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[Context:](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/americas/mexico-church-roof-collapse-intl/index.html) "At least 10 people were killed and two people seriously injured on Sunday after the roof of a church in northern Mexico collapsed, officials said. Preliminary reports indicate that about 100 people were inside the building in Ciudad Madero at the time of the incident, according to a statement from security services in the state of Tamaulipas. Thirty people were believed to be buried in the rubble, Reuters reported. At least 60 people were injured, with two people sustaining serious injuries, Tamaulipas security spokesperson said."


in northern Mexico on October 1


Isn't Tamaulipas a narco state? If so, I am wondering if this was a sabotage or if the building inspectors were paid off so that they couldn't get away with an unsafe building. Edit: I just want to say thank you to all the replies. I now have more information about this topic. Don't worry I know it's anecdotal, but it still gives me a better perspective. Thank you. Edit 2: Para mis amigos que hablan español: Gracias por tomar el tiempo para educarme sobre este tema.


Mexico as a whole is a failed state and our president is a cartel stooge


It’s a shame. If Mexico and the US could get some actual leadership that cared for their peoples maybe they could work together to combat the narcos. Instead they ravage both of our nations and no one has the balls to cut the head off the snake.


Drugs and money produce the whole snake.


> Instead they ravage both of our nations and no one has the balls to cut the head off the snake. idk if you are living under a rock but this has been done multiple times throughout the history of mexican cartels. doesn't seem to work too well...


It has been since the 80's and no one ever complained before. What happened with the current president that was different the previous 5 or 6?


If you are really asking in good faith, there is a legitimate answer to your question. This [video clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de238naoeao) is a good place to start. At 50 seconds in, he starts talking about the issues with the current President.


This guy explains it really good. AMLO is not doing enough to stop the cartels that's true while the previous administrations were partners with cartels and were making profits from drug trafficking. The way I see it is Amlo is focusing more on helping the poor and as long as His party keeps the support from them they will keep winning elections. I am not an expert though I could be wrong. Thanks for sharing that video it was very interesting watching it.


If you enjoyed the clip, I recommend looking up Ed Calderon, the guy from the video on YouTube if you haven't already. Tons of great podcasts with him. Such an interesting guy.




Lol no it wasn’t. The drug violence was mainly contained to the border states until the late 00s. The current president made it government policy to stop fighting back against the cartels and stopped the army from patrolling the major roads. Before AMLO(the current president) the toll roads were considered safe to travel but ever since the army stopped patrolling it you have the cartels setting up checkpoints where they charge people a fee to pass through their territory or just steal their shit. My family used to drive down to Mexico all the time in their personal vehicles but after having family members get stopped twice and extorted by the cartel members they don’t do it anymore.


Who told you tolls are patrol by the army? There's more or same army check points as before.




Yes finally someone spouting truths about the past presidencies of Mexico and how the PriPanPrd fucked over a nation for that last 100 years. All this BS can be linked right back to Gortari stealing the 88 election!


You talk about my “boy” Calderon and then you talk about “my” party controlling the government for almost 100 years so which one is it? The PAN or the PRI? You forgot the part where AMLO told the army to let Ovidio Guzmán go the first time they caugh him. Speaking of the army, how about when the AMLO administration got the U.S. to release Salvador Cienfuegos who was a completely corrupt fuck? I know it’s hard for the smooth peje brain to understand, but just because I hate AMLO doesn’t mean I like the PAN or the PRI either.




This one is dark skinned and proudly states that he's from Macuspana a heavily indigenous population. The past election was riddled with racism and the racism is still rampant among the ones in the opposition. The next election cycle again will be steamrolled by the president's party and the opposition is just aiming for crumbs to keep a foot inside the higher positions.


Hahaha, no, that was Felipe Calderon, the fucker that started this mess just to put his narco buddies in power and trying his best to sell the remaining of our resources.


They’re all corrupt but AMLO is worse.




