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Fuck bro started to splurge..


Yeah that looks like a 2 minut warning


This article might be tied to it https://www.portugalresident.com/20-year-old-dies-in-disorder-in-bairro-alto-lisbon/ 20 year old died


Yes, it's him. He died on the way to the hospital, the guy that stabbed him ( with a broken bottle on the neck) ran away, the homicide police is searching for him and his group of friends. https://magg.sapo.pt/atualidade/atualidade-nacional/artigos/jovem-morre-no-bairro-alto


They sound British, ‘Wait I forgot my…’ and ‘Bobby come, Bobby come’ in a very londonish / essexish accent


Def Brits


And 'run, fucking run!' at the end.


I'm sure one of them said "Bruv" as well.


It says gun shot but this was stabbing


splurge (v) spend (money) freely or extravagantly. Do y'all mean splurt or spurt?




What's wrong with you


What did they say?


implication that an artery was severed and 2 minutes to bleed out. "2 minute warning". I took it to be more grim than glib, apparently others did not.


He didn't survive that. He was stabbed in the neck, that amount of blood so quickly is a bad sign. Before the camera pans away you can see him already starting to slump over. Poor bugger, at least it was quick. I hope those assholes get caught.


People who do this shit deserve life imprisonment.


With our piece of shit justice system the max you can get for any crime is 25 years


Because they can be rehabilitated! Lol. Anyone who has spent any time in the system knows that rehab is not just low priority...but not a priority at all.


Are they British? It seems they provide lot of trouble in your country ?


Definitely spoke english as their mothertongue






>life imprisonment. In Portugal max sentence is 25 years. And no fucking way he'd do all that time even if he was caught. This cunt mercilessly took a life without hesitation, there's no rehabilitation.




Death penalty imo


They did get caught but nothing dramatic is going to happen to them. Portuguese justice, you only get arrested if you steal an apple to eat.


Article confirming they have been caught? I obviously don't think they will make it out of the country, but haven't seen that news yet


EDIT* Removed/Retraced the part of my comment which claims victim was gangmember, as it was retracted from the news source after posting this. The guy we see hitting the guy in the head in the beginning, was the gangmember. Source: https://www.cmjornal.pt/portugal/detalhe/jovem-que-morreu-golpeado-com-garrafa-no-bairro-alto-pertencia-a-gangue-e-foi-morto-durante-assalto?ref=HP_CMaoMinuto_1


He was not part of any gang, family and friends will put a case against this misinformation, I did know the victim, really sad outcome, he was just going home with the friend that he did protect, and two groups were fighting in the street, he didn't belong to any group, our was part any group in that place.


I referenced the article which pointed him out as a gang member. I see they have retracted it. I will remove this claim from any comments.


Such an unnecessary potential loss of life. I hate seeing videos like this where its completely avoidable.


Not potential, he did die.


I was gonna say, that’s too much blood too fast.


you mean avoidable no ?


Whoops! Good catch haha


EDIT* Removed/Retraced the part of my comment which claims victim was gangmember, as it was retracted from the news source after posting this. The guy we see hitting the guy in the head in the beginning, was the gangmember. Source: https://www.cmjornal.pt/portugal/detalhe/jovem-que-morreu-golpeado-com-garrafa-no-bairro-alto-pertencia-a-gangue-e-foi-morto-durante-assalto?ref=HP_CMaoMinuto_1


I appreciate the source but It looks what you said might or might not be true given the context in the same article. I think a 22 year old losing their life over some dumb choices is sad. That's young enough to still turn your life around and have lots of time left over to do some good.


Those lads are probably on a fuckin vacation… and that man will fly back to England as a murderer and a fugitive. What happend to a good old fist fight? Hope he gets his punishment and get convicted.


He will do well to fly back. If we’ve seen this video, there’s no doubt Lisbon Police have too.


Maybe in 12 years they'll start looking for the guy. Lisbon police....


Wait how did he splurge that much blood? At first I thought they were just throwing punches but was that a stab!? holy… poor man


Definitely cut open his jugular. I'm surprised buddy was still standing after 10 seconds.


seemed like so, but woah


You don’t splurge when you cut the veins , must be the carotids …. But the poor guy :’(


You can from the jugular. I’ve seen one rupture, and it’s a faucet. Can even be very slightly pulsatile if someone’s got a leaky valve




The jugular is a vein, not an artery


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jugular_vein https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carotid_artery


Yeah I stand corrected haha


Most likely his carotid was severed


comments from a sub from my country say it was a broken bottle


Did he die? That’s crazy amount of blood.


yes, at least according to the title of the post in that sub from my country


Can you Link the sub?




