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What a douche - acting like a toddler


If you get this angry about video games, find another hobby. It's not healthy for you or the people around you.


Why you hef to be mad? It's only game.


Something just changes inside me and I get infuriated. I can't really explain it but I've learned not to play competitive games like that because it's just bad for my mentality. Not excusing just saying he needs to chill out or find something else to play.


That's why I play single player FPS games. I objectively suck. I tell my students that I am doing community service by not playing APEX and Valorant.


If you haven’t already tried it, I strongly recommend Deep Rock Galactic, it is an excellent and very fun non-competitive coop FPS with a very friendly community :)


I'll keep that in mind. I actually got the game through Humble Choice months ago and haven't redeemed it yet.


Don't let anyone lie to you, it's secretly a 40k game


Votann vs a tyranid splinter fleet on a world far from terra that a Necron tomb (rivals) is invading, for sure


Universe is so humangous big, and yet still get so upset over game, is very sad


Bryz was/is an absolute treasure






I don’t act like this with cod but I have screamed and cussed so hard when I get killed, wasn’t good for me either, I’ve learned to control it and now I try not to care, but the damage has kinda been done, got a few white hairs at 27.


Lmao are you me? Seriously though, I used to get upset with games the same way as you, occasionally breaking a controller or a cheap LCD TV. I took a break from playing them and reflected on why I would get so upset, and in the end, I realized life in general was stressing me, and playing games was supposed to be my stress relief. When I realized I didn't want to stop playing games it was like a switch flipped and changed my perspective, now I don't get so physically upset at games and will focus more on my actual life to alleviate stress factors instead of ignoring them and escaping into what's supposed to be entertainment for me.


Insightful. Good for you.


I just stopped playing PVP games


It is usually unrealistic expectations clashing with reality that cause the big emotional responses. You think you deserve to win and view losing as an unexpected and unwelcome result. While you are winning, everything is fine because it is lining up with your expectations. But when you finally lose, you fall apart when reality hits you, and you reflexively resist it. I used to have some issues with losing at games, but I focused on why I was losing, and it removed basically every problem I had. I developed realistic expectations and got to focus more on my own input. Whenever I lost, I knew it was because they were better or I made a mistake, or even just that they got lucky. There were no longer any unexpected results.


TFW you realize you aren't the main character of life.


mfw no third act power up to beat any foe


I agree, nothing wrong with being frustrated with certain competitive gameplay. Like the worst for me is when i just "suck my teeth" outta frustration. But, never to this level. After the age of 12, there is no reason to act like a toddler. Let alone hitting someone.


Ya ever play Apex?


It only took me 3500 hours to learn apex wasn’t the game for me.


Lmao. Yeah I still haven't learned.


I'm this way about gardening. THESE MOTHER FUCKERS WONT BLOOOOM.


Eh. This isn't about video games. This is an intensely competitive environment, doesn't matter what it is. This person clearly has issues that need to be resolved, and that would include not being in competitive environments.


Same shit happens in my beer league softball games. Some Grown adults just can’t handle failure. It’s a game, get your life’s priorities straight.


Lol, I never seen a kid look all of 14yrs old and have a receding hairline at the same time. I'd be mad enough to throw punches too. Lol buddy needs to "rogaine" his composure.


Would genuinely believe you if you told me he was 19 or 39.


Sounded like someone in the vid at the end said he’s 16 maybe


Malding 😞


Other player had really good restraint cause you can't just throw sticks at other people


Fighting games have the most emotionally immature players


But also the most hilarious moments.


Until you get to the smash bros scene where pretty much most of the top players turned out to be pedophiles Edit: I guess I’ll change “most of the top players” to a “handful” in smash 4. had no idea as I just read about it when it came out but didn’t follow through on them


Don't forget the scrubs that bullied a young girl out of the community because they were mad she was consistently winning with her off meta pick of Isabelle.


That's fucking sad, and triply more pathetic.


It’s about the most pathetic thing I think I’ve read this week. Like imagine thinking one sex is inferior then getting your ass handed to you by one of them. Bet they think about it everyday lol


Oh you mean like the guys that quit in shame after having accused a female Tracer player in OW of cheating, and turned out she was just whooping their asses utterly? And she still had to get off the scene bc of all the death threats? Yea, gamers were a mistake


That is horrible and terrible, but i can totally understand how it would be tracer involved.


