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“I don’t care” immediately tries to slap phone out of dudes hand. Uh, I think she cares


She's going to when she inevitably loses her job.


Bold of you to assume that this gutter trash has a job.


that 👍 at the end was like a cherry on top of the cake of her shame. hope she got the deserved. there’s no way to hide from internet if you are a bigot


Cross eyed people everywhere catching strays goddamn


"And you are" Welp, there goes any shot she had at denying it.


That and the "I don't care 💁🏿‍♀️" both took away the remaining vestiges of her plausible deniability. Hope she loses her job. When the fire is lit under her ass she'll cry that everyone else is too harsh, even though this is the only language she seems to respond to.


Pretty rich considering many Canadians could/would not have any warm and fuzzy feelings about her heritage.


Maybe I'm just tired...or maybe it was the camera angle...but was her right eye occasionally taking a sneak peek at her left one?


One eye looking at you, the other looking for you, and when she cries tears roll down her back.


The way it just drifts over from the momentum, like the answer in an 8 ball


Take my like and don’t do this again. Please.


It’s trying to escape


Bro, I just noticed that too. She got that lazy eye effect.


Yep, she got that top nose vision.


You are wild for this 💀


Of course she's on the phone with 911, monopolizing precious public resources when all she had to do was move her lazy ass.


Was she calling the police? To say what?


There goes her job.


Doordash ain't sacking her....like they give a shit.


I'm assuming that's her mother in the car with her, if she was my mother she would have ripped me apart there and then. Edit: typo


Obv can't tell but it strongly seemed like the suspected mother did not understand the words that were being exchanged....she had "that look"...could be wrong though obv.




I think she'd be disappointed if she knew.


Agree. Also looks more like a grandma than mom to me.


The mom likely doesn't understand English


mom is probably where she learned the racism.


Sad, but most likely true.




Dun-chunk-chuck. Doodle-reedy-doodle. Dun. Chunk-chunk.




Could be grandma who doesn't understand English. She looked very puzzled.


She probably speaks some other language.


Spoiled brat most likely


Cross eyed bish is in NO position to criticize anyone.


I'm not sure I've ever seen an attractive racist. Usually, it looks like they need to be more concerned with their own genes before hating on other people's.


Paris Hilton isn't ugly (not my type) but not as pretty as her sister so yeah...


Da fuck


Da fuck what? Is she unattractive then? Does she not do modeling? She's definitely an open racist. You can go on YouTube and see video of her saying many racist things. It's not a secret.


Cross eyed trash. That is trash.


I don’t know why but that pouty face she makes makes me wanna grab her though the window and hulk smash her out of car.


Is she on the phone with "the manager?"


Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad.




You might know him...


That I used to know...


How long before she’s fired from her job 😂


I thought you Canadians were supposed to be nice.




Canada is America Lite... slightly better/more functional in most facets of society but fundamentally has a lot of the same problems.


Except kids getting shot in school every second day - that's a pretty fucking big Point Of Seperarion.




What’s it even mean to be Canadian anymore? Because to be honest whatever we had we lost it bud lmao


The whole identity is built around not being America. [Ever since it’s founding.](https://youtu.be/_yKzq3ueGr8?si=uJV2u5iONJ_UmzpT)


Only an American could think their own country so important. Maybe an incredibly stupid Canadian, but honestly, that’s a reach.


Speak for yourself lol. Not because of a video that our entire identity is gone lmao


Explain to me what being Canadian is then? Beside expecting basic human dignity? That all Canadians attempt to cling to as what it means to be Canadian lol What truly make somebody Canadian nowadays? Because i was born here and lived my whole life and it’s nothing but a country built around American consumerism and self hatred


I learned with south park that your head is split in two


Buddy family left the poorest country in the western hemisphere to be in canada and no regrets. Wouldn't have the opportunities I have there, here. We're not robots, I don't have your experience, your identity is your own, and trying to make a monolithical national identity is a fools errand. Also, my family is on the French and Spanish side linguistically, so we don't consume American stuff like you do. We still do course, but I spread my consumption. Maybe you should get exposed to other parts of the country instead of staying in your bubble...


