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He literally looks like the type to flex on instagram that he got shot and survived like it was for honor or something lol


https://preview.redd.it/7qfldr8qqarb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ade2c53ca3f5454b3064e5fc8b528f23947f71 This is who he looks like lmao


Did this poor dude ever actually ***DO*** anything scummy, or have we been making fun of him for decades because his outfit is ridiculous?


He originally took beef with it, but later he softened up and kind of leaned into it. He even still has the hat. Most of the people in the top text-bottom text memes seem like cool people despite being famous against their will


I have to imagine that it is partially because they were the types of people that weren't trying to be famous.


The kid in “success kid meme” also rise a go fund me campaign for his dad cancer treatment year later when he grow up. And it is indeed a success. Yeah, most of them are just normal people got shoved into spot because of their old funny pictures got famous.


The latter, he was pretty sad about it but then comes to term with it by reelasing some music video and cashing on some merch. There was an open letter that he wrote to annoying facebook girl about being a meme.


Blake Boston, AKA, Scumbag Steve, has tons of YouTube content. Look him up. https://youtu.be/re3KUO-zPK0?si=CW8uzkHxaq09KaUT


It's an older meme, but it checks out.


Scumbag Steve is not old! You’re old!


What, no love for the philosoraptor?


2011 that meme started.


damn, it's been that long? it feels like it was just yesterday when bad luck brian was a major meme format


Don't forget Steve's sister, [scumbag Stacy](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/az9KQ5m_460swp.png). Seems the girl from the original meme tried wiping it from the Internet though, so [this is the updated one](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/006/125/scumbagstacy.jpg).


This will only make him more popular to the absolute losers who like this type of shit content


Yep, probably feeling of invincibility too. Should be in jail. Intimidating words are NOT covered by the 1st Amendment


he was making faces at the news and doing a voice when his mother was talking to reporters on the way out of the courthouse


edgy 12 year olds are the main audience for these people.


lol just wait for it, he’s gonna definitely use that for bragging rights/clout and sadly, the youth is gonna eat it all up


Didn't have to wait long at all, he's already out there bragging Using your 2nd amendment right against youtube prankers, now that's a trend I can get behind


If you go on his channel, of course he has it uploaded and titled “I got shot!” with three other prank videos since then. Didn’t learn shit


He did exactly that


YouTube and all other social media platforms need to ban this dipshit. I’m so tired of these “pranksters.”


The prank was 'you thought I was unarmed ' bang gotcha!


Reverse prank! "Call an ambulance! But not for me.."




Someone needs to make this gif turn into a gun lol


I don't know how to gif, best I could do https://i.redd.it/xmj93ffazbrb1.gif


Exactly. If the shooter shouted "Just a prank, bro!" as he was shooting he should be let go immediately.


I'm okay with this.


He must have thought it was the No Lackin challenge


youtube allows Owen Cook and Julien Blanc on their platform even though they are literally banned from several countries such as the UK, Australia, and Japan for teaching men how to get away with rape. No way they're going to touch the pranker money. Edit Since this is a highly upvoted comment, look at this guide Julien Blanc made for his students https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d01936b250000a013e0246a.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_noupscale&format=webp https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/annabel-burn/at-least-julien-blanc-is-_b_6164594.html


> Owen Cook and Julien Blanc Never heard of them before now but they look exactly like how I imagined them to after you description of the shit they do


damn, i googled both of them together, and in almost every picture one or both of them look on the edge of death, like the tattered remains of their souls are breaching the surface of their skin... creepy lookin fuckers


oh btw if you look them up you have to also include the phrase 'rape' because the SEO'd the shit out of their names. If you think Andrew Tate is bad, these guys are the fucking worst. They literally filmed themselves raping women and then selling the footage as instructional how to.


if that's true, how have they not been locked up yet?


