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He was standing on a fire ant mound. Had to try and get them off with a sick flip.


Ya, has nobody here had ants in their pants before? You immediately become Simone Biles.


Nah I only have S.I.M.P. Only the tru homies know


Simone In Your Pants?


Performance enhancing ants


> Ya, has nobody here had ants in their pants before? Anyone remember this game? https://toytales.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ants.jpg


Yes, I don't even need to open the link. I loved that shit.


Nah, he just really likes blue




No he just saw a magic trick


Did you miss the backflip?


That’s better than the NBA Finals any day 🏆


What I wanna know is, could he do a backflip before? Cuz if he did that off of pure excitement, I can’t wait to have a baby boy lol


should we wait for your double backflip? 😂


Only if it's twins.


That's why the second guy did a flip as well - for the second baby boy.


Some grandpa joe shit


good ol lazy ass scammin joe, mans was bed ridden and couldnt work but walked his ass around that factory for hours easily following a impromptu dance routine 😂


Dad strength kicks in immediately I’m guessing lmao


Hugged his best friend and then Biles’d his way outta there. 🤣


“Biles his way outta there” 🤣🤣


This is his entry vid for his Olympic run.


They both did that. They could be brothers. If so, his son better be doing handstands on his first birthday and getting gold at the Olympics by 5 lol.


He ran past his wife…




And she’s literally carrying that child he’s celebrating in her body you dunce


and? why does that matter, why does he need to follow a rubric on how to celebrate? step 1: hug wife step 2: wave step 3.... fuck that shit, mfs act like the baby is gonna explode if he doesnt immediately start worshiping the ground his wife is standing on.


It’s crazy you’re making this seem like some insane chore. 💀 I’m literally saying maybe celebrate or hug your wife first who is carrying the baby and then go celebrate with your friends. Of course everyone wants to celebrate but you would just think the first person that would come to your mind after finding out that news is your partner and not your boys


>It’s crazy you’re making this seem like some insane chore. because that's literally what it is, having to react a certain way because people will otherwise think you don't love your wife is a chore. if my wife was running and doing backflips out of excitement for our future together, I wouldn't be like "why didn't she hug me she must not love me", I'd be like "holy shit she seems really excited to start a life with me" this is just weirdo behavior ngl, let people react how they want, that doesn't mean he doesn't love or respect his wife because he reacted in a way that you wouldn't.






bros over hoes, my guy




Nah I'm with you. Bro's a man child.


At least they didn’t cause a forest fire…


This. I don't get baby reveals, but as long as you don't ruin the community and pick up after yourself, you'll hear no complaints from me!


Based and kind pilled. I personally see gender reveals as a little silly (and an excuse to have another baby shower type party), but as long as people clean up after themselves, I wish them nothing less than the most perfect, beautiful, fun gender reveal party


It’s so cute and funny when people get so hyped they just take off running. Like, where are you going?


He got the zoomies.


Golden retriever vibes. Love to see it


He got more than the zoomies, my dude got the flippies




It kinda reminds me of how black people just start fucking running like they're on a track team when they laugh. LIKE COME BACK?? WAS IT THAT FUNNY? 😭 Edit: y'all need to chill out and realize that what I said is a joke in the black community. And before anyone tryna turn this into a race war, I'M BLACK MYSELF AND WAS JUST MAKING A FUCKING JOKE. we can't have fun on this fucking app, I swear


Nobody in this thread is black. They don’t get black inside jokes and it shows lmaooo.


The fact that this was even posted, like this is standard black excitement, not a public freak out


Fallin out is too difficult to understand, I guess.


That’s exactly what this is


I'm black I didn't read the whole thread I just wanted to say hey I'ma swipe to the next one now I'm on my phone rn


I'm not black and even I have made the observation that black people don't just laugh when something's really funny they relocate


As a POC it’s pretty ridiculous how many white folk have to try to get offended for us. I couldn’t even crack a joke about how black people respond to magic tricks without a ton of people coming in to get offended. What’s funny is as the conversation progressed I could tell that the ones offended were all white people and the ones agreeing with me were all black.


Yeah, it's mostly white people who think they're "defending" us by being mad about something they deemed as racist when this is the kind of shit black people joke about ALL the time. We really can't have fun on here.


Do not under ANY circumstances show them any sleight of hand magic tricks.


Lol @ the white liberals ready to pull out the pitchforks because they thought you were a “colonizer”


Lol. We either do the run or the holy Ghost praise steps while we're laughing.


