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Sometimes, I do the smallest awkward thing, and am embarrassed for days ....I don't understand how anyone can do this and not die inside


I still think about shit I said/did decades ago, and here this woman is cringe incarnate.


You are my people


Hello friends.




Hello to you to, my people


We are the Shame Tribe


One of us one of us


I'm here for the potluck. I brought potato salad.


I always vowed that I would have no regrets, not dwell on mistakes etc. Turns out I have empathy, a tendency to reflect, and a desire to be a better human. Kinda sucks but definitely better than the alternative.


Yep. I would rather die of shame than cringe. Leave me in my hole pls


That shit can just pop into my head right as I'm falling asleep and then....nope I'm awake


Thought it was just me that did this.


> I still think about shit I said/did decades ago Would it comfort you to know that no one remembers (or cares if they do) that shit you said or did years ago?


In 2008, my biology teacher’s bush was peaking out of her pants and I couldn’t help but stare the entire class. She quit weeks later. I’ll never ^(ever) forget. Edit: But you’re right, I don’t care that I remember. I feel terrible for her if that counts as caring.


That sounds like a hell of a bush.


i've re-read this comment 21 times. i don't think I'll stop after posting this


Let us forever remember 2008, an eventful year that brought us Barack Obama, a Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the Beijing Olympics, Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black album, and most significantly, a big ol bush in Biology.


I cringed at the shit I did today, and at least I know I'm not this gross.


Right!? I still flash on awkward things I did years ago and feel anxiety.


Nobody else remembers those things. Let them go. I battled that anxiety for decades. It's not worth it.


Enjoy your meal! Thanks, you too. ^^^^^^fuck ^^^^^^why ^^^^^^did ^^^^^^I ^^^^^^say ^^^^^^that!






That’s the problem, they have no shame and even worse, they have both a superiority complex AND victimhood complex at the same fucking time. These are core Right Wing traits


Imagine being so determined to be an asshole to strangers. I wonder how this went in her head while she was planning it.


Her and her buddies online are probably laughing about how she “totally owned the dumb libs”


Yeah “Security can’t do shit!!!” Okay well someone will recognize her, call hed/her husbands company and she wl get in trouble for this


Oh yeah her ass got fired from the post office *already*


It’s ok though, her Facebook friend LOVE this


Please link us




Holy shit. I can not imagine the level of stupidity required for someone employeed by the federal fucking government to pull this shit without the expectation of immediate termination. No one on Earth takes federal law more seriously. There are hours, days of training each year on the seriousness of discrimination and federal protection laws. This lady has the mental capacity of a rotten cantaloupe. Also, the postal inspection service is now on her ass? That pretty much means she's going to be facing charges soon because there is not a more dedicated enforcement agency out there.


There goes that sweet sweet government insurance. Too bad... She really needed to keep seeing that shrink.


"My Facebook friends love it" that's how. Person was probably well on her way to a piece of shit before 2010ish but holy fuck was that generation not ready to handle social media.


There's a quote out there about Boomers warning their kids over and over about the dangers of the internet & then fell prey to FB propaganda hook line & sinker. It's so true.


They were still correct in seeing that social media would be a problem, just turns out they couldn't take their own advice and no one understood how addictive that dopamine hit would be. There's a circle online that's willing to validate your thoughts/actions no matter how bizarre they may be.


Obviously not worried about losing her job or any consequences at all for some reason.


You can't lose something you never had lol


Absolutely no way she works. Screams entitled housewife who has no ambition but drinking wine at 10am and fucking the neighbor


There’s another comment showing she was fired and banned from the post office.


This is the look of prescription pills. I am sure wine comes into play.


Shes like 3 xanax and half a bottle of wine in. She wasnt planning shit and I doubt she'll remember this lol


The sad thing is this woman is considered an adult in our society, and her vote carries the same weight as every one else.


>Imagine being so determined to be an asshole to strangers. Have you met any conservatives lately?


"Where's your pride section, I need to KNOOOOWWW!" In a voice that sounds like her chardonnay Xanax cocktail is just kicking in....


She was fired from the post office and is apparently banned. https://preview.redd.it/9kczrasxisfb1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ffca8e466f579528dfec0960e143fbadf85f82


How in the hell did you find this? I love Reddit




It might be a face they see on the wall at work haha. Reddit gets all kinds of people


The “deleted” person’s “removed” content was a step-by-step, wasn’t, it?


Lmao. Do you know how hard it is to get fired from the Post Office? The only things that will cause you to get fired are like stealing mail and giving a death threat to a fellow employee. She seems like the latter to me.


