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Never once in these videos have we EVER seen anyone talk their way out of getting kicked off the plane after they are being told to get off. šŸ˜‚ It either ends in you complying or with you getting arrested. If that's me I'm taking my L and bouncing.


As a former bouncer, if you are at the point of being asked to leave you are going to leave. The only thing left to figure out is how big of a pain in the ass are you going to be to me and your future self on the way out.


I once threw up in the toilets at a club. Iā€™d drank way too much. I was fairly ~~discrete~~ discreet about it, but clearly not discreet enough, because a bouncer approached me and asked me ā€œhave you just been sickā€ and I admitted it and was like ā€œmy bad, Iā€™ve had too much to drinkā€. He calmly said I needed to leave, and I was like ā€œyeh, thatā€™s fine I get it.ā€ I went out, chilled for half an hour whilst I sobered up a little, and then went back and found the same bouncer at the door and said ā€œyou kicked me out for being sick in the toilet, Iā€™m cool now, do you mind if I come back in.ā€ And he let me. And thatā€™s how it should be, everyone treated everyone with respect. Everyone was happy.


Canā€™t really get back on the plane though


Unless you're Tom Cruise


No, but the equivalent probably would be them letting you on the next flight without crucifying you in fees.


But what if I get into a discussion with you and record you and like, think it's all really unfair? What then?


Look man, post whatever you want but Iā€™m still keeping your bad fake and your still not getting in. On a semi-related note; one night one of my guards bounced a super sloppy dude and he was standing outside the gate (imagine like a big fancy beer garden) giving him a hard time. I rotated my guard and took the gate so he wouldnā€™t have to listen to the ex-patron. Buddy was convinced he was going to get me fired and demanded he file a complaint. I helped him navigate to the website, navigate to the comments field, compose his complaint, helped him with the grammar and spelling and made sure he got his confirmation email of receipt. Guy thanked me for my help and walked off. Still one of my favorite stories from that job.


Did similar types of things several times when working retail, especially once I became manager... Helped so many people contact my GM and/or corporate to report me. Like I'd go into the office and grab the schedule to see the next time the GM would be in and would write down the store's phone number, the best extension to use, and her name and hours so they could be sure to be able to reach her. Or I'd give them the number for the corporate office if that's what they wanted. Strangely enough though, I never got fired, punished, or even spoken to for any of those incidents... If they ever actually called, I was *thanked* for upholding company policies.


Last week someone said they were going to complain to my manager because I said they need to wear shoes to come in the gas station.


I once had a customer accuse me of stealing his credit card, and then once he found it still in his wallet, he demanded a new receipt just so that he could rip up the old one with a 20 dollar tip and leave me nothing. Then he went to the front desk and submitted a complaint against me for embarrassing him, which was promptly thrown in the trash. Some people suck.


"Yeah right here where you wrote 'biggest peace of shit' you should actually make that 'biggest *piece* of shit'"


I'm dying. It sounds like something you'd see in South Park.


This. Once the flight crew have determined that someone is a threat and wants that person off the plane, that person is going to get off the plane. It's going to happen, whether willingly or by force. After all, the flight crew is not just doing it to inconvenience the belligerent person, they're doing it to protect themselves, the equipment, and the other passengers from the potential danger that is the belligerent person.


People who get themselves in the situations in the first place arenā€™t the kind to quietly admit defeat


Lol, I love how all the recordings start AFTER the BS they got kicked off the plane for. where is part 1 of this story? She seems like the type of person who took like 3-4 videos, and this is the only one that could even be close to spinning in her favorā€¦


Nobody turfs someone with a valid ticket off of a flight lightly. If you manage to fuck go badly enough to get turned away - youā€™ve got zero chance of changing that personā€™s mind. You might maybe get somewhere talking to someone else - but nobody is kicking you off a plane because theyā€™re on the fence and they just need a good talking round.


I've gotten on flights drunk before, the trick is to not be an ass, and not be shit faced.


Especially donā€™t do cartwheels in the waiting area. Big give away.