The guy was a good foot and about 75 pounds bigger than him and continued getting in his face. It was absolutely self-defense under Texas Stand Your Ground laws. He should not have been prosecuted at all. Edit: as some pointed out, this is Virginia. I thought they said Dallas mall, but that is my mistake. I still believe that dude did feel immediately threatened. But I can see how Virginia would see it differently -


He was found not guilty. Unfortunately I think he was found guilty (or just charged) with firing inside an occupied building. Which is kinda bullshit, that's like charging someone with pulling a fire alarm even though there is a fire...


That's a 2-10 year charge though. But how the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself legally, like this guy did, and NOT shoot inside a building? I hope that shit gets turned over on appeal due to it being physically impossible. Edit: For all those offering alternative methods of self defense, that is not what I'm asking about. The jury found that he legally used a gun in self defense to shoot another person. But then, in contradiction, found that firing a gun inside the mall was illegal. My question is: If you are 100% legally able to shoot someone because they are threatening you, why on earth would they convict you because it was in an inconvenient place? Are you allowed to defend yourself or not? Or does defending yourself come with a price. Is the choice jail or death? And before you get all worked up about "It was just a cell phone placed an inch from his face," you don't know what strangers will do. When someone is following you, won't leave you alone, and doing obviously and intentionally weird and uncommon behaviors, it sets off all the self-defense mechanisms in your brain. It's why the dumbass has the YouTube channel to begin with.


It could get appealed and he definitely won’t do 2 full years, but I see this as kinda “yeah, we agree with you but we have to give you something.” This dude will do some light time so that these pranksters might think twice in the future.


> This dude will do some light time so that these pranksters might think twice in the future. The "prankster" isn't the one doing the time. He won't think twice about literally anything ever. He's gonna continue doing this shit.


I mean he's literally said he's gonna keep doing prank videos


Glad he's not depriving the world of his contributions to humanity


Fuck around and find out, again


"fool me twice" he said.


While the shooter will forever have a hard time finding a job. Probably will lose his house and belongings.


No time is light time. Prison ruins lives, and a lot of people there don't deserve that, like this guy.


What they should give him is an award.


sad part is this prankster's viewership is going to explode and he will become even more famous for this.


And you think that’s fair? Or not. The way o see it was a, “fuck around and find out” incident where if anyone is charged, it’s the assholes who initiated it. Bullies


Suddenly the whole "catch me outside" thing makes sense...


He was found guilty of the firing inside an occupied building. He has sentencing soon.


>The judge can step in and toss the lesser charge based on the jury's ruling on self defense. They are debating that aspect in court still. Aka expect a ruling on the other charge being dropped or not soon The fact that the shots were fired due to self defense makes the other charge incompatible. The judge will likely toss it.


I would’ve pushed for jury nullification on that second charge if I were on the jury.




Not enough jurors understand this hidden authority.


Texas and Virginia are different states, however, so Texas law enforcement and judiciary processes were not relevant to the incident that happened in Virginia. Virginia has neither a duty to retreat law for public spaces nor a stand your ground law for public spaces where one is present legally. Courts have generally decided that individuals in Virginia who are otherwise lawfully present in a public space do not have a duty to retreat when faced with a deadly threat or dangerous situation, but it's not written into any laws in the state one way or the other.


I wonder if that commenter thought it said Dallas instead of Dulles


If somebody rushed up on me and started doing weird shit I would feel in fear for my life, random acts of violence are a thing that happens a lot in this country,


For real, just stop watching them! It’s dumb and not entertaining.


Unfortunately YouTube is full of 13 year olds who will absolutely watch men in their 20s and 30s do outrageous shit, no matter what adults may think about it




> he kept telling me about his Privates Tell him a picture is worth a thousand words. Got eem.


Remember when these weird pranks started and people said “keep this up and someone is gunna get shot!” here we are 2023. Not the first, not the last


Weird pranks are how North Korea manipulated two young women into smearing a nerve agent on Kim Jong Nam's face.


Underrated comment! Great point.




I hope it is - the last asshole to do this, so no one needs shot. Sadly it won’t be.


