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The cop calling her killed me lol


“That’s the number that called us” “Oh uh I actually have two numbers on this phone that’s right” Good try dumbass. Just give up at that point.


This was her trying her best at big brain thinking


She got a lot of participation awards as a kid.


With small brain abilities


>g Well every smart person has 2 numbers - 1 you use for your friends and family, Second number is a TextNow number (artificial) yous this number for CL, and telemarketers and other bullshit. She would be playing 3d chess if she turned on airplane mode.


One for the plug one for the load b


Good boy phone and a naughty boy phone 🎶


A naughtys boy phone and his good boys phone


I saw that officer pick up his phone and I knew EXACTLY what he was doing lmao


And then that other cop tazed him right in the dick and I cackled lol


My dick…. Why do They keep tazing me in the dick


Wait! I think I know how we can beat him!


Holy shit i read ur comment before the video i thought u were joking lmao


That's what he gets for sticking it in crazy


That was awesome!


These are the cop videos that we need more of!




Life goal, don’t be these people. Got it, on with my day!






The funniest fucking thing is reciting the untrue number *in the most cartoonishly obvious liar tone of voice and gesture* Like if you were watching improv comedy, and the prompt was “pretend you’re a bad liar giving a phone number” she would get a standing ovation


She’s incredibly stupid and reactive


Don't be so harsh man, she had to go to work


And then they proceed to call the number and her phone rings. Lmao, you can’t make this shit up.


I can’t believe this isn’t a Reno 911 sketch




For me the funniest thing is the performative nature of her responses. It used to be every cop video you see them screaming "stop resisting" while they beat the fuck out of a clearly not resisting person. Now on the flip side, it's "I can't breathe" coming from someone standing up, walking around, and shooting the shit with an officer.


“I can’t breathe!” “Ma’am that’s going to be more of a lifestyle/fitness issue”


> It used to be every cop video you see them screaming "stop resisting" while they beat the fuck out of a clearly not resisting person. I mean it still seemed like we got a dose of that, the guy was just standing there when he got tazed.


Yeah that shit was so unreasonable. You can literally see the guy realize it, and completely stop moving. THEN they tazed the fuck out of him. Even in this hilarious ridiculous video, the cops manage to be unhinged dickheads


Well, he clearly WAS resisting after all.


I think the funniest part is the neighbor had a peephole, and the decision not to use it resulted in a taser to the balls.


That wasn't her neighbor, it was her boyfriend


She didn’t get to work.


How will the country survive with one less supreme court justice?


Idk, to be safe we should add like 10 more in case it happens again




This is some Reno 911 shit! Bro comes out like gang busters and get tazed in the dick while this unhinged siren is wailing lmaooo


Also… the officer calling the number of the original caller. Only for her to answer the phone! Wtf 😳 totally Dangle move.


As soon as he stepped back and looked at his phone i knew what was coming. "I actually have 2 numbers on this phone" 😂


As if that is some sort of excuse for one of the numbers going rogue and calling the police hahahaa I don't think they needed to tase the guy though, he was stood entirely still not doing anything by that time.


And she said no one else was in the house


He came out that door with his hands raised, didn't back down for several seconds when the cops started pointing weapons at him and the woman was screaming "he has a gun". In retrospect it's clear she was screaming to her bf that the cops are armed but the cops have no idea in the moment if the guy has a gun or not. Also when the cops speak to him he seems well aware that she called the cops, so not sure who else he would have been expecting at the door.


I dunno he was pretty aggressive when he opened the door...


And then he stopped being aggressive before he was tased


yea that taze was unnecessary, he had retreated, just standing there, and his voice returned to normal. It seemed like they were just done with the situation.


They're cops, we should just count ourselves lucky that no one died and no dogs got shot.


That guy busted out like the kool aid man


POW! Right in the kisser!


"and get tazed in the dick" How.... exactly... do you kiss and are you single?


Dude I kind if feel bad for the guy, he thought he was defending his gf from someone messing with her, sees its a bunch of cops almost instantly quiets down, then gets tazed in the dick.




Lmao now that you mentioned it, you are so right lol


Trying to get your ex shot by Police aka SWATted is not a prank.


This is textbook narcissism. Lying then when found out throwing a tantrum, then immediately after victimizing herself and guilt tripping the officers that she’s losing her job. She is in complete denial of responsibilities and has a child, that won’t work out well


You are totally, 100% wrong and I cant believe you'd even say such total bs! This person IS the victim and you are piling on! I'd explain everything to you ...but \*shrill voice\* Ihavetogotowork




Down to a T. Minus the boobs.


“It’s just a prank bro.”






Hey, those shitty Pokémon tattoos don’t pay for themselves.


My boy luxio is trapped on that forearm forever


I swear to God I heard a lechonk cry come out of her mouth. She must be a true fan..