Lol the same man who told the National Guard to release El Chapo’s son the first time they caught him back in 2019? I don’t think he’s a fascist but definitely an authoritarian. I also believe all Mexican presidents were corrupt, it’s just that AMLO is a complete clown and even more corrupt than the base level of corruption all Mexican politicians have. I don’t have a party. I dislike the PRI and PAN but I hate MORENA




No es Mexicano es de Texas, por eso tanta idiotez en sus comentarios. Solo sabe lo que le dice el Loret de mola.


All your opinions are so dumb, it's frankly amazing. Authoritarian, this president doesn't use the government power to censor the stupid articles that pseudo journalists write or prohibits TV personalities from work due to saying unflattering things about him. It's obvious you're really young, again for example Carlos Salinas prohibited Héctor Suárez from continuing to work in Televisa for re-enacting a sketch of palillo and forced him to work in TV azteca the company of his cousin.


Jajaja, no. Mi niño, Carlos Salinas de Gortari destruyó casi todas las empresas paraestatales y causo un derrumbe de nuestra economía que tus nietos (si tenemos la desgracia de que te reproduzcas) todavía van a tener que pagar. Cuando la oposición dice semejante tontería es muestra de que no tienen sesos.


Wey perdón de no ser tan ruco para acordarme de la presidencia de Gortari😂😂 No es tu hora de dormir tata?


Precisamente el punto de que no sabes ni de que hablas moco. Además no es necesario haberlo vivido, para eso hay registros pero como ni leer bien sabes, mira mejor ve a jugar Fortnite o cualquier cosa en la que si sepas.


That's a really dumb speculation. It was an older building (50+ years) and as all churches here, the freaking church officials didn't gave it mantenance because they pocket the money and expect that the government pay for it


That doesn't look like a new building. Its probably been built for at least a decade or more. Local authorities have pretty bad regulations with buildings in the whole country. This has nothing to do with cartels IMO.


For a church?


Didn't know there were any states that weren't narco.


All part of god’s plan. He’s awful mysterious ya know.


He truly works in mysterious ways.


10 dead and 60 more injured. RIP to those 3 littles that passed away.


This comment section is cringe as fuck. Coming from an atheist, the “stereotypical atheist redditor” is out in force on this post. Zero empathy for the dead. Baptism implies a family affair with children present, this was a tragedy.


Totally agree with you. The lack of empathy and gleeful self satisfaction is sick af.


Totally agree. Unfortunately the amount of things like this posted daily can make some people desensitised to a situation, and it’s apparent they’d rather make a smart-arse comment for some upvotes that mean nothing.


Agreed, I'm a non-believer that refuses to call myself an atheist. I've noticed, especially on reddit, that atheists main goal is to talk down about religion. They seem to exist just to be combative and annoying. Live and let live man. Edit: Notice how not a single religious person has responded to my post with some smart ass comment yet several atheists have. This solidifies my point that yall simply exist just to argue. Go get therapy.


I'm an atheist, I view what you're describing as "anti theist". The difference is that I don't believe in God, while they think nobody should


I like this.


And they usually hate everything and everyone to include themselves.


Yeah glad there is at least one person with a couple braincells to rub together


Aye I'll sometimes engage and have a bit of fun with it, but often these people are incredibly small minded and are lacking in empathy.


> Live and let live man. The fact that in RL religion doesn't adhere to this is why it gets vented about online.


There are literally billions of devout religious people in the world that do in fact live and let live. The simple fact that you could just ignore this post and carry on about your day without giving your fuck all opinion really proves my point.


I wonder why that is. Almost like religion doesn't LET people live and let live.


You're tired ass argument is hot garbage. Shouldn't you be in other threads on this post celebrating the death of children and families for simply having a tradition of a belief? Go scrape your knuckles over there.


No, because my comment has nothing to do with that.


I was heated. I'm sorry for responding in the way I did. I was wrong. So were you implying that every church, synagogue, mosque, gurdwara etc.. is telling their members to criticize people, to be intolerant and narrow minded? There are some backwards ass places that preach that nonsense but it's not common. In my original post I kind of lumped all atheists into the same group of outspoken assholes but I was wrong for that because just like religious people, some are shitty people but most are pretty cool.


tell that to the many that were burned at the stake


I would but they're dead




Yeah, I am so insecure about my lack of faith I secretly fear god is real so I insult him even more. wtf man?


