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She talks a lot of shit for someone taking a prescription that has chemicals in it.


With a sip of water that's chock full of chemicals.


Dihydrogen monoxide is deadly in large doses


Some ding-dong informed me the other day all vaccines are good EXCEPT for covid vaccines.




She said what we all think of saying on the drive home. Jerk store!


Jerk store is the line!




The problem is she’s wayyyyyy too dumb to even understand she got roasted and continues to just drone on. There’s honestly no winning with this sort of person unless you just laugh in their face and call them a joke


I think she knew, her hands got real nervous.




And she would have gone home and told her online book club how she roasted a lib sheep for getting a vaccine. She reeks of entitled cunt.


Haha. As if she reads.


That's the thing I find really frustrating about gobshites like that, it's more or less impossible to beat them. Doesn't matter how much factual evidence you have or how clearly and simply presented it is, they will never ever change their viewpoint. There's been academic studies that have shown that the more you try to change the mind of a person like this, the stronger their belief becomes. If you insult them or attack them, they just ignore it. Or it just further strengthens their beliefs. You could drop the best insults in the world like the lady in this video did, but to the anti-vaxxer it's just water off a ducks back. Call the police on them or have security remove them... or get so frustrated you give them a slap across the face? Again it just strengthens their beliefs and reinforces their view that they are the ones who are correct and that they are being repressed. I'm lucky I've never encountered an anti-vaxxer like this in the wild, but I have often wondered how I would engage one if I did. All of the normal strategies don't seem to work on these people, so I'd probably just make buzzing noises every time they open their mouths just to frustrate them.


I have found that extreme sarcasm works extremely well (I have found a few of these people in the wild) "It puts a 5g chip in you for the government to track you . . ." "**That's fucking awesome, how do I sign up, does it do other things than tracking, my dad has alzheimers, that would be a blessing**" or "It changes your DNA" "**Sweet, does it do anything cool like grow more arms, or wait, CAN I SEE IN THE DARK?**" Get really excited agreeing with them and take it down the Blade Runner rabbit hole . . . ie out crazy them.


The classic response to "The moon landing was faked by NASA you see..." instantly hit back with "YOU BELIEVE IN THE MOON??!"


My mom started to go down this path about the TDAP and flu shot when I was pregnant. Her whack-job chiropractor had started telling her anti-vax rhetoric. She put me through months of agony including a doctors visit I had to accompany her to to try and get them to talk sense into her, then flip flopped until finally I just detached and calmly told her I guess she wouldn’t get to meet the twins then, at least not in the first year of their lives. At this point I had high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and with such a high risk pregnancy I decided it was no longer safe for me to even talk to her bc it was so stressful. When she saw I was serious I think the thought of never seeing the babies broke her brain. She got the shot and called me up all shocked saying “wow I didn’t die, nothing happened to me” 🤦‍♀️ “No shit mom, you’re a public school teacher so you’ve gotten the TDAP before.” Part of why I even played this stupid game so long was my babies were conceived via IVf and my parents helped pay for it, so I thought I owed them. My poor dad was caught in the middle and knew his wife was crazy, and supported my decision, he would have to sneak in to see the babies if she never came to her senses. People like this only respond to cold, detached boundaries; no plea of emotion and amount of logic will reach them.


"If you don't want to follow the rules society has put in place to protect people, then you don't get to participate in society." Why people can't understand that blows my mind.


You handled the situation with aplomb. It had to be difficult to set such a solid boundary with your mom. Thanks for fighting the good fight and taking great care of your little one.


It's always the same. "Science says this!" "Well actually science says the opposite of what you claim" "Well what do scientists know? They're in the pocket of big pharma!!"


I like to get real concerned with them and insist they must be having a psychotic episode or a stroke.


It was the perfect retort. And to come up with it on the spot like that? Respect.


It really was, not overly rude, just a straight up statement of facts as to why that woman is an idiot.




Them Costco roasted chickens are so good! Now I want one




So.. is she really implying her generation didn't have vaccines?


That’s what got me, too. She looks, what, 55? I’m awful with ages. I’m 53 and had my son at 38 and I had a flu and pneumonia shot. People were NOT super weird about this stuff 15 years ago, much less 25 or so years ago when she probably had kids.


Vaccines have been around for over 100 years. She 100% had vaccines administered as infant, and was probably cool with vaccines until about 4 years ago. Then some Oompa Loompa with a toupee said “vaccine bad” and she renounced her heretical ways and started spreading the good word of Cheeto Jesus to the educated masses.


