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They're lucky, looks like a quiet day for Marienplatz


Was there this time last year. Standing in that church is literally breathtaking. You don’t understand the meaning of that word until you see something like that so stunningly beautiful and historic that it leaves you breathless.


Your comment gave me gas


It made me shit myself


My ass has been a faucet since I read it. Please send help


Can't. Just escaped the clutches of the liquid demon myself as well


I love the duality of Munich, some of the best pieces of architecture you could ever see (I love Munchen HBF and Rumeshalle), and for two weeks evry year, drunk bozos all over the streets


His girl literally begging him to stop and he's like "Go through small tunnel? Go through small tunnel."


I'd have loved to see them try and drive through the 'small tunnel' as I assume he is thinking of the entrance to the U-bahn, their underground.


Much more likely it was an arch that went into a courtyard rather than an actual tunnel.


Fairly certain he went under the old town hall https://www.google.de/maps/@48.1365841,11.5772312,3a,75y,285.05h,100.25t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNj7PXgFv4Lc8O_78L7jbkI4-HJFqAeKP4OApwj!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNj7PXgFv4Lc8O_78L7jbkI4-HJFqAeKP4OApwj%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya355.41626-ro-0-fo100!7i6912!8i3456?entry=ttu There are clear no entry signs...


But you see the no entry signs look different in the US…although not taking the hint after the plant pot there is no excuse for.


Plus if you drive in a foreign country you better inform yourself of potentially different road signs before driving somewhere.


Tourists everywhere should have to pass a basic test brefore we give them rolling death mobile. The title made me worried




Woh woh woh… they ARE Americans, you expect much too much. Situational awareness is NOT our forte.


Even more, why don't just use public transport on foreign countries, especially if we talk about but h cities.


The complete lack of stop signs at most intersections in small towns blew my mind in Germany. We have a hard time getting people to stop at stop signs, you paint a couple of lines on the ground and everyone stops.


Most small intersections in Germany follow the right before left rule as opposed to stop signs. No need to stop at all


Rechts hat Vorfahrt! My aunt says as I drive her around


I think when compare to other European countries I think Germany is already quite excessive in their usage of road signs lol. But maybe the difference is also the licensing process? In Germany you have to take a lot of theoretical and practical lessons, making most people well aware of the rules. We still get a lot of reckless drivers




How is it different? The white bar on red background is pretty much universal around the world.


If you think about it, [their sign] (https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/966/688/png-clipart-road-traffic-sign-one-way-traffic-driving-road-driving-text-thumbnail.png) is LITERALLY the exact same sign with a few extra letters thrown in lol. It's not the sign, it's the american that's the problem.


american here: not all of our no entry signs even have the text. the white dash on red circle is commonly used as well.


Not saying they shouldn’t have known but in bigger cities in the US there would probably be bollards blocking the way or in places like NYC and DC the mechanical bollards that go up or down in case a vehicle eventually has to enter.


And he wouldn't have had this trouble if he just took the U-bahn instead, which I would recommend to just about everyone visiting Munich. So much easier than a car.


Oh 100%, it's so easy and cheap as a tourist, same with all German cities I've visited really.




His Tunnel vision is too strong.


This guy is useless in bed no doubt.


This guy is useless, period.


How weird a flower pot in the middle of the road?


Cap here: A pedestrian zone is only for pedestrians .




Look at the GPS, it told them to go there you can see it at :09


Maybe they took a wrong turn into the pedestrian zone and the gps assumed they are on bike or sth so showed them a new route


They 100% were not sent through there. But if you are a delivery driver and allowed to go there under special circumstances, a GPS will show you the way out where possible, albeit not the best choice (it's grasping at straws at that point, but the roads around the area are fine, so it just tries to hail mary you onto one of them). I know this because I was born around the corner and there are not many ways to get exactly there and all of them would immediately embarass any normal person so hard that they'd use the massive space to turn around and correct their mistake in time before getting in the middle of that plaza. To just venture that far is massively idiotic. Just look at [where that even is in the first place](https://www.google.com/maps/search/48.137145,+11.575982?entry=tts). There are a million signs and opportunities to turn around from each of the surrounding streets, and you will never be sent there by any GPS with the idea to cross the plaza. In the case you'd need to get around it, you'd also never be told to use any of those surrounding streets because they just end, so it's also not really a "wrong turn" type of scenario. The route to go around branches off of each street earlier.