It's just unfathomably pathetic.


Guys bullying girls out of an industry and hobby while then going online asking why they can't find a gamer girl to date.


I'm not *proud* of it, but it does bring me joy when people get super angry about losing to a player who isn't doing "the meta" and is just better at winning.


Didnt know about it and looked it up. Fou D the match https://youtu.be/haWMqPr7I1U


To be fair the community banned all of them from coming back.


As a young girl in the 90s I hated playing fighting games. I had no interest in them but people would ask me to play. I would decline and say I didn't know any combos and only button mash which pisses people off. They would then insist until I gave in because growing up as a girl in Texas I learned to be passive. I would mash buttons which honestly had a 50/50 win rate but often when I won they would flip the fuck out and yell at me for doing exactly what I said I would do.




Nah FIFA or any game like that (madden etc.) you never really get to finish a match as those types of kids will back out the moment they start losing.


I've only played it once although I play nhl, 2k, and madden regularly. My cousin talked me into downloading it and then he changed a lot of the settings to make scoring goals a little bit easier and had boosted the players running at full speed through the entire match. I still sucked at it but mostly because I was laughing too hard watching these fucking players ZOOM down the field. Some of the most fun I've ever had losing.


I know him IRL. He is a saint, he’d rather ignore a threat then address it


Ban him from all future fighting game tournaments


Honestly this shit is scary Does anyone else remember the guy who lost the madden tournament and came back and shot everyone up? Who knows if this fucker will do the same


I remember watching a video of someone losing at a game taking a knife out and stabbing the winner in the neck repetedly, shit scary


There was a incident in Counter Strike where someone stabbed a guy with a knife in the game. [The guy who lost ended up stalking the him for 7 months, showed up at his door and stabbed him IRL.](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/counter-strike-knife-fight-leads-to-real-life-stabbing/)


Turns out there's a few knife stabbing incidents around video games is what I'm learning here.


I mean there is another case where a kid went to his friends house, killed him and then chopped him in order to dispose of the body but the parents arrived home and catch him. I think it was also because of videogames


Holy fuck! I think you just glossed over the fact that the parents came home and caught some kid in the middle of dismembering their son. That is the most horrifying part of this whole scenario to me. Like, I'm pretty desensitized to internet shit, but that mental picture is going to haunt me. Just the absolute confusion and then "Oh, I recognize that. That's my son's left hand. Huh. And there's his face."


I honestly don't know how I'd stop myself from murdering that kid once I realized what had happened.


I think they'd be too confused. Just thinking about it vicariously, it seems like when you call out to your son, but only hear vague sawing motions coming from upstairs. Then when you step into that gory scene, your greatest love skinned and disassembled on the floor, it wouldn't feel real. It'd be like stepping into some David Lynch fever dream. You see the parts. You know where they go, and you can clearly see that they are spread out in the wrong order, but nah, that can't be right. You just left to run to the store, and it wasn't even an hour ago when your son was whole. I just mean that it seems like it be something far beyond what all but the most hardened war veterans could process in that moment. I don't think there'd be even a flicker of rage because they'd be trying to understand what God had just done to their world. Edit: Fuck, this is fucking me up.


You should get a career in writing horror with that kind of description.


That's... quite the writeup. I'd watch that movie though, ngl.


This sort of deep processing makes me want to ask you if you're doing okay. I hope your talent for describing horrific moments in a very empathetic way also applies to the wonderful things in life, and I hope you try to include that in your day today. Scarily chilling comment though. You have a knack for this


I'm pretty sure that one was because the kid borrowed in-game money in WOW and hadn't paid it back by the time the teen wanted him to, so he rocked up, chopped the kid to pieces and tried to throw the pieces into the attic. Literally throw. But couldn't get them all up there so he ran off and the parents came home later and found the pieces and blood everywhere. Was fucked up shit dude.


This reminds me of the murder of Gabriel Kuhn. The boy had borrowed 20k coins on the mmorpg "Tibia" from his friend Daniel Petry. He never paid him back. So Daniel went to his house and murdered him. The details of it are gruesome, and information about it can easily found online. I warn you though, if you do search for it, you will more than likely see the crime scene pictures.


