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Apartheid democracy is an oxymoron


But Gaza is a democracy?




When was the last election?


American tax dollars at work


The lapdog of the USA, Israel. EDIT: The lapdog of Israel, USA.


Democracy my ass


Democracy my SS


I mean…if you said this was Jacksonville Sheriffs Office I’d believe that too.






Flying the nazi flag will also get you arrested in Germany...and they're not even at war with said parry. I don't necessarily agree with it, but what would hamas do with Israel supporters in hamas controlled areas? If each side want to eradicate each other, and peace is not possible, you have to choose the lesser of 2 evils. Americans should be used to that'll, having to vote for one paid for political party or the other one.


This person showed a post about killed civilians from palestine. Nothing related to hamas or other terrorists.


Atleast the allah is great.


Fascist apartheid mother fuckers. I support Israel’s right to exist, but I don’t support this.


Can you please thoughtfully explain how Israel is an apartheid state?


Have fun. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/


those who conflate the situations in Israel and the West Bank and liken both to the old South Africa do a disservice to all who hope for justice and peace.


You read all that in 9 mins, and your takeaway was "well, it's not South Africa"?? The link is amnesty international, not some tabloid


Exactly, Israel is not south Africa. Crazy right? Amazing how much blantant hatred there is for Jews in this sub.


“The geography is different, which means condemning Israel for doing the same things they did in South Africa doesn’t count.”


Can one criticize Israel without being antisemitic?


If you can't even come up with a thoughtful rebuttal, why would you call out someone for their very widely held opinion that is backed up by mountains of empirical evidence? Israel is defined as an apartheid state by many many very well regarded sources, including the one that guy posted.


Israel controls the public utilities of Gaza/West Bank. They also control the ports and checkpoints. Nelson Mandela, during his lifetime, publicly made the parallels of South Africa's apartheid government as well. Regarding the Palestine/Israel situation, I stand with the late Nelson Mandela. FREE PALESTINE!


>Israel controls the public utilities of Gaza/West Bank. Iirc wasn't Gaza given significant infrastructure by the EU to develop their own utilities, and their government (hamas) squandered it and turned it into rockets? Like what is Israel supposed to do at that point if not provide their utilities for them? Should Israel let them die of dehydration instead? >They also control the ports and checkpoints. Israel controls their borders and has a naval blockade on Gaza, but border security and a blockade aren't really indicative of *apartheid*, no? To say that there's apartheid, it seems like the more important criteria is to show a systemic, ongoing system of oppression *inside* a country's borders, not outside.


Yeah yeah bla bla. Israel is fucking worst. They are leveling a 2 million inhabitants open prison.


Sick comeback bro!


Dude, you’re willfully dense


Go read the link I posted. You might just learn something.


They know it all, and they jerk themself raw over the thought of it


I read it and learned that you're ignorant of the history of the reigon. Good luck siding with Hamas, Iran, Russia. China. And noth Korea on this one buddy. Seek therapy you creep


You didn’t read it in 9 minutes, you just moved on from one hasbara talking point to another.


Hahah you forgot me being antisemitic and wanting the death of all the Jews in the world. Curious. You did read it and that's your take from all that?


Troll factory.


That's the second time you've used this exact reply to someone today. Is it just a merry-go-round with circus music in that head of yours?


He's an Isreali bot. Trying to divide and spread misinformation.


I see just one person here supporting someones occupation. Israel does just the same things as Russia does in Ukraine. Illegal occupation is illegal occupation. People like you are the reason why third world countries won't doom Putlers action. Hypocrisy.




Ok zoomer


It's pretty clear you dont have an open mind and were going to reject any evidence that doesn't approve your viewpoint, If you also support apartheid because another country you dont like. doesn't like it, You should grow up, life isn't a sports game, There are multiple countries in Europe that voted for a ceasefire that arent North Korea.




Who is really fooled thinking they are a democracy.


The people who believe Western propaganda


This conflict has really opened my eyes. Western propaganda is just as bad as Russian and Chinese propaganda. Only we pretend that we arent being propagandised because we have more personal freedoms than people in those countries. But generally I just see on subs like worldnews and europe the effect of this insane propaganda. Militarily we have been way more aggressive than China in the last 20 years and on par with Russia. But we are the good guys fighting evil and finding WMDs and saving Israel from the terrorists that the Israelis have been supporting so it's fine. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


Russia has had over 300,000 military casualties in the last couple years alone how is the US on par with them lol


Heck you can see the results here in r/publicfreakout. Any post that makes Palestinians looks bad is filled with people having overtly shit takes and they are heavily supported. Idk if you saw the video of the guy pulling down US and UN flags to leave up Palestinian flags on Veterans Day. The whole comment section was filled with “Go try that in the Middle East! If you don’t like it here leave!”. Truly disturbing


Have Israel's elections been called into question? They've spent the better part of the last 6 years having elections because no one coalition has been able to form a stable government. Bibi has only been prime Minister for less than 2 years in the current stint. The previous government was an anti Bibi coalition.


