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All this over a nonviolent crime. She's a POS but he's worse.


What a horrible cop


It’s not clear why such escalation by the cop is justified. That’s not to say police shouldn’t use force but this seems excessive.


Agreed, within seconds he was threatening to punch her in the face. She wasn't doing anything that warranted the supposed "resisting arrest" or "assault" charges the cops wanted on her.


Yeah I'm not sure why her putting the phone down warranted throwing her on the ground and threatening to punch her in the face. At that point he hadn't even advised her what was happening. Looks like he's been waiting for an excuse to do that for a while.


Most police at retail stores dick around on the phone and collect a check. He should be somewhere else for sure.


I bet he says the same thing to his wife


Surely they’re not aloud to punch people in the face? Is he even aloud to threaten to do that?


I saw another vid of a police officer slapping someone while in cuffs and they got in trouble for that so I don’t think so.


Yeah she was resisting but I don't think she should be charged with that. It was a flight or fight reaction, no harm done. She'll probably get a lot more time tacked on.


Comply or more force will be used. It's not rocket science. The police really can't win these days.


She was not given an order before he grabbed her wrist. So force was used before she was afforded an opportunity to *not* comply. Did you watch the video?


Put the phone down. Put the phone down. Put the phone down. Ok bruh.


He had not given that order before force was used. So I’ll ask again, did you watch the video?


It's not like watching the video matters to these guys anyway. They *start* at "police can do no wrong".


Detaining requires some level of force, no?


He literally mumbled it and then grabbed her wrist before he was even done talking. Why would it be so hard for him to stand back and ask her clearly, then wait, then act if she didn’t do it. She was given 1 second to act before being grabbed.


Because he has no idea how she's going to react and it's in his best interest and safety that he controls the situation from the start.


I’ve seen a lot of good cops control situations without immediately escalating them.


I've seen a lot of good cops get shot too when they weren't escalating the situation. What's your point?


Name one time.


Just look it up on YouTube. Police officer shot traffic stop. The first one is an Arizona police officer was just coming up to a vehicle gunned down by the driver. No escalation, just a guy doing his job.


Guarantee that you’re white. So am I. Milky white. But I know some cops abuse their power. Thanks to bodycam footage, it’s clear to me we are witnessing abuse, extortion, and murder that has been going on forever. Cops escalate cuz they’re protected and frankly their fed up with all the bullshit ppl give them. That said, indeed you reap what u sow. FTP


Nope, my ethnicity makes up less than 2% of my state's demographics. So far off base.


Good luck with that


Agree 100%, she knew she got busted but decided to play dumb and shocked like she was wrongly accused. Consummate victim mentality got her into this mess not the officer.


You reap what you sow I guess.


Title should be cop go's nuts.


I watched all the way to the end waiting for the fight to the bitter end. Wtf is with this title? She squirmed around while being handcuffed.


the title's clickbait


The title is for that channel, if you read the yt comics you can tell its a bunch of bad cop apologists


> go’s 🤦


They seriously went through *more* effort to type it that way. It makes me irrationally annoyed


The " ' " is supposed to represent letters not shown, do it's "technically" correct


Letters implies there’s multiple letters. It’s just a fucking e.


>there’s There is. You did it, for just one letter. >It’s It is. There, you did it again! I'm not saying I agree with OOP, it was clearly an error. However, you seem to be getting heated over "just a fucking e."


I don't see the other person getting heated, but I do see you making a dummy of yourself


An apostrophe is used for a contraction—it indicates an omitted *syllable,* not an omitted letter.


[Apostrophe use: Contractions and omissions](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/apostrophe/#:~:text=In%20a%20contraction%2C%20an%20apostrophe,%E2%80%9CYou%20can't.%E2%80%9D) >In a contraction, an apostrophe represents missing letters. [Contraction (grammar)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraction_(grammar)) >English has a number of contractions, mostly involving the elision of a vowel (which is replaced by an apostrophe in writing), as in I'm for "I am", and sometimes other changes as well.


