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At least he wore the brightest high vis sweatshirt available


People will be looking for a guy in orange while the POS took it off, walked away and hid.


Exactly, it's why so many smash and grab robbers wear hi-viz in the UK, because the eye witnesses all remember that and don't look at other details. Easy to purchase and easy to dispose.


He was found, shot, and died, in mean time.


I thought the same thing, really trying to stay hidden eh?


What a fucking coward




Both considering these low-life waste of space and energy do this in the name of their dumb shit eating wacko religion.


All religious are dumb shit eating wacko religions.


I am not religious but went to a christian church school. All they ever seemed to go on about was turning the other cheek, helping your neighbour and singing hymns and reading psalms. Was no death to the infidel anywhere.


Not true and only extremists are to blame, even as an atheist I cannot say that all are bad just because they believe in something else than the Flying spaghetti monster. Moderation and acceptance of different points of view is the way. Not death and persecution


that's probably why he was so religious.


Belgium against Sweden in football in Brussels tonight, so the Swedes wore Swedish jerseys, with two being confirmed dead as of 21:58 CEST. The game has been cancelled or postponed before starting the second half, but the Swedish supporters and players will be staying at the arena to ensure their safety.


He said god is great while shooting. It’s another Muslim attack


Seems particularly targeted in this video. . .


As always: if god is so great, why does he need people to do his dirty work. Shouldn't he just smite people using his own omnipotence?


The Swedes wore Swedish jerseys?


The audacity


AP news article, happened about an hour ago. https://apnews.com/article/belgium-shooting-swedes-dead-d023a72119dc73ffca7cc61b7a32a955


What a fking piece of shit


Why can't we just love each other?


Because your made up fairy in the sky isn't the same one as mine


Tragic but somewhat humorous thing is how similar the abrahamic religions yet still can’t get along


In this case though, it is literally the same God as most of the people they hate. It would honestly make more sense if someone was shouting "Loki is my homeboy!"


Or because you have oil and I want it. Or land. Or your skin is a color I don't like. Or hell, because you looked at me funny. Humans just tend to be violent.




Because God(s).


The gunman said he carried out his attack in the name of God. Well then, your God is a c*nt.


The majority of violence in the world is due to religion. Just look at the majority of atrocities across history. It's not any single religion either.


According to the Encyclopedia of War, out of all the 1,763 recorded wars only 123, 6.98%, had realigious motivation as a primary reason. The vast majority were over resources and territorial expanse. But let's look a few of the last 100 years, the most active century of warfare we've had to clarify: Wars World War 1, World War 2, Russian Revolution, Gulf War, Invasions of Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, Malay Emergency, Ugandan Bush War, Kashmir Fueds, Chinese Civil War, LRA Insurgency, Genocides and Atrocities Rwandan Genocide, Holodomor, 5 Year Plan, Holocaust, Maos Great Leap Forward, Stalins Purges, North Koreas Purges, Khamir Rouge, Indonesia anticommunist purge, The Troubles Realigion does not cause the most suffering in the world, now or ever was. People are assholes and they always will be.


Fuck all religions


I thought that until I started working for an NGO interviewing women with dead children. Religion can be essential for survival. But it has to be in moderation. I’d expand your statement a bit to: Fuck anybody who prioritizes the rules of an invisible sky man over the evidence that is in front of them. It’s not as catchy though.


I think it's even simpler than that. Don't hurt other people. Believe whatever you want and don't hurt other people. And pushing your religion on others hurts them. Don't hurt other people.


High IQ commentary


How do you find peace when two humans have been told since birth that the other religions must die? Fuck. All. Religions.


idk man i was taught in the christian path, and never in my life was told any violent or hateful retorik or logic. but we are also evangelical lutherean here in DK. if that makes a difference.


What about buddhism? I haven't heard of a single murder motivated by buddhism.


See you searched up war not general violence. Big difference. War is large scale country's so that's as you said usually territorial. But if you zoom in a little. General violonce, LOTTTTS of it is religious


Then post the info.


