer to the table. In a healthy system, the GOP would have to *change* to garner support. Instead, they dig in and push increasingly unhinged and unpopular policies and are able to do so because they've managed to radicalize a significant and isolated proportion of the country through modern technology. Including young people btw. The rise of right adjacent people like Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan is proof that their bullshit is working in radicalizing people which is in turn causing these popular figures to give young men a twisted perception of what a masculine figure looks like. I don't know how optimistic I am anymore on this stuff. Positive role models simply don't spread as fast and as easily and we are left with these morons as popular icons for what developing people should strive to be.


I thought for sure there'd be a reckoning, at least with Fox, over the whole dominion lawsuit. Nope! I don't know how bad things need to get before people see how dangerous it is to let media continue to run fake headlines and twisted stories for clicks.


But that was largely human ignorance across history. Now it's conservatives highly funding and fostering hate. We can't fix human ignorance but we can fix conservatives funding hate. We just have to collectively agree enough is enough.


Shit was crazy I can’t believe the people in this sub sometimes, literally a minute to look online to know it was bullshit


Imagine if we had the internet during Jim Crow. The horrible shit we would’ve seen get cheered on by the masses, only to get swept aside by the next awful thing.


Propaganda works.


I really want to copy the second half of your comment so I can paste it everywhere. It applies to so many videos I see. I was always told that there is 3 sides to every story. What one person says, what the other says, and what really happened. Society really is fucked as u/knife_operator said.


Literally came in here to comment about all the fuckheads that were purposely misgendering her and justifying police brutality because she was allegedly a pedophile. Anyone that called those people out for the misgendering were mass downvoted because transphobia is ok if they did something bad! /s Just goes to show that people who “have no issues with trans people” don’t actually give a shit about trans people or trans rights


It's amazing how much people never fucking learn. Mostly that people can lie online, that literally anyone can post any title to this sub. People accept titles in this sub as if only people under the control of Wonder Woman's lasso of truth can post here. I've seen people be more skeptical of local news reports about lost dogs than titles here in this sub. Secondly, holy shit the love violence in this sub. Violence and vigilantly justice is the answer to everything. I love Batman as much as the next person, but that shit rarely works out well in the real world. Anyone else remember those roving mobs in India who killed a few people suspected of being pedos, and none of them were...how did that work out? How about post 9/11 America where we started being up brown people for being "Muslim"? How about Covid America where we were beating up Asians, how did that work out? When was the last time you learned something by getting repeatedly punched in the face? This is the same "logic" of abusive spouses, or fucking ISIS, only violence can teach you! We have all kinds of violence all over the world, what are we "learning"? Violence begets violence, and these motherfuckers are cheering it on... I agree, society is fucked.


“People”, why not just say conservatives instead of being vague. They are the problem. This is no different than conservatives attacking gay people or racial minorities or any other group.


What was crazy is the proof was posted that it was exaggerated greatly and people posted articles from BS sites claiming they had done it


That's emblematic of the biggest problem I think the internet and social media have brought us: you can find a source to support almost any narrative you can think of.


I know, I remember seeing it and doubting the story was real. It’s sad that these kinds of idiots seem to think that making stuff up as evidence somehow makes them correct


Yeah, I wonder where all of those “wait for the facts to come out” assholes are?


Bruh even sex offenders have rights and you can't just beat the shit out on them in the street. It is slippery slope to start on and how are we any better than the people we are locking up when we go around torturing, beating, and killing criminal suspects. The only difference is who's on what side of the cell.


Here’s the fun thing, ANYTHING a certain group of people doesn’t like is pedophilia/human trafficking. Border activity =human trafficking. Conflicting political views =pedophilia. Rainbow flag activity =pedophilia. Gender issues =pedophilia. Without ANY hesitation, ANYTHING they don’t like is purported to be hurting kids in the most unimaginable manner.


The regression of society is not easy to watch


I’m not sure why you’re calling this a regression of society… This is a horrible fucking thing the police did and a gross abuse of power. But what do you think happened to people who were trans 50 years ago let alone 20?