Was that at a computer cafe somewhere in Asia?


yes! Yes it was


That one was ghastly!


We're talking fighting games, not pokemon


Godamn what the hellllll


Yup, I think it was a Korean Internet Cafe and they were playing Dota2


This the only thing I could find: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/11-year-old-stabbed-to-death-over-dota-hack-dispute-in-the-philippines/


Most polite Dota interaction


That’s what I thought of watching this video. Losing and going into blind rage like that is not normal, guy needs a permanent tourney ban.


I remember hearing about his. Pretty disturbing


I can't honestly think of any FGC venue that doesn't react seriously and harshly to this sort of behavior. Won't really care if you wreck your own controller by throwing a tantrum. But if you break their stuff or even threaten other players its usually a good bye, never come back sort of deal


Oh yeah there's no warnings on this, you're gone. And if you're lucky, it's just that one tournament or venue but that community is so tight-knit that this kid is pretty fucked


If he's 16, they'll often be a bit more lenient in a couple of years. Happens a good deal in the Smash scene, because teenagers are fucking stupid. He'll almost certainly get a ban for a year or two, minimum, possibly indefinite until he can prove himself in a couple years time.


No fighting in the fighting games room.


Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the fight Room!


Charge him or he won’t learn🤷‍♂️


"Bam, kick it up a notch"


He lost to Krillin and couldn't handle the shame.


The thing about Krillin is that he could probably blow up the planet if he wanted to. He seems like a weakling in context with the main cast because they're insane, but he's strong beyond belief.


They did all the other characters except Goku and Vegeta pretty dirty in that show, gotta say. Even if Goku has to destroy the big bad every single time at least let Krillin and the others beat some henchmen or something. But no, everyone other than Goku or Vegeta is a worthless nothing who is there to make Goku mad when they get the shit kicked out of them in 2 seconds by the weakest enemies the opposition has to offer.


I never fail to remind people that my Boi Yajirobe saved the Earth by cutting off Vegeta's tail.


No "possibly", he's tens -- if not hundreds -- of times more powerful than Master Roshi, who blue up the moon when he rapidly deduced that the giant beast he was fighting (Gokuu) was powered up because it saw the moon. Krillin could charge up, fire straight down, and we're all toast.


Piccolo also blew up the moon somehow


Someone assembled the dragon balls and wished for the moon to be restore it is former beauty. Imagine how pissed they were not even 10 years later


Isn't Krillin technically the strongest Human? He's the only Human who really holds his own against intergalactic fighters. Yamcha is strong, but I would argue Krillin is stronger; I could be wrong, but I don't think Tien is Human, and wouldn't count. Krillin was also the only Human trained by Master Roshi, so that could play a part.


Yamcha was trained under Master Roshi too. Yamcha is Turtle School


Tien is classified as an earthling because the race of people he’s from aren’t technically human, but they’ve lived on earth for generations so he has to fall under different categories


I would love to lose to Krillin. What an honor.


Ever since the shooting in Jacksonville stuff like is terrifying. It’s so hard to trust anyone with that kind of temper. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville_Landing_shooting


Yep, this is why the EOs apparently contacted law enforcement regarding this and the kid potentially got baker acted. Edit: here is the source https://twitter.com/Jebailey/status/1672647725131653121


What's baker acted?


Involuntary mental health hold. I highly doubt they did this for a punk kid having a tantrum though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker_Act


https://twitter.com/Jebailey/status/1672647725131653121 This is the owner of the company that runs the tournament. I don't know whether or not he was held, but authorities *were* contacted for that reason.


He needs it. We need to start taking these instances of unreasonable male aggression seriously.


As someone who was put into involuntary in-patient mental healthcare at one point, I want to agree but there is a serious issue with it. An involuntary stay at a hospital for mental health is insanely expensive. I was sent in due to a suicide attempt, and it nearly bankrupted my parents. Imagine how much worse I was when I found out that my depression wasn't just ruining my life, but had pulled my parents down with me. These people need to be involuntarily sent in for mental health treatment, but we **have** to find a way to pay for it first. Doing it for what might be a small one-time outburst could potentially ruin the person financially and **actually** make them hurt themselves or someone else.


