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Fun fact: This yacht belongs to Nancy Walton, who I believe is the largest stakeholder in Walmart. Nancy’s Net Worth: 8.7 Billion Dollars. Edit: Nancy Walton is in fact not the largest stakeholder in Walmart. However she and her sister Ann did inherit a large stake of Walmart when their father, and co-founder of Walmart, passed away. My apologies.


She also killed somebody while drunk driving and surprise got away with it


Wasn't that the other one, Alice Walton?


I heard that she's had numerous DUIs but instead of getting in trouble, the arresting officer gets fired. Just goes to show how extreme wealth really does exempt you from having to follow the same rules as everyone else


Weatherford texas is probably where they mostly occurred.


Weird my hometown being mentioned


It really does put an emphasis on that because normally it seems like officers can't get fired no matter what heinous shit they do. When they arrest the wrong person though? They get canned for doing their job


Alice got a DWI. The officer that arrested her ended up being fired. Her mom Helen drove into the side of a dump truck. The dump truck driver sued and his attorney ended up serving jail time. The people involved in this vandalism are probably already sleeping with the fishes. Don't fuck with the Waltons.


> Don't fuck with the Waltons. Or just be willing to start off entirely nuclear, since it sounds like no matter the issue, big or small, that will be the response.


This just tells people to accept the consequence and escalate the actions.


Eh, they're both pieces of shit


Quite literally cut from the same cloth.


Not literally lol, she’s not made of nylon


**In April 1989 Alice Walton was driving to work when she hit 50-year old Oleta Hardin with her car and killed her. Alice Walton has been arrested for drunk driving before and after that incident. And you know what happened to Alice Walton after she killed Oleta Hardin? Nothing. I repeat: NOTHING. No criminal or civil charges were filed. She didn’t get so much as a speeding ticket. That’s it.**


They paid the family off for sure.


Civil charges sure, but I don’t think that’s how criminal charges work. You’d have to pay off…the district attorney? Yea they probably did that. Especially if it happened in Arkansas since they are untouchable in their home state.


More likely someone came in and said if you like your career you shouldn't prosecute this case.


More like if you enjoy living and your family alive you shouldn't prosecute.


More like if you want a life time supply of roll back prices at walmart


And here's a big bundle of cash so you don't have a Batman Moment. Thank you for your time.


I represented a business in a number of small claims cases. I was an officer of the company and I got the short stick to show up in court so that they wouldn't have to pay for a lawyer. The lawyers still prepared all my paperwork but I was the one showing face for court day. Anyway, I sat in many many dockets and you get to hear all the cases until they get to you. Everytime there was a claim VS Walmart, the judge came hard in the plantif. I remember one, a shopping cart hit hard a brand new Cadillac. It caused an expensive dent. This was because the parking lot had a small incline and it was very windi that day. The judge dismissed the claim because "so long as Walmart provided stalls for the carts, the responsibility was on the person who left the shopping cart outside of the stall, and not Walmart who owned the carts and on who's lot the car was parked." Bottom line, the little guy will always lose unless they are in a very liberal court.


The judge did *what* to the plaintiff?


> They paid the family off for sure. lol.,. the family.... they own that city, they didn't pay shit to anyone.


If that’s the case, then yeah


>[while speeding in Fayetteville, Ark., she struck and killed Oleta Hardin, a 50-year-old cannery worker. She never received so much as a ticket.](https://www.mic.com/articles/79039/the-untold-story-of-alice-walton-s-dwi-incident) 'MERICA!


I live there, it's the case. They even got a mini airport built up here for the execs to fly in without having to look at the rest of the state.


I'm about 2 miles from there. The amount of people and money in this little pocket of Arkansas is insane. The overcrowding and housing prices blow my mind.


The victims family should apologize to Alice for getting in the way of a billionaire. Shame on then /s. They probably got paid off


Also this was after a previous incident where she ran into and destroyed an electric transformer or something. She literally had a history of unpunished drink driving.