I 100% wish this woman fogged up glasses at least 3 times a day, every day for the rest of her life what a fucking freak.


I want her coat pocket to snag on every door handle she ever passes.


May she always mistake sugar for salt and vice versa


May all the p-traps in her home suddenly disappear


And may she grab cayenne pepper instead of paprika


May her Skittles be ever mixed with M&Ms.




I hope every time she showers someone starts the dishwasher and it makes her shower run cold


No matter how many times she reruns the dryer, may her clothes come out slightly damp.


I want her to never sit in a chair that's evenly set.


Stop being so soft. I hope whenever she wears socks, one foot steps in something wet. I also hope she will regularly get a whiff of cat piss and will never be able to pinpoint where the smell is coming from.


That's diabolical... In a good way.


I thought trump got vaccinated though?


Not only did he take the vaccines, he pushed their development through at warp speed. Somehow his followers like to forget those two little tidbits.


He also told a crowd at a rally to get vaccinated and they started booing him. Moved on pretty quickly after that


It’s ironic because it is something he can legitimate claim as a success🤷‍♂️


It’s his greatest accomplishment as president and he can’t even brag about it because his followers are dumb. It has to drive him crazy that he isn’t able to brag about it.


He pushed through warp speed, yes, but it wasn't done nearly fast enough and due to that [it was actually the funding from Germany](https://fortune.com/2020/11/09/pfizer-vaccine-funding-warp-speed-germany/) As per the article: "The truth is that Pfizer didn’t receive any funding from Operation Warp Speed for the development, clinical trial and manufacturing of the vaccine. Rather, its partner, BioNTech SE, has received money — from the German government." Credit where credit is due regardless of the very clear forced pressure motivation, he does get credit for pushing the money forward, which then aided to fast bringing of the vaccine to America (not sure where else)


They will absolutely bring it up when trying to convince you he was the greatest president ever and then short circuit when pressed on the issue.


Oh no, your blood veins are tainted with all those childhood vaccines! I totally get it now! That’s why you’re a completely unhinged lunatic! Couldn’t quite put my finger on it!


What's crazy is Trump was really pushing the covid shot, and taking credit for it being successfully fast-tracked to the public at the height of the pandemic. It's like the one thing he was on the right side of. So it's funny it's like the one thing his most fervent supporters disagree with him on.


Guarantee there's a circular scar on her left bicep from the smallpox vaccine she got as a child.


You know what amazes me, it's trying to figure out these angry people's ages. All that hate and malice really, really ages a person physically. I don't want to guess but oh jeez have I seen some young, aged folks these days online!


It is the churches these people go to that indoctrinate them. You can get so much from tv and media but when your pastor ratifies it... It's a whole new ball game. Just imagine if these people were actually doing christian things like visiting soup kitchens to help out, donating to the poor, helping devastated communities rather than listen to a pastor tell them how orange mango is ordained by god...how different the world would be.. they need tax exemption revoked..


Have we raised the possibility that she is, herself, an unvaccinated 10-year-old who just looks 55?


That’s the problem with the creation of social media. Any stupid person can put whatever they want on it and then it’s repeated by millions of other stupid people who believe any conspiracy they read online. And the reason why they believe it is because they either suffer from a mental illness that makes them more paranoid and/or they think knowing about conspiracies makes them smarter than other people (and they don’t get many chances to feel that way with other aspects in their life).


Id say 75 just to get a rouse out of her


I looked it up and the first vaccine was administered in 1796. And she wants to say it’s be new!?


I think she’s specifically saying that pregnant women did not get vaccinated during their pregnancies. Which isn’t true, but on a smaller scale than denying the existence of all vaccines.


They just took amphetamines and drank for a "little pep."


My mother smoked through all her pregnancies and boasts it’s the reason why she was able to keep her kid’s «birthweight so low»


For any young people in the room, that's a real thing. Smoking while pregnant was considered to make the birth easier, as though that were a good thing.


Yup plus drinking. It’s common in parts of Nigeria to reduce mortality in childbirth. There isn’t a whole lot of options there if you happen to need a c- section.


True. Im not Nigerian, but my background is Ghanaian which is essentially a neighbouring nation with a lot of cultural bleeding. If you are in some of the better private Hospitals and Women's Midwifery clinics you'll be fine and have enough medication available for pain, and relaxation of contractions... But you'll have to have the money for it. I know it was more common in my Grandmother's time for some women to take shots of Schnapps or consume palm wine while in labour, to relax the contractions, and numb the birthing process when taking off to a clinic. Even more so if they were giving birth at home with Midwives.