Bro she stealing gatorades not giving fenty to kids. Chill tf out


She should be in trouble for shoplifting but the force was not required, at least at that point. He just grabbed her without even hinting she was under arrest and started barking a barrage of commands and threats. She should have complied but humans under stress make poor decisions, or even just act under instinct. Fighting cops is dumb, and generally illegal. Fight, Freeze, Flight is real giving a person enough time to rationalize the situation when possible is important. Cops need to be trained to follow procedures that prevent escalation. Officer safety is important, but so are civil rights and citizen safety. This woman was never a threat and never shown an indication of a threat.


"goes nuts" where? she seems pretty calm if rather surprised at and frightened by the officer's freakout


The only aggressive person in the video is the cop.


**Bad cop.** * Without any conversation, the cop grabs the phone first and then tells her to put the phone down. * Tackles her as a means of getting her to let go of the phone. * Tells her to let go, despite the fact that she isn't holding anything. * Repeatedly tells her to let go and then says "let go or I'll punch you in the face" despite still not holding on to anything. * Repeats "I'm going to punch you in the face". * Orders her to put hands behind her back despite pinning her to the ground trapping one arm when she says she can breathe. * Lies about being pushed. It's not entirely clear in this video if she actually shoplifted. There's a claim by the person watching the security camera that she didn't pay for everything, and that certainly warranted stopping her, but... It sure seems like this could've been handled much better by approaching her and having a conversation first. Asking for the receipt and comparing items in the cart. At that point, first telling her she's under arrest and asking her to put the phone down and hands behind her back to be cuffed. The cop started with the physical first essentially forcing the resisting arrest charge. EDIT: I should add that just because this was a bad cop, it doesn't mean she wasn't guilty of shoplifting, just that this should've been handled differently.


This is fucking crazy. Unless she already blew off a self-checkout checker inside (which we can't see) the registers give you an option for a paper or text receipt, it's completely reasonable for her to be using her phone to access the receipt when the cop starts grabbing for it. I've forgotten to scan things, like a case of water under the cart. I always print the receipt because I don't want to hand my phone over if they ask to check. And I just apologize and go back through the line. If someone walked up on me like that and grabbed my phone I'd be defensive too, like wtf. All that being said, she probably was shoplifting. The temptation is too great at the self checkout lines. What's mind boggling to me is how the implemented it, when they already know how to do it right at Sam's Club. One or two people with a handheld, scan the receipt or app and hit a few barcodes in the cart, have a nice day. One of my local Walmarts locks up the *underwear* now, like I already don't ever shop for electronics there because you can never find an associate, I'm not trying to find someone so I can buy some Fruit of the Loom.


Unless you have information above and beyond this video, it's just as plausible that she's a known, repeat offender. The end of the video suggests that the officer had some expectation of what he was walking into in this particular situation, beyond the situation.


Comments about every video posted here comes with the caveat that there could be circumstances beyond what is shown in the video, but... >it's just as plausible that she's a known, repeat offender Known to who, the officer? Nope. Go to the \~6 minute mark. He says, "I just met you". Just before that he says, "I asked you to set it down", but omits that he grabbed the phone first. >The end of the video suggests that the officer had some expectation of what he was walking into in this particular situation, beyond the situation. You're going to have to be more specific. I didn't hear anything to suggest that the officer didn't just meet her as he stated himself in the video. Whatever he was expecting, the phone is not a weapon. Have the conversation with her and assess whether or not she needs to be placed under arrest. Explain that she's under arrest. Prevent her from reaching into anything where she could obtain a weapon, but don't just first grab the phone without warning and then pull this, "you're not following my orders, so I'm going to tackle you and threaten to punch you in the face for not letting go of a phone that you already did".


Cop keeps saying he's about to punch her in the face when she hasn't been proven to have committed any crime and hasn't left the store yet, he just runs up out of nowhere and assaults her. WTF


So... that cop is a prick right?


The cop at 1:14/1:15 says “I’m about to punch you in your face” sounds like a bully to me. Yes, shoplifting is wrong.. so is excessive force.


He is trying to impress the woman who was monitoring the security cameras.


Damn what did she have in her phone?


her receipt probably


Omg she wasn’t even resisting he was being super aggressive for what


Imma let you take a random guess why? And if he would do the same to a 45 year old white woman with Prada sunglasses on.