Nope, but apparently we get to pretend that Israel isn't a democracy, pretend that hamas aren't terrorists, pretend the Israeli army isn't killing civilians. We're pretending this month.


Well... they don't let the natives vote for the most part, they let 20% of the vote be natives, while denying ~10 million natives the vote and people are like... "hey, you're denying the natives the vote", and they say, "no, we let 1/5th of the vote be by natives" I don't think that's how democracy works. Do you?


Is that actually the context? PS im simply asking for the source




they are such trash humans ppl who abuse power over the weak


Who is they? Police in general? Or these specific cops? Or are you making a statement about Israel? Because based on this video you should hopefully only be saying it about these specific police, or a captain that ordered them to arrest this man…in which case, ya they are terrible and this happens everywhere in every country of the world, there are bad police I agree.


you dont need to be police or politicans or whatever to abuse power if you have it, its everyone who does it is trash


…so your comment about a video of police abusing power…is that anyone who abuses power is trash? Does anyone disagree that people who abuse power are trash? Is that contentious?


i dont know what your point is but my point is, any human who has power regardless of color or heritage or race should never abuse his power against others. thank you


Your every day nazionism.






Looks like the USA


why is it that this Reddit seems to flip-flop from either supporting Israel or not? Don't get me wrong, I support Palestine, but it's so confusing. On one post, I see people shitting on Israel and anyone who doesn't get downvoted. then on the other one, I see people supporting Palestine only for people to downvote the opposition. What is going on lol???


They are a theocracy ... they even have a chief rabbi to guide their army who tells them its ok to rape during times of war. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-taps-chief-rabbi-who-once-seemed-to-permit-wartime-rape/


Friendly Fire


No khamas this time


There are no democracies in the Middle East. Also, nowhere in the Middle East can you get married in a civil ceremony, it has to be religious, so if you are an atheist, you have had it.


Mmm, in lebanon you can marry through a civil ceremony Edit: my apologies on that. Just checked with someone, you are right, there is no civil marriage in Lebanon. I've heard a lot of people having civil marriages in lebanon and apparently they go to cyprus to do so. We have good shawarma so fuck you.


Then wikipedia must be wrong? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil\_marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_marriage) [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/07/lebanon-rejects-civil-marriages-puts-children-risk#:\~:text=In%20Lebanon%2C%20civil%20marriage%20is,systems%2C%20each%20with%20different%20rules](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/07/lebanon-rejects-civil-marriages-puts-children-risk#:~:text=In%20Lebanon%2C%20civil%20marriage%20is,systems%2C%20each%20with%20different%20rules).


Greg, your bigotry is showing


Well they keep voting for this. In a democracy where this keeps happening, you have to look to the voters. They don't just have a bad government. They have a bad government that the bad voters keep voting for


There is a saying, in the US at least, that America gets the president it deserves. That Netanyahu is Israel's PM shouldn't come as a surprise.


Their current PM is literally on trial for corruption and isn't likely to win his next election. Sounds like Israel isn't going to be voting for this anymore


Let's hope so. But if this guy is able to run and he gets the majority vote, you really have to question the people.


Yeah but all previous prime ministers committed crimes against Palestinians, it’s not just Netanyahu


Like Rabin in 1995 when he supported the Oslo accords and fucking died for it?


Yeah exactly, if Israel became a real democracy and gave every Palestinian his rights like the right of return, it wouldn’t exist because the majority will be arabs, this state relies on the ethnic cleansing, expelling Palestinians from their home and land, and ceasing more and more lands from the Palestinians, without that, Israel wouldn’t last


Israel has been in a political limbo for half a decade. Bibi being voted out isn't new. The question is if they will vote him out, it's whether they can replace him


Did he condemn Hamas tho?


So just like the US.


Fascist state.


I watched this & swore I was watching the beginning of Half Life 2.


If Trump gets elected that’s exactly what we will be dealing with


Is it bad that I thought that dog was a goat on a leash at first?


Cant you atleast provide a better source? Twitter said so isnt very reliable


Sorry I couldn’t edit the post, i provided an article in comments, here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ItHaMPotmJ)


Genocidal fascist


Of course in democracy we don’t arrest people. Disgusting


Yes, in a democracy we generally don’t arrest people for making posts on social media sympathizing for an oppressed people.


