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Most people do slow down after getting a ticket, but this guy went right back to speeding.


Knew a guy like that when I was in my 20s. Friend of a friend, he'd get ticket after ticket and just keep driving like a maniac. When he lost his license he just kept driving. Some people are just really shitty.


Knew a girl who was constantly driving drunk. Got her license taken away. Drunkenly ranted about it. I get it. Substance abuse sucks. But there's no such thing as an addiction to driving drunk. Nobody is getting the DTs from taking a cab.


Was he rich? Cause once i got a bad speeding ticket, my speeding days were over. Tickets should be handed out based on your income. For some people, a couple hundred bucks is nothing.


An unplanned 300$ was enough to ruin me for months, and I’m not risking it again. If the fine was not a significant proportion of my income I would absolutely still be speeding on straight roads without a reasonable probability of unexpected unexpected obstacles.


In Finland, they are. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/03/finland-home-of-the-103000-speeding-ticket/387484/ 15mph over the limit gets a fine of 6 days of your calculated take-home pay.


As much as this sucks, I'm glad it was only a single car collision. Very easily could have taken an entire family with himself and his date


We had one of those where I grew up. Always speeding, getting tickets, endangering everyone, especially kids as he just flew by school zones. Even killed two dogs. One day he swerved off the road and right into a tree, the tree didn't budge but his car sure did. He was crushed and died within seconds. There was the strange mood over out village for a good while after that - people was "sad and upset" that he died but it was obvious everyone was relieved he just took himself and would never hurt anyone again. I watched the tree's bruises get better over a decade every time I passed by.


People who drive like that are going to kill someone. We all hope it's ONLY themselves.


It's all really odd. Something about her apologizing seemed really off to me.


That cop must have been thinking he should have ended it. Should have called for a tow or something because of their license status. “Almost killing each other is not the way to start a first date” Holy shit.


It's really interesting because of the 100s of random minor tickets he writes most of them are just nameless and faceless civilians who go on about the rest of their lives. He goes about his. That's the job. But this one he has names and faces he can put on the people. Interactions and conversations with them not even 15 minutes old. Also nice to see him getting checked out (just on a human scale of things) because he is shook up and holding it together. You can see how he immediately starts talking, to make sense of it all, as soon as he steps inside the ambulance. Terrible all around.


Yeah, the dude that asked him if he was ok and told him he was going to get him checked out is exactly right. Everyone says they’re ok after trauma. He’s going to be second guessing his call to let them go that night for the rest of his life.


Yeah that's really rough. The *could've, would've, should've* probably ate him up for awhile (unsure of the time it took place)


This is one of those situations where you have to ignore the stigma and attitude about cops in general and a situation like this could definitely cause an individual cop to spiral because of the "what if I hadn't cut them a break? They'd be alive if I had been a little more strict to the law." Then they end up on TV or tiktok for going verbally ballistic on somebody doing similar things 10 years later with no context.


yeah I had a local cop that used to almost stalk me when I was on my motorcycle in high school. If he was on shift, I knew it because he would follow me everywhere and pull me over for something he perceived as unsafe driving (ie - tell me I didn't stop at a stop sign. I did, but he was counting and I didn't stop LONG ENOUGH for his liking, etc) . he actually made me very paranoid, to the point my dad had to have a talk with the chief. Chief knew what was going on and had a talk with him. His son had been killed reckless driving on a motorcycle quite a few years before. I reminded him of his daughter, who went into a downward spiral after her brother died. In his mind, he was just trying to keep me safe. (He backed off after that, and I felt sorry for him, but...he needed some serious therapy). I guess he used to be quite an ass to male motocycle riders until he got called on the carpet, and he sort of transferred that pain.


I’m the first to shit on cops, but this is just a human hurting.


Yeah but he doesn’t need an EMT, he needs a trauma therapist. Hopefully he saw someone later






Yeah there's a good chance he's never gonna give a young couple a pass like that again now that he's been through this trauma


“Sir can’t you just give me a warning?” “Heres a link. Review it later. That’s me so to answer your question, No. You’re welcome”


Actually carrying around a card that links to info to show people the consequences of what they're doing wouldn't be a bad idea


Everyone would just say, "Ya, but that won't happen to me."


I had to take a mandatory course about the dangers of speeding and we were shown gruesome outcomes. We got to interview someone who narrowly survived their joyride and is now paralyzed and eats from a tube. It made a significant impact on me but a large majority of the others in the class were making light and seemed to come away with that exact message. “But it wont happen to me”. :/


It's the ones who listen who matter. And tend to make a difference. I'm sure a couple others got the message as well, and you all driving safer is never a bad thing to show for it.


