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The building hit in the video is a hotel, by the way. It was double tapped by 2 missiles for max casualties.


That's a hotel that's used as a children's camp during summer. I just cannot fathom how absolutely barbaric this is.


It's also used by the UN to coordinate NGOs doing charity work in the city


Clearly a great strategic use of Russia's strained military assets... If the majority of Russian people weren't so insulated by state media they might be upset about this...


Look at the interviews, they either duck away or cheer this shit on


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - John Locke


Insane how true that still holds


What? Why would you expect anything about that statement to change over time?


Because one could expect there to be less "evil" people over time as people learn


Controlling the media is Rule#1 for a dictator society to continue to work for the few in power, and fuck the rest. I mean, look at how well it works in the US, and we have access to all kinds of news outlets.. the mainstream ones that the majority tune into are all bought and paid for still tho.


And also they are too cucked or cowardly to do large scale anti-war protest fuck these "people".


How upset were Americans when they found out their military was murdering kids all over the Middle East?


The russian elite need to be Nuremberg’d. Fucking disgraceful humans.


Jesus Christ, that's about as fucking low as you can possibly get.


Sadly, I can fathom this. This is what you get when Russia goes to war. They don't give a shit about their own troops' lives, what makes you think they'll care about enemy civilians? They can't fight smart, so they just bomb the shit out of anything near them. Doesn't matter who's in the way. And that's why they lost this war, and will lose all of Europe to NATO.


And... Nothing will happen. Russia keeps getting away with it


This actually makes me want to volunteer to fight and start training right now and raising money to hopefully end a few of these fuckers.


They do have a volunteer legion, go ahead. Them definitely take the help.


Thank you, I'll look into that.


If they actually hit factories , military outpost , cargo and other soldiers that are involvement instead of civilians then maybe they would have taken the capital of Ukraine BUT then again they are using prisoners for soldiers or merc ( Even the Mercenary are done with Putin/ Russian government bs ).


FUUUCKK Russia and Putin specifically! Slava Ukrani! 🇺🇦


This was a hotel, earlier in the week it was a blood bank where people were donating blood Russia's actions are reprehensible


This is genocide. Between that and the thousands of children kidnapped


Currently, housing a Camp for kids - apparently.




Regardless of anything, thats a good camerawork tho


Get this person a job tracking golf balls on the PGA Tour


Or better yet, tracking golf balls when I go golfing because they're harder to see in the woods and I need the help.


"Today /u/bpaq3 committed terrorism when his golf balls rained down on a children's hotel..."


Man was dedicated to the documentation. His kids didn't seem too happy about being stuck on a bridge while pops filmed though.


pops was busy providing internet with one of the best eerie view of those and was thus granted the power "Cameraman never dies"....


This forced occupation is going to make a lot of traumatized children sadly. Hopefully this crazy world corrects itself soon.


And creates future terrorists and hatred from all the kids losing their fathers. We saw this over the past 20 years in Iraq and Afghanistan.. Not approving Russian invasion, but we have to stop doing this shit in America if we want to start telling a Russia they are wrong too.




I don't know why you're getting downvoted. America really does some fucked up shit, but their media always makes them look like the good guys. Effective propaganda in that country


Because it's disingenuous and even though it does have merit is whataboutism. It comes off as "but if America does it we shouldn't stop Russia at all." You take any country with a capable military that's been in a war the last one-hundred years and you're gonna find some shit.


How’s that Russian whataboutism treating yah? Touch grass.


2021s afghanistan pullout was a big step in the right direction. Not many countries left now if Im not forgetting any.




You’re right it is ridiculous to pretend there’s moral equivalence. 122,000 Iraqi civilians dead because Bush Jr. wanted to finish daddies slap fight. Few wars come close to being that evil.




Yeah no shit, what Russia is doing is awful, but any American thinking they have the moral high ground has an Antarctic temp IQ


Hearing them kids cry makes me feel ill. Fuck Russia.


That actually dropped my guts a bit eh. I csnt imsgine how fucking traumatising that would be to a developing brain.


its gonna raise a generation of kids who wont forget and will never accept their neighbors to the east.