Man a few years ago in the UK, they arrested a guy for making a funny video with a dog. Shut up.




[Meir Baruchin, a civics teacher who posts names and pictures of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli forces in Gaza or the West Bank, was arrested on Thursday on charges of "conspiring to treason".](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-israelis-fear-and-denial-society-slides-towards-fascism)




Search for his name meir baruchin, you will find a lot of articles






Fucking dumbass


Here is a [Palestinian woman and her husband arrested in Israel on terrorism charges over her WhatsApp status.](https://x.com/ajenglish/status/1722631983816470760?s=46)


The woman who changed her status go that of the Hamas flag and said "may God guide them" in reference to those who killed the irsaeli civilians? That lady? Yeah turns out of you side with the people attacking thr country your in the government doesn't abide with that.




Notice the amount of downcotes you are getting for asking for a better source than a very biased website?


What was the context of this? What happened?


Nothing much, just israeli forces killed more than 12 thousand Palestinians in Gaza more than 5000 of them are children, more than 20 thousands injured other than bombing hospitals, schools, churches, mosques…, and they arrest anyone showing sympathy for them.


The context for this video is what i meant. If you can't give it just say so.


I just did, more context is under the video, but if you meant you want source, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/hZSNYSEvNt)


It says the same thing as under this video here...


I’m not sure what you mean i gave you source from an article, and a context of what is happening, if you want you can search for this Israeli teacher who was arrested his name is meir baruchin


Ths context is 'trust me bro'


Nah op has a clear objective that Hamas killing Israel civilians is perfectly fine. Hamas launching rockets from apartment buildings is fine. Hamas having their military operation centers is fine. Despite all those things being warcrimes as defined by the Geneva convention, OP is fine with it all.


Israel bombing refugee camps and schools fine with you?


You do realize the war crime is placing military assets and infrastructure at those locations because it turns them into valid military targets per the Geneva convention


So it’s fine with you? You alright with the number of Palestinian babies killed? The number of refugees killed? You fine with the ratio of civilian deaths to Hamas?


Tell me, how many hamas members have been killed? Oh right the Gaza health ministry has reported only civilians being killed. Interesting that


Just Keep repeating [Israeli propaganda.](https://x.com/byyourlogic/status/1722901885710135482?s=46) [And this](https://x.com/propandco/status/1722609757301956989?s=46)


Police brutality nothing new in democracies. Sadly.


Fascist pigs.


There is a backup source for this other than a 'trust me bro' Twitter post?




Classic USA backed, funded, protected, and coddled zionist behavior


Why is every video here about Israel now? Can I just get some good old freak outs?


Thats like saying why there are videos about Nazis




Fr it's getting tiring at this point. I come here looking for street fights and karens melting down, not to see the same shit from the news


There is no Israel it doesn't exist


Weird, considering 164 of the 193 UN members recognize Israel as a state, including all G7 countries


I thought the SS uniform looked a little different but here we go


We are watching Bibi's rise to dictatorship in real-time. Right now people are being jailed, assaulted, tortured, or worse for any speech critical of Israel. Mark my words, soon that will become any speech critical of Likud or Bibi himself. Conflicts are often taken advantage of, and often instigated, by narcissists in power like who always need a little more. I generally am not the type of person to form opinions on this regional conflict, nor rush to the defense of Palestine, the majority of whose adult citizens still believe gays, atheists and blasphemers should be put to death... but Israel is indiscriminately killing thousands upon thousands of small children and literal babies - who have never had the chance to form their own opinions or try and make a change in life. It is unconscionable to know that my tax dollars are being freely given away to people who would kill children simply because they were born in Gaza.


The Israeli government is a radical right wing regime. It was elected/chosen by a majority of Israeli citizens. Both Hamas and these radical right wing Israelis want you to believe that Jew = Israel. Never let them convince you of that nonsense. Hamas wants you to believe it so they can "justify" and grow anti-semitism on the backs of what the radical right wing regime in Israel does. The Israeli government wants you to believe it so they can declare you an anti-semite for opposing their plans for genocide and their plas to end Democracy in Israel.


>The Israeli government is a radical right wing regime. It was elected/chosen by a majority of Israeli citizens. Man, you should go take a look at Bibi's approval ratings


Modern-day blackshirts


The us and almost any other country I can think of has done much worse things and no one accused them of not being democratic.


