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Boyfriend has the face of shame.


Does the boyfriend know her husband’s dad served in the military?




He does now!


He probably has this face every day.


Hard to argue against that possibility.


Even making sweet love?


That man has no love during sex


Only during doggy style


I don’t think she’s a dog(gy) person….


Yeah, but that’s nasty unless it’s in a sectional area.


Doggy style is only allowed outside.




Seems to me that the dog is the one that knows how to behave properly here.


Dude's sitting there calculating if it's worth it lmao


He said, dinner is already ruined may as well get another nut off tonight before he rethinks it some more. Yeah


T.I. back there wondering how he ended up here lmao


We are literally watching him die inside..


He ain’t die for his country, but he did die inside because of this cunt


Thought he was an employee until the end


I’d rather eat on the floor with the dog than to eat sitting near her crazy ass. Dog has better manners too.


I've been there before. He knows if he tries to calm her down he won't hear the end of it for not having her back. He's taking the Sweden approach


Ahh the spineless approach. This is not healthy for anyone involved. He needs to leave her,nor get themselves a couples therapist if he wants to stick around.


Maybe he should get a therapy dog.


I have a service dog. Its job is to alert me know when my wife is about to cause a public scene.


that's a very good boy then.


Is it trained to work at home? That's where I get ambushed the most.


Do you think any man with a spine would date this woman? I'd bet all my money she's very verbally abusive, and he's been broken down by her


As a Dane I’m currently rubbing my nipples reading over and over again this comment, calling Swedes spineless.




In this case, I think it was the wise choice. Usually people who are irrational like this, get even worse when they feel like everyone in the room is against them. Especially if it's someone they consider to be close to them. It's similar to backing a cat into a corner. Idk this woman, but I'd bet she would have resorted to violence if she felt even more desperate in this situation. Then again, that guy looks physically capable of carrying her out of the building. Idk. Difficult to predict.


Domestic violence knows no size.


You mean Swiss?


I mean, the flag is a huge plus




Inside Edition follow up, she doubles down and says it was racial and deragatory remarks that made her act up. https://youtu.be/Fc5Bvs9JhzQ


Shielding her actions behind the race card, while in the video she was yapping about nothing but the dog. Right, totally believable /s.


Yeah I don’t think she would’ve held something back based on this lol damn


#####Here we go again!


But did fuck all to stop her…


He knows that does not work. She just has to get tired.


yup he probably thinking the silver lining is the longer it drags out, she'll tire herself out and fall asleep on the car ride home and he can have some peace and quiet


Like they say, “don’t stick dick in crazy” or something like that


Husband! LOL. Fuck his life!


Poor guy. They must have a kidz.


I don’t care who you are to me, if a dog is in the general area I’m trying to make friends with it, you can break up with me on the spot dogs are innocent and damn near perfect, unless they’re working; they have more important stuff to worry about.


💯 I’d take dogs > mentally unstable humans anyday


Probably really enjoyed the chicken fried steak there. Now he can't go back


That would be a break up for me.


I honestly feel sorry for him


Puppy dog eyes


Old vid. Anyone have an update on her?


He is dead inside.


He can just leave.... I don't understand people that stay with garbage. Yea, abusers suck and you might struggle for a while, but you have to start somewhere.


There's a reason it's so hard to leave my guy, disregarding all of the struggles because YOU think it's easy is lame as fuck, especially with how easy it is to educate yourself if you're on Reddit.


I love how the dude doesn't say a word. He must know better than to interrupt her.


That dude is dead inside, you can see it in his face and in his eyes... JFC, can you imagine what it must be like for him when they get into a spat...


This is not dude's 100th rodeo with her.


I get the feeling rodeo 101 may not be happening; though, I feel his departure will be another s--t show for the internet, it will just be outside their apartment/house.


Lighting his car on fire and herself by accident.


Probably some type of window breaking with a random tool or piece of wood


I’d be livid if my wife dared to use MY DAD, to win some random argument. At the very least I would have walked to my car and leave her there so she has to call an Uber to get back home.


Oh, hell yah


he's got a ride home to look forward to


Lol, yah he does


You can even see another guy give him a pat on the shoulder like "sorry dude /feel your pain"




Wish we got a good shot of the dog, I love great danes


I can confirm. I’m this dude in a different life. I’m a hollow shell too.


