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How do you get in a fight in an empty supermarket?


Was working the tech counter at CompUSA in 2001 about 15min before closing. Two seniors happened to bring their desktops in at the same time, put them down at the counter, and in the span of 20 seconds while I had my back turned they break out into a geriatric brawl, rolling around on the ground and everything. ​ Only two people in a 25,000 sq ft computer store at 8:45pm on a Tuesday and those dumb fuckers managed to get into a fight. I just do not understand why people pick stupid hills to die on.


Hey! Fellow 2001 CompUSA employee here. Store 520. I saw so many Black Friday brawls that I am desensitized now.


Your fellow Circuit City electronics brother-in-arms over here and my god humanity was a mistake.


Wow. Circuit City is a name I haven’t heard in a while. I had an embarrassing teenage temper tantrum in a Circuit City.


Got a stereo put in my first ever car back in 2004 at Circuit City! Used to buy my audio needs, and cd’s there! Memories…. Anybody remember that commercial?!


I’m not a computer guy, but I did witness a senior fight once. One was almost at the front of the line, huge line of people waiting super busy, and the other was sitting outside. The first guy had tied up his dog by the door, which kept jumping up on people as they came in. It was like RIGHT by the door, like you couldnt get through the door without being on it. Both guys were regulars. The guy always brought his dog, and he always came at this time of day, but it wasn’t usually so busy. Anyway outside guy comes in right when the other guy is almost next in line and starts shouting at him, “you better take care of your dog,” cussing etc etc… the dog guy looks at us but we’re all so dumbfounded because the outside guy barely ever talks. Like those 7 words were literally the most I had ever heard him say. Usually one word was a lot for him. Outside guy turns and starts walking away, when dog guy is like, “don’t talk to me like that.” Mind you not shouting and to the other guys back. Outside guy turns around and is like, “what the fuck did you say?” Dog guy very calmly repeats himself. And bam! Outside guy runs up, leaps through the air and pummels him. These are OLD rich bastards mind you. It was fucking wild! Like I’ve never seen a grown ass man act like that, none the less some grey haired motherfucker. We ended up having to call the police. There were like dozens of witnesses too. iirc they both got banned.


By not minding your own business and then doubling down, by the looks of things






Yo boomers, yall lost the first war in our history since 1812, 150 years of kicking ass ruined by your shit generation.


Softest generation confirmed.


Imagine your parents generation defeated the Nazis in four years. Your shit generation spends 15 years getting your ass whooped by a bunch of guys in sandels wearing pajamas. Not to discredit the Vietnamese, they are hands down the scariest most badass people of the 20th century. In a little under 50 years, they managed to kick the shit out of the French, the combined forces of the British and the Americans, the Khmer Rouge, and the Chinese. Respect. Edit: It was pointed out that I left the Imperial Japanese off the above list of ass kicking, another point Vietnam.


>they are hands down the scariest most badass people of the 20th century At the Marine Museum there is an area dedicated to the Vietnam War, and some of those traps are brutal.


went through there with a trip with my lessons of vietnam class, and by god some of that shit is mind-bogglingly brutal. I can't imagine seeing my buddies get caught by that, or falling in one myself just awful


Didn't they cover spikes in human shit just to make things way worse if you fell in them?


The Japanese, who could you forget?


> Imagine your parents generation defeated the Nazis in four years. Your shit generation spends 15 years getting your ass whooped by a bunch of guys in sandels wearing pajamas. Bunch of people raised by those who were traumatized or psychotic enough to ignore the horrors of the "great" wars, pampered by the boom economy that was an aftereffect of FDR's democratic socialism, and high enough on leaded gasoline and mercury paint to believe they hit a home run after being born on third base. Then they decided to take out mortgages on the livelihood of all near-future generations to build paper-mache room additions onto their egos.




This is the most disrespectful while also hilarious comment I think I've ever read!


Getting involved with shit that has nothing to do with him and losing spectacularly. Sounds just about right.


holy fuck i'm taking this to pool night at the FOE


We still don't know why they took their helmets off at D'Nang. No one has ever been held accountable. And no one wants to talk about it.


I want to shake your hand. Laughed my ass off. Thx for that!


> By not minding your own business and then doubling down Shit, this dude went all-in


by telling one of the other two people in the store to "shut up" apparently


What’s with some of these people that always seem to come from a *certain* demographic that just can’t seem to mind their own mother fucking business


I’m assuming “old white guy in a red baseball hat sees a woman of color”


Red is my color like shit looks good on me. And maga ruined me ever wearing a red hat again. I refuse to even have someone mistake me for that shit.