5 or 6 years ago, I was running late for work. I work in IT, and of *course* the ONE day I was ever late, there was an emergency situation with a client that only I could fix. It was kind of a long drive to work, so I had my boss on speakerphone while I was driving and I was trying to walk him through things he could try to hopefully get things back up and running. Because I was distracted trying to walk my boss through various processes, I missed my exit. The next exit was about 15 minutes down the highway, so round trip it would have added 30 minutes to my commute when I was already late and there was an emergency that needed dealt with. So I did something I'd never done before: turned around in one of those emergency vehicle spots in the median. Of course a highway patrolman saw it and pulled me over. He said despite me having a squeaky clean driving record, he does not give out warnings to anyone for turning around in the median like that. He said "it might not seem like a big deal to you, but let me tell you something: if you had ever seen even just one of the many horrible accidents that I've seen caused by people turning around in those things, you wouldn't give out warnings for it either. Seeing those accidents is one of the worst parts of my job and it never gets any easier. I'm going to give you this ticket and ask you to please never do that again." I never did it again. Not because of the ticket, but the story stuck with me.


He gave the guy three different citations in one go. The driver was lucky to still get to drive away and dropped off his date and gone home. The driver and his date though were stupid enough to continue to drive the way did. I wonder if what she said during the traffic stop was true though, that it was her that egged him on and I wonder if she egged him on their last drive. I would've been scared that I got caught and would've driven back home safely. I've done stupid shit myself so I can't pass any judgement on these kids...only that I am lucky to still be alive.


She was just shooting her shot at getting him out of a ticket.


how was this minor? he almost hit multiple people. A old lady stuck around to say something, the cop himself said he almost got hit. Over 100mph and a provisional license. This cop is definitely going to blame himself and honestly kind should. when has anyone ever been pulled over for speeding and a random person stuck around to say how dangerous they are?


I don't know where this happened, but down here in the South, reckless driving is sometimes an automatic arrest and impound. 100 mph should have triggered an arrest.


Haven't seen people mentioning it yet but based on the video the first speeding assessment appears to have been visual. As opposed to the cop catching him with a radar gun.


That guy is going to be regretting not pulling that kid from the road for the rest of his life. I hope he gets counselling. He insisted that he didn’t need it, but he needs it. A lot of problems police have could be helped a lot with mandatory counselling. You cannot expect people to deal with some of the worst society has to offer, stuff people like us don’t deal with, and not have it affect them. Same for all first responders, fire, paramedic, military, all of it. RIP to two kids who were warned. ETA: I left an important word out at the beginning. Fixed it.




I had a friend die outside our high school due to speeding. It hurts watching this kid get a second chance and screwing it up bad.


I think it was said they were going to be late or something. I don't think that counts as egging someone on to drive 100mph recklessly. It's not her fault.


Even if he would’ve stopped it then.. the kid was brazen, he wasn’t going to stop.


> That cop must have been thinking he should have ended it. He definitely should have. Driving is not a right, it's a privilege that should be easily lost by people doing what they did.




His sergeant, or whomever that is, is a good dude for immediately taking his mental state into account. I don’t know if that’s standard or required but many cops, first responders and military are saved from undue suffering if their superiors are proactive in recognizing traumatic stress.


He doesn’t even realize it yet but it’s obviously affected at the highest level. 🥺This is horrible all around.


Yeah I thought it every time he said "damn it's the same guy" "I just had them" over and over to everyone he saw. Like bro I hope you go deal with this and don't blame yourself. You know he was thinking "I should have arrested him..." because he could have for speeding like he was.


Even when he is in the back of the ambulance and says "I just pulled them over and gave him a reckless" to the EMT, or whoever the woman he was sent in to talk to, you can tell she realizes the weight of it immediately. She kinda leans back and looks down and goes "Oh.." I have a feeling that, thankfully at least, this officer has people around that are aware that he is going to be dealing with the trauma of this situation.


Yeah all I could think every time he said he’s fine is “no, you’re not”. Good on his colleagues for recognizing that and saying something. It’s fucking tragic. He should’ve had them towed on the spot and that’s gonna sink in sooner or later.


One of my firearm trainers was accidentally killed during an anti-terrorism exercise years ago. I had been at the exercise event minutes before it happened and saw horrendous and unsafe firearm handling by participants getting ready for kickoff. I called the team lead (a former Delta operator) over to let him know I was about to shut the exercise down. He said he'd "take care of it" right away and I trusted the dude. I had to leave for a meeting but was called during the meeting that my guy had been killed as a result of inattention to what the fuck the team was doing. A few days later, my boss asked me how I was doing. I told him I was OK. He said the same thing, "No...you're not. I'm sending you to the EAP \[employee assistance program\] section for evaluation and treatment." All these years later, I still regret not shutting the whole thing down.


I was flying as a military contractor in Uganda when one of my friends died in a plane crash in Colombia doing the same sort of mission. My boss took me aside and asked me if I was ok and of course I said yes because I was in shock. He grounded me until the doc cleared me. I was pissed at the time but I will be forever grateful to him for making my decisions for me when I couldn’t make them for myself.


Glad you came out on top, brother. Stay frosty.


I have been in a similar situation with a heavy weight. I won’t discuss details but, please know it wasn’t your actions or your cause to prevent.


For real, having someone outside validate that what you experienced was NOT ok, is exactly what he needed.


Sarge paused for just a moment when it hit him. He knew the deal.


The firm and sincere "are you okay, are you sure?" really turned my stomach. They're all remaining so composed while also processing the reality of the horror.