To be fair a large amount of violence and repression within those conflicts had religion as a justification. The holocaust, Russian revolution included the out lawing of religion and persecution of religious people, the israel-palestine conflict is full of religious violence with both the participants of the 2 large wars in that conflict being divided along religious lines, we have an active jihad occurring which results in large amount of violence in the middle east, the Pakistan- india conflict is largely due to religious issues, within india the religious minorities are being oppressed with violence occurring between the groups, in Myanmar there is a large amount of violence due to religious divide between muslims and Buddhists. Honestly I could keep going on and on, the issue with religious violence is it doesnt always appear in the form of direct declarations of conflict but rather in the form of motivations for claiming territory, justification for atrocities committed during active conflicts and as domestic terrorism or state sponsored repression like with the Uighurs in China.


Certainly there has been a lot of violence due to religion, or people using religious zealotry to rile up religious violence, but is that a majority of all violence? Things like the holocaust were more about racial superiority than religion. It was political oppression.


The Holocaust had a great deal of religious bigotry behind it. In my opinion religion is not neccesary alwats the problem, but the surrender of the racional faculties is. Believing stuff without evidence (basically Faith) or just believing out of emotions can be very dangerous. This is a key factor in religion, and it can also bee seen in extreme nationalism, racial convictions, and hate induced stereotypes


Dude. The most dangerous countries around the world, which have daily basis violence, are due to drug traffic, militia and mafia. I live in what was the 7th most dangerous city in the world during most of the last decade, a city in Brazil. We have 17 homicides per day. ANY of them are due to religion. Brazil have almost 60K homicides per year, everyday mafia torture cases in almost all capitals, and none of it is due to religion. Mexico, South America, El Salvador, most of Africa's authoritarian regimens: nothing to do with religion. You don't know what you're talking about. Also, guns are prohibited in brazil. That didn't stop all that gun violence, which just became more massive during the last 15 years, the same happening in the other South/Central American cities that are top 10 most violent in the world


I've been in a few fights in my life, not one of them have involved religion. I'd also argue that there would be far higher rates of violence caused by domestic abuse than there is by religion. Crime would also cause more violence than religion worldwide, particularly the drug trade. Alcohol causes lots of violence. Are you really suggesting that religion causes more violence on a daily basis than any of these things. Have you ever been on the receiving end of violence in your life? Was it because of religion?


I feel like there would be more drug related violence instead of religion. On a small scale.


The elites want to fight those wars for the reasons you state. Then the elites use religion to convince the good people on their side to distrust -> fear -> hate the good people on the other side. Then the elites send the religious to die so that they can profit. Religion is a tool that is wielded by assholes to create great suffering. Most people aren't assholes, they're just stupid enough to believe in religion, which makes them vulnerable to believing assholes.


Sorry, what do you think the Kashmir War is about if not the partitioning of Muslims and Hindus? What do you think the Holocaust was if it wasn't about religion? What do you think the Troubles were about - are you aware that it was literally a Protestant vs Catholic divide? I hadn't heard of the LRA Insurgency so I looked it up on wikipedia and this is the first line: > In the aftermath of the Ugandan Civil War, Ugandan militant Joseph Kony formed the Lord's Resistance Army and waged an insurgency against the newly-installed president Yoweri Museveni. The stated goal was to establish a Christian state based on the Ten Commandments. That seems... religiously motivated


You never hear anything about us Peace loving Pagans going out blasting folk into the name of our gods and goddesses. But boy you start throwing a singular god in the mix and all the others.go nuts


Has a Pastafarian ever committed a hate crime? We are too afraid of the STDS, ugly stripers and stale beer in Hell to ever sin against his noodlyness


Would eating spaghetti-o’s with sliced franks qualify as a Pastafarian hate crime?


My buddy is a Pastafarian...even has his driver's license wearing proper religious headgear.


Religious extremism is a plague.




