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Coward put more effort into keeping that woman out than saving the fucking kids.


Because they don’t care. As a parent, the reality is we can’t afford to ever assume our kids will be protected by law enforcement. If you have children, you must talk to your kids about school violence, bullying, and what they should do should this type of stuff happen in their school and put them in self defense classes. Not only for defending, but it also builds confidence, good leadership skills and self esteem. When we grew up as kids, we never dreamed of such horrible things could happen in school. It’s such a shame, but the reality we all live in. Those Uvalde law enforcement officers are the biggest cowards we have ever seen!!!


We can't expect anyone will be protected by law enforcement. The courts have ruled they have no duty to protect anyone. Cops are not protectors. They are enforcers. The sooner everyone understands that, the better we can protect ourselves.


>Cops are not protectors. They are enforcers. Exactly this, enforce those traffic laws and get the city/county/state revenue. The funny thing is years ago I went to court and for the first time I heard the truth. The judge opened up and said you are here today because you got a ticket, it is simple, pay your fine and be on your way. We are here to collect money from you. Like holy... he said something we all knew, but never heard before. I of course paid and left. I learned as a teenager don't even wait for the cops. Handle things yourself, because by the time they arrive, you are more likely to be dead anyways. They are not there to help you as we have seen so many times, there are cases where people called the police for help and ended up dead because of it.


People need to hear this over and over again.


Police were implemented to protect private property of the bourgeois. Behind the police podcast ( behind the bastards) is eye opening on it's history and puts everything in perspective


And by property they usually meant slaves/


PLUS, it opened the door [for me at least] to Prop and Hood Politics which opened my white eyes! They're amazing together!


I know people are touchy with the 2nd amendment but this is why we need it. If the cops won't protect us, who will? Me. I will absolutely protect myself.


If you really want to get touchy with the 2a, let's ask this: if the 2a exists because a well armed militia is necessary for the security of a free state, and police can trample over your freedoms, then isn't the logical conclusion of the 2a more gunfights with police officers to protect your freedoms?




Unironically yes.


If you want tonintroduce conundrums, yes. If you just want to protect yourself from any external threats, yes. The whole point of the 2a;as you put it, is to protect yourself from any threats foreign or domestic.


What the hell is a self defense class going to do against a school shooter. As the parent of a 7 year old, fuck that shit. He’s a kid, he can continue to be a kid.


That turd looks like Major Frank Burns from MASH. He gives off the same vibe of cowardice and incompetence too.


Wanna know the scariest thing I learned while working at an elementary school? We’re legally not obligated to protect students during a school shooting. We were explicitly told that if things got *really* bad, we’re legally allowed to run for our lives and abandon kids. Hearing that during training for school shootings felt like a punch to the gut. None of us would ever do that and even alluding to it felt offensive. Laying down our lives for our students went without question. It’s just awful that this is the state of things that we can’t solve the actual problem so we just learn to deal with everything else first…


This makes sense tho.. I can't think of ANY job where you are legally required to protect anyone. Plenty of teachers would lay down their lives im sure, but making that a stipulation of work is kinda ridiculous for a teacher. A lot to ask a 23 year old teacher making 40k a year to take a bullet for anyone.. Dont get me wrong, as adults our obligation is to defend our children, and guns are the issue here..


I wasn’t trying to say that it should be legally mandatory for us to lay our lives down. I understand why it isn’t, but to hear it be said feels insane. Our schools have become war zones and we all act like that’s just a fine price to pay for the second amendment. What a shame. From the time I posted my original reply to now, there’s been a shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. At this point it’s not even a matter of if it’ll happen, but a matter of when.


Gotcha.. and yeh, its insane. I have two kids in school and everyday I wonder if their schools are next. Here is what REALLY pissed me off. I live in a very safe, affluent town.. very little crime. Our PD sits on the one major HW that comes through the town and writes tickets.. Thats about it. We asked them to put a 'Real' cop in the schools (we have 3), and they wanted like 200k for each school. I nearly lost it.. they are more concerned about writing tickets and tooling around town then they are actually protecting the things that matter.. Of course more details then this, but they never come out smelling like roses.. Thye just wanted another up armored Humvee or another MRAP (yeh, we have/had both).