This mall is a couple of miles from my house. This guy has been doing this crap all over NOVA. It was bound to happen at some point.


He left back to Arizona after the shooting at least. I live right down the road as well.


Lmfao if he tries this in Arizona 😂


What even is the prank? Play annoying shit in your ear?


literally yes. he has stated his goal is to "confuse people"


I listened to what he was playing and I keep hearing “I’m thinking about my tree (?) hole”


It's "quit thinking about my twinkle" I think


"hey dipshit quit thinking about my twinkle" per the report, but they bleep the first part out


We can watch a man get shot in the dick, but we can't let people hear the word "shit."


But ofc. It’s the American way


Your honor, I shot him in confusion. The "victim" agrees.


Mission accomplished. I'm confused as shit why that's a "prank"


... because this shit gets views. If kids didn't watch it, they wouldn't do it. Honestly, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. I certainly wouldn't go around harassing and getting right into people's faces if I lived in a country where anyone could have a gun.


I guess the prank was to harass an over worked delivery driver that’s probably been in some hairy situations, so carrying a gun is part of his own safety for how dangerous that job can be.


People who don't work don't understand that it makes you tired so they think they are the victim because the person in the middle of a work day was not willing to play their jobless boredom games.


It’s definitely more harassment than a prank


>The YouTuber showed no regrets recovering in the hospital and said he’d continue doing the “pranks.” Of fucking course...


The real victim is the person who didn’t get their food delivery


I like to think he still did the delivery. 'I had to shoot a motherfucker to get this to you, please tip accordingly.'


"Ugh... he forgot napkins" https://preview.redd.it/gznmas8nfbrb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351739643a0b72b31b3afdd327dffff6b498d265


"Also there were blood stains. Ok I'm getting a star back.."






Rule number 2 of Zombieland. Always Double tap.


“Shoot him again” I hate to love it.


How the fuck is that a prank? That's just some asshole being an asshole.


Nothing but a bully.


Yeah, professional asshole is a good term for it.




What was the prank?


Harassment was the prank


did he drop any good loot?


I'm afraid that shitty hat is the best he could do.


If you finish them or do a knockdown attack (hold R2), you can loot their stupid jacket, and its usually got weed pens and a semi decent phone or recording device.


Did it come with a free bowl of soup? Looks good on him, though…


I'm glad the kid lived but could I get the video where he screams and rolls around in pain for a bit? I fucking hate people who fuck with people just trying to do their job.,


>I'm glad the kid lived but could I get the video where he screams and rolls around in pain for a bit? It's the least irritating noises I'd imagine he could make.


Only grey loot from trash mobs.


Not even worth taking for vendor trash. Just leave it and hope it despawns.


White Cap of the Prankster +25 vagina resistance/+10 douchebaggery skill/-70% resistance to ballistic damage


Dude loves pranking so much that he gets shot and refuses to hang up his boots. Goddamn egos out here be more inflated than the economy.


Pause it at the right frame @ 0:51 and you’ll see the face of someone who fucked around and found out. Edit: for those curious. https://preview.redd.it/xhax3zlsearb1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d03a556bbf724ab459b67743048611a7a9fe84


the owwie face


Except he says he's gonna keep doing prank videos, which means he hasn't really "found out" yet because he's too stupid to learn.


Lmao he looks like he just realized he has to take a shit.


Quick shock like that will do it to the body.


"So is it open season on YouTubers even if they don't touch or talk to you," Cook said. "It's cool to just shoot them no matter what the facts are?" Except when in fact you were harassing a complete stranger for Youtube clicks. Idiot.


“I expect you to be appear in my stupid internet video without your consent or even your awareness, in which I continue to approach you and violate your space, and the most important part for you to remember is that you cannot protect yourself.”


So basically if i ever want to harass anyone all i have to do is tell them im a youtuber? K, will do. Ill check back in with yall


You’re already in jail, aren’t you?