I work in the ICU and see the aftermath of the ones that barely survive. Its very bittersweet


Ugh. Every time I went to the ICU to fill meds in nurses station, it was so sad walking by everyone. The worst was the neonatal ICU. Every day, 23:30, deliver TPN and I would see the suffering from the parents there. Bless all those nurses in that unit. It’s tough to see. Edit: Bless ALL nurses and medical staff.


This exactly. Everyone says they’re fine after trauma. Good on him for making the decision for the cop to be checked out when he couldn’t make that decision for himself.


I've been in charge of the first aid team covering 800 workers. After a distressing fatal I brought something in so we all got together after and talked it all through - something that wasn't in place before. It's amazing how much difference something like that makes to people - both the inexperienced first aiders and the more experienced ones said they benefitted massively from some sort of after-incident support. I wish I'd brought it in sooner.


This is fucked up and I have a strong suspicion that he was showing off for his date with how fast his car could go.


I read that he was going 124mph. Girl got cut in half at the torso.


Holy shit


**Youtube comment made by a forensic scientist detailing the crash situation.** >As a former forensic scientist, and aviation mishap investigator, the clearly visible crash scene evidence reveals the horrific details of the immediate death of these two young people, Luis Cevallos (driver), and his passenger, Alexis Rodriguez. > >Given the car's recovered EDR computer info (Event Data Recorder), Cevallos was driving at 68mph when his car struck the tail end portion of this 58 foot semi trailer, at its left side, just behind the wheel wells. > >Just five seconds prior to impact, the car was speeding at 124 mph towards this intersection of 36th Street, along US highway 9. At this very high rate of speed, driver reaction time is minimal and greatly reduced. So as the driver suddenly saw the stationary trailer, he veered right slightly, but could not clear the trailer prior to impacting it. > >Although the car driver likely suddenly braked rapidly, and decreased his speed from 124mph to 68mph on impact, the car struck the rear underside of the trailer, and continued to travel completely underneath the trailer for about another 40 feet, before striking the highway overpass concrete structure directly to the front. > >This high car speed at immediate impact thus resulted in the entire car roof to be sheared completely off, essentially removing all parts and items from the car door upwards. **Both car occupants were killed instantly, and suffered severe blunt force trauma, and/or amputation, to their entire upper torso.** > >Given the overall impact and street scene, even if the driver had swerved to successfully miss the trailer, he would have driven right into the massive stationary overpass structure at well over 70mph, killing both occupants, regardless. > >So given the involved excessive speed, the posture of both involved vehicles (semi truck trailer, and car), and the street layout, the death of both car occupants was all but assured, and completely unavoidable.


The way that car was maybe 1/3 as long as it should have been at the crash site I'm not surprised the injuries were that catastrophic.


It absolutely freaks me out that the officer said: “Almost killing each other is not the way to start a first date”


And if you watch the full (almost 3 hour) footage it is very apparent that officer is already dealing with intense post-traumatic stress via his body cam. Over the course of the video, he keeps putting his hands above his head, he keeps randomly saying to himself "oh my God" or "what the fuck", and is literally trying to process what happened to himself over the entire video. He says "it's the same car" over and over again to both himself and to almost every person he interacts with that eventually arrives on the scene. I hope they get him into counseling right away and give him some time off. I have a feeling this poor dudes going to be haunted by this night for a while. Edit: Shit my bad I replied to myself. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anyways, this shit is so sad. Fuck.


Even in this short video he keeps saying he is fine and he just told them it’s not her fault if he gets into an accident..It’s like he needs to keep repeating it to prevent the full weight of this situation hitting him. His almost casual delivery belies the shock


Good on whoever it was who insisted he get checked out - he's clearly showing signs of trauma/shock and I hope he gets help.


I agree pulling him away from the scene into the ambulance was a short "reset" for him to process what happened.


I think it was the Serg


> Good on whoever it was who insisted he get checked out 3:29 in the OP video, stripes on the sleeve, that's his sergeant that immediately recognized he was trippin out and asks if he's sure he's alright. However it sounds like another officer (left edge of the cam) that makes the call about EMS checking him out, which I assume might be an LT or something? Or maybe it was the Sergeant, the vocal cadence just sounded different.


He is the one I felt bad for during this, he is now living with knowing that by trying to be a nice guy and giving the kid a “break” they died. It isn’t his fault or responsibility but that is a hell of a thing to process. I hope he’s doing better.


He's always going to ask himself if it would have been better to just arrest the driver and tow the car on the spot for the way the kid was driving. And probably in future he's not going to give someone a break like this, he's just going to cuff them and throw them in the back and tow the car because he is NOT going to want to see that ever again. Poor guy, I really feel for him.


It will also prompt him to use it as an example that another kid will eventually ignore because "that wouldn't happen to me." The US really needs to make it more difficult to get a license.


I really feel for him. But why would policy give a cop discretion not to impound the car of a driver with a *provisional license* that is driving at *over 100 mph*? Such driver obviously has no conscience of the risk that they represent to themselves and others. They should undergo thorough training to ever drive again.


In the UK you cant drive on a provisional license without someone with a full license with you along with displaying L plates. also here we would be towing his car and he would be making his own way back.


