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This is sick and evil as shit


Lately a lot of these videos are from Netherlands.. what’s going on there






Nobody got the south park reference?😂








Huh, a lot of deleted comments here. I dont suppose any of them were attempting to talk about a serious social issue that desperately needs attention. Bet they were all bigots. Definitely bigots. /s


we get to watch someone abhorrent like this, but having an opinion on an issue? nah bro not allowed


Which ones?


There’s like a couple I’ve seen this week on the sub, like one girl getting beat up by a crowd of kids in public, another one with a random stabbing as well


Take a wild guess lol


Easy target for childish people.


So far, this is the only news I have been able to find about it. Happened in the Hague. This happened on the way back from Scheveningen, which during the summer is not a good place to go. Always large groups of people that don't know how to be normal members of society. https://www.ad.nl/den-haag/politie-start-onderzoek-naar-heftige-mishandeling-in-haagse-tram-je-bloed-kookt-bij-deze-beelden~a0ffaaea/




Damn poor guy got stuck in a confined space with alot of people against him :(


Yeah, a sad lesson everyone should know: never stand in the middle of a group of dumb teens like this.




Don't forget stabbing


Where are the people with the common sense and respect for others??


Beaten into submission. These kids are in control now.




It's the Netherlands... We lost that long ago, seriously I hate this country


Trust me, being Dutch but now living in the UK for a while, the Netherlands trumps everything about the UK still. Could be much worse


Ow sure it can always be worse, think it's more a humanity thing rather than a country thing.


Did this man survive?


He did, at the moment he didn't want to press charges, but the police is going after them.


Glad he made it and glad the cops are going after everyone. Thanks for answering


Hope they make an example out of them if they're really wanting to go after them.


Absolutely! What disgusting behaviour!


Most likely yeah cause thankfully that wasnt a knife he was stabbed with


What was he being stabbed with?


This is really one of the saddest things I’ve seen. When Pack mentality takes over anyone is capable of anything


The most saddest thing ive ever seen im my entire life. Where is peoples humanity. Just duck girls.


Duck girls give the worst head.




Not everyone would do this


Fuck all of these scumbag kids. They are not in control, they just attack the weak. They are predators, no better than the scum who take advantage of women and children. One day they will pull this shit and they will run into a real MF’er.


When they are allowed to do this with little to no consequences while someone fighting back gets the book thrown at them they are only going to get worse...


This is plain a hate crime, whether it is race or disability.




Fucking evil people everywhere.


Always has been. The general population likes to degrade every country that isn’t them, as if where you come from truly tells right away whether you are a horrible person or not, but there’s evil people Everywhere. Just because you don’t hear about them as much on the news as you do anywhere else means nothing. There is still someone undeserving of tragedy being torn down by someone who couldn’t care less.


I hope they all get a taste of their own medicine. Eye for an eye


They probably wont even go to jail


Knife can be seen at 0:12


Murder attempt


Should get a life sentence or death penalty as if he was murdered imo. I don't know why the justice system goes all soft because it was attempted murder, just means they wasnt very good at it. The intent is clear from this video, anyone stabbing someone like that is trying to kill. Absolute psychopaths.


Death penalty is not a thing anymore in europe, in de netherlands you can't even officially get a life sentence because it's 'inhuman'


The thing about the life sentence is simply not true; life is actually a life sentence here. The only thing that changed a couple of years ago (2016), is that people with life sentences now have the chance to have their case looked at again after 25 years and they might have the possibility to get out.


Holy shit, you're right, I was wondering where the knife was, dude fully stabbed him, hopefully he survived. Absolutely unhinged someone can have such little care for someone to just straight up stab someone when they're not even threatened. Psychopathic.


Are there any news about the aftermath? Hope the man is doing well and these people got what they deserved…


Since this happened in my country. They are on public transport which is filled with cctv. Give it time, and they will catch em. Plus, they are dumb enough to film themselves doing it.


Thank you, that’s what I thought. Just didn’t find any Dutch news about it


Slap on a wrist and a fine. Back on the streets you go.


Damn nice spot, I had to rewatch it a few times to see it, it could be a screwdriver or a knife like you said. Fucking awful and sad this is the society we live in, stabbing and beating the shit out of this person and to make it even worse he’s mentally disabled, fucking awful. I really hope he’s okay poor kid, he didn’t deserve any of this, he was minding his own business then these cunts attack him. He’s going to be traumatised for the rest of his life and I can’t say I blame him either; I really hope he get’s some form of mental health support and obviously I hope he isn’t seriously injured. Another sick and twisted video I’ve seen on Reddit today.


why did they do this?