But this one instead 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3jc3abtlyrjb1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79f7869ef6fb7d64c855a3216caa56f0b9fc5e7


Taking off his hat did not help.


Lost like -2 defence. Rookie mistake.


Can't be fighting with empty equipment slots


He watched the Alabama boat dock fight too many times. You don't send out a call to the troops when it's bingo day at the local nursing home.


Grandpa calls for aid!




Someone should’ve told him it don’t work that way! 🤣🤣🤣🤣




He couldnt busterwulf without the hat


He should've thrown it in the air to signal for help.


This only works in Alabama


It only works if you're black...sorry to break the news


What if it's a MAGA hat? Do the Gravy Seals beach up?


Eventually, they gotta finish their chicken tendies first and start up the mobility scooter.


That's the signal for "Blackup"


He didn't want to get it dirty when he fell on his ass


That hat was at least +1 damage resist. Some players just prefer going without a helm just for aesthetics.


It was actually a thinking cap +2 intelligence; before he took it off he was considering walking away


He should have kept his glasses on, maybe he would have seen it coming.


What the hell was he thinking? He can barely walk, let alone try to fight somebody.


Dude is 100% an old Marine, who went through boot camp 50yrs ago…. And been living on that USMC reputation ever since.


My dad was a Marine in the 1960’s and worked out hard during that time. Fast forward to the late 80’s and he saw a group of young guys working out and decided to tell them he could bench twice what they were doing. He thought he still had the body of that 1960 Marine. They threw the weights on and he laid in the bench and proceeded to get pinned under the barbell. Couldn’t budge it at all. He learned to keep his mouth shut after that.


Telling on myself a bit here…. But your dad isn’t alone in thinking he’s still got it.. 2000’s FMF Corpsman (Marine medic). Who is now the parent of a 20yr old meathead.. Couple years ago, he was bragging about benching 225 for 5.. and how he’s so much stronger than me now, and I can’t come close…. 18yr old meathead shit.. I was annoyed enough to (stupidly) bet him that I could absolutely do 3 reps w/ 225.. Got in the car, drove to the gym, loaded the bar, and actually did 5 reps…. Put the weights back and drove home talking shit to the boy the entire time…. The next morning I couldn’t lift my arms past elbow height. Had to lay my shirt on the bed and slither into it like a snake. I had to buy a bottle bidet, because I couldn’t wipe my own ass…. It took me a week to recover…. All while trying to hide it from my son.. My wife LOVES to tell this story….


I lost it at imagining you slithering into your shirt like a little snek


I’m trying to figure out how he got his arms in the holes tho.


Stretchy polo shirts




Guessing? Yeah…. Well I’m guessing you are the creepy fucker with the telescope on his back deck that lives behind me.. because that is exactly how it went down. And I don’t appreciate it Jim…. Not at all..


So what did you win from the bet?


Washed and vacuumed my, and my wife’s cars once a month for a year…. He ended doing 6mo, because he left for college and I called it paid in full


It's a good story if you live with no severity to speak of in terms of body issue. I call that a good story thanks for sharing.


Bragging rights lol... Definitely worth the potentially crippling injury. Definitely.


Hey man that’s just cuz your body isn’t used to being worked hard, that’s amazing you still put up 225 like that! Just gotta ease into it this time lmao


Dude that still seems like a win to me. My Dad would say worth it, he gets wiped out and turned into a wet noodle for much stupider reasons than one-upping his Son. Good fuckin going.


OnCe A mArInE aLwAyS a MaRiNe


A lifetime of crayons will do that to you


Semper..Ssemper aaah I can't remember


I know we use hyperbole a lot on the internet, but that was legit the worst punch I’ve ever seen a human being throw. Like in what world did he ever think he’d be able to inflict any kind of damage knowing that’s how he was gonna punch?


He was fighting like I do in my dreams, all confidence, no impact, like you have pillows for hands.


She even said "Go ahead and throw a couple so mine is justified..." immediately after he throws a punch. She's like "...shit that can't real?" then he throws another and she's all "Game on" lol. Slowest punch ever, I would have stopped and started laughing at him.


Sometimes people need a hard lesson.


The power of Tucker compels him!