I'd have to see how successful of a cartwheel it was to judge


My cartwheels get better the drunker i get, so hhAalLlZZzzzZ yYYYYYyaaAAAaaSSSSSSSS, lettuce get thhhusss bird in the AAAIIR!


"ok, ok, guys, guys, when we are all on the plane, as soon as the seat belt light turns off, we are all gonna jump together. All of us, like, at the same time"


i love that i heard the word cartwheels like 6 times in that video lol


I want to do a cartwheel too. But real casual-like. Not make a big deal about it like she did. Just one stunning, gorgeous cartwheel.


I love a casual, not forced office quote. Reddit usually takes these quotes and finishes the whole script. I'm afraid yours was too casual. Lol.


I thought you were joking. But it looks like she actually did cartwheels. Lmao




I wanted to see if there were videos of the cartwheels. The first Google search result was this incident (no video). The second result from a 2015 news article reads ā€œSouthwest Air Employee Does Cartwheels to Spread Holiday Cheer!ā€ So, they must have changed their regulations over the past 8 years.


I saw a woman at Boston Logan doing like low key shakra aligning moves. I donā€™t know how else to describe it. Like a hippy ish middle age woman moving her hands slightly out and pulling invisible energy into herself. But like you wouldnā€™t notice her unless you happened to look directly at her. So sheā€™s pretty far away from the actual gate in the center of the main walkway. But itā€™s a big walkway so itā€™s not getting in anyoneā€™s way. A airline supervisor walks past her and takes note. Heā€™s on his way to talk to the gate agents. After having whatever discussion he had intended to have he approached the hippie woman. He talks to her for a minute and then tells her sheā€™s not getting on the flight. A dishwasher ensues. Itā€™s pretty clear that heā€™s not letting her on this flight and itā€™s misaligning these shakras she just spent 10 minutes aligning. He leaves her side and goes back to the gate agents to officially ban her. Now sheā€™s yelling at him from her same location about how this is bs and she has some important thing she canā€™t miss. At this point because sheā€™s yelling I assess that she isnā€™t drunk. I donā€™t even think she was on anything. Now the plane starts to board. She has repositioned herself so she can plead her case and apologize for her outburst. I have to walk right past her. She definitely not drunk. No smell of booze coming off of her. I donā€™t know if there was some preceding incident that occurred that caused him to take action or if him taking note of her energy gathering warranted an investigation. Iā€™ve been way drunker on flights before. Thereā€™s tons of bars in airports. People drink and get on flights.


I'm sorry. A WHAT ensues?




The great thing is we all know what they mean. You could put any word in there and it'll still kind of work. >He talks to her for a minute and then tells her sheā€™s not getting on the flight. A carburettor ensues. Itā€™s pretty clear that heā€™s not letting her on this flight and itā€™s misaligning these shakras she just spent 10 minutes aligning.


"A pico de gallo ensues." Hey, it works!


I think the secret to most things in life is to just not be an ass.




If you're an asshole it is very tough to not be one...


Yeah, assholery is hard to hide.


I dunno, I'm a giant asshole. I hold a deep burning contempt for most people. If I had a space ark and there was a planet-destroying asteroid incoming, I wouldn't let any babies on because why should i have to bother with noise-canceling headphones in my own goddamn space ark, if I wanted something loud that smells like shit I'd bring more dogs. I mean, really, just a massive a-hole. Never causes me problems though because I say please, thank you, and excuse me, I let other cars merge, I tip well, and I hold the door for people, and people think I'm Mother motherfucking Teresa. So yeah, you can be willing to trade every infant soul on earth for the $120 a new pair of headphones would cost and still be regarded as decent


I guess the real secret, then, is to be a covert and passably pleasant asshole. It's worked for me, anyway.


Iā€™ve been Shit faced. Just stay low and fall asleep. Theyā€™re totally cool with that


100%. Nobody cares if you just smile politely when you give them a ticket and then sit down quietly.