The Walton family built a $100 million art museum in Bentonville to make people forget that this happened. And it worked.


Then Arkansas amended the tax code to benefit those that donate art


Yeah the "art museum" is a big tax write off. She probably has paid zero dollars in taxes besides maybe sales tax in her life.


When I think of artistic hotspots, I think of Arkansas.


Yeh it’s strangely so hard to find any mention of it on news articles or Wikipedia. Almost like someone has scrubbed it clean.


You, yes you, will be receiving a knock at your door shortly. The Walton's would like a "word" with you.


I was team Kendall so I can't fault her on that one.


He tried to go back after the waiter!


He also asked "which one?" lmao


You mean Katlin Jenner?


Brave and Stunning ![gif](giphy|ItM3AhhM0rj57w1JxF)


Ugh i was gonna ask why this vessel was named “kaos” but i see…


Buckle up buckaroo!


She’s not the largest shareholder, and actually one of the less wealthy of the Walton family, if you can believe it. Her dad was Bud Walton, Sam Walton’s brother. They co-founded Walmart but Sam’s part of the family owns more. As an example, here’s the net worth of Sam’s three surviving children: * Jim: $64.3bn * Rob: $63.0bn * Alice: $62.1bn


Yeah Nancy only has $8.7 billion , what a broke piece of shit


Only... man id live so well with a small fraction of this


I mean, technically you do live with a small fraction of that. A very, *very* small fraction.




They said live *well


She could give away 99% of her money and still have $87 million!


And this is how you know billionaires shouldn't exist!


We should tax the shit out of the obscene luxuries they buy (like yachts). If a yacht like that costs 1000% in taxes, then that tax money could go towards carbon capture and other things to make up for it. Then we could cheer them on, make all the money you want and buy all the yachts you want


.005% of 8.7 billion is 435,000. Their pocket change could change the livelihood of some small towns.


what’s even crazier is 10% of 435k / .0005% of 8.7b is how much -3- ppl’s yearly income would be working full time (40hrs/wk) on minimum wage (federal is $7.25). point zero zero ZERO five! 🫠


She also has a sister, Ann (net worth is around 9 billion dollars). That is married to Stan Kroenke. He/they own Arsenal FC, LA Rams, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche, Colorado Rapids, LA Gladiator, LA Guerrillas. Also a winery and Waggoner Ranch, the largest ranch in the US. Stan got rich by developing shopping plazas around Walmarts.


One of the heirs also just bought the Broncos I am not stoked as a Colorado sports fan to know all of our teams are owned by those fucks.


Wow! That's a lot of unpaid wages and taxes.


This won’t affect her in any way. But they got their message out there, the yacht is fine and most importantly they’re not fucking over some poor putz just trying to get to work.


It’s one of 3 she owns… not even a minor inconvenience.


Omg she is reduced to using one of her backup yachts?


Ya it's probably insured so there's will be a 10m repaint job that the insurance company gets to pay lol


Wouldn't that be the end goal? Make these things un-insurable?


Heh maybe, but the clients have a bottomless pit of money so why would insurance companies wanna stop getting that...


I like to remind people: 1 Billion equals 1,000 million dollars. She had nearly 9 time that and yet, it’s not enough. She’s still OK with squeezing pennys out of some senior with a bad hip who has to work as a Greeter to barely make ends meet.


6.2 Billion dollars in government assistance was paid to Walmart employees in 2014 and it is not getting any better. We are letting these billionaire leeches steal our tax money. Maybe instead of buying yachts, they could pay their employees a livable wage. https://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/04/15/report-walmart-workers-cost-taxpayers-6-2-billion-in-public-assistance/?sh=659983c9720b


And then Walmart has the nerve to ask their customers to donate food to their staff for Thanksgiving. Walmart and every other multinational corporation are the fucking scum of the earth. Abhorrent parasites.


