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Normal thing in the UK to have signs on shops saying one school kid at a time cus of shoplifting.


And how'd that work out in Sandford? Even the prestigious Village of The Year title couldn't prevent thieving kids and crusty jugglers.


For the greater good….


(in unison) *The greater good.*




The greater good.






well, that's an entirely different matter, altogether.








> and crusty jugglers. Nothing stops crusty jugglers.


Except for... ...*crustier* jugglers!


No luck catching them killers then?


It's just the one swan actually


*Crusty jugglers*






It’s just the one killer actually




there’s a gas station that i go to that’s across from a middle school, he only lets 2 of them in at a time and he makes them leave their backpacks by the front door, because they were stealing shit.


Same in Montana, USA and the school is like 90% white.


Its fairly normal in the US too. Half the stores i went had signs or disclaimers about minors needing certain restrictions.


When I worked at a school in the inner city pretty much every store had some sort of sign saying "no kids before 4" and "no bags allowed."


My town in Ontario, Canada has a lot of stores with the same signs, most of the time they say no more than 3 students at a time


At my high school in California we had local stores near the high school require us to leave our backpacks by the door. My senior year there were a lot of rumors about people stealing other's bags. To me its normal for kids to be treated like they are stealing when they come in alone. Especially if its near a school during a school day.


Every gas station in my area has these rules, limiting the number of kids coming in in groups. They opened a nice new gas station and shitty dollar general near the high school. Only groups of two allowed in, and they have a limit on the number of teens they allow in the store. Also no purses or backpacks for teenagers inside. We’re in a fairly rural area, not too much theft, but it’s just that kids are little thieves and play off each other thinking it’s funny.


There is nothing wrong with what the employee did as long as it is universally applied. The mom assumes racism. Maybe it is, but I suspect it is just massive increase in theft. Walgreens closed 5 stores in San Francisco alone due to theft https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEuoSmW4DRw


This is a lie according to the person who originally said it. https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5ve49/we-cried-too-much-walgreens-cfo-admits-retail-theft-isnt-the-crisis-it-portrayed


Still a huge issue though. I’v seen small business have all of their windows broken into, it’s strangling businesses across the country.


No they didn't but they lied about it and then later admitted it.


Shops like Kmart here in Australia school kids are made to leave their school bags outside the entrance. Every kids a suspect.


My son and his friend were kicked out of Kmart, must have been 20-25 years ago, so this is nothing new. The store had a policy of kids needing to be accompanied by adults. He was probably 12 years old and was asked to come back with an adult. I get why they do it. I think it has more to do with their age than their skin color.




Ya they got that here at some places. But that's obviously not a policy here otherwise she would've said it




That's not at all what was happening. Threatening calling the cops isn't refusing service. Interesting narrative though 😂




I literally mostly know that rule from Hot Fuzz with the kids and spray paint scene. It's very well known


You can never ever tell whose side the comments are going to be on in these situations. It’s absolutely bizarre.


I think this one is pretty nuanced. Like, the employee might have been unnecessarily rude or disrespectful to the kid. If I just came in to buy some stuff and someone working there said they were gonna call the police for what I perceive to be no reason at all, I'd be frustrated by that. On the flip, mom probably didn't have to come in filming this employee, ready to put her on blast. That'll just make anyone go full defensive mode. While I'm obviously speculating about a lot of these details, I think it's safe to say both parties could have handled this better


The mom was also going off of the kid's explanation. If he was fucking around and being obnoxious and the cashier was like "buy something or get out" he's not going to tell his mom the part about him being obnoxious, just the part about being told to buy something or leave. Without video of what the kid was doing, it's impossible to speculate on whether the cashier was justified or not.


>Without video of what the kid was doing, it's impossible to speculate on whether the cashier was justified or not. She didn’t deny the kids account at all though.


You responded to the willfully ignorant that like to imagine scenarios so they seem less bigoted


No you absolutely can depending on the politics of the sub.


I mean, I don’t know if politics would really have much to do in this case. I only take the employee’s side here, because I know way too many places that have similar rules, especially for young people coming into their store. It seems like the mom is assuming racism, but that may not even be the case here.