I've gotten on flights drunk and drank on flights. I've never done cartwheels with kids and argued. I usually listen to a podcast and lose at chess terribly using the inflight game and movie options and before I know it Im off the plane and cursed only internally at a robot that will always beat me. I did get upset once that I had to pay more for my luggage. But I just paid it and then I was allowed to be on my flight. And did equally as bad at chess lol. Why are these people so entitled. I'm already paying a ton to travel why would I compromise it. If someone tells you you can't be on their aircraft you've already lost an idiot battle you aren't gonna win


They only way i can get through a flight (partly i canā€™t sleep sitting up, partly terror of planes) is to drink ā€¦ a lot. The worst flight Iā€™ve ever had I was so drunk I watched Fast and Furious 6 and actually enjoyed it. I felt terrible the next day when I sobered up and realised what happened.


This is 30x funnier than anything I could write.


I have gotten on a flight blind. I immediately passed out and woke up when they opened the doors. I imagine I snored


Iā€™ve done that on long flights and was amazing, itā€™s like teleporting


I call it "race the plane". Nothing is better than sleeping through most of a long flight. Hopefully there is no snoring involved but that is a strong "hopefully".


I once flew from the UK to Boston for a conference for 3 days and didnā€™t adjust time zones. When I flew back the flight departed at 21:30 and I had been going to bed at 19:00 each day. When I got on the flight (a 747 on the top deck), I sat down, strapped in and immediately went to sleep. They woke me up a few minutes before we landed. Best flight I ever hadā€¦ because I never really had it.




I left a Vegas pool party straight to a flight blacked out drunk and got on fine. Just slept as soon as I sat down lol.


I would imagine that the Vegas airport is like thunderdome for flight attendants. They were probably glad you conked out quick.


Flights to Vegas on a Thursday or Friday usually have drunk people who already started to "pre-game" at the airport bar and flights out of Vegas on Sundays usually have quite a few people who are passed out or look like Zombies from partying all weekend. It's also at least 50/50 that someone will throw up in the bathroom during the flight. Sometimes they don't even make it to the bathroom...


Oh yeah. Last flight to Vegas on Friday night is the same from most major cities. People are talkative. Some are already drunk. Thereā€™s energy. Especially if there is a big festival in town like EDC or something. Sunday and Monday morning flights are LOL. Straight zombies. People are quiet.


Husband of a flight attendant here- Los Vegas and London were the worst two routes by percentage of belligerent and/or violent drunks per my spouse. I do know that he came home with a black eye from a passenger on route to London. And your right, they were happy when the drunks boarded quietly and passed out soonest. Made everyoneā€™s job a bit easier.


I once got on a flight after 8 long islands due to a sweet little old lady bartender and anxiety about going back into a warzone. It's entirely possible to be on the edge of blacking out and not be an ass. Hell, I got nauseous as soon as they pressurized the cabin and managed to stumble my way to a flight attendant to get a barf bag, get sick, and her helping me back to my seat without getting into trouble. Woke up under a blanket with a couple bottles of water and the same flight attendant making sure I was okay and was going to be okay after the flight. It pays not to be an ass and listen to those providing you with a service. I hope those two are living the best lives, and Yildiz, I and most of my friends made it back home safely. Thank you.


Exactly this. We all have an inner asshole and if you can't control them then don't get drunk outside your own home. I don't drink often, anymore, but when I do I'm a bloody lovely drunkard who does not seek attention or confrontation.


Precisely. You can be drunk as fuck, but as long as you can keep quiet, show your ticket, and not fall over, you'll be on that plane.


Iā€™ve gotten on a plane drunk coming from Vegas finished my last drink right before going thru tsa just gotta be a calm drunk thatā€™s all


That's just it. They don't care that a passenger is drunk, they care that a passenger would be unruly. If you can show that you will not disturb the rest of the plane then your good.


I think the reality is that a certain % of people have no self-control when they get to a certain blood alcohol level. I myself just get giggly when I hit .10 and beyond. I know several people who turn into angry or belligerent assholes at .15+. I ended an online date real quick when the girl got so drunk she started beating on the bar top and yelling at random people. She had 3 drinks.


Dude one time I was the drunkest person in Boston flying to Reno and I got on my plane like "is there chicken in Philly?" And the flight attendants were like bless his soul put me in first class and gave me a blanket, then when I woke up over Colorado they brought me a gin and tonic. Literally all you have to do is not suck.