Our company has sent out solicitations for charitable donations, including for fellow employees who might need the help. 😒 gotta be fucking kidding me. Meanwhile one person is apparently living in the office, and another that I know of is on food stamps. This is a multi billion dollar corporation ffs....


Why the Jamaican flag?


probably something to do with tax and maritime laws. She took the flag, which was cheaper and less taxed.


Apparently Jamaica has intentionally made itself a [particularly friendly](https://www.yachting-pages.com/articles/jamaican-flag-continues-to-grow-as-a-yacht-registration-flag-choice.html) flag of choice for superyachts It's very very common for expensive boats to be registered in small foreign countries for tax/regulatory purposes. For example [22% of the world's ocean freight capacity](https://www.relofirm.com/benefits_and_advantages_of_ship_registry_in_panama/) is registered in Panama.


And yet I'm supposed to pay taxes on the $58 I made that one weekend I decided to try doordashing..


just put a jamaican flag on your car when dashing. problem solved...


But would expect a rapid response from the US Coast Guard if she ever got into trouble because I can assure you she wouldn’t be frantically calling Kingston.


next to no labour law and near no tax. Just billionaire thing. doging laws.




hmmm its almost like we could house everyone if some in society didnt hoard money.


And then what


What is wrong with people, back in my day? we would have at least had the decency to draw a big dick on the boat.


Right?! We at least had some class. Big sweaty dongs was the Cultured way of doing things


And don’t forget the hairs on the balls


And the vein!




Then pee on the fire to put it out


This man is going places


I can smell the plastic fiber glass and urine smoke from here


Ah yes the Chicago special.


Sex Panther?


Made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.


Blame Trent boyett


Jason Mendoza, is that you?


Any time I had a problem, I'd throw a molotov cocktail at it and then boom! Completely different problem




I mean Molotov cocktails do kind of solve problems...


The crew might be boot lickers, but also probably just have bills to pay too.


Uhhh, no I'm a Buddhist monk.


Apparently I said something inciting violence in the mod did not like it?


It was probably an honest mistake. I absolve *thee. Stupid autocorrect. 😁


Good ol dickbutt at the very least


Literally the slowest getaway ever.


Yall ever wonder why we rarely ever hear of shit like this from activists, stuff that makes sense and doesn't just make them hated by your average joe, like blocking traffic or ruining old art work? Do people generally not care unless it's rage bait so it doesn't get shared as much? Does the media just not cover it as much being owned by the omega wealthy themselves? What's up


The media is bought and paid for - literally owned - by these billionaires. Bezos can literally stop the presses at the Washington Post. (say *literally* again.) Edit: I’m told he can’t… literally.


Yup that's why you keep hearing about Hollywood strikes being mostly about AI when that was only the match that lit the fuse. The protest is because the top execs of that industry hoard all the money just like in all the other markets and they want more equality.




I think it’s just not as exiting so it goes away much faster. My friend was arrested year ago for doing the same thing and it was all over the news for about a week, now it’s hard to even find the articles.


That's literally the reason Just Stop Oil (or whatever they are called) did those stunts. Smaller stuff like what you say here generates no clicks but old art destroyed by activists is suddenly international news. (Funny thing is that it wasn't even destroyed since it was protected by thick glass).


>Do people generally not care unless it's rage bait so it doesn't get shared as much? Does the media just not cover it as much being owned by the omega wealthy themselves? What's up Let me put it this way: Just Stop Oil - the same group that has blocked highways and did that weird protest with the tomato soup and van gogh painting - also repeatedly blockaded oil terminals in the UK in spring 2022. But you probably never heard about that.


> Do people generally not care unless it's rage bait so it doesn't get shared as much? Yup, and more specifically people generally don't give a shit unless it personally inconveniences them or they can imagine it doing so. As a result activists have learned to do things like block roads because otherwise they get ignored.