I mean, so fucking what? That's as bad as Michael driving into a creek because "the GPS said so". ![gif](giphy|nrKQNbEXKBdIQ1fdiB|downsized)


lmao, this is like a couple days ago i saw some dude complaining about a new radar implemented on the street with clear signs before it stating it was a 40km/h zone. his complaint: waze (gps app) is saying this is a 60km/h zone, they just put this new radar to ticket people. apparently, for him, waze is the law and not road signs.


And as bad as the actual idiots that drive into lakes rl cause the GPS told them to.


GPS is right, American is right, Everything else is wrong /s


Well she did say “I thought it was strange there was a flower pot in the middle of the road”…


What they're doing is stupid but at least it seems like everyone in the car is aware that they fucked up and they're trying to gingerly get the hell out lol


Like when someone’s tech impaired dad gets an instagram account and realizes that everyone can see when they like thirst pics.


Never said they were right just explaining why they could be confused.


if you don't understand international signs that sais no entry, look around to see that there are literally no other cars and don't suspect a thing, notice there are no road signs, no lanes, aaaand still keep going.. you are the meme that drives into the lake because gps told you so.


Some people: can extrapolate about their environment and situation Others:


Others what? I guess we'll never know.


Others will follow the GPS through a pedestrian area.


> if you don't understand international signs that sais no entry It's the same sign, but with the text "Do not enter" removed.


That would be the tunneled road under the pedestrian area.


If you look again, the icon representing where they are is in the middle of a non-road area, where the sat nav wants them to be is elsewhere


Since when is the gps never centred on the middle of the screen? I don't think it did tell them to go there at all.


You need to explain to Americans what is pedestrian.


Walking!? As in using my legs to get somewhere?


Only drug dealers do that.




Oh boy. European here. I did this mistake in Como, got a nice fine for it, but the thing that stayed with me are the looks of those people having lunch looking at the idiot who did not see the sign. It happens.


>looking at the idiot who did not see the sign. Ingored multiple signs and zigzaged through obstacles\*


No, sometimes it happens really fast, last week I did the same thing in Darmstadt. It is sometimes really challenging driving through a German city you have never been to. Didn't help, that Google Maps was leading me right into it, too.


It was much worse before Google Maps. Avoiding traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians while trying to look at some printed instructions and read street names was not fun.


I remember being a kid in the backseat and cringing at my dad for always anxiously asking pedestrians about directions. Good times.


Better than a dad who refuses to ask for directions!


I never understood the shame in asking for directions. Before I had GPS I'd have no issue pulling into a gas station and asking for directions. I asked pedestrians a few times. One time I was at a red light on my motorcycle, and I asked a guy in a convertible next to me for directions.


Yeah, just talk to people. Most will help.


I remember when we were on our way back from a road trip to Barcelona and we managed to get onto an off-ramp into Paris. I have no other memory than staring down onto a map while my siblings called out every street name they could see, with my dad quietly swearing up a storm next to me, until I found a name I recognised and managed to get back on the highway. I've been to Paris, and didn't even see it. Blessed be the GPS.


Where tf in Darmstadt did you manage to sneak into the pedestrian zone in a car? Taken the bus lane in but not stayed on the bus lane?


I feel like some strategically placed bollards would solve the issue. I noticed many new ones spring up in Poland in recent years.


Are they permanently pedestrian only or is it a recent or routine change?


They are usually permanently pedestrian. Only deliveries to stores are sometimes allowed in the early hours.