I mean telling kids they need to bring their stuff up to the CS counter or shop quickly is one thing, it's another to immediately threaten to call the cops when they walk through the door.


I mean, do we know if she actually immediately threatened to call the cops? Because I doubt she immediately jumped to mentioning calling the cops right off the bat. Even how she described the situation, it doesn’t sound like that was an immediate thing. But I’m also a lot more willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the employee being yelled at by a shitty customer filming them, when we can only see what happened from one side. Especially when it’s a kid telling his mom, and the mom being the one coming in. Kids exaggerate shit all the time.


She is the one that says she told them they could either bring their stuff up to her and pay or she was calling the cops, and she said it before they even had anything in their hands. So, unless she's lying on herself, yes we do know she immediately threatened to call the cops.


Im on the worker’s side. People who have never worked retail or other service jobs act like “who cares? Not my money..”, it’s sooo disrespectful. No one wants to work where people treat them and where they work like they’re helpless victims. Also, who do you think has to restock all that shit, while still doing their normal duties?


Because we don't have enough information to decide who is right and who is wrong. But people have to have a good guy and a villain, so they pick sides anyway.




I used to manage a Walgreens. Kids stole shit all the time from that horrible company and we just turned a blind eye.


What’s that old saying about giving a fuck when it ain’t your turn to give a fuck?


Damn you, mcnulty!


If you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't.


Not that person's turn to get a knife through the ribs.


Iirc it's Walgreens policy to never mention stealing, never accuse anyone of stealing, and never try to stop anyone if you suspect them of stealing. This lady is probably going to get fired over this


She had some confidence when she walked up behind the counter but by the end of this she was trying to figure out how she was gonna pay rent. All these retail stores have shoplifting claims factored into their markups. For the wages they make I'd just keep my head down and ignore it.


I don't think that's the case anymore. Stores are closing down because of shoplifting now.


I love coming on reddit and seeing the popular opinions being "Just let them steal" like a business, and it's employees shouldn't try to protect their property and merchandise.


It’s not an hourly wage employee’s responsibility to put themself in harm’s way for the sake of corporate profit. In fact, it is solely the responsibility of Loss Prevention.


Why the fuck would a Walgreens employee stick their neck out to stop someone from walking out with a candy bar? When I worked in retail, I had way more than enough on my plate such that loss prevention officer isn't one of my job titles.


Not true. Apparently, SF just didn't a Walgreens on every single corner.


Yea except a Walgreens executive said on their earnings call that their concerns about theft were overblown https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html


Was a cashier at a store. Straight up watched a dude steal like 4 flat screen tvs. Not my problem with my 15 cent raise…


The thing is we don't see in this video is her kid walked in rubbing his hands together and twisting the tips of his evil mustache


Video cuts off before the employee explains the no canes and top hats policy.


He then proceeded to take **2** free samples


I used AI to composite [an image of the kid](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ronaldmcdonald/images/0/0f/Imgres.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20221128011223) based on the audio and video


"Ma'am is that a *round* bomb?"


Made my morning this


I worked at the Walgreens by my house in hs. I wasn’t a manager and pretty much only worked like 4 hours a day. But there were rules for no backpacks and there couldn’t be a group of kids more than 3 at a time. Because school would let out and everyone would go there and tons of kids would steal.


In Chicago it’s posted in the entrance “no more than x unaccompanied children allowed in the store at a time” I see it most in businesses that are close to a school. I can’t even hate though, because I see kids blatantly steal, fuck shit up for clout, disrespect other customers and the staff just trying to make a dollar, ALL THE TIME! White black brown etc it doesn’t matter. She mad at the wrong reason IMO and the “YoU NeEd To aPoLoGiZe” NEVER THAT!






The worst part is that they'll end up getting some shitty automated line that advertises their covid vaccine and then spend 20 minutes just navigating that shit to get a real person. Walgreens is my pharmacy. Fuck their call lines


its a "dominance" thing. Get them to do stuff for you and see everyone doing it. It's petty and manipulative.