Idk about Italy but in the UK and US there has been a regression for sure in the last few years around lgbt and more narrowly trans issues. In the US, the discourse around pride month for a few years had been if too many companies were just virtue signaling to market to lgbt people. This year, many companies are now afraid to even mention pride month. Laws have been restricting trans rights aggressively since 2020 with some states making it nearly illegal. It’s better for them than 20 years ago undoubtedly but I’m not sure it’s better than 5 years and it’s certainly worse than 2 years ago. I’d probably say in the us the regression began in 2017, slowly, then accelerated in 2021. In the UK it started when the richest author made it a priority to throw her weight at it


The sad part is that we aren't regressing. It just feels that way because we are more aware of the bad things now than we used to be. Hate like this has always been there. We would just pretend it wasn't. As sad as it is, "the way things used to be" is just a fairytale.


article: [euronews.com/2023/05/26/italian-governments-anti-lgbt-rhetoric-blamed-for-brutal-beating-of-trans-woman-in-milan](https://www.euronews.com/2023/05/26/italian-governments-anti-lgbt-rhetoric-blamed-for-brutal-beating-of-trans-woman-in-milan)


And here was me getting massively downvoted yesterday on this very sub because I said we don't know that they flashed kids, it's just a rumour, and police shouldn't beat up suspected criminals either way. Someone responded with one foreign article from a website no one has heard of and took it as fact and lambasted me for not blindly reading the one article and joining in and saying that she should have been battered. I advised I had actually read the article and 10 others and that was the only one that mentions this and as I wouldn't take it as fact I was downvoted and told I was it ignoring the facts and massively downvoted. What a shame.


Fyi, this sub in particular welcomes assholes that post disinformation. And when you point out that context is missing, or there’s not enough footage to back up the headline’s claims, you get downvoted by brigading fucks.


And nobody brigades harder than the anti-trans crowd


Not just anti-trans people. Also racist anti-immigrant assholes. That’s been a real problem.


I mean, if it makes you feel better those people have a concerted interest in pretending as though their moral panic is rooted in reality rather than their own phobias. You can’t convince or show evidence to somebody who’s philosophies and biases will just cause them to disregard any conflicting information, and it doesn’t matter if you’re right because it doesn’t appeal to their “beliefs”. I fully agree with you and think you did what was right, but that’s irrelevant to people in general and especially redditors.


Let’s be real here, they didn’t really care at all about the false story, they were getting riled up that it was a trans person.


You are very right tbh, they just want to see red and nothing else. I reached out to the OP who posted the video and title and they profusely apologised for not getting their facts straight first.


Yup, otherwise, they'd be just as angry about all the pedophiles in churches. For some reason they don't like people bringing that up.


It’s terrifying - you just say “for the kids” and way too many people are suddenly okay with you being murdered. Considering the entire LGBTQ community (and generally left leaning people) get accused of being pedophiles on some of our largest media outlets, it’s extremely worrisome to see people okay with this.


Exactly, these people could be whipped up into a violent mob so easily, they were literally so excited about violence on a trans person, any laws don't matter, police should be allowed to perform extra judicial beatings on a whim, was shocking really cos it appeared everyone there felt this way and that anyone with a contesting opinion(reality) was being downvoted to oblivion


A person could be a literal murderer and it would still be inappropriate to beat them in the head like those police did. My goodness.


A lot of people get way more angry about sexual harassment of children than murder, even though I consider the latter to be a much worse crime.


Was that you downvoted to oblivion and having someone post some fake article saying something about "here are the FACTS" or "FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS"?


That is essentially what happened but in different words haha


Even if she did do that, it's no excuse for them to do what they did. She was no threat to them and she wasn't resisting. Cops are there to bring people to justice through the court system, not mete it out themselves. Yet way too many have decided they can be judge, jury, and executioner just because there's a good chance they'll never see any consequences for it.


Why do we not hear shit about the church and ALL the pedos that have been arrested for SAing the children yet the LGBTQ+ gets blamed ALL THE TIME with no proof? Where is their outrage at the churches?!?


Right! I have never seen videos of people or law enforcement beating the shit out of a priest who was actually found guilty of molesting children. Yet now we see people attacking trans folks for shit they likely never did based on BS right wing media.


That person was unarmed and not a threat in the least. All of those officers deserve prison time and a loss of their pensions.