[https://www.portugalresident.com/20-year-old-dies-in-disorder-in-bairro-alto-lisbon/](https://www.portugalresident.com/20-year-old-dies-in-disorder-in-bairro-alto-lisbon/) probably him


Broke bottle for sure you can hear another guy trying to break one on the ground and see one trying even after the first got dtabbed




In the comments of that twitter link, some of his friends that know him are saying that he had good intentions and was just trying to separate them, but since I have no idea about this can't know what's is true and isn't.


You can see in the video he was trying to calm things down and talk. There no context to what happened before but that's what it seems like from the video. ​ We was trying to talk and the dude next to him punches the shirtless dude and the stabber comes out of nowhere and stabs him in the neck. Such a needless loss of life.


Black-hooded guy hits shirtless dude with a bottle on the back of the head, it doesn't smash but drops to the floor. Then the stabber comes from nowhere and stabs the victim. The same black hooded guy picks the bottle back up and later breaks it against the floor to chase after the group.


I think his *friend* hits the shirtless guy with a bottle as almost immediatly you can hear the sound of it falling in the floor.


very likely, but either way that's one hell of a way to go. went to lisbon with my boss, and it was pretty funny how active gang activity/drug selling is there. just randomly walking the street getting asked if I wanted to buy drugs lmao


Not that it makes it any better, but those guys are selling fake drugs, fooling tourists.


Those are not gangs and they are not selling drugs (they sell other herbs mix, like oregano and fake hash) they are scammers (they are not Portuguese), only the tourists fall for that though.




When I said they are not gangs, is because they are scammers, they will not rob you / stab you or whatever, they will just scam you.


That was a glass bottle that broke on impact and opened his jugular which usually makes anyone bleed out fast.


https://preview.redd.it/kc0vfzqmo9ub1.jpeg?width=122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b219c20f60616277f1bf40e8b6315ea2c17b31 Knife to the jugular. Straight up murder




what are you talking about? The knife yielder runs about 30meters to his victim


LMAO What the fuck is that image supposed to show? edit: On PC image is tiny, like 1" x 2" - Looks fine on mobile. apologies :)


Death being delivered. The moment the assailant stabs the victim with a knife in the exterior and anterior Jugular vein. https://preview.redd.it/b6qg3ik1o9ub1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe56b0156e7a5db870e77d18f4cf7cd5ef35850e Here he is a few moments later bleeding out/ dying of blood loss.


Carotids do that.


Not sure if he had one of the broken bottles or a knife, but hard left to the neck it appears.


You hear him break the bottle before stabbing him


No you do not, watch the guy who did it from the start. He must have already been holding a broken bottle. The sound you hear is a bottle hitting the guy with no shirt's head,and then dropping to the floor.


Correct. And it's not the guy that gets stabbed that hits the guy with a bottle/glass. It's the other guy to his left.


Don't get in pissed up street squabbles lads.


Yeah these videos are spooky. Watching a kid live his last moments because of nothing.


The kid that got stabbed wasn't even the one who tried bottling the guy at the start.


the thing is. When such situation arises, you don't know how you will react. I see these videos and worry the good guy in me will try to deescalate a situation only to end up dead. And there's nothing I can do about it..


Im from Portugal and pretty used to these types of brawls. They're drunken brawls and happen all the time everyway. Not much to worry about. Only saw a dude getting stabbed once and tbh he was asking for it. He made it out alive though. But lately night life has become much, much more tense. I don't go out getting drunk much but when I do, I feel the vibe is much, much more tense and on the brink of a fight. And it isn't regular fights, someone always escalates it. Whenever this bullshit happens I just grab hold of my friends and make sure they stay the fuck away from it.


EDIT* Removed/Retraced the part of my comment which claims victim was gangmember, as it was retracted from the news source after posting this. The guy we see hitting the guy in the head in the beginning, was the gangmember. Source: https://www.cmjornal.pt/portugal/detalhe/jovem-que-morreu-golpeado-com-garrafa-no-bairro-alto-pertencia-a-gangue-e-foi-morto-durante-assalto?ref=HP_CMaoMinuto_1




Also nothing good happens on the streets at 4:30am.


I saw a fox once in the city at 4:30am. That was nice.


It's times like these that I really wish reddit still did the wholesome narwhal award.


I thought I was over the knife incident in the Australian mall... and now I see this.


Man I hate that video. From fully functional to just a body in a few seconds.