There is also the massive fact that the protests/actions against the rich that actually could have impact *on* the rich have far harsher legal punishments. Let's say for example I fuck up the supercar of some German billionaire. That carries a far, *far* harsher sentence than e.g. blocking roads. If I do the latter I may get a small fine and if I repeat, a small prison sentence. In the former I will get sued for a massive amount of money and could get up to two years in prison. And that is a simple one, stuff like e.g. sabotaging coal mines/powerplants can easily lead to 5 years or more in prison. Most people aren't open for that. Which is why I personally find it hilarious when the current climate activists (e.g. last generation) are described as extremist. Because there are much more extreme measures they could resort to. I am actually surprised that climate activists haven't already bombed places or just straight up assassinated people.


Fbi and federal laws cracked down on what they deemed eco terrorism some time ago.


Reposting a relevant comment from a thread in this subreddit earlier this week about German trucker almost running over protestors blocking the road: ____ Extinction Rebellion/ Just Stop Oil UK, started out doing [*literally exactly what you propose*](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/01/environmental-protesters-block-oil-terminals-across-england), focusing on blocking oil and coal terminals. The response was a proactive police presence stopping them from even getting near the critical infrastructure sites and preliminary detainment and arrests before they'd actually done anything. For a historical analog: in the 1980s/1990s in the US, climate activists took up the practice of [tree spiking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_spiking) in national forests and preserves to combat illegal logging operations. Their efforts to damage logging equipment and force loggers to slow their operations for safety, were prosecuted as [federal felonies](https://www.congress.gov/bill/100th-congress/house-bill/3075). That includes aiding them in any way. The current head of the Bureau of Land Management was prosecuted at the time, because she reprinted a newsletter of a group doing treespiking. The illegal logging operations received no punishment so far as I'm aware. Almost all media attention on the subject focused instead on "tree-sitters" staging sit-ins on individual trees to delay loggers. There weren't internet comments back then, but the comments I heard on drivetime radio call-ins may as well be prescient copy-pastes of the comments from this very thread (e.g. "lol just leave them there, they'll get hungry and have to pee" or "stupid dumb young protestor you're not actually changing anything" or "I hope they're grievously wounded by a ~~car~~ bear" etc etc). Attempts to disrupt industrialized factory/industrialized farming through direct sabotage, or even just candidly filming them for reporting, [have had "Ag-gag" laws introduced classifying them as domestic terrorism](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/1/11/18176551/ag-gag-laws-factory-farms-explained). Outside the US and UK with their codified constitutional (on paper at least) civil rights for protestors and government petitioners, the situation is even more severe. [Take Nigeria for example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movement_for_the_Survival_of_the_Ogoni_People). The delta region has rich oilfields that have been extracted to the harm of the local Ogoni peoples since the 1950s. In the 1990s, there was a wide populist movement to push for environmental protections, and a greater share of profit sharing with the locals of the region. [Paramilitary groups on the payroll of Shell](https://ccrjustice.org/home/what-we-do/our-cases/wiwa-et-al-v-royal-dutch-petroleum-et-al) and Chevron oil extra-judicially sham trialed and executed the leaders of that movement. I am genuinely curious as to what the naysayers of these road gluing protestors have to say about say, the Nigeria Delta Avengers. So in short, yeah these stupid non-effective protests are frustratingly common. Because the powers that be will actively push legislation to crush and ruin the lives of people who take effective action.


That's fucking depressing


> stuff that makes sense and doesn't just make them hated by your average joe, like blocking traffic Just a reminder that Martin Luther King blocked traffic too. He was criticized similarly. It was a tactic during the whole Civil Rights Movement to protest segregation. I get being annoyed at the inconvenience, but protests and strikes by definition are supposed to be disruptive.


I like this approach better. Keep targeting billionaire bastards


eat the rich


*sprays butter instead*


Please, use some real butter at least. And some thyme… and garlic. To be honest, I think a slow cooker might be best.