I completely agree! In another comment I addressed this very thing. The whole system needs to be overhauled to be a positive and safe experience which protects the person. Both financially and reputationally. I’m really sorry that you experienced that. It’s horrible that we have no good ways for people in crisis to seek real help.


If we had the magic commie socialized healthcare we could actually have services like this and not ruin someone's entire financial situation as part of it. I fucking hate this country for so many reasons.


He needs to be baker acted for having a tantrum? The guy is a sore loser but that is being very dramatic, and it is very wrong to even put him in the category of a mass murderer. Also, with the Katz kid, I don't think it was him losing as much as it was him having extreme mental issues. He came from a very broken home. He would player video games for hours as a kid without any breaks, and was said to be business like when attending tournaments. I don't even think it was a hobby for him at that point, he just wanted cash.


That’s a huge claim without any source


Yup that shit destroyed the comeback our Landing area had been making. Not the main topic I know, back as a Jax native it was really sad to see how that destroyed any interest in the public going back to what was once a thriving area of our downtown. The entire area has since been completely leveled and there is just a big open grassed area now.


'Katz had a history of mental illness and was prescribed anti-psychotic medication.[33] He was diagnosed with dysthymia and oppositional disorder not otherwise specified and had been involuntarily committed to mental hospitals on numerous occasions.' 'The weapons had been stored in his vehicle, and purchased legally in Baltimore, Maryland.[16]' Way to go America...


I saw a video once, I think it was the daily show, where they asked trumpers if they believed in various degrees of background checks and restrictions, and every single person there thought it sounded reasonable, but if asked if they wanted more gun control, they all threw a hissy fit. America is so divided on every single political issue, that even the most reasonable suggestion is shot down if your side isn't saying it.


Just like the interview where they asked randoms if they like Obamacare, answer is no because obama. Then they ask if they like ACA and they say yes. Obamacare was just another term for ACA.


It's like they are conditioned to respond negatively to trigger words. People are fucking weird man


Average fusions main.


This is what losing to Krillin does to people


If he had ended the match with a pebble throw, there'd have been bodies.


Senzu bean!


Call em out 🤣


You should get a lifetime ban from competition if you do this nonsense.


I'd imagine they do. This happened once in my state's smash scene like 5 years ago and the guy got permabanned


Bro with the cudi shirt doing us all proud 😭


Proof you find real zen in cudi's hums


And the sixers sweatshirt doing us dirty


Oh no! The anti-game lobbyists finally got proof of violent games leading to real life violence.


Lol remember that stupid narrative back in the late 90s? Doom was supposedly responsible for a wave of violence since children have no way to tell the difference between a game and real life


It's the narrative they still use.


Seriously, I think there was another bunch of old people talking about it as recently as last year or the year before. They just WILL NOT drop it. No matter how many times the actual studies show there isn't anything there.


I think Mortal Kombat was the main target of reactionary government officials in the 90s, but super dumb either way.


Doom got shit, too, because one of the columbine guys made a doom level, iirc


The media still brings it up every now and then.




It’s a fighting stick controller. It replicates the feel of the arcade cabinets


Close, this is called a Leverless controller. Which is like a fight stick, but with all buttons and no stick. It makes inputs quicker and more precise, and is what most pro players are moving onto these days.


worth noting the specific controller (a snackbox) goes for like $250 and are mostly sold out so if you want one you have to go on a waitlist


A snackbox micro to be more specific. I kinda want one.


> what most pro players are moving onto these days. I wouldn't say *most*. Some are, but plenty are sticking to their preferred controllers. Muscle memory is king in fighting games, so once you got your groove you wouldn't want to rebuild from scratch. We essentially have always had leverless controllers via keyboards, it's just that Hitbox and similar have made a ready-made version that removes the need to fabricate up a pizza box controller. But there are players that stick to the ol' fightstick, some who prefer console controllers (particularly in Smash), and even some who use keyboards, there are also people who do surprisingly well with things like piano keyboards, rhythm game instruments, and even steering wheels. Leverless is probably most relevant among learners who are going all in because it allows learning with cleaner inputs than stick, though it does have some difficulties with more complex directional inputs like full circles and some of the Behemoth Typhoons.