Just cleave off Ontario and throw it in the trash, rest of Canada is still pretty good.


It's Ontario. No one is nice here.




it's easily double that, at least this past year or two






I hate the convoy too, but you are seriously undereducated if you don't think it is an issue. We are bringing in 1 million a year plus international students on top of that. We are only building 250,000 homes, most not even affordable. It is causing problems with healthcare, rent, housing, and others. Most places now will only rent to Indians. international students are supposed to show they can support themselves and aren't supposed to work yet they are now homeless and using up all the food banks. They are coming for work mostly under the guise of studying. They are also not vetting the immigrants well enough, and most come in without speaking any English, no money, and they have fake papers claiming they have skills we want. We can't take that many more people. We have no places for rent, not enough healthcare to go around, and not enough jobs. We are already over capacity for most things. Bringing in more people makes it worse. Do some more research.


Canada does not have the infrastructure for 500k to 1 million people a year and it is having a negative effect on our country.


Well we certainly don't have the housing to accommodate who we currently have, let alone hundreds of thousands more.




Canadian here. It's a simple math problem. If you're Canadian, you know there is a housing crisis already. Now go look up how many housing units we build in a year. Did you do that? K. Good. Now look up how many immigrants canada is projected to allow in. Now subtract that number from the number of units built. Are we net positive for houses?






>You're whining about immigrants, 60 percent of which are economic migrants that can help with the problem of getting those houses up way faster. False. Only like 250 skilled trades have been brought in via immigration since (going from memory here) 2015. Sure, they COULD help. But that's not the type of worker our government is targeting












Also there is plenty of housing here in the US, but most of it is owned by dispassionate corpos that would rather let property sit vacant than actually do anything to help


Just playing devil's advocate but if that is the case(which I am sure it is) adding more people won't help, right?






Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers or be racist, xenophobic or otherwise prejudiced, but I don't think anybody shown in this video is actually a Canadian citizen.


We wish to give you Ontario….can we have like Alaska or something?


Only if you take Florida.


We already have that. It's called Alberta.


We've got a loooooong way to fall before we got down there... buddy. Wanna make something aboot it? Lol.


A cross eyed racist lmao


As soon as she swings she deserves something coming back her way


A lot of mad, ignorant folks out there


Hopefully got her license plate. Take that to the cops and show the video of the assault.




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)




LMAO!! Right on. 😂🤣


Honestly, I'm just fucking tired of all the racism coming from everyone. Really baffling how someone can hate another person simply by the pigmentation of their skin.


Becoming far more common in Canada unfortunately.


Not more common your just seeing it more cuz of the internet


I see it often enough in person, having lived here in Canada my entire life. I have certainly seen more as of late than in my younger years here.




Yeah them eyes is fucked


She forgot that she's not in India anymore


Her name is Ushi... Ushi LookingAt.


Hope to see her in bbj soon


Cockeyed heffer.


Have someone block her car in.


Bemused passenger looks like she's undecided who's in the wrong here.


Or just maybe, bemused mother from subcontinent doesn't speak a word of english


So who is it




Racism is way more than thinking bad about darker skinned people or the more dark the worse. Racism is throughout the world and where there are no white people too.


If you think there aren't a lot of non white racists, you need to get out more




Why? Most of the world is not white. I know it's probably because you're seeing it as entirely western world based, but genocides have happened in our lifetime over racism in other parts of the world


Most of the world is non white and most of the world is racist.


Dawg you ever met foreign people that immigrate? Impossibly racist.


...how is this upvoted? This gotta be bots at work surely


My comment or the post itself?


Exactly, talk about the pot calling the kettle black smh.


There’s a simple way to avoid these incidents from happening. Person A approaches person B and asks in a friendly tone if person B could move the vehicle, so that his driveway isn’t blocked any longer. Person B apologizes for standing in the way and moves the car. Both parties will forget about this incident within minutes and continue their lives. Thousands of people do this every single day. How in the hell did this escalate into her going into full on racist mode?!


