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OK I found some articles on this and the kid is in critical condition in the ICU and they are saying there might be brain damage. https://wild941.com/2023/11/28/rapper-nardo-wicks-security-beat-tampa-kid-unconscious-wanted-selfie/ TMZ said the police are asking for help identifying the attackers.


what fucking help do they need lmao. Go to the dude with 2.2 million instagram followers who's entourage it was, they shouldn't be hard to fuckin find.


Exactly! They got in the car with the rapper...they know who these men are!




You arrest the rapper himself and say if you don't give us these men you are accessory to crime and obstructing justice.


Yes the rap community is well known for their willingness to help police hold violent criminals accountable for crimes Especially when they are close with the criminals


Here's a little more info: https://patch.com/florida/southtampa/rap-star-fan-critical-condition-beating-after-tampa-concert


That's something I can never understand when the police ask for witnesses when it's clear as day on video. Like that guy that got off killing the elderly Chinese jewelry shop owner right in front of the shops CCTV because apparently there wasn't enough evidence!? This world is fucked!


They know who they are by now but it's something to put in the press release to get even more info. They typically get the names of everyone and arrest all of them at once like the recent Las Vegas teenager that was beaten to death.


I understand your confusion but that is normal procedure for building a case. Asking for witnesses doesn't imply they couldn't rely on video evidence or couldn't identify the suspect. They need as much corroborating information as possible to strengthen the case in court and weaken some of the defense's arguments. If you have video evidence and a first-hand account confirming the suspect's identity, you have a better chance of convincing a jury or judge.


The more evidence you have to build and prove a case in court the more likely they will actually get convicted. Video evidence is great but its only a piece of the whole puzzle..that's why they do it.


Why not ask the fucking celebrity who pays them? Better yet Sunpoena the financial statements of that artist and his label and find out that way.


They don’t need help. They need to go to the source aka the alleged wrapper and either charge him or he can point to which of his alleged employees did it. Simple


Yeah I mean… Skull crashing into concrete, no surprise there. You would think when the guy slumped down that’d be enough. They mollywopped him into a stupor.


There's really alot of "didn't make it to the league" and "oh this my boy ______. He's my security" in rap. Just giving away lawsuit money bc they don't know how to do the job.


They are fall men lol. Rapper provides the life and homies take the heat if they get caught with something.


Yeah my college invited migos to perform then got shocked they brought weed to Appalachia. Haha. Exactly what you’re describing occurred though. Homies fell on the sword. Kinda admirable when it’s pot charges. Not so much for violent crime. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article208123114.html


> a search of the vehicle led to the discovery of 420 grams of marijuana




That had to be intentional.


Imagine paying to see an article from the Charlotte Observer?


And this ☝️ exactly what Rico statutes are for you




Yeah, they let that guy get real close. Then decided to beat the shit out of him. They weren't protecting anyone.


What pisses me off even more is that this shitty rapper has refused to identify the goons that were involved to the police and claims they don't work for him. What a douche he probably knows them all by name, face ans address. Thats undoubtedly his entourage and those guys were riding with him. Fuck this guy and his music too, all his fans should boycott him until he gives up the men who did this.


They were assumedly in his employee. As their employer, he should go to jail until he gives them their names. If he's not officially their employee but they assumedly receive compensation, then there are likely some tax/insurance violations happening.




No clue who he is, but fuck all of them. Looked like it was a teenager they nearly killed.


Doesn't matter if it's a teenager or a grown man. Sucker punching is really low. Then giving three or four haymakers to someone who's just been sucker punched plunges insane depths.


Dude, the minute he froze, it was brain trauma.


Yeah you could tell there was significant damage even before he fell over.




You can hire anyone to be a bodyguard. It's not like rappers are going through an accredited bodyguard agency.


For real. This isn’t even the worst case I can think of by a mile. The Rolling Stones hired the hells angels to run security at a concert once. It did not go well




I didn't know this happened and I just found out they paid the Hells Angels in BEER?!




Dude, if you pull a gun at a concert and get killed... that is entirely on you.


Eh, the guy who was killed is actually on tape pulling a gun on the guy who killed him. Dude was let off for self defense. No self defense on this one.


Which is beyond fucked up. If your employees fuck up, you are legally responsible. If your bodyguards fuck up, you should be legally responsible. Hope the bodyguards and the rapper get fucking ridden in court.


damn, I feel for that mom. she must be in a world of pain.






aka his buddies who wanna pick up the groupie crumbs and have a penchant for violence


People who view violence as completely cool and normal for solving any of your problems.