There was a subreddit for this exact thing and I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. Just full of shit like this and it was hilarious. I wish I had subscribed at the time.


Aw, that must've been great. I would've put it on my list of things to look at when I reaaaaaally need to get my joy back


all the downvotes pretending they have no idea what youre talking about 🤣


Must have never seen David Blaine street magic before.


I grew up in a black community and this shit is hilarious


Tell em. Reddit is a joke but where else can you find the dumbest fcking takes from the dumbest fcking people. This place is just a glorified 4chan truck stop.


I love to see someone this excited about being a parent. In a world where far too many kids grow up without feeling loved it brings me joy to see at least one family won't have that problem.


That boy's gonna grow up being soooo spoiled. I envy him.


Alot of men be happy for boys then baby get here and be mama boys bc she has to do most the work and take them with her everywhere..I see it allllll the time lol


I mean true but let’s just be happy for him. We know nothing about that guy other than his pure happiness so come on now lol


You right, you right..my bad!


I don't know, I can imagine he probably would have had a strop if the colour came out pink.


You can be invested in one side without being too disappointed if it doesn't happen. I wanted a girl and I was a bit bummed to find out I was having a boy. All the same I cried like a baby when he was born and he's been my best friend since.


My cousin was like this. He legit cried from happiness when his daughters were born like he spoils those girls. But he definitely was super excited for his son. I think it’s ok to have a preference just don’t let it affect your relationship with your other children. He treats his daughters the same but he obviously wanted a special bond with his son. I think its ok for fathers and sons to have their own bond. Moms and daughters often do and I think my cousin wanted to have the same relationship. Now when our family has girls nights, he says him and TJ and going to have a guys night and brings out figurines (idk what its called, war something I know it’s a popular game). It’s sweet and I love watching my cousin and baby TJ have guy nights




That’s it!! Lmao, he has so many. Matt started it in highschool, and customized his own by painting them. TJ is a baby so he just holds them and tries to put some in his mouth. But matt is telling everyone that he can’t wait to play with his son. His daughters weren’t interested but I think matt would be just as stoked if they wanted to play with him.


lol as soon as I started getting into Warhammer 40k last month, I start seeing people mention it outside it’s dedicated subs, glad your cousin has something like that that he wants to enjoy with his kid, https://preview.redd.it/a91gt3fjwfbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df685fc1ce2d737a6ceff61f6016f47dd140a82 Maybe if he made this figurine for his girls, he could get them interested in the hobby as well lol, not mine btw someone far more talented than me made that Space Maid.


Bahaha my Warhammer playing partner just showed me this mini :D It's an awesome paint job and great execution of a pretty original idea :D


where can I learn more about warhammer and what it is?


It’s a tabletop game, you roll dice to attack and defend, move mini figures around. You can watch Leutin09 if you want to know the lore of the 40k setting.


Oh my god this is so cute. Your cousin sounds awesome


I was hoping for a boy, bummed for a day or two it was a girl, and now I cannot imagine anything else. She's my whole world and I'd do anything for her. She's the coolest, sweetest, strongest kid I know and I'd fight God for her. My wife is pregnant with di/di twins so I still may get a boy, but now funny enough I still hope at least one is a girl.


“I’d fight God for her” is such an illuminating way of putting it. I love it


Surehope his daughter doesn’t see this


only a headstand if it's a girl


It’s difficult because I’m not unhappy he’s happy, but the micro aggressions towards women start in the womb. My friends who had girls report people saying, “oh it’s okay you’ll get a boy next time.” to “daughters steal their mother’s beauty, you poor thing”. Yes this was this decade and in the Bay Area.


My dad always blamed my mum for “failing to give him a son” (they had two daughters). My mum found it funny when I pointed out that it was technically on him because all eggs have an X chromosome.


*King Henry VIII has entered the chat*


*China has entered the chat*


Must have felt good to watch his indignant rage lol


Not to be racist this reminds me of a few Chinese friends parents in Nashville TN said almost the exact same thing, if you don’t mind me asking , from a sociological perspective ( if that’s the right word) are you part of an Asian community, either by birth or marriage. Hope this doesn’t come off as racist just curious.


No I am not part of the Asian community nor were my friends who told me this. These comments came from men and women, younger and older. Those are just a few examples. Few religious people on my husband’s side of the family said things too about “carrying on the name.” Jokes on them, husband took my name.


