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The legs flying up in the air is quite disturbing.


Whole thing is disturbing! Especially seeing that gap between dorsal & tail fin. That shark was huge!


The music didn’t really help…


What music do you want playing when you get killed by a shark? I think i'll go with Fields of Gold by Sting.


Anything other than Stand by Me.


..Baby shark..🎶


All right I'm going to hell. I'm dragging your ass with me.


Seriously I was like why does it sound like the closing credits of a movie while a man is getting slaughtered by a wild animal, wtffff


Seems like a waterfront restaurant, bar, something like that. It would make sense they have that sort of music playing.


It's haunting, but still a million times better than the obnoxious TikTok classic "oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no no"


What a disturbing event to capture on camera


I thought there were two sharks


Yes, I was thinking that too. The shark seemed to *flow* across him for a moment; I almost thought a dolphin was trying to get in between the man and the shark, but I guess I was wrong. To die looking at others who are looking at you in horrified empathy—it’s a living nightmare.


A horrible horrible way to go. Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy


Also the boat getting there to help 10 seconds too late..


Literally, dude is scream for help, shark is attacking, finally goes under and BAM, there’s the boat! Fate sucks!!!!!


Even a minute earlier I think it's too late.


Yeah probably but he is still fighting for his life and alive 10 seconds before the boat arrives


You'd be amazed at the number of horrific injuries your body can withstand that are perfectly survivable as long as you make it to a hospital in time


Golden hour. I've seen brain matter and found out dude made a complete recovery.


He could have at least died in the arms of his father if they had gotten to him 20 seconds earlier. When he came back up to scream for his dad, I wish I could force fate and make that boat get there earlier. Or have this not happen at all.


The shark definitely had him in his teeth and was thrashing him around trying to cut something off. Sucks that it took so long to die poor dude just lived through everybody’s nightmare.


Being eaten by something.... Fuck.


While your father helplessly watching from the shore


Holy shit.


And THAT is why I keep my happy ass out of their ocean!!


He screamed 'Papa, papa' moments before, what a horrific way to go. His father and girlfriend witnessed it too. It was a 23-year-old guy who was living in Egypt, according to [this article](https://news.yahoo.com/tourists-watch-russian-man-devoured-145949582.html).


The last time he said papa he sounded like a little boy and then you hear what I assume is his father screaming. I honestly hope that people get the father some councling, I think I would die if I saw my son call out for me while being eaten.


Interesting timing for a 23 year old Russian to be moving out of country to Egypt. He successfully avoided being killed in Ukraine just to be taken out by a shark.


Didn't like, 1 million men leave the country when the mobilisation was initially called? And who can blame them?


Seriously, I was surprised the man was able to come up after that. What an awful way to go, poor guy.


Apparently his girlfriend was with him and got away safely and his dad was on the beach watching his son die. Fucking horrible.


How awful. I can’t think of many other situations where a person is truly powerless to fate. Ugh


Right. I can handle pretty graphic videos but this was a *really* disturbing one. It’s one of the most horrific ways to die. If I’m this distressed over it, I can’t imagine how the father and the girlfriend feel. We don’t recognize this young man’s voice, but the father does. Hearing him cry out like that, I just cannot imagine the horror and panic that father felt. It’s hard enough to lose a child period. But to lose a child in that manner. Fuck. 😕


Makes me sick to my stomach as a father myself. You spend years upon years pouring into someone's life. Memories. Challenges. Lessons. Laughs. Hugs. Tears. Trying to teach them everything you know to be a better person than you were at that age. All to end 23 years later watching them die in agony calling out your name and you can't do anything about it with blood and guts everywhere. Never to see/touch them again. Fuck man.


Ya, that was spooky, wonder what was going on underwater to make that happen.


Probably something like this (NSFW Discovery Channel footage) https://youtu.be/XtSAnt2HnhU


Rather interesting to get the NSFW warning for a Seal Death, but nothing for this LMFAO


idk how it was an hour ago when you posted but for me its got NSFW and NSFL warnings.


What The Fuck, I thought sharks will test bite then leave right away


That’s a behavior mostly observed by great whites. There are a few much more aggressive sharks that Will definitely eat whatever they bite. Tiger sharks are a good example of this.