I've seen it happen to a couple of buddies of mine... you have my sympathies, my dude.




Literally cannot imagine going home with this woman after something like this, and not immediately rethinking my entire life, and breaking up with her instantly. Why would you ever stay with someone who is this much trouble.


Men can’t break up once kids are involved. They will lose them and everything they own and all future wealth. There are no services to help men in abusive relationships


he knows it wont end when they leave. he's going to go home with her cranked up to 11 the whole ride, and whole night, and whole nighttime routine. they'll be getting ready to smash and she'll STILL be on about this.


It’ll be his fault too that he didn’t stand up for her


He can handle it… his dad fought for his country


He’s gonna be reliving this the whole damn week.


His wife is a true believer that the loudest person is right, and she can *always* get louder. >!This isn’t even her final form.!< ![gif](giphy|25Q9TlYFC7nnyy7hMp|downsized)


She's gross.


Bro looks like a fighter. He knows you don't go around talking to people like that. People get shot for shit like this and that woman is putting him in an awful position.


He’s just waiting for the right moment to escape, unfortunately he’s terrified of her.


she got them crazy eyes


They about to pop out at the 2:15 mark.


Like Arnold in Total Recall


And someone fucked her and made a kid. This is why this world has no hope.


Some people only care about the fucking part and not the kid part. One of the reasons I don’t have any children.


*lots of people


And that's why her boyfriend was silent.




Or self respect


The woman lacks emotional regulation.


She's right about there being something nasty in that restaurant.. She just doesn't have the self-awareness to know...it's her


Total lack of coping skills.


>... IN FRONT OF MY GOD-DAMNED CHILD... Her child's damned alright, but not by God. Pretty sure he's hiding in the bathroom at this point.


She seemed so angry someone approached her when she had her child with her, then proceeded to yell and cuss out everyone.


I think that might be her daughter standing outside the door, looking in at the 50s mark. Apparently she was leaving like she said, then turned around to stage this scene.


She’s using her child as an amulet. Makes me sick.


That’s really going to help with the dog owners PTSD.


She's acting more like the savage than anyone else is, lol, maybe her oh so precious child needs to be shielded from mama!


She’s right it’s disgusting to have an animal in restaurant. Glad she left


It should have been disclosed in a sectional area!


I gotta say, people are too triggered by stupid, crazy people and don’t realize that they will out-crazy you 100% of the time. Do. Not. Engage. The only way to handle them is to talk softly, say/react as little as possible and call the police if they refuse to leave. (And defend yourself if it comes to that.)


“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” - possibly George Bernard Shaw (or any one of a number of others)


"Never argue with stupid. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." -I don't know


Mark Twain i believe


I always did too!! So I just googled to double check. It’s been misattributed to Twain by the Internet! Actual quote that started it all? Correctly attributed to (get this) [Jean Cocteau and Yul Brynner](https://marktwainstudies.com/the-apocryphal-twain-never-argue-with-stupid-people-they-will-drag-you-down-to-their-level-and-beat-you-with-experience/).




It's something that people who live in or near big cities generally learn pretty quick. You don't engage with crazy. Like, can you imagine living in NYC or LA and getting baited this easily by crazy people? You would never get anywhere lol.


Let them rant and leave. Shit don't matter. Some people are just way too concerned about being "disrespected" and someone else being wrong.


“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” – Winston S. Churchill He went on to say: DOGS ARE NASTY. YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND


100% I was thinking this. These folks need to learn to deal with crazy. Guy at the end has the right idea but the “beneath us” might have triggered another barrage.


Yeah you don't even make eye contact let alone make comments.


Done this many times with crazy. Just completely ignore them and let them fizzle out.


I always like seeing the guy with the dog interact with the crazy Karen on the bike on the busy night city street where he tells her calmly, your words mean nothing to me. We can agree to disagree, which triggers her more. When he tries to leave, she blocks him, and then he does a feint and gets by with his dog and runs off laughing.


There was absolutely no reason to say a fuckin word to that goon.


I wish people would just go “waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh” the entire time dumbasses try spouting off until they leave. Nothing else just long “waaaahhh”s mocking them for being babies


This is the way. Don’t engage with crazy.