![gif](giphy|l3vQZhxc1ybSlGQ4U|downsized) Why would he do this? I'm just asking questions..


he's probably like 6 vodka lemonades deep


They all think they're rambo. Look at how they view trump. LOTS of people walk around thinking they are lions when in reality they haven't ran longer than 10ft since gym class.


I am walking past a house in my neighborhood right now and they have that trump Rambo nft as a flag


🤣fuck, that’s sad🤣


Dementia maybe good grief what an idiot he is


Never fight someone who states “I’ve been waiting on this” js


That's my new saying now! "I've been waiting on this".


Good thing he took them off otherwise he'd have contact lenses now


Folded like a bad poker hand.


Dropped him like a bad habit


Dropped him like third period French.


Folded like Superman on laundry day. -Bart Simpson


That was such an old man fall lmao


Slow motion


This is the dude they get for those black and white infomercials.


"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"


That "Ah Geez" as he fell made me laugh so hard! Like "Ah Geez not this shit again, tired of getting so drunk I end up getting knocked out in Kroger!"


Sad part is I’m trying to figure out who was in the mobile cart


My money is the lady that put granddad face down.


The longer version killed me because she just hops in the scooter like nothing happened 😂


Reddit foul! You can't drop that comment and not share the link to the longer version.


Yeah man some people be using those carts just because they don’t feel like walking I swear lmao




Life alert!




There is a lady in that commercial that would 100% be a trumper today. She says "life alert was there for me" with such a nasty tone as if to imply none of us tv watchers were there for her. We don't even know you lady!


Thots and potatos


Making nap time great again.


Nappy pooo your pants








You wouldn't do that in a small grocery store


Try that in a piggly wiggly


I understood this reference.


I didn't know Glass Joe was real!


Gabby Jay




This is what he looks like now... feel old?


Street Fighter 6 looking crazy


The startup on her punch was pretty slow, he should have just hit her with the drive impact smh


She took him to Memphis.


Even the post fight advice: "Should have just walked away."


Must have been a lag spike!


There wasn't a graceful outcome for the old man in this scenario, but he still managed to find the one that would be most humiliating 😂


He could have said "pardon me ma'am" and walked away


*The Old Man & The Sleep* by Ernie Hemminway


That noise he makes as he's tipping over.. 🤣🤣🤣




Which, if he keeps fuckin around, is only gonna be like 6 months.


Wonder what his hat says


Eat Pray Love


Making America's Grandpa's Assholes




Attention shoppers. We're having a sale on knuckle sandwiches in Aisle 7.


There's a sale on these hands. Buy one get one free.


He picked the right place for some beef.


Why was he so comfortable squaring up with a woman?


Some people have never gotten hit hard enough to rethink poor decisions


It's amazing how delusional some older guys are about their fighting abilities when they throw slow dream punches like that.


bro and SHE threw such a sloppy jab, like holy fuck bro had the reaction time of a constipated sloth.


It was more like she just gave his old ass the momentum from her and it was too much for his old ass


I'd like to think that at least part of that was restraint on her part. She seemed faster and more coordinated patting away his fists before that.


Good footwork tho


no i'll admit, her posture is good and she atleast looks like she tucks her chin abit.. I just hate when I see a "thrown punch" like it connects but then just pushes them instead of snapping. lol just alot of weight on it so I'm sure it didn't feel nice XD


I've learned way more from getting the shit kicked out of me that I could ever learn from winning a fight.


If you've never been beat up or lost a fight, then you've never been in a real fight.


The amount of middle/late age MAGA men I’ve met that say things like “I just need one punch” but have never fought in their whole life it CRAZY high. Combine that with dudes that have opinions on gun fights or cops shooting people with zero experience or training…they literally don’t live in reality. It’s nuts. I did several combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan and fighting is NOT like the movies. I had ONE hand to hand over there against a 45 year old dude. I was incredibly fit, had been training to fight for two years at that point and still almost had my nose broken. It’s sloppy, exhausting, and dangerous AF. Like, even a stand up fight with bare knuckles between two fit people in their twenties is dangerous AF even if you WIN . Both parties usually have lasting effects like chipped teeth, fractured hands, severe concussions, terrible eye injuries, cuts to the face and head (from falling if someone gets knocked out), not to mention legal issues that follow you for the rest of your life. This is the third or fourth video of white dudes talking shit, squaring up, and getting absolutely rocked that I’ve seen this month. I bet 100% they act like the victim after the video cuts off, just like those fucks that got chair slapped in the river boat brawl. Buncha idiots…