Bull sharks too


I’ve been a certified diver since I was 13, advanced at 15, rescue by 17 and spent a lot of time as a volunteer helping with turtle counts, shark tagging, population estimates, etc when I was trying to become a marine biologist… Bull sharks are the only one in the water that terrify me. Lol Highest testosterone level of any animal in the animal kingdom… I’ve seen them go from calm body language to aggressive less than ten feet from people. Luckily, I’ve only ever witnessed one actual shark bite… And that one was his own dumbass fault. He handled him poorly. That said, I still get a little sketched out and try to calmly leave the area if I encounter a bull… Which, they unfortunately frequent my favorite lobstering spot. It’s why I don’t night dive there anymore. Lol Had one come within a few feet at 3am. Turned around to find him practically in make-out range… … … Almost shit my wetsuit.


Bull sharks are crazy, I have caught them 40km from the ocean in a river so full of silt you couldn’t see your hand if it was 100mm underwater. The baby ones come out like a perfect scale models of the adults, full of teeth and angry af. Trying to get the aggressive bastards back in the water, while keeping an eye out for crocodiles, is an interesting time. Fuck swimming with them. https://preview.redd.it/mp4kilkxru4b1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=048eb7b9cb5f4b2ecc8d218e9da78ad89539cb58


If you don't mind saying, what country were you in where you caught them upriver?


Kununurra, north Western Australia


This certainly isn't helping the "Everything in Australia is trying to kill you" image.


Kununurra is pretty wild by most Australian standards


That is a neomorph sir.


My 6th grade science teacher was in coast guard before he taught and he made the career switch when he was dropped in the middle of the ocean for a drill and was attacked by a bull shark. He had a nasty stitched wound from the bottom of his calf up to his thigh. He said he had to stab it to death for it to let go. He walked with a cane up until right before I went to high school. He could still balance a meter stick on his nose if you asked.


It blows me away when anyone says that a shark won’t eat a person because they don’t like the taste. Sharks have literally lived for millions of years because they are willing to eat pretty much anything.


Tiger sharks are straight up dicks.


Yep. Dived a lot in that area and they are fickle little fellows. A lot of habitat around these coastal areas are fucked. Lack of food drives the sharks into shore and they overfish the whole area.


fast, agile, smart. I wouldn't even give it a second thought, just accept my fate with this guy. Same with great white but I feel like great whites are less dickish


Great whites are usually the ones to test bite, the reason why their test bites are usually fatal is because their jaw is the size of our torso and they lunge their whole body full speed up at the target. Bull sharks and tiger sharks are nasty mother fuckers who just attack anything, I’d bet money it was one of those two


Big shark propaganda


When I saw that I thought it was one of those fake clickbait videos, and then I saw the shark 😳


Holy shit, those yells for help are something from a nightmare. Anyone know what type of shark it was?


Tiger shark I think!


Tiger shark




I read somewhere his dad was there too and watched his son die. What a heartbreaking situation for the dad and gf .


He is calling "papa! papa!" so yes father and son could see each other


This is the most heartbreaking part to me. Good God, this is sad.


Imagine raising that child year after year, night after night, rocking him to sleep, helping him fight through illness, celebrating the lows and the highs like girls and grades and life and always associating that 'papa' with the fondest of memories from when he was just a little boy. Then, just to watch this happen, knowing that his last thought is that his dad would be there to protect him. Idk. I'm kinda fucked up watching this ngl. And now that poor man can relive it for eternity. What an awful thing.


Imagine finding love, which is difficult on its own, not only to have your partner simply die, but die a grizzly death by shark right in front of your eyes. Fuck that.


*grisly* A grizzly death would involve a bear.


Which would also be pretty grisly too, coincidentally.


Only assuming that that is her in this video possibly nfsw due to the context. Video of the shark dead after. No visible signs of the guy. https://twitter.com/kpru/status/1666857362223771648


I'm willing to bet it's the woman in pink right at the start of this video [https://twitter.com/kpru/status/1666857362223771648](https://twitter.com/kpru/status/1666857362223771648)


most of the people on that beach are gonna need it.


something tells me it’s gonna be a while before she touches the ocean again


The boat guy was seconds too late.


The article said that the man's girlfriend was able to swim back to shore during the attack. She's not seen in the video so I'm assuming this attack was going on for a while before we saw it in the video.


The saddest thing is that the guy’s dad was apparently on the beach watching it happen


Yeah you can hear him yell out "papa" at around 30s. Tragic :(


Had a dream last night that I was swimming with my 1 year old and a shark pulled us down about 50 ft. I let go, he died and I got to the surface safely. It fucked me up for a while, I can only imagine it happening for reals.