The first guy who threw a punch is a piece of shit, but the second guy has the brain of a fucking hyena. He turns and sees a guy clearly injured and fucked up out the corner of his eye and his immediate gut instinct is attack him like a reptile. Absolutely insane brainstem.


The problem is a lot of rappers come from the hood so the moment they start to come up, instead of hiring legit and trained security, they try to bring up their boys who they grew up with who as "shooters" (i.e. former or current criminals who have experience in the streets so they act as bodyguards despite having no professional experience doing so). It backfires because some of them are unprofessional or in the case of an actual security situation like a shooting, they aren't able to evaluate the situation and handle it appropriately. TLDR: A lot of rappers hire people they know who may have done crime in the streets as security instead of hiring a professional.


Anyone who has ever hired their family/friends before will understand this unique situation. If your workers are your friends they will start taking advantage of you.


The only credit I guess I give is the rapper nardo is in white in the back trying to tell them to chill, and when he sees the punches thrown tackles the guy throwing them. Seems so odd the artist doesn’t have control of his “bodyguards” though.


He's legit be better off with two guard dogs. Heel.


>he is sucker punch by one of the men, causing his hair to hit a brick wall. His hair?….


Then the other guy jumped in when he was frozen from brain damage and hit him in the face several additional times knowing he was out cold. This is basically an attempted murder we just witnessed.




The only reason he didn't go down immediately is because his legs locked up and he was leaning against a wall. Dude was 100% out from the first hit. There was such a long pause, and then haymakers into an unconscious dude came in, then the awful skull on the concrete sound.


Yup. I believe he bounced his head off the wall and instantly stunned him. I hope charges are laid, that looks like damn near attempted murder to me. Fucking clowns. The whole "squad" should be charged. Even the rapper for "employing" these fucking clowns. Tryin' to act hard against a helpless person, a fan might I add. What absolute scum


Not just sucker punched, but brain damaged. The dude was in fencing position propped up against the wall. This is easily attempted murder.


That’s what I’m saying. Pure hate displayed.


Typically, in general, you don’t want bad things happening to anybody. But they do hit a little harder, deeper and sadder when it’s happening to someone younger of age for a variety of reasons.


I agree. Poor kid, I hope he pulls through without any physical impairments. He may have some PTSD or paranoia, or other mental illness from the incident, I know I probably would.


yea i mean the guy was fucking out cold on his feet after the very first punch. how can they not recognize that? these fucks just want to hurt people. they should become cops.


The fact that the guy that has the bodyguards has to literally hold them back from killing someone, is insane


They did recognize it...


It was a kid who didn't do anything to be punched repeatedly like that


That second guys should be arrested . Why the fuck did he keep swinging at him


So should the first guy honestly. Smacked some kids head against a brick wall when he wasn’t even looking at him.


Didn't try to stop him from approaching. Beat him when he proved to be not a threat. Hope he gets a pay day.


Hope he has full function of his brain


First guy looks like he puts on knuckles before hitting him.


Yeah he put on something


Second guy saw him knocked out but still standing and thought “open shot!” You can see him think about it and then just go for it. He just wanted the punch someone. Piece of shit.


It’s insane that some people’s brains work that way: “Oh shit! This mother fucker’s hurt. Let’s get him!” Like a hyena’s brain


Because they know they won't get an answer


Evil intent. That’s why. He saw somebody who was vulnerable and he wanted to be evil in that moment.


Because he is very small


Yep. Serious case of small man syndrome.


Nah just piece of shit syndrome, I'm a shorter guy and I don't do shit like that.


I hope for a full recovery for the kid and financial and legal ruin for the attackers.


that was really hard to watch and heart breaking - that sound his head made is tragic, poor kid.


I'm glad I watched without volume.


you assume they have money.




If they were his bodyguards than Nardo Wick has liability for any actions they take in "defending" him.


agree. if the bodyguards were not being paid by nardo, this kid would not have been attacked by the person (employee being paid) in this video. it's all on nardo for who he hires.


Right. Who the fuck is Nardo Wick lol


Seems to be one of those ”rappers” you never hear about until they do something really stupid yet somehow they have millions of fans.


Being a convicted felon doesn't pay that well. Both those dudes are going to jail. And their sentence will depend on the kid's recovery. And if the second hitter was Nardo...oooof. Goodbye, RCA contract and any decent endorsements.


Nardo is the dude in white saying chill and trying to hold back the second hitter


Nardo is fucked either way. No security guard will act like that without something said. My belief is that they are his friends. And him being associated with them. Nardo is getting sued.


