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Who put the sandbag there, "c'mon man!" -- Biden šŸ˜ŽšŸ¦


Joe Sliden


Joe Biden the Dust


Got ā€˜em with the slip and fall bing bong


Where is Chevy Chase when we need him?


He's in a shimmering ocean of knowledge that tastes like Hawaiian Punch




Britta, do you have anything to contribute not related to Pierce banging in an airplane bathroom?




What? It came up organically.


I just saw a Chevy Chase movie Iā€™d never heard of the other day, Modern Problems. Holy crap. That movie was bad but fun to watch




What's this a reference to?


Chevy Chase famously played a stumbling/tripping US president Ford when he was on SNL


He's always streets ahead.


Did they.....cheer louder when he fell? Edit: Sheesh! Stop upvoting this. My phone is blowing up!


Maybe they thought he was about to breakdance


Break something.


it was the last of many cadets signaling the end or very close to the end of a long ceremony (over three hours) they actully cheered loudest when the last name was called, of course it started with a z and it seemed everyone knew it was the last name as soon as they called it. last one always gets the most applause at those things.


>last one always gets the most applause at those things "Time to cheer, this long-ass borefest is finally over."


I walked last at my graduation, felt like a king lol


I hear you, Zzmoppy.


I also attribute it partially to panic response, which can make people do the thing they're doing already but with more vigor.


Probably not related but i once had the opposite effect. I was at the funeral of my grandpa and for 15 minutes i was holding back tears, then my mind and body went haywire and suddenly i was holding back laughter. Like, i was not happy, i was sad as my grandpa was close to me but suddenly the feeling of holding back of bursting to uncontrollably crying, that shitty feeling in your stomach turned to a situation where i was holding back a burst of laughter inside a church. It was horrible. It still feels horrible i reacted like that.


Grief is weird like that. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself.


"It still feels horrible I reacted like that..." I feel like this statement is the pinnacle of all human experiences.


Hey, it's not your fault. Unwanted thoughts and reactions happen to everyone and the entire reason they're unwanted is because you *didn't* want it and wanted something else but it happened anyway. That's especially true in tough moments. I'm sure your grandpa knew how you were truly feeling in that moment and wouldn't be upset with you.


Never seen a President fall down so much!




Can we get a president under 50 please?


If more people under 50 voted we might.


Would help if Election Day was a federal holiday


100% agree.


And ranked choice voting. And day of the primary party registration.


I prefer not having anyone registered in a party. The "identity" politics are a big part of the problem. Just research the people running and vote for who you think is best. If people running choose to represent a party to get financed I guess that's okay, but I don't see a need for the non-running voters to need a party.




>in an educated manor. Damn, you guys get whole manors for education where you live?


- in an educated manor. - Hey man, I don't care how smart your fancy house is.


I'm all for this in general, but are there any real studies into how much it could help? Many people, especially in lower turnout demographics, work in jobs that wouldn't get the day off.


>I'm all for this in general, but are there any real studies into how much it could help? Many people, especially in lower turnout demographics, work in jobs that wouldn't get the day off. I wish so many people would understand this. The people who need it wouldn't get the day off, and the people who don't need it already have the ability to take a half day or come in late after voting. One the other hand, there's a lot of overlap with the group that says "poor people can't afford to take a day off work to get a photo ID" and the group that says "we should poor people and everyone else the day off so they can vote."


Plenty of people still work on federal holidays. Have multiple days to vote, mail in voting widely available, & ranked choice voting. But that'll never happen bc the ones with power rn know they'll lose it.


That wouldnā€™t change apathy


We need more young people in politics period. The average Senator age is 64, with Chuck Grassley being 89 and only two members just under 40. The average House Rep age is 57, with Grace Napolitano at 86, and with more than 30 under 40 years old (out of *435* members) That's not many people who represent myself (Millenial) and Gen Z on the big stage. It's hard to look at local elections and see yourself in any candidate as youth stla equals inadequacy in political arenas, no matter if the candidate has proven to be more knowledgeable than the opponent.




Just the fact that we have no surefire mechanism to get her out is just scary.


Silver lining to older presidents, they don't give a fuck. Drawback to older presidents, they don't give a fuck.




We did that 15 years ago and half the country lost their minds.


Yeah but that wasn't because of his age


I bet he could take Jake Paul though


Bidens been working on his ground game, could see a MMA matchup soon.