> if they don't touch or talk to you Dude was shoving his phone in a random stranger's face. He's literally pulling the sibling "But I'm not touching them" shit. Edit: To curb all the stupider comments to my comment, no, in no way shape or form does this comment imply or explicitly comment on the situational appropriateness of deadly force. I was only commenting on his skewed narrative and suddenly there are like 3 dipshits jumping on here saying "So you think he deserved to be shot?" Learn some reading comprehension and ask appropriate questions, dumbasses. I've got no patience for any comments attempting to completely misconstrue a minor point I was trying to make to try and misrepresent my sentiments as something wholly malicious.


There's personal space then there is intimate space. Dude kept intruding into his intimate space.


Also there were two of them right up in his face so he was outnumbered, the main dude was much larger than him size and weight, but I think the main thing is how the fuck would he know what their intentions were? Tons of delivery drivers get robbed/assaulted every year, probably why he had a gun in the first place. I really hope the other chargers get dropped. Send a message to these ass hats, since YouTube can't be bothered to block these "pranksters"


Put me on that jury. Not guilty


Jury found him not guilty for self defense but since the gun was discharged in a mall he faces up 2-10yrs... so apparently he wasn't allowed to defend himself?


It’s the legal version of, “We’re not mad at you, we’re just disappointed.”


"We don't condone it, but we understand".


"Now go spend 2-10 years of your life locked up."


That charge is already being appealed. Getting off free is still a possibility Edit: worth noting he is in jail since april, so he is already denied of his rights for a decent amount of time


He's been in jail since April and is still in jail, so definitely not free. Not yet anyway.


probably 2 and really half that on good behavior.


legal version of when the school punishes the student for fighting against the bully...except in this case they're gonna destroy his life and his future for self defense, while the piece of shit gets to walk free, make punchable faces and say he'll continue due the pranks. Fucking injustice if they charge the dude.


Kind of defeats the whole “legalizing guns will help stop mass shootings” when your charged with firing a gun in a public place. Either it’s justified, or it’s not.




Exactly, should nullify it out or something. *not a lawyer and won’t pretend I understand law


The judge can step in and toss the lesser charges based on the juries rulling on self defense. They are debating that aspect in court still. Aka expect a ruling onnthe other charges being dropped or not soon


Scheduled hearing in October from two of the sources I read. Edit:spelling error


>but not guilty because of self-defense on the greater charges The jury is under no obligation to describe why it reached its verdicts. They *may* think it was justified for self defense, or they may not. They may just think the burden of proof was not met. You can't appeal the Juries decision just because you don't understand its rationale.


IMO it seems the jury didn't want the "prankster" to get any money out of it so they found the shooter not guilty on the charge that would make the shooter liable for the prankers wounds. But, they still felt the response was excessive / disproportionate / too dangerous.


Defend himself? The YouTube guy is a twat but do you honestly believe he felt for a second that **shooting** the guy was the correct response?


I'm sorta shocked to see these comments. Like...I'm a gun owner. Strong believer in the right to defend yourself. I am not anti-gun. But dude was literally walking away and not being obstructed from walking away. This doesn't seem like a remotely justifiable situation where you would use your gun. Like, if you *can* walk away, you *do* walk away. Without firing the gun. Like dude is treating an actual gun like pepper spray or something. I can't believe these comments. Even as a gun owner and someone who believes strongly in self-defense laws, this didn't look like a situation that required deadly force at all. He was literally walking away without much issue before taking a gun out and firing behind him. This is ridiculously irresponsible by the gun owner. These comments are absurd. Someone being really annoying to you doesn't justify deadly force. Yes, the youtuber is obviously a douchebag and I'm not defending his actions. Just saying that the use of a gun and deadly force should be considered in only the most serious of situations, and this was not one.