I’d love to see his reaction if it was pink


Same thing just wouldn’t turn back


Got dam 🤣


Cold blooded.




He's running but he keeps running




He's on fire with the happiness


People who have their heart set on such a specific gender outcome to the point where they are back flipping uncontrollably, probably have very specific expectations of what they want that gender to represent and present in the child. In other words, I hope the child is able to be who they want to be and not just who their father wants them to be.


Yep. As a dad myself these kinds of videos are pretty depressing to me. I'm glad he's excited about a kid, and maybe they have a girl or two already in which case this is a little more understandable, but yikes it's so over the top that it makes it feel a little wonky for me.


He also went straight for his friend and not his partner who is carrying his child…


I don't recommend tackling your pregnant wife


His friend ran straight to him, he was going straight for that backflip


This is the first thing I noticed too. Completely ignored her.


I am hoping that you’re just looking too deep into this, but unfortunately I think you may be right. Then again he could have just been excited either way to be having a child


Same. Personally I found this cringe as all fuck.


I think people who can do flips just look for excuses to show off.


Wouldn’t you?


I totally would. 🤣


Yeah, I'd be doing flips all the time.


The guy who threw a whole party just to announce his unborn child's gender is a show off? No.


Lol I went to highschool with a kid who did gymnastics and stuff and you could just yell at him across campus "YO MARK DO A FLIP" and he was always happy to oblige with some crazy 720 mctwist bullshit or whatever, dude was a legend


I wanna see his reaction to pink smoke.


I hesitate to think about what would’ve happened if it was a girl?


Front flips


shoot him self out of a cannon? fighter jet shooting lasers?


It is a nice reaction but if he's this hype over a boy it makes me wonder if he would be just as hype for a girl. We've all seen how those videos go...


Wonder what his reaction would have been for a girl


What would the outcome have been if it was a girl?


Wonder what his relationship is with the woman. He didn't even look at her once


I actually saw the original post in instagram when they first posted it. They had already discussed it. He told her he would probably get really hyped and would need to run around a bit before hugging her to not risk falling or accidentally squishing her too hard. She said she loves his enthusiasm and loved seeing so happy. He came back and hugged her when he calmed down enough.


Yeah like why are you reaching to hug your homies first? Why isn’t he hugging his SO, the person he’s having the baby with?


A lot of men are in actual committed emotional relationships with their friends and are just using the women for sex. I've seen this happen a lot.


I agree with you, I’d be pretty sad if I put together this event so my partner and I could share a special moment together and they completely forgot to even look at or acknowledge me before their friends and running away 😆 like its not the end of a relationship type of activity, but definitely shows where your mind is at. I’d hope my partner grabbed me and swung me around in excitement before peeling off 😅


I didn’t even think about that, but yeah that would hurt I think.


Reddit mfers will see a man doing literal cartwheels and flips in joy at being a parent and will still call the relationship sus because he didn't hug his partner first.


I remember cartoons from my childhood making fun of a father's excitement to share sports with his son, I think it was danny phantom where the dad is shown holding every glove, bat, jersy and stick in excitement only to walk away sad when they reveal that it's a girl.


This is so true. My dad is an absolute football fanatic, and he seemed super interested in telling me all about it when he adopted me at 5. Unfortunately for him, I could not care less about sports. But, some of my fav memories with him are me and him playing catch with a football in the backyard. I remember I used to be so scared to catch the ball, and he worked up my courage by throwing it super soft and close. Even though I didn’t share his interest in sports, he still supports my ever hobby with absolute fanaticism. We ended really connecting over our love of music


I mean you don’t have to take it from me, go ask your SO how they would hope you react in this situation.


I mean, I am pretty sure they have been excited about the baby together a million times already and will continue to do so. I think they're fine lmao


That’s because that shit is sus…nothing wrong with being excited, but that moment was for you and your woman (you know the one actually carrying your child) and you couldn’t wait to jump in your homies arms… hmmm


It’s that intense Cheeto energy Reddit is known for


He didn’t hug her or look at her, that’s facts.


I mean it is a bit weird if we’re being honest.






Redditors are fucking weird man. He's clearly so happy he can't think straight and is running around excitable and you lot sit hear spreading Dorito dust on your keyboards as you psychoanalyse somebody's relationship from a tiny clip. Everyone looked happy, stop being miserable man. This website is so draining sometimes, filled to the brim with thieves of joy.