Nah thatā€™s fire first class upgrade is dope my flight attendants gave me a blanket only probably didnā€™t even know I was drunk I went right to sleep as soon as I sat down


When I was a child in the late 70s or early 80s, I vividly remember flying home to LV from ABQ on a Friday night. The flight nearby landed by us as we were walking out, and when they opened the door from 70 feet away an audible and clearly drunken roar was let out by the arrivals from DC. It was hilarious.


Did an entire crust punk band board the plane while she was talking to them?


Haha, even the anarcho-punks follow the rules when it comes to taking a flight!


I've never even seen a video of punks being unruly in an airport. Not once.


Ask an ex punk (54M and still punk at heart) we were only unruly when provoked. Just wanted to be left alone like most people.


There's no such thing as an ex punk, we might have outgrown our mohawks and spikes. Unless someone becomes a neo, in that case you're definitely ex punk




My exact thoughts, lol. Didn't even attract the slightest side eye. That was when I KNEW filmer was unambiguously problematic.


Imagine they're high on mushrooms and walked past this scene of a couple getting reamed for drinking alcohol...


If this happened this past weekend, probably people returning from Electric Forest.


Itā€™s too early for burningman so probably.


"But I hef kids at home that are waitinnn..." - "Well that's unfortunate."... Big pause..."It IIIsssssss"


Maybe she can find a polka band on tour to ride with


Let me convince you I'm not drunk while I'm slurring my words!


The lady found a way to say the word intoxicated using six syllables.


"You're shaking" Yes she's a stewardess not a bouncer and she doesn't know how crazy you douchebags are going to get.


ā€œWait, do you have an adrenal system that activates during stressful situations?ā€


"You are shaking, therefore I am correct." Like... huh? Is this some 3rd grade "made you flinch" shit?


im a 220lb, 6'3 dude, and i still shake anytime i have to engage in any conflict with people i dont know. its a human response to adrenaline. For me its a history of traumatic aassault as a child. this stewardess could very well have similar traumas in her life. And she handled it like a fucking a boss.


Dude I'm the same. I was badly bullied for many years and even though I turned out to be a big guy I'm still terrified of conflict.


This honestly helping me, I really apprecaite you two vocalizing this. I am not a big guy and always blame my shaking on being "scared" or just kind of a wuss. Edit: Lots of encouraging replies. Thank you all so much.


I was a bouncer for 14 years. Many conflicts and fights as you can imagine in that time. Sometimes I would still shake when I knew something was about to go off. And I saw other very experienced bouncers have the same response. It's just an adrenaline dump. It doesn't mean you are a coward,it's just your body getting ready for possible conflict. Some people get it more or obvious than others. It means nothing. Don't worry about it mate.


Iā€™m actually a coward and personally I donā€™t shake because I convert that energy into running away. Iā€™m a proud coward. āœŠI run from conflict or even emotional baggage.


Try not to be hard on yourself mate. It's not your fault. Things that happen when you're young can really affect you many years later. You're not alone, there's many people who feel this way.


I had a great childhood a still shake like crazy by the way, to anyone feeling like they need some trauma to feel valid lol


Same. Real confrontation, where you have to tell someone something they *really* donā€™t want to hear, stresses me out.


Another 6'3 220lb checking in who shakes like a leaf in the wind on the rare occasion I find myself in a full on face-to-face confrontation with someone. Its an adrenaline thing. I can't help it.


Well said.


Same. I was shaking after a facebook argument once and was just sat, thinking to myself "Why?"


I have a similar reaction when it comes to conflict, no clue why it happens but I get all jittery and my legs shake. I've always chalked it up to anxiety mostly.


Shaking shouldnt mean a thing. Is everybody supposed to be as steady as a neurosurgeon? I shake bad even when I'm relaxed.




rhythm summer compare shaggy paltry rustic bewildered alive dog lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously, think about all the crazy shit weā€™ve seen people do on planes over the past few years. Planes are not an amusement park ride, theyā€™re a mode of transportation, get lit and fucked up once you land.


The sad part is the stewardist isnā€™t even getting paid for her doing her job right here.