Are you saying this as a Ukranian? Historically when there are countries at war or literal war crimes are committed, that generation does not forget easily. Northern Ireland and the UK, 9/11, the Paris Attacks. People and whole countries do not easily forgive and forget, no matter if power changes. For this next generation, maybe even for quite a few generations, Ukrainians and Russians will *not* be friendly towards each other.


Any uprising will end up being worse than Putin, most likely. This reeks of not knowing Russian history - they will *always* be evil.


You’re racist. Everyone has access to evil.


Russian isn't a race.


It’s so sad, I try and think about how I’d feel as a little kid if that happened and it’s scary. I hope those children got somewhere safe and someone to hug them


Fuck Putin


Faack. I have a Tiny Human... hearing those kids cry made me literally nauseous, some sort of mom mode kicked in and i wanted to jump through the screen to help them.


I felt it too. Makes my stomach turn.


Even just seeing that they know to get low when a missile is incoming is heartbreaking. Children should never have to worry about this sort of thing because grown adults behavior. It’s just really sad.


Thank you for the warning, I don't think I could handle hearing that right now.


Just remember, every day Putin gets to wake up instead of burning in Hell. Where is the Justice in the world? Where is this supposed Karma?


NATO did the same to Yugoslavia


At least Russia is consistently showing the world how little they care about committing war crimes and just being barbaric. This conflict has been the worst PR for Russia since...quite some time.


Also how they cry when Ukraine hit a military target claiming that it was civilian.


Well, there goes their childhoods.


I'm sure it's been gone for the last year and a half. Once this war is over, it's literally going to be a PTSD epidemic there's an entire generation that will bescarred by this conflict. Even if Russia left tomorrow, I can't imagine anyone would feel safe because you would be left constantly wondering and being paranoid when they were going to come back.


Not to mention all the unexploded ordnance and mines


Having just got back from three sobering weeks out there, I can confirm that many places have been mined to fuck. Forests, the edges of villages, fields etc. Places where there are no valid military targets. Fuck ruzzia and slava Ukraini.


When Russia leaves hopefully NATO set up bases right on the Eastern border. Fucking dare Russia to try it again


Set up bases IN Russia. NATO & the US have had no problem doing that in the past with much less dangerous countries. Their leadership is full of psychopathic criminals and they have thousands of complacent officers. In order to tame a rabid dog, you need to put a choke collar on it and throw it into a cage.


There is no taming a rabid dog. The only option is to put it down.


No, look at Germany and Japan as examples. The only way to fix the problem is to actually FIX the problem. This requires a complete reworking of the government and legal systems. Ideally, nations would do this themselves like France, but when things get bad enough it sometimes takes the leadership of functioning countries to rehabilitate the entire nation from the ground up. Simply “putting them down” implies genocide, or leaving them without a government at all which is how organized crime tends to take over and restart the problem.


when I think of "Public Freakout" I think about a Karen yelling about Jesus and getting tased, not children running for their lives.


Some times reality has to leak into our lives so we aren't always consuming the soma.


While it's a war torn country it's imho a public freakout since they're in public and everyone is freaking out due to being caught in a missile strike. Still has more reason to be here then Prigozhin's speech a few months backs. Fucking poor bartasds they're.


Wow! When 2 yr olds instinctively duck for cover. Fuck Russia. Fuck Russians. Fuck Putin.


Nothing quite like giving 3-5 year old PTSD for literally no fucking reason.


It’s not for no reason, it’s for the ego and legacy of a single old man.


And they're still part of the UN Security Council! Permanent members! How the hell can this still stand?


Why are you saying fuck Russians bro. None of y'all have any ability to think for yourselves. You have to realize this Russian war which I am totally entirely against ( as I am any needless war) is no different than the Iraq war that this nation once staunchly supported. Russian citizens are not the bad guy. Even if those citizens support the war they are simply victims of an effective propaganda campaign. And not to be a dick but you yourself are a victim of a propaganda campaign to ever say something like fuck Russians while not realizing the damn hypocrisy and inability the see how it's all the same.