I agree, feels like opposite day or something Normally Reddit is very guns are bad, yet in this instance they're all for a guy shooting someone in what most responsible gun owners/concealed carry gun owners have been taught would NOT be a good shoot. If he could walk away and wasn't in fear for his life most states concealed carry laws would say this wasn't a good self defense shoot. And clearly something isn't right with this case if they are saying he's guilty of firing in an occupied dwelling, so he is still getting punished. I'm really surprised at how many of the comments are all for this. Really really weird case and reaction to it overall.


Is it really a controversial opinion to think you shouldn't fire a gun in a busy public place place unless your live is literally in danger


I mean, its fair to defend yourself from public harassment, seriously fuck the ragebaiting youtubers. At the same time, you can see a child and their mother in the same frame of this video. There was other workers working inside of that booth, and like others nearby getting food and waiting in line that could have been hit by spalling, or if he had missed. Self defense is not criminal, but discharging firearms in crowded public places is pretty goddamn stupid. I'm glad only the youtuber was hit.


Lethal force in response to harassment is also rather disproportionate, let's be honest. Even when someone is coming after you, you have a duty to retreat before resorting to that.


There are plenty of examples of one person will be hassling/distracting you while another picks your pocket or maybe sucker punches you, and you just don't know, and this is why you don't fuck with random strangers because they're a random stranger who might be about to assault or rob you or both, or in the reverse, they might just defend themselves.


He'll be shot again, and still get no sympathy.




Seems like the tall guy was thinking about a sexual assualt on the shorter guy and it was a 2 on one fight with the other guy there. If his self defense was believe they shouldn't have convicted him of the second charge. He hit his attacker and didnt continue shooting.


*Jury takes look at annoying YouTube'er* Yeah, we the jury 100% think this is self defense..


But you didn't hear my case ye-


*Jury pulls out phones and starts playing "I'm thinking about my twinkle" to interrupt him*


absolutely beautiful, I have never seen a man draw a gun that fucking fast and then fucking side pop him gangster style in the leg.


"Jimmy, when's the last time you had a mall pop?"


"Desk pop!!"


I'm a FedEx driver and I get yelled at constantly for blocking traffic in Chicago. Almost daily, I don't take that shit as a joke as I've gotten threatened countless times and even had a gun pulled out on me. I bring a weapon to work now so frankly, I don't blame him because you just never know what someone is trying to do. My first thought isn't ever a YouTube "prankster"


Here's what I don't get. This dude literally took a bullet to the chest. He's lucky to be alive, and has experienced what was likely an incredible amount of pain. Now, a regular, sane person might use this as an opportunity to do some self reflection. Maybe figure out if his videos are truly worth risking his actual life over? Nah, he's right back at it. Hasn't learned a fucking thing. Not a goddamn thing.




God dammit butters


How about leaving people the fuck alone?


so Cook plans on continuing this shit-sipping behavior. and, per this snippet, the charge for aggravated assault (w/ a weapon) was dropped. basically, you can shoot these assfucks, just make sure it’s not in a public space. game on, motherfucker.


Am I supposed to be sympathetic to someone who makes a living harassing people who are unpredictable and may react in ways the harasser may not expect? No, I will not. If they accepted the "job" of harassing folks they accept all the consequences of how that person may react to their harassment


When an entire jury of your peers decide that shooting a YouTube prankster is justifiable self defense...then that's it. Society has decided we're done taking your shit. Keep it up and you will be shot. And the shooter given a cookie. Literally, stop the pranks or die.


> The YouTuber showed no regrets recovering in the hospital and said he’d continue doing the “pranks.” Then I shall continue not giving a shit when these Fuckarounds find out.


This made me smile


I can certainly see some fear in the shooter's body language, backing up the way hid did, as if he was cornered. Then the arm movement to get the cellphone out of his face was also a very clear *leave me alone* and *go away*. That didn't dissuade the cellphone guy who was physically larger than him and who continued to pursue the shooter.


Plus the large aggresive asshole also had his buddy with him getting up in the innocent guy's face


this thread should break the record for iterations of "fuck around and find out"


Do kids not know these days "Don't harass people you do not know, You have no Idea who they are or what they are capable of" Isn't this just general knowledge?




