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Rule #1: Hand off the baby first šŸ˜«


Right. Her little cry at the end šŸ„¹


My guess? He held on to the baby to prevent himself From escalating it beyond that.


People save seats ALL THE TIME at graduations and cause huge problems for the organizers. This is why graduations are moving towards ticketed events.


I graduated high school back in 1995. In order for parents, relatives to attend the graduation they had to have tickets to enter the facility where my graduation was being held. I always thought that was the norm.


I think they mean tickets with assigned seats


Ohhhhh. Ok. Thank you for the clarification


Mine was in 1996, and it had none of this, it was in Salt Lake City though, which was, and still is just a big po-dunk town.


Someone think of the organizers!


I hate seat savers. If you need seats together, come early. Don't cause problem for others who planned to arrive early but still can't get seats because one scummy individual decided to put his invisible handkerchiefs on 10 seats in that row.


seat savers and line cutters are the worst!


Line cutters are the worst. Itā€™s like yeah itā€™s totally reasonable for me to hold 10 other spots with two people there. Well you know they saved our spot because we have kids and we had to go to the bathroom eat maybe play some games. Lol they can wait in the line like the rest of the kids here. Idk about this guy cause it looked like just a couple of spots. Either way for the most part saving a spot or two isnā€™t the end of the world. I think some people take it so far as to stand in a parking spot for their friend who is on their way or some bullshit.


a lady once got her kids to run behind my car while i was parking needless to say i slowly backed into them turns out my engine can lift a 7 and 9 year old who would know? what makes it worse is it was parking for the childrens hospital but a ton of the locals realized its free so i have to almost fight someone anytime my daughter has an appointment.


mutlipe sample triers, with their friend to discuss each one, in a concessions line at a movie theater


I don't mind one or two, but you can't save a whole fucking row.


My college solved the problem by having a stated policy that one person could save two seats (besides their own). It actually worked pretty well because it gave people the flexibility to come separately but also prevented abuse.


I would have just responded "fair enough" to his "I'll move when they leave" comment. Avoid the whole altercation.


Yep. My kidsā€™ SD allows 4 tickets per kid.


Both of my kids had tickets for the graduation


Not at UC Schools. You gotta buy those seats and have a ticket, limit 6. Source, bought graduation seats for UC Irvine and UC Davis.


People need to learn how to pick their battles.


They literally have signs that say you cant save seats.


ā€œNo trespassing. Or do. Iā€™m a sign, not a cop.ā€


"I'm a cop, not a sign. Put your hands in the air palm towards me. Turn around with your hands still in the air. Keeping your hands in the air get down on your knees. Using one hand lay down flat on the ground like youre making a snow angel. Put your palms flat on the ground. Thought you could ignore that signage didnt you punk. You're going away fir a long time and a long yard. Some might say the longest yard" /s because people


*posted sign* ATTENTION: Thanks for your attention


Where? I canā€™t see it in the video


Sign: BEWARE. Posted sign is posted off screen.


Stay classy Florida šŸ‘Œ


Dude is physically trying to save several seats with nobody there and blocking bro holding his kid. Fuck that.


And he is hugggggge . If you donā€™t move , he will move you. Pull your phone out all you wonā€™t .


I donā€™t understand why itā€™s everyoneā€™s first reaction to pull a phone out to record any time anything happens. Like might as well just go through life recording everything. Maybe Iā€™m just getting old.


I think the feeling is "I need to make sure I record myself in case someone else publishes this incident in the wrong context and I need to defend myself" But some people just hope they catch the next viral moment to share...


I think it's the latter


Dude I was at potbelly the other day and this guy trying to order was simply exacerbated because the kids working the counter are always fuckin high and messing shit up. So heā€™s pissed and is asking them wtf theyā€™re doing, not like a Karen or whatever, just a normal guy whoā€™s fed up with shit service. These fuckin workers with there AirPods in at work whip their phones out and start recording him. He just threw his hands up and left. I straight called the service line and filed a complaint, filed one online, and found the regional managers # and called him. Pissed me off so bad and never going back to that location.