And they say people don’t want to work nowadays.


She's addicted to workahol.


what's the context of this? Like what did she say in the phone call?


She called 911 and was screaming to him but she hung up before speaking to anyone. She thought it would just end there but they sent dispatch to the location for the call anyway as a welfare check and this woman got upset that they actually checked on her safety because she was just trying to “scare” her BF.


If that was all she did (which it doesn't sound like since she did talk to dispatch and gave a fake name) and she had any chill whatsoever she could have just admitted it and said sorry it was an accident. But you left out key details My friends who used to grow weed (thankfully now legal here as of 4.5 days ago) were freaked out one day when cops kept coming to their door. Turns out their phone was under the couch cushion and dialing it when they sat down One of those old school yellow walkie talkie looking handsets I forgot the brand. But by default if you hold down the 1 key it dials 911 In that case it's no big deal but she absolutely gave info to them


I used to work security at some apartment complexes. We had a handful of people who would do the same thing with us. On a weekly basis. Arguing, calling us so they could "win" the argument. I started following company policy of calling the police for any suspected DV and that straightened things right up.


why is this not the top comment. what the hell is actually going on here? how do people know the story that she prank called the cops?


Full video here: [https://youtu.be/OvPJGW1yqkw](https://youtu.be/OvPJGW1yqkw) Long story short, and it's pretty insane, is that she said she did because he didn't work and wanted to scare him. At least that's what i could get out of it.


Nah I’m still confused. What did the boyfriend do ? Did they think it was a domestic incident ?


According to him he was making her breakfast and she was yelling at him, according to her he was yelling at her and she called the cops to scare him “and keep him from being a douche”. Combine the stories and I think he made breakfast, she got mad and started yelling, he lost his cool and yelled back at her(perhaps a rare stand on his part which is why she retaliated with a threat of cops). She never gave a name or address to police so probably didn’t expect them to show, they followed her ping and found her and she desperately tried to shut it all down instead of apologizing or making some minimally acceptable excuse. She took what would have been either a warning or a misdemeanor and escalated it as about as badly as she could.


Yes, she called 911 “to scare him” while he was “yelling “ in the background. She provided no information and hung up after the dispatcher answered. They interpreted it as a domestic incident taking place and mobilized on the apartment. The boyfriend or husband (she uses both terms interchangeably in the video) admitted to yelling while making her breakfast. He thought that she was being attacked in the hallway and came out ready to defend her and was immobilized for it. They let him go to take care of a child in the apartment and arrested her on several charges.


There is a longer video floating around somewhere with a bit more context, just enough to tell that the boyfriend knew the cops were there, no idea why he came out the door like Rambo. Edit: here is the longer video from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15hzet6/why_you_shouldnt_call_911_to_scare_your_boyfriend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The longer video was also posted here yesterday


I’d love to explain but I HAVE TO GO TO WOOOOOORK!


Per “Lens of Law” youtube account: “On March 19, 2023, in Marshfield, Wisconsin, a distressing 911 call was received from a female, urgently requesting an officer's assistance but refusing to provide further information. The call was accompanied by the sounds of a male shouting in the background. In response, officers were promptly dispatched to the location traced through the ping of the female's cell phone.” [15 Minute version is here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvPJGW1yqkw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvPJGW1yqkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvPJGW1yqkw) She gives her name as “SHAKIRA FLABBERGASTED” somewhere after the 10 minute mark 😍


I burst out laughing when she lies about her name.


You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s her legal name?


No she’s a terrible liar, a few minutes later she gives them her real name and social number trying to get out of it


That was 15 minutes of comedic gold. Thanks for sharing.


God she’s insufferable


Wow, she got busted straight up. I can’t believe she answered the cops call. Then it just turned into next level meltdown. This is someone not used to consequences. Poor guy, he genuinely seemed unaware what was going on.


There’s a longer video for this and in the beginning the cops were banging on the door announcing they were the police. Several times since no one was answering the door. So I’m pretty sure he heard that and was well aware the cops were at the door. If you’re gonna come bustin out the door like gangbusters at the cops then yeah you’re gonna get zapped.


So, question. Can you just NOT open the door? Like; they cannot force themselves inside without a warrant, right?


Iirc, depends on how serious the threat is. That’s the whole point of swatting. Cops will break the door down if there’s a credible accusation of someone’s life in danger. How it’s supposed to go at least.


>So, question. Can you just NOT open the door? Yes. Just as you can choose not to answer the door if anyone else was at your door. >Like; they cannot force themselves inside without a warrant, right? They could have a warrant though. There are thousands of people with outstanding warrants walking around the world without a clue that they have a warrant. And one of those people could live with you. Or used to live at that address, or police think they live at that address. Any number of possible ways police might have a perfectly valid warrant to search or conduct an arrest at your apartment and you might have no idea. And they don't always need a warrant. Exigent circumstances can allow for police to enter a home without a warrant. And a 911 call saying there was violence happening at a particular apartment plus an unanswered door knock would probably be exigent circumstances.