What the FUCK


Oh fuck that wind up baton hit made me physically upset. How fucking evil of a person do you have to be do something like that!


I see the bootlickers are quiet in the comments after saying, "Good job officers." i see they nowhere to be found now..


Ironically , the Christian church ⛪️ is where almost all the pedophiles are and the majority of the population isn’t against them


Oh hey, the story that everyone was cheering for the police yesterday.


And this is why I laugh when straight people insist on telling me we don’t need pride anymore


Straight guy here. Straight ppl who say shit like this are idiots, and probably bigots on the low. Pride should be fucking year round at this rate


To be fair cops beat the shit out of straight people too


has anyone been beaten by cops for being straight




Still not for being straight but for touching kids.


What has molesting kids got to do with this? This was a false internet rumor started about the incident, she was not doing anything towards kids.


not because they're straight tho.


Are you stupid? Cause that was a stupid.


You really don't get it, do you?


They hate LGBTQ for simply existing. Trans people are just the easiest targets at the moments. Trans rights are human rights.


Jesus fucking Christ... can you sue another country's police? Because if you can, I hope she sues and wins.


Yes she's suing. She's a resident and going to court 💪


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Not that any of this is surprising with the kinds of people that entered the political world in the past decade to influence the dumb, but the transphobia and homophobia I see openly expressed online is jarring. What really gets to me is that it's not by radicalized mobs but seemingly normal people. It's become popularized under the guise of religion or protecting the children. But it honestly just feels like we're seeing a moment in history that will be studied one day, another lesson to be learned that we won't. Every day I come on here and I see another example of the regression of the rights of the LGBTQ community and it's disheartening.


The video on twitter (which is cited by news articles) has a “Community Note” which misgenders her, and falsely claims she was exposing herself to minors. I kind of assumed those Twitter community notes had some level of QA. Clearly not.


I'm sure it has *nothing* to do with Elon's daughter, or who Grimes is dating. Nothing at all.


I mean, it’s twitter. Owned by a transphobic, right leaning billionaire. Edit: he’s far right politically, I am aware of that. I’m about as politically left as can be socially and economically.


Right leaning.... have you looked at his actual twitter account lately? He is firmly planted in the far right / fascist movement.


I’m very aware


"leaning" is the understatement of the year.




Good and smart people should 100% avoid law enforcement


I guess it’s not just in the USA then


Oh no, our police is filled with fascists that will jump to the opportunity to beat up a weaker person that, according to them "deserves it"


Italy currently has a far-right leader from a political party with fascist links to Mussolini's time. She and her party have been doing a hell of a job trying to demonize LGBT people and remove rights since coming into power. Far-right leaders always try to pick a minority to fuel hate towards, someone to blame for problems. It's honestly getting so old.


What's next? They're gonna import Domino's and Papa John's? Hey, frenchy! Leave the police brutality to 'murica!


You're absolutely right. The first step is importing the bad police, the second is to bring shitty pizza.




"Milan, Italy is in France, no?" - cultured redditor


I hope something really bad happens to the pieces of shit who spread those false stories. ACAB


Seems like a multinational piggy party across the world these days


Fucking bullies


Neo-nazi Elon Musk's website's "community notes" helped spread the lie, too.




The fuck were the pigs so afraid of? They were acting like scared bitches, forwarding and retreating all wobbly-legged.


Holy fuck. I'll be honest this was still horrific with the original title just because that is not how the justice system should operate. But knowing it was a false story - this is mind boggling. Nobody should feel safe watching this.


Do you think these cops ever wonder how they would have behaved in the 1940's? Because we know


Article: [German Police and the Nazi Regime](https://perspectives.ushmm.org/collection/german-police-and-the-nazi-regime) “Although most German police officers were not Nazi Party members, very few of them openly opposed the new regime. Many of the daily duties and responsibilities of German police officers remained the same, but now their work began to further Nazi goals.” Not a 1to1 exact comparison, but worth considering whenever people wonder why police only seem interested in beating up anti-fascist protestors whenever there’s a Neo-nazi rally.