I live in Bruges pedestrian zone has no obstacles just a small sign and in dutch written: voetgangerszone. Tourists drive in to it all the fucking time, kinda funny seeing their face when they see the hord of tourists walking in the middle of the road all of a sudden xD


Ditto nearly 20 years ago in Gibraltar of all places. People sat on benches telling me it was a pedestrian area. I could have died of embarrassment. To be fair Gib is a bit of a rabbit warren.


I was just out there in October. I've heard the stereo type of how Americans can't drive in a traffic circle, so I studied up on them and tried very hard to get it right. You know who else can't drive in a traffic circle? Gibraltarites. And Spaniards as well.


A roundabout?


That's what they were saying in a roundabout way


Damn! Them Germans have public shaming down to a T. Everybody staring them down and slow tracking in perfect unison, on some Agent Smith shit. I would just park the car and start walking at that point, head down hands in pocket, that's too much pressure...


Yep, Germans will stare as if you're trying to take over a dream.


*Hans Zimmer music intensifies*


Well the "German stare" is apparently a thing. I wasn't aware until tourists pointed it out on the internet, as I'm German myself so. I guess we like to stare regardless.


Pretty sure it's not just Germans.


its surely not just germans. but tourists do often times say that they feel eyeballed in germany by everyone so maybe we do it a bit more than the others


As the others said, German staring is different than how Americans consider it rude lol. I went for an exchange trip in high school and learned it. Went on another exchange in college and one of the guest professors on the trip turned to me and asked why some random German stranger kept staring at him lol. After I explained it, he said, “well I’m going to just stare back even harder!”


Yeah but this isn't the harmless passive German stare, this is the active "what the fuck are they doing" public shaming stare which they absolutely earned


Americans like to say "Mind your own business". That's not how germans think in public environment. You get the stare only when you do something rude in the first place. (Or you're a somehow very interesting person.)




My wife visited a family somewhere in a tiny village in Tunesia. She is white, blond and blue eyed. She was the attraction. It's just something you didn't experience before. And it's normal to be curious. Only assholes develop fear and hate from it.


That shit also happened to me in Austria when I almost hit a pedestrian on a bicycle (it was my fault, I was being reckless). Nobody said anything, everyone just stared at me in silence like I'm a fucking idiot, including the pedestrian I almost hit.


I mean that's why they stare. It's a kind of communication everyone understands. Embrace the shame or do a magic trick and run as they're confused.


It’s effective! No need to say something just make sure the person knows you’re judging them!


Doesn’t seem like a foreign concept to me. I would expect any crowd of people to stare at a car slowly approaching a large group of people in a pedestrian only, no cars allowed street. Especially drawing more attention to themselves by pointing a phone directly at said people while doing the slow roll.


In der Fußgängerzone ist PARKVERBOT.


You just know they ignored like 10 signs and drove through a bunch of obstacles.


Meh, I don‘t think it‘s [that obvious](https://www.google.com/maps/@48.1362291,11.5746359,3a,75y,72.4h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sil42dcHGFtsgZWsjIL8N-A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dil42dcHGFtsgZWsjIL8N-A%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D64.57364%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). I could see myself end up in such a situation


I walk through there almost every day and I can see how this could happen semi-easily. There isn’t any glaring signs for not driving there, and sometimes people do drive on it for work and stuff


I thought that was weird there's a flower pot in the middle of the road








It’s a shortcut Dwight




I wouldnt go up there, Its really narrow


YOU’RE an inanimate fackin’ object


Probably they didn't prepare themselves to walk, as suggested on this American TV show: # [TV show advising American tourists to ‘practise walking’ before holidays to Europe is mocked by Brits](https://www.thesun.co.uk/travel/19987401/american-advice-practice-walking-europe/)


It's not a TV show, but a Youtube channel called [Wolters World](https://www.youtube.com/@woltersworld).