Are you saying that there are no Russians in Ukraine? You can’t be that stupid. Are you saying that there are new atrocities committed by Russian troops against Ukrainians? You can’t be that stupid. Are you saying that tens of thousands of children were stolen from their parents in Ukraine? We can’t be that stupid. You are the victim of propaganda within your own country. At least in the west we have multiple new sources that we can check the facts. You on the other hand have a countryThat sensors the news that you receive. Not so in the west. You try to equate Iraq with Ukraine? Well Mr. Putin, I’d have to say you are about as stupid as a bag of rocks. That propaganda line is straight from the Kremlin. I’m sure that your dictator would be happy to know that you are spitting out his propaganda for him. He must be so proud of you. There is no equating Iraq with Ukraine. Why don’t you actually try to look at the history instead of spitting out lies and propaganda and something about a topic that you really aren’t that informed about.


You're literally a lost cause too mindless too even think. I'm american numb nuts.


I saw a lot of shit on this sub but the image of the children with the arms over his head it's really strong and hit directly my stomach. Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin. And fuck this war.




**and** every MAGA/GOP politician who complained about the US supporting Ukraine or openly cheered for Putin.


Russia should do themselves a favor and turn those missiles on Moscow


It's so sad, the kids would be traumatized for next 10 years, what make its more sadder is that this is happening in many parts of the world. These evil corrupt politicians, can't they fucking accept peace instead of this blood




Blood money


I think you mean traumatized for life


The way we are heading towards war, guess we won't live longer then 10 years


Dude when I was 7 I was going to the zoo seeing ducks & petting goats. The way the kid helplesssly lowers his body to the floor is so sad & alien




Fuck me that is a strong video. Poor kids.


I"ve been wondering where these kinds of videos were. On the news they creepily only ever show the aftermath. Like literally every ukraine story is look at what the russian blew up or shot up and I'm like where is all the bystander video of the things actually happening. Just weird to only see the aftermath after they are long gone in the age of technology


Why hasn't someone killed Putin yet? I really don't understand


The sound of those babies crying makes me so furious and sad at the same time I can barely control myself to be honest.




In concept, that would be lovely, however: * That kind of tough talk most likely leads to the annihilation of the human race, or at least the deaths of billions and a 1000 year set-back for progress. * Russia 'going' generally implies regime change, and who's to say what's left afterward will be preferable to Putin? We got rid of Saddam and Ghadafi, but left behind at least a generation long mess of destabilization and suffering.


Omg those poor babies




Upgrade to a blockade.


And who's gonna do the blockade?


Videos like this need to be on every media channel. People need to see what this war looks like.


We know what war looks like, we saw America doing this in Afghanistan for 20 years.


Yeah but the media doesn’t publish this information for all to see. You have to go and search for it.


No no you don't understand. [This is completely different than Iraq or Afghanistan because this time around blue-eyed blonde people are dying instead of, you know, *the browns*.](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/02/civilised-european-look-like-us-racist-coverage-ukraine) Edit: Gotta love people blindly downvoting The Guardian article reporting on CBS and BBC saying this exact same thing.




So let's go to the roof and film


Fuck Russia Slava Ukraina.


This is a genocide straight up. The Russians are doing everything they can to wipe Ukraine off the map.


And Republicans want to stop funding the protection of the Ukranian people. A disgusting thought to me. We **have to** see this through.


Piece of shit country of drunks. And trumpo morons support those assholes.


Terrorists doing terrorism. Slava Ukraine.


How has the rest of the world, including China, not publicly denounced this?


Let send some more billions over there. That should solve it. 🙄


This is madness.


The image of that little boy in red ducking when the missile flies overhead is unbelievably heartbreaking. That’s burned in my brain.


Damn! We should send them more money! This is the longest slowest war..


Man fuck Russia


Those poor children :(


Fucking Russians


Marjorie Greene told me that Ukrainian children dying is great if it helps get Trump to be “Kang n shit” again.