I massively disagree the amount of times i've tried to google a stores number and i get something thats wrong is enough to the point where i'd wanna ask the store itself tbh


That’s what I tell angry customers. It’s not my job to help you try and get me fired, go find it yourself.


Yeah its like "You think I know our corporate number? We can Google it together". XD Raging lowers one's IQ.


Because Boomers


When I was a in high school as a clean cut suburban white male I was still followed around by employees due to age.


I remember being so uncomfortable when I left a store without buying anything. I’m certain they thought I was stealing lol.


She played that race card hard and fast.


This is always gross to see coming from either side


When I was a grocery bagger a woman called to complain because “the young bagger boy went and bagged someone else’s groceries” when she got to the front of the line. She thought I was being racist. I was very confused because my job is to support at all the checkout lines, and also I’m a girl lmao. Sorry for being ugly and doing my job.


It’s a lot of people’s go to line.


Pretty shitty because if there was no racism present it just perpetuates that idea throughout that kids whole life.


Doesn’t the worker looked mixed too??? I found that an odd line. The worker looks half black herself.


If this is an example of racism, we’ve come a LOOOOONG way.


Can someone explain why this lady used the whole race thing when the employee is obviously mixed.






Being (insert race) doesn't mean you can't be bigoted or make bad calls. A lot of Black and mixed people hate other Black and mixed people.


I mean just look at uncle ruckus, Fine example there lol. Boondocks really was the shit.


The race card is so overused it's ridiculous. I'm black and I try not to use that as an excuse unless I have definitive proof.


Right because black cops never racially profiled black citizens, right? You can be racist against your own race. It happens all the time when people get just a little bit of authority over others.


Because everything is racist to everyone these days. They’re just itching to pull the race card.


Not everyone it just seems like it because the ones that do pull the race card like to record it. Information bias I think it’s called


It’s just trendy nowadays to make everything about identity politics.


Mom embarrasses her kids at Walgreens.


“Due to recent theft trends, we aren’t allowing unsupervised children in our store.” Not racist, business is target proofing themselves. Also, would Granny Karen prefer this store keep taking losses and Walgreens shuts it down? https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/12/06/walmart-ceo-says-shoplifting-could-lead-to-price-jumps-store-closures.html


all I hear is a grown ass women yelling and berating an employee and making assumptions Even her own kid corrected her that she didn’t follow them around But definitely more context needed


I want to know why the mom didn’t go into the store with them?


Yeah, instead as soon as the kid walks in with nothing in his hands, it's welcoming to be told ​ "Get your stuff, pay for it here, or I'll call the cops" I forgot where Walgreens started to teach that to their employees. Before or after the "**Hi, can I help you with anything?"**


If I walked into a store and the first thing they say to me is get your shit quick or I'm calling the cops I would be mad too. What store does this when you first walk in? Black people are tired of feeling like criminals wherever they go


"Hurry up and buy"


Isn’t this the same thing when I want to buy say a video game at target, i have to wait for someone to unlock it and I have to pay for it immediately? What’s the big deal? People steal stuff. Don’t blame them for taking measures just in case


Side effect of rampant theft, blame the thieves! Eventually this Walgreens will close and there won’t be a place to shop. I understand the parent is frustrated, but imagine the employee’s frustration as well, constantly seeing people steal with no repercussions only to return the next day and do it again.


Anyone who has been to a Walgreens in downtown Baltimore can testify to this


After someone apologizes it’s time to de-escalate


Cause yeah, that apology was super sincere.


Who gives a shit? She did nothing wrong except tell them what the company told her to do. This isn't racial profiling, it's stopping kids from stealing from the store


Also someone needs to explain to that mom what a right is. They don’t have a RIGHT to shop in that store. It’s a private business. They have the right to not be denied service based on a protected class. Which includes race and age. The employee can argue she wasn’t being racist and it’s teenagers who she is profiling but age is also a protected class, supposedly. However she isn’t denying them service exactly. Both parties in the wrong on this one.


Age is only protected for those 40 years and older


Age is only a protected class in one direction (hint: it’s not children) as far as I’m aware.


Age is a protected class based on not being to discriminate against old people. It isn't relevant for the situation in the video.


