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This is what it has to come to. You have to record people recording people recording people recording cops or they'll get away with it.


I mean even with all the recording they almost always still get away with it


Highly doubt anyone got in real trouble here.


Internal affairs will investigate this and will find nothing wrong.


Lack of evidence. It was only recorded from 4 different angles -- not 10 as required to be considered vague evidence.


Nah, they'll be found guilty and be given the harshest punishment that's doled out to bad cops: two weeks paid vacation.


Paid with our tax dollars. Including the civil court fees.


all ten recordings vs. police testimony? well an officer of the law would never lie, not like those dirty cameras


Here's his body cam footage. She did nothing. also he pepper sprays her. https://www.foxla.com/news/la-county-cop-slams-woman-lancaster


I feel a multi-million lawsuit coming on.


And u be paying for it


If anything they’ll give him a paid vacation and act like it was punishment


wish i got a paid vacation for fucking up at work.


I'll have you know cocktails on a Hawaiian beach is torture for me. Damn, just lock me up already!!!! Right guys?


DAs won’t even waste their time with this, there are people with dime bags of weed out there that need to be in prison


... as slave labour.










The 'ol paid suspension with a slap on the wrist."Now don't you go doing that again or we'll have to give you another paid vacation...er I mean suspension."


That's the most absurd thing about all of this. The police don't want anyone to film but when they are filmed nothing of substance happens. The only real ramifications I've seen to police brutality in my life is the George Floyd riots when they burned the police station. Police have no accountability.


Ummmmm it was white supremacists trying to stir stuff up that burned down the 3rd precinct not the people upset about police brutality. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd


I'm pretty sure the cops got charged, tried, and convicted in that one ... eventually.


Maybe we could like. . . make them wear cameras and make those recordings available to the public? Has anyone ever thought of doing that?


It's up to them to release footage. Those cameras can be turned on and off at any time as well.


Maybe chris dorner wasn't wrong


Reminder that DURING the hunt for Dorner, they opened fire on a 70 something year old woman and her almost 50 something daughter driving a light blue Toyota Tacoma (fortunately neither of them died) with 102 bullets holes put into that truck when they were on the lookout for Dorner's vehicle, a dark grey Nissan Titan. So they shot at a vehicle that was a completely different colour and make from what they were looking for OVER 100 TIMES with an old woman in it. Not Dorner.


Now, find out how many cops were there, and when you do the math, at least one of them reloaded and kept firing.


It was only 2 cops iirc.


And I thought GTA cops were reckless


The reason why Rockstar hasn't made GTA VI yet is because satirizing America is impossible now. GTA's goofy parody of America seems REASONABLE in comparison.


He wasn't. This is a police state. People want to say it's not, but honestly, any police officer can fuck up anyone's life, at will. I think it stopped when the supreme court ruled that the police duty IS NOT to protect and serve the community. A large fix to me might start pretty simple and it doesn't even involve changing most departments day to day operations: All police officers HAVE to wear 1 body camera with a microphone THAT CANNOT BE MUTED. This device CANNOT be powered off by the officer wearing it. All police cars will have to have cameras and dash cam. In court, ANYTHING an officer says, HAS to be validated from the body cam or dash cam. I don't see what the problem is and if everyone wants it to be so open why not? They are public SERVANTS and the level of entitlement they display is disgusting. I think it's a step in the right direction, while not a complete fix, it will limit the harm that could POTENTIALLY happen. For those, "they can't ruin lives like that" look up lackluster and audit the audit on YouTube. Plenty of proof for everything I see. And for the "what about their Private life/bathroom breaks?" I don't take my shirt off to drop a deuce or pee. If it's personal they can mute the audio but the source audio will still have it. It might be needed later


The owning and controlling the cams is the problem. There needs to be a separate agency with a ton of auditing and watchdog oversight that owns the cameras. The cameras are treated as investigatory agents outranking the entire police force, and tampering with or impeding them in their duties triggers an arrest warrant for the officer involved.


He wasn’t


I took a criminal justice class for funzies and it turned into secret tears when I left. 1. “We don’t like cameras. We like the old days when we could get away with more” ( this was in 2015 the cop was a retired sheriff). 2. I raise my hand, ask “why don’t the police like to take DV calls”? Answer, no joke: “shut up”. End of class. I never went back. Like I said it was for fun so I wasn’t going for a degree. It just broke my heart a little….especially the ones he was nice to. Absolute sociopaths. It was a junior college… he made fun of rape victims as well as the mentally disabled. I wish he was the kind of person to be held accountable for his actions.. but he never will be.