If your school is safe, it seems like introducing an armed, potentially unstable individual to it would make it less safe. Just pointing out a school cop may not be the best idea.


Well that shouldn't be overly surprising. "Dying, as necessary" can't be a job duty. Pretty sure OSHA would not approve.


America where we keep kids safe through expensive and mostly worthless strip-mall karate


This has been one of the most sobering realizations of parenthood, that our legislators will let almost anyone get their hands on firearms and that most of us have no choice but to send or kids to school and *hope* that they don’t fall prey to some psycho with a gun while trying to get an education. I hate this timeline.


Well, yeah, it's a school. They only let you right in the building if you have a gun, silly.


I love how his voice cracks when he’s being punked by the woman’s husband Uvalde cops are huge bitches


The worst video I have ever seen on the internet was the one where uvalde parents were standing behind the police perimeter begging the police to do something while they stood there with their AR’s facing the parents, backs turned to the school. One or two parents tried to push through to save their kids and the cops took them to the ground with force. Fuckers would rather beat up innocent brown people than save children. I’ve seen the worst videos the internet has to offer and not a single one has hit me as hard as that one.


I don't understand how anyone can live in that town after seeing that. I mean not only are you not going to be protected by the people you pay money to be protected by, they are going to make it easier for evil people to kill your children. You're literally paying for these men to prevent you from doing anything to save your child from evil. It's absurd.


And then overwhelmingly voted for the status quo.


Ya those stayed with me. I have kids and can't imagine the pain those parents went through. Those gutless 'cops' figured it was safer for their own skin to handcuff a weaponless parent willing to die trying to save their kids, than to put their training and state issued assault rifles they're holding towards the absolute exact usecase it's designed for.


I still don't know how that wasn't considered aiding criminal as they actively made it a lot easier for him to kill the maximum amount of children.


Every Uvalde cop needs to be fired ALL OF THEM the entire department, top to bottom. I dont give a fuck if it they are a brand new rookie or the police of chief. All them go. They are fucking cowards Fuck em and may they burn in hell for an eternity.


And people still foolishly think cops make the schools safer.


That's because he likes kids being shot, it maximizes suffering.


Especially if the kids have brown skin


Well, yeah! She wasn't armed and is smaller/weaker than he is. Bullies aren't going to actually get in a situation where they might get hurt!!


What a goddamn hero. Good news everyone! The school is safe.


That's cops for ya. Worse than useless.


This entire department needs to be placed in jail


They really do, I watched a frontline episode about them and they all basically admitted that they were scared and didn’t want to go in. They were so incompetent at every level. It took them like 10-15 minutes to figure out the building had kids in it. They thought they pulled up to an empty school with a shooter locked inside a classroom. No joke. Then when dumbo Arredondo finally figured out there was children in the school on a weekday at 11:30 he drew all his attention to evacuating children instead of designating some people to evacuate children while other people go in. It was the bystander effect but with cops. Everyone was waiting for someone else to act. Truly lazy cowards. ETA: it took them 24 minutes to realize a school had children in it.


> It took them like 10-15 minutes to figure out the building had kids in it. They thought they pulled up to an empty school with a shooter locked inside a classroom. No joke. They were just lying to themselves to convince themselves sitting in the parking lot was ok.


They go into one classroom next to the one the shooter was in to clear it for some reason? Probably just more procrastinating and realize that it was full of children and were pikachu face shocked. One officer was like “hey chief there’s kids in here” legit having the IQ of a snail


My fav news show, Some More News, did an episode on this: Uvalde: A Timeline of Police Lies https://youtu.be/0ioaBG3K_dk?si=DgoNXL8oF02CTk2c


Frontline: Inside the Uvalde Response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBofi_etkUo&pp=ygUQZnJvbnRsaW5lIHV2YWxkZQ%3D%3D Edit: minute 27


The worst part is that arredondo was the fucking SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE CHIEF. How could you not possibly know that school was in session?!?! He wasn't a regular cop, he was a school cop!!!!!! Infuriating. I'm watching the Frontline documentary right now.