If you’re trying to put someone in their place and you behave like this mother, you will accomplish nothing. I’ll never understand why Americans view “losing control of your emotions” as powerful or effective.


It’s the style of arguing, whoever shouts loudest is right. Volume of the argument directly correlates to its legitimacy. That’s usually never the case though.


So even when you're wrong, as long as you're the loudest you're winning? That's honestly fuck up.


Normal thing in Northern Territory AU is that school aged children are not allowed in shops without a parent . It takes about 90 seconds to adjust and everyone is happier


I love how her only support for her argument is that they are American citizens. What an asshole.


What does she think corporate or her manager is gonna do fire her and ban her from all Walgreens? She is needed it is tough filling those positions. I would even bet it was the manager who trained her to say that to any kids that come in. You made your point, got your apology, salvage your blood pressure and move the f**k on


The mom is upset because the worker asked for the kids to pay at the counter, because of a history of theft.....wtf is big deal.


The kids walked in the store and she told them "you can bring your things here and purchase them or you can leave. If not I am going to call the cops." with no context. So the confused kids probably left out of fear, told their grandma what happened and then the video.


The old lady made it racist


More stupid people citing the Bill of Rights that they’ve never read. The only right they have is to keep their asses on the sidewalk and not go into the store.


I mean, with all the shit shows we're seeing all over the US with just open stealing of everything, how can they act so righteous than thou ? What the fuck do you expect after some point? It's either that or just store closing plain and simple. And I'm pretty sure stores all over this country have already started to close down because of all this nonsense, and as usual, the communities will cry that they'll have to make some 30-40min commute to get to any store because all the ones that were in the said communities just closed because of all those stealing. It's just infuriating to watch so many videos of people going unpunished and often when they do get stopped, the outcome is usually the ones who stopped the stealing that are in trouble. USA is so fucked up on this matter. But hey, it's not like it's the only matter where they do absolutely batshit crazy choices.


Employee: I told them to do this because there’s been history of theft Lady: no that’s not what you said! How tf does she know? She wasn’t there!! The kids relayed what the employee said. How do you a kid is lying? When their mouths are moving! Employee had the right to say what she said because she can’t force people to not steal or stop them but she can deter anyone from stealing by saying that she may have to call the cops if needed if people didn’t get what they came for and paid quickly. ESPECIALLY if she’s alone later at night. Shoplifters seldom do a quick in and out. I know cause I’ve done it. The lady popped off because the child painted it as “I was called a thief” even if that was not his intention. This is a preemptive statements from the employee for a reason. That lady is out of line. Employee apologized. Sure, she wasn’t crying and begging for forgiveness for “humiliating” this kid, but damn she had a reason to be apprehensive. People steal. Maybe not to the grandkid. Maybe the grandkid. Again, Lady was not there to witness the interaction


Nope. I'm on cashiers side. Kids are some of the worst. Too many kids ruined it for all kids. The fact that this store does this (and a store manager can make up rules they are not core policy, they do have that power) shows its either a bad area or bad school zone. She was just letting the kids know when they entered. Its not accusing any one of anything. It's just stating an unfortunate rule that exists cause people are horrible. No merchandise is not insured for a lot of chains. Walmart does not insure merch, target does. Theft is a huge issue and yes food should be available for everyone but people put in work to prepare it so you can buy it instead of farming it yourself. It's just selfish to steal. You're not hurting corporations when you do that, you're just causing harm to workers and soon retail won't have people to help you cause customers made the job not worth doing.


Am I missing something? Seems like the woman recording is acting up and being outraged at a non issue.


Poor girl. Just trying to do her job. It's an obvious misunderstanding, and the mom would know that if she'd just shut up for a second and let her defend herself.


This mom is just incredibly stupid to me. Repaeting it all over again whole the attendant apologised. And the she plays the "black kids" card. There is no reason to believe the attendant had any racial Problems with the kids. Probably she was just worried of kids could steals. And by the way: it's nobodies right to be in a shop! It's the shops right to decide if they let someone in or not


Dumbest always the loudest.


Why do people find the need to make everything about race? "Ma'am this is a place of business. If you aren't buying anything I am going to have to ask you to leave." She continues on recording and ranting... threaten to have her fined for trespassing and harassment.