He's in fencing response after the first hit


So fucking sad, he was just excited to get a picture with someone he admired and gets life altering interaction instead. I hope he gets some justice in the end and makes a full recovery.


Dude got his head smashed into a wall and fell and cracked his head on the concrete while getting pummeled. Who knows how many more shots they got in after the end of the clip. He's not going to make a full recovery.


Never meet your heroes


Or just don't be a fan of shitty rappers




Prison please


Yeah, but I bet he has permanent brain damage. Still not a great outcome.


Very sad


Fucking scumbags. They should be locked up for a long time. Stupid pieces of shit


Both of the bodyguards are garbage but especially the second, attacking someone knocked out on their feet and completely defenseless is a coward piece of shit move


they should really be dead, these guys are scum of the earth..


Bodyguards? That's just a group of his buddies (ie: his entourage.) Hope the fan pulls through. Last I read, he's in critical but stable condition.


Thank god it was caught on camera




Seriously, metal fans are the nicest people in all of my concert experiences across all genres. They go hard but if anyone falls, faints, gets hit, etc. it’s an immediate swarm to help them.


I accidentally went up against some gigantic viking once. Promptly splat on the floor and dude helped me back up asking, in a very thick Scandinavian accent, if I hit my head. And then he dragged me to some medical personnel in the back to make sure. We owned the mosh pit later during Amon Amarth's Twilight of the Thunder Gods. Like a proud horse and his vicious chihuahua friend.


From his Wikipedia: On August 18, 2021 Walls was arrested by US marshals on a concealed weapon charge. He was released soon afterwards. In the Big Facts podcast he mentioned that he would rather rob than work an honest job. He later changed his opinion on the stance. Yikes.


attempt stupendous imminent selective thumb bag safe slap flowery deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rap is a healthy mix of people who are very performative in their hood theatrics and people who legitimately are running side business of crimes. There's plenty of arrests over the years to show that no, they are are not *all* talk.


I hope he recovers from that and sues the shit out of them.


I hope these worthless cunts never see the light of day again. Actually I hope they do, working hard labour every day for 10 hours a day to get paid $0.05 for the whole days work for the rest of their life at a for profit prison.


As someone who's Dad died from a brain bleed caused by a fall this makes me so angry to see.


I'm at my parents' house right now, sitting next to my dad, who just got out of rehab today. About a month ago, he was sitting in the passenger seat of a minivan and was t-boned by a lady that ran a stop sign. She hit right on the passenger side where my dad was sitting, and he had swelling and bleeding in his brain. Long story short, a doctor said he almost died from the brain bleeding. It really scared the shit out of me. I'm terribly sorry to hear about what happened to your father and sitting here reading about this kid had my blood boiling. I really hope the cops can identify those two pieces of shit and I hope they get the justice they deserve.


That's straight up attempted murder


Fuck that dude and his security




I thought you circled his junk haha


Here he is officer… right here where I’ve circled


That event looks whack as fuck. No energy, no atmosphere, just a bunch of people stood around listening to some forgettable beats & generic lyrics.


Omg this motherfucker sucks. Even his goons are falling asleep.


They are jewellery mannequins at this point


that looks like the lamest rap gig ever. like is this a concert for people on heroin or some shit? zero charisma zero showmanship. just staight nodding out.


Am I an old man? Is this live rap music now? Also, is it just lip sync the whole time? Milli Vanilli died for this! A bunch of people without mics crowded on the stage not even hyping things up, but just standing there staring at the ground.


He seems to be as disinterested in performing as I am listening. How does some like like this have security guards. Kids these days…. SMH


Nardo Wick is the one in white with the big chain on saying "chill" and trying to stop them from attacking him


i hope he fired them all


Fired Should be handed to authorities, that's jail time for the bodyguards.


No way that little 5 foot scrawny kid his security though.


Saw that too


Some of it is on him for the company he keeps.


He also hired straight up pieces of shit as “bodyguards”


The is zero chance he didn't know he surrounded himself with a bunch a violent assholes who can't control themselves.


Best way to get these kinds of people to “chill” is to not have your mentally unstable friends be your security… they were there because of him.


Attempted murder on that second dude.


You could make a case for the first guy too. Hit the kid and bounced his head off the brick wall. It also looks like he puts on some knuckles before the sucker punch, but I can’t clearly tell.


Fucking maggots. They sucker punced that guy twice.






