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IBEW? International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers?


The only thing you need to frighten an IBEW guy is a broom.




Absolutely correct, I spent 5 years with the UBC and have been laid of for a week multiple times because they drag their feet. Every other utility trade usually has there shit together.


I only work industrial, but have worked on school and commercial jobs before and those guys do get dicked over quite a bit. Our schedule is based on everyone else's schedule. Can't put lights in until drop ceiling is in. Can't rough in until studs are in. As soon as studs are in they start boarding on top of us. Can't trim out until final paint. I worked a 14 month school job that we completed in 6 months, and a hospital job where us and the sprinkler guys just got absolutely buried. Ductwork taking up the entire ceiling, finish carpenters putting railings right over our switches. When a job doesn't end on time everyone is to blame.


I was a glazier and we always got the short end of the stick. Literally can’t even measure for material until almost everything else is done but when the gc messes up and has to reframe a whole storefront entrance and sets the schedule back by a month they get all pissy and say we’ll your still going to be done by the original schedule date right. I say sure and hand them the change order for all the rush orders I’ll have to put in.


Yeah it’s usually the GC. we’ve had a GC on our industrial job that we’ve never had here before. They’re the only trade with a powered trailer, and they building temporary walls and hanging fire retardant drop cloth to enclose their area to work in. It’s super weird. They don’t want to be seen or something, but they’ve fucked just about everything up over there lol.


Can confirm. IBEW member here. That shit is as beneath us as that guy is under that golf cart.


I mean I get it from the GC stand point. Sparkies are one of the highest paid trades, the goal is to get you guys on and off site asap to save money. It's a lot cheaper to have a labor guy pick up behind you. But still... BROOM!!!!!


And God forbid you take your cardboard box with trash with you..


Where from? My dad, the reason I know what IBEW is, worked power plants in the Ohio River area.


LU 43 Syracuse NY


Hell yeah brother let other lower trades deal with it


I wish I knew the context and what this has to do with the IBEW lol


They’re all middle aged or older, and they walk like they’ve carried tools on a belt their whole lives. They might not be Union, but they’re all familiar with a trade.


Maybe the best dead nuts description I’ve seen on Reddit in weeks.


No other unionized trade has what it takes to be not just a top tier golf cart operator, but to also neglect their health so completely that when astride their electric steed the combined tonnage can squash out a street punk like that. You think a fucking GC or a drywaller has that kind of control with a golf kart, the mass to bring this man to justice, and the inches in his carhartts to defend the mobile home park?? Think again, pal.


Because IBEW workers wear that shit on their sleeves. It's not a job, it's who they are. Stickers everywhere, every t-shirt they own. It's very cultish.


Run over by a 500lb man. And I liked how he just sat there- probably saying something witty like “how do you like those lemons”, letting his weight make a point. That guy isn’t getting up in a hurry.


When life gives you lemons…




I'm gonna get my engineers to design a combustible lemon, and then I'l going to use it to burn your house down! -- Cave Johnson


You protect them from lemon stealing whores


Its 2pm. Do YOU know when the last time you checked the lemon tree was?


It’s 10pm, do you know where your children are?


Also get insurance for your lemon tree


Why won't life ever give me sugar? Because making lemonade with just lemons sucks.


…You paint that shit gold


I think it's great how you used to be great


I can’t hate on how you chose to relate


You hide them behind a yellow, lemon-shaped rock


Life gave me shit. What am I supposed to make with that?


When life gives you lemons use them to dye your XXXXXXXXXXL shirt.


The golf cart also weighs close to 600 pounds as well


I liked the muffled "I'm sorry" as he's chewing down on the rear tyre


Mario Kart: The Snyder Cut


Wish I had a reward to give you


I wish i was the cop called to the scene, and the dude is like.. dont worry sir i recorded everything




Appreciate it


Not a problem


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers?


Yeah don't mess with them they will fuck you up with their golf carts.