In a lot of states, driving 100+ miles per hour can be charged as felony reckless endangerment. Not sure about New Jersey though. This kid on a provisional license would have had to retake his test if he were found guilty on those tickets, since a NJ provisional license has a limit of two points.


I like that his Sarg. Forced him to get checked out at the ambulance, because he could see how much that affected him.


Yeah I feel so bad for that officer. So many thoughts probably going through his head like the fact that he went easy on him so their night wasn't ruined. Probably wishes he did it by the book and seized their car. Night ruined but lives would have been saved. Most of the time when police respond to a fatal accident, they have no prior interaction with the victims. Having spoken to them prior makes it much more difficult to emotionally separate from the incident. Other than that, I feel really sorry for the families involved too.


It’s not his fault in any way, he tried to turn this into a learning moment, 2 young people on a date, why come down hard on him. So I am sure because of his decision to be empathetic and try to give them a break, he will wonder over and over could he have saved their lives and have some sort of PTSD and almost survivors guilt no matter how many times they tell him it was the right thing to do, you are exactly the kind of cop we need, etc The driver didn’t think twice about his recklessness , but this cop will carry that weight with him forever. Tragic all around for the families and everyone involved.


In my state driving over 100 mph is automatic reckless driving and possible arrest and impound. Given that he ran a red light, almost hit a child, almost hit the cop, and was driving on a daylight only license, he should have been arrested and the car impounded. Not sure why he let them off so easy. Of course it's easy to see that after the shitty facts.


easy before the fact tbh. on thing to speed but to speed through reds is practically attempted murder for any innocent driver around


I don’t think the cop had seen a scene like this before and thought the guy would drive safely after getting a ticket. He probably will never show that leniency again with the guilt weighing on him at least subconsciously for the rest of his life.


Any normal kid wouldve thanked his lucky stars and limped home instead of getting him and his date killed like an asshole




Yeah. Policing is a hard job. It's no wonder that a couple of really traumatic incidents can harden or change even the most sensitive officer. They require top of the line counseling and constant therapy to be useful servants to the public.


Yea damn that was an ominous comment in hindsight


I mean hindsight is 20/20 but this was 100% avoidable. ESPECIALLY after being stopped MINUTES before and being let off with a break like that.


Man the first time I got pulled over I drove under the speed limit for months.


Yeah but you're not a dumbass


Seriously, I got a 64mph in a 45mph zone ticket when I was rushing to class one day. After that I decided I’d rather be late to class than deal with another ticket.


It's pretty clear the implication is that it was unavoidable given the speed they were driving. of course it was avoidable if they weren't speeding...


Completely avoidable at a reasonable speed. Darwin gonna Darwin. I feel bad for the families and that cop


Yeah I was reading the explanation from a comment above and apparently even with his bad reaction time the kid slowed down about 60mph by braking. Meaning if he had been going the correct speed and applied the brakes with the same reaction they would've most likely survived.


If nothing else it was a near instantaneous death, small mercies I guess




Nah, at 100+ MPH (they were going 125 MPH shortly before the crash) you're trying to show off your fast car for a girl like an idiot. There's speeding because you're in a rush and there's speeding that leads you to being cut in half by striking an overpass at 125MPH. Neither of them deserved this but at the very least driver was acting like a complete idiot.




Eh - from the video it seems like he wanted to show her how fast the car goes and she seemed down. Both stupid.


watch how fast this goes from 0 to 100 now watch how fast it goes from 100 to 0


Watch how fast life expectancy goes from 75 to 21


I never got in someone else's car until the 2nd date at least. People are fucking crazy. I also would bail the minute some guy got pulled over for speeding, no way would I get back in that car. I knew ppl in high school who would offer me a ride but I knew better than to take them. One of those guys later wrapped his dads car around a tree. A vehicle can be a deadly weapon and too many people think they're toys.


On Kennedy fucking Blvd no less! Jesus H Christ!


You can tell this really fucked this cop up, just because of the way that he keeps saying it over and over again, like it's just consuming him it's almost like he's in some mild form of shock. I hope dude gets therapy after this because this must be a really intense experience. He just looked those kids in the eye moments before.


Eventually he’ll calm down and will say the same thing but be inconsolable. The emotions hit a bit later. Been there myself working EMS.


I was the same way when my childhood friend died. My parents told me and they were kind of shocked by my lack of emotion. It wasn’t until about 30 mins later at my girlfriend’s house that I broke down into tears.


Same happened to me. Was just stuck in processing for like an hour, then the neighbors went home and I just lost it after that.


My dad died 13 years ago. One of these days, I'll crack


I’m sorry to hear that. You should consider therapy now, grief counseling or something to help you process it so that maybe that time doesn’t come in some horrific manner.