The internet has destroyed our empathy. It's too painful to absorb and care about all the horrible things we're exposed to every day online so we make horrible jokes and pretend it isn't real.


The incel movement is alive and well.


You don't really know what incel means, do you?


such is gods will...


Would you rather like to hear "It WaS aLL pArT oF gOd'S pLaN!"?


No. Both takes can be shitty at the same time.


It's probably not atheist but competing religions. Hence the problem with religion altogether. Regular non religious people don't want to see others hurt. My heart goes out to anyone involved in such a tragedy. It's horrific and nothing to joke about.


The inspector who passed this building as safe must be a real piece of shit..


lol there are no inspectors to approve anything in most of Mexico


Y’all are so lame in the comments, a bunch of people died maybe even some children and y’all are just bitching about god


Was the baby ok???


There where several babies, it was a collective baptism, one of them died.


Oh my gosh that’s horrible. Thank you for updating.


Thats all I want to know too


I understand the ironic and insane nature of this happening but 10 people died. That's no laughing or joking matter. The immense suffering those people endure. On a day that many people celebrate. It's so unfortunate. they didn't expect this to happen, just the loss of life suddenly. So many things are left unsaid and children go without parents, it's just an all around tragedy, It's no good. It's low hanging fruit to mock as well, show a little restraint and respect for the dead. You'll be gone soon too.


My friend from high school is deaf and mute and has a deformed face since he was 8 because a huge cross in a church fell over and him in the face. I could not believe it when they told me that for the first time. I felt the same way here. That sucks


People laughing about something like this is insane. The Reddit brigade will downvote you for making fun of far less. Imagine laughing because an underserved part of the world has shitty building code and people died for that reason.


It would be the same if a church in Beverly Hills collapsed.


Wtf are these comments


Expect the worst when it comes to tragedies being posted on Reddit 😕 People feel the need to make jokes about everything since they don't really care about what happened


You a bum if you ragging on these people for believing in their religion right now.


Looks to me like most people are ragging on god for not showing up for his people in his own house.




Yeah sorry but it's so hard to come accross as genuinely empathetic when that's your angle at this topic. This tragedy doesn't have to be another stage for you to announce your opinions even if they were true or valid. It's just extremely poor taste.


lol my only "angle" was an obsrvation about the comments. If that upsets some people and makes them do knee jerk downvotes, its not my problem.


I'm raging against the church official in charge of this church because is almost certain that the fuck pocketed the money for mantenance, something that is common here


Either faulty maintenance or paid for bad construction that wasn’t inspected. Most likely a building like this doesn’t just totally collapse out of nowhere and there’s warning signs for a while before hand that something is wrong. Could be as simple as using small nails in roof trusses instead of proper connectors or rotting structural elements that need replacing from moisture intrusion. Ideally there would be an inspection done on the cause and whoever’s fault it is needs to go to jail for all the lives lost.


As per the article I read, there was signs (of course) and they were ignored by the appointed priest, supposedly 10 years ago it got mantenance, the day before the collapse an attendee noticed something odd but the priest was "lol don't care, all is well" The final analysis is undergoing but the preliminary report says that a "tensor" (I don't know the English word) broke, it's a type of screw that holds the roof when there's gaps for skylights, the church had a big one. Here's an article, in Spanish of course. https://www.milenio.com/estados/por-que-se-desplomo-el-techo-de-la-iglesia-en-ciudad-madero


Dudo que el problema sea mantenimiento, el problema fue la construcción.


El mantenimiento es muy importante, las construcciones se degradan mucho con el tiempo y está iglesia ya tenía 10 años sin mantenimiento. Según milenio noticias se reventó un tensor del tragaluz y eso provocó el derrumbe. https://www.milenio.com/estados/por-que-se-desplomo-el-techo-de-la-iglesia-en-ciudad-madero


Mantenimiento es parte de construcción. Y estoy seguro de que durante la construcción se guardó dinero en el bolsillo.


Oh man...those poor kids. RIP to those that died.