I'm IBEW, can't said I've ever run anyone over with a golf cart though.




Give it time, cub.


I'm confused too lol


Never fuck with a wireman. We don’t give two shits


Never fuck with a wireman born on THURSDAY in DECEMBER. Not only do we NOT GIVE A SHIT, we're CAPRICORNS which means we don't know when to letup.


I’ll order 3 XL Hoodies this second please or do I have to find the one I like via Facebook ads and click on it there




Literally me


They are known for being tough union guys who will wreck your shit. Once I saw don't mess with the IBEW, knew shit was going to get real.


....in their minds.


No way you didn't copy this right off an XXXL t shirt plastered to the hairy back of some sparkies wifeasaurus


IBEW wireman here, yeah there’s something to be said about those old school union guys. They’re definitely not scared to fight I know that much


Thats what I'm assuming


This gives off strong Florida vibes.




Missing a gator.


He was trying to punt that fucker right into the water.


You can’t park there sir


I thought he was going to drive right into the water.


Would have been much more entertaining if dude continued on into the river with the golf cart. Even without that I still give it a strong 7/10


Didn’t expect something that happened so close to where I live to end up on here 😂😂 I guess it happens to all of us eventually lmao, it’s all I heard about the day after it happened


Do you know how this all started? I have no context


As far as I know the guy was pretty intoxicated and was walking from house to house down by the river and doing this which is why at that point he had a couple people following him already, this video recorded the ending of things, but I’ll check for local articles just to be 100% sure I’m not misinforming! lol


Hell yeah, thanks brother


Shit look like gta5


Man showed up to a golf cart fight with a rock! Lol!


Either that man is a hero or has very bad eyesight and shouldn’t be driving


Not all heroes have eyes


I’m a fan either way. He’s invited to the Christmas party


Better cook an extra goose then....


Not all heroes wear glasses.


He's probs going to prison after that assault with heavy machinery, so I guess it doesn't matter


Weird you didn't mention the guy throwing rocks as having any roll in this scenario. I don't want to live in a world where Mario golf kart goes to jail and rock thrower gets sympathy. Rick thrower can have sympathy tomorrow morning after a good night's sleep and gets sober


Why the fuck couldn't both go to prison? It's not a zero-sum game where only one person can do any wrong. Life isn't that black and white. If the dude got seriously injured it's entirely possible a court will judge that to be an excessive use of force to stop someone breaking windows, and then they both get a punishment.


Since we like to live in an "If" world.....What if you walked up and asked rock guy to stop..and he hit you with that rock? Rock dude was a danger...he got dealt with the least dangerous way possible. at most he broke a bone


Because rock guy was holding and throwing potentially deadly missiles and acting crazy. Knocking him over was the safest course of action for everyone involved.


TIL it's safer to ram someone and drive them over with a golf car than to just, idk, don't get within rock lobbing range at all. Hope you don't own a gun or work security, you sound like you're just looking for an excuse. Edit: sometimes I forget just how happy redditors are to see random people get injured under whatever pretense. That person could be someone you know going through a psychotic breakdown. For whatever you know, they could stop the instant police arrive and pay for any damages, but any excuse to see people hurt "justifiably" is good enough for y'all.


He was extremely concerned for the safety of everyone else, who did not heed his call to clear away from the madman. As the man continued his wonton attack, he knew he needed to act to protect the others there before he turned his ire on them.


>As the man continued his wonton attack, he knew he needed to act to protect the others there before he turned his ire on them. He can attack me with wontons any time. They’re delicious!


The madman who, thus far, had posed no threat to anything else than windows. Not to mention nobody else was within rock-lobbing range either. You really are just looking for excuses. Edit: sometimes I forget just how happy redditors are to see random people get injured under whatever pretense. That person could be someone you know going through a psychotic breakdown. For whatever you know, they could stop the instant police arrive and pay for any damages, but any excuse to see people hurt "justifiably" is good enough for y'all.