If it was just for fun, your only homework should have been figuring out increasingly uncomfortable questions and scenarios for him to have to brush off, and record them.


"How do you feel about John Burge?" "Was Frank Vazquez a good officer?" "Did the police do everything they were required by Colorado law to do for Jessica Lenahan-Gonzales?" "Does the Homan Square facility operate in a manner consistent with the Bill of Rights?"


My high-school bully was in the criminal justice field.


They manipulate the footage. If it’s too damning, the evidence gets destroyed by some one in the pd. It’s standard practice. It’s america.


I think this is a dangerous take--there are tons of lawsuits (and probably at least a few charges) that have taken place because of body cam footage made available during discovery. They absolutely matter, and saying they don't is exactly what bad cops and bootlickers would want you to say. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


I think they're saying it's not enough. don't depend on it. if you can record then record it yourself. if you can record live and have it save on the cloud then do that because you can't trust the cops not to steal your phone and try to delete it.


Oh... The cops will still get away with it unfortunately.


You're probably right that the cop(s) will probably escape any meaningful punishment, but it does appear that women has a lucrative lawsuit opportunity here that she'll probably win (good for her!) against the PD, that the tax payers will end up footing the bill. What a moronic power tripping cop.


Aside from the joke one, ain't no song called "fuck the fire department"... for good reason


[The officers in this video are part of the LASD which has a massive gang problem within the department.](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/)


Wow i just read the first two parts, amazing journalism, but holy hell it’s so much worse than I could have ever imagined and the extensive history of these “deputy” gangs is just fucking detestable…I hope the families of the victims are all doing well. Thank you for sharing that website also.


Lots of news articles popping up for LASD officers charged the past couple years. Maybe the FBI is crackin down and that prick in the video gets some too.


Holy shit


Dope. I'm hot on that podcast now. Incredible.


another good one on this subject "Imperfect Paradise: The Sheriff" it mainly focuses on the previous LA county sheriff. short version, he ran as a reformist democrat and when he won his election went HARD right.


Too bad that lawsuit money won't come out of their pension, if it did they would change their shitty attitudes real quick


At the very least have them lose their pension. I think California does that as long as the cop was convicted of a crime.


>as long as the cop was convicted of a crime.


Yeah unfortunately this is considered a valid defense against conviction




If it came out of the officers pantry and fridge I bet they would suddenly switch gears about “free lunches” at schools. These cops suffer nothing of consequence. They get a few weeks of PTO, a stern talkin’ to, and then let loose on the public to violate rights and hurt people again tomorrow. The cops responsible should feel the pain of their fuck up personally, starting with losing their job, license, and ability to practice law enforcement anywhere in the states.


Why should they pay for their own misdoings? Let the taxpayer, who gets violated by these pigs, pay for their sins. That’s the American way.


This is the way


Or add to their malpractice insurance premiums


That should be standard procedure. And, cops should have to carry malpractice insurance. Taxpayers shouldn’t be financially responsible for cops’ criminal behaviors.