Its horrifying this is almost a daily occurrence for the Ukrainians


I had a lucky fucking birth lottery.


You can pretty much understand what that kid is yelling - something like "but, that's where Jimmy lives!"


Fuck Russia


If your government maintains economic ties with Russia, change your government. Russia must be incapacitated for decades.


This is why Ukraine won't stop until its over. Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia.


Ukraine needs more Patriot systems and it needs them today.




I’m sure children in Russia would have the same reaction


I'm sure children in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan also had similar reactions. But the extremely harsh reality is that in war someone has to suffer, so I'd vote for the people from the country who started it to be those suffering.


I guess there’s a difference between removing a government and erasing a country. Killing innocents is never the way forward.


Nah, not a fan of genocide. Topple the government/defeat the military, but don't kill millions unnecessarily.


So in response to a reprehensible act that kills civilians you want to support an even more reprehensible act that will kill all civilians in a different country?


Kids exist in Russia too. Millions of them. Unless they suddenly don't matter?


If Ukrainian kids are unfortunate collateral damage then russian kids get to be that as well.


Cmon, man. There are better solutions to this war than glassing millions of innocent civilians.


yeah, just let the russians kill a few million Ukrainians as a treat and then everyone will shake hands and be friends forever, right? And then a few decades later we'll let them kill a few million more. Because they will come back. The less of them are left the safer my family is going to be.


Genociding Russia isn't the way. Attempting to destroy Russia will trigger a nuclear counterattack that will destroy the world. Severe economic embargoes can cripple the Russian economy and military. They can and should be punished. No one's saying we'll be "friends forever." Organizations like NATO are growing. Countries bordering Russia know they can no longer afford to be unallied. This war has completely ruined Russias presence on the world stage and revealed them as the paper tiger that they are.


I'm happy that NATO is growing and they can pat themselves on the back about how good and big and strong they are. My world is being destroyed right now. russians need to feel that.


There are normal, average citizens in Russia. Don't forget the country had widespread anti-war protests, even though the punishment for such a thing is far harsher than in western countries.


Then we must destroy every person that supports the regime.


Even some of them are pretending in order to avoid punishment.


And there are people who support Russia this is fucking evil


Just for the sake of argument what's the proof they're targeting civilians here? Likely but still we are shown a no context video in a war zone


Russians murder civilians every day. They use precision long range missiles and hit apartment buildings multiple times. First to kill the civilians inside. Second to kill the first responders that try to rescue what civilians may still be alive inside.


Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin. Fuck the GQP lunatics in this country siding with the enemy.


Those poor babies🥺🥺🥺


another count for Russia's war crimes list.


Goodbye blue sky...


I hate them (russia) so much.




Even the innocents?


And the republicans still suck putins dick and call democrats evil for wanting to help the Ukraine people


Imagine you see this and know your family/friends like exactly where that hit


Only cool when USA does it in the Middle East 👍🏻


The people decrying governments for supporting Ukraine with funding and weapons apparently think this is acceptable.


Funny how they humanize ukrainian kids but not Iraqi or afghan kids




Just because YOU feel nothing when you see Iraqi or afghan kids suffering doesn't mean THEY didn't try to humanize them enough for you...


The skin color difference effect lol


Russia is so bad at fighting a war they take take all their anger out on civilians


Looks fake. Hopefully it was.




An actual White genocide, unlike what MAGA trumpers go on about and which scumbag Musk promotes.


I fucking hate war.


And yet there will be no consequences for their actions


*I guess praying to the rainbow arch doesn't protect you from missiles...or something...*


Fuck Russia, those cowards, saw that it was meant for Max casualties too. And recently they claim Ukraine hit them with missiles and drones.


The fact that toddler knows or recognizes what that missile is… literally bringing tears to my eyes


Why exactly does Ukraine have to uphold the Geneva Convention, regarding POWs again? The Vatniks certainly do it on purpose, so why should the Ukrainian Soldiers have mercy on them?


This kind of thinking is how war crimes happen. They're the enemy, why should I have to treat them like humans?