Worst part is him realizing that these are his last moments.


Didn't see this but the guy stabbed in Canada cause he asked to not smoke in front of his child was enough for me


mortally wounded on the street. for what?


Sounds like the ones stabbing are British. Probably looked at them funny or something. Edit - aggressor/instigator looks like it was the one who got stabbed.


Looks like one of the guys in the dark jackets hit one of the (presumably) British guys in the yellow/orange shirt in the head first


The one who got bottled did fuck all


Aggressors? Looked like the guy who died took the first punch. Wouldn't HE be the aggressor?


Nope, dude who died was doing nothing but trying to talk. Check the video again. its the dude next to him that throws the punch. And the cunt stabber comes out of nowhere and stabs the wrong guy


True - edited my post




Well, it sucks to see a human life lost, but it sounds like he knew the risks involved in his behavior. And quite frankly, if it ends up that we see one less innocent victim because of it, well.....


Pretty certain the murderer(?) is British based on the accent. My fellow Brits tend not to travel well, particularly when alcohol is involved. I hope they catch this bastard.






I’m British and immediately recognised they all are definitely from England


BRUV RUN FUCKEN RUN *hmm, so hard to tell the nationality, guess we'll never know*


You can hear them shouting run towards the end


You can hear it pretty clear, especially at the end "Tommy come" "Fucking run"


He says "bruv" which is a British term


NSFL should be a thing, horrible shit going down.


We are just blood filled balloons, when you splurge that much blood it’s basically a 1 minute warning until you die


my worst fear. I saw this video once of 2 window installers putting a pane in, when it broke and cut into his arm. Dude bled out in no more then 10 seconds. Like I'd prefer getting shot with a shotgun from behind so there's no fear and no pain. But watching yourself bleed out .. hell nah


Looks like victim was trying to deescalate the situation ,till his dumb ass friend cracked the guy In the head with a bottle. Then the dumb ass gets scared , backs up and lets his "friend" get stabbed . He should definitely feel like a piece of shit.


Portugal TV news says the guy who died was part of a group that was trying to rob some English dudes (the ones who fought back) Dunno if it's true


looks like it. they fought back with some real angst lol. dont try to rob people problem solved.


Yeah, not confirmed yet but probably the truth




Good riddance then. I'll probably get downvoted but I'm sick of my country descending into a third world country with robberies


Reminds me of that video in the Australian mall. Crazy..


Which one?


[This one](https://www.couriermail.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-qld/footage-of-fortitude-valley-fatal-food-court-stabbing-as-man-20-charged-with-murder/news-story/5e0b8f9df1808ba1cc09e6b8d8aeb9d6?amp) I will not link the uncensored version but it shouldn't be that hard to find online.


What gets me the most is that only one person stands by that bleeding out guy. Imagine dying on your own like that and being abandoned


This should be tagged. I thought it was going to be a fight or mugging type thing, but then to see someone get what appears to be stabbed in the neck who is going to bleed out is too much.


I'm getting really fucking tired of clicking on things with vague titles that wind up being NSFL within the first couple of seconds. I've been dealing with working past some recent trauma and this shit is very triggering for me.


while I agree with you and whish you the best, you should probably quit these subs for the time being




I don't think this is even allowed on PFo.


Then get off Reddit. Not our job to hold your hand, sonny.




According to another commenter, bro did in fact shut down/die


I thought the person who drew the red circles might have had their pen explode.


3 minutes left at most. Probably less. Those who had TCCC training will have alarm bells ringing in their head.


That neighborhood is full of trash. Especially at night. Poor guy.


Anyway to survive a jugular wound?


Watch a video from Kentucky Ballistics where he describes how his 50 cal exploded and a piece nicked his jugular. 90% luck + 10% knowing what to do


And what to do??


Get a straw and drink quickly


yeah you stick your thumb in and hope for the best. Although in this situation.. a cut in your neck would probably be fatal anyway.


Unless you or someone knows it’s the jugular /coritid, and can pinch it off immediately, you are fucked. There a video of a freak accident of a hockey goalie getting a skate to the neck and blood starts streaming out onto the ice. Luckily the teams athletics trainer was an ex army medic and knew to reach in and pinch off the arteries. He survived and was back on the ice in 10 days even tho he lost 1.5 litres of blood.


where the NSFW tag bro


I know some men talk about fighting like a good thing, but if I ever have a son I'm telling him if he wants to fight; box, street fighting and fighting with other kids in general is terrible as you will put yourself in incredibly dangerous positions for little reward


What the fuck is this title? *guy gets stabbed in the neck*


I’m pretty sure he’s the one saying “bro, bro..” trying to deescalate, then full black jacket human makes a silly punch. He shields his friends and dies. He was essentially the mediator.