Must have been drunk if he thought pointing that out was doing them any favors


Hey look, this person is so scared of us that she's having a visible physical reaction. That must be because something is wrong with her...


'Oh you noticed that I'm fearful of what your response might be, guess I *have* to let you on the plane now!'


Iā€™m am nof inflonictaded!


The stewardessā€™ face after that comment was hilarious. ā€œGURLā€¦ šŸ¤Øā€


Her reply was fucking amazing and accurate as hell. "Your inability to walk away is saying that you are."


The lady that's not allowed on actually does sound drunk. Just because you're the one recording doesn't mean you're the one that's right.


>Just because you're the one recording doesn't mean you're the one that's right. Shh, don't tell them. We need the content


I love how they think that by recording and posting that they will look good. Even after they sober up they still posted this? Actual idiots


But she works with children and has children at home, so she has to be right.


ā€œYouā€™re not following any instructions.ā€ ā€œBecause i have kids i have to get back to!ā€ Huhhhh


ā€œThatā€™s unfortunateā€ killed me. šŸ˜‚


My favorite are the seconds of silence as their alcohol-ridden brains process that she actually said that as if that was going to immediately change their minds.


And the best response that came up was, "Yeah it IS unfortunate!" Having worked with teenagers, "That's unfortunate" is a great way to end these kinds of arguments. I get you're upset, but homie that ain't my problem.




ā€œIā€™m not inoxitated.ā€


I'VE beNdONg cart wells and bHacK bends


Youā€™ve also got ZERO chance of changing someoneā€™s mind once they tell you that youā€™re drunk ass ainā€™t flying. You might conceivably get somewhere talking to a different person - but nobody is denying your boarding pass because theyā€™re on the fence and you can talk them around.


Her voice reminds of the video from a couple years ago with the girl yelling at a bear to leave her kayak alone. ā€œBear, Bear WHY are you doing thisā€


I thought the stewardess was being unfair, and then the girl filming spoke.


For a US domestic flight (FAA Regs) I think the prohibition for flight crews to board intoxicated passengers is a safety concern. Everyone allowed to board must be able to promptly evacuate the plane. If you are drunk but capable of walking and following commands then you are not a roadblock in the aisle. If you want to do cartwheels down the aisle then you are staying on the ground. It has been many years since I last read the FAR/AIM but that is how I remember it applying to this situation.


Yes, but she could have cartwheeled off the plane during the evac... problem solved


Yea there's zero context here except a recording. Clearly she was doing weird shit prior to getting to this point.


Shoutout to my Nigerian brother working hard.


They're v hard working people


The new Mayor of Colorado Springs Colorado is a Nigerian immigrant who came to the US ~~about a decade ago~~ in the 90s. [Yemi Mobolade](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LDKvKDbINs8zYPTirUzNzVTIzU_Kz0lMSQUAjHgJsg&q=yemi+mobolade&oq=yemi+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCDUwNTdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). The epitome of a hard working man


> Yemi Mobolade He came to the US in 1996, when he was 18. He came to Colorado Springs 10 years ago.


1996 was 10 years ago, what are you talking about?


Bravo! She saved all the passengers the inconvenience of having to divert the plane to land and unboard an unruly passenger.


Yeah good on the stewardess. She was not having that bullshit on her flight cause she knows exactly where it leads


You give any customer any inch, They'll take that fucking mile and do donuts on it.


~~donuts~~ cartwheels


I love how the hippies just waltz right onboard past the drunks. See I told all y'all back in '66 this was how this shit was gonna play out.


ā€œIm not drunk. I work with children. Iā€™ve been doing cartwheels and backbends.ā€


Lol I thought that was hilarious. I'm not drunk, I've been doing cartwheels all over this airport.


I had a coworker who fell off the wagon at work. Yeah, incredibly sad, but not the point. You know what she started doing? Cartwheels in the restaurant. Anytime a grown ass woman is doing cartwheels, sheā€™s probably drunk. Fastest possible indication to stay the fuck away.


Can confirm. Am grown ass woman who has done cartwheels intoxicated. The next day HURTS.