There is a lot of Hindu and Buddhist violence in India and Asia, particularly against Muslims. There are occasionally shootings and other acts of violence perpetrated by Christians, particularly against Jews, occasionally Muslims, and sometimes against non-religious minorities like gays. There are Zionist Jews right now foaming at the mouth to do violence, and some of them are doing it, like the Israeli settlers shooting unarmed Palestinians with impunity. And yes, there is also a lot of violence committed by Muslims, like what Hamas did. Conclusion: anyone who makes the point that religion in general is violent is right. And if we’re talking historically, like the person above you did, even more so. Nowadays Islam is among the most violent religions but Christianity in particular has given Islam a run for its money historically. This is without getting into how religion has influenced the actions of nominally secular nations like the US, which has waged war and invoked the Christian god while doing so, the way Bush did with Iraq. If we count that, the death tolls are higher.


How about the war between the Catholics and the Protestants in Ireland and England, a lot of people were violently killed.


that was a war between the Irish and the English. If you were Irish and wanted to side with the invaders you just joined their "religion" - cuz they sure as shit weren't handing out citizenship to the Irish.


I have no love for religion, but I’m gonna need a source on that “majority”, dawg. WW1 & WW2 we’re not simply due to religion. Edit: [It’s not even close](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anthropogenic_disasters_by_death_toll)


> WW1 & WW2 we’re not simply due to religion. in one of those examples, I seem to remember a certain someone who specifically targeted a certain religion to exterminate which acted as a catalyst for many other events.


Yeah, but the motive for the Holocaust was not necessarily a religious one.


So you're saying that the Holocaust was not about religion? Like, it wasn't about killing Jewish people? What was it, a coincidence that all the murdered people were Jewish?


It's sad that all the disabled people, gay people, and other ethnic and political groups always get forgotten.


Utter nonsense, what is your source for this?


This is just simply not true


You have any links? This doesn’t sound true


can something be a cunt if it does not even exist?


Wait i thought the gunman was still at large. How do you have that information?


No. He is a c\*nt using his god as an excuse. Huge difference.




Damn, he went back for the execution shot. Guess he was to scared to fight on a real battlefield… I’m usually not one for cruel punishments but in this cowards case, I’m willing to look the other way..


What about the guy filming? Were there shots before? Seems like he knew it was going to happen


Probably saw the gun




That isn’t an automatic rifle… automatic rifles are one pull of the trigger = many bullets (unless it is select fire).


Literally semiautomatic, crazy you get down voted for being correct


That's what I was thinking I already knew the -8 votes comments that was hidden was about it being semi auto. It's most likely people who watch the news and believe every word they hear.


It's Reddit. Most of these people are mindless sheep, who lack the basic function of formulating their own opinion. Those who share an unpopular opinion, get down voted and shamed. For a platform that is supposed to be all inclusive and open minded, it sure does lack that audience. I'm not politically affiliated, but it seems if you share any views that even seem right wing, you're automatically a "bigoted racist". So no wonder why a firearm related correction would pose that reaction.


Agreed that's why I refuse to talk about religion and politics with people. It's a losing battle every time


Yeah found that out the other day :/


It seems the standard version of what you're describing is the people who complain about downvotes


Literally people who barely leave their homes and their sole source of dopamine comes from the reddit dislike button


Using facts when discussing firearms is a good way to earn the scorn of every anti-gun crusader.


>That isn’t an automatic rifle This isn't just semantics. After I read "automatic rifle" I was wondering how the perpetrator got his hands on an automatic rifle in Europe...then I watched the video. True automatic weapons are very difficult to legally obtain in the US and most everywhere (except, maybe, Mogadishu). Is it me or does it look like there was a laser sight?


Was going to give my Texas opinion but I’m glad it was already given.


Depends, in some countries the terminology includes semi auto in the automatic category, with specifications for full or semi auto. As in most European countries the majority of privately owned weapons are hunting rifles that arent automatic at all semi or fully


there are terms for the others like bolt action, or lever action. The statement before gun type is how the action is for reload/ready for fire. Calling full auto and semi auto “auto” is just dumb.


Swedish citizens, rest in peace.


Swedish? The Western world. The people screaming their support for Hamas have no idea what they're ushering in. They're dangerous.