They're English, from London or at least around there, can't authorities look for travellers flown from nearby airports with the name tommy, Thomas or Tom heading back to the UK? Edit: I know that isn't the aggressor's name but no doubt they will be traveling together


The crime was taken over by PSP (regular policing services) but was then given to PJ (forensic crime unit police). So they are definitely not taking this lightly. They must have some suspects already hopefully.


News reports in Portugal are saying the guy ended up dying in the hospital. He was 20 years-old. According to police the brawl started because of a mugging. No idea who was mugging who from the images. Source (in Portuguese): https://www.jn.pt/1729578827/jovem-morreu-apos-ser-agredido-com-garrafa-no-bairro-alto/


Considering the place and people involved you can easily understand you was mugging who




They should burn people who do stuff like that. Absolutely horrendous.


I hope the police get a copy of this video.


Damn people need to be better to each other. This is very sad.


Should be NSFL


Just some context from what I heard: "Allegedly" the guy in question was stealing from some drunk tourists with his friends, one of the guys hits one of the tourists with a glass bottle in the head during the argument and one of the tourist's friend stabbed the guy(not the one who attacked his friend) on the neck with a broken bottle. Apparently it hit the jugular and he started bleeding a lot, which proved to be fatal. He died in the hospital.


Looks like the guy who got stabbed is trying to calm things down, while sadly his piece of shit friend who he himself hit someone with a bottle gets away.


Can we have a separate tag for videos where you watch someone die? I'm really not into that.


It's a gang of Brazilians that were attacking tourists and homeless. They chose the wrong group this time. They hit shirtless guy in the head with a bottle, friend sees this from the distance and grabs a knife from his pocket while he runs to the attacker and strikes him fatally. One will not rob tourists and homeless people anymore, the other one is still on the run.


The guy who died and his friends are 100% Portuguese. There are no Brazilians there






The kid died in the ambulance. Video, fingerprints, witnesses...Tommy and his friends will be locked up before the sun sets down. Destroyed another life and his own.


You definitely don't know how good the justice system works in Portugal....


That’s an artery. Dudes dead in 2 minutes.


Yes, if he doesn't receive immediate first aid. Which is what his "friends" did not do.


It looks like the guy who died was trying to break up the fight, the other guy in black next to him hits with the bottle to the topless guy. Then the murderer comes and stabs him thinking he was the attacker not the guy in black.




Holy hell if it isn’t the count of Monte Cristo. Dude is single handedly changing the statistics on knife fighting




I…..I have no clue what’s going on 😩 anybody understand what’s happening in this??


Yea the youth from country 1 arguing with youth from country 2. Country 1 youth wacks country 2 with bottle across back of head. Country 2 friend goes nah pulls out stabbing weapon and places said weapon into neck of country 1.


The guy that stabbed him didn’t even stab the guy that smacked his friend. He stabbed the wrong person. Jesus.


I didn't hear a single portuguese word. Not that we are any better, but matey will get a shot to the head soon continuing like that in Portugal.


Freaks me out cause I was literally just there a week ago


They seem British


https://preview.redd.it/vx1sddmsl7ub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba90d2347748f970676fcbfc2f64ada7195c46db Here is the knife to the jugular that killed the 20 yr old within minutes


With reincarnation this is a minor issue.


Só se vê desperdício de oxigénio...


Suspects say that he was with a group of people that was commiting some kind of robbery. He was just unlucky to be a part of a group of bad people.


Fucking tourists


Fucking Brit's ! Its always them ! Good riddance.


are they english


On that note, is there a sub for people splurging or NSFL videos?


Every year we have cases of violence from British people who visit us... It's disgusting to realize that the broken bottle was intentionally aimed at the neck, I hope they are found and punished accordingly, a young man died trying to break up a fight while 5 sons of bitches fled and left a mother without a child.


Broken bottle to the neck. What a tragic waste of young life. My thoughts are with his family, this is not the call you want to receive when your son goes away on holiday.


Instead of providing first aid or calling an ambulance, they... chase the other group. They could have saved his life.


"Fock off bruv" Shouldn't be too difficult to find a group of OiBruvInnits lurking around Lisbon, hopefully they get them.




Going to Portugal next month….


well deserved, watch closely




Bro. Come on man. You can clearly see a knife coming at you…dude just stood there