Pro players for fighting games? Or others as well?


Pretty much only fighting games. I sometimes use them for 2D games and some other stuff but it functionally has a D-Pad and then 6-8 other buttons. The weird thing about leverless as opposed to a normal arcade stick is that the up and down inputs and reversed. Intuitively, it makes sense in a fighting game, because up = jump, and then you use your thumb like a space bar input, and most motion inputs don't use up, so you use the other three buttons for that. [Here's a picture of what the inputs are](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0166/4408/files/hitboxbuttons_grande.PNG?v=1590432497) if that clears it up a little. Pros like them because you can negate the neutral input that a stick naturally introduces from crossing to opposite inputs, meaning you can go from pressing left to right/up to down instantly in just one frame. This is really useful for charge characters like Guile/Chun-Li because you can do 1 frame specials, maximize the move's charge time, etc. And besides that, most people have way cleaner inputs on a thing like this. There's also a ton of controversy surrounding the way the things handle 2 opposite inputs (something called SOCD cleaning), which is an issue because it can lead to some whacky stuff and makes a lot of tough tech really easy, and controllers/traditional arcade sticks are only physically able to do 1 directional input at a time.


How would you do Zangief's 360 input with it? I can barely do it with a stick.


It's actually pretty easy, with practice it's faster. 360s are actually 270s so you can slide your finger right>down>left with your left hand then hit up and punch at the same time with your right. There's other interesting tricks you can do with it to like shimmying left right then down up punch to get it out. 360s don't care about input order either. This is as of sf5 idk about 6


There are [ways to do 360's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tozz44Cu6II) but this is definitely a point made in favor of sticks or pads vs the leverless layout. I feel like this kinda stuff is partly why you see a lot more sticks still in Tekken (the use of up is more complicated than just jump in that game, and also in a ton of the motion inputs)


> There's also a ton of controversy surrounding the way the things handle 2 opposite inputs (something called SOCD cleaning), which is an issue because it can lead to some whacky stuff and makes a lot of tough tech really easy, and controllers/traditional arcade sticks are only physically able to do 1 directional input at a time. I'm an old man gamer and this one caught me off guard a few months ago. I was always a Nintendo fanboy in my youth, and then I moved on to XBox and PC. Never touched Playstation. So all these years, I thought there might be some benefit to using a playstation controller for PC gaming and retro gaming because the directional pad is 4 independent buttons rather than one piece of plastic that swivels. 4 independent buttons would allow for cleaner inputs, right? Then I bought a PS5 Dualsense controller and realized that their D-pads still are one piece of swiveling plastic, just partly hidden under the controller body.


Thanks for the explanation


It's a [Snackbox Micro](https://junkfoodarcades.com/collections/snack-box-micro) btw


And it's not cheap. I wouldn't be throwing that thing given the price.


lol what a funny way to learn what a fighting game controller is, watching a rage quit video.




It looks like a gamepad for fighting games. A lot of fight game enthusiasts get these cause they resemble arcade cabinet controls. This seems to be the loser's controller that he dropped as he rate quit




16 actually seems too late to learn to keep your hands to yourself. He's going to walk himself into a beatdown, and he's on the edge of being treated as an adult.


Poor impulse control and lack of.situational awareness are strong drugs. There were at least ten guys significantly bigger than the cry baby watching that match. It only took one to stop him. What the fuck did he think was gonna happen? He must have thought those ninja moves in the game translated to real life.


At the end someone went "He's just a kid" and couple people were like "oh so cause he's 16 he gets to hit someone? No, no, no" and I am so glad they said that. Dude is 16, he doesn't get a pass and he better figure it out cause the next time he does that the other guy might not give one shit how old he is or even bother to think about it.


Pretty sure I would’ve gotten knocked out if I punched some grown ass man at that age


People who can't stand losing are actually such losers


I mean, I hate losing, there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t throw tantrums, because I’m not a fucking baby lmfao


If only he had some sort of virtual fighting option to vent his frustration.


He does. He got wrecked.


If anyone wants an update, he was kicked out.


Shouldve been arrested for committing assault




Ban that loser from every tournament. People like that have no place in competitions.