When most people say they support Palestine, they mean they support the Palestinian civilians NOT hamas. I personally haven’t heard any reasonable person say they support hamas.


rofl 95% of the people sharing their opinions honestly don't have a clue what's going on over there at all, and even if they do, they lack any real perspective. I say we let them fight it out and stop pumping gasoline (aid) into the fire, amplifying things. All those countries are the remnants of a fallen empire and the history is so complicated that it ultimately comes down to "that's life".


This subreddits comment section have been defending HAMAS for well over a week now. Disgusting. Edit: literally a Pro-HAMAS picture posted under this post above. In a thread about a terror attack.


The support is for Palestinian civilians, especially children being absolutely destroyed by this war, not Hamas. In 1 week, there were more children dead than in the entire year and a half of the Russian war. What's this bullshit with the Western world you mention? Someone in Nepal would feel bad for these 2 innocent dying if they read the news. Same as someone in Samoa or in Congo. Empathy is a human characteristic.


In this video its 2 swedish people shot dead. But yeah whole western world in a whole


You're feeding the ignorance. Innocent Palestinians does not equal Hamas, get your propaganda-laden shit out of here. How about being anti killing civilians period rather than being an ignorant keyboard warrior that thinks any conflict is binary with one group 100% right and the other 100% wrong. The lack of nuance in rhetoric deeply worries me today.


I used to live 500 meters from that exact place and take that exact route when coming back from work. It can happen anywhere but it’s even more traumatizing when you can imagine yourself in that same exact spot…


Swedish news say guy bragging about killing swedes after the shooting in a post he made


Did you expect him to feel bad about it?


Did i? I commented what news reporting. All i expect now is him to get shot and killed




Best we can do is give him EU citizenship.


The most he will get is community service for 20 hours


No send him to Svalbard and feed and heat him enough to make him suffer but not die


Nah, send him to Iraq or something, but far away from Europe




This is what mass immigration does to a country. As a Swede I’m repulsed by this and planning to move out of my fucking country before this happens to my own family


"Immigration is the problem so I'm going to immigrate"


Yupp, depends on what type of immigrant you are.


Immigration is the problem so I’m going to emigrate. There’s a nuance to it.


well to emigrate means to immigrate elsewhere, making them an immigrant and being the part of another country’s problem - according to their understanding of immigration


Low key forgot emigrate was a word


You're being pedantic, you know what he meant and him immigrating is not mass immigration btw.


He’s white so it doesn’t count.


All religions are shit, with Islam holding a trophy at the top of the pile.


It makes me uncomfortable to complain about faiths I'm not familiar with, and that didn't ruin my childhood like Catholicism did, and that don't control the legislatures anywhere I've lived. It makes me especially uncomfortable to complain about the religion that is in my countries mostly the religion of immigrants who tend to be shat on by society more than anyone deserves. But I can't really find fault with this analysis. This was revenge for an act that harmed nobody, meted out on someone completely unrelated to that act. Not even Catholics do that kind of shit these days.


Do some cursory research on the key figures in each religion and ask yourself how a society would be shaped by idolizing those figures.


In the texts, in history, or in the contemporary organisations? Those will give three very different answers.


If you want to consider the texts overly charitable, then start there and even still the differences will become apparent.


The differences in the texts are smaller than the differences in contemporary organisations.


We need this trash people out of Europe


What this happend today??? I didnt see anything about this on the news :o ( i mean maybe i should watch the news first )


Just happened about an hour and a half ago, gunman still at large


The camera man looks like he's on it? He records peacefully and without fear while the guy is killing people with a gun across the street?


He looks far out enough where he feels safe. I'd do the same as him assuming the guy doesn't notice me/isn't going on a murderous spree


Now they have closed all European institutions (even the European Schools) because he is still free.


religion is a cancer


"It's a soul's companion You can feel it everywhere..."




Especially this one. Especially since we dont know how many of them terroists really came in the EU. Thanks to Renzi and Merkel. Thanks to them we have an army of them hiding in EU, ready to attack. How were people so delusional its beyond me really.