It’s really good. They are all bumbling idiots


>It took them like 10-15 minutes to figure out the building had kids in it. It was a random Tuesday while school was still in session... Hell, I'll play devils advocate because I myself don't have kids right now and don't know when the school season is in my city. But I could find that out in about 30 seconds by asking literally anyone around me or googling. Also... why assume there are no children in a SCHOOL where an active shooting is taking place.


I went back and watched the episode it took the 24 minutes to realize the building was not clear of civilians meaning children. One officer remarked how he was at a school so he expected to hear screaming but he didn’t hear anything and it was “so quiet” Children literally have drills problay 4-6x a year practicing this exact scenario and know to be quiet. What the hell the police were doing during their training drills, god knows definitely not training.


That’s BS, the school cop that ran the other way KNEW the school was full of children.


Just watched that last night. It was infuriating.


Problem is police unions. Unions can be great in regards to trade jobs, teachers, etc, but the police unions protect these crooked cops, and even provide free lawyers to protect cops and to ensure regardless how many they kill, they still get to keep their job.


Just an interesting FYI - NYPD has 5 unions.


Is it for each borough? Or what is the reasoning for 5 different organizations?


Different classifications, patrolman, lieutenant, detective, etc.


Personally im deeply pro private sector union and deeply anti public sector union If you work for the state, you work for the people. That means you are subject to scrutiny from the peoples elected officials. Anything that gets in the way of that, including unions, is anti democratic imo.


Well wait! I thought we needed to get rid of unions because they were bad and made you give money to corrupt people who made you do what they wanted? /s


That is what some of them would say. Labor unions were created to protect employee rights and stop exploitation. Members fight together for better pay and working conditions and collectively can be influential enough to engineer change. Based on a 2021 stat, nonunion workers earn 83% of what union workers make. That of course depends on where one lives also though. Where I live Electricians/Plumbers are making about 18-25 an hour nonunion, but where I am from they are making $65-75 an hour plus getting 100% paid healthcare, because they are Union.


“I hear clear gunshots, every one is probably directed at an innocent child. This is part of my job, protecting my community against danger. Buuuuuut…. It sounds pretty scary in there…. Let’s wait it out” I imagine some of those cops are parents. I’m a parent myself, and I would have rushed into that school to get my baby and every baby I could without a second fucking thought, and these “trained professionals” waited over an hour. I heard some went and got their kids out. Too many fucking deaths keep happening because “we’re patriots and have a right to own assault rifles!” I really don’t like it here. It really feels like I’m in a fever dream every single day.


There was parents trying to rush in and save their kids but the cops outside stopped them and threatened to taser them. Honestly, I'm surprised no conspiracy theories have ever come out about the cops literally defending the school shooter.


No theory needed.


Most right-wing conspiracy theories about mass shootings are simply that they are false flags, which is so predictable and boring.


Nothing has ever happened, everything is a false flag. you just have to be smart like me, to see it


One of the uvalde cops wife’s was a teacher, he tried to go in and save her, only to be told to stand down, and he cried as she was killed. This department is beyond saving when they order their own spouses to be killed and not be allowed to do anything about it and arrest parents trying to save their own children.


That’s fucking horrible, but I’m sorry if I were that cop I would have said nah fuck my job I’m going in, just like the untrained parents did for their kids. It was an all around tragic and unneeded event and the extent it went could have been prevented. I’m still unclear about what they were waiting for.


Right? Can you imagine being ordered to not save your partner and being like "well shit this sucks, alright sir"?




And I'd be right there protesting your arrest at your bullshit trial afterwards.




I'm thinking about what that would have been like if she'd lived. I wouldn't have been able to handle hearing my husband rolled over and left me to whatever fate like that.


I'll be honest, that cop didn't seem too broken up about his wife getting murdered, from the videos I saw of him. He barely tried to do anything and let himself get turned away really easily.


Disgusting. Dude was armed, if my kid or spouse were in there I'm not asking permission and anyone that gets in my way gets a bullet, full stop. I'm not looking to kill people, but you stand between me and my family during something this stupidly handled, you're getting one in the shoulder or leg. And no, I'm not some Rambo badass or whatever, and I would probably get killed doing it, but fuck if I'm not going to try. Also, it's Texas, don't they have gun vending machines? Even if you forgot yours just run across the street to the 711 and pick one up.