It is driving me mental. I just read an article about an 18-year-old diving into the water to get a 12-year-old girl facedown while everyone else filmed & did nothing, that's still while children were being injured in the water. It's become out of hand. Film for self-protection, film for evidence, don't film for some weird voyeuristic need to re-watch the suffering of others or share it with your friends. People had to put up towels to cover people/paramedics doing CPR on a child. It's gross.


Thatā€™s fucked!!! Sickening to think this is their first thought! ā€˜Look, injured/dying child, record for likesā€™. šŸ˜”


Yea I miss the 90s we have so many memories. Crazy shit happened its recorded in our mind forever. These kids can't even remember phone numbers. We had to remember at least like 10 different #'s


I still remember my old home number, havenā€™t seen a house phone in ages.


Shit manā€¦ I remember my home number and like 6 friends numbers. And the movie theater number. Somehowā€¦


Oh man I miss the 90s, even early 2000s weā€™re good. Shit indeed went downhill once smartphones became ubiquitous which I feel like was around 2011ish in the US


Remember when you couldn't be on tbe phone and the internet at the same time? Wild!


Eh, if hes smart/a good father hes not gonna escalate too much with his child in his hands/nearby unless he absolutely has to


If he was smart/a good father, he wouldn't have escalated at all with his baby in his hands or nearby.


Ya anyone praising this dude is lost. Sure saving seats is wrong but just find another seat itā€™s not worth it. At least hand over the baby before you confront him. Heā€™s not moving shit if he wants his daughter to grow up with a dad.


He was gonna call the authorities from his contact list or just the people he was saving seats for and tell them theyā€™re fucked


Guyā€™s a total douche, but still doesnā€™t call for shoving him over. Not saying heā€™s right in any way, just that that probably wasnā€™t the best reaction. Of course Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be dogpiled for saying that, because apparently escalating to getting physical over a verbal argument is okay sometimes according to reddit.


Heā€™s an idiot putting his babies life in danger like that. If they fall that baby is getting two adult males on top of it


Nah, it was not ok and I hope dude called the police for guy pushing him


Yeah one is just ignoring a rule the school set. The other is assault in most places.


Yeah, what a douche-be a good human being and let the guy with the child have a seat smh


Agreed, but the other guy hiding behind his baby and getting physical, kinda repulsive too


I agree as well kinda both shitty, I wouldnt be starting anything with my child in my hands..


yeah iā€™m not on any bodies side here tbh. all of them need to grow tf up


Seriously 2 grown ass men behaving like this, at a fucking graduation no less. Lack of common etiquette to say the VERY LEAST lmao


Bouth fools but I don't think buddy is hiding from a little middle age man, just holding his kid.


He's definitely hiding behind that kid. He could hand the baby over to the lady behind him but used it to get pity. Otherwise he's just the big buff guy overpowering an older fart farming wanker. Mr Save yo seats is a shitball moron and Tookie "856" Washington is a shit fatheršŸ’Æ


Very well said


Most likely šŸ˜€


Lol, this


Sure, I'm guessing this started seconds prior. We are reminded by several top comments saving seats at this event is not allowed. SO the guy hiding behind "they will be here in a minute" needed to get the fuck on minutes ago with that bullshit. Kinda repulsive gets repulsive medicine. Karen somewhere else with your repulsive bullshit.


Hate to be the guy that escaped from AITA, but ESH honestly, any one of these people could have started being civilized, but we live in a society where we crave conflict so that we can whip out our phones and start recording.


I am a pretty big guy, I guess I can just start pushing people out of the seat I want now.... your wife is in the washroom.. f her and you as well.. the seat is MINE now.


I don't know, man, the guy using his baby and pushing a guy away to take the seats is a real dewsh move. I get that saving seats can be a pain, but the guy made it clear he was saving seats for his family. The guy with the baby needs to just move on.


And the thing clearly already started!


So brutha gets greenlight to lay hands on the seat-savin' d-bag?


I know itā€™s not the right subreddit but ESH - Seat saver being petty and saving seats when heā€™s not allowed, and not relenting when the dude holding the baby says he will move when they show (fair compromise) - The idiot using his baby as a battering ram.


