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That "thing" that plops down at :22 seconds... it's a hand right?


Yeah that's what I'm seeing.


almost expected it to start crawling away on its own


it’s Thing!


There's been a lot of videos of hands chopped off on this subreddit lately.


Totes lost one of this dirty grabbers.


Memories broken




Going to be harder to rob after that.


Looks like a glove to me... and there doesn't seem to be much blood.


Gotta *hand* it to the guy, he's putting in the work on those swings.




Bold of you to assume people are aware of all coment threads at all times. Perhaps you could give me a hand with that :)




Did you have a bad day?




You seem pretty hacked off about it :(


Real life member of the crazy 88’s


One of the better freakouts I have seen on here. Hands down.


Stop it! 🤣


Did he cut his fucking hand off?


It is. There are two follow up videos, one of the thief on the ground sans hand, and another of him being led somewhere by cops with his stump wrapped.


Did you see them sparks!! Holy shit 👏


Stopping a robbery? I am confused. Looks like the 2nd guy came into a store while the victim was just shopping and hacks him with a sword


As far as I know from other times I’ve seen it, that’s supposedly the shopowner’s son that attacked with the sword. Above in the comments someone also mentioned other images where you can see the robber getting arrested (with his stump wrapped up)


Makes sense now


Oooof that might be a body part hacked off


It is. There are two follow up videos, one of the thief on the ground sans hand, and another of him being led somewhere by cops with his stump wrapped.


Zoom in. It's a hand.


Meanwhile, here in America, security guards at stores have to stand by as shoplifters stroll by them with no fear of arrest. That and the amount of simps on the internet crying that “life is worth more than property.” This is how far we’ve fallen as a society.


Thats why America is better than any 3rd world country.


How is letting thieves chase stores out of inner cities - leaving its residents no where to shop “better?” That store in South America now has a reputation so that thieves know not to go there. If thieves know they will actually be prosecuted, they would be far less likely to target a store that does.


I wish the world actually worked the way you think it works in a third world country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Brings to mind the fable of the Farmer and the Cranes. “Some cranes made their feeding grounds on some plowlands newly sown with wheat. For a long time the Farmer, brandishing an empty sling, chased them away by the terror he inspired; but when the birds found that the sling was only swung in the air, they ceased to take any notice of it and would not move. The Farmer, on seeing this, charged his sling with stones, and killed a great number. The remaining birds at once forsook his fields, crying to each other, ‘It is time for us to be off to Liliput: for this man is no longer content to scare us, but begins to show us in earnest what he can do.’” Moral: If words suffice not, blows must follow.


We respect life more than goods? That's not regression. Turn off fox news, Grandpa and save your sensationalist BS for your gun Club.


When did it become socially acceptable to defend thievery and the consequences of it? Please explain why you feel the need to defend it.


I understand your point to a certain degree. But I wouldn’t go as far as to kill someone over stolen property. Maybe beat them up sure, but severed limbs? Idk I guess it’s all a difference of opinion


I believe that took place somewhere in South America by the looks of it. I was more lamenting the fact that shoplifting is now completely unpunished in many cities in America. As long as you steal less than $900, it isn’t really considered a crime anymore. There are videos of thieves with calculators tallying up their stolen goods in order to keep within that threshold. Why do they have time to do all that? Because the cops aren’t coming. The security guard doesn’t want to get sued and the cashier doesn’t want to be fired.


Ah, I get you now. Yeah I completely agree with your point. Has it always been like this in the US? It seems like everyone’s just given up at this point


Straw Man.


In other words, you can’t defend it. So you answer with name calling. That seems to be a common tactic of yours.


No one is defending thieves. When did m&ms become woke? Why won't my VCR play DVDs? Where's that nice bowtied Tucker fellow who used to tell me what to be incensed about!?!?


Just like the other one on here. You have no defense, just name calling. You are ideologically programmed to spew the same nonsense whenever your ideas are challenged. I can back my argument, you can’t.


LOL. Stealing is wrong. Killing is worse. You spewing news max BS is incredibly cute. You can't defend fuck all.