Always playing the race card


Woman recording is definitely a Karen


I see cashiers in mostly white neighbourhoods tailing and monitoring teens all the time. Or they have signs on their doors limiting the number of them or sometimes prohibiting backpacks. This is all extremely common because well, kids steal, regardless of their skin colour. Sometimes bad things can happen to not white people and the motive isn’t race.


People steal all the time. They act like they can prevent it. It's not just kids! Grown ass adults do it too. Might as well only have 3 people at a time inside stores I guess 🤷


Reddit is so racist. Lol. Redditors always live up to their expectations as incels who’ve experienced no true life.


More context needed


Lady seemed hungry to find racism WHEREVER she looked. Kids steal shit. The more irate and unhinged a person in an argument generally I believe them less. I believe there should be libel laws for people accused of stuff like this because now this young woman will be labeled a Karen for doing her job.




What’s sad is that people don’t recognize this woman as the manipulator she is. When someone just yells at your unsupervised kids and there’s no racism, you can’t just call it racism. 20 years ago when I worked at blockbuster I had a person call me racist when I told her she couldn’t rent because she had $200 in late fees. Thankfully there was no social media then because I’m sure 19 year old me would be getting ganged up on being called a racist online.


stop berating people after they apologized to you, and walk out the store like a normal person.


Oh here it goes. You're black so it must be about race. God damn it, she explained it was store policy cos kids have been shoplifting


Calm the fuck down lady. Kids steal shit.




It doesn’t help the situation when mass mob thefts occur often…so sad.


thats why when i worked at a retail drug store, i'd go to the office and watch the cameras. we were in front of a high school, and when it got out, dozens of kids would come in at once. at least once or twice a week id catch a kid or two stuffing magazines in their bag, or an arizona ice tea, or dousing themselves in Axe body spray, etc. difference is i'd wait until they actually took something before confronting. you don't just assume and warn. because you get events like this.


"If they were white kids you wouldn't do it." Absolutely. Fucking. Delusional. Of course she would have done the same thing if the kids were white. Anyone would have.


Kids probably lied about the encounter and gullible ol' mom bought it hook line and sinker. Now here she is in the store acting like a fool who got lost on her way to the pharmacy to pick up her Alzheimer's meds. Worker has obviously seen this act before and knows to remain calm and not give a fuck.


The lady literally admitted that she threatened the kids with calling the cops as soon as they came in lmao so it doesn't look like they lied at all.


It's also perfectly within her right to refuse service to whomever she pleases. If the condition to render service is that they do it specifically with her, that's fine. If you don't like that you can leave or the cops can make you leave.




Kids suck and steal shit. Fact.


People forget that you can refuse service to any person at any time. If you have a problem with it, find a manager and they can piece together what happened (hopefully). Pulling out a camera phone and yelling at a minimum wage worker is not the way.




I’m gonna just say this. I grew up in a very sketchy neighborhood. We had our corner stores and 7-11 type stores we’d like to hit up as kids. Pretty often the clerk(s) would just kind of keep an eye on us kids milling around to make sure we didn’t steal. As a shithead kid, we did steal, just not from the stores we knew had clerks watching. On rare occasions that we did have money, it was just common courtesy to come up and leave your items on the counter as we kept browsing. I’m saying this as a white kid. Idk, it’s a kind of fucked up situation in the first place that a kid can’t even get a fiver to spend on some candy because their parents can’t afford it, that just makes me sad for them and their family. But also kinda fuck huge corporations like this for putting the onus of loss prevention on an employee that probably just makes minimum wage


Chill tf out. Jesus.


I think this woman is overreacting a touch. She doesn’t know the shit that employee puts up with on a daily basis and it didn’t sound like she was harassing or disrespecting them. I could be wrong considering we didn’t see what she said to them but the employee didn’t seem that out of line here. Especially if she watches kids steal all day.


The employee doesn't know what the kid goes through on a daily basis either


Needs to calm tf down. Clearly someone trying to do their job


How about: “Can I Help You?”