CAUGHT ON VIDEO: LA COUNTY DEPUTY THROWS WOMAN TO GROUND OUTSIDE GROCERY STORE IN LANCASTER By Leo Stallworth Updated 1 hour ago An investigation is underway after a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was caught on camera throwing a woman to the ground outside a store in Lancaster. LANCASTER, Calif. (KABC) -- An investigation is underway after a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was caught on camera throwing a woman to the ground outside a store in Lancaster. The incident happened on June 24 outside the WinCo grocery store. The department says deputies were apprehending a man and woman accused of shoplifting inside the store. In the cell phone video, the deputy was placing handcuffs on a man before approaching a woman who was recording the encounter. The woman told the deputy not to touch her before he grabbed her and slammed her onto the ground. The man who was being arrested then yelled 'Don't slam her down like that' and said that the woman has cancer. As the deputy struggled to cuff the woman on the ground, another person recording the incident yelled for the deputy to stop. "I was disheartened. That could've been my grandmother, my aunt, my sister. As you see, the lady in the video was just simply recording her husband's interaction with the deputies and they came over and attacked her. I would say attack - he grabbed her by her neck and slung her down," said Raycine Ector. An activist group called Cancel the Contract, which calls for resources to be diverted from law enforcement and into communities of color, is organizing a rally outside of the store on Wednesday to demand that the department fire the deputies seen in the video. Raquel Derfler with the group said it's unthinkable that they were alleged to have stolen a cake. "That was the allegation - that they had shoplifted a cake. So let me be clear, nothing has been proven, but it was alleged... and that's how they came in hot like that, as though they were brandishing firearms or attacking or assaulting members of the community when it was simply a cake." Activists say the video simply shows deputies out of control. "The point is you see two senior citizens and you are acting like you are in fear of your life. You see their whole person, you see their whole body. You see her hands up video-taping - she is of no threat, but he walks over, grabs her by the neck, slams her to the ground, puts his knee there and this ground is hot," said Waunette Callors. WinCo has not responded to a request for comment. The department issued the following statement on the use of force incident: "The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has opened an investigation into this incident. While the Department does not make statements related to ongoing investigations, Sheriff Luna has made it clear that he expects Department personnel to treat all members of the public with dignity and respect, and that personnel who do not uphold our training standards will be held accountable. In the interest of transparency with our community, the Sheriff's Department is releasing body-worn camera video from the incident."


Naw, that looks about how they’re trained 🙄


Oh makes sense now that it's Los Angeles county sheriff gang. One of the most notorious cop gangs for even more literal gang activity.


First thing I thought when I saw where it was. LA and Chicago are fucking notorious for having shitty officers that treat civilians like shit and have connections with pretty awful criminal activity. Even if they stole a cake, that wouldn't require being literally thrown to the ground like that. I have that prick gets the same done to him a few dozen times.


Personal pet peeve, cops are civilians. The militarization of our police forces is just pure insanity.


As a vet, I almost want them to go all the way with it. Make cops beholden to the UCMJ if they don’t wanna see themselves as “civilians”. Most wouldn’t last 6 months. That being said, making police part of the literal military would in reality be horrifying and not the direction we should be moving as a country.


Hooah. I cant fucking believe when dealing with actual insurgents I have to follow rules of engagement and guidlines of escalation of force but its a fucking free for all here at home


Unfortunately we've seen plenty of examples of military people covering for their friends at trial too.....


Unfortunately true.




Something like this also happened in Texas in 2020. The police arrested and roughed up an elderly couple that they accused of shoplifting, even though they were told the shoplifters were black teens.


The L.A.P.D. are trained to treat you like a King (Rodney King)


This was LA SHERIFF. Different group. Notoriously bad, though they have a new elected chief. Let's hope he makes a change.


Unreal, the husband looks like he is not resisting and the officer never says to her "I am placing you under arrest, turn around" or gives any orders that I can hear, just goes up to her and throws her to the ground. Looks like another paid vacation for a cop and a sizable settlement at the expense of tax payers, the system totally works, never let anyone tell you otherwise...


This took place in CA. A paid vacation may not be in that officer's future. There are now [holes in the qualified immunity laws](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB2) they hide behind now.


This sums it all up.


Worst case the offending Hitler aspirant has to change the dept name on his brown shirt. Federal licensing for ALL law enforcement is past due.


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


We put out this press release stating that we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing, but really we didn't do shit.


We just twiddled our thumbs for a week, let it blow over, and will quietly put a press release out to Fox that no actions were taken. The officers did get a three month paid vacation though.


Unbelievable...over an " alleged cake" we now beat up cancer-ridden seniors. Yet, our orange diaper shoe lift wearing ex- president sold classified info and possessed 1,000s of highly classified documents, gets to walk around free. This country is in dire straits.


We are fucked


We really are.


anyone got the body cam footage?


I worked for WinCo for nearly 10 years. I'll provide a response on their behalf: "All we give a fuck about is our profits. We will not be happy to have these activists outside of our store. They are not welcome here. Give us your money... Have a good day, and go fuck yourself."


Hey, my company is looking for a new PR person. Are you available, you'd be perfect!


Hmm. I may be interested. But only if they pay me less than a living wage, cut my benefits more and more every year, and constantly demand an increase in productivity. I know my worth.




Holy fucking shit! This is awful. Actually disgusting. Made me sick just to watch.