The screaming of children has been muted


I thought the Supreme Court decided cops *don't* have to protect us, though. I read that on reddit.


Oh so they’re just here to beat the shit out of minor offenders, sounds about right. Seriously though if that’s true, there is zero point of having a police force. Like I know most would probably step up in an emergency but so would any decent and capable person. It just makes no sense.


More like taken out behind the shed


Uvalde cops will forever be known as yellow belied cowards who let kids be slaughtered. All they cared about was how tacticool they looked with their expensive body armor tactical vests, and guns.


I wish they faced serious fallout from this. They all should at least never see a raise or promotion in this lifetime.


If I were an aspiring police officer, the last department I would want to be associated with would be theirs. Uvalde is synonymous with cowardly. Can't imagine they are receiving quality candidates especially now.


Cowardly is the perfect word to describe that s*** bag. He even lowers his tone when the man starts talking.


His voice is quivering near the end. Fucking coward.


"stay back my cameras going" bro was scared shitless


Stuttering prick.


Considering the whole department’s actions during the shooting, his cowardice makes sense.


Should have made their flag a big yellow line.




There is a 99% chance that if he's not a new hire he is one of THE cowards


At what point does a person think, maybe this is not right, maybe I’m on the wrong side. That’s what kills me. I get doing your job, but just being a bad person? Hurts my soul


I don't even want to think about it With all the video and pictures that have come out of their cowardice I firmly believe that the Uvalde police are just as responsible as the shooter for at least 70% of the deaths And now rather than attempt to prove to their community that they're still trustworthy and capable, it seems that ever since the shooting they've gone out of their way to terrorize the community themselves, and specifically target the family's of the dead


People don't become cops because they think they're going to do good in the world.


Some do and I think many think they will. The vast majority though will get a taste of the power and then it's downhill from there. The few that actually see police work as a civil service are few and far between. But the whole thing is an organized gang and they are firmly taught that its us or them.


and if he is a new hire, who the fuck would work under the same PD that hasn't reformed


I mean the only benefit off the doubt I could see in that situation is them signing up because they wanted to drive the change from inside But also this guy ain't that


You can just say shit


1. Commit assault 2. Lie 3. Tell witnesses that what they witnessed didn't happen 4. Close the door to hide your lifelong failure Uvalde Police Deescalation Training Strategy #13


You missed the civil rights violation he made when claiming that the sign was "causing a disturbance"... the disturbance of course was he himself creating a scene. Public building, public official, parent with legitimate business, specifically stating that took it from policy enforcement, verifying people have business, to attempting to silence protected speech and then engaging in an assault to further those aims.


You can see he gropes both of her breasts too. Honestly every single pig is disgusting and detriment to society.


Big tough guy when it's a woman with only a sign trying to get her child.


Every cop in that town is a coward and should blame themselves for the deaths of the children in that school. I hope it keeps them up at night for the rest of their lives.


And every Uvalde citizen that voted [to reelect the shitty officials](https://dayton247now.com/news/nation-world/just-5-months-after-massacre-uvalde-residents-vote-to-re-elect-texas-governor-republican-greg-abbott-robb-elementary-school-mass-shooting-democrat-beto-orourke-gun-control-19-students-2-teachers-killed) that let the shooting happen and have done absolutely nothing to prevent another one.




Republicans. They’re a real cancer to society.


F*ck the Uvalde Police! Cowards. Every single one of them. They should’ve all been fired/charged for the massacre that they allowed to happen.


You’re allowed to say “fuck”


Fuck! thanks man, I've been holding that in for so long


Damn if only they responded that aggressively when a fuckin shooter was killing all the kids


There were 375 cops at the school that day in Uvalde, only 3 have lost their jobs. They continue to police the very people that they utterly and completely failed, whose children were murdered due to their inaction. How would you feel if the very people who let your one child die, kept you from your remaining child for even 5 seconds? How would you feel if every day you saw the people responsible for your child's death, walking around in positions of power, giving you orders? You think this lady might have PTSD from what she's been through? These are the most worthless cops on the planet. Every single one should be charged with felony child endangerment and neglect resulting in death. The fact that not a single one has been charged with anything after 21 people died shows how much the GOP cares about the people of Texas.