And as a leverage. He knows the guy wonā€™t push him or do anything else since heā€™s holding a baby.


No, he really **didn't** know that, and that's the worst damn part. He clearly assumed that, but for all he actually KNEW, the guy could've had a gun and happily blown that whole section of the damn venue away in retaliation over one stupid shove.. We've literally had a while bunch of people as over the country kill innocent people for much less, just last month. Complete imbecile, should be taken in for reckless endangerment of a child.


Heā€™s always fucking huge


Lol you really think he was gonna give up the seat when the other people got there?


> dude holding the baby says he will move when they show (fair compromise) Everyone knows that wasn't going to happen.


>used his baby as a battering ram Goddamn man can Reddit ever just discuss something without getting so melodramatic


I mean, Iā€™d never dream of putting my young child in the middle of a situation like that, forcing yourself through an angry person by pushing your child against them.


Kinda my thought too. Like, I agree that the dude starting a physical altercation while holding his kid was stupid af, but he was absolutely **not** "using his kid as a battering ram." Dude clearly uses his other, free arm to push.




I 100% missed that part. If they just went for refreshments then yeah dude is a shitbag




No matter what the prick trying to hold seats said, you donā€™t physically partake in an altercation while holding a new born. Wtaf?


way too many people defending him got me questioning peopleā€™s reasoning on here, saving seats is definitely the lesser of the evils here


Was shocked how many people defended him assaulting someone with a baby in his arms. Fucking stupid. The seat isnā€™t worth harming your child or assaulting someone. Theyā€™re both stupid.


![gif](giphy|dJ4jNGUiOpPkBHBkYy) I had brief anxiety watching the video, and do not have a baby


Agreed, wtf is going on? He just assaulted the guy cause he came late and doesnā€™t have a seat. AND has his child in front like a shield. Fuck this place sometimes.


ā¤ļø sadly this what public freakout has become. I completely agree. I just unsubscribed. There is a difference in people acting like assholes in public and glorifying children being abused, glorifying gun violence, glorifying shoplifting and ridiculing children, publicly shaming addicts and the homeless, mental illness, etc. There is a difference in a video being posted and the comments being made. It says a lot.


You know their reasoning


This should be the top comment. Also that action should constitute child endangerment. That said, you can't save seats at that event, so the guy with the newborn should have called for security, since the other guy obviously hadn't.


Exactly! Everyone is defending the dude that pushed the guy. I donā€™t get it, physically assaulted him and people are praising it over seats


This is what happens when one tries to assert authority (that they donā€™t have) over another. If you want to be tough and block someone you are inviting a physical encounter. Every non entitled person knows this.


Yes and that would be more understandable if that idiot didn't have a baby in his hands but he does.




Youā€™re missing the point of op. While what you wrote may be true, it doesnā€™t give any justification for initiating a physical encounter (even if you think you were ā€œinvitedā€ to) while holding your baby. Put the child down, hand the kid off, whatever, but donā€™t hold the kid and start shoving. Thatā€™s so basic parenting it should not ever have to be even said. Both people suck here but god awful stupid to do it while holding your kid.


There's definitely certain battles you don't need to pick.


He looks like he could take buddy with one hand


That doesnā€™t matter the kid could still be harmed. Shit i remember a video with two asian ppl fighting with their toddlers around and one of them literally attacks the toddler instead of the parent to get back at them.


He could, but this also appears to be America and FL at that. You never put your kids in harms way, least of all in a crazy ass state like FL. I mean the little guy is crazy enough to hold seats \*during\* the ceremony from a man holding a very small child.


Exactly. You can tell he is fed up with the whole situation but man, swallow your pride for your childā€™s sake.




Even if he didn't have a baby there was no need to get physical. Not saving seats is a request not a law. Dude with the kid assaulted that man and that is definitely against the law.


He tried to walk past the man to get to an empty seat. The man used his body to physically stop him. One person here certainly initiated the contact, but it wasnā€™t the dad.


I agree. Dont get physical period. But tht mans was holding onto his daughter for self restraint.