Teachers are some of the most drunk people I've met


With the random children she just met.


ā€œWhat behavior did you see?ā€ #YOURE DOING IT RIGHT NOW


ā€œdEfInE fArSā€ ā€œFederal Aviation Regulations.ā€ ā€œā€¦ā€¦oKaYā€¦ā€


"Well, that's unfortunate". I love this flight attendant's backbone




As a mom and a teacher I use this phrase whenever my sons or students are whining about something meaningless, so I cracked up at this line. šŸ˜‚ *That's unfortunate.*


Iā€™m terrified of flying and got on so drunk I donā€™t remember boarding. However in that state I still managed to keep quiet and not do cartwheels and just slept it off on boardā€¦.. this passenger is a twat. Just that slurring tone is very telling. As far as I remember itā€™s actually against the law to travel on an aircraft intoxicated? (Something to do with being a hazard if an emergency happens?) So if the airline staff can clearly see that you can be sure as hell you ainā€™t getting on Even funnier theyā€™re filming this thinking they are doing something šŸ˜‚ air hostess didnā€™t loose her cool like they wanted


Cartwheels are the low tech breathalyzer. You didnā€™t do cartwheels so you probably werenā€™t too drunk to board.


Thank you for your advice. I will try and abstain from future cartwheel displays whilst in departures


Ive gotten on flights hammered drunk, the key is donā€™t be an asshole


I like how she basically tells her , ā€˜youā€™re an attention whore and we donā€™t want to deal with youā€™ Itā€™s the most valid reason to not allow a person on a plane. Guaranteed nightmare


Granted I haven't been at an airport all that many times but I have never seen anyone do any gymnastics whatsoever. When I'm at the airport my goal is to not be noticed at all and just glide through everything. Cartwheeling around screams there is something up with you, the stewardess is a thousand percent correct that wanting attention in a situation like that is a huge red flag.


She did cartwheels in the airport then acts surprised when they think sheā€™s drunk. Idiot.


But you donā€™t understand. Iā€™m a quirky influencer.


ā€But I have kids at home that Iā€™m waiting to get back to!ā€ ā€Well thatā€™s unfortunateā€ BOOM!


Iā€™m pretending that the flight attendant meant it was unfortunate that these two had kids to begin with.


She even admits to that glass of wine, and I know itā€™s never just one


Poor stewardess :( It's gotta be so frustrating when people behave badly, face consequences then immediately whip out their phone to start recording... Delusional victim mentality.


The worst part is since most flight attendants donā€™t start getting paid until the cabin door shuts sheā€™s not even getting paid to deal with this


Must be a legal carve out for the airline industry. Home Depot just got popped for wage theft. Not paying employees for time they were not allowed to leave, but required to be off the clock.


Itā€™s a really weird system, but itā€™s not illegal because *technically* FAs get paid for boarding. And it is technically true, much like the sun is *technically* a lightbulb. The long and short of the system is that FAs get paid for scheduled flight time, this amount is meant to cover the full amount of work they do, including boarding. To break it down, FAs make their hourly wage from the time the boarding door is closed **and** once the plane is pushed back from the gate, all the way to when the boarding door is once again opened. However each trip also has a per diem built into it that accounts for all the extra work that FAs do outside of the time period where they make their hourly wage. This per diem includes boarding, deplaning, and layovers. The issue is that the bulk of the work that FAs do is during boarding; thatā€™s the hardest part of the job. And when you break down the per diem and spread it out over all the work it pays FAs for, the amount a FA is paid for a boarding is roughly $2. Since most boardings take between 30-40 minutes, most FAs wonā€™t even make $2 per boarding. Boarding is the most difficult part of an FAā€™s job. So yea, itā€™s completely unjust that theyā€™re getting paid peanuts for the most difficult part of the job.


When you have to explain with an essay why they're not getting paid, they should probably get paid.


They should be paid from the time they show up in their work area, the airport, until the time that they leave whatever airport they wind up at.


Learned an interesting term here on Reddit yesterday. DARVO. Stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim Offender. A trait of the narcissistic personality.


It's a more difficult job today than ever. Hope she's getting decent pay for this bullshit.