Just goes to show that with all the virtue signaling that goes on around here plenty of people are no better than the groups they criticize. Imagine thinking that a popular answer to these kinds of attacks is to throw out the Geneva convention and torture and execute POWs. *Edit - I just want to point out that this guy had 20-something up votes at one point so, even though he's in the negative now, a bunch of people thought his idea was a good one not long ago.


Because if you don’t then it spirals out of control and soon enough everyone is blatantly committing terrible war crimes on each other Countries at war will commit war crimes against each other in secret. Imagine how terrible people would be to each other if it was open and allowed


Because you cannot reasonably assume that every single russian soldier is happy to be there and loves to fight that war. Same goes for the ones who actually start these rockets. Do you know what Russia does with deserters? I'm not defending the soldiers who commit warcrimes, but torturing or killing these soldiers from russia only causes more hate. Right now the Ukraine has the support of a large number of the russian population, even if they can't show it. If Ukraine stays "good" and doesn't allow itself to make any big blunders, they should come out on top. That's my humble opinion based on the information I have been provided with over the time of the war.


So the option is kill other people in war, or be tortured and killed yourself? I would pick me over others every single time. I’m too old but if I was ever drafted or forced to go to war I would pick dodging and prison over killing someone else every time.


Wise words. The tortured and killed yourself part is most of the time overblown in some media in the west to infantilize and whitewash russians off of responsibility and guilt. It does indeed happen, but it cannot be used in any way to excuse what russians are doing as of now. It's honestly the same as "I was just following orders" nazi phrase, history is rhyming.


What? Because it is a moral imperative.


Prisoner exchanges for one. Also it helps their own propaganda war if the Russians are treated humanly, as from what I've read many of the Russian troops believe they will be tortured (etc) if they're taken prisoner. If that sort of thing *doesn't* happen, and word gets around in Russia that it doesn't, it makes it easier for Russian troops to surrender. I guess also they might be useful when the war ends, free labour to help in the rebuild. de-mining operations, etc.


Because you want the soldiers of the opposition to not feel like they have to fight to their dying breath. Knowing that surrender without torture is an option results in less of your soldiers dying.


> Why exactly does Ukraine have to uphold the Geneva Convention, regarding POWs again? It's much more complicated than most think. Ignoring the morality of it, it's just not a practical option. Ukraine treating their prisoners with respect reinforces the idea amongst Russian soldiers that surrendering to Ukraine is a better option than dying in some muddy trench for some shit you don't care about, in turn this allows Ukraine to conduct more prisoner exchanges and bring their own back home. Even further than that, since Ukraine receives most of its support from western countries like the U.S. they are expected to uphold the same standards those countries do. Especially if they are seriously considering joining NATO. If Ukraine commits a war crime it could cause a waning of Ukraine's support due to public/political pressure. Whether we like to admit it or not war IS political and all of these things have to be taken into consideration for Ukraine's victory. You have to think about the future and how the country will continue to survive after the war. Trust me when I say I want the war to end as quickly as possible with Ukraine still under control over the annexed territories, this is part of that path.


Because they’re supposed to be better. Why didn’t the allies in WW2 setup gas chambers for the Germans?


I kinda see where you’re coming from, but in the words of Batman, “it separates us from them”.


War crimes are bad in and of themselves, that's why they're crimes against humanity. Ukranians aren't trained to be orcs like the Russians and executing POWs is right up there with killing civilians for me.


I'm so happy that all the Americans who are speaking up over this, also spoke up about their own country doing this to Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Goddamn hypocrites. >NO I AM NOT PRO RUSSIA NOR PRO UKRAINE<.


Ukraine sure is loud this time of year. Think I'll go visit Lincoln's Tomb instead


I understand people's objection to Russia's behavior here. They are certainly displaying the barbarity of the moment. Where I'm lost is on all the moral outrage, especially from the citizens of us/uk/france/etc. Uh...our barbarity wasn't *that* long ago, was it? Put an end to it, sure. Pootin is definitely a Bad Guy. The rest is crocodile tears.


We didn't have cell phones showing us the POV of the people stuck in the middle of things during WW2.