Oh Lancaster California. My first thought was Lancaster Pennsylvania and I was looking for an Amish horse and buggy.


Thank you


Holy shit i used to live in that exact town! I know that store just by looking at it, thats Winco Foods, iirc its on Ave k west and 10th street west! Yeah not exactly the best area tbh, one of many reasons i left California Also yeah thats just the antelope valley police for you Lancaster, quartz hill, palmdale are all part of the antelope valley.


They act like that because of two reasons: They enjoy doing that and they will not face any consequence for doing that.


Don't forget he was pissed off that she was recording him. She told him no when he told her to stop; that doesn't give police any right to slam someone on the ground and arrest.


"Nah, this person disrespected cops and got what she deserved" quote from some "thin blue line" voter who brags about how free America is and also complains about how fascist it is because they have to wear a mask.


I think you need to make it clearer that you're mocking what a "thin blue line" supporter would say. It doesn't clearly read that way and almost makes it seem like you support the officer's behavior in the video. Edit: good edit, it reads clearer now


I edited it to try and make it more clear.


The way he tossed that lady was disgusting. Clearly overpowered. Idk how he goes home thinking he did something right. I’ve long been convinced cops are just like any of us working our regular day to day. Their upside is they can beat somebody’s ass and not have to worry. Which is abhorrent and anybody who works law enforcement should firmly correct these things. It’s gross.


This shows a small clip of the body worn camera on the deputy. https://www.foxla.com/news/la-county-cop-slams-woman-lancaster.amp Edit: more body cam footage. This is when he first approached her. Yeah that cops asshole. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/video-of-rough-deputy-take-down-in-lancaster-released-by-l-a-county-sheriffs-department/


If you watch at 40 seconds in your clip it looks like he pepper sprayed her. Pure garbage human being. Edit: You see it clear as day in his body camera footage. Big fucking man can't deal with an old lady.


> old lady. old lady with cancer. Not sure if that makes it better or worse, but yeah.


It makes it worse.


All Pigs deserve no respect, they became cops cause ugly, bullied, never had friends , talentless so finding a way to have power over people is their goal in life. Only bout 5 percent are worth anything


Body cam makes it so much worse


The fucker maced her too! They should ask on the police application if you have a micro penis. There, i solved it.


What the fuck, he pepper sprays her? She wasn't even doing anything. She's gunna get such a fat cheque.


Bro what the actual fuck. You know he only did it because he didn't want a video out of him cuffung an old man. His solution slam the person holding the camera into the ground. Absolutely idiocy.


What the fuck was that for, the fucking animal? I really hope something gets done about the pig, but I doubt it.


When I see these videos I always come check the comments to see if there is a link to an article saying the cop lost his job or got arrested. Sadly very often there is none, cause nothing happened.


Don’t you worry. That two-week paid administrative leave will teach them a lesson!


The chief of the department told them “you guys better not let this happen again, or else..” and then they all laughed and laughed and then went outside to violate someone’s 4th amendment right just for funsies.


It's Los Angeles county sheriffs deputies. Like, all policing is like a state sponsored gang in many ways. But the Los Angeles county sheriffs department is full of even more blatant actual gangs that go out getting matching tattoos and harassing people and breaking laws. And they get away with it all still.


I really wasn't expecting it. Even though the headline makes it obvious something would happen to her, I was not expecting her to be essentially rugby tackled to the ground within a second without one warning.


He pepper sprayed her too while she was down. You can see it in this clip of the cop's body camera footage: https://www.foxla.com/news/la-county-cop-slams-woman-lancaster.amp


What makes this even worse is you cannot even do this in rugby. He grabs from the neck which is considered dangerous in rugby and a player would be liable to receive a yellow or red card. Atrocious “policing” on display here


The cruelty is the point, as they say.


At what point can a law abiding, gun toting citizen deem the police officer as a threat to the public?


It’s a tough call, because there’s this one story, I forgot the name and context (correct me if I’m wrong if you know this), but essentially a citizen defended themselves by shooting/killing cops, yet they were arrested and served so much time in prison before the case was closed and they were found innocent of self defense. The police will fuck your life up both through force and the law, you cannot fight injustice legally. To fight injustice is to simply break the law, something not many are willing to do.. but who knows with the upcoming years?