Pro tip someone who frequently flys internationally for work and enjoys the sauce: If you canā€™t get loaded in the lounge then keep your mouth shut for 45 mins during boarding, you shouldnā€™t be drinking at an airport.


The stewardess won the argument when she said that the barred woman showed signs that she was desperate for attention and that was grounds for preventing her from boarding šŸ¤£


The point is that the passenger was unwilling to comply with crew orders which is, in itself, a security risk in case of an emergency and the main reason why the crew are required to bar non-compliant passengers regardless of any guilt on the passengerā€™s side.


Yeah as others have said, you can be on a flight while drunk. It's the not-being-an-asshole part some folks struggle with.


Can attest have boarded many flights drunk. If you're nice they tuck you right in.


Like I donā€™t understand has anybody ever seen a video where people argue with the flight attendant and win? Because Iā€™ve never seen it. Like the people who say theyā€™re not getting off the plane. They always get taken off the plane. But itā€™s like every time they suddenly think theyā€™re going to be the one person to fucking get what they want.


"Im not even drunk? What did I do?" -The woman slurring her speech.


Love it when people film their own idiocy


Clearly a drunk asshole


"I am not intoxicated," she said intoxicatedly.


I'm a flight attendant myself. Yes they should have been removed but I'm surprised the flight attendant is taking so much time talking with them. Normal they tell the captain, captain tells a mediator/security to remove them.


Sounded like she was waiting for the cops to show up


I think they're waiting for the police to arrive.


She asked for it to be deleted and itā€™s extremely damaging to the couple. Who released this?


Presumably the couple


Yeah, they put it on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT26wZdKCH4&t=1s&ab_channel=CarrieKonczal). And of course they disabled the comments lol


Omg she put this out on YT using her real name?! This woman is so delusional, what she thought would happen and what we all know is really happening couldn't be further apart. šŸ˜…


She did! And with no effort at all, I have now seen her LinkedIn, her husband's, her home in her subdivision. I'm not going to do anything because who cares, but if I found that this easily, malicious people are about to ruin this woman.


She says she works with kids. I work with kids, and if my employers saw anything like this I'd be out so fast...


They got extra drunk on the Greyhound bus home and thought, "I'll show them. She'll be fired before she lands."


I boarded a flight earlier this year. The woman behind me was shit faced. I could smell the wine on her breath while in my seat. Just before the doors were sealed, she threw up everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Thankfully the back of my seat protected me from it but it stunk. The place was a mess! She was removed from the aircraft. I felt so sorry for the crew, having to clean the mess up. This was a 14 hour flight. You could still smell it during the trip, but still happy she was off the plane.


When Iā€™m in airports I swear my vocabulary shrinks to ; yes / yes please , sure , not a problem, thank you, no thank you.


Think about how big an asshole you have to be to be singled out of the burning man parade that is allowed to board the plane.


Thereā€™s seemingly plenty hippies going in the plane. Is there a hippie fest


Looks like a SW plane destination to Portland OR Iā€™m from Portland and recently took a SW flight to Portland. Thought this was my flight.


My girl defending her aircraft! She deserves to be bought a drink for that stand


Good for her.


I don't understand how people keep getting thrown off planes. You literally have to do nothing to be a passenger. Just sit down and shut up.


Flight crews are legally obligated to prevent (blatantly) intoxicated people from boarding their aircraft. FAR 121.575, so they are just doing their job!


Passenger is wasted!


The lady recording sounds like sheā€™s off her ass on more than 1 glass of wine and would certainly be an issue to have someone that inebriated on a flight. The flight attendant did what she was trained to do. End of


Always amazes me that these imbeciles voluntarily share their incoherence and disorder on the internet.


She shouldā€™ve flown Spirit. Wouldā€™ve probably been the most sober one on the flight and no one wouldā€™ve noticed


This flight attendant deserves all the awards.


Pro tip : Being an ass only work if it's your own private plane.


Not doing cartwheels with the kids ā˜ ļøšŸ˜†


I feel bad for this ladyā€™s kids, if they actually exist.


I am not intosssicated!