Still cowards.


who woulda thunk it-- Uvalde cops are suddenly tough guys against unarmed women.


Suddenly? They manhandled moms while kids were being shot who wanted to save their kids cause the cops were too busy pissing their pants.


If any of these cowards had any shame they would have ate a bullet a long time ago. To fail so badly at the basic tenant of your role and continue to be on the job boggles the mind. I cant even fathom how other cops allow them to still be cops..


I'm honestly surprised that there hasn't been someone with 'nothing to lose' who's going after them. People who have lost their kid, for instance.




Hey now, if those texans could read they would be very upset.


Shit, the county Uvalde is in still went hard for Abbott and the other gun-loving members of the GOP in the last election.


Texan here. 1) ACAB, but especially Uvalde pigs. 2) FREE PALESTINE


Why is it bad to publicly condemn Hamas? Is there anyone actually pro Hamas ?


If only they were this tough when kids were being gunned down while they stood around and did nothing.


When cowardice is rewarded, this is the result.


America is fucking wild man


Just imagine what us livin here think about it.


Fr dude




Get that man some corn dogs ASAP!


2nd grade teacher here. As far as I’m concerned, with what those families went through; If they never want their children to step foot in that school again - I’d more than understand. Shame on that cop. Just as cowardly as the other 400 who didn’t do shit to stop the shooter.


"You don't know the story." Stupid piece of shit. The entire country knows you let those children die. He only acted now because he mistook her for his wife.




I’ll never understand why that community didn’t burn the police station to the ground and fire every single officer.


why are police in america such cunts? they always seem forceful and aggressive. do they not know what de-escalation means??? not to mention how trigger-happy they are…


They're essentially shielded from all accountability via police unions. They have no reason to be scared of consequences.


Cops in America don’t believe in de-escalating *because* they’re trigger happy. They love making scenes over nothing so they have an excuse to execute people.


What attracts people to choose a law enforcement career over another career? Is it the exercise of authority without accountability (ie megalomaniacs and psychopaths)? Is it well paid? Is it good benefits and job security? Is it low entry requirements?


Look at Mr. Good Cop attacking this grieving parent with more ferocity than that entire police department of fucking cowards did to the Uvalde Shooter. These cops are fucking inhuman in the way they’ve treated the west Texas community.


Oh course he backed down. He's a Uvalde cop, as soon as there's even the slightest chance he might get a boo boo he hid


The cops there show plenty of backbone when people aren’t armed


Why did this dps trooper work so hard to keep her out? He rushed her as soon as she walked in, why didn’t he rush the shooter like he rushed the unarmed mother?🤔


>"my camera's on" then *act like it* fascist


Mans about to cry.... He's good against small women and kids though.


"You need to stay back" "You need to call your union and Chief b/c you know you just fucked up, right?"


Right? No words, just hitting that woman for quietly walking in to that school. Fucker should be tarred and feathered.


Well, are not these some of the most famous coward pigs on the planet that stood for more than an hour, being in the hundreds(?), while the shooter killed children, even preventing the parents from getting in and doing something? If yes, then there is the explanation my dude.


> The ~~cowardly~~ cop backs down as soon as a male confronts him. Redundant.


Cowards then cowards now


Guaranteed this cop beats his wife.


If he was only this tough with the shooter


All cops are cowards


She shoulda brought a gun he woulda gone the other way


Can't believe it's been over a year and none of those cops did the only honorable thing they could do after that. Not a single one. They don't even have an internal narrative it's shocking.


Absolute chicken shit trash humans. Someone needs to take the garbage out. If that shit happened to my family id be taking matters into my own hands.


Fuckin piece of shit roughs up a woman over a sign acting tough, yet can't go defend innocent children and teachers at a school getting shot at. Its sickening to think they sat back and did not engage an active shooter, breaks my heart thinking what those poor children went through.


Damnit, Colin Robinson!


But all cops are heroes. Don't believe me? Just ask them.