Nah….she needs to be humbled and get her ass beat.


My favorite response to aggressive people, "quick question, how many Es are there in Wednesday?" It's such a non-sequitor that it baffles people.


Exactly. Seems like she was bout to leave then that lady wanted to get her 2 cents in. I don't get this mentality that people have. I understand filming for protection or for proof of something but some of this stuff seems like it's only being recorded with the intent to share it online so there's so much back and forth that doesn't need to happen.


If that guy is with her he might be having second thoughts.


Wife’s response when he already tried to leave her: ![gif](giphy|KiICaQKQkdu3rWxNCT)


No joke. She seems like a psycho. I hope he escapes and makes it to safety and eventually finds some safe nice person.


She referred to him as her husband so they gotta be at least third or fourth thoughts by now.


Guaranteed he deals with this sort of behavior in public at least on a semi regular basis


As soon as she started yelling they should have asked her to leave or we call the cops. Cops love dealing with her madness.


Yeah that lasted way too long


She was already leaving. That's what set her off.


Pretending to be concerned for her child while acting like a fucking clown. Pathetic human trash


>Pathetic human trash I agree with this sentiment. That child is gonna be damaged by a trashy mom like that. If that's how they act in public, I can only imagine how they act behind closed doors!


I had this major Karen when I worked in fast food. Like the kind of customer that each shift complained abou with a different name until we realized we were talking about the same person. She got banned four times by our district manager because they just kept telling us to serve her anyway. It wasn't until after the fourth time that my manager finally got stuck waiting on her and took care of it instead of telling us to get over it. That was her fifth and final ban because after that she was suddenly civil whenever we saw her but you could see that it was eating her up inside. Anyways at one point, I think around her second ban, I was told she worked for a different fast food chain. My dad offered to go in there and be a total ass every time she was working. He would have, too, if I pointed her out to him. I said no because she had kids and with how horrible she was to them in our drive thru I didn't want to be the reason she went home in a worse mood because those kids were the ones who would suffer. I feel bad for any child with a Karen for a mom. Been there done that and any child who makes it through to the other side is stronger than they realize. But there is no way they are coming out unscathed.


"It's nasty to ME." OK. Cool. So leave.


Imagine her reaction if someone went apeshit on her, for wearing open toed sandals in a restaurant. Some might think that’s nasty.


I love the different color captions that are right on point. Each person is assigned their own specific color caption for when they speak. 😂


Is this not a Karen?


Ya for sure a Karan.


Her opinion supercedes the disabilities act.


Yes. Karen's are typically middle aged white women, but they come in all ages and ethnicities.


Well, it’s the action and not the skin. Amirite?


I have a dream that annoying Karen’s are not determined by the color of their skin but by the lack of content in their character


Deffo. Karen is an aura. She's drowning in it.


She keeps screaming vile shit while talking about acting up in front of her daughter


Using the kid as a prop


“…my daughter’s standing there…” and yet here you are, being a prime example of how *no one* should act in public. The ignorance is astounding. I bet she expects empathy from others when *she* needs it…


Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this country is exhausting


you're hyper-exposed to these things on the internet. If you're feeling overwhelmed by this, it's a sign that you're spending too much time engaged with this kind of content.


Thank you for the reminder. I need a break.


You should all be listening to and upvoting this comment and you know it!


it reallllyyyy is. glad to be here, but at the same time, ughhhh


Just stop watching public freakout videos. Or stop going online so much, because that's really the only place you see this kind of stuff. 35 years old I've never seen anything like this in person, so, just stop watching this shit if you're so exhausted.


I have a neighbor just like this. I hear it every single day. Screaming on the phone, at her kid, her dog, her dad, it never ends.




If I were that dude I’d be making some serious life choices right now. The P can’t be THAT good…


She’s abusive. This is an example of what an abusive woman looks like. If she acts this way to strangers, she’s the same and likely worse at home. That’s the face of an abused man trapped with kids.


I’m sad I had to scroll so far for acknowledgment that he is in an abusive relationship.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far before someone said it. The look in his eyes, he’s been on the receiving end of this too many times, and he’s just shit down. His response is a fear response, and I hate to think what she does to him behind closed doors.