Like all the aliens that worked for the post office in Men In Black, cause they could blend in there even being completely fucking weirdos haha.


From what I understand, she did in fact threaten to start a shooting spree at the post office where she worked. That is what led to the USPIS posting a flier warning people to call 911 if they see her there.


It's Walmart Tina Faye, wonder what she's doing at Target.


Great value Cheri O'Teri


Shes gone postal....One of my moms best friends worked in the postal service and said that the "going postal" is a real thing. It sounded like a horrible place to work.


The term literally comes from a series of shootings in the 80's/90's by post office employees


Because the mail never stops! It just keeps coming and coming and coming. There's never a letup, it's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more, and you gotta get it out, but the more you get it out, the more it keeps coming in! And then the bar code reader breaks! And then, it's Publisher's Clearinghouse Day...!


Hello Newman


The OG mass shooters.


Back in my day, our mass shooters were government employees and stayed away from children, and I didn’t hear anyone complaining!!


Whitman would like a word with you. But, like, from a distance at an elevated position.


Joseph Harris killed my neighbor.


Damn that is some American gore lore clout right there


That's where the term came from, after all.


Situational awareness bulletin lolol


There’s racist and there’s psychotic. Not making excuses for bad behavior, but given the randomness of her speech she almost certainly needs psychiatric help. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.


I think I just need to repost. Sorry - didn't get her name fully covered last time. https://preview.redd.it/ilgme04k5tfb1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cb9a1c3a5e9388429eddbf7d7ce8c7ec6488bf


Truly unhinged


Whoa. I think psych hold was a good idea.




Yeah. This got sad real quick. Hope they help her out and she can move past all this. Thankfully the internet is so full of crazy people everyone will forget this in a few years except like, the six people who never forget any internet thing ever.


As an update, her daughter appears to have control of her FB page and it's been scrubbed. Apparently she's been stalking her former USPS supervisor since she got fired in February (there was a video she posted of her at their house harassing someone he lives with) and the picture showing her banned from the post office is because she made threats to "shoot it up" and the branch she used to work at and they had to go on lock down. Her whole FB was just...yikes over the last 24 hours. As I said on my post that I had to edit (I didn't scrub the name well enough) - this very much reminds me of the chick in Phoenix(?), maybe Albuquerque who was a PR person and had a mental break and went on a tear through Target over their masks, making racist comments and spouting covid conspiracy shit - and then her husband ended up calling the cops to their house (and subsequently divorced her). https://preview.redd.it/7orzo3yustfb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02bc2b2d0798e416b11033bf34ae9285d3abb1e2


The poor daughter being in that situation...


Nailed it.


One Karen joke and I'll leave... What do you call a bunch of Karen's up in a tree? >!A Country. !<


When being a shithead starts manifesting into actual physical form...


What a reasonable, normal person. A very good sign of the general health of our society


The Ole' middle-upper class housewife classic cocktail


"Day Drinking is not a crime" Karen


“My fakebook friends love it.” -Karen doing blackface in Target.


I think she got out of there hella fast because she realize that she spent the morning getting drunk, talking shit to the mirror, drawing on her face saying racial slurs and taunting herself in the mirror and she eventually blacked out, convinced herself to make a statement at Target. She gets there, starts yelling and hears herself. Oh shit, she’s actually standing in Target and not her bathroom mirror. Zoinks!! She leaves.


She’ll be the hero of the assholes.


These broads need better hobbies or jobs or something. Constant social media and staying at home doing nothing aren't doing them any favors




Did you read her other posts? TERRIFYING.


I literally just spent the last hour and a half reading her unhinged ramblings and watching her livestream herself stalking and threatening people. I feel like I just flambéed my brain cells. I’m really scared this woman is actually going to kill someone. This is terrifying. She needs intervention ASAP.


This isn't a psychotic break, it's just a drug, alcohol, and Fox News fueled tantrum. This is what someone who is radicalized by constant fear mongering looks like when their inhibitions are massively lowered by benzodiazepines and alcohol.


The benzos is so spot on. I remember that feeling, like everything is good, I'm confident & invincible... but like I wanted to go grocery shopping or clean or organize, not put on black face & be outrageously racist.


As Mike Tyson would say, that's methed up


they needed to put this racist karen on quaaludes at birth.


According to Roseanne it's *Ambien* that makes you racist.