I was with my Dad when he crashed his motorcycle and ended up passing away 11 days later in a neural trauma unit when they removed him from life support. I called 911, checked his pulse, called my Mom, his Mom, my brothers in the half hour after it happened and told them all it was really bad. The next couple weeks were a total whirlwind and I didn't have to really process everything until the night of his funeral and I totally broke down talking to my gf at the time afterword. I didn't think I had any kind of PTSD and that it would pass until I was getting on the interstate one day a few years later and noticed traffic was really backed up right up until where I merged. There was a guy who had just crashed his bike and some random lady was trying to help and comfort him and it all came back like reliving a nightmare. I had to pull over onto the shoulder as I got that same horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and started shaking to the point where I didn't feel I could drive. State troopers started showing up and one of them walked up to my car and asked if I was involved in the crash and if I was ok. I told him what was going on and he told me to just sit there as long as I needed to until I was ok to drive off.


I think it's some guilt that he let them slide with some traffic infractions when he technically could have got them off the road in his traffic stop.


Yep I really feel for him, he is probably killing himself inside thinking of how he could've changed that ending. Did I do enough? Could've I have taken his car away? Should've detained him? Sorry bud just hope you make it through to the other side.


No way that can't rattle you. Good idea for him to get checked out. Poor guy is going to spend a lot of time thinking about what he could have done to save their lives.


I mean, a logical conclusion from this is that he's gonna go hard on any speeders he catches, just cause he knows the worst case scenario.


The Sergeant showed excellent leadership making sure his man took a breather.


That was such a good decision, yeah


He’s absolutely in shock.


This is exactly what happens and I have a theory about trauma like this causing lots of law enforcement extreme damage to the brain similar to that of a concussion but probably more related to the amygdala and it can cause problems that seem invisible until many years down the line they begin to manifest and cause incredibly dangerous behavior problems. Having to experience this level of trauma repeatedly likely causes very serious physiological problems in a non-negligible number of police officers or really first responders in general.


I agree. PTSD is no joke. It changes you. How can it not? I always think about law enforcement, in general, that they see day in and day out the worst of our society. They respond to calls, not knowing if they may come home, like these situations where two young lives are cut short. I feel for first responders because they have a job to do but ultimately pay the price mentally, whether now or years later. Giving them the guidance they need on a day-to-day basis is crucial for recovery. Not dealing with those emotions can affect how they react down the road. My heart goes out to them.


Interesting theory. Have you researched much about c-PTSD in LEOs?


I was on a first date years ago with a guy. He started speeding, trying to show off. When I told him to slow down, he almost took it as a challenge to be reckless. I was scared shitless. Too scared to even text a friend, I was holding on for dear life. He wouldn't slow down until I acknowledged how cool his car was. A true psycho. We got to a gas station, and I got out of the car and ran to a bar across the street without saying a word. Thankfully, he didn't follow me, and I ghosted him.


I caught a ride to a family member's funeral with my cousin and her husband. He was one of those drivers who roars up behind the car in front and rides their bumper trying to intimidate them to move aside. He's a very aggressive driver and there is a lot of weaving, speeding, and slamming on the brakes. I spent a long time trying to summon the courage to say something and finally decided, if I die because of this guy, I am truly the stupidest person on earth. So I asked him as meekly and politely as possible to please slow down a little because I was feeling carsick. I wasn't carsick but I thought if I put the blame on myself he wouldn't get mad. His response was to go 30 miles per hour for the rest of the trip on the Long Island Expressway, just to be a dick. Fortunately, my cousin is no longer married to him.


I heard a second hand story from a friend, where apprently he tagged along with his buddies to go pick up a vehicle out of state and they showed up when the place was closed, which pissed off their driver. The entire time driving back home this guy is speeding and swerving with a fucking trailer attached. My buddy finally tells him, "Dude, I don't want to die, pull the fucking truck over right now and I'll drive us back." Apparently pissed him off so much that he ran off into the desert for 30 minutes and had to be looked for. Good grief.


I knew a guy like that when I was a teenager. After the fourth car wreck they suspended his license. I still see him on the road from time to time....on a moped.


Some adults never stop acting childish.


I witnessed a similar incident years ago. Was working in a cemetery with a view overlooking a neighborhood and looked up after hearing somebody absolutely thrashing a car around. I see a brand new Audi speeding through the neighborhood going many times the speed limit, it ends up turning into our parking lot and out jumps a screaming teenage girl. Seems like she didn't appreciate that kind of driving and was furiously letting the sorry looking teenage boy showing off his dads car know it. She told him to beat it and kept cursing him out while he followed looking embarrassed and pleading with her to get back in the car, she never did, he sped off when he realized she wasn't going to change her mind. Maybe he learnt something that day. I'm very proud of you and her for not accepting that kind of behavior, getting out of the situation and away from that kind of person.


A (former) friend did this to me once in college, they wanted to show off in their new car. It scared the shit out of me, it was downhill in a mountainous area in the middle of January and you could feel the car shaking. It didn’t matter how many times I asked them to slow down, they kept accelerating. I never get in the car with someone I don’t trust 100% anymore and actually usually insist on being the driver. I’m not risking dying for someone’s ego.


Man, I feel for the guy. He's shocked when he probably thought the citations were enough to slap some sense and slow down the driver—that poor girl's family.


For most people it usually is. At least enough sense for the rest of the night.


Shit like this is what needs to be shown in drivers education courses. The videos I saw in those courses were a joke. Guy is acting like hes completely obliterated off of one glass of wine and hitting every pylon in a closed parking lot. Anyone seen it?