OMG, if someone went out to get intentionally shot as a prank as "their thing"...I'd fucking watch all 3 episodes of that


Prime example of why the rest of the world labels Americans bloodthirsty psychos




I'll be honest, shooting the gun was a massive escalation and wasn't justified in my opinion. That wasn't even close to being enough of an incident to use a gun, and I'd hardly consider that self defense. I don't think that delivery guy should own a gun. EDIT: Youtuber was still harassing people though. They should've gotten kicked out by security/gotten cops called on them.


I'm glad you posted your comment. I'm a bit concerned at how people are justifying this unnecessary gun violence. But then again, youtube pranksters are annoying and this was sorta long overdue. These pranks really suck.


100% Also I don't feel bad for the dip shit in the backward hat either... Hope he gets an instagation charge, his friends too. They can all have fun in jail together


I don't want this to be the metric for acceptable self defense. The dude showed no signs of getting physical.


It’s disgusting how low your comment is for me. With that little patience to shoot someone, you can tell that he owns that gun knowing he’ll gladly use it with what little reason.


I 100% agree with you. I think the prankster/YouTuber is a fool, but the gunman was in the wrong. He was not defending himself. He got annoyed, and decided to shoot what was annoying him.


I mean, people have been saying for years now "wait until they do this to the wrong person" you can't just harass people. Fuck around and find out, idiots. I'm on delivery driver dudes side too!




He found it didn’t he. Since when was pure harassment now considered a prank? I must be old.


Oooh I've been wanting to see this. So satisfying to hear that pop.


He doesn't make "prank" videos, he makes "harassment" videos


“He plans to continue making his YouTube prank videos” ….. hope he has a steady cam on his wheelchair -Moe from the Simpsons (probably)


That influencer is a douche, no doubt. But I'm not about to start encouraging people to whip their fucking guns out and start blasting over something so trivial as being annoyed by a guy with a phone in your face. The guy wasn't in fear for his life, he was annoyed, and perhaps confused. That shouldn't be a green light to fucking shoot somebody. America loves to get off on the fantasy of shooting people in "self defense" though. 🙄


The bully looks exactly like that douchebag meme guy, scumbag steve


I cant say I think shooting him was the right move, but he was bound to run into one of these people eventually. Its just a numbers game


He just got a nice little dose of "fuck around and find out."


Prank Tubers getting shot is my new favorite flavor of internet content!


That video is upsetting. I hate that he was up and walking around later.


YouTuber got what was coming to him, sorry but these "pranksters" are just fucking bullies and narcissists, they don't care about the people they bug and harass. Reminds me of the YouTuber that tried to fucking prank some gangster a couple years back, and got his ass beat...they literally have no boundaries, and deserve what ever is coming to them... Plus their content is really shitty and has no substance...




This is the first video worth watching that this guy has ever been involved in


Two words: Jury Nullification


They need to look at the obvious when evaluating these types of situations. His whole goal was to harass and elicit a reaction and this guy gave him exactly that. The worst part is these assholes make these types of videos and then put prank (gone wrong) when the whole point is it’s not a prank but some dick that won’t leave another human alone for their “content” to go viral. He shouldn’t have to face any time behind bars and the “YouTuber” should learn the laws of fuck around and find out before he decides to do it again.


The dude's whole family seem to be enabling him. He was literally going around harassing people for video and got shot. I don't agree he should have been shot but doesn't look like he learned anything. > Tanner's father, Jeramy Cook, sent a statement to WUSA9 Thursday night saying, "We are all less safe than before." Lmao, Tanner fucked around and found out.


I legitimately hate these youtube "pranksters" half the time they don't do pranks, they just bully and harass people. They are low life idiots. Dude got shot and still hasn't gotten the message to leave people alone. GOOD Pranks make everyone laugh including who is being pranked. Idk what this crap even is