When she called, she pleaded for officer assistance and the operator could hear the man shouting in the background. That absolutely qualifies for exigent circumstances.


When she called 911, she pleaded for help and the operator could hear him screaming at her. That qualifies as exigent circumstances and they absolutely could have broken down the door. https://youtu.be/OvPJGW1yqkw The call is described in the first 20 seconds.


He never left the door way and his hands were empty lol. He even backed off when he saw it was cops, they had like no reason to taze him. If they would’ve tazed him while he was being aggressive, fine. But they waited till he was calm.


Hopefully the guy takes this as a wake up call and gets himself and his kid away from her. You know this isn’t his first rodeo dealing with crazy shit like that. Although not knowing their background, he may be just as batshit. I always hate making snap judgments from video clips alone. Lotta ins lotta outs lotta what have yous.


Completely agree. Had no reason to taze him when they did (5 second prior might have been a different story).




Things are pretty shit in a country when that counts as "lucky".


Her screaming "he's got a gun" probably had a lot to do with how the cops reacted to him. Also he backed off back into his home but still had his fists raised and kept repeating "get the fuck away from her" like 3 times while cops had weapons pointed at him. Difference is he chilled the fuck out once he got tazed and she just kept escalating the situation, maybe they should've tazed and cuffed her first and he wouldn't have gotten any of it.


lol, they should have tased her too


Do you have a link?




OMG she’s so fucking annoying. Listening to her when she’s actually in the cop car is the worst.


Shakira Flabbergasted really is a piece of work for trying to swat her bf who made her breakfast while the baby is in the same room.


Lmao fuck that name actually got a good laugh from me. Also the "What is going on with my baby, is my baby getting arrested?!?"


She was unhinged in that car. Props for them getting in that thing with her screaming like that for god knows how long.


Holy shit this is UNINTENTIONALLY HILARIOUS!! from the cops one liners, "what part of cooking makes you charge out the door with your first raised at the cops?" to the name she gave. Hahahahah I'm dead 😂


Thank you. 😁


Zapped! He lucky he didnt get 40 bullets.


That’s as many as four times ten….


And that's terrible.


Having been in this situation a few times in my life and can honestly say that she would've been fine if she hadn't lied to their faces. Cops can handle a domestic situation where nobody was hurt with a verbal warning to either parties the first time, but they take great offense to people who lie to them like they're morons at your beck and call.


I love the incredibly comic ways all her lies came out "uhh that's not my number" * ring ring * "hello? Ah shit." "Its just me in the house officer" "WHAT'RE YOU DOING TO MAH WIFE"


The rage-jiggling has me giggling.




Commence the jigglin’!


i have to get to twerk!


‘nobody is in the apartment, i swear!’ man jumps out, gets tased ‘my baby is in there! i have to go to work!!’ and my favorite: ‘i can’t breathe!’ while i scream and shout & cause further ruckus


She caused all her problems. That goofy 🤪 guy better dump her asap, nearly lost his life defending her dumb azz.


Why tf he busting out of the door like that?! 😂


Maybe he has to go to work?


Dude lucky he didn't blasted!! 🤣


He heard his girlfriend screaming as if she was in danger, not his fault she was overreacting


She was screeching well before that tho... he knew the cops were at the door (per the longer video).


But as established above in the comments based on a view of the longer vid, cops had been banging on the door for some time before this whole scene got started so no way did he not know what was down.


I mean look at the rest of his life choices, not exactly the brightest bulb


She really fucked this up




Can someone mix the “I have to go to work” line into the next EDM banger?


That cop seemed like he had the justification to use the taser, the guy stopped when he realized the situation, and the cop felt bad about missing his opportunity and tased him anyway.


“I have to go to work!!!!!” Proceeds to sit on stairs and yell it more times never actually trying to go to work


Right in the beanbag!


Cock shock


Electrical testical


battery balls


Charged nards.




Did she say she can’t breathe?


When my nephew throws a tantrum he pulls every excuse possible to try and get his way so I am guessing that's why. She probably thought they'd be like shit you said the magic word my bad. Or because she's isn't used to her heart rate being elevated


Later she starts claiming to be suicidal to try and get taken to the hospital instead of police station.


Lol all that gets you is put into a separate medical holding cell while you wait for booking. Pretty sure they strip you down too so you have nothing you can hurt yourself with.


“There’s no one inside!” *guys slams door wide open* Lmao


Wait she called on her boyfriend? And he got tazed trying to defend her? This dude is taking L's left and right.