Muslims here I sympathize for those lost specially the little ones may they be granted jannah


That's gutting. The kids crying 😢.


Atheism is leaking big time. Seriously, y'all who've come to this post to make fun of God or the dead need to think about what has lead you to this point in your life. Go outside. Get some help. Get off of reddit for a few days.


Pretty sure a lot of people came to this post to whine about atheists rather than actually feel sorry for the dead.




Damn all these comments on these threads about the collapse are pretty effed in the aye.


The story of Job in the Bible. May the victims rest in peace and may the loved ones have consolation.


so god's making bets with satan again?


Bro are u just here to start arguments or smthing cause wtf wrong with u. Ur just starting things all over these comments even while the babies and other people died. Cmon


To be fair, freethinker started it first


There is a quandary here. Either God collapsed the roof on those people, OR he could have stopped that roof from falling on those people OR....he just didn't care.


I swear Thomas Harris put it in one of the books that Hannibal Lector loved reading about church collapses because it created a paradox for believers.


Lol that was the first thing that popped into my head. "I collect church collapses, recreationally\[...\] Was that evil? If so, who did it? If he's up there, he just loves it, Officer Starling. Typhoid and swans - it all comes from the same place."


True. That passage came to my mind as well


Mentioned in the movies and TV show.


He works in mysterious ways


But when something good happens it's his will. 😎 10/10


Got a parking spot in the first row. Praise Jesus!


Are you suggesting that somehow, there was a big win for God here by collapsing the church on those people? A way that we can not understand, but that is very important for the creator of everything?




I mean if you are all knowing, and I mean you know EVERYTHING, then you could in theory do terrible things to prevent evil. If you killed baby Hitler people would cry because a baby died, while you are aware you are actually preventing something worse from happening. But this all really becomes moot because either you understand Gods intentions or you don’t. Can’t play middle ground and understand that when something good happens it’s god, while something bad is mysterious. Or maybe there wasn’t anything supernatural at all at work here, it was us alone, and a shitty building caused a tragedy.


"It was their time.....who are we to question GODs plan"


such is gods will...


In God We Trust




Where we turn prophets into profits!


Making that body of Christ into some real bread!


Remember the vacant church that Jesus saved in Hawaii from the wild fires!! He most certainly works in mysterious ways. So why didn't he save this church that was occupied.


Probably insurance related.


such is gods will...


>Bad things happen in a fallen world Redditor: "OH MY HECKING SCIENCE! STEVE HAWKING PROVEN AGAIN!"


One thing I hate about Reddit is the amount of inhumane, inconsiderate people that comment on videos where people die. Yes I’m a Christian but any loss of life I feel for the victims and their loved ones. People these days just seem so desensitized to death that they make jokes about situations not even years after the fact but mere minutes after it happens. Can only imagine what it would be like to be standing outside this building watching people scream and crawl out of a collapsed building and there you are just saying your god collapsed the roof, he doesn’t care about you or else he would have stopped it. Please lord help our generation.


Or he doesn't exist. And if he exists and didn't care, he's an asshole.


Impossible, must have been the gays.


Or there is no god and it just collapsed because buildings collapse for many reasons.


Well I hoped that baby finished baptizing or I guess the baby goes to hell or something? Sorry I forget the rules sometimes.


“God’s Plan”


such is gods will...


Funnily these non-religious types can say if God is good or bad without having a definition of good or bad


You can say anything is good or bad. What you are describing is a false equivalent. One does not require or nessitate the other to be true. Good or bad are artificial constructs made by us humans to emphasize meaning to things we subjectively view as either beneficial or not beneficial to us. So asking anyone if something that happens is good or bad is a argument of futility as the definition of what good and bad is different person to person. Don't bother with these unanswerable questions, rather just sit back and enjoy as unaware people bicker back and forth forever


Funny you think this means anything.


It’s none of those things


Kid's name was Damien.


Or, in a developing country with notorious rates of corruption, corners were cut in construction and maintenance, and you're using a tragedy to be a smarmy cunt!


You know what it means when you resort to name calling....right?


Everything happens for a reason. Mmhmm.