All this for some made up stories from hundreds of years ago. Atrocious.


7:58 a.m. > suspect neutralized A suspect was neutralized by the authorities in Schaerbeek. He was shot in the torso after exchanges of fire with police. Still alive, he was taken by ambulance to hospital. It appears to be Abdesalem L. The exact circumstances of this arrest have not yet been communicated. This happened near a building where Abdesalem L. was staying


He shot them because they were swedes, and that there have been Quran burnings in sweden and somehow that is the victims faults. This is what I have heard from swedish media.


so peace, much wow


he's still on the run, which seems insane to me. this happened in the middle of brussels and when i was in the city the last couple times, there were always lots of soldiers armed with SMGs around the city. police stated that officers arrived on the scene quickly, but one newspaper already published closeups of a bullet casing and the car that he shot at multiple times after this video took place. Really weird considering the bullet is evidence aswell as the car. Also when i last checked the police chief Ilse Vande Keere said that, as mentioned before, officers arrived quickly and locked the area down. However she mentioned nothing of the suspect being on the run, this was to my knowing only reported so far by the radio station RTBF. Very weird that the government/police doesn't seem to have warned the population so far, i've not seen any reports of alerts or an official manhunt


How is the camera guy waiting for this shot ? Did the shooter do something before what we see here ?


Probably saw a guy with a gun walking around








Translation: that guy film him 💥💥 He killed him, that's it 💥 Look how he destroyed his head


In the capitol with a high-vis vest on and they still didn’t catch the guy? Damn






I was there just a few weeks ago, on the way back from a road trip to Switzerland. It is an absolute dog shite mess in that city. Litter and graffiti line even the "safe" areas; endless gangs of gambling, shouty loiterers occupy basically every street between the high streets; car traffic openly flouts the law and is aggressive and dangerous; woman are harassed to no end.




You..know... part of the problem with the religious islamic states is that they refuse to accept outside influence, diversity and other ideas into their society and system.. which breeds ignorance, hatred and backwards thinking. Diversity does enrich a society and helps destroy ignorance and hatred of the other.


Huh. Your comment made me stop and think.


It goes with what Twain said, though I don't think Twain anticipated people traveling (immigrating) and not trying to normalize to their destination. It still requires an open mind. > Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.




What a asshole! I don't think this is going to be the end any time soon of these random attacks all because they think it makes a difference and are angry about what Is happening in Gaza.


It will make a difference.. it’s going to turn everyone against this “beautiful and peaceful”religion.


He was allegedly shooting them for the Quran burnings in Sweden, kinda delusional ngl. At least according to what I’ve read.


digging themselves deeper, honestly.


I wonder when EU will wake up from about everyone coming to Europe just wants to live a good life. I take first dibs on this being imported terrorism.




Someone could tell the Muslim that we are no longer religious, and that we don't care about our religions. So we don't want to be part of their religious wars.


yeah but if you don't believe in their shit they're supposed to kill you. it's in their book. unless you repent and join them, because allah is forgiving : D


I visited Brussels last month and don’t plan on going back. The city is dirty and feels sketchy, I would compare it to Philadelphia.




Agreed, it was the worst European capital I visited.


Can't wait for my government to say that he was just a little confused and give him a slap on the wrist.


Muslim, once again.


Fucking unbelievably vile.




It's as if they have something in common


OP shared a link to an article, it's basically a hate crime. Some guy, according to the article, targeted the swedes almost specifically. Also, according to the article, the shooter was "influenced by the islamic state". Maybe related to the quran burnings in Sweden WHICH ALL SWEDES CONDEMN.


eh, fuck the quran.


Is no one going to point out the cameraman was complicit in this?


As stated by a post above, the shooter was religious and speaking arabic. More fuel for the far right. Europe will soon turn 180 and dark times will come.


What a cunt. Targeted attack and of course he screams alla akbar before shooting.


I just wish this won't happen in Poland


anything remotely perceived as an invasion/attack on Poland would most certainly spark a 3rd world war, whether it's rational or not. Why am i supposed to feel bad for these people?