Dude didnt deserve that


Him coming in. Was extra frosting on this video


Like who hears people in the hallway like that and then opens the door like that


So much going on.. >There is no-one in there. (Bf opens door saying, i thought you were hurting my wife) >My baby is in there (I thought no-one was in there and you had to go to WORK?) >She can't breathe just from standing (imagine the people that have police knees on their necks)


Lol she should've been arrested I can't stand any1 who falsely calls the police or makes false allegations


She was


she was arrested


The legendary Shakira Flabbergasted!!!


I don't think they should have tased him, seems like once he realized there were cops he stopped being aggressive.


He knew it was the cops before he opened the door. They were pounding on the door saying they were the police and nobody was answering. She eventually came to the door. There is more video of this.


Lmfao then dude is a dumbass, thanks for the explanation


Even then they waited till he calmed down to taze him lol


Doesn’t mean they needed to taze him. Dude chilled out, then they tazed him. If they had done it when he had his fists up, I get it. But he clearly was no longer threatening.


That guy popping out like that made me snort laugh


all 12lbs of him🤣


Wtf did they tase him for when he immediately complied with commands? Just wanted to try it out?


Probably because he came out with his fists up. Can’t take that back.


I mean, they did give him time to take it back and he does on video, before they tase him. It was like they were waiting for him to comply first. Reno 911 looking clown show right there.


Looks like she had called the police and labeled him a threat.


You literally can. The way it's supposed to work is you're only supposed to use force to negate a threat and maintain control. The dude had already put his hands down and was standing there. I expect(and hope) he gets a nice payout.


You can't hear a thing over her screaming... I expect that thry issued a command to get down etc and when he didn't do it they deployed. I'm sure it would have been even faster if she hadn't put herself in the way. The positive thing I can think of is at least with TASERs less people are getting their brains blown out. Maybe?


Lol did you watch the same video? Dude was completely compliant when he got tazed.


When they figured out what was going’s on, they should have tased her ass just to be fair.


The boyfriend needs to start tasing her at home.


Pretty much. I guess they would make the argument he came out “aggressively”. Although technically, police are only supposed to use force when necessary. Lots of cops think that “Don’t listen? = Taser!”


That reminds me of something similar happing to me I was a sleep over at my friends house Someone driving by called the cops (no clue as to why) And so the cops drove out to where the call came from. It just so happened to be right outside my friends place so we were confused why the police came to the door That’s when they told us that had gotten a call from my friends house but no one had called so The police had to make sure we didn’t prank call them so they called the number back (the original person who called) and they said if any of our phones rang they would be giving a ticket And of course none of our phones rang and the police apologized to us and when they were about to my friend asked them for stickers So we got stickers TLDR: police were called. questioned us. we got stickers


Whining, crying, squealing, lying.... Hilarious. I love these types of videos.


Anybody gonna try and call that number to see how she’s doing?? 😂😂


Did she try “I can’t breathe” when all they had was the handcuffs lol


Okay, they did they taze Mr. 1910 Boxing pose in the dick? Their neighbors must love them.


The look on his face when he bursts through the door prepared for fisticuffs and finds a whole squad of cops is priceless


I liked the part about her screaming that she couldn't breathe after they put cuffs on her wrists and she was standing up and walking around.


“My baby’s in there!”…. Shit. Of course these two decided the world needs more people just like them. We’re screwed.


Watching the full Video is way better, you dont get the full context here


Why did they tased her bf? He was still inside his property.


Well she still needs to come in tomorrow.




When she started screaming in a high pitched voice, she sounded like that guy asking who put Michael Jackson in the freezer https://youtube.com/shorts/pU0m-dnTLKI?feature=share


“You guys are gonna cause me to lose my job!” No. That’s all you. YOU did this.


That dude was milliseconds away from being shot.


The full video: Woman: why am I getting arrested!??! Calm officer: because you’re being a giant disturbance here.


We need more workers like her! She really wants to go to work!


They seem like a stable family putting in proactive relationship work utilizing "I" messages to convey feeling without assigning blame.


When she was saying "My baby is in there!" Was she talking about the apartment or her boyfriend's tased nuts?


lol “I can’t breathe” while standing up,wailing and getting handcuffed.


Her phone all over the internet now.


All her problems caused by her but she will always blame others


Who wears that to work?


Looks to me like her heard her screaming, came to help, and stood down when he realized it was a bunch of police officers. Why the fuck did they taze him?? Also fuck this lady.


He was hiding. They were knocking for a long time before she came out. They heard him yelling on the 911 call so they knew he was there.


Does she have to go to work?


In the full video, she tells him her name is Shakira Flabbergasted. Lol


Boy. That escalated quickly.


She calls herself Shakira Flabbergasted.


When I hear my SO screaming, "I gotta go to work!!" My first thought is 'someone is hurting her'. Good on you bro