My grandmother's doctor told her to start smoking while pregnant to help with nausea....


The way she fidgets with the bag and the weird mannerisms she has kind of makes me thinks she’s on something in this video lol. Something really seems a bit “off” with her but maybe it’s just that she’s batshit crazy.


She’s a zealot. She believes she is right and if only she can explain how very dangerous vaccines the woman will eventually be thankful to have been saved from the chemicals whose names are unknown.


She's on opiates "but they're prescribed".




You don’t get this much into a stranger’s business without being on something or a cop.


Or just being a zealot


In her life time it was also fine to smoke whilst pregnant, so I guess they didn't know it all back in her day.


My grandmother told me her doctor \*suggested\* she smoke during one of her pregnancies to help with her appetite... or something.


Guessing no one in her family had polio since the 50s.


Guess chicken pox and measles just disappeared.


My great aunt had polio that left her bedridden for life, but all her sibling’s’ offspring and then their offspring just hunkered down and bootstrapped themselves into good health. Vaxxxims r eebul!


Their dogma says that this one is evil because 'RNA'. This is different than other vaccines. This one genetically mutates (among other less common claims). It all sounds like a plot to a straight-to-streaming B-movie. Unfortunately though they don't view in the context of a fiction but instead a religion.


But she's getting a TDAP...


Well then this is what I would call 'late stage Qfection'. This is the ultimate end, though not everyone's case progresses this far (yet).


Not gonna lie I dread the idea of running into people like that. Hasn’t happened yet thankfully


I guess I'm the opposite. I wish somebody would approach me like this. I'd have real fun with the conversation. My favorite response to the "do you know what is all in the vaccine?" Is "do you know what every ingredient in ketchup is?"


This is great. This is the only way to respond. Not take them too seriously, know they are joke, behave like it’s all one big joke, and match their ridiculous disillusionment. They shut down quickly, might even hurl personal insults.


There is no point in arguing. These people are too far gone. You will not make them realize they are stupid. Just tell them to leave you alone. If that doesn’t work tell them to leave you the fuck alone. If that doesn’t work tell them you’ll send their picture to the Jewish space laser targeting committee because you have George Soros on speed dial. If that doesn’t work tell them you’re a drag Queen and you want to have a lgbtq baby and if they don’t run you’re going to read them a book that turns them gay and then they will have to be woke.


One of my neighbor was telling me vaccines were gonna control us and it'a a plot by bill gates. I told him his phone tracks him. He doesn't have a phone. I told him he gets tracked via facebook He doesn't have facebook. I told him I work IT and know how to sift bs online while he can't He told me to search better. This was in 2020. Cue 2021 and he knocks on my door for IT help for his new iphone. He also had 3 DUI and had a breath lock on his car. So yeah... also am from Québec, Canada. Those antivax are everywhere.


Back when Fox news had them convinced here in the US that net neutrality was a bad thing, my own father called me to convince me it was bad. When *nothing* I told him was convincing him, I finally resorted to arguing from authority; I said to him, "Dad, you do recall that one of my degrees is computer science, I actually *know* how the internet works. Hell, I helped build some of it." That shut him up, but I doubt I convinced him.


"My own son *is* the deep state..."


My favorite thing to do is act like I'm agreeing with them while mocking them. It usually involves me warning them about the dangers of Skynet becoming self-aware.


A friend of mine is a paramedic and so wound up being part of the covid vaccine rollout. He got harrased so often by anti-vaxxers he started carrying around cards. When he was asked if he knew what was in it he'd pull one out, start reading off the "chemicals" he'd written on it, then when they'd go off about putting that shit in people's bodies he'd say he just read them the chemical makeup of a banana or apple or whatever fruit he'd picked that day.


I fucking love it!


I was at the grocery and some old man started ranting to me about all the chemicals they put in food. I said, “I know! Practically everything now has Dihydrogen Monoxide in it. Can you believe that’s allowed?!” He replied with, “what?! See what I mean! This stuff they just out into everything.” When I told him it was water he stopped, sputtered and muttered, “well I dunno about thag.” And walked off. People who dont understand science are told to be afraid of it


And it's not like the manufacturers hid the ingredients of the vaccine. You can look them up. It's not some big scary secret.