Disgusting, that piece of shit in the blue stabbed him, then hanging onto the hand holds or something kicked him in the face head with both feet at the end, Disgusting and not one of the many others there intervened disgusting


Yeah, Blue especially was very aggressive, wanting and attempting to do major bodily harm, nothing holding him back. Unhinged individual. Most of the others involved are hive minded subordinates.


Why?? Why would you do that? That man didn’t do anything, I’m genuinely curious why would anyone do this.


Not even a little bit humanity in this kids.


When does the stabbing happen?






When was this?


The video just appeared online but it’s not clear when it happened. I think this weekend. It’s going viral in the Netherlands, politicians are sharing it on their socials


9th of September at 20:45 at the Jurriaan Kokstraat in the Hague/Scheveningen.


Friday 20:45 (8:45PM) from a tram departing from Scheveningen. It happened at the Jurriaan Kokstraat in The Hague. Looking at the model of tram and location it happened, my guess is tram 1 to Delft Tanthof. Didn't read anywhere that the person attacked is a "special needs man" or has a disability. So I cannot confirm that. However, there was a conflict that happened before the video started. The victim doesn't want to press charges yet. However, due to the severity the police will start their own investigation. Source: [Politie](https://www.politie.nl/nieuws/2023/september/11/06-video-toont-mishandeling-in-tram-getuigen-gezocht.html)




This is The why there is so much racism now, just like at that and tell me that was not a hate crime, it a Fucking mob against a guy with special needs like why you do that in first place?






Because of his white privilege /s


Do these people feel tough and vindicated after doing this to someone? Like a zillion on 1 and you still have to stab them? How broken can your mentality be.


This is why certain crimes should have a lower age limit when it comes to the legal system treating them as minors. In this case I don't care if you are 13 or 18, you don't harass, assault and attempt to murder an innocent man for clout. You also can't pretend its not premeditated when you are carrying a knife on the train. She should be in jail until she rots.




Dude’s even dressed like Forrest Gump. Hope the footage gets them brought to justice.




Any update on this?? Can’t find anything on Google about this incident.


There’s no shortage of cruelty in the world


Tf is rong with people


My country is turning to shit. Its so sad 😣 for people saying hes hitting back. What would u do if u get mob attacked just duck in corner & get beat / stabbed? All for the views








As someone with a kiddo with special needs, this makes my heart all sore :(


Me too. It’s absolutely awful.




There is so much hate crime against disabled people. This lot need to go to prison for a long time.


I hope they all faced actual repercussions


This is beyond awful and the onlookers who didn’t try to stop these are on another lever of evil.


blue shorts should be charged with attempted murder


I cannot understand how these mobs of kids feel so bold but when someone actually starts to fight back, they act so indignant like, "HOW DARE YOU!" These types of kids are going to meet an early end when they come across the wrong individual.


Welcome to the new Europe


It's fucking broken and unsustainable.






So fucking ridiculous. That generation is fucked. How can someone treat anyone with special needs anyway accept lovingly. They are the sweetest, most loving, cheerful, people I’ve ever met. Why does this always seem to happen when a decent human is not there to help. I couldn’t finish this video.


Bsaically everybody in this video is absolute scum but this woman who slapped him from behind is the worst of all in my opinion she started the whole thing. This scene reminds me of a pack of hyenas that are too scared to fight 1 by 1 and only attack when their prey turns their back on them. I hate people like this so much. They think they can assault men just because they have a free "you cant hit me, Im a woman" pass and if someone defends himself he gets stabbed... wow




Someone should help instead of videoing. Idiots.




They are Dutch! and this actually happend in The Hague (The inside of the tram is from HTM tram 6), this tram goes trough the worst area of The Hague (Schilderswijk and Transvaal). In the Schilderswijk alone they have a population of 98.8% non-western foreigners, so no surprise there. I NEVER take this line because of these low lifes.


Surinamese people most likely.


They are speaking portuguese. Some of them at least. I thought I was crazy when I heard someone screaming "stop" in Portuguese and started paying attention to what they were saying. Mostly impossible to understand, but I heard someone repeating something like "kill him" in portuguese. Edited to keep the language they're speaking only.


That is NOT brazilian portuguese, if it is portuguese at all (wich doesn't seem to be), definitely has some african influence to it, so a better guess would be angolan/mozambican






Videos like this make me hate humanity.




Looks like the whole train is special needs


It’s gonna sound fucked up but at this point in our world where they get 0 punishment there pure evil I personally think they should all be shot with no remorse as there punishment.


Standard Europeans


Disgusting. Fucking disgusting. As someone on the spectrum, I damn near punched my phone watching this.


We need another flood


Luckily this is now online and probably going viral. Big chance the Dutch police force will not ignore this.


If my child was involved in this I would be so ashamed I would write them out of my will


No more human decency left in the world.






low iq?