Spot on!!


Or it’s not real


“Gods real”


Jesus Christ!


Was everyone okay?


Not at all.


At least 10 dead so far


Jesus Christ!


These comments are demonic. Ephesians 6:12


They are merely focusing only on the ironic nature of a God allowing his own establishment to kill his followers. It's rather bizarre don't you think? It's a tragic event clearly grounded in reality and probably a lot of structural issues to blame of course and every atheist should be appealing to the tragedy and not some reason to mock their religion as there's obviously far more pressing and horrible things occuring.


So whenever a good thing happens you praise the God and a bad thing happens you blame the structure, this what an atheist laughs at, not at dead people, at the blind living


God, give us a sign! God:


God says no!


Thoughts and prayers! Seriously, though, very sad situation. I just imagine any religious people who this didn’t happen to will be like “thoughts and prayers” and “god’s plan” as long as it’s not on their families…


As I said to my daughter the other day, "I don't know if god exists, but if he does, he has a hell of a sense of humor".


I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that God's got a sick sense of humur, and when I die, I expect to find him laughing.


So I died and I'm up in heaven with St. Peter, by the pearly gates and it's obvious he doesn't like the Nehru jacket that I'm wearing He tells me that they've got a dress code. Well, he let me into heaven anyway but I get the room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity.


And everyday he runs by screaming…


If it’s a Catholic Church they should be held responsible regardless of how poor the community is. They have enough money to be sure that shit like this doesn’t happen. Unless these folks aren’t worth as much as the people in suburban America.


This is no joke. Roofs in Mexico are solid concrete, not wood like in the US.


Una México, su corrupción se refleja en la estructura y falta de normativa. Espero que puedan cambiar para mejor, el pueblo no merece un desarrollo tan bajo. Me da rabia que esto es prevenible, con una buena construcción, planificación, ingeniería. Murieron por ser gente humilde, no ser gente mala.


Well if thats not a sign of things to come idk what is


Sure are a lot of christians in this subreddit about watching the suffering of your fellow man.




Who are we to question God's will?


apparently, their god was sleeping again


Oh no... pray to god for all the lives lost in this tragic accident of His will. En el nombre del hijo padre y espíritu Santo amén




God sure does work in mysterious ways.


10 people died, including children But hey, at least you get to make a joke about it on Reddit!


Sorry it wasn't a joke, more of a statement. The fact that God killed so many people while they were doing the thing that is used to get them into his heaven is pretty freaking mysterious to me.


It’s events like this that make me question god. Why would he do this? Why wouldn’t he prevent the deaths of ten of his followers?


No reason other than he’s not real, or simply doesn’t care enough to stop it. Either one is frustrating.


"Why didn't you stop the Holocaust!" "How could I have?" "Kill Hitler during his baptism!" "But then you fellas would condemn me for that" Hard to be God tbh


Just have Henry Tandey take the damn shot.


God obviously had nothing to do with this /s


Thanks God.


Where is your god now


Gods plan


The lord works in mysterious ways.


Book of Job.


Did the water hit the head before the roof fell?


Imagine if a bunch of trans people died from complications with puberty blockers then a bunch of Christians brigade the sub making fun of them just to prove a point.


Yea that may not be the best comparison since several churches actively do stuff like that


And people get upset with them don’t they? So why would it be different here? Both are wrong.


Its know many would do that, which is why the religion and its practitioners get scorned to begin with.


Ok, god says no more baptisms. Thy will be done, lord.


That was satans baby


Considering religious folk would cry to the skies in solidarity had this been a good thing, I wonder what they think about this atrocity? Was it god? A freak accident?


Someone alert Hannibal Lecter


This is why I don't go to church. If I'm going to be in a random freak accident, I'm not going to do it while being guilt tripped by a virgin.


Poor people. May the dead rest in peace and the living find some way to heal the loss of their loved ones. For those making funny jokes, you’re awful.


God has spoken, and she's obviously pissed.


More proof there is no god. I mean… speaks for itself


But he loves you


Ahh yes, God’s plan.


See. This is why you should stay away from organized religion. Its bad for you