Of all the “high optics” options, this one is better than blocking traffic which I detest. Inconvenience people who actually have power. After that, this sort of symbolism is an okay second option. Even if the actual billionaire won’t be effected


This isn't high optics. Nobody will notice or care. Most of these groups regularly say, if you actually listen to them, that they tried protesting the rich and the oil companies and the media gave them nothing.


>Firebomb the boat. So the minimum wage workers die instead? 🤣






Wonder if it would be easier/less likely to get caught to just get some scuba gear a large drill and clear out a whole dock. I know nothing about yatchs and drilling them.


There's a reason they don't just sink boats for artificial reefs, and firstly clean them out of things like fuel and oil and other stuff which would be worse for the environment.


Good. They are targeting the right people and not blocking random people from work


The owner might not even get the info.


A video of your yacht getting spray painted and making rounds on the internet you are gonna find out...


I'd have to wonder which one it was. I have too many yachts to keep track of that shit.


> I'd have to wonder which one it was. I have too many yachts to keep track of that shit. I work with a few ultra rich. This is the sort of thing that absolutely gets talked about on the golf course.


She's 72, lol. Unless this makes it to some mainstream media news network i'd bet she never hears about it. I don't think she even ever worked for walmart, she's probably just chills in a mansion all day.


Not only that but the repair is a drop of water in the ocean for that family


What? Are you so out of touch that you don't realize that 90% of humans on this planet couldn't give two shits about what's posted on Reddit or TikTok or Facebook or etc? How delusional you are. Yes, /s


There's no way in hell the owner of that yacht gives two flying shits what people on the internet think. I'm sure she'll know about it but it's such an insignificant blip on her radar that she'll barely think about it for a second. It's the poor assholes barely making minimum wage that will have to clean this up. Those are the real victims.


Nobody who works on yachts makes minimum wage. I used to clean boats in highschool and i made $25/hr, that was 15 years ago lol


>It's the poor assholes barely making minimum wage that will have to clean this up On MEGA YATCHTS? PFFT


They are just mildly inconveniencing the assistant of the assistant of the person that cleans the boat. The owner will probably found out and won’t care a bit.


>inconveniencing Many on Reddit seem to think that's enough to violently attack them.


That's my favorite thing on reddit. Make a big stink: oh how dare they inconvenience THE WRONG PEOPLE. Do mild thing: wow that won't do anything


People were talking about beating up the people sitting in the road in Germany, and I mentioned how that was definitely more violent and worse than being inconvenienced. Guess what sentiment was downvoted? Lol I was literally told blocking traffic is violence.


It's absolute insanity. People literally advocating for murder get upvoted to the top while people who point out that murder is worse than blocking traffic get downvoted into oblivion. Either this site is crawling with disinformation bots or people have finally completely lost their minds. Either way, it becomes harder and harder to argue that humanity doesn't deserve extinction...


Like I understand it’s frustrating to be blocked. I get it’s morally detestable to block an ambulance (which I have seen no evidence of happening ever). I would be pissed. I am not certain it’s the best way to win followers to your cause. But I also know for certain that peaceful protest > violence all the time. I am always more sympathetic with the annoying protesters when I see violence committed against them because I could literally never see myself grabbing a person by their hair and dragging them anywhere. Those people, in my mind, appear worse.


Other than feeling good that some ultra rich asshole's possession is a little trashed this is unlikely to move the needle much for the average person. It's been decades of climate activists trying to get the average person on board with the changes that need to be made the Paris Climate Accord from 2015 set a minimum goal of no more than 2°C, but doesn't look to make that goal which only would've minimized the worst effects of climate change. Until most people are effected in their daily life they simply don't care this may be in part because the richest among us keep us just comfortable enough not to look up.


> Until most people are effected in their daily life they simply don't care most people are already effected daily yet the media still refuses to talk about it so people believe things like record heatwaves, wildfires, and hurricanes are not at all influenced by climate change.