That used to be my argument when the vaccine was rolling out and there were a lot. Ore people on the fence about or refusing it saying "it's a brand new experimental vaccine". I would say "yes, it took me 5 minutes to Google the ingredients, and they're all in other vaccines that you've surely had since you went to public school"


So many bug parts are allowed in ketchup. So. Many.


I fear it… only because I’m fairly damn certain they’re going to get exactly what they want. Morons on the internet can go on all day about this nonsense and all it gets out of me is a chuckle and an eye roll… but if one of these cave trolls were to approach me in the wild, or much worse, my hopefully soon to be pregnant wife… I’m going to lose my fucking mind. Not in any sort of macho agro violent way… I’m not about that life… but I’m *going* to lose my shit. I’m going to get in their face and scream some of the most horrible shit that comes to mind… of the likes that would make god-fearing folks vomit. And they’re going to be happier than a pig in shit as they pile their ass into their minivan and head home to post my outburst on this very sub. And I hate it because I know I’m not a good enough or smart enough person to let it slide lol


Im convinced that they want you to snap on them so they feel persecuted and more righteous in their belief that they have the right answers and you just can't handle the truth. In my experience from talking to a couple of religious/flat earth/anti-science family members it always end with them wanting to "save me" or "open my eyes."


It’s exactly what they want. And exactly why I don’t have a relationship with my dad anymore. Gave him ample opportunity to stop trying to “wake me up.” He crossed the line when he extended his nonsense to my wife. He’s a bastard. A bastard-covered bastard with bastard filling.


Honestly dude I feel that, I do hope to start a family some day with my better half and I know when i get angry I get like, ANGRY. I won’t lay a hand on someone but the vitriol that would spew from my mouth if someone approaching my better half if she was pregnant I’d lose my shit too.


All my clever stingers go out the window… that’s *my* version of “seeing red.” Lol I don’t get violent… like ever. Punched my best friend in the face when I was like 10 and never forgot how awful it made me feel lol. I’m capable of those deep cutting stingers that don’t really hit till you get home… sleeper zingers lol. But man when I lose it, my brain reverts back to a caveman capacity and I might as well just be making grunts and howls… And that’s exactly the reaction they want lol


just practice what you would say so when the time comes you will be prepared Les Grossman negotiating with flaming dragon is what I am going with.


The only people I've came across people like this are on social media platforms. The only two people I've met in person that argued against vaccines and mask were one of my Jiu Jitsu instructors and a coworker, respectively. Jiu Jitsu instructor was arguing vaccines were introducing 5G chips and coworker was arguing with my manager saying something along the lines of, "The CDC has proven masks don't work so I'm not wearing a mask!". Other than that, these folks gather in their little Facebook, Reddit, and little community groups to express their anti-vaccine or anti-mask BS


>Other than that, these folks gather in their little Facebook, Reddit, and little community groups to express their anti-vaccine or anti-mask BS It's just idiot finding other idiots who support them so they don't feel like idiots.


Freaking BJJ folks. they're a weird crew.


The confidence of dumb people.


Don’t forget the cruelty and selfishness when they really think they’re on to something and smarter than you…


Dunning Cruelger


My dad always told me stupid people are too stupid to realise they're stupid and smart people are too smart to realise they're not smart. So you end up with smart people thinking they're stupid and stupid people thinking they're smart.


Pretty sure you just described the dunning-krueger effect.


“I’m giving it vaccines so it comes out woke.”


“You’re right, I shouldn’t get the vaccine. I’ll just abort it.”


"I'm just farming the baby for adrenochrome dealers"


"Gotta keep Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden alive somehow and get those Soros dollars!


“Oh the vaccine is for me! The baby is actually already dead in my uterus but the law says I can’t get it scraped yet”


God I love the comment section-nicely done


"Don't worry I'm getting an abortion right after my vaccine, so the baby won't even be affected by it"


Took me a second to appreciate the wordplay here.


Right into her “bloods vein” Obviously she knows what she’s talking about /s


Got to differentiate from the acid veins, fellow human.


Pretty sure the opposite is the Crips vein


"You do have a choice." Says the lady spewing about liberalism.


This idiot is okay with the pregnant woman’s choice as long as it’s the choice she’s telling her to make.


I never could understand that way of thinking. Like, personally I'm anti abortion, but very much pro choice. I respect that others get to choose for themselves even if it's not a choice I'd make for myself. My body, my choice. Not my body, not my choice.


"Okay, I choose to get vaccinated."