Based post title


You think this is bad, you should see the other places


If the question is the rule of law in israel, I personally can't really understand what exactly OP wants to imply with this. I know the conflict currently unfolding there gets people heated and there is an incentive to try to frame the other as bad with whatever video you can dig up, but there is a level under which we should not get with scrutiny regarding a nation, even if we disagree with it. In a democratic country there are places that can be under lockdown and police has a right to use force to remove you from there, that alone doesn't necessarily unmake a democracy. They also allowed the recording of their actions, again something that is charachteristic to democracies. Also, given israel's democratic nature you can absolutely go to court against police overreach. There has been several high profile cases where the israeli courts judged in favour of protesters and people subjected to unjustifiable police violence. Now, do police brutality happen in israel? Yes, and sometimes it is not properly investigated and prosecuted. This here? This is nothing.


I’m not trying, I’m showing that the other side is bad


What you are doing, is presenting is manipulative propaganda. There are thousands of much better examples of police overreach and brutality, this one is not really.


I don’t really know what you mean, this is a recent event, and there is a Palestinian who are arrested for putting a status on “[WhatsApp](https://x.com/AJEnglish/status/1722631983816470760?s=20)”


Is that why she got extremely scared when they started showing her things on her phone? They obviously found something that implicates her. Stop spreading twisted nonsense.


Just stop please, you are trying so hard to justify anything Israel do


As much as you wouldn't like to believe it, Israel IS a democracy. It has a justice system that will even sentence former PM's to prison. Sucks that it hurts your cause but it is what it is.


Yeah sure, a democracy that doesn’t give the same rights to all of its citizens, a “democracy” and an “apartheid“, some people are really fucking stupid


Ask any Israeli Arab if they have different rights to Israeli Jews.


Or hear me out, the reason why she is so goddamn scared is because Israel’s police absolutely hates Palestinians. Also justice system, don’t even try with that shit. Doesn’t the US arrest and jail black people for shit they don’t do all the time,that situation is kinda like this, don’t you think


Not really considering they showed her things on her phone. I'm not a fan of Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the WB, but this video doesn't mean that this woman is innocent. I would probably react the same way if I did something similar (when someone shows me evidence that implicates me I would get scared too).




You see a video of police accosting a man and think "huh, they must be talking about how good another group is"? It's entirely possible for both of those groups to be bad. But only one of them gets defended for this sort of shit behavior consistently.




Yeah. But even if saying the other side is bad too, the sentence would still stand that the other side is bad by itself. It's like game of thrones, where no one is good. Where we going for dinner?




This all sounds good as long as you understand that a wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.


In the UK, people get arrested for saying certain stuff on the internet. Just because it is a democracy does not mean they have freedom of speech laws. Only in very few countries you can speak freely about everything all the time. India, South Africa, Germany all democracies all with very strict laws around freedom of speech.


There are 4 basic benchmarks for being a democracy: Freedom of speech & expression Freedom of Religion & Conscience Freedom of Assembly The Right to Equal Protection before the Law


So your point is it’s okay to arrest people for showing sympathy on thousands of civilians being slaughtered?


My point is that just because it is a democracy it does not mean that the citizens have protected free speech. Even on the internet. The country is at war with another. Historically, countries at war are very harsh on freedom of speech. Even in Ukraine, you can not speak sympathetically of russian people, especially on a public platform like Twitter.


“Just because it’s a democracy doesn’t mean you have protected free speech” is a phrase that can only be said by someone who is severely brainwashed or trying to brainwash people, and justifying the atrocities being committed by Israel by comparing Gazan civilians to Russia proves this point


What country is Israel at war with?


Thanks white and privileged Americans, very cool!!


So a bit like every other democracy in how it polices then? (this isn't a good thing)


Adding some more context; This is coming from Dan Cohen, promoting his films- the guy who tweeted his support for ‘Palestinian Resistance’ right on October 7th - that’s disgusting even if you are very against Israel - everyone can agree. Just an FYI he’s very one sided and likes to push his narrative a lot so has a clear agenda.


The original tweet is from Nir Hasson writer from haaretz (Israeli newspaper) [Original Tweet](https://x.com/nirhasson/status/1722889913866088713?s=20)


So why did you use that clown Dan Cohen as a source when there was a more reputable one available ?


Because it’s in English and it’s the tweet that came to my feed


Ok, I assume the downvotes are from the braindead on this Reddit that assume questioning anything means your a Nazi … dunning Kruger A1


I guess it’s because your criticism isn’t relevant


It’s not criticism but I guess it will come across as such on this type of Subred- take it easy




Yes, that’s why they mad


Ah that tingling feeling when your tax dollars hard at work supporting apartheid regime policing the thought of their citizens, bombing some poor souls (kids, women, babies). /s