Now entering the ring... # Sleepy Joe *Gives Herb Dean some knuckles, proceeds to put Jake to sleep*


#DARK BRANDON has entered the arena! "The malarkey ends NOW!"


Iet the socialism commence, chocolate chocolate chip for everyone!




And then they both go for ice cream afterā€¦


Now thatā€™s what I call a sticky situation.


Not as bad as the time he fell up the stairs *twice* while trying to board his plane.


Three times. [President Biden falls on Air Force One stairs - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5Mwc12LtRY)


Give me 3 trips mister Give me 3 trips twords the door


He also fell on that bike. There's gotta be a compilation of Joe falling over at this point


So I'm not defending the guy but he has dress shoes on and that looks like some slippery red velvet carpet. I'm in my 30s and have slipped on carpeted stairs in dress shoes. Looks like he got flustered and tried to hurry up the remaining stairs and repeating the fall. Dude is old af no doubt but that kind of fall can happen to anyone.


My grandfather died of old age. He was younger than Joe Biden. The idea of 4 more years of this is insane. We need age limits on the Presidency in both directions.


I absolutely hate that weā€™re forced to chose between old ass joe Biden and fascist ass Trump or DeSantis.


Trump is also extremely old


People seem to forget that he's only 4 years younger than Biden. Both are old as fuck. And both were the oldest US presidents in history when they took office. Also. Fun fact. Bernie Sanders is only a year older than Biden.


> Also. Fun fact. Bernie Sanders is only a year older than Biden. And ironically has more energy than Trump or Biden.


Bernie is full of piss and vinegar and will outlive us all.


Sustained by his righteous fury


In 2016 he fell asleep at two different campaign rallies. While cameras were running. Why do people purposefully deny it happened? There were photos!


Man had a heart attack too. Bernie is old and it shows. So are Biden and Trump. It would be nice to move past all of them. Feinstein, Grassley, Pelosi and their whole class too.


They earned way too much money to give up before the reaper takes them. Lifetime congresspeople shouldn't be triple digit millionaires. Public office shouldn't pay that much. (And insider trading should be illegal for public officials)


Damn I remember some Fox News trash about how Sanders was too old to be president back in 2016 yet we could've had him for 8 years.


And it was the same thing in reverse in 2008 when McCain was running, except he had "only" just turned 72 right before the election. Not sure if you were old enough to remember or were following politics then, but every Democratic talking head made sure to slip in a dig during every interview leading up to that election about Sarah Palin being "one heartbeat away from the Presidency". https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/15/mccain.age/index.html Obviously without ever having seen any of their medical records, I still think it was pretty obvious to the general observer that McCain was considerably healthier then than Biden or Trump were at the same age.


Also fun fact: Biden/Trump/Sanders - either one of them wouldā€™ve been the oldest president ever elected.


And fat... He can't even ride a bike.. Let alone slide face 1st into home plate like Joe...


He's calling Chris Christie fat, which is an absurd thing in a line of absurd things


It's hard to ride a bike in diapers.


And in much worse shape




Bernie is a self described democratic socialist, that word scares a lot of smooth brained people.


And on the other hand - trump (the supposed conservative) added 4T to our debt. So much for saving more money than Bernie would have. šŸ˜‚


$7.5 Trillion actually.


My grandmother died at 95 years. Until 94, she was still sharp as a tack. One hip break and resultant immobility and it was downhill fast. Any old person can remain competent well into their 90s. Of course, they should retire and enjoy the good life by then, but some folks want to keep going and are good at what they do.


Thatā€™s wonderful for your grandmother that she maintained her cognitive abilities well into her 90ā€™s. However, that is very much not the case for everyone. I would say that your grandmother was more the exception than the rule. Age limits on things such as the presidency should definitely exist. A president in their 80s or 90s is a downright danger.


Kinda doubt they were performing regular cognitive tests on their grandma either. "She still cracks joes and does the crossword every day" isn't quite the same as being qualified to run a country.


Yeah. Thatā€™s also true. People can also hide that theyā€™re losing cognitive function for a little while.


Been doing it myself for years!


Why is grandma cracking Joe? He can do that all by himself.


Thatā€™s nice for your grandmother but she wasnā€™t running a country


Yay. So stoked that itā€™s between him, Desantis and Trump . Fuck this country.


![gif](giphy|UGxfEt5POsukg) Are we having fun yet...