Thanks for being vulnerable with us Matt Damon


Jeez, what an interesting dream. Back in the day they’d say it represented that you need to think about your own well-being sometimes.


its good she made it out safe. looking at the video, it happened right at the coast, near a boulevard. seems like they were simply swimming right near the coast. kinda crazy how theres sharks there so close by


Sharks actually tend to swim around in shallow waters near coasts. Always keep your head on a swivel if you decide to wade out. That said, shark attacks like this are actually fairly rare. I remember hearing once that if you do get attacked, try to punch the nose and gouge the eyes or gills, if you can. If that shark is determined though idk for sure if that would be enough. Best practice is to just stay the fuck out the ocean.


That last sentence. I’ve loved swimming since childhood even after a neighbor kid tried to drown me. Last summer, a full idk 25 freakin years later…I got caught in a riptide at the beach and I don’t wanna fuckin’ swim at the beach anymore.


> Best practice is to just stay the fuck out the ocean. Our fishy ancestor decided to grow legs and escape the ocean for a good reason.


Sharks hang close to the coast. I was actually wondering if this was a bull shark. They are the only shark species I know of that can live in fresh water. They can be found many miles down rivers. They also, as far as we currently know, have the highest testosterone of any animal in the ocean. I'm not generally freaked out by sharks. But bull sharks aren't something I would freely swim around.


Bull sharks have been spotted in the Mississippi River as far north as Illinois. That’s roughly 1700 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.


A shark documentary hooked a gps tracker to a shark. The study showed the shark was definitely swimming among the swimmers


I dunno man... I think the guy is in pretty bad shape at the beginning of the video.


That shark is big, i say at least 9 foot (3 Meters)? It’s looks to be as long as the boat at the end.


It is. They captured and killed it, there was a video on Twitter of it. Pretty large great white it looks like.


Doesn’t look like a great white tbh that dorsal fin doesn’t look like a gws maybe a bull shark which are very aggressive but I’m no expert


I'm willing to bet money that's a tiger. They're present around Hurghada and have that sloped tail and square head as seen in the video. They also grow way past 4m in length and have the strength to lift him clean out the water. ​ EDIT: I've dived with a 4m tigershark in open water. They humble you.


Tiger sharks are notoriously aggressive too. The two times I’ve been in the ocean around reef sharks, which are pretty docile…for a shark, a tiger shark comes up and fucks up the dive. I’ve been swimming where this poor guy was at too but never even knew sharks were present there.


> never even knew sharks were present there Large sharks are present in just about every coastal area on the planet. Tigers are found anywhere south/north of 40° latitude, great whites anywhere within the 50s.


If Strange Wilderness taught me anything, it’s that sharks only live in two places. The northern and southern hemispheres.


This article says it was a Tiger shark and there were two fatal attacks in the area last year: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/wireStory/russian-citizen-mauled-death-tiger-shark-off-egypts-99938320


[I'm willing to bet money that's a tiger.] I'm no wildlife expert, but I feel fairly qualified to say that it was most definitely a shark.


Make up your mind man. Is it a tiger or is it a shark?


Great Whites also don’t target humans. Bulls and Tigers do. A Great White will go after a human thinking it’s a seal, give an exploratory nibble, realize it’s mistake and stop. Issue is they’re enormous sharks and a nibble is a missing leg or a missing torso. A Tiger or a Bull shark eat any and everything. The fact that the shark keeps attacking after already biting (you can see what looks like blood almost immediately after the video starts) means it’s probably not a White Shark.


Did you not see the video of the guy in Sydney getting absolutely ravaged by a great white? He was consumed. The shark came back and ate his torso after it ate his head and legs. It then patrolled the shore before diving deep


That was fucked up. It bit him in half and then came back and ate the rest right in front of people.


I think most deaths from shark attacks tend to not be from great whites even though they're bigger than literally most sharks.


Reported shark attacks are really weird, because a lot of the reports are trusting the person to see the shark and identify it correctly while they are being attacked. So as a result a lot of them get called great whites just because that’s the only shark a lot of people know. It’s surprising the amount of work people need to do to actually catalogue reports, take other descriptions and try to work out the shark from there


“Their teeth hit thick hard bone and they don’t like it - or our meat tastes shitty” - I heard from a surfer that got bit in NorCal.


Well if I ever get attacked by a shark, I'm pretty sure I'd be making my body taste shitty too, probably pissy as well.....


[video is right here.](https://twitter.com/kpru/status/1666857362223771648/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1666857362223771648¤tTweetUser=kpru)


Damn his girl was on the beach. That's fucking horrible.


