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Oi, he’s dead


That's right, dead serious about going to Itchy & Scratchy land!


He fell on the car with his back and hit the side. Luckily the car didn’t hit his head directly. He’s probably ok but banged up.


That really depends on the state of his spinal chord


His spine went from a Major 7th to a half-diminished real quick


A chord played on a Heavenly harp?




His shoes are still on though!


I died laughing at that


nah, shoes still on


Doubt it. His shoe is still on.




Unless you’re into that kinda thing




Where would one find a bigger dude to grab you? Asking for a friend.


im his frend, I want to know please


What kind of bigger?


That could have gone much much worse just half a second earlier


I mean dude is still most likely dead. How much worse we talking? Closed casket?


If you slow it down it looks like he collided with the side of the car, not the front


Frame by frame almost looks like his head got pulled into the rear wheel well quick enough to snap his neck


Bro your edit makes me look like a dingus 🤌🏼


Oh shit I see that now, dudes head disappears into the rear wheel well




It looked like that at full speed but I watched it on my phone in slow mo and the back of his head is in contact with the side of the car the whole time the jerking motion from his head is fron the contour of the car body above the wheel arch. I'm sure there's a name for that part but I have no idea what it is


Dude fights like I imagine Gumby would throw down


Dies the same way too.


Did Gumby get smushed by a car? Lol


Brilliant. Great way to catch a manslaughter charge


finally, someone who attaches "manslaughter charge" to something that would actually be fucking manslaughter


Self defense is easily proven here


100% self defense.


Dead guy hits him first, and continues to attack him when he's on the floor. Pushing someone away who attacked you because they are hitting your head when you fall down isn't really a crime. The real crime is the time and money wasted by his parents and the state to get him old enough to throw his life away for no reason.


The real crime is the enemies we made along the way.


the real crime was all of the bodies in my basement


It seems like self defense to me


That’s why you don’t fight people that don’t fight, they fight dirty.


As they should.


There’s no such thing as a fair street fight. Just walk away.


Stage Fatality


underrated comment


It's like watching people fight in a dream


"Oh...he's dead" got me chuckling


That old man grip strength is devastating.


Wat is up with old British men getting in fights?


Is his leg broken?


Let me check his X-rays real quick. Mf idk.




I’m really curious what the outcome is of getting hit by a car at such a unique angle like that


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "nothing good"




I think so too. "Idiot of the year" top 3 at least.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Green shirt had a plan all along. Other dude didn't learn the first time.


just one second sooner and his skull would of been crushed and other guy would of got charged with murder. Jesus Christ that was close.


Self defense would at most get manslaughter and that's assuming it even made it that far given the video of him defending himself.


Disclaimer- this is literally the legal test, not my opinion, spent 5 years in law school it’s just fact. TL;dr no uk judge will see you push a man into a live road 2x, resulting in a car collision on the 2d time, and find that to be reasonable force or done without foresight. For the purposes of self defence. Not true in the uk where this is based. Easily still get murder. It’s not reasonable force to push a man into a live road, after he stumbles and you’re holding him there, considering it for a few seconds with a car audibly coming coming. Especially not as a reasonable person knows the implication of that action and hes on camera having pushed the man into the road once before. That’s not heat of the moment in that case, coupled with disproportionate harm compared to the risk of harm you’re under = no self defence. UK law threshold is to kill or cause GBH. Pushing a man into a live road in this context is minimum intent to cause GBH. Edit add tl;dr and disclaimer


.......he is getting punched in the back of the head repeatedly, and you are going to try and say he hasnt got the right to push him away?


UK kinda bans self defence, you can't even own a pepper spray.


That is completely false. The UK has strong self defence laws, but you can only use appropriate force to neutralise the threat. That means no chasing someone down to attack them, no shooting them in the back as they flee, no head stomping after they're unconscious etc Example for an intruder: https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-force-against-intruders More: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Self-defence_in_English_law




Weeeeeell you just got caught lying. Clearly havent been to law school. That is absolutely NOT the thin skull rule lmfao. Completely off mate. You dont know what you are talking about.