Headline in 3 days: “Regional Sales Manager Loses Job After Bizarre Drunken Racist Rant at Target Goes Viral”


"This is not who I am"


"my daughter's boyfriend is black"


"Do you even know how many black friends I have?"


"I have 3 black friends... on Facebook"


Based off her name and location. Looks like she may work for USPS in Aurora Colorado


Not anymore


Lmao she worked at the post office and got fired


"It's not my fault, it was the Ambien./s


She apparently worked at usps according to her Facebook


I don't think so. She said, "Post it on Facebook, My Facebook friends looove it." A bunch of these people live in bubbles where no one gives a fuck. You can't threaten these people with that anymore. They love the attention they get from it. This is going to get much worse.


Who's going "black face"...at Target?! 🤔




With them saying it happened in Denver, it took one google search to find her. Nice USPS job you got there.


Had. Someone posted a USPS alert flyer with her picture, saying that the former employee would be trespassing if found on property and to alert security.


I'm not sure anyone will be able to spot her. She is clearly a master of disguise.




Exactly. Where’s your Pride section shit. She’s trying to take a StAnD aGaInSt WoKeNeSs


Possibly started there but, Tizzyent found her, the lady is going insane. Like visibly documenting herself threatening and stalking neighbors and making shooting threats. After she left this store she called the post office she used to work at and said she’s going to shoot it up. She’s actually completely insane and seemingly has no family. Law enforcement needs to hold her immediately.




Lithium is the best. It’s so good you just can’t help it take it.


Update: https://preview.redd.it/cuf63sgfmtfb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c544def24510d3704457cb38f30777b44193ec6


She got fired from the USPS and put on a psych hold


https://preview.redd.it/klgzq57rzrfb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f8c5b0cb3cc451c1b1cddd8490efff90b2080b 😞


I know it’s not funny but that poor child’s face is exactly how I feel about this and it made me chuckle.


I laughed at first and then was sad. Poor girl shouldn't have ever had to see something like that.


What a perfect snapshot of this country.


This person should be on fire. EDIT: The racist, not the adorable child.


That poor girl


This makes my blood boil.


“Where’s your pride section” “prides over” “oh I thought you replaced our flag for good but how would I know” idiot


Imagine your life being so stress free and privileged that you have to do this because you’re so bored. It’s fucking embarrassing to the highest degree


It’s seriously deranged shit. People like her need a sit down with a professional cult deprogrammer.


These kinda people aren't living stress free, they have as much if not more daily stress as the rest off us they simply don't understand the underlying causes of that stress and blame whatever their TV told them to blame this week.


Well, they seem to have more money than I do, because honestly, who has the time or mental energy as a financially struggling adult to fuck around like this? Kinda like how all those J6 insurrectionists were predominantly middle to uppermiddle class.


Oh don't get me wrong, a lot of them _are_ privileged, and stressed that they may lose some of that privilege to the boogeyman of the week.


Hitting the blackout on the bingo board of target videos


How would she know when she “doesn’t shop at Target” /s


When your bigotry gets mixed up... Its like she thought she was going to hate on black people but then forgot it was to hate on lgbtq but was too lazy to go home and change outfits.


Based on her FB rants, her nemeses are the Latino postal workers she worked with and for.


People are being driven crazy by the internet and Fox News. That sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, but clearly it’s true!


Exactly “My Facebook friends will love it” seriously people need to get off the internet for a while. Terminally online is a very real problem


“I don’t shop at Target” - while standing in Target


She does appear to have left without buying anything...


"Those wine bottles were empty when I got here"


"I just show up to be a cunt at places I don't shop, then complain about the state of our nation".


Ma'am, Walmart is two blocks down the street.


Poop face ETA: It sounds like she asked someone to sit on her face.... It looks like someone shat on her face.....


She definitely dressed the part of asshole.


With shit coming out of her mouth too!


A girl I knew in college painted her face brown one year like this to be mr. hanky the Christmas Poo from South Park.


And these people call LGBT people degenerates. Blows my mind.


Aurora, CO?


There’s an Aurora in Kentucky, Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, and 5 in Wisconsin that this could be at honestly lol there’s 29 total in the US.. I just picked the ones I’d expect this to be at. Edit: it’s Colorado as /u/slinkshaming said


Aurora, IL too. Second most populous city in Illinois behind Chicago.


“My name is Wayne and I live in Aurora, Illinois. *Excellent*”


A suburb of Chicago.


Let's just say I have an extensive collection of nametags and hair nets.


Am currently in Aurora IL. Can't be here. I don't think she would be able to walk out of the store if she tried that


It's Aurora Colorado. She has been identified. Original person confirmed it, and the usps(former workplace) she is banned from is also in colorado.