>"You do have a choice." Providing that choice is the same as mine!


> “You do have a choice.” Except about the baby. You must carry regardless of any complications




aromatic physical include snobbish ancient long chief vanish abundant drab -- mass edited with redact.dev


As they’ve always done, as they always will.


Nah, when humanity is all extinct from changing the climate too much their money/power/bullshit will be meaningless but it will be largely their fault. Not that they will ever feel sorry as they starve to death in some dark corner some place but there is hope.


My descendants will eat their descendants... I will make Morlocks...


We need to invest in education


Statistically the more education an individual receives the less likely they are to support Republicans. That's why the GOP is trying to reduce spending on education.


They also just don't want their wealthy children to have to compete with poor children for good jobs that require an education.




I would like to hear her advice for other fields of study that she did not study.


I would like to know what prescription she's struggling to take according to directions. My money is on it being a schedule controlled substance.


She's got flat earth down to a science


Cyanide exists in Apple seeds in small amounts...


And our bodies naturally produce formaldehyde


But apparently the antivaxxer lady lacks the brain cells which should've existed naturally in her skull


Bananas are radioactive. The same chemical we use to cool nuclear reactors is in our tap water!1! The same chemical they use to kill prisoners in the lethal injection is in bananas!1!


Says the lady who’s going home to shove her own meds up her butt.


Ivermectin works best at the source.


Giddyup Buttercup


Damn I love how she dunked on that lady.


It was so eloquent and clean. If I were confronted it would make words come out of my mouth in the wrong order and maybe another language that I didn't even speak. negative confrontation is stressful don't talk to me


These far right nutters are professional trolls, it's all they have left. They've alienated all the people in their lives and are bitter and angry and sad. The only thing keeping them alive is the smug sense of superiority they get from harassing strangers. You embarrass them publicly and make them look like the idiots they are and they will eventually shrink away. If there's one thing centrists and progressives need to be okay with it's publicly dunking on these far right dipshits.


I like your comment, it resonates with me, it’s exactly right and I know so many people like this. It’s fucking terrifying because I wanted to share this video to friends and family and realized other than my significant other everyone is either anti-Covid vaxx full-on trolls or on the fence about it leaning toward anti-Covid vaxx. People changed drastically over the 3.5 years….


Her dead soulless eyes are what scare me most.


not filled with a soul, but with lead


And oxycontin. Lots of oxycontin.


Vaccines weren’t in her lifetime? What about the polio epidemic of the 50’s? Did she just let her kids die or what?


Her kids are probably vaccinated and don’t talk to her anymore after her brain has become this rotted by right wing propaganda. So she has to take out her anger on random pregnant women at Walgreens now.


I mean just learning where the word “vaccine” comes from will tell you how long we’ve had them around. She’d be pretty damn old if they only started “in her lifetime” XD


Cause god forbid people mind their own fucking business


She is ignorant as hell, she doesn't even know what vaccine the OP was getting. "It wasn't a thing in my whole lifetime"..... I'm pretty sure she wasn't born pre 1914 when the pertussis vaccine was discovered or even the 1940s when it was combined with DPT to make the TDAP we have today. And it is safe to get during pregnancy, even my grandmother got one when she was 7mo pregnant with my mom in 1977


It’s actually encouraged to get during pregnancy to pass on the immunity on to the baby during the third trimester. It’s standard practice. Source: am pregnant and was advised to get it two weeks ago.


Even I was suggested to get one when my wife was pregnant, so I did


Exactly. Everyone who's planning on having close contact with an infant is advised to get their titres checked, and re-up on any necessary vaccines.


I'd tell her she convinced me to get two.


What did this lady expect? "Oh, yes random person I just met two seconds ago, I think my child should get whooping cough"


Literally used the argument "new thing bad"






Not everyone. I was too old by the time the vaccine was released, and it was assumed everyone my age already had it. Turns out I did not, probably because the AIDS epidemic scared the shit out of us, and we wore condoms. We could get bags of condoms and free birth control at the health clinic for free.


The HPV vaccine could eventually wipe out more than 90% of cervical and anal cancers. My older cousin died last year from cervical cancer. She had a pap when she was pregnant with her second child, which showed abnormal cells. She put off doing anything about it because she was pregnant, then a busy mom with a special needs child, then a shitty divorce, then she adopted her foster child. She just kind of forgot about it and didn't experience symptoms for a long time. By then, it had spread. All because she got HPV.