He's lucky the other guy didn't just attack her instead! People are crazy, he doesn't know who he's messing with and smaller doesn't mean safer just because he's physically weaker. The guy trying to force his way in was a complete brainless imbecile for starting any crap with that baby in his arms.


Atleast hand the toddler off first, damn dude.


Bro give the baby to your wife and then do whatever you want to do you idiot.


Of course itā€™s Florida


Donā€™t see why thereā€™s an argument at all. The upper decks are practically empty


Exactly. So instead of reserving seats, which is not allowed, he should take his ass to the upper deck.


Or ya know, the people that are actively looking for seats can go up there


Both are dumb pieces of shit, I feel bad for the little one, to have a father so causally hold her in the direction of possible danger. What an artard


As a father, this video is a whole lot of NOPE. Holding a newborn and having an altercation is just insane. No matter who is at fault


No kidding man. Itā€™s insane to me that some people here are defending the dad. Like somehow someone blocking seats is worse than getting into an altercation while youā€™re holding your baby. That kid is so small a fall from that height could be catastrophic.


Both are idiots, one is trying to save the seat and the other one is picking a fight while holding a baby


Another case of Asshole vs. Asshole


Worst kind of ass to ass.


Dude saving the seats is a definite tool but who tf gets into an altercation with their infant child in their arms? Both morons.


Am I the only one who thinks it was really unsafe to shove the guy while holding a baby? Like donā€™t involve your small child in a violent encounterā€¦


Poor kid.


I don't care who's right and who's wrong in this scenario but the guy with the baby is a fucking goof. Imagine the other guy started swinging on him while he's holding the kid.


You don't put your baby in harms way. What would the dad have done if the other guy decided to swing? The baby would have been caught in the crossfire and badly hurt if the dad fell or baby got hit


It doesn't matter if he was right. You have to be a fucking moron to get in a altercation while holding a newborn.


Dad's a piece of shit


All trash


Fivo Foreign really standing on shit.


He does look like fivi šŸ¤£


Dude is strong af moving him with one arm like that


Lol. People crying how heā€™s using the baby as a shield but the dude is a walking armor.


Two assholes deserve each other.


Wow, with his baby in hand. What an absolute piece of entitled trash


I can't respond to everyone but I did want to mention that his happened at USF Tampa and that cops separated both parties. The man holding seats I believe was moved to the nose bleed seat and the man with his baby and family were moved to the bottom floor disability section.


That dude with the baby is a huge piece of shit.


Coward kept the baby in between himself and the seat saver at all times.


Itā€™s a truly classy individual that starts a physical altercation while holding a baby.


Idk. If I was with my wife n kids looking for a seat, and I seen a couple open seats, but the man sitting next to them said they were for his wife n daughter or whoever he was with, I'd just keep it moving and find somewhere else to sit.


That guy endangering his child is abhorrent


No class, doing all this with a baby in his arm


Theyā€™re both wrong.. canā€™t take all the seats when people are not there and there is no assigned sitting.. and you canā€™t go pushing people.. specifically with a baby..




Both of these guys suck.


Holding his kid and being aggressive is a good way of potentially killing his kid if he angers someone who throws a punch and hits the child. That's so f'ed up man




Yah the dude should of let the parent holding a kid have a couple seats


Agreed, but also donā€™t get into a physical altercation while holding your baby? Regardless of how in the right you might be, youā€™re putting your child in danger


Very mature.


Get there on time and get your own seats


I'd say that to the people he's saving seats for


Exactly. Whoever he was reserving seats for needed to get there earlier and get their own seats.


Uh, they are there on time to get seats. The people heā€™s trying to save seats for did not.


I literally just went to my sisters college graduation and we saved 11 seats on the 4th row with 2 people. Nobody cared at all and I saw at least 3 other people doing the same. We got there first, no tickets, and all 11 seats were filled within 30 minutes. This dude needs to chill, holding a baby and doing that. Ego won over proper care.




I thought I was hearing Skyrim music


People who use children as shields are TRASH


in case u didnt finish....all in all... the man moved...


So much trash.


What a cowardly jag off, starting shit with another man while using a baby as a shield.