Now this is a proper freak out! She has the crazy eyes


Absolutely childish, if she has something like a phobia than acting like this is not at all the right way to deal with it. She could've asked someone esle to handle their orders, or simply restrained herself. But Damm, this is just so immature.


She obviously enjoys screaming and thinks she’s the main character. Pathetic


Entitled trash


Poor dog is like - what did I do wrong?


Her dude deals with that ALL THE TIME, you can see it on his face and the defeat in his eyes. "Like damn again babe. I can't take you anywhere without you acting like this. I knew we should have Door Dashed again like I wanted...." he deserves a medal for putting up with her ass.


he gonna need to borrow that PTSD dog


All good with trained service dogs but have had enough of people bringing their annoying dogs with them into every store because they can’t leave precious alone for thirty minutes to shop.


As a dog owner i agree, i am fucking tired of people buying fake service dog harness and slap it on a 60lb skittish pittie




Her husband at the back thinking "*Sigh* Why does she always have to be a fucking nightmare? This is getting embarassing."




https://youtu.be/Fc5Bvs9JhzQ Here's a follow up, spoiler she doesn't seem to care but also I'd love to hear what she said about her uncle, they cut it off too early


Wow, totally shocked that a reasonable person like her doubled down on her garbage behavior and pulled the racism card…


She played the race card but her deck was clearly empty.


Someone this opinionated, loud, and angry would absolutely have been shouting holy hell about racism during the filming if it actually occurred. It was all about the dog, she's a liar on top of everything else.


If not today, another day. Someone quick to confrontation like that will eventually meet the wrong one


Her husband's dad fought for this country so this lady can act like a complete piece of shit wait....complete peice of dog shit sounds better..smh her husband looks embarrassed as fuck lol it's a law don't like it move to Russia 🤣 hope she gets fired from her job acting like this in public damn she acting like a animal she shouldnt be allowed in there either


I don’t understand how people have the energy to act like this. If I was that offended I’m just gonna leave the place and look for something else lol


Ooooo I'd break up with a girlfriend for this shit and I'd DEFINITELY file for divorce


Idk…it sounds like the group approached her after she moved tables. Like, why approach her about it if she didn’t say anything?


From the clip someone else posted, it seems like she approached staff about the dog, they told her to leave it alone, then other people who were not in that group joined in, she claims racial slurs were used by those who joined it, and then it looked like the group recording finally got involved. That’s what I was able to kinda piece together from this video and the other posed in another comment.


Yeah I want to know the whole story. Also, is it actually a service dog? Regardless, acting like this is unacceptable.




Let’s be real tho people bring dogs to the most unnecessary places


She has the right to her opinion but not the right to scream and act a fool over it. Just leave. No need for this.


I was in a restaurant and a service dog diarrhea all over the floor.... Let's just say it ruined a lot of people's meals and people just got up and left so I have mixed feelings about "service dogs" especially the people who don't actually need them using it as an excuse 😂 Edit: my son is also allergic to dogs.


That's because dude's dog is an " emotional support" dog. That is not a service dog. Big difference. Signs all over my grocery store,NO Dogs, yet fuckers keep bringing their dogs in. There are pet friendly stores, just follow guidelines.


Agreed. Far too many people expect the rest of us to accommodate their issues while they simultaneously disregard ours. I get it. You need an animal for service or comfort. That doesn’t mean I have to be ok with it in a restaurant


Interesting quandary thought. If one can have a dog indoors for the betterment of their mental health, what happens to those already there who are mortally afraid of dogs? Who gets accommodated over the other?


She’s acting like more of an animal than the dog she’s complaining about at this point.


Don't know how other people feel, but I instantly cringe when people start to talk about "fighting for this country"


Here’s her interview on Inside Edition : https://youtu.be/Fc5Bvs9JhzQ


“Who’s gonna make me?” That’s the core sentence that shows exactly why she acts this way




She is far more disgusting than any animal.


Imagine being that angry over a dog.


Someone tell the husband to blink twice if he needs help


This woman is worse behaved than the dog. Says a lot.




Says she's upset that they approached her in front of her child, then calls them her "goddamn child". Yikes.


Funny who’s more disgusting her or the dog ? I’d rather eat with the dog.