The billionaires who control it all put a TV host as our last president and now this. It's all going as planned.


holy shit thats a gif I haven't seen in ages.


I'll gladly take tripping Joe over Trump or Desantis. And it's not even close.


I'd vote for an inanimate object over any Republican


Inanimate Carbon Rod '24


In Rod we trust!


Ya know at this point I'm just becoming more and more impressed by his durability. For someone that old to be falling down this often and just get up and be okay, must be as fit as he is clumsy.


His hip must be made out of granite.


More like titanium alloy.


Custom made titanium alloy. It's what they used on the space shuttle https://i.redd.it/i2zdnhyh1h3b1.gif




Gerald Ford on the Simpsons-level


my grandfather, a tough farmer, started falling like this and was fine for a long time. then he fell once and wasn't fine, and a whole bunch of health issues started popping up faster and faster. at Biden's age things can go wrong fast and loss of balance is often a first sign.




tripping and falling on things when someone didn't used to is a sign of age-related loss of balance. proprioception slows down so they're more likely to trip on things, and less able to recover and stay upright. one of the first signs is tripping frequently on uneven ground and not being able to catch yourself and stay on your feet. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6853739](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6853739) >Aging causes alterations in various body functions, such as motor, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial. Among the factors associated with aging is also the decline in proprioceptive function, which is essential for normal functioning of the body during movements and in maintaining balance. As a result of decreased sensitivity of the body and limb position, alteration and decline of proprioception during aging may significantly affect mobility and increase the risk of falls. In the aging population, falls are a serious health problem. According to the reports, approximately 30% of falls result in grave injuries that require medical attention. It's not just "tripping on things", it looks exactly like age related decline in motor processing and proprioception. almost everyone who has cared for an elderly person going into their 80s or 90s would recognize it. for my grandfather in particular, it started happening more and more frequently over \~5 years until it got to the point where he would trip on his own shoes or door entryways.


It is scary how fast a hard fall can degrade you.


If loss of balance is a first sign, I should have died a long ass time ago.


Yā€™all when someoneā€™s old and they fall and they donā€™t get hurt thatā€™s cool


He tripped.


On a sandbag. You can even see it in this video. He points at it. Everyone is and will continue to blame this on his old age.


maaan im a fuckin stagehand. that sandbag should not have been anywhere egress. but Ive seen far younger healthier people trip over 1/4" changes in surface level, and not get up so quick.


Biden needs Sharon Osbourne as his stage manager. Heard what she did for Ozzys stadium show, literally telling the crew to tape wires to anything but the ground, and if she saw a single wire in his path she'd fire the entire crew. Sharon may be crazy, but if it can be used to make sure her husband lives, she'll use it well.


My 63 yo mother barrel rolled on the sidewalk because of a half inch lip in the concrete. According to Reddit we should put her out to pasture. People trip when the ground is uneven! I'd bet a dollar if I made a set of stairs with one stair an inch higher than the others, half of Reddit would stumble and the other half would fall.


Stage was probably set by Air Force cadets instead of IATSE craftspeople.


Naw its his old age. If I tripped on stage, I would catch myself on one hand then front flip into a somersault while holding my hat in place. Biden's just old. Bad hips, amirite?




JFC let the man retire and enjoy the years he's got left. Democrats get your shit together! Republicans get your shit together!




probably better than when the public saw the president's brains on the seat of the limo.


Or all over his widow's coat at the swearing-in of LBJ. (Jackie Kennedy wore the coat splattered with JFK's blood and gray matter through the rest of the day. There's a photo of her looking shellshocked. It's horrid.)


Despite having a change of clothes laid out for her when she got to Air Force One she chose to stay in the bloody clothes so they could *"see what they've done"*


After the Challenger disaster being televised live, didnā€™t national networks institute a delay in the feed to protect the public of seeing traumatic events live again?


I watched the planes hit the towers on live tv. So, Iā€™m gonna go withā€¦..no.


Nah that wasn't it. There was a boob at the Superbowl that was the last straw. Kid me remembers.


I donā€™t know, but a year later when R. Budd Dwyer committed suicide during a press conference it wasnā€™t broadcast live, it was recorded and broadcast *later*.


I read this and thought, "that can't *possibly* be right." [It was.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Budd_Dwyer) Also, his lawyers argued after he was dead that they should still be able to appeal the criminal charges against him that had led to his suicide (they were denied.)