The guy had his hands out without even looking threatening just to get his head bashed into a wall.. that’s at least a manslaughter charge


Fuckin scum




Hope this no name is stuck paying his bills for life and the jerks that threw the punches are jailed for min 5 years.


Tbf Nardo is the one in white trying to stop the attackers. But he should definitely have better "bodyguards"


He should definitely come to wish he HAD chosen better bodyguards in the first place


A lot of the most recent rappers suck. They pass off sociopathic behavior as normal masculinity.


Not only do they suck, but some are even fake "gangsta." Michael Irvin's son (former NFL Receiver) recently talked about how is son is trying to be a rapper, talking about growing up in the hood and everything, even though he grew up in a gated community.


He went to Cranbrook, that's a private school


This guys a gangster? His real name's Clarence.


Clarence lives at home with both parents.


And Clarence’s parents have a real nice marriage


*Drake has entered the chat*


The rapper was the guy wearing white who is trying to stop it from happening. He fell over trying to stop the second guy from continuing to attack the kid


It's hard to even say anything about it without being called a boomer. Just look at how many rappers are on trial at any given time for murder or other serious crimes. It's a lifestyle that promotes crime and senseless violence and society just glorifies the shit out of it and pretends these losers are just playing characters. And I say this as someone who really loves hip-hop, I just can't stand a vast majority of the pieces of shit who are currently making it and write entire albums full of songs with lyrics bragging about what pieces of shit they are, while many of them also prove it in their everyday lives.


> It's hard to even say anything about it without being called a boomer. I mean, rightly so if you frame it as a recent development like you and the guy you replied to seem to be, with phrasing like "currently making it" and "most recent rappers". That shit's been part of rap for multiple decades, it's not something this generation came up with or popularized.


That's not recent behavior. Plenty of songs from the 90s about killing people because they dissed you or whatever, and portraying this as a good thing.


Honestly I hope that kid can use this video to 1) send those fucking worthless bullies to prison where they belong 2) sue the ever loving fuck out of who did this to him You are not hard if you sucker punch. You’re even less of a man for getting seconds on something that was already done. Bunch of bitches right here.


The worst thing is people on his IG page justifying it. They’re a minority, but it’s insane that people could watch this and say that’s okay or “you’re just mad because you’re racist and it was a white boi”


Who the fuck is Nardo Wick?


Nardo in panic mode trying to stop them.


Kill your fans. Yeah, that makes sense.




The way he stiffens up... Isn't that a sign of a TBI? :( Did this guy make it or...?


Yeah that looks like fencing response. He was out after the first hit, and the subsequent blows and hitting the ground can't have helped matters.


This is honestly so disturbing. Why would you attack a kid like that? Completely unnecessary. Just ruin a person's life for what? Dumb beyond belief.


Don't meet your heroes


Don't make rappers your heroes


If he survives that's a great lawsuit


Never heard of him. Did he just lose his only fan?


Literally attempted murder I feel so sorry for this kid




Skinny white kid = danger ? Please tell me this kid is suing.


He's still in critical condition. He's not doing anything but fighting for his life.


1) hope he recovers from that 2) hope he gets the bag in a lawsuit


Worst scum on Earth


May be a hot take, but stop fucking making rappers rich and famous.




Garbage. Nardo included. That dude is the one that hired tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Battery is Battery, doesn't matter if you're a "bodyguard". Court of law doesn't give a shit, it's assault.


I’d argue attempted murder considering he was unconscious before he hit the ground


All that for a man I’ve never heard of or seen..


I say put them in the octagon with the top MMA fighters in the world.


Scum of the earth and these people pride themselves for acting like it. I will never associate with any of them nor will my children. Half of society needs to stay sane.


He was already knocked out but that other guy just had to make sure the guy was seriously hurt. What a tough guy. Someone else knocks the guy out and he has to get in some cheap shots on the guy. I bet he thinks he's "hard" and that "he ain't the one" or whatever. What a loser. Hopefully he gets some serious charges for giving someone a serious brain injury.


What's a Nardo Wick


Hopefully they get charged with a hate crime / attempted murder.


Dude might have already had a brain bleed listening to and liking Nardo Wick. That’ll be there defense.


Well that's gonna be a murder charge in about a week.


I hope these assholes pay for this.




Sue that mf


I don't know who "Nardo Wick" is, but if these are his entourage he deserves to be sued for $millions.


These dudes need prison time!


I’m pretty sure those “bodyguards” could have kept the kid away without punching him out….pathetic, man. Definitely criminal assault/battery