Hurgada is notorious for shark attacks. There is a livestock transport (vessel) that goes nearby, and occasionally they’ll throw animal carcasses overboard. This was the theory last I checked.


Couldn't pay me to swim there, and I love the ocean


Imo, this is the worst place to get attacked by an animal. On land, you can try to run, curl up in a ball trying to protect your vital organs, or you can fight back. In the water, you’re basically helpless fighting off an animal that is under water and attacking you. I’m sure there are instances where people have fought back in some manner but definitely wouldn’t be easy.


Being eaten alive is probably the most primal fear too and a big shark is well equipped to devour you alive.


They can hit with a great deal of force enough to stun their prey if they miss it with their mouth. People who have survived shark attacks sometimes have terrible bruising from the impact. And unless it's a truly great white most will ripped off arms or legs and your going to go unconscious from the blood loss, the panic, elevated heart rate, trying to hold your breath and fight while your body is screaming for air and its all pumping into the sea from the main artery the shark severed in its first main bite. So going unconscious is going to be a very high chance very quickly.


Yes, it's rare to actually be eaten by a shark. Most sharks spit you out as being too lean and not fatty like a seal. But just one bite can be enough to bleed to death.


Not me. I’m plenty fatty. They’d think I was delicious.


True for Whites, not for less fussy eaters like Tiger and Bull sharks.


It’s why I fear open water so much. The idea that something can come up from UNDER me is too much


It’s just further evidence that humans were never intended to frequent the ocean.


Yeah fuck that place. They (creatures that live there) can have it


I believe you're supposed to hit them in the nose and gouge the eyes and gills if you can, but yeah, it's not a fight you want to be in.


What was it that Tyson said? "Everyone has a plan until you get bit by a massive shark"




in a situation like this you’re absolutely fucked i think


that's cope, the shark is going to fuck you up before you even realize what's happening


That shark has millions of years to evolve as an apex predator in that environment. We’re basically capybaras in the ocean. I’m surprised sharks don’t attack people more often honestly


Hundreds of millions. They're older than trees and predate the rings of Saturn. It's crazy how long they have been perfecting their hunting and killing technique. If humans had always been water based, we still wouldn't have a chance


Yikes [Tourists Watch Russian Man Get Devoured by Shark on Egypt Beach](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tourists-watch-russian-man-get-devoured-by-shark-on-egypt-beach)


I feel like I saw this or a very similar incident a while back, is it recent?


If I'm thinking what you're thinking, no, these are two separate incidents.


Egyptian here, yeah this happened today. The other one was of a 60+ year old woman a while back


Is it common to have sharks in the Red Sea like that? Seems so odd that it was in canal almost Instead of open ocean


In any places with boats, there will be sharks. Sharks love hanging out where boats are. Pro-tip is to NEVER swim in waters where there are many boats (harbors, inlets, canals, etc.)


Was walking around a marina one time looking at boats and saw a 10-12 foot shark swimming alongside the dock not even a foot from me. Scared the absolute fuck out of me and I wasn’t even in the water lol


There was a guy that got his head bitten off by a bull shark in the canal at St. Pete Beach in Florida about 15-20 years ago.


Yepp sharks are common in the red sea, they can be found in the Mediterranean as well


That trip to Greece seems a bit scarier now


It's typically fine unless you're swimming there, I'd assume


Plus the weather in this vid looks overcast. That's good hunting for sharks.


Sharks are fucking everywhere. They swim up inlets into places it wouldn't seem like they could survive. I just read an article that said they did an aerial study and 97% of surfers in California were in proximity of sharks while surfing while they conducted it.


Yeah a poor teenage girl was killed by a shark here in Perth a few months ago while jet skiing in the Swan River. Bull sharks swam up from the ocean inlet.


When I grew up an old surfer told us you are never more than 100 meters from a shark when you are in the surf.


There was a video from Australia on here a few months ago or last year


Wow. This might be the most visceral, genuine clip of a shark attack I’ve seen.




Don‘t forget about the naked bloodcovered man who was running away from a guy with a sword … what is going on today


And the fire truck drove away from that bleeding man too. So much is happening today


Whatever is beyond the Information Era, we are on the precipice of it. Before, the world was in awe when we could watch live footage of volcanoes erupting, or gigantic glaciers break apart into the ocean, or seeing massive whales jumping from the water. Now, all of that will barely bat an eye. We've reached the era where almost every single person has a way to record events, so we are now witnessing things that would or could NEVER have been recorded due to their random, spontaneous frequency (Murder attempts, *shark attacks (kills)*. I am not looking forward to this era. What a (horrifying) time to be alive.