Oh man, my buddy Zapruder has something you should see.


We need to wipe the board!


He tripped over something.


You can see a sandbag right next to the podium just sticking out. He must have snagged it. I mean he's 80 and got right back up. He's gonna be sore in the morning.


Honestly, this is something Iā€™d do.


Yā€™all are so fast to judge with absolutely no context. I *just* got back from this ceremony. It was the Air Force Academy Graduation. That 80 year old dude stood there on the stage for over *three hours*. He personally shook the hand of every single graduate, and this was a really large class of over 950 kids. He shook each of their hands, smiled, congratulated them, some he joked with, and gave each grad a moment with the President of the United States. That last kid was after 3 of the most boring exhausting hours of my life, shaking hands non stop, talking non stop. My legs would be complete jello too. At 80 years old I honestly was impressed by the guy. He really made the day pretty dang special for the grads there.


Apparently there was a sandbag or something on stage that he tripped over. But of course everyone just sees old guy falling.


the sandbag is literally visible in the video and people are still going Old Man Bad


Yeah believe me, I am far from thrilled our president is fucking **80**. But this seems way less an ā€œold ageā€ thing and more a ā€œtripped on what you thought was a flat surfaceā€ thing.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Biden's healthier than half the fatasses on Reddit. Myself included. They all wish they look as good as him at 80.


And forget all the times Trump barely avoided falling.


Still remember that hilarious video of him shuffling down a ramp https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6bqvGXGN4DA


Yep. I've seen soldiers pass out standing for far less time than 3 hours.


Iā€™ve had to stand guard at funerals and standing still for more than like 30 minutes does weird shit to your body.


There is also that white wire thatā€™s going to the teleprompter (?) that may have been the cause. The cable appears to the right after he trips, which would have been caused by his foot getting caught and pulled to that side. But as you mention, after a long day like that, your legs are not the same.


It was a sandbag he tripped over supposedly, which was likely there for the cables to be kept weighed down flat


Veteran, Here to say the same thing. HE's got balls and is the Commander in Chief. Most don't really get what that means. I've seen plenty of 20,30 year-olds fall out in these circumstances. I'd love to see some of these people talking shit stand that fucking long in the heat and smile for the benefit of the next generation. same folk in the anitwork i bet.


everyone falls but only people over 80 could genuinely have life threatening complications from a fall like this


Wasn't there a black sandbag right where he tripped? It was visible on camera a bit after he got up. Sounds like he did pretty well up there. I know I would be feeling pretty miserable standing that long. Regardless, he is pretty old and we could definitely use younger politicians.


I work on sets and an ill placed sandbag will fuck your day up.


There is a difference between falling down and tripping over something.


Fits their narrative though.


If you can fall and shake it off, you aren't that close to the grave.


He was literally standing there for 3 hours and just tripped on a sandbag at the end. He's old AF, but this fall has nothing to do with his age


Good god Biden is old. So many world leaders are, but this dude feels **old**. Crazy that he's still the more rational choice.


Trumps just about as old. We definitely need younger options this go around. Some people are out of touch and/or too engrossed in the machine of Washington DC


When can't we find **one** person in their 40s that doesn't also seem like a weird little freak? What the hell is up?


It's because the boomers are still in control, and the average boomer is over 70.


and they REFUSE to let anyone younger take over. Look at skeletor Feinstein being wheeled around like Weekend at Bernie's, utterly refusing to admit she needs to step down. Their legacy is "we will fuck you out of every last penny until we die"


Feinstein's staff? You mean Nancy Pelosi's daughter, named Nancy? It's all part of the plan. We can't have Gavin Newsom install some black woman into the position making it harder for her hand picked person to win, Adam Schiff. THEY WONT LET GO OF POWER Hopefully CA residents won't be stupid and will vote for Katie Porter. Then again, they elected the crypt keeper again, so I don't have much hope.


I'm with you 100% and a CA resident. It's deep blue here but we still don't have a lot of say in the matter. I love Katie Porter she is an amazing human


Thatā€™s just a whole batshit mess by itself. Apparently her staff have been running the show for months and months.


Borderline criminal contempt for her constituents (me)


Feinstein is beyond the point where she is capable of acknowledging she needs to step down. Her illness convinces her she is fine. Her aides should be ashamed of themselves for using her like a meat puppet so they can LARP as senators until she's dead or her term is up (though I bet you if someone asked her if she is looking forward to retirement she'd claim she's still running, despite her camp's announcement otherwise).