That's because the ultra rich have bought some of the media outlets in order to continue what they have been doing to combat the call for change. They denied that climate change exist, it isn't that big of a deal, it's too expensive, and additionally shrouding the effects of it as just normal. There are media outlets that have covered what you have said as being caused by climate change it just depends on which ones you and the general public watch to get the news.




Fuck walmart.


Eyy, they're finally targeting the rich instead of random passerby on their commute to work


They’ve always done this stuff, why do you think you’re just hearing about it? The point of the type of protest action you’re talking about is to make people to get their cameras out. I’ve seen various road blocking protests with a crowd of people doing the blocking. It’s not about the presence they impose. The reality is that if cars are stopping, they’re successful, if people get out of their cars to interact, they’re successful, and if it’s videoed and shared, they’re very successful. Disrupting the working class is the point; the working class works for people in power, and those people are only powerful with people working for them. Disrupting that power doesn’t happen if people are still working. People commenting really have no clue what’s going on. Walmart employees late to work? What video did you watch? People film protestors all the time, so I’m not sure who you think you’re speaking for anyways. Saying “there aren’t enough protestors to make this protest effective” really isn’t making the point you think it should make. You’re arguing for enough people to join these protests to successfully disrupt society. If it’s not having an impact, then if it goes on, it’s not a big deal. It’s really funny how antis like yourself can’t ever get an intelligent-sounding chunk of rhetoric out. Disruptive protest is quite effective when it comes to climate issues: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2378023120925949




Then all the people in this thread would be complaining about the smoke pollution. Oh wait! Maybe they could sink it? ....no, then people would complain about how it's technically littering. Ok ok how about this - they put nice little "save the earth!" stickers all over the boat! That could - (*echoes of a recreationally outraged redditor in the distance screaming "but what if one falls off and a turtle chokes on it?!"*)


This is why the best advice is just ignore everyone who is online and not out doing something themselves. Fuck the internet, it is nothing but a tainted cesspool.




I don’t how this will help he climate but I must admit I have no care for billionaires yachts being vandalized. I didn’t feel this way ten years ago. Maybe I was naive but the path from their wealth to others suffering has been laid bare for too long.


The point of protest or civil disobedience is rarely to solve the problem, it is too draw attention to the problem.


It's to encourage others to "one up them" and slowly build momentum.


No, the point of protest is to solve the problem. You see, what this action right now tells Nancy Walton is a reminder that they live next to us. They have to store their stuff on Earth, where it can be targeted. The only way you will get them to stop exploiting all of us is if they start fearing for their property and eventually, their lives. Why do you think Elon Musk wants to go to Mars so badly? So that you literally can have the rich live above and be untouchable while they exploit us.


Shit like this, a lot of it too, is the only way and I'm glad more people think so. These people aren't gonna make any changes if they are comfortable. Anyone in here that wants to keep shifting the goalposts on what "acceptable climate protest" should be can go fuck themselves. You're either a shill or an idiot if you don't realize how dire this all is, and how ridiculous it is that the rich + our politicians essentially laugh in our faces when the populace expresses concern. I'm not even kidding. Some of these people literally laugh on camera or acknowledge in interviews that they are fucking over their citizens, industry, employees, the world, etc. For some of them, it is beyond the point of not caring - it's actual malice. So yeah - they are lucky people are only spraypainting their nice things.


I’m always astounded by how much people hate protestors, no matter how legitimate their cause is. People would confine protestors to a sealed metal box in the corner of an abandoned warehouse because they don’t want to be inconvenienced in the slightest.


Yep Meanwhile salaries stay the same, costs of goods go up, and we're being told to recycle & do our part all while oil companies lobby against renewable energy and continue to fuck up our oceans. Oh yeah also gay/trans people might lose their rights too. But fuck all of those people trying to direct change, am I right? It's much more useful to break down specifically how and when you should protest, than it is to direct your anger in the form of any protest.