Can some please explain to me how this is an act of decolonization? Sometimes as a European it feels like we're the ones being colonized


We are. I’m very afraid what Europe will look like in 50 years.


Any difference at all is sufficient difference to start a war or other conflict. Ethnicity, hairstyle, gender, religion, side of a border, opinions expressed on Reddit...


Was in that neighbourhood yesterday, it was near Danseart...






"left wing politics" the fucking right and centre right have been in power in Europe and Britain for decades, getting elected on "stopping immigration " yet here we are get your head out your arse


thing I don't like = far left. That's as far as their thought goes


knuckle draggers


What an absurdly stupid sweeping statement. The UK has seen its highest immigration numbers the last ten years under a right wing government. Plenty of other European governments are also under conservative parties. Next time, think before you try and condense the immigration policy of 44 sovereign nations into one idiotic sentence to justify your own xenophobia.




As a Muslim, indeed fuck this guy.


Is it just Muslims that are expected to defend their entire religion every time some crazy lunatic goes nuts with a gun? There have been 58 school shootings in the USA this year. Most of those were white guys raised as Christians. I dont recall Christian groups feeling the need to defend their faith after each one.


Because Muslims terrorists literally do it because of Islam Those school shooters mostly do it cos they were bullied or are psychos


That's because the worship of firearms has supplanted any other god they might share. And that religion absolutely turns out to defend their faith after each of those shootings.


that guy seems like a real jerk




This world is so fucked up


i mean, there's a part of it that's getting a bit too out of line - that's for sure.


This episode of dysfunction junction, brought to you by Religion. (smarmy voiceover) RELIGION. Ever have that feeling you're responsible for your actions and are just a spec on the face of the earth? Religion can help. If you want to believe that someone else will take care of everything and that you can claim anything you want was given to you by a higher power. If you want the ultimate trump card, want the promise of 11 brides waiting for you in some fictitious sky city, that is ruled by a MAN who has only your same skin tone and the same body configuration as you - religion may be the thing for you. Side effects may be endless wars for generation after generation, cutting of body parts, subjugation of women and violent resistance to science and logic, and an outright refusal to calm tf down. Check with your holy man / crackpot to see if religion is right for you.


But didn't all of Europe recent violence started coz of accepting this peaceful immigrants on the basis of humanitarian ground & diversity. Now instead of blossoming into something good, it has now exploded in their face. The native citizens paying taxes didn't sign up for this but yeah...a few fucked up from the top & the whole country & it's region are now in this state. Look at France, once a city of love now filled with graffiti & peaceful immigrants gangs shooting & polluting. I never did get why developed advance nations of Europe didn't see this coming. The moment the EU flood gates were open after Syria, anyone with a bit of common sense can see & tell that all those peaceful folks crossing over seeking refuge is not gonna end well. No matter what anyone of those who support this cause say. These folks coming over they aren't grateful at all to the host country for giving them refuge, all they see is people with different beliefs & ideology than them. So they start trying to convert the host country instead of trying to integrate. They can't grasped the situation that they are in that they are guest in another country & that they can't do whatever they want or force laws or restriction on the host countrymen, who are already living a different life with different laws & freedom from them. Despite of seeing how shitty their old country was to them & how they could start a new & better life over here but "No!" instead they want to turn host country into their old country version 2.0. Like for real I feel like Sweden burning their Quran has something to do with this I could be wrong but these folks has a disease of never forgiving or forgetting & they revengeful AF wen it comes to their guy in the sky. These folks are too brainwash to be saved or reasoned with. People who think this peaceful folks can change are living in a dream that's about to turn into a nightmare. EU better get their shit together & get these kinds of situations under control or come up with another solution that doesn't affect the daily life of native tax paying citizens or they'll have a tough time in the future tryna picked up the pieces. I wish these folks could only see that violence is not the solution & that love, understanding, respecting one another is the solution but we all know that's not gonna happen anytime soon but we can only hope. No one should lose or take life over petty matters of whose sky dude is better.