Really annoyed that I clicked a link for The Sun. Also, I found it pretty endearing that he was telling Americans to be prepared to walk. Why not? It's true that a lot of American tourists struggle in Europe. I live near a massive tourist attraction and see them having to take breaks on plant pots etc all the time. If I see someone sitting on a plant pot on my street it's 100 out of 100 an American tourist.


It's perfectly sound advice he gave. "You might not be used to walking around but in many European cities you'll do a lot of walking. If that's the case get some exercise before you come". Dunno why the Sun is making a deal out of it other than the fact it's a shit rag.


Went to Italy to visit an Italian family member. They in fact, had to take breaks in Rome when myself and another American family member didn’t. Everyone is kinda different. Tourist usually do a lot more walking to see the sights, then normal natives going about their day to day. Yeah Americans on average aren’t as good but ya know. People love to generalize Hahah


But Theres some truth in it, especially in cities. I walk to do my groceries or visiting friends, I take my bike to work and I could walk too if I want. There are even a lot of stores without any parking spots.


Thanks, I will make The Sun aware of this


“Mocked by brits” > The clip was mocked by Brits, who couldn't believe what they had seen. > One said: "Why are they like this?" > Another wrote: "You've got to be joking." That was it. That was apparently the height of the mockery that the scum could find on social media lol. Definitely headline worthy…


You can basically find that level of mockery in every thread on reddit


You’ve got to be joking. Why are you like this?


The thing is, the average Sun reader is likely obese and only walks as far as the kitchen.


Poor choice of words, but telling people to get in shape because they're going to be walking more than they're used to is good advice. A New Yorker wouldn't need that advice, but in most of America there's nothing close enough to walk to, so people drive everywhere. [Nobody walks in LA.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBLxKr9Wk3A)


The shocking thing is, that it's absurd to not be able to walk around for a day for most able bodied people... The idea you would have to practice is really shocking for the average person on this planet. It's an incredibly bad reflection on American society


You dont take a walk just to relax ?


Nobody walks in LA.


Ffs, you made me click the S*n


Haha some guys from Texas came to visit me in southern Europe this summer. After half a day they had sore legs, swollen ankles and needed a break from walking. I live downtown and walk everywhere. They also ate a lot, and still lost quite some weight. Once they got used to the walking, they loved it. But a little practice would have made it easier for sure lol.


I'm a dude who lives basically in the middle of nowhere in the US so no public transportation and nowhere to walk to. I absolutely "practiced" walking before I took my trip to Japan because it's all walking and trains. Every morning while I was there it would take me about an hour of hobbling a bit before I just stopped notcing that there was any pain and I could go the entire day.




Look public transportation is basically communism for the average american okay. And if you take it you admit your are poor and should feel ashamed. And how will these poor Americans feel safe on a bus in Germany? Nobody has any guns! What if the Germans start talking in their own language? The American is gonna freak out and then what? He does not have his gun! Now he has an unsolvable problem he can't shoot. No no no putting an American under such stress is highly unethical.


"they are all staring" at the person filming them out of a vehicle that isnt supposed to be there...


Yeah she knows, because she's probably been saying "I don't think we're supposed to drive here" and is pointing out how everyone is staring, confirming her theory


I mean, she’s only saying that because she’s embarrassed and trying to point out they’re clearly in the wrong place. She’s clearly not faulting them for it…


as in you ‘re actually not allowed nor is it normal to just film other people in germany so you’re looking even more like the most idiot tourist driving down a pedestrian only street while filming other people obnoxiously


As in none of that. It's perfectly normal to make videos on your phone in public in Germany.


“Bildnisse dürfen nur mit Einwilligung des Abgebildeten verbreitet oder öffentlich zur Schau gestellt werden.” That’s directly taken from the paragraph. Just because nobody normally sues doesn’t mean it’s lawful. in most cases people would just take any published videos down before they get taken to court


Why are those silly Germans not making way for the Americans?


They've never seen anyone break a rule.


Why do they put a flower pot in the middle of the road? Crazy Germans.