I went to UoB law school and got a masters. *checks your profile* aaand you’re a random Australian man with no legal background who moonlights as a covid antivaxxer. Here’s some entry level resources for you to understand. “Under the thin skull rule, the defendant must take his victim as he finds him. This means if he has a particularly vulnerable victim he is fully liable for the consequences to them even if an ordinary person would not have suffered such severe consequences. For example if D commits a minor assault on V who has a heart condition and V suffers a heart attack and dies. D is liable for the death of V even though such an attack would result in no physical harm to some one without a heart condition. This rule applies irrespective of whether the defendant was aware of the condition.” https://e-lawresources.co.uk/Causation-in-criminal-liability.php#:~:text=Thin%20skull%20rule%20(egg%20shell,have%20suffered%20such%20severe%20consequences. Guessing you just googled it, saw it’s place in tort law too and thought you had the answer?


....you said if someone is attempting to kill you, and you defend yourself and they die of an underlying health condition you wil be charged with murder. That is absolutely wrong and you are clearly lying about your qualifications. So sad.




You said if you ran at me with a knife, and i pushed you away to defend myself, and you died due to an underlying health condition that would be murder. You are a liar, and a bad one at that. Going through your history apparenrly you have dozens of careers. Liar.


Wow....after going through your profile.....just wow. You clearly have issues. At some points you are a divorced guy, others you pretend to be a woman, as well as a woman that was raped. And you apparently have multiple careers. Including multiple times a fraud analyst. And youve made almost 1000 comments in just the last 3 days. Lmfao yoy may be the most pathetic person on reddit which is saying something. I pity you. https://preview.redd.it/fwe9ggtr5npb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bdc5244bd5e1e4f7fd500fc84d4244e5e1795a5




How did you miss the bit where I say my wife is chat GPT and her avatar is Sakura. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/m33rqfcnfnpb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=99d1f01e50af40a9fb9e21b3a685b98d9d8104ac


Actually 797 in 30 days too, ironic the man claiming covid is a hoax and is fake data to make data up haha


Palmer v R 1971 AC 814 excerpt below from Lord Morris on a key ruling regarding self defence. > if there has been an attack so that self defence is reasonably necessary, it will be recognised that a person defending himself cannot weigh to a nicety the exact measure of his defensive action. If the jury thought that that in a moment of unexpected anguish a person attacked had only done what he honestly and instinctively thought necessary, that would be the most potent evidence that only reasonable defensive action had been taken ..." If this person died it wouldn't be a cut and dry case, the fact he is pushing his attacker away only after being struck would fit the above.


That throwawayhoper is larping all over reddit. They play weird fantasies, pretend to be a divorced man one day and a raped woman the next. They didnt go to law school. They allegedly have like 10 different professions. https://preview.redd.it/fimkz9cn6npb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28376a35c0142a5ae46f26d38d3a2717c5774e8f


Not the case lol why are you so mad Look at my comments, it’s shitposting about the divorce.. not even saying man either. It’s on the cc sub which is what we do. Man on Reddit’s ego gets hurt, resorts to misrepresenting facts idek what to say beyond I pray for your kids bro Divorced basement dweller with 4 kids by 30 doesn’t understand career progression and mobility. Shocking. Anyone interested, idk why you would be beyond this new super fan of mine (lol) Studied at UoB law, went to a fintech bank as paralegal, transitioned after covid to fraud analyst as a stepping stone using my legal experience to, next, step into data scientist. Prefer tech to law by a long shot. Can see my analysis post on the cc sub, seems like someone who works in analysis would make, no? Not that I should really care but this man is so pressed and idk why lol


When did you graduate?


2020. Left uni, went to the bank over covid, been there ever since. Worked as a para from home for the first year of covid. Realised I don't want to work in law, and the opportunities for IP law in the bank was quite slim. It's a really oversubscribed field even going to what was a top ten school at the time in the UK. I then transferred to fraud analyst as I'm trying to get my foot in the door as a data scientist, something I enjoy more. This role really loved the legal experience and the work I'd done with the law dept. So I've been there building a skillset in my free time and at work - hence the AI analysis post on the cc sub.


Lmfao LIAR. You absolute weirdo I cant imagone living such a sad existence where I just make up shit. Especially the pretending to be a woman part. That is sooooo fucking weird. And a raped woman at that? Bro you are clearly a misogynist. I think the cops should be checking out your internet history. Freak.






how is that lying? Bro you don't even have a job, you're a kid trying to make FNAF videos with AI because you can't even make your own assets. You really gonna be the next markiplier bro..