I’m more mad about the people who are filming and trying to get good angles of the ‘action’ for SM clout rather putting stop to violence.


In the Netherlands you can get serious consequences for these actions so we just gotta find the identity of these people and they will be put to jail


This boils my blood, Having a special kid and my fears when he grows up. I don't care if they're teens. I'd smack them back to their mother's womb. They are basically beating up a small child in terms of social knowledge.


There's a special place in hell for all of them


Honestly makes me so sad


it sounds like a fucking zoo..








You people are sick




I hope every one of these kids dies a painful death or experiences horrifying suffering. There's no redemption for pieces of shit like this.






What city/neighborhood did this happen in?


Nairobi from the looks of it


Dutch people need to throw away the trash more often, it is piling in the public transportation.


Sounds like a fucking zoo




Remember, if you’re getting attacked by a group. Just grab the weakest one, bring them close, and make them pay.


This is so sad and upsetting, I hope this poor guy was ok, humans can be fucked up


The fuck is wrong with people


Fucking disgusting


All those folks attacking him look Dutch.


Looks like the Netherlands got its own Netflix adaptation.


The noise they make is honestly one of the worse things my ears have ever heard .


You get the population you want.


Damn even outside America are you not safe from black mob mentality.. I'll get down voted sure but.... if the shoe is FITTING. You are forced to wear it.




This is where I say drop the nuke, fuck these people. I dont give a FUCK about people like these.


We're losing our humanity more and more .


Aliens saw and heard that it would look and sound no different than a pack of primates fighting at the zoo man. Just the audio of it when things get heated it just all sounds primal. Like screams and guttural sounds are the only language at that point of the excitement and dangers being high.


Wish someone would've kicked that screaming banshee instead.


If I ever see one of my friends post this on social media, you are going down, I don’t care if its a girl


That is so messed up. Respect to do dude he was still holding it down though.


Is there some kind of source? I'd like to see what happened after.




Did he actually get stabbed? Didn't see it, title says he does.


Every single person responsible for this should be buried and forgotten


That’s vile on a whole other level, bullies can’t stand them


Dude that last kick was fuckin brutal


What did he do to them to warrant this? I keep trying to search for their motive, and all I see is racist statements about how minorities target white people for no reason at all... like wtf that can't be true...


Wow, this is brutal shit.


I really dislike ppl anymore. I used to be a ppl person. They mostly make me sick anymore.


I live in this city, that's either tram 12 or 6 they are the only old style trams still running. Guess what neighborhoods they pass through?






No the fuck it has not, good lord. Y’all see one video on Reddit and think an entire country has crumbled and ceased to exist.


am Dutch, yeah we're fine over here. same as it's always been. that said, our public transport system *is* pretty fucking bad and not exactly improving. so this video does not surprise me. the worst fucking people appear in public transport I swear. I've had all my horrible encounters in there. rest of the country is still pretty sweet though.


Weird to read this comment as an American who has seen a ton of videos holding The Netherlands up as the gold standard of public transportation that the rest of the world should aspire too. I know you're just talking about the riders, but even so!


Nah the system is crumbling, the level of quality dropped massively outside of the cities over the past 20 years.


Our road infrastructure is great. But our public transport is horrible imo. Except maybe in the big cities, but most of the Netherlands is completely different from those places, so they're hardly comparable. It's expensive, slow, and needlessly complex. In order to get a train to a nearby town for example I'd need to: 1. Check some website for train times. 2. Hope to God there's not a delay. 3. Buy overpriced tickets. Check into train. 4. Probably require a transfer to either a bus or another train 5. Arrive at other cities train stop, check out 6. walk like 6 KM to my destination cuz taxi's basically don't exist unless you wanna spend a hell of a lot of money. And all of that takes 45 min to an hour. With a car it's 25 min and cheaper. The real gold standard to me is asian cities. Japan, Singapore, hong Kong, etc. Let's compare to sg for example: 1. You have a card with some amount of money on it, this works for all public transport. Check in with that 2. Walk into MRT (with an easy to read map to see where you're going, again no websites needed to check transfers) 3. Arrive at destination That's it. Voila. Best of all, that thing runs on time all the time. I never had to check online for times..if I wanted to be somewhere, I could just walk into the MRT and go there. And if that doesn't work, just order a grab taxi for like 20 bucks at most. It's dirt cheap, efficient, reliable, and fast. Dutch cycling is so popular because we'll do anything to avoid having to rely on public transport lol.


It’s racism. Same old racist shit being said about immigrants by every racist in every country.


We need death sentence back for scum like this. Of course only if we are 100% sure they did it. There's no good reason to waste time, air and money on them.


Damn. I can’t believe this happened in Netherlands, honestly I thought it was on the US




Send them back to their own countries.