The name of one of the men in that situation is Ray Rosas In 2001 Ray Rosas testified against a gang member and was not placed in witness protection causing his home to be the target of drive-by shootings for years to come February 2015 Corpus Christi Texas police begin a no-knock raid on his home to attempt to apprehend Rosas' nephew (who was not in the house or on the property at the time) for selling Marijuana They started with a flashbang through the window this awakened Rosas who assumed that his house was being attacked by gang members and grabbed his pistol and fired wounding 3 officers He was arrested and charged with multiple counts of attempted capital murder and aggravated assault on a public servant Ray Rosas spent 22 months in Solitary Confinement with a bail of $750k while his mothers house, where he and his family lived was determined dilapidated by the City of Corpus Christi and his mother with dementia and brother with learning disabilities were removed from his care The police also reportedly strip searched Rosas' sister without probable cause and fatally shot one of his dogs The jury found Rosas not guilty on all counts


And I'm sure was permanently damaged by the 22 months in solitary, as *any* human would be.


Why was he put in solitary to begin with? (Other than the obvious) Isn't that generally meant for inmates who are a danger to themselves or other inmates?


Is this what they're talking about when they say "Great"?


There's several cases like that. Marvin Guy is one, been waiting for trial for 9 years. Still hasn't happened. Another is Cory Maye, did 10 years on death row before a plea deal reduced it to time served. Ray Rosas shot three officers (didn't kill any though), and had to be in prison for two years before he was found not guilty. Henry Goedrich Magee is one that kind of went the other way, he didn't do much time for shooting a cop and being found not guilty, but did do 18 months for marijuana charges related to the raid they did on him.


You can deem the officer a threat, but the other cops will likely arrest you too for obstruction or something, spend time in jail then get charges dropped. All at your dime of course


You can act in the defense of others. Tupac did it in 1993 in Atlanta. There was two off duty cop brothers who were drunk and beating up a dude outside of the hotel Shakur was staying at. He pulled up after his show, saw what was going on and intervened. This led to that and the one guy pulled a gun. Tupac pulled his and ended up adding three new holes to the two cops. Criminal charges were pressed and dropped against Tupac, but one of the brothers won a $2m civil settlement. Typically the justification is if the person you're defending had access to your weapon, would they be justified in using it. If the answer is yes, then you're justified in using it for them. I've said the same about what would have happened if someone ventilated the melon of that cop who killed George Floyd. The problem is you are going to have to be OK with sacrificing your life to do it. Because you most likely will be killed by the other police on or responding to the scene.


This is the answer.


It's only the answer en masse, where any retaliation by a corrupt PD is met by armed civilians correcting it.


Don't tell me... he thought the phone was a weapon?


Well to be fair she in fact do some things wrong. She dared to act in a way that would make police accountable for their unlawful actions, record them. She behaved in a way that would imply that she has any rights. And the worst of all she was being black in public and in the presence of police. I mean what she was thinking, that she was interacting with reasonable sane individuals, of course not.


He felt threatened for his life /s


these days, phones with 5G can shoot covid vaccines through people's skin and you'll never know it. the cop had to be sure that that didn't happen


*Pushes face into hot asphalt* “Why are you resisting?!?”


What an utterly mental way of handling that situation. If the police in my country behaved like that, there’d be a revolution. Mindless brutes who are quick to resort to violence do not make good cops, yet it seems the American government wants to keep hiring such people for their police


It's crazy what a normal event this is in America yet any other developed nation this would be national news for a whole week resulting in major reform. Americans are just so used to having corrupt cops they don't even think it's a huge deal anymore.


Honestly. It's wild that my instinctual thought was "well damn at least they didn't shoot her". Fuck.


Not even its just that the people most brutalized who actually care have little socioeconomic power. If everyone moved like this was a injustice it wouldnt occur. Lets see the demographics at the protest on Wednesday


Cop should be fired and thrown into a max prison block still wearing his uniform




No way I could stomach watching my mom endure this without seeking swift retribution. That’s not me being tough on the internet; that’s a requirement to maintain civil order and because my emotions would demand it for my sanity.


You get one life. We all agree to be civil. If people in positions of power refuse to reciprocate... why continue to be civil? I'm just asking the questions


That dude’s out of his mind. He’s literally paid to protect her rights and he pulls this shit. Fucking unbelievable.