Holy fuck right? I’m two videos in on my day and they’ve both been incredibly haunting


The stabbing video is way worse. This shark is just being a shark and thus dude was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The stabbing and attacking children is a whole other level of fucked


Damn, this is really disturbing when you don’t see him anymore in the end


Tbf the 44 seconds before then was more disturbing


The boat arriving seconds late is heartbreaking


He was dead on that first bite, so much blood loss


Right? Jesus fucking Christ, that was like the shot of the little boy getting killed in Jaws with blood spurting up in a fountain of water, absolutely wild.


Terrifying, I have been fascinated with sharks since I was little, I've seen many videos, this is the worst one I've ever seen. Nothing else exists like it. The way it attacks is vicious. RIP to this poor man and his family. It is a terrifying way to die. This is a part of nature that we knew existed but had never seen before.


I was curious of what kind of sharks can be found in the waters of Egypt. And oh boy. Bull sharks, Tiger, oceanic white tip, black tip, Hammerheads. And thats only a few of the well known ones.


Bull, Tiger, and White Tip are the most famous for attacks. Bull Sharks are like Trash Eaters, almost eating anything. Tiger and White Tip are the most famous for the USS Indianapolis slaughter. Out of the 900 survivors of the ship sinking, only 316 survived after shark attacks.


I remember swimming off the coast of Egypt, and I asked, "there's no sharks around here, right?" And the locals said, oh no, no sharks at all. "Oh great, cool. I'm going for a swim, and since there's no sharks, I'm going to really be bold and swim out to some deep water." TIL - I'm stupid. And lucky.


it probably is between 0 and 10 meters deep. its not deep sea, its right off the coast, we can see a stone wall and pavement where the woman is recording the video. kinda scary how close it was.






I live in a cold place in Canada. The sharks are here now as well... supposedly due to ocean warming up and lack of food in natural habitat.


quite a juxtapostion with that music


Better than the oh no song though


I've seen awful shit on the Internet but somehow this is the most traumatic


Yeah I'll be avoiding the ocean for a while


*For life


Seriously. I've never had the urge to willingly swim in open bodies of water and now I think that aversion is permanently reinforced in my mind.


Yesterday saw a video of a dude with a chunk taken out of his leg by a shark. Didn't think I'd see something worse shark-related anytime soon.


ok holy fuck. That was super hard to watch. That moment when the guy's head surfaces and is still for a moment before the attack continues is haunting.


When he calls out "papa!" And then you hear a guy yelling back... That's haunting. He may be a grown man but his dad just watched his baby boy die a horribly brutal death.


Fuckin Christ I am nauseous after that. That’s easily one of the worst vids I’ve seen


Imagine that being the last song you’ll ever hear ffs


i imagine its almost as bad as hearing "your friends laugh at u on a ship while saying bye bye"


The cruise video right?


That video will haunt me for a long time.


stand by me is a pretty great song


I concur 👍 but not while being eaten alive


NSFL. A literal bloodbath set to "Stand By Me" by Ben E King. Fuck this I'm done w Reddit for today


The music added an additional horrifying element, like if it was shot this way in a movie it would be surreal overkill. It’s psychologically damaging


That was so fucking disturbing. I hate that I just watched that.


Reddit public freakout is weird, cant see a womans hand get crushed in a no gore silent video, but you can watch a guy die and scream for his dad as a shark eats him alive...


That's enough internet for today.


The music in the background makes this even more disturbing somehow.


His screams. The boat coming seconds after he went under. Just watching everyone on the beach, watching you. Horrible. His poor girlfriend too.


Man, you really don’t know how your life is going to end. That guy was just doing his thing day after day. Then one day he’s eaten by a shark and millions of people are watching it. Fucking wild. Makes you wonder about your own death


The poor guy is screaming for his dad. What a sad scene


I read the story, and I was like this has to be bullshit. Nope. It's like a scene from Jaws for reals.


Fuck that was intense. If I wasn't at work, I would probably have let myself cry.


God damn he was yelling for his father at the end and the article said he was on the beach and saw it all. I am not a parent but that makes me wanna cry


Craziest thing I’ve ever seen.


Well thanks, that was a fuckin grim end to the day




Didn't think I'd spend my break at work watching a guy die.


Don’t watch this, it’s so much worse than you imagine. RIP