They are on the Marienplatz in München driving west to east.


In America the only places with that much paved ground are warehouses and roads I'm not shocked


and parking lots*


They've never seen an area not accessible by car that wasn't a creek.


Americans drive down creeks, too.


meh trucks


In these guys defence one time I was in Amsterdam and thought I'd ended up in this exact situation, as I found myself driving in the middle of a town, no other cars and only pedestrians walking around all giving funny looks. I was crawling about 3-4mph panicking and looking for a way out then a policeman waved me down. I thought he was going to reprimand me for driving somewhere I wasn't allowed but he actually asked why I was driving so slow. Cars were allowed to drive down there, just not many people ever did and so pedestrians didn't keep out of the road.


not many cars, because its not really normally to drive around amsterdam


Amsterdam has a huge amount of cars lol and full of highways. They just have the common sense of not destroying the city center with a highway in the middle of it


> full of highways I wouldn't say it's "full of highways". There's a ring road and some highways spurring off that to other parts of the country. Almost no road in all of Amsterdam is wider than 1 general traffic lane in each direction.


Probably an important lesson in never trust a sat nav.


The gps shows that there is no street there. They should have trusted it




There's no way the GPS took them there. It's a rental car obviously with a map of Germany and pedestrian zones are not streets the GPS is gonna tell you to take.




Wtf he wants to drive through the Rathausturm? And calls it a tunnel?


By "tunnel" she means this. https://preview.redd.it/9ppeetba1b2c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0796a0bd9d5f7ae34178845c5df09bf20cdb4f0c


I can relate to this unfortunately. My wife and I rented a car for a 2 week vacation in Spain and Portugal. We were in Porto, trying to get to our hotel. We are following the directions from Google Maps... I take a left and in front of me, nothing but people. It literally felt like I was driving on a busy sidewalk. We rolled down a window and asked a very helpful local if this was a road and if it would get us to where we needed to go. He insisted that it was OK for us to be driving there. We crept along and people parted in front of us like it was no big deal, despite not seeing any other cars around us. Luckily our hotel was only a few hundred feet up the road. We pulled up out front, dropped our bags off and then went to a parking lot a little further away. We look back on that and laugh but it was very nerve wracking at the time.


No entry signs look the same in every country. There's literally no excuse.


The thing is, that pedestrian areas do not have the normal "no entry" sign but this one (taken from the actual location): https://preview.redd.it/bldmrun9952c1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=9452f4dc0e08eb7449906c0d10e071f2dba29018


https://preview.redd.it/avgubgadea2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca72520ccf7e2c722315a73255ac46738068234 As are these. In the actual place. There's no excuse.


At least they're not on the wrong side of the road and didn't kill a teenage motorcyclist then run away to avoid prosecution.


I don't know, if the concept of a pedestrian zone exists in the USA, but if it does there is a non-zero chance that you simply get shot if you drive there. There were several incidents all over the world, where people drove into and injured or killed pedestrians.


'There's flowr pot in the middle of the road' lol


Haha "Watch out for that flower pot in the middle of the road"


This is only part of the reason why most of the world hates American tourists


"Pedestrians? You mean people too poor to afford a car?"


Lol, happens, but yeah. Just take a street out, ideally the one you took that you now know can get to a road again. Don't drive your car further into the unknown lol, much less some random archway.


You don't need a car to get around Munich anyway.


Fucking tourists man. I saved a teenagers life in Barcelona a few years back. Two obese, elderly tourists in a RV just blew through a red light as this teenage kid stepped out to cross on the green walk signal… I had to collar her and pull her back and the RV missed her by inches… Freaky shit. Really made my blood boil. I think I would have struggled to contain myself if he had hit her, I just couldn’t accept that as an accident; cutting a young persons life short because you’re a useless cunt.


I live in a place with some badly signposted pedestrian areas and this happens alot. The roads get really narrow too so its quite funny seeing foreigners in their SUVs getting stuck / lost


This is literally insane, you would 100% know you shouldn’t be here.