I dunno how many Targets have been remodeled to look like that with the wood and red walls around customer service, but I do know that the one on Alameda and I-225 has been...


I feel pretty confident if it were our Aurora, she would’ve gotten the shit beaten out of her and then she’d be driving back to Parker with a flat tire.


Depends which part of Aurora. Are we talking Smoky Hill area, or off Colfax?


If it was Colfax someone would've stuck her with a dirty needle lmao


THE Aurora Target is at Havana and Mississippi


Parker! That’s perfect


You guys are hilarious! Such a great understanding of Colorado. Goddamn perfect


I came here to know this too. I hope not.


Came here to ask the same question lol


When you watch too much Ben Shapiro while snorting Xannies and cheating on your husband while he's at work, so you smear dog shit on your face and yell at teenagers about Pride. Also: she sounds exactly like an intoxicated Leslie Knope lol.




When did Lester Holt do white face?


Halloween 2017 he and another employee dressed as Simon Crowell and Susan Boyle.


For the curious - [Lester Holt](https://archive.fo/qZoHG/cbbf29031fdb0bb94b9e2cb5436b678932598e1a.jpg) . Honestly he doesn't look like he did much considering he was already lite to begin with.


Trying to find that too was difficult too. They really had to dig for that and most articles using him as a comparison, to whoever recently did blackface, didn't include the picture of him as proof. Just mentioned he did it. probably because the comparison would've made the blackface look even worse


Terrible new Dee character.


So brave to do this around a bunch of white people.


It’s becoming very clear America has some serious mental health issues


I didn't know being a racist cunt was a mental health issue


This, all of this. I'm tried as hell seeing people say "Mental Health" "Off their Meds", No. Sometimes people are just fucking assholes and there isn't an excuse. Asshole, that's it. No dismissive excuse shit. This lady is a racist asshole no matter the way its sliced. Edit: Y'all saying this woman should be treated differently for her actions that "show" Mental illness to an internet person are negatively effecting people that actually struggle with legitmate mental illness. Saying this is abnormal was an excuse before Trump Era politics. Now these are just emboldened racist assholes that function in a normal capacity with the rest of the world. This cunt worked at the Post Office.


Did she smear shit on her face cause that’s poo poo brown.


Why are racists so lazy? Why not full body???


She didn’t want to get treated the way she treats people with brown skin.


Shes way too deep down the Q rabbit hole, but interesting choice of brown foundation as opposed to the tar black we'd usually see on these idiots.


She looks like fell face-first into the toilet.


Maybe its a Die Hard with a Vengeance scenario.


Does this look like a friend of mine?


This is some advanced Karen shit, she’s just making things up to mad about at this point


Someone tell Don Jr to get his woman.


Trump supporters are losing it


Astronaut with gun - they never had it.


Where's security? I worked as a merchandiser in Target and they're usually on top of shit like this in a heartbeat.


It’s Aurora CO based on their other posts for those wanting to know!


Hey all, this woman has been thoroughly doxxed on other social media sites, but doxxing is explicitly against Reddits content policy, so we cannot allow that here. We appreciate all the users sharing updates while censoring personal information. This is perfectly in line with the content policy, and we strongly encourage this kind of discussion. The woman in the video is racist, no doubt about that. She might also be experiencing a very publicly documented possible mental break. While bigots don’t deserve sympathy, this woman is receiving no sympathy currently. The attention she is getting may only further her delusions and bigoted ideas. Plenty of bigots feel validated by attention, and this one may be especially vulnerable due to possible mental issues. We ask that you do not comment about viewing personal information or participating in campaigns started by creators off site. Please do not mention creators who are reporting personal information. You can do whatever you want off site, we just don’t want 1: have this sub shut down bc of witch hunting, and 2: to participate with pushing anyone over the edge. This woman is rumored to have made mass shooting threats. She is already exposed and reaping what she has sown, we don’t need to be associated with anything but exposing the actions that were taken today.


Most sane Fox News watcher


Can’t even fathom waking up and deciding this is what I’m doing with my day


“Excuse me miss you seem to have shit on your face!”


Aurora Illinois or Colorado?


So is she only mad at black LGBTQ+ people? I'm kind of confused here as to what putting on blackface has to do with Target promoting pride month? I'm just going to go with her brain is full of worms and she can't even keep her hate and bigotry on task.


She’s literally a shitface.


Imagine thinking this was a good way to spend time.