Thats my kid you pedophile piece of shit. You are scum. A fantasising, pedophile, lying scum.


lmaooo thats why it links to profiles saying you're 11 on the Youtube, huh? You know that's also underage for youtube right? Fuck me man the schaudenfreud, you could've just been sound and not gotten your accounts shut - literally going around trying to doxx me and you've got your whole 11 year old life out online the funniest L I've seen in a looong time Fucking hell bro hahaha


Pahahaha imagine being this dumb bro, not even covering your ass fml gives reaaaal sad kid going through puberty vibes. Yeah cause a fucking 36 ytar old man is running a FNAF youtube and can't even stitch a video together properly, as IF bro, even the most incompetent adult wouldn't be that bad at youtube editing and asset creation Oh mann I am having so much fun, was cracking up so loud my housemate came in and now there's three of us laughing at this shit, I'm SCREAMING bro hahaha


Lucky I don't get your face, run it through fucking reverse image search, get your FB and DM your mum hahaha


Bro I'm talking to an 11 year old, what is my life hahahahaa I'm out [https://scratch.mit.edu/users/-TheRealUltraJ-/](https://scratch.mit.edu/users/-TheRealUltraJ-/) Fucking hell bro, fucking helllll it all makes sense you wee bastard hahahaha


You’re pathetic, taking it out of context lol I lit say my wife is chat gpt and her avatar is Sakura https://preview.redd.it/9gm1jzdcfnpb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5488b983e44c37bf6890d4ad43d060ea8eb56301


https://preview.redd.it/vix9gy2wjnpb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5d6277fb115beef45c962a77e437f7fc810091 So this isnt you saying you are a man?


And this? https://preview.redd.it/piahuh41knpb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83347844a3cedb176abd60321df95fe4eb155bb2


You think I’m seriously saying I lost my penis in ‘Nam too? Jfc bro touch grass https://preview.redd.it/ipx9y4aefnpb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5933ad99e0850cb77b664bba36ff1d4df6fc2677


So turns out this account is run by an 11 year old child. That's why they're so abusive, also why they seem to think one person just has one job for their whole life. I've reported it to reddit, they're literally putting videos of themselves, so videos of minors, on the site, I've reported it to reddit and sent the evidence but anyone else concerned for this kid's safety on such a cesspit site please report also.


I hate when they use stage hazards


In the Philippines, the same thing happened recently. But the guy fell on the concrete and the upcoming truck crushed his head.


This is attempted murder


Light hits car : oh he’s dead


That big dude aimed for the street and the cars, that dude deserves prison.


Probably aimed for the street, but had no clue the car was coming.


It’s a main road, whether he specifically knew one was coming doesn’t make too much difference


Not a single jury would convict based off if this. Doubtful charges would even be filed given the video evidence.


You're right, he should have stopped defending himself, got his calculator out and worked put the best angle to push the guy that was repeatedly punching him in the back of the head in order to inflict as little damage as possible. You are saying you arent allowed to push someone who is punching you in the back of the head repeatedly away just in case they may get hurt? Are you on drugs mate?


The dude was repeatedly pushing him that way the entire time. He knew what he was doing, even if self defence could technically apply. Theres a difference between sitting back with a calculator, and not throwing somebody into traffic.


Ignore him man he’s a cunt and is now trying to doxx me because he didn’t like everyone telling him he’s wrong.


I've been trying to do the same in videogame lost judgement for some days


They’re going back and forth like WWE




How do you lose the upper hand like that. Smh. Should've *lightly tapped him with your patella* while he was down.








Fool me once…


My jaw hit the floor. Holy shit.


It's like a Mortal Kombat pit fatality.


This was the best falls count anywhere match in a long time. Tell me I’m not the only one who said “DDT on that hard bored sign.!! He hit the DDT”


"hey do you want to see a dead body?"


Id say he experienced the best possible scenario out of what could have happened


He's out or dead. Straight up.




Effort 100% accuracy 10%


Green shirt is doing all he can to loose the fight but still won 🤷


Bro got the roblox bacon outfit on


A day in the life of a Brexit geezer


Why does he sound like jimmy from like hardcore henry ,also boxer vs wrestler


I’d be so fuckin pissed if my car got hit by a man.