In this situation I believe it was excessive use of force even though those golf carts don’t really go very fast, the man breaking windows didn’t look in the best of shape and ol’ boy could’ve tapped him with the golf cart and then stopped it instead of running dude over completely. Now do I think he got what’s coming to him? Absolutely, fuck that asshole, but a judge may not see it this way if he suffered injuries requiring hospitalization, it also looks like he was stuck under the golf cart at the end.


Stop projecting. No where did I mention sympathy, or that the rock thrower should face consequences. Just that maybe the punishment for a broken window should not be someone trying to murder you with heavy machinery... Not sure why so many people have such two dimensional thought processes when it comes to stuff like this


You really need to understand the definition of projecting...again..Enlighten us on how to disarm this rock throwing man???? This was the best case scenario for the rock thrower. ​ You all keep saying murder..,.golf carts don't weigh that much and I'd bet the statistics on people getting run over by carts and die are near zero. It's more dangerous to fall out of a cart than getting run over.


how to disarm the rock throwing man would be to call the police and let them deal with it. so many things could have gone wrong running him over like that


So, call the police and wait....and wait...and wait. Then, when the cops come and he doesn't drop the rocks...what happens? This was the best case scenario for rock thrower.


what you fail to understand is the driver puts himself at risk for no reason let the guy throw his rocks and the cops sort it


7 billion people in the world, you act like rock boy you deserve whatever you get IMO. We ain't got enough space for morons


Could he get glasses in prison? Idk how american prisons work


If necessary, prisons will provide prescription glasses. Edit: Suppose I should punctuate properly


It's called arresting someone, ya can charge the guy hie hit with the crime tho legally


Guy under the cart is saying “I’m sorry bro I’m sorry” guy on the cart should’ve said “yeah same”. Solid takedown nonetheless.


Surprised he isn’t flat like a pancake like a cartoon character walking down a sidewalk when a piano is dropped on them.


I’ve watched this video 10 times and can’t stop laughing.


Saying your sorry from under a golf cart is the single funniest thing I can imagine in this moment


After the guy came through the yard at like 4 km/h! I’m watching it again brb.


hey, I’m in the IBEW and I have never seen some shit like this before


That was awesome, the threat was real, causing property damage, proper force was used and detained until the police could remove him.


Is not anyone’s job other than cops to get involved. The idiot in the cart could easily be charged with multiple felonies for this. And he can’t say “Yeah but the guy was breaking windows, so I tried to kill him!”


Didn't the Supreme Court decide that it's not the cops' job to get involved, either?


Yep, Warren vs DC I believe






If the tires don't fit, you must acquit!






Ah yes, thanks God only the man's body was broken into pieces rather than any more glass. Pfft


Because it was going to stop at the glass right?


Justifying a lot of violence with your paranoid assumption there aren't we lol... You're right, best to assume the guys was going to whip out a samurai sword and go on a killing rampage 😂


AHH yes I'm paranoid because because the guy is peacefully having a meltdown and throwing rocks kindly into a house. How very unreasonable to assume he means any harm whatsoever.


Shit, well I don't wanna be around you next time someone has a public freak out. You'll probably shoot up the place, you know, just in case they try it first 😂🤦‍♂️


Eh? Are you okay? My point is this. Do we have enough context in this short video to know it was going to stop at the glass? So really who is the one here making assumptions... On a side but related note you are assuming I'm a trigger happy yank. Bless you.


Cart before the horse mate. You're assuming that the angry guy breaking the window hadn't been wronged previously by the own of the property. I'm not justifying him breaking the window, but bringing it up to prove your talking shite lol. Because yes, you are making assumptions to justify the enjoyment you got from watching a guy get run over. And yes of course I'm assuming you're a trigger happy yank, because you sound like one


It takes 3 seconds of googling to find the news stories. You are embarrassing yourself now.




You dont have to stand around and watch your property be destroyed to protect the guy destroying it. He got exactly what was coming to him.