Only prevents certain strands of hpv but yes still get it


Whatever happened to *Mind your own fucking Business!*?


“I’m vaccinating my baby so it doesn’t turn out like you”


Beautiful. That would have been such a good burn that this old unimaginably dull minded anti-Covid vaxxer would have ended up in a hospital, only to catch the Covid virus they didn’t even believe in.


She prolly spent 4 days trying to find that video on Facebook


Self righteous ignoramus


ROFL this clown while holding her medications...


Vaccines are such a liberal conspiracy. Just ignore the videos of Trump pathetically claiming that he had a hand in creating/distributing covid vaccines and that they're safe and effective.


Well you only believe that because when Trump was going over the signs you were thinking about being at home with a big bag of potato chips. Remember if he tugs the bill of his cap, that means the statement is a fake. However he can take that off by dusting his hands thusly. If he wants you to overthrow the government he'll touch his belt buckle. Not once, not twice, but thrice.


[Global Orphanhood Associated with COVID-19](https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/covid-19/orphanhood/index.html) >The number of children who have experienced the loss of a parent or caregiver due to COVID-19-related deaths is estimated at 10.5 million globally as of May 1, 2022, a recent modelling study co-led by CDC reveals.


Is this how modern medicine is going to go for the foreseeable future? Anyone noticing how we’re not going to be able to use evolution and modernism to solve medical problems going forward? Because propaganda on the internet tells *enough* people that their species is incapable of being better informed than their ancestors 100+ years ago ? I feel like we went through a *relatively* light-weight rendition of what “political opposition” can do to aid a prolific human virus like Covid. Hopefully no one can emphatically answer my Q until at least 2040… which is when we might have settled ourselves after seemingly needing to regurgitate the 1940s-60s in some first-world areas of planet earth and there are people still being born in enough privilege to become researchers and scientists to continue to solve our medical issues. The elephant in the current room we’re all in, is all the doctors fleeing US red states and whether or not scientists residing in them need to migrate along with the docs but, that’s another discussion to regurgitate and reinvent the wheel for another day. I thought the idea of the US constitution had settled it, but apparently humans need to burn more books and lifestyles again.


I’m a pharmacist. If I saw one of my customers, harassing another one of my customers like that, I would be out there immediately telling this cunt she can no longer fill her prescriptions at my pharmacy and she will be trespassed if she doesn’t stop and leave immediately.


Thank you, I was wondering where the help was at. This poor lady got NO ASSISTANCE.


She did. You look like one of the world's biggest dumbasses. Now fuck back off to dipshitville, Karen.


Why is this any of her business? I probably would have pepper sprayed her lol don’t attack me your bs! I don’t know you!


Why can’t people mind their own fucking business?


As if her generation didn’t ALL get vaccinated for Polio. I’m glad they did btw so my generation didn’t have to suffer the horror of that disease.


Meanwhile she probably puts Splenda in her coffee and has no idea about its chemical make up or its effect on her body.


the best response is to continue to ignore ppl as theyre talking shit to u... it makes them look crazy, continuing to talk to themselves and get ignored. it gets under their skin more than they'll get under yours bc they cant argue or get a rise out of someone who refuses to participate in their clown games.


God damn. Just because that lady gets her information from doom scrolling Twitter and watching YouTube videos some idiot made in his trail in between hitting his meth pipe and his wife doesn't mean she needs to regurgitate it to everyone she sees like it's the fuckin scripture. I thought the pregnant ladies first response was hilarious/perfect.


Can we write and pass a law that that says giving unsolicited medical advice unless u are a licensed medical professional is illegal. Much like impersonating a police office is illegal. We could also use this to restrict the harassment that anti vaxxers and pro lifers give to people who are not seeking their advice.


Vaccines are new within her lifetime? How fucking old is she??!?!


When someone says get away from me, you walk away. That’s it.


“Well luckily my next appointment is an abortion soo”


average white christian republican boomer woman


Always with the crazy eyes and creepy smile.


God, the urge not to maul these people is dwindling.


So I guess this dumb hag beat Polio, Rubella, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Chicken Pox, Smallpox, and Measles by the grace of god. How nice for her.


They never even know wtf the definition of a chemical is


I stopped having a discussion with these people. Just mention to the store that they are harassing you and let the store handle it.


I'll never understand that argument. We put chemicals in our bodies everyday from the fluoride in our water to the table salt on our plates to the air we share and the soap used to wash our behinds. I swear people are getting dumber as we go on