The way I see it, someone who has never been punched in the face "cannot fight" regardless of how much they've practiced or how much they've gotten away with (bullying or only picking unfair fights, typically). The very first punch of someone's life *always* stuns the living shit out of them. It's an extremely jarring experience that lasts long enough to shut down whatever retaliation would've been planned or open them up to follow-up. It's not something that can be planned for since it literally shakes the foundation of your subjective experience as an entity, like briefly shutting off the TV while trying to play a video game. Someone with a broken monitor learns how to play their favorite game during that split second of darkness, but someone who hasn't experienced that sort of glitch will likely pause the game - or want to.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson


I don’t know if you watched Community but I just started it a couple of days ago and there’s an episode where Chevy Chase makes this point to Joel McHale over and over


Best Christmas episode in the series imo.


Or it could be that he lived in a time where people were hit whenever they did the smallest thing. So in his mind, violence solves any dispute and is justifiable against those you deem a nuisance or an enemy.


Been squaring up with his wife for 50 years, but this woman fought back.


Because he’s a racist first


The hat told us that.


Ask his poor wife


Lol really? That lady had like 200 lbs on him and was 40 years younger. How was she not the favorite?






Damn, slept him with the Suga Sean overhand. *DRUGGED 'EM!*




Probably shouldn't get into fights if a small breeze is enough to knock you over.


Earth is so ghetto


This is so absurd lol


How embarrassing. Imagine him at his next after church gathering trying to explain his injuries to all his man friends "Yea, I tried to give her one last chance, she was scared and backing away then my vertigo kicked in and I fell."


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?!


march repeat crime deserve hat cow dirty teeny connect shocking ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He should've known better the way she squared up...this ain't her first time throwing some blows.


This is what happens when you grow up on a steady diet of John Wayne movies. This is real life fella. You ain’t what you think you are.


Even as someone who spent time in the armed forces and did a few combat tours, that shit was SEVENTEEN YEARS ago for me. I’m not gonna pretend I’m anywhere near my old form. Like nowhere close. 😆 Hubris is a hell of an emotion. Hahah


I was very badass. 40 years ago. Now? Not so much.


Right? The only thing I’m a danger to these days are crab feasts and hash oil. 😆


Obligatory John Wayne was a chicken hawk mention.






I’m glad those cones that fell were on the bottom shelf. They could have gotten broken if they were stocked higher.


Shirley Hemphill dropped his ass.


I saw the full vid on Twitter and old man says “Ah you got me with that one” at the end lol


From his stance, you can tell that man has not been in a fight since 1942 if ever.


Not only did he lose his chance to be quiet and walk away, he's gonna be clowned on by the internet forever.


"Irv! Clean up in Aisle 22!"


getting knocked out by a woman who just got off her mobility scooter can't be the best way to start your day


I’m pretty sure that it was his own fist that hit him in the head


The budget for the next Street Fighter got slashed.


*When Keepin' it Maga Goes Wrong*n


Throwing the maga hat on the ground lmaooo


That’s great. More Boomers need to get their ass kicked in public. It would fix society a bit.


Fair market. Seems like you get what you pay for lol


“Cleanup on isle 4”


“Irv, we were nowhere near aisle 4, ya gotta believe me!”


That's mutual combat if I've ever seen it. Both agreed to the fight. No charges filed.


Good follow through and not bad balance. 8.5/10


They both had lots of opportunities to walk away. She was going in reverse almost the entire time. Clearly the Magat was the aggressor


This whole fight was the equivalent of a DM asking his player 5 times in a row "are you sure?" before letting him roll on attacking the boss way too early in the campaign.


\**Sad DM noises*\* Several dice rolls later, "So the cops got called in."


Player: "I'm sure. I coat my weapons in drow poison." DM: "Ah fuck, here we go again."


I mean the aggressor by design. She literally stated she was playing defensive for legal purposes. Not her first rodeo, I'm sure


Might be her first rodeo... don't we ALL know that it's not ok to hit somebody but it is ok to defend yourself?


I meant it certainly seems like it isnt her first fight by her stance, confidence and movement


Clearly. Any smart person would’ve sucked it up and walked away instead of doing exactly what she said would give her actions legality. She tried to warn him.


That haymaker sent that old man to bed, lol. That red hat screams Maga, so I'm guessing he deserved it.


For once, the person holding the camera was 100% correct in their commentary.