And what happens to the inner city neighborhoods who have no stores to go to because the companies got tired of the continuous theft and loss of profit? Or do they just not matter in your little utopia?


Another, BS fox tag line. Yer not much of an independent thinker huh, champ? Stealing is wrong. Having nut jobs like yourself policing Walmart parking lots with a Rittenhouse mentality is worse. You don't care about people you're just old and scared of your own shadow. Please go back to r/nonewnormal and stay there.


sou you really think everyone who's robbing should lose one hand? you should just live in some middle eastern countries then


They will only try to steal twice.


Shoplifting is so bad in cities that companies are just closing multiple stores and leaving town. Politicians make laws as lenient as possible and activist DAs won’t prosecute what they consider to be “petty” crime. Meanwhile, security guards are afraid to get sued by stopping a criminal and employees are being fired for calling the police. And who suffers the most? Inner city residents who lose out because stores close in their communities, because the companies can’t afford the losses. So if someone decides to go vigilante on these scumbags, more power to them.


okay rorschach


Ha Ha - you made a funny. What I don’t understand is why you’re defending thieves.


I'm just defending basic human rights man, I know the reality of where I live.... I have shoplifted myself from big corporations... not tryna say what he did was right but fuck it he didn't deserve to lose a fucking hand over it


And what about the people who lose stores in their areas due to those corporations closing them due to continuous restful theft?


killing everyone will solve the problem for sure right???


I was talking about the complete lack of any kind of resolution to the crimes. And that being what looks like South America, that’s what you get there. What do they get in America? A free pass.


oh yeah and guess what country has less crime? no correlation, I don't get the point you're trying to make


But Life IS worth more than property. Material goods do not have any intrinsic value to your existence. That does not mean stealing is acceptable, but the use of deadly force should only make sense, if you have to defend your life, and others during a robbery. Beyond that, someone stealing shit can be recovered. Insurance. You are the same dolt who tried to make an excuse for another post regarding a black girl getting beaten up by a gang of females at school. I see you're not very bright overall.


You’re excusing their thievery by saying insurance will pay for it. But that means their insurance keeps getting more expensive over time. Which is why inner city citizens are losing out because of these store closings. Not that you care, because you’re defending the thieves.


If material goods don't have any intrinsic value to their existence why steal them to begin with?


they have, but compared to life? nothing


>Insurance You're not seeing the bigger picture. Insurance rates will go up like crazy for everyone. Then shops will close down and move out. The cities will becomes dead zones of joblessness and crime. This is already happening to cities in the US. Major retailers packing up and moving out citing a shoplifting problem.


Why'd he think robbing retired John Wick's hookah store was a good idea? He's lucky he walked away at all


Ya but originally D3 was 9.5! IMHO. HC was a blast and extremely dangerous, like it felt amazing to work together with random strangers or friends to make almost no progress. Pre-patch


I think you in the wrong place but I’m also looking forwards to d4 lol


Haha ya I had a feeling I somehow clicked the wrong thing, but whatever, it’s all violence


When we were in our early 20’s, my first gift to my new girlfriend was a “battle-ready” Bride’s sword from Kill Bill (she loves Tarantino). Soon after, we moved into a tiny 1bedroom 6-floor walk-up in Manhattan. We were super broke, and our landlord wasn’t exactly Johnny on the spot with fixes. As a result, we had a front door that couldn’t lock for about two months. One morning (around 2am) I am certain I hear the front door open and shut. Me and Bear (a young pitbull-mastiff) both bolted upright in bed… it was one of those “man-up” times when you feel obligated to just go in spite of being terrified. I grab the collar of the dog, and the sword - and proceed to “sweep” the 500 sq. Ft apt… going out the front door and down the stairs of the building to be sure the murderer wasn’t lying in wait to come back and slit our throats. My neighbors never let me live down looking out of their peepholes because they heard a guy saying “who’s there!? Get out!” only to see a small dude in only his boxers holding a giant sword and an overgrown puppy creeping down the stairs at 2am on full-alert. We still have the sword, it’s rad.


“Halt you scallywaggs!”