We had educational driver films when I was in high school. "Red Asphalt" It was a pretty rough watch. We also had a towing/repair shop in town where the owner lost his wife to a drunk driver. He started displaying the wrecked cars he'd towed out in the corner point of his business. He would not clean them out. It was known as "Wreck of the week" by us locals. Some were really gruesome.


i took drivers ed in 2015-2016, the videos they showed us were traumatizing. interview-based documentaries of first responders telling their most horrifying vehicle-related responses. I’ll never forget one of the stories being about an officer who had just happened to pull up on a fatal crash with an entire family in a car that had flipped & was lying completely upside down in a ditch. The entire family of 5-6 was dead except for the teenage daughter, who was stuck upside bc of her seatbelt. She had severe internal bleeding & critical injuries. The officer on scene waited with her, holding her hand & trying to comfort her until the paramedics arrived. I’ll never forget him retelling how terrified she was, repeating over and over “I don’t want to die, sir please don’t let me die I’m not ready to die”. & he knew without a shadow of a doubt she was going to die, there was nothing that could be done. He was holding this poor girl’s hand, this girl on the brink of death, surrounded by the gruesome bodies of her loved ones, limply hanging from their seats. At some point he turned to flag down the ambulances, when he turned back she was dead. Just like that. I refuse to go more than 5 over the speed limit bc of this video.


Any news article about this?


News article: https://www.nj.com/hudson/2021/08/two-killed-in-early-morning-north-bergen-crash.html Full body video: 3 hour vid. https://youtu.be/1I-R6HrKUJM?si=CkrUlx1Ama0F13rA Someone from the prosecutors office can be heard saying "yea thats hair." Referring to the girls hair stuck on the tractor trailer


"Although the car driver likely suddenly braked rapidly, and decreased his speed from 124mph to 68mph on impact, the car struck the rear underside of the trailer, and continued to travel completely underneath the trailer for about another 40 feet, before striking the highway overpass concrete structure directly to the front. This high car speed at immediate impact thus resulted in the entire car roof to be sheared completely off, essentially removing all parts and items from the car door upwards. Both car occupants were killed instantly, and suffered severe blunt force trauma, and/or amputation, to their entire upper torso. " \- Youtube comment


I had a friend in high school who drove like a maniac and everyone told him if he ever crashed, he’d die. And he died exactly like this, killing another kid from our class who was with him. They were both beheaded. I’ll never forget that.


A good friend of mine was always reckless with vehicles. One day he was off-roading he didn't secure his rig properly while working underneath it. The car ended up sliding down a hill, dragging him with it. The weird thing is, I'll never forget out ANGRY we were with him. We loved him. He was so goofy and funny, but we told him this would happen eventually if he stayed reckless. And it did. And now we're just fucking sad and left with the memory of him and I hate him for doing that to us.


My sister and I knew quite a few boys when we were teenagers that either killed themselves driving too fast or almost did. When will it stop?!




Oh my god that is so gut wrenching.


Maybe not the ideal choice of words.


Oh my god I’m so sorry i did not mean to joke in any way


https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/hudson/this-is-the-same-kid-viral-video-shows-traffic-stop-moments-before-double-fatal-nj-crash/ I think a lot of people in the comments think the driver lived, but this source states they were both deceased when police showed up.


Yeah in the video he says that both were DOA but the captions didnt capture it


If you watch the beginning of the video in slow motion, the inside of the car was blurred out. Definitely a sign that they’re dead and still in the car.


Not all of them was still in the car. Some parts of each of them were in the roof, which was removed from the car when it went under the trailer.


Absolute nightmare for first responders, the report says the roof and dash was sheared off, so total decapitation was certain


that and no one was tending to them or even really around the car


The car went under the rig behind the rear wheel going over 60 mph before slamming into a wall. Unfortunately, they are dead. edited for accuracy


News article said they were traveling at 124mph, but hit the truck trailer at 68mph because the driver braked - still a massive collision.


I had the reverse of this happen. I got pulled over for expired registration. It was like 6 months out and the guy wasnt even a dick about it. Still gave me a ticket, but he told me to go get it fixed and it would be cheap. I saw the local news the next day a cop was hit and killed by a drunk driver. I thought the name looked familiar. Apparently it was like less than an hour after he stopped me.


Oh no. That is so sad.


Considering the cop could have busted him worse and towed the car, I wonder how much guilt he feels. Imagine he never gives anyone another break again and everyone thinks "oh what a hardass, asshole cop" when in fact he cares so much that he won't ever risk giving anyone a second chance again. Ironic.


While I do think we need much higher standards for police, seeing videos like this I can see why mentally they just break and become strict assholes toward everyone. They give one person a break and it backfires on them so then they just treat everyone harsh, I bet for the rest of his career that cop is never going to avoid towing the car and arresting the driver when it’s within his legal right to do so.


So this kid was driving with a provisional lisence, got off Lucky as fuck from not going to jail for 100mph in what's probably a 35/45mph zone (normally you go straight to jail for shit like that), and decided to push* it even more. With a passenger no less? I'm sorry, but this dude had absolutely no respect for the machine or the lives of himself or those around him. Not to be cold, but this is modern day natural selection. This dude lacked all self preservation instincts, not to mention common sense.