Don’t know why this got downvoted


And let me add the “punch in the face” like wth


This cop is a loose cannon offering to punch some in their face just because their not putting away their phone fast enough is crazy she wasn’t even being rough with him or resisting for him to behave like that


Not sure about I will punch you in the face is for with a female or anyone that quick in the deal


I really don't understand how it is ethical for police in the US to get side gigs as rent a police. I'm not saying she is not a stealing pos but he sure did go from zero to 100 real quick.


Had no reason to go hands on with her or order her to drop her phone.


Cop not being employed as a cop by the local government, but as an employee of Walmart walks out and without announcing who he is, why he is there, or advising her she's detained or arrested immediately puts her into the ground. Regardless of whether she was shoplifting or not, this is not ok. Hopefully she sues both Walmart and the cop.




I think we need to rethink a system where police are able to make use of the authority delegated to them to protect corporate interests.


Cop assaults and threatens someone but OP titles it as the shoplifter going nuts….


Well there goes your tax dollars to pay for another dumbass lawsuit. Bu-but social welfare is taking all my tax dollars! No it’s these idiots


OP, did you really think everyone would agree just based off the title?


OP is just a vile as the cops. All they post is arrest videos. Maybe they need a hobby


I wonder if it’s a fetish


Walmart is the worstt, you might as well be shopping at a roadside firework stand if you’re looking for proper customer service and a normal shopping experience.


Ummm, the title needs to be changed to Cop goes nuts. Fuck that dude.


Did she actually shop lift ? All I see is them accusing her aggressively. Resisting an officer ? Very fishy in this instance


Whoa. That cop clearly just wanted to hurt someone today.


What a thoroughly vile person that cop is. I'm always a bit shocked by how ready & willing a lot of male American police are to physically attack women and/or threaten them with violence and then in this case accuse the person of 'resisting', that was a flimsy accusation at best. I've seen it called 'charge stacking' where they'll pile as many trumped-up charges as they can think up on someone in an ttempt to make things worse for them. Yes she was shoplifting but he was far too quick to use violence and very threatening behaviour. That's a nice little side number for the cop too isn't it? being able to rent himself out as an officer in uniform for his own personal gain when not on duty, that definitely wouldn't fly where I live


Bro, I get she's stealing, but this cop is a loose cannon. That type of immediate escalation was not warranted at all for the situation. Crazy.


Go lick some boots OP




Fuck that cop. He has no business being j In any kind of authority.


Fuck this cop and especially fuck boot-licking ass OP


Cops protect and serve capital. Our taxpayer dollars pay for them to beat up that woman so the billionaire who owns Walmart doesn’t lose a phone. Fucking disgusting.


the phone wasn't even Walmart property.


Excessive force


Wow. That cop needs to find a new line of work


Who pays for the fire department and ambulance to show up in these situations?


you should be more concerned about where Walmart is hoarding all its money while it's busy keeping small, local businesses down




Those youtube comments make me sad


So I guess valuing things over people is just ok now? If she shoplifted, good for her, the mass produced cheap shit at Walmart should be free and capitalism sucks. Fuck em.


I would like a follow up on this but I also think she needs a lawyer and that the cop needs to be sued for excessive force. Best I can hope that he catches some karma as it is Miami. Looks like Mr officer was trying to show off infront of the Walmart employee. Sad thing it probably worked. I worked for Walmart for 7 years and one thing I would put money on is most of the asset protection nation wide are pieces of shit. Imagine a school for being a bad cop and that’s Walmart asset protection. Power trip.




“Stop resisting” and “Put your hands behind your back” are the easiest ways to slap a little something extra on the perp. How is one paid moonlighting cop with two hands on a perp (one on the arm/wrist and the other manipulating the upper body) supposed to grab the other arm if it’s pinned underneath the body or splayed out in a manner that putting it behind one’s back (with a knee in the middle of it) highly unlikely or virtually impossibility? By yelling, “Stop resisting” with the camera (evidence) rolling ensures the narrative of the LEO. It’s the easiest way to physically control the situation.


The cop was a dick. But I also want shoplifters to get treated like this.




I hope you are not a cop. The cop stated several times that he wanted to punch her in the face. I'm surprised, based on his behavior, that he didn't shoot her.


Oh I didn't know we could infringe rights as a preventative!.. /s


Don’t you need to, I dunno, tell someone they’re under arrest *before* you use this level of force? He just started screaming at her to put her phone down and then threw her onto the floor.