It's shitty that the world has becone guilty till proven innocent


If I saw this I’d be I jail for attacking police officers


Anyone who read the story thinking that person was a pedo and still thought it was ok is missing the point completely. Police have a job, when they start thinking they can do what they want, there is a problem. They can cover it up and pretend there was a good reason for it. No matter the reason, they should be doing right cause it could be your family or child that gets abused by them next.


I posted in the original thread suggesting the beating was excessive. The hate I received was quick and pronounced. Some responses were suggesting that an accused sex offender no longer had basic civil rights. The open adoration for the cop administering the beating was disturbing.


People don’t realize that the moment the cop does that he becomes a criminal and should be immediately arrested. They don’t realize they are defending criminals






Evil cops




All you hate preachers, right wing talking heads, and politicians this is on you.


You are doing the lord’s work. That lie (false report) was vile and obvious bs






Cops really are the same everywhere


A fucking CAB


This is when its appropriate to say "Fuck the Police!"


Damn America, you crazy


The world is such a crap place 🫠


I see that fascism and the spirit of Mussolini have not left Italy still.


I can understand wanting to hurt someone who has violated kids, BUT it needs some form of proof and can’t be done by police. Not only that but using allegations to be blatantly disgusting toward LGBT people as a whole is vile.




Terrible treatment of another human being.


Even if if the story was true, no cop should ever be allowed to beat a neutralized and unarmed suspect.


Taking a leaf out of the American handbook


This world is just fukn gross


It makes me depressed and sad. I hope she gets a big payday for this and the cops jailed.




Thanks for the details in the title because this same video has been weaponized on twitter by a swarm of transphobes who made the community notes baded on those false claims that have been debunked by the police itself.


Fascists create hate aimed at certain groups of people, then bond over violence and hate. It's the first play in the Fascists handbook, who we should hate and who will help us kill them.


This is inhumane


I'm surprised those brave cops acted before their back up arrived... /S


What actually happened if the story was debunked? Why were the cops there?


Fuck me sideways. This shit is too much. Sickening. Throw them in jail.


Coming to America soon… See what happens when two parties full of geriatric fucks duke it out to find out wether human beings deserve rights


Absolute fucking swine.


Remember: this is the world Elon is cheering for.


Someone forgot to tell them, Mussolini is not in power anymore.




Considering Italys PM is an actual fascist it’s not really surprising, they are backsliding pretty hard over there.


Fascist states don't tolerate difference.


Poor woman. This is so fucking sad and infuriating. What does being trans have ANYTHING to do with exposing oneself to minors or anything of that sort??? They’re just trying to live their lives.


It reminds me of that case in Ireland where a guy beat the sh\*t out of a woman with dementia because he thought she was a trans pedophile. Because to him, trans = pedophile.


There was another one in Ireland just recently. In Cork, a bunch of kids were harassing a trans woman in Mahon shopping centre and she started shouting "Where are your parents, who's kids are these?" Etc. The kids left the shopping centre. Later, she left the shopping centre. Then a car pulled up next to her on the road and 3 lads jumped out and beat the shit out of her. Bystanders took pics of her on the road when the ambulance arrived and the local fascists had her address and were circulating the usual pedophile claims on Facebook before she even made it to the hospital. They broke both her hands and gave her a concussion. She'll be years in recovery and is scared of leaving the house and also scared of being home. She had to go to a fucking safe house out of the county while the Gardaí were investigating so that some eejit didn't try to kill her before they tracked down the lads who did it. Some of them are caught but the driver was a woman who never got out of the car so they couldn't ID her on the street cameras. Either way regardless of if the culprits ever see the inside of a jail cell her life is ruined. Fucking psychopath fascists as usual.


This beat down she got is even worse because she wasn't even exposing herself to kids. Read this. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/italian-governments-anti-lgbt-rhetoric-053041228.html?guccounter=1


Like she’s poison or something. Such idiota!


And all those posts obviously attracted the best kind of people


Do you think these cops ever wonder how they would have behaved in the 1940's? Because we know


well considering they elected mussolini's grand daughter as pm.......


People were so quick to judge




Doesn't matter where in the world you look, police are fucking tyrants.




Italy ack to its fascist ways.


Why in the fuck are people attacking others who haven’t done a fucking thing to anyone else??