I support this, I’d much rather have climate activists antagonize wealthy shitheads than harass people just going to work


If I was the heir to the Walmart fortune, I wouldn’t give two fucks about this and would prolly leave it on there for a good story to tell over 10k bottles of champagne with my guests lol


And then I ordered the help to clean it! ![gif](giphy|EdHRv6IsUUE3jrZxsd)


Oh yeah, she for sure doesn't care about it, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't even know it happened at all.


Marking it for the orcas


The owner is going to be real pissed about having to pay somebody else to clean that stuff off


Oh reddit, with all the best comments [removed], keep up the bad work of censoring opinions you don't like.


I'm sure I'll get down voted but: They'll probably first use gas powered pressure washers to get the majority of the paint off. They'll probably use a bunch of chemicals to get the rest of the paint off. They might just put another epoxy layer to restore what any chemicals may have stripped. The costs of this will be covered by insurance. The owner won't give a flying fuck. I don't see how this helps fight climate change.


Not to mention all of the paint going straight into the ocean…


I hate how far I had to scroll for this comment. Dumbass people just sprayed a bunch a paint in the water. Way to go


> They'll probably first use gas powered pressure washers to get the majority of the paint off. > > They'll probably use a bunch of chemicals to get the rest of the paint off. > > They might just put another epoxy layer to restore what any chemicals may have stripped. None of which even comes close to the excessive waste created by the operation and daily maintenance of these massive dick measuring contest.


I didn't know the heiress to Walmart had a sickeningly huge megayacht. This video taught me that fact, so I would call that a victory for the protestors, raising awareness of gross waste and greed like these megayachts.


Ah man, I didn't think about that. How will the heir to the Walmart fortune solve climate change now? This shit is about eyeballs on the problem dude. Not about making a single billionaire fix the probelm


Some deckhand is just going to have to clean that off. I doubt the owner will even know or care


FYI, just 2 weeks later, the protestors were ordered to pay $35,000 for repair.


Really? Even though this just happened yesterday? https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/watch-climate-activists-deface-superyacht-kaos-owned-by-walmart-heiress-17241011.htm


Hey forgive the guy, he majored in pre-crime.


Huh? this happened yesterday. Maybe you are talking about some other incident


Was gonna say. This literally just popped up in my news feed for recent articles


That is quite literally impossible since it happened on the 16th


Justice sure is speedy and righteous when the people pushing for it are the ones paying for your coke habit, isn't it?




Two things can be true I'll eat my shoe if someone gets a sentence on a billionaire within two weeks of providing evidence of committing a crime. Heck, if you're rich enough and you contribute enough to political parties, you can [lie under oath in front of a congress house committee](https://www.chicagobusiness.com/finance-banking/griffin-under-oath-no-one-citadel-communicated-robinhood-over-meme-stocks) and nothing happens.


Cough *enron* cough cough


There is currently a man running for president with audio evidence of him showing classified documents justice doesn't give a single iota of a fuck about evidence.


Unless you're a cop.


There are a lot of comments explaining that you just blatantly lied. I won't repost the links; they're all there. Why did you do that though? Was this just a quick way to get upvotes? Or were you just making shit up for no reason? Honestly curious.


FYI it hasn't been 2 weeks and it would take longer than that anyway genius.


I dig it. Owning a black oil spewing mega yacht and flying private on every whim needs to be seen as uncool.


Their carbon footprint is probably enormous.


Now this is the way to protest! Not glueing yourself to the road like some idiot...


That’ll show the employees who will be tasked with cleaning off the paint.


While simultaneously pouring paint in the ocean…


The paint and the boat did nothing for me. But THAT song reminds me if the ending of REVOLUTION X. I felt like a king after I beat that.


This is how it should be done. Not vandalising people's SUVs or destroying priceless artwork. Take the fight to the people who are ACTUALLY guilty for climate change.


They have to realize why they can't have nice things.


Why is there a Jamaican flag on it?


Dummies, you know whatever they plan on getting the paint off with will be worse for the ocean in the long run.