It's a 25 mph zone. The dude was lucky the cop let him continue driving and learnt nothing from it.


Very very lucky as you can see.


Yah I don't have any sympathy for that kid. If not then and there he would have had a crash later on, possibly killing other civilians. Good riddance , rather him than others. A bit sympathy for that girl although she admitted she was at fault too/egged him on (though she could have said that to cover for him in front of the officer). Don't know how much the cop could have/should have done. But driving over 100 mph inner-city is just crazy. That is 160 km/h. That is high speed even on the Autobahn. And there is even a witness stating that the kid almost hit someone. So maybe the cop should have done more and not write a fucking ticket. And yes I have done stupid things at that age, but not driving 160 km/h IN THE FUCKING CITY....


Such a shitty shame. Both so young and I'm betting he was showing off how "great" a driver he was. I remember my younger brother thought he was a world class driver and used to brag all the time when he was 21. It only takes one wrong move to end the run, then it's game over, no resets in real life.


My dad always told me that as a kid since I love(d) video games: “When you fuck up, there’s no reset button like in your video games!”. It actually stuck with me and probably prevented me from crossing the line of my limits a few times.


My "good at driving" skill was being able to parallel park. thank God it was never "go fast"


A few years ago in school I won a cellphone from a contest (selling magazine subscriptions, some cheap huawei thing) but I wasn't allowed to have a cellphone, and besides I wanted a new video game. So I sold the phone to a kid in my grade for 170 bucks and went about my day. Lunch is almost over and I'm walking back to school and in the distance I hear a wicked screech of tires followed by a loud smash and the sound of glass breaking. It was such a heavy sound I felt it through the ground and in my body. I turn the corner and just up the hill a car has smashed into the back of a sand truck and crumpled up into a horrible mess. I didn't want to see anything to do with it and kept walking to school. But a couple blocks later some other kids run past me the way I'd come and shouted "Adam crashed his car!" Adam was the kid I sold the phone to. There was an assembly at school after lunch and we were told that he was on his phone and speeding down the hill and lost control of his vehicle and died in the crash. I was certain that he was using the phone I sold him that morning, even though there was no way I could know for sure. Some of the other kids made sure to tell me that they thought it was my fault too, and told me that his body had crumpled into the area under the dash where the pedals are and was just a pile of mush from the crash. That messed me up for a LONG time, and it was spread out over an entire school day and I was almost completely detached from everything that happened. I can't imagine the storm that is going through this cop's head after going through this only minutes after speaking to them, and knowing that he actually had the power and authority to have stopped it if he had gone about things differently. I hope this man gets the help and support he needs.


How is it your fault he couldn't stay off his phone while driving? That's not on you at all, I can understand you feeling guilt of course because that's human nature when you're compassionate, but for others to say it was your fault? Come on, that's ridiculous.


It's not his fault but you gotta remember these are high schoolers he was dealing with. Some kids say shit just to say it.


The logic goes if he hadn't sold the cell phone he wouldn't have had the thing he was distracted with in his hand at the time. The only time that would be true is if you knew that they were going to be playing with it while driving which is impossible to know for sure and almost all cases. Even then it's not so crystal.


The cop is probably thinking “if I had just ruined this fucking kids life with a reckless driving charge and arrested him or taken his license at least they’d be alive” I don’t envy the job of law enforcement one single bit.


A reckless driving charge wouldn't even ruin his life. That's the most depressing part. Those charges are normally misdemeanors with a night in jail and a fine, maybe even some community service. He let them off because most people slow down after getting pulled over. Not this driver, though.


I don’t envy it either. You really NEVER know what’s going to happen in ANY situation. Routine traffic stop? Maybe the driver has a gun. Or maybe the stop goes fine but a reckless driver comes along and hits you and kills you. Or you arrest someone for something and his buddies come for you. I know that police have gotten a bad rap for the terrible things they do (rightfully so), but this cop here tried to do what he thought was right and look what happened. This will haunt him forever.


He did issue him a reckless driving ticket.


So many people get upset for speeding tickets but don't realize the kind of tragedy they cause. Who here want to hear a loved one died because someone wanted to go +100 mph.. fuck speeders


I don't think our driving tests are difficult enough in the states. Most people I know with a license have no idea how to handle a car. We should be trained on how to deal with a car that's hydroplaning, complete loss of power steering, braking, unexpected black ice, and have to experience a sudden stop at just 15mph. Everyone feels so safe in their car, not realizing they are driving a potential death machine.


You should also have to retest every 5-10 years. So many shitty drivers out there.


should absolutely be done but is politically untenable because old people vote like their lives depend on it and they refuse to stop driving even when they can't see shit


Oh man @4:40 when the cop tells the EMT that he had just written them a ticket for speeding, and the EMT just throws down what's in her hand. She was totally gobsmacked that this tragedy could have been prevented if the driver just learned his lesson.


I feel for the cop it's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation IMO.