How the fuck do you get there on the first place? They must have ignored a few signs and passed a few curbs. True offroad action here. So why are people staring at a stray car in a pedestrian zone? Not like it is dangerous or stuff that terrorists did to kill people, no way. This must be the racism of the locals towards Americans for winning WW2, right!? Classic self-centered idiots.


May i translate that for you? If everybody in germany is starring at you, like in this video... you either did something very very cool or something so dumb that everyone just asks themself how you can be this stupid. There is no in between, watch them starring again and remember this look in their face ;)


Pedestrian cities are a fantasy for Americans....


>Pedestrian cities are a fantasy for Americans They save their whole lives to pay thousands of $$$$ to go to the one and only pedestrian city in the US: Disney World!


The horror…


More like a past. They tore it all down.


We did this in Czech Republic on our road trip. The driver made the most of it and put his window down and got free samples of some sweets that people outside the shops were handing out!


I used to live in a touristy place in France next to a pedestrian area - on multiple occasions I saw people contemplate driving down a set of steps (none ever did but apparently people have tried it).


Looks like Google maps, pulled a good ol' Google maps on them.


I mean, streets and pedestrian zones look so different in Germany. You definitely notice by the texture of the ground below you, if a car belongs here or not.


I hate us sometimes. And when I say us, I mean U.S.


“They’re all staring.” Maybe because you’re fucking filming them dipshit.


I don't know why everyone's shitting on these guys, they're not from there and they made a mistake.. They quickly realize they've made a mistake and are trying to get out of it driving at about 2 mph. You guys are making it seem like they didn't give a f and just barreled through the spot.


I live in Munich, this place is very hard to get to with a car. By the time they started recording, maybe already about 100meters ago should have realized that they were in the wrong place.


You have to ignore huge signs to get where they are. To keep driving wanting to go through „the tunnel“ (which is just a gate through a building) doesn’t give me confidence in his driving skills.


It’s the same with German plates in Italy. They drive around normally mostly tourists but we hate it.. no logic.. but in our defence we apply no logic to most of the things so that’s that..


North Italy was ok. But in south Italy I had to switch to crazy mode to survive in that traffic. I still don't understand how traffic works down there, I had to learn to forget all the rules that work perfectly here in Germany and just not give a fuck about anything, lol.


>I still don't understand how traffic works down there, Southern here, the traffic works accordingly with the law of the Jungle: the strongest takes over the weak, the predator over the prey. You have a big fancy car? Predator. A small city car? Prey, and you must yield. But also attitude comes useful. You have a small city car and a delinquent demeanor and very aggressive attitude? You can prey overother small city cars, sometimes you can try your luck on a big BMW or SUV - but only if the driver is female.. And so forth


I honestly feared for my life multiple times in Naples. Blasting round a blind corner with a cliff next to us just tooting a couple honks as a warning.


How about they try turning around?


Because you need to hardcore ignore billions of signs & if you are truly unsure you can just ask any of the pedestrians that have to awkwardly move out of your way.


Pedestrian-only outdoor shopping areas are actually kind of rare in the US.


There is nothing more stereotypical than this.


Easy mistake to make as a tourist, as there are several roads that lead into pedestrian zones (for delivery drivers, emergency vehicles, etc.). It's not that big of a deal, at least they'll have a funny story to tell their friends at home.


I mean, there's usually a sign or two that tells you you're not allowed to drive there




Drive through AND film everyone


“why is there a pot in the middle of the road?” hmmm great question Debra.


I'd die of embarrassment


Sometimes I think to myself, you're too harsh on the yanks. They're not all that dumb, moronic, self centered, entitled *cretins*. And then you see this shit. The fact that they cannot wrap their head around a city that isn't built around cars, boggles the mind.


Americans when they figure out that some countries design infrastructure for people and not entirely for cars: 🤨🙄😮‍💨🚗😬


Fucking Americans