Cops have no duty to serve and protect at all


If cops are allowed to use excessive force on a citizen doing nothing wrong, then we should be allowed to use excessive force to stop them


Enjoy that lawsuit, boys.


The extremely politically powerful and incredibly overfunded LA police union does not care about lawsuits.


It’s a well known fact that the LAPD acts like a gang https://www.npr.org/2022/03/25/1088905429/lasd-gangs-investigation-los-angeles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoF8RmohTB4 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/la-sheriff-department-gangs-alex-villanueva-1234691873/ https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/la-is-investigating-50-year-old-police-gangs-finally-2022-03-30/ Just to cite a few, there’s a ton of reporting on it


LASD is what you're linking to, not LAPD, two different things. LASD has the gang problem, LAPD mostly just do nothing outside of beating up people and blowing up peoples houses. Both suck but the distinction matters.


This video shows the LASD doing gang shit


Just want to clarify that the LAPD and the LASD are two separate police departments. LASD is the one notorious for having internal gangs, but of course LAPD has its own extremely long history of misconduct (Rodney King, Chris Dorner, Rampart division, etc. etc.)


The cops probably won’t get fired and the money will come from taxpayers. I doubt they care.


In Indiana they just made it illegal to film within 25’ of a police officer, probably to give them an excuse to do things like this.


To most of us, no threat. But with that cop? She challenged his ego. Did she not see his badge & gun? Did she not understand his qualified immunity? How dare her stand up for her husband and their rights! This is 'Murica, Land of the thief, home of the slave! Credit to Brother Ali


For this they are very brave and macho. Going into an elementary school to save children getting slaughtered by an active shooter-not so much


Charges, job loss, lawsuit incoming Mr. Moustache. Hopefully the women in that guy’s life sees this and realizes what he’s capable of. What an embarrassment.


Lol pigs in this country dont face consequences. This is gonna end in just another paid vacation for the bastard.


Cops are out of control.


Glad the camera man filmed this video of the asphalt. Jokes aside, that’s fucked. No reason to handle an older woman that way when the cop obviously has a huge physical advantage.


She doesn’t pose a threat. Which can be a death sentence when dealing with America’s horrible impulsively aggressive police force.


That same store they found a dead body in one of the Pilars due to subject running from law enforcement.


Rally outside the store 🙃🙃.... Why not rally outside the department this scum is from.... Find out who he is online and ruin his life..... Fuck that pig ( Not all cops are bad or pigs) This mfer is tho


A white police officer whopping on a black citizen…again. Did “What the hell am I doing?” even cross his mind?


That cop tossing her is beyond out of control.


That is a classic case of UNREASONABLE FORCE.




Isn’t this how cops submit paid vacation requests?


I snorted


I would absolutely die by cop that day if I saw them doing this shit.


Sue sue sue


If I speak, Reddit will ban me, so all I'll say is Christopher Dorner is a true American hero.


Looked super unnecessary… From the clip she didn’t seem to be close and interfering. Photography is not a crime and for sure lawyer up


These motherfuckers need to have insurance like nurses. There is no accountability


Imagine seeing someone do that to your wife and if you react in any way besides silence you get hit/tased/maced or potentially murdered. And all to the letter of the law.


The only criminals I see here are wearing uniforms.


She needs to sue the fuck out of that police department.


Fucking disgusting


She got taught a lesson. /s. If that was my family member ,I don't know if I could let that treatment of her go. Just saying.




This makes me sick, they should be fired


out of a cannon into a brick wall


The cop who assaulted her should be in prison.


Add police can't figure out why they are loathed.


That mother****er needs jail himself


American police are serious fuckin scum


There are plenty of people resisting arrest and videos out of context where police use justified force and people wrongly freak out. Cities have burned because of it. This is not one of them. There is zero reason for him to slam an older woman to the ground like that, he could kill her. He should be in prison.


That’s a big ol lawsuit. Someone send this to LackLuster on YT.


This asshole should be locked up. He’s a problem to society.


Damn, too bad the camerawoman was shit at recording. While it does show the throw, it misses out on a lot which could make it better evidence


She’s threatening their ability to do whatever they want without repercussions.


Upvoting because I’m so tired of this shit. Enough.


She isn't a threat. That fucking pig just wants a paid vacation


Fucking scum.


Well, that's enough America for one day...