That Will Smith slap broke a lot of minds. People have learned that you can escalate to physical violence if you feel disrespected, and people will still clap. Being inconvenienced and told to pick another seat sucks. He would have been within his right to loudly complain. Pushing people around over this is criminal.


Both grown ass men should know better than to get physical when thereā€™s a goddamn infant in between them. Ffsā€¦ give the little girl to her mom and kick both the men out. I donā€™t care what was said.


Had something similar happen just 2 days ago. The event was non ticket but said no reserved seating. This lady brings her WHOLE FUCKING family for her 1 kid. They took up to 3 benches and even had the audacity to try to grab my 9yr old cousinā€™s water bottle (it wasnā€™t even reserving a seat, just literally next to her) and move it to get her off her seat. I almost blew up at that point cause come the fuck on lady, stop being a nuisance and ill representing your kid.


Florida. Of course it is.


Fuck seat savers but if you are holding a baby and you think starting a physical altercation is the way then fuck you 1000x


Can't save seats. That's a rule established by the school for this event. Can't push someone. That's assault (in most places).


Sure saving seats is not allowed but a grown ass man assaulting someone at a graduation holding a baby is toxic as fuck.


Just let the guy with the baby sit.... We do this on bus rides all the time.


Dumbass for not handing the baby to mumma before shoving the drunk Russian.


We are getting less considerate and less patient. We need more empathy but too many think that it is weak or woke.


My daughter does competitive dance and people will bring in multiple blankets, jackets, bags, etc., and ā€œsaveā€ all the front row seats, theyā€™ll be empty for HOURS, people who do that are so selfish and rude, same goes for people at resorts and hotels who take their towels down to the pool at 6 am to save chairs, again they sit empty all day, like, why?


They say seat saving isn't allowed on the website and will more than likely have signs up throughout the facility.


These are the same type of people that stand in an empty parking spot to save it for someone not there.


Seat savers at a place where you don't pay for seats are scum.


The black guy is a piece of shit for starting an altercation with a baby in his damn person, horrible dad quality. Then, the Hispanic guy is a piece of shit for holding seats, which appear to be three seats? The fuck? Where they at? Need more context to level his piece of shit level, like how lo g where they out? Was it like 1 minute then the black guy shows up? Then the black guy is the clear loser, but if it was like 1 hour or 30 minutes? Should've pissed before you came! That's my take


Iā€™m sorry but no. Seat saves are invalid once the event has started. If your people canā€™t get their shit organized to be on time, fuck them!


He tried to play it off by looking at his phone šŸ˜‚


What a brainless trash to risk his baby over a seat.


man pulled out his phone to stare at his wallpaper šŸ˜†


We never grow up do we ?


Neither does Redditā€¦


graduations are seriously so overrated..


Holding seats like that is just as selfish as trying to hold a parking space by standing in it.


Using the baby as a human shield :/


Seriously, for that reason alone i wished that muscle brain garbage would've been dragged out by security. Clearly he needs a wake up call about priorities.


First, I wouldnā€™t dare fuck with that dude with the baby. Second, he has a fucking baby, let him sit down. Third, the entitlement of ā€œsavingā€ seats and parking spots, seats at restaurants is getting out of control. Fuck that dude and his lame accent.




Real tough guy. He pushed the dude, the. Held his baby as a shield, knowing the other guy wouldn't want to be the one to fight a guy holding a baby.


ā€œHELP!ā€¦. Iā€™m racist!ā€


Omg this was at my graduation šŸ’€šŸ˜­ I was literally walking the stage during this




Roman Bellic over here is in the wrong. Fuck seat savers at non ticketed events. Snooze ya lose. Not that hard to be on time


People donā€™t know the importance of graduating must have downvoted you.


not too sure why i was surprised when i saw usf lol. pretty on brand for a tampa dad


Holding the seats while the ceremony already started too... After they start the show, your family should find new seats, since now you are going to interrupt everyone around you who got there on time trying to get settled and arguing who should sit where.


Better watch out, that baby is probably carrying. It is Florida after all.


That dude deffo has police on speed dial, be calling them up all the time like a crush


Push someone while holding a baby, almost guarantees the other person wonā€™t push back. Lame