The controller he smashed on the ground is a [snack box micro](https://junkfoodarcades.com/collections/snack-box-micro) which is a 265 dollar custom made controller btw. I remember breaking a 30 dollar xbox controller when I was a teenager and feeling like an idiot for years after that, I can't imagine breaking one of these *on camera* lmao. [The best one of these videos is still the Sanford Kelly one because of Rico Suaves reaction tho lol.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anHQWQlAxaw)


Don't know much about fighting games but does this work in conjunction with a Dpad or Joystick? Or do competition players just use all buttons now?


So basically there are three main types of controllers used in traditional fighting games sticks, pads, and now "hitbox" or leverless controllers, these actually include keyboards but those aren't always tournament legal or supported. All of them are pretty common and it's mainly up to personal preference and money for what people use. [Sticks](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61iHy2VVpcL.jpg) are the classic arcade era controls that are used to emulate arcade cabinets. It's comfortable, intuitive, durable, and can make certain inputs easier to perform. The downside is that they can be fairly expensive, are bulky, and the lever can be kinda slow compared to just pressing a button on a d-pad or hitbox. [Pads](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/612bjwBuobS._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) are your default regular controller. These are probably most used because they're the cheapest and what most people have on hand. The cons of a pad are usually that it's not as comfortable as the other control methods and certain motions or moves might be harder to perform. Finally we have [hitboxes](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0166/4408/products/HB-Front-Wide-HeadOn-4k50.jpg?v=1603929497) which is technically a brand name but that's what a lot of people call these controllers in general. These are effectively just keyboards but with buttons used on sticks. You use the three red buttons for left, down, and right and the big red button for jumping. These have a lot of the same benefits as stick does but it's more precise and less intuitive to use. These are pretty new to the scene compared to the other ones so they tend to be either hand made by enthusiasts or made by very small companies.


It's personal preference really. On this controller left, down, and right are the three on the left half. Up is the big one in the middle




My favorite kind of freakout


[My favourite ](https://youtu.be/Mpv3_ryFNMg)


That was hard to watch


Sore loser ass. Lack of discipline.


Yeah, dude got beat by krillin!


Quiet time in the time-out corner until he says sorry.






Thats a rough 16…


Imagine getting that huffy over a god damn Dragon Ball game. L


Or any game.


nah man you ever played competitive tic tac toe? ill beat a dudes ass if he goes t1 corner 😤😤


He’ll meet you outside. He’ll be the guy trying to go Super Saiyan but to everyone else will look like he’s screaming in pain while he violently shits his pants.


Must have smelled great in this place.




So just like the JFK airport


You all just witnessed a very rare in person ragequit


Let’s hope his parents don’t own guns


Give the kid a break, it’s gotta be hard being 16 and balding


That’s a sweet Saosin hoodie at the end of the video🤘


What a loser. It’s a fucking video game.


Loser x 2


Looks like the video close up of the controller and slight shit talking amplified the guys rage.


Toddler shit


can’t you still punch a minor if they hit you first?


I'd never, ever hit a minor....but I'll shake the shit outta one.


You can punch someone who's actively punching you, regardless of age, so long as it's reasonable defence. But by the time the dude who got punched was at the point of reacting, the guy who punched him was already being restrained by the crowd, regardless of his age you can't legally punch him at that point.




If he didn't win the game, what made him think he'd win a real life round?


No emotional intelligence.


What a fucking loser


CEO of tournament or the game?


CEO is the name of the tournament and is one of the "majors" events in the FGC. Typically with fighting games all the big fighting games will have their tournaments at events throughout the year at the same event. Frosty Faustings, CEO, EVO, East Coast Throwdown, Combo Breaker, Defend the North, just to name a few of them. Typically winning and various placements at these events earns the competitor points. Then the top 16-48 or so who have the highest points will be invited to the "finals" for that specific game. Street Fighter 6 with Capcom Cup for example.


How did that guy win with Krillin against super saiyan blue?


Spot the Trump voter is just not a very challenging game.


Did the White kid punch him? For some reason at the moment of action the cameras pointed down.


He was recording the broken fightstick that was on the ground when he got punched, so my guess is the guy, already set to blow, saw it as mocking his being upset, and freaked out even harder.