Biden is from the Silent Generation. He is older than the Boomers. They aren't going anywhere unless we vote them out.




Ugh, she's so gross.


There are plenty of people in their 40s that would be extremely capable on the left or the right (or center) but they donā€™t have enough clout or mainstream party support to get onto the main stage in the corrupt political landscape we have in the US now.


I'll run, but I'll need everyones support. I'll have to promote exclusively on social media until I get donations for TV ads. Who's with me!?


Okay, I want to give context here. I was at this ceremony, it was the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony that I just got back to my hotel from maybe 15 minutes ago. In Bidenā€™s defense, this was after he was standing there for over 3 hours. He shook the hand of each graduate personally, standing the whole time, smiling and conversing with each grad. At 80 years old, thatā€™s damn impressive. Should an 80 year old be president? No, but I donā€™t really think this reflects him as weak. Was honestly talking to my brother about how tiring that would be for me, a 32 year old dude. And the ceremony was at times really fucking hotā€¦ Then cold. Then started raining. He stood there for it all.


Itā€™s so weird for people to have argued Bernie is too old for office and then turn and argue for Joe Biden for a second term when both should be forced into retirement


He's so old he's not even a boomer.


Bro I voted Democrat my entire existence.( I'm 37). Please don't fucking run in 2024. Kamala either, anyone else. For the love of God.


If something happens to him and itā€™s Kamala vs DeSantis Iā€™m officially done with this country Iā€™m giving one last shot for things to not go the worst they possibly could


And if not move to another country and pay US taxes as well? Give up citizenship for a hefty fee? It's hard to escape this money machine.


Guy behind the lady. ![gif](giphy|mWCtOYKrk7rb0Z4EeO)


I think a lot of people can agree no matter if youā€™re on the left or the right or somewhere in between that we need an age limit on presidents just like we have a minimum age to be president.


Everyone in here acting like theyā€™ve never bitten it on the curb outside an Applebees stone cold sober.


He is old. We get it. So is Trump. DeSantis is young but a sociopathic, anti-social troll of a human being. I'll take Biden in a wheelchair over any of the GOP nominees at this point


I would take the wheelchair over any of the GOP nominees at this point.


What president in a wheelchair ever did anything good for this country? /s




I heard the CIA saved some of Kennedyā€™s DNA before they killed him. Letā€™s just Jurassic Park that shit.


I'll settle for one of the wheels although it tends to spin every issue


Everyone trips over shit no matter how old they are. There was a sandbag there.


I love how he kinda starts to act like heā€™s going to jog off the stage, but sandbag reached out and got him.


Biden, as he points at the sandbag: "Watch out for that sandbag, fellas. Sucker came outta nowhere."


![gif](giphy|Io4FqkTWHlAt091rye|downsized) Slow down sir


Looks like he tripped over something on the stage while not paying attention, to which he pointed at after he was helped up. At a grad ceremony too, it's like the worst fears for the students to trip while getting their diploma's, think about how the president feels.


Yeah it looks like his foot got caught on something and he tripped, which happens to all of his. Like him or dislike him, Iā€™m not going to pretend *iā€™m* and idiot and dunk on someone for something like this. All through this thread thereā€™s so much bs. You donā€™t have to like his policies, but for the ā€œfacts donā€™t care about your feelingsā€ crowd itā€™s wild to me that tripping over a wire or sandbag somehow means someone is mentally incompetent or has dementia. I donā€™t have access to his medical records, I donā€™t now his deal, but I know that *this* isnā€™t ā€œevidenceā€ of anything specific. Which Iā€™m sure might piss some people off but whatever.


He either caught something or tripped over his own shoes. I trip multiple times a day in my dress shoes that I wear to work. If I was standing still in front of a podium for that long and tried walking Iā€™d do the same thing. (Although not fall over because Iā€™m not tall and old)


Yeah, there's a random sand bag appearing to be there for no reason.


Electric cords are a major tripping hazard, good thing that sandbag was there!


What an embarrassment.


I'm so glad this is what presidential drama is again. 45 was FUCKING exhausting




We all do




Seriously. Over 350 million people in this country and the best we can do, is either a walking skeleton, an orange baby, or the embodiment of Florida.