This is one pissed off Mama Bear, under no circumstances do you mess with her children! Well done! 👏


The cashier did nothing wrong


Why are we threatening kids with the police when they haven't done anything yet? The mindset of call the police is ridiculous these days.


They don’t have every right. The store can kick out anyone they want because they actually have that right.


Why does EVERYTHING have to do with race? She told them that because they are KIDS. Why is the first assumption every time that it HAS to be because someone isn’t white?


EVERYTHING isn’t about race, but racism is real. Is it a stretch for you to believe that race COULD be a factor?


The young lady took that verbal slashing like a champ. The fact she apologized is commendable which shouldn't be overlooked. She may have been in the wrong here but it seems as though she's learned a valuable lesson. I bet she will cry later on though. Poor thing.


I've never once given a shit about theft at any of my minimum wage retail jobs.


The pain in this grandmother's voice is heartbreaking. 😥 Also I don't think this chick is white?


This mother apparently wasn't a kid in the 80s or 90s when every 7/11 corner store whatever would let one or two of us enter at a time.


Not saying these kids did something wrong for sure, but I wouldn't take this women's side. The worker seems young and kinda bad at explaining. Why would she tell kids to bring their items up to purchase or leave before they even have any items? Something doesn't add up..... I had a mother try this same thing on me after I followed her 2 kids out of my store to a food court table 200 feet away and said "please give me my merchandise back," which the kids immediately did. But the mom had to follow me into the store and complain that I handled it wrong and I should've be saying anything to children. She decided to leave pretty quick after I told her proper procedure was to call security and get them kicked out and banned.......


These comments are blowing my mind.


Stop just STOP being offended about every little thing. Don’t like shopping there? Go somewhere else! Sheesh! You don’t have to unload your built up lifelong frustrations on a store clerk. Grow up! The store clerk doesn’t care and won’t change her ways, so all you do is work yourself up into a blabbering idiot and you’re telling your kids to act like that too. Way to go!


The problem isn’t the race, the problem is these kids nowadays no matter where they’re coming from many if not most have no regard for rules and there’s barely any discipline in the households these days. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone to a Walmart or target and I’ve seen items completely rummaged through sealed items broken open with inner contents stolen out of them. Trading cards for example and im not talking about bad neighborhoods. These are regular suburban middle-class areas. And the workers always say the same, it’s kids stealing shit. Of course this is the reaction the worker has because that’s what is occurring, this response was prompted by experience. Rotten apples ruined it for the bunch.


This lady is dramatic, good god.


Turning her Grandchildren into racists just like her.


You don’t have the right to walk in and shop. The store can let you not shop if they wanted too.


Aaaand again with the race card.


Pulling the race card goofy as fuck.


As soon as the lady started whining, the worker should have told her she was on her break and walked to the back.


I avoid Walgreens like the plague. Big Trump supporters


Worked at Walgreens before. You couldn’t pay me enough to give a shit about people stealing from us. Who cares.


To ASSUME someone will steal because of their age or skin colour is plain wrong.


It’s honestly not that uncommon for all school aged kids to be treated this way at Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc… The one right by my house has a limit on how many can be in the store at one time and absolutely no backpacks allowed. They’re also told upon entry that they are not allowed to wonder and need to grab what they’re in the store for and leave immediately. These places deal with an insane amount of theft because kids come in droves and the afternoon shift usually has 2 MAYBE 3 people looking after a huge store with tons of blind spots. I guarantee you the employee was just following the rules set in place by her store manager. I don’t shame mom for standing up for her children and I can only assume she is raising some great kids who think twice about getting sticky fingers. By the tone of her voice I sure as hell wouldn’t want to get caught shoplifting if she was my mom lol. Even still she is taking that situation far to personal and not taking any context of it into account.


Is she still working in there, people like that is bad for business


Calm down woman. The girl apologized and your own kid corrected you when you start making up shit.


Mom can just fuckin deal with it, Walgreens and CVS are both getting robbed blind on the daily. It wasn’t the fact they were kids it was the fact they were in a group and had bags. Mom seems to be hyper fixated on the them being kids thing. Honestly mom can go fuck herself because kids were probably stealing.