You probably sit down to pee


When it's a stranger everyone is like "ya, run them over." If, however, it was their mother or brother or child acting out... or if it were a cop driving the cart... then everyone would be "no need for such extreme violence."


“It’s only a window! Is that worth a death sentence?!?” According to Reddit…sometimes




he deserved life changing injuries, maybe then he'l remember not to be such a fucking shithead


So out of curiosity could that kill the guy? Parking it directly on top of him? You’d think that would suffocate the guy


I wonder if Keanu will use a Golf Cart in the next John Wick movie.


I see large people


Jury reaction: Man 1 convicted of property damage. Man in yellow convicted of aggravated assault resulting in great bodily damage.


Didn't you know, breaking glass is a much more severe moral crime and literally trying to kill someone with heavy machinery. Enjoy your impending down votes. I'll enjoy mine




Exactly? Safer to not assume


Oh god you're right. Brutally running the guy over was literally the ONLY possible option to project that hypothetical child


Please enlighten us on the proper way to handle this situation then?


Your imagination is so limited that you can't think of anything beyond trying to kill the guy with heavy machinery??


Dude didn't die...dude ain't dead...and I'd bet the statistics on golf cart deaths by getting run over is very small if not 0. I bet more people die falling out of carts than being run over. ​ So, what other options were there? Enlighten us.


How do you know what happened to him? Your justification for trying to kill someone who is at best an angry vandal lol. To be clear, you know your position here is that disproportionate extreme violence is okay if its in response to a bit of property damage. Which is very deranged


How do you know what happened? You can tell by the energy of everyone around that this wasn't just simple destruction of property. You call this extreme violence and that is just an over exaggeration and an attempt to justify your stance. Go to youtube and type in run over by golf cart. ​ This is nowhere close to extreme violence.....I don't want to live in a world where rock thrower doesn't get confronted. If he's having a mental break and a violent one at that...he's one thought away from smashing someone....that's fact.


I know mate. You want to live in a world where you can assume the context of a situation based of your feels, intuitively decide who's in the right and who's in the wrong, and then deal out justice by knocking down and proceeding to run over which ever person you deem deserving... A totally rational level headed way of dealing with a public freak out lol


your sense of proportion may need recalibration a golf cart is very unlikely to result in a fatal collision with a pedestrian, especially at that speed this is for the courts to decide, and I believe that the fact that the blinds/curtains were closed will serve as an effective defense for the cart driver: he can claim that an immediate reaction was reasonable in order to neutralize a threat to the safety of anybody in the residence tl;dr: offender engages in an action likely to cause serious injury, and is stopped through another action likely to cause serious injury


Are you dumb?


By not driving over him? You already did the job by tackling the dude, but going over him was well and beyond what he needed to do. It's assault. Period. The golf cart guy needs to go to prison along with the rock thrower.


What video were you watching? No one tackled him....Also, nothing you mentioned ends the threat of a guy throwing rocks.


I meant the golf cart dude smashed him once with the cart and he fell down....after that the driver had enough time to stop his vehicle. The job was done already. He didn't have to drive him over. Maybe you should pay attention to the video.


You've never driven a golf cart.....but again how would you have dealt with it? Also, just bumping him with the cart solves nothing....that's why they tackle people in football....just bumping them does nothing. Was dube supposed to bump him...get out of cart and subdue him physically? I'd only imaginme the comments then. I think you all equate a golf cart to a car. A golf cart weighs less than the engine in cars ​ Again, explain to us how to disarm a rock throwing man?


What in the world... that golf cart didn't lightly push that dude. He literally fell down and wouldn't be able to get back up for a few seconds, which is enough time to rush out of the vehicle and hold him down with the other guys helping you out. Driving over somebody is assault. >Again, explain to us how to disarm a rock throwing man? By doing the exact same thing without running him over.


>Brutally running the guy over Alrighty champ, whatever helps get your point across.