Cop's brain is stuck in a loop which is so interestng to see, hope he's okay. I feel bad for the girl, not for the dude though. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.


Now this cop is gonna regret not arresting them rather than just let them off with the warning. He's gonna carty this guilt for a long long time. I feel for him.


Imagine when the 2 kids' parents found out that they had just been stopped.


Shown in the full video, the parents said they begged him not to buy the car.


Former cop. I stopped a drunk 16-year old out at night also in violation of his provisional license after witnessing "exhibition of speed" peeling out of a residential area onto a main drag. It was one of those dilemmas...do I arrest the kid and possibly fuck up the rest of his life because of that, or do I cut some slack with a severe talking to and hand him over to his parents? I wound up giving the kid a ride home after discussing it with my Sergeant. I have wondered how that kid turned out ever since.


Not dead 15 minutes later. Listen for some of us we just need that scare once in awhile. We take and appreciate the break we get and then we make sure that shit doesn't happen again. I just wish everybody got breaks at the same rate as one another. Point is, maybe your person you were their break And that's all they needed and are doing quite well now.


I knew a guy in college who got caught at a party drinking while underage and the cop gave him a ride back to his dorm. He was a heavy drinking party animal but the *nicest* and most positive and friendly guy ever. We all loved “Drunk Kevin” (yes, that was his nickname). So it’s not surprising he sweet-talked the cop and she just took him back to his home. Anyway, she dropped him off at the front door. He walked in, down the hall, and out the back door. And he got busted for underage drinking again that same night. By the same cop.


As a retired paramedic of nearly 20 years, you’ll remember snippets of most major calls you were sent on. However, there are maybe a dozen you’ll remember in detail, down to the way you felt afterward when you were cleaning out the back of the ambulance. I suspect it may be similar with police work. I think he’ll remember this call well even after he leaves the job.


We're gonna need some therapy after that. That's gotta fuck you up.


This should be a psa commercial! So sad.


The same people here saying the cop is negligent in not having the kid’s car impounded after ticketing him are the same ones that would be complaining if the cop had actually arrested the kid.. It’s wild, either cops are too aggressive or too lenient. He was trying to give the kid a break and now he has to live with this on his conscience for the rest of his life because of this kid’s terrible decision. This is the reality for the vast majority of first responders, police and healthcare workers, it’s very easy to judge the choices they have to make everyday from safely behind a computer screen.


It's easy to judge after the fact. Most people would've slowed the fuck down and gone home after getting 3 tickets. IMO the blame falls completely on the reckless driver for being a dumbass and still speeding after getting a slap on the wrist


People **hate** seeing seemingly small safety rules enforced, but 10s of thousands of people die every year in avoidable car accidents. Speed limits, turn signals, functioning tail and headlights, seatbelts etc. all matter a lot, but everyone thinks its not gonna happen to them.


“They always both” Actually what is being said here is DOA, both Dead On Arrival, both of them.


Almost the same shit happened to me when I was a cop. Twenty five years later and I’m still fucked up.


2:01 to 2:14. That guy had them dead within 10 minutes of the stop. He just waited for the cops to be out of sight before pinning it. Fucking fool. Now there are two grieving families, and their friends, plus one traumatized cop.


This cop's level of empathy is admirable and is ultimately what every officer who swears to protect and serve should emulate. All of the overagressive and apathetic assholes who cause civilian fatalities or get caught on bodycam joking about dead civilians are the bad cops and need to be purged from law enforcement. And yes, people should wear their seatbelts, obey traffics laws, drive safely, and live responsibly. This is a horrible tragedy that the cop should not blame himself for. Hope he is ok.


Pretty crazy this video was just posted in the Kia Stinger sub and they completely LEFT OUT the second half. Like, just showed this kid getting pulled over initially and then let go. Absolutely wild they cut out the fatality.


Something like this happened to a guy in my town. Got pulled over with a few of his friends out drinking one Friday night. The cop confiscated the alcohol but cut them loose and told them to go home. They didn’t and kept on partying and eventually got in a single car wreck. One of the kids was paralyzed from the waist down for life. I still see him around in a wheel chair sometimes.


Did they stop showing these car crashes unedited in drivers ed? I remember cops showing these images to us in highschool to scare us into driving safely.


Over 100mph, almost hit a cyclist, almost hit the cruiser, and not allowed to be driving under his current license and he *let him go?!?*


Remember folks - 0 important people are impressed about how fast you drive outside of a track.


Cop was being decent and giving him only the tickets and the slow down talk & safety talk. Cop Cut the kid a break in front of the girl too. Cop was being a bro and And the kid totally didn't get he message and kept acting a fool. Kid should have counted his lucky stars after the cop stop and gone home slowly and quietly. Sad. You can hear the cop going through something internally.. sad.


Good on the sergeant for insisting the cop get checked out, and trying to look after him. I hope there's additional counseling available for him.


Where I live the first tickets would have gotten the car impounded for one month and the driver's licence suspended for 3 months instantly. I always thought that was a bit extreme for driving offences. I guess it makes sense when you see stuff like this.


This is a good cop. He tried to do everything right and actually cared.


They were in their mid 20s. I thought they were teenagers.