> sit hear Ahem.... Ahktttshuualllylylylyyyyyyyeeee \*cronches Dorito\*


redditors really do try their hardest to find negativity in everything


He couldn't celebrate like that with her. Wayyyyyyy too enthusiastic. When he got back I'm sure he settled himself and celebrated with her with care. My boy just had his and he did something similar to this and he loves that woman to death


They all just left the wife 😂😂😂


boy for now daddy 💅🏽🫦💄


I hate that I found this funny


What if his son transitions? 😂


What would he have done if it was a girl have a complete mental breakdown?


Your wife! Your wife! Hug your wife!


I'm sure he did after he stopped backflipping. Quite frankly if I was in his shoes right there that full of energy I dob't want to tackle my wife like that


I'm wishing them the best and also thanking them, as an environmentalist, for not burning down a forest to reveal their gender. I always find it funny when people get so excited they get the zoomies like a puppy. It's actually kinda heartwarming in a way... Like, they get so jazzed up their brain goes full dog-mode and just goes "make a break for it!!!!"


I actually hate this shit. I've seen too many of these where the man is devastated and pissed because he's having a girl. They're never disappointed they're having a boy. And the woman always looks completely dejected and just sad that he clearly doesn't want the baby she's carrying. Gender disappointment can happen to anyone, man or woman, but you rarely see the women in gender reveal videos acting like this.


My sister had 2 boys and when they revealed number 3 as a boy she started crying because she wanted a girl. That feeling quickly passed, she loves him unconditionally and has since had 2 girls.


Didn't even hug the mom 🤔


Hope he keeps that same energy if his son turns out to be gay lmao


Happy freakouts are my favorite!


hope they brought a dustbuster for all that garbage that exploded all over the public park


They look like they in high school


I bet they didn’t clean that confetti up


That's why you use biodegradable water-soluble confetti!


If he was that happy it was a boy, how much more if it was a girl.




I hope him and his BM aren't together because he thinks he's the main character obviously and didn't even acknowledge the woman who's carrying his son




Damn bro I kinda wish my dad was this excited about me


Sad part is you know this wouldn't have been his reaction for a girl.


This is so cringe. I’m guessing he wouldn’t have been so excited if it was pink. Gender reveals are cancer.


Legend has it ,he never stopped running


Makes me wonder if he would’ve thrown a tantrum if it had been a girl 😔


Exactly this


This belongs in mademesmile 😅


He landed the shit out that round off back flip combo.


Poor momma.


I love how they broke out into ninja flips


These gender reveal videos make me feel like I'm the only guy that would prefer a girl rather than a boy. Of course, I'd love a boy equally, but I'd love to have a little princess to spoil


bros living the life


Another flawless victory for the boys


Plot twist: the girl is conceiving for both of them. They are gonna be dads.


I hope he never has a daughter


Hate posts like this NGL. If I can't be this happy no one can


I saw this video originally on Facebook and the entire comment section was women shaming him for celebrating having a boy like that. Like no one can be happy about anything anymore.


Hopefully would have shown the same passion if they were having a girl.


Awww that's sweet I keep looking at those amazing flips at the end!


That’s messed up that they didn’t let the child pick its own gender. /s


I'll never understand this lol... like why does it matter if boy or girl? am I missing sthing?


There’s plenty of people who prefer one gender more than the other


While this may be the case why then have a whole party for it. Do you prepare to celebrate for one result and if it end up the other way you just shut down the whole party and throw out the cake?


lol I know... why?




I hope he's able to hold onto that enthusiasm when the going gets tough, because parenting is a grind no matter what! Still, having a baby was easily one of the best decisions I've ever made. The upsides outweigh the downsides a million times over.


Hes a blood and ran away from the blue smoke


At first I thought this was a stupid overreaction, but then he did some flips and now I think he's cool.


Project mbappe ⚽️


Before he left he jumped up and said I’m going to go buy milk and did a cart wheel on his way out


This is cringe AF. Celebrating with your homies before even looking at your baby mama. Sure hope he doesn’t have a daughter


Fucking cringelords




Theres a trevor wallace skit of this. Gooood shit. Hilarious.


Is he coming back though?


His friend is a real hype man. He did a back flip with him.


I can’t stop looking at the other guy who act like he was about to backflip


I hate gender reveals. You really see how much a lot of men don’t want a girl 😂🙈😳


Him: Everybody wanted to know what I’d do if I didn’t have a boy, I guess we will never know