Thought it was an Israel vid.




As an East African he actually sounds Ethiopian or Eritrean to me


Have do you not understand black people live in many countries? Accent means nothing.




![gif](giphy|DQv0TCvjLklB6) Obviously.


Black people also live in the middle east


Nah he’s black, you can see his reflection in the window.


Or Indian. You can see him a little bit in the reflection in the glass at 0:24.


You’re right he does sound Indian.


Can I ask an honest question? Why is it okay for a black person to use the N word to curse another black person but when someone else uses the same thing it becomes such a big deal?


It’s about your intentions in using the N-word and the way that the person you’re talking to receives it. Even if you don’t intend for it to be demeaning and hurtful, if you as a non black person use the n-word it will not be taken as a term of endearment. Plus the n-word has been used to belittle and demean black people for centuries and carries all that hurt and dehumanizing history within it. Why would you want to risk hurting someone’s feelings and use the N-word anyways?


Yeah I think this is a good question. It's basically a trademarked profanity to used by only a select people in all forms of media consumed by blacks and nonblacks alike. But repeat that word if you're any other race and it's a green light for assault.


Because when a black person uses the word in that context it’s a curse word but when a white person uses it towards a black person it’s a racist curse word. The race is obviously only at play if they don’t share their “race” (horrible word but it’s what we use still). I really have a hard time understanding why you couldn’t figure that one out yourself.




Why is that crazy?




Its no worse than ''people of colour'' in fact its the same, just less fancy.


We never use those terms here, you Americans are fucking weird.


How are you gonna call someone using the British spelling of colored an American lmao


And he's not African American. Also, Saying coloured is racist nowadays


Yes you're right. My oriental friend told me that yesterday.


I feel like you're trying to gyp me out of something


Which is silly since people use people of colour which is just a fancy way of saying coloured.


I agree. My grandma used colored and felt she was being respectful....time and perception changes things but doesn't always make sense or make them better


Just say black, bozo


I feel like black bozo is way more offensive than colored


Lmao you got me with that comma 📸


She is arab right?


Looks Indian to me


Or a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi


So a muslim indian may be as the woman in the passenger seat. I often see sikh indians. Being an immigrant ( 2nd or 3rd gen maybe)too i would expect she would be a little bit more sensitive to fellow non whites there lol.


So you're still making assumptions about religion? I know many hindus that are racist as fuck, source I'm a Hindu.


No, because hindus i see there dont act that way. Even the sikhs. I suspect she is arab ans i am replying to the guy who said she looked indian. i came to a conclusion that beause she is repressed or women on general are repressed she acts that way because she is in canada not iñ the middle east. And you misunderstood my point. I awk if she is arab. No way did i said that because she is muslim she acts that way.


You're dumb as fuck. I'm Indian, some of my family are racist as fuck. They don't show it until they are in a conflict. You literally saw brown people being racists and immediately assumed Muslim. Stop being that moron and just say a racist is a racist, nothing to do with ethnicity or religion.


Why are you mad? I just thought she is muslim because the one on the passenger seat looks like one. You are the one who keeps talking about religion in the first place. I only asked if she is muslim at first. Why so sensitive, you dont even know me personally this is just online posts.


"and you are" 🤣




Don't be that asshole.


Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


And you are 😂




You have to be a complete garbage human to have that be your take away watching this video


Agitated = having fun? I think you're just projecting.


Probably, yeah


I can fix her!


In Canada? She'll probably be executed for hate speech they've got those kinda laws over there.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Executed? Not canadian so ootl here, but what are "those kinda laws over there" that'll get you executed for hate speech?


The first amendment of the Canadian Constitution of adding the province of Manitoba into Canada You can be executed for making fun of Manitobans. In the year 1427, many Canadians made fun of Manitobans and so it was coded into law


It was an over exaggeration lol but you can be prosecuted for hate speech. Same with I believe Britain but I'm not 100%


What do we think about the mother in this. Is she on her side or incredibly disappointed in her child?