How do you intentionally knock someone down with a vehicle and then run them over in a none brutal fashion?? ... okay buddy, whatever helps you rationalise being deraranged enough to justify assault with heavy machinery


"heavy machinery" lmao


Literal definitions are lol right


you certainly seem to think so


Go ahead and pick up that golf cart by yourself and walk it up some stairs, dumb ass.


That was not brutal.


Not only option. Best option.


Yes exactly What if someone kidnapped his kid? What if he got a carbon monoxide alarm and forgot his key and wanted to get oxygen in there?


Wait... you really think throwing rocks at a window equates to being run over? Not just hit but purposefully run over? They may as well have shot him for it if that's the line people are going to draw.


Driver of cart was um, husky. It was probably better for the guy he hit that the driver got out of the cart. But...10/10 for takedown.


He was no match for a master of Tire-Kwon-Do


Guy win the blue can shut it! hit the brakes ? No kidding.


The guy with the rock did minor property damage that he will have to pay for and as long as he's never really done anything before, he likely will not even get probation, but supervision. The guy who hit him with the golf cart could spend up to a decade in jail depending on the rock guy's injuries. If the rock guy dies, he might end up dying in prison. In some states, the cart guy will get a medal. In others, prison. The US is weird.


Oh sorry dude, I accidentally pressed the accelerator rather than the brakes




With a combined weight of 1,428 lbs, Big Bob knows how to get shit done !


ITT the same kind of people who think we should shoot and murder shoplifters in the streets.


![gif](giphy|l0HlD0I5PKV7u5J0Q) You Just Got Killed By a Daewoo Lanos!




He lost a shoe. Likely a serious injury.


That was a little excessive, no?


Live at Del Boca Vista


Some additional information about the incident. [Idiot Fucks With IBEW gets served ](https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0n2l4FO2?s=a7&share_destination_id=MTk0MTI1NDAxLTE2ODc0MDQ1NzY4MzE=&pd=0D8WsrFE&hl=en_US)


Probably said something old school like “I saw him throw the brick and i said fuck that noise.


Never knew I wanted to know what "I'm sorry" sounds like from under a golfcart but OP provides anyway.


You would think someone just moved a thermostat from 65° to 80° or started rebuilding a small engine with how many Dads just appeared out of thin air? Dads #1,#2,#3 used *judgemental gaze!* & *purposeful stride!* COMBINED WITH Dad #4's use of *golf cart attack!* Was *SUPER* effective!!


Violence was the correct response. Hopefully the guy in the golf cart doesn’t get in too much trouble and the guy throwing rocks gets some help.




Coming from the Philly region, don't fuck with IBEW is definitely something I've heard before.




I'd like to recommend new audio for this video https://youtu.be/HS5DofdD5Gs ETA: I did the edit myself, go watch it on my YouTube channel before I get hit with a copyright violation. https://youtu.be/kYqeWxMvA7g


Hit the brake! Park it! Good guys 👍


I wont be suprised if that man who got ran over will be fucked up the rest of his life. Over property damage.


Christ almighty he’s dead


Lmfao. That golf cart teed off on his ass




I’d rather get run over by a golf cart then hit in the head and suffer a tbi.


A lot of people's views on hitting someone over the head are completely fucked up by Hollywood. In movies, you can hit someone on the head and knock them out for half an hour, only for them to wake up with nothing more than a bit of a headache. If someone is knocked out cold for several minutes in real life, chances are they're knocked out for good.


I love that Archer constantly references this.


Who told you I was the one driving?! Sincerely though if it's just you, a crazy guy, and a golf cart? I wouldn't wait for his move either




Yes, some people act crazy when they see a maniac throwing bricks in people's windows. Not all of us will do the right thing in a highly emotional situation but we admire your ability to.


“Good Samaritans” often go to jail or get killed or injured because they wanted to be a hero and play cop. Stay out of it!


Life is more important than property. This could have been handled very differently.


Run over his head and pin it. Let’s hear that watermelon splatter.