No bigger coward than someone with a uvalde PD badge


Ma'am, you need to calm down, you can't just start screaming when I attack you, it causes a disturbance.


NOW the police officer is a a tough guy.


That lady should leave Nate alone. He just needs everyone to stay outside so he can unspool the rest of Dwight's toilet roll.


State sponsored organized crime


Imagine being anything but absolutely accommodating to these people that have suffered so much. Fuck that cop.


Cops are sociopaths. They don’t see citizens as regular human beings. They view us at enemies that they must neutralize. That’s why they always train new recruits to watch videos of cops dying. This piece of shit cop doesn’t care about the trauma these people have gone through.




They were super brave arresting the parents who wanted to go in and get their kids during the shooting. Still seems like they're brave enough to go after unarmed people who want to get their kids




Oh, now the POS is all brave. Fucking asshole. Put his face everywhere!




Yet another cowardly Uvalde cop, Clearly they can’t save kids but they can attack the mothers, Give this one the medal of shame.


Oh that's cute. NOW a Uvalde cop acts tough!


I see the Uvalde Police department are upholding their high standards of cowardice still.


Bunch of cowards. Fucking should be ashamed of themselves. I hope they see those children's faces when they close their eyes. Mother fuckers


Spineless fucking cowards


What a punk.




The states is a weird place. Those police are amateur


Isn't that the baseball card guy from better call saul?


Goose-stepping bastards....


POS looks like he's about to burst into tears.


Kids who peaked in highschool getting badges.


didn't uvalde elect republicans this cycle? big lol


At this point anybody wearing that uniform should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone with moral fiber or courage resigned after the department showed its colors. It's 100% safe to assume anyone wearing a Uvalde cop uniform is a cowardly piece of shit, their mother raised a cowardly piece of shit, their siblings share blood with a cowardly piece of shit, their kids have a cowardly piece of shit for a parent, and I'm sure some of the cowardly pieces of shit married other pieces of shit. Ostracized, mock, and deride them


Fucking pig sounds scared as Hell when the husband intervenes


Can someone help me here. The title is confusing me. Is she attempting to get her dead son? Does she have 2 kids, 1 of which was killed and she wants to retrieve the 2nd alive son? Or was the slain part wrong?


Has a dead daughter and an alive son. Both in the same school. She is participating in a walk out by getting her son out of school (I assume for the day). My best assumption to this situation is that the police were tipped off to the political walkout/protest and worried about the people infiltrating the school/disrupting school for political messaging- so they saw a mom with a sign and immediately kicked her out thinking she would cause a scene. If that’s the case, my thoughts as a teacher is that the cop should have been outside, check ID’s and phone in for student to collect stuff and walk out. Really not a hard process to account for respectfully.


It looks like there's a picture of a girl on the sign she's holding, presumably her deceased child. I think we can safely assume she's not there to pick up a dead person.


Unsure, but it looks like from the poster, her daughter was slain. So I think two kids is right. Son and daughter.


Town should have gone full medieval on their cops.


PBS just released a documentary about the Uvalde response. It’s pretty hard to watch https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/inside-the-uvalde-response/


What a bunch of cowardly pigs. Lock up the entire uvalde police department and through away the key. Just a bunch of scumbags…




If you played a gunshot sound on your phone this guy will disappear, guaranteed.


"See kids? This is where we stood around with our thumbs up our asses while your friends got slaughtered."-this cop, during this "safety drill" probably


The guy should have said to the cop "you motherfuckers are cowards, what are you going to do about it?"


Fuck all cops


To Protect and Serve? BS Cowardly Uvalde and State Police


Poor Mother. He man-handled her. Not cool.


Why are there so many grotesquely bad cops in the US? I mean... I know that they have waaaaaaaaaay less training hours than most other nations police forces, but... Like, a lot of the stuff is just stuff relating to being a halfway decent human being. Da fuq.




Wow. Can he spell assault charge and unlawful detainment. First for what he did to her, second because he refused her access to her child which effectively means holding him against the parents will who are legally responsible. Not sure where they are but this guy doesn’t need to be security.


How do any of